Yamaha Nmax 155 - Smart Key Battery Life

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book Page 4 Monday, September 9, 2019 4:44 PM

Smart key system

 Keep the smart key away from still does not operate, check the EAU76473

strong magnetic fields and vehicle battery and then have a Smart key
magnetic objects such as key Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.
holders, TVs, and computers.  If the smart key continually re- 1
 Keep the smart key away from ceives radio waves, the smart key
electric medical equipment. battery will discharge quickly. (For
 Do not allow oils, polishing example, when placed in the vicin- 2
agents, fuel, or any strong ity of electrical products such as 4
chemicals to come in contact televisions, radios, or computers.)
with the smart key. The smart  You can register up to six smart
key body may become discol- keys for the same vehicle. See a
ored or cracked. Yamaha dealer regarding spare 1. Smart key indicator light
smart keys. 2. Smart key button
TIP  If a smart key is lost, contact a EWA17952

 The smart key battery life is ap- Yamaha dealer immediately to WARNING
proximately two years, but this prevent the vehicle from being  The smart key should be carried
may vary according to operating stolen, etc. with you. Do not store it on the
 Replace the smart key battery
 When the smart key is within
when the smart key system indi-
operating range, exercise due
cator light flashes for 20 seconds
care because other people not
when the vehicle is turned on, or
carrying the smart key can start
when the smart key indicator light
the engine and operate the vehi-
does not come on when the smart
key button is pushed. (See page
4-6.) After changing the smart key
battery, if the smart key system


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