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Activity 2: “Think Deeper”

Is the Philippines really a sovereign territorial state/Nation-state? Justify your answer briefly and
Answer: Because it has its own citizens, government, and territory, the Philippines is a self-
governing independent 'Nation State.' As a result, it is a sovereign country.

Core/Related Values
Why do some employees stay for decades working in the same company?
Answer: The reason why employees stay longer on the same company it is because of job
satisfaction and the environment the company have if the employees find comfort in the
company’s environment they tend to stay longer.

Social Orientation
Answer: Growing evidence points to fundamental changes in global supply and demand as the
cause of the rise in food prices. Several factors, including high energy costs, rising affluence,
climate change, and increased biofuel production, are behind the increase in food prices. We can
stop this by conservation of what we have in our houses as well we should be responsible and be

Lesson Across Discipline

The role of UN in studying law is important because UN is an organization which maintain
international peace and security and to harmonize each nation which is plays a crucial part in
studying law.

In a nutshell
 Multinational Corporations must adhere to legal requirements. For instance, paying
taxes, completing business paperwork, abiding by labor rules, and other legal
requirements that are necessary to conduct business in the Philippines or in other nations.
A multinational corporation that is managed by a mother company based in a specific
nation must adhere to all regulations set forth by that nation in order to avoid any future
negative effects brought on by carelessness and failing to do as instructed. Due to their
diligence and adherence to the law, several international corporations have found
success, while other foreign businesses have been shut down for engaging in unlawful
 Yes, it’s better if the good side overcomes the bad consequences. A global organization
is incredibly important and beneficial to humans; hence it must have many good

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