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beardednecro:disastar1 | Username = beardednecro | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Bearded Necro |

Level = 2 | Account ID = 228963379 | Country = usa | NickName = Bearded Necro | EmailVerified = False
| Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
bebi1001:bebi1001 | Username = bebi1001 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = bu69 | Level = 1 |
Account ID = 217996743 | Country = rou | NickName = bu69 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
wtfih4ck:Marci876 | Username = wtfih4ck | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = 1H4ckL1T3 | Level = 2 |
Account ID = 2057927354815008 | Country = hun | NickName = 1H4ckL1T3 | EmailVerified = False |
Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
behemoth0132:jw123456 | Username = behemoth0132 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
Behemoth0132 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 244978717 | Country = ind | NickName = Behemoth0132 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vanvanvan123:vanvanvan123 | Username = vanvanvan123 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = vanstrak |
Level = 15 | Account ID = 209254839 | Country = bra | NickName = vanstrak | EmailVerified = False |
Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ccengo86:orhan10 | Username = ccengo86 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = IS15875e7df5d771 | Level
= 5 | Account ID = 29118836 | Country = chn | NickName = IS15875e7df5d771 | EmailVerified = False |
Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
aomqtlp1:aomqtlp1 | Username = aomqtlp1 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = IS1cafb4eb27d571 |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 28720176 | Country = chn | NickName = IS1cafb4eb27d571 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
dsouvannarath:48megumi551 | Username = dsouvannarath | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS134d7e8b5136e311e6b28 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 50360079 | Country = usa | NickName =
IS134d7e8b5136e311e6b28 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ewkil:Swiftyforming397 | Username = ewkil | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Ewkil | Level = 2 |
Account ID = 42551383 | Country = kor | NickName = Ewkil | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yedek3:316293asdasd | Username = yedek3 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = hM9sxpDiBu | Level = 5 |
Account ID = 364798 | Country = nld | NickName = hM9sxpDiBu | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vanbasten57:tutu123 | Username = vanbasten57 | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Shark Mec Melt |
Level = 119 | Account ID = 200187256 | Country = bra | NickName = Shark Mec Melt | EmailVerified =
True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0
| Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
asd8355330:qaws590896 | Username = asd8355330 | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = Michael Williams |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 2049602938547680 | Country = twn | NickName = Michael Williams |
EmailVerified = False | Region = JP | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
marek172:marek123 | Username = marek172 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Marek172 | Level = 4 |
Account ID = 203149772 | Country = rou | NickName = Marek172 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
rezemph:papamaman1202 | Username = rezemph | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = RezempH | Level =
1 | Account ID = 222060138 | Country = bgd | NickName = RezempH | EmailVerified = False | Region =
EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
egornik082:110805.egor | Username = egornik082 | Country = rus | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
fatmankuk:54613921asd | Username = fatmankuk | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = 527f67c2-78b1-
4455-8ed2-c0e429cbf847 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 233043949 | Country = rus | EmailVerified = False |
Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
bowman2321450:Bowman2321450 | Username = bowman2321450 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS127937d3b31f0cba80260 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32420390 | Country = usa | NickName =
IS127937d3b31f0cba80260 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
percentages0:1q2w3e4r5t | Username = percentages0 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = percentages0
| Level = 10 | Account ID = 213369244 | Country = ind | NickName = percentages0 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
conjrae:conjohnR1! | Username = conjrae | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = IS1c39beaf49188d068c5c7 |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 36313087 | Country = usa | NickName = IS1c39beaf49188d068c5c7 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sergtheif:55639serg | Username = sergtheif | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = IS1990ead61bee38 |
Level = 2 | Account ID = 27687273 | Country = chn | NickName = IS1990ead61bee38 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
hugogft:crow1637 | Username = hugogft | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = KarasuNoGin | Level = 8 |
Account ID = 200407839 | Country = bra | NickName = KarasuNoGin | EmailVerified = True | Region =
BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ayokifr:Cgu66430. | Username = ayokifr | Tag Line = 1003 | Game Name = TheSexiestGuy | Level = 64 |
Account ID = 225987707 | Country = fra | NickName = AyokiSpirit | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
sljvvvaaaccc38:sljivko1 | Username = sljvvvaaaccc38 | Account ID = 46142573 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
azdfo:149576ASzx | Username = azdfo | Tag Line = 2564 | Game Name = azdfo | Level = 1 | Account ID
= 2532961136543072 | Country = rus | EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 0 |
Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
tanimura1000:tanimura100 | Username = tanimura1000 | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name =
Tanimura1000 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 202845427 | Country = rus | NickName = Tanimura1000 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
bertanx7:b147896321b | Username = bertanx7 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Bertanx7 | Level = 4 |
Account ID = 239810028 | Country = tur | NickName = Bertanx7 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
brendonviljoen:Lastres21041998 | Username = brendonviljoen | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1426ec1bee06e4af2e32d | Level = 1 | Account ID = 34654333 | Country = mys | NickName =
IS1426ec1bee06e4af2e32d | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
campioni00:campioni00 | Username = campioni00 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Jack71 | Level = 1 |
Account ID = 205311181 | Country = bra | NickName = Jack71 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ilkingg:5227075zz | Username = ilkingg | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name = Shapalax | Level = 1 | Account
ID = 2211494753612064 | Country = aze | NickName = Shapalax | EmailVerified = False | Region = TR |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kamcoacil:db2b6e38 | Username = kamcoacil | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = I GOT TP | Level = 80 |
Account ID = 209627678 | Country = tur | NickName = I GOT TP | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
crackermaster316:Lastres21041998 | Username = crackermaster316 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
crackermaster316 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 221359962 | Country = rou | NickName =
crackermaster316 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mooper791:warrior4 | Username = mooper791 | Account ID = 34594505 | Country = arg | EmailVerified
= False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0
| Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
dragutinilic45:cuki11 | Username = dragutinilic45 | Account ID = 235142205 | Country = tkm |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
remichecchin:elisa20121997 | Username = remichecchin | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ogopogo111
| Level = 1 | Account ID = 216670572 | Country = fra | NickName = ogopogo111 | EmailVerified = False |
Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
juanml115:vamosmanaos69 | Username = JuanML115 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = JuanM115L |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2395958517614848 | Country = arg | NickName = JuanM115L | EmailVerified =
False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
simalimao:94acb554ff | Username = simalimao | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = WarTheTop | Level =
40 | Account ID = 212210857 | Country = prt | NickName = WarTheTop | EmailVerified = True | Region
= EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
marcdecoole:crammie89 | Username = marcdecoole | Account ID = 42125457 | Country = vnm |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
misterace96:matteo1999 | Username = misterace96 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = MisterAce96 |
Level = 11 | Account ID = 219744011 | Country = nzl | NickName = MisterAce96 | EmailVerified = False |
Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
crixfang:atenas102 | Username = crixfang | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = CrixFanG2 | Level = 1 |
Account ID = 204349599 | Country = chl | NickName = CrixFanG2 | EmailVerified = False | Region = LAS
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
leimiy:qa109164 | Username = LeimiY | Tag Line = JP1 | Game Name = 八雲蕾米 | Level = 8 | Account
ID = 2571025840391712 | Country = jpn | NickName = 八雲蕾米 | EmailVerified = False | Region = JP |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
manotin14:joaquin325 | Username = manotin14 | Account ID = 2500475101193856 | Country = arg |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
goodvibes0719:J0sX47DoYA | Username = goodvibes0719 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
LadyLilith0719 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 235483263 | Country = pol | NickName = LadyLilith0719 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
elifefeyurtlu04:elifefeyurtlu04 | Username = elifefeyurtlu04 | Tag Line = TR1 | Game Name =
türkkızı0404 | Level = 15 | Account ID = 2207290290680416 | Country = tur | NickName = türkkızı0404 |
EmailVerified = True | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
hundekoetchen:Franzmuell12 | Username = hundekoetchen | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
Hundekoetchen | Level = 59 | Account ID = 2184095092486752 | Country = deu | NickName =
Hundekoetchen | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
pugsnotmen:o3socool | Username = pugsnotmen | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = can we not fight |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 226835252 | Country = can | NickName = can we not fight | EmailVerified =
True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
smock23:2paraguas | Username = smock23 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = IS1499b6b8010836 |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 32263685 | Country = ind | NickName = IS1499b6b8010836 | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
jianghuaxing:jianghuaxing123 | Username = jianghuaxing | Tag Line = 2259 | Game Name = 头打歪 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2581321811977952 | Country = sgp | NickName = jhhx | EmailVerified = False |
Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
scorpiikname:482633614s | Username = scorpiikname | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Scorpiikname
| Level = 9 | Account ID = 223135528 | Country = ind | NickName = Scorpiikname | EmailVerified = False
| Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
ogslimeyboi:Matteoflame10 | Username = OgSlimeyBoi | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = OgSlimeyBoi |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2552095281104864 | Country = usa | NickName = OgSlimeyBoi | EmailVerified
= False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0
| Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
andriuchaxl:sakalas1 | Username = andriuchaxl | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = AndriuchaXL | Level =
5 | Account ID = 35907830 | Country = bra | NickName = AndriuchaXL | EmailVerified = True | Region =
EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
cellosval:floccomin261 | Username = cellosval | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = osvalcell | Level = 5 |
Account ID = 2539870426359360 | Country = pry | NickName = osvalcell | EmailVerified = False | Region
= LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
zocken1998:abd51a6b16 | Username = zocken1998 | Tag Line = 29062 | Game Name = FLAGGED
04247092 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 212621454 | Country = mys | NickName = FLAGGED 33044361 |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
speciousstream:L10101990 | Username = speciousstream | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name =
SpeciousStream | Level = 11 | Account ID = 38389697 | Country = irl | NickName = SpeciousStream |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chucknorris78920:woqage78920 | Username = chucknorris78920 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = THE
UNDER PRO | Level = 26 | Account ID = 32880007 | Country = rou | NickName = THE UNDER PRO |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points =
0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
shadowdrac8:pasword23 | Username = shadowdrac8 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = shadowdrac8 |
Level = 10 | Account ID = 43999466 | Country = aus | NickName = shadowdrac8 | EmailVerified = False |
Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = []
| Checked = Yes
derahk3:master466344 | Username = derahk3 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Sve5SvwAyQ | Level = 1
| Account ID = 239417033 | Country = usa | NickName = Sve5SvwAyQ | EmailVerified = False | Region =
NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
zgredekk9999:bionicle2 | Username = zgredekk9999 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = akjsa | Level = 5
| Account ID = 206742692 | Country = pol | NickName = akjsa | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
schatz159:schatz456 | Username = schatz159 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = LegendStyl | Level = 34
| Account ID = 206848399 | Country = fra | NickName = LegendStyl | EmailVerified = True | Region =
EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
bubbadiwone21:2a5f614f | Username = bubbadiwone21 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = G O S U B O
Y Z | Level = 2 | Account ID = 217621747 | Country = rou | NickName = G O S U B O Y Z | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
rulobarbass:12acrew12 | Username = rulobarbass | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = RuloBarbas | Level
= 6 | Account ID = 208970142 | Country = esp | NickName = RuloBarbas | EmailVerified = True | Region
= EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
deev21:skjth05A/2005 | Username = Deev21 | Tag Line = 5062 | Game Name = T1uaker | Country = sau
| EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 |
TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
wescler2:1999lautaro | Username = Wescler2 | Tag Line = LAS | Game Name = CarlaBuenasTetas | Level
= 12 | Account ID = 2724353799316512 | Country = ury | NickName = CarlaBuenasTetas | EmailVerified
= False | Region = LAS | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
gabrielwink:97592281g | Username = GabrielWink | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = GabrielWink | Level
= 35 | Account ID = 201362389 | Country = bra | NickName = GabrielWink | EmailVerified = True |
Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
11arsan:up72friz6 | Username = 11arsan | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = arsanio | Level = 11 |
Account ID = 226127821 | Country = rus | NickName = arsanio | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
lukasfrost09:roboluka10 | Username = Lukasfrost09 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Lukasfrost | Level
= 2 | Account ID = 2266893905227872 | Country = srb | NickName = Lukasfrost | EmailVerified = False |
Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
granual12:Lastres21041998 | Username = granual12 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS19d6cb6cd8cf07fd395b9 | Level = 1 | Account ID = 32744844 | Country = mys | NickName =
IS19d6cb6cd8cf07fd395b9 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
domstarr:Kavallerie123 | Username = domstarr | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = domstarar | Level = 1 |
Account ID = 230940072 | Country = mys | NickName = domstarar | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
starfire2466:qwsazxcv0 | Username = starfire2466 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Elguachipeperoni |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 204660987 | Country = esp | NickName = Elguachipeperoni | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
d0uble1:bankia1 | Username = d0uble1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = IS12dce694b360e2 | Level = 1
| Account ID = 29803840 | Country = tha | NickName = IS12dce694b360e2 | EmailVerified = False |
Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
jesusofcheese111:gsx1000r | Username = jesusofcheese111 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Lord
Chesus | Level = 100 | Account ID = 240395700 | Country = gbr | NickName = Lord Chesus |
EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
saywhatwhatapro21:1w431ae | Username = saywhatwhatapro21 | Account ID = 45767842 | Country =
sgp | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
phamdevin123:514604abc | Username = phamdevin123 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS13924eeaffcb66022504a | Level = 5 | Account ID = 46552870 | Country = usa | NickName =
IS13924eeaffcb66022504a | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
nick13933:nick2802 | Username = nick13933 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = KingNick2 | Level = 12 |
Account ID = 217563917 | Country = fra | NickName = KingNick2 | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
kduongk1:Lastres21041998 | Username = kduongk1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = kduongk | Level =
1 | Account ID = 49976611 | Country = usa | NickName = kduongk | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA
| Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
makerman2:gogu1987 | Username = makerman2 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = IS1e2103ae5d5d9e
| Level = 5 | Account ID = 29820834 | Country = chn | NickName = IS1e2103ae5d5d9e | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
vlakul88:a11081991 | Username = vlakul88 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = IS1b055dc188313c |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 29355119 | Country = mys | NickName = IS1b055dc188313c | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
chunkywalmz:Overwatch1! | Username = ChunkyWalmz | Tag Line = 5895 | Game Name =
ChunkyWalmz | Level = 5 | Account ID = 2646514238055648 | Country = usa | NickName =
ChunkyWalmz | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant
Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
ryanpwalsh:lolppllol123 | Username = ryanpwalsh | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Muay thai ryan |
Level = 12 | Account ID = 208098418 | Country = pol | NickName = Muay thai ryan | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUW | Email = ryanwalsh123@msn.msn | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
qctheking17:911Lauzon | Username = Qctheking17 | Tag Line = 7187 | Game Name = QCtheking | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 2649245141279840 | Country = can | NickName = qctheking | EmailVerified = False |
Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
m4rmotte1:bassfender1978 | Username = M4rmotte1 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = m4rmotte1 |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 2433939409209216 | Country = can | NickName = m4rmotte1 | EmailVerified =
True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
kunharcos:Amerika99 | Username = kunharcos | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = IS1c478c3cbaf99a |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 38008756 | Country = mys | NickName = IS1c478c3cbaf99a | EmailVerified =
False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins
= [] | Checked = Yes
bomzadt001:bleach0897710799 | Username = bomzadt001 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
BomYaHoo | Level = 2 | Account ID = 214624202 | Country = tha | NickName = BomYaHoo |
EmailVerified = True | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
droud544:Boes54401 | Username = droud544 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = IDeadWolf | Level = 1 |
Account ID = 222961444 | Country = deu | NickName = IDeadWolf | EmailVerified = False | Region =
EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked =
matt121907:mcs01976 | Username = matt121907 | Tag Line = OCE | Game Name = BestFiddleIsrael |
Level = 5 | Account ID = 200941109 | Country = aus | NickName = BestFiddleIsrael | EmailVerified =
False | Region = OCE | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
1vmatrixv1:MidoAhmed123 | Username = 1vMaTriXv1 | Tag Line = 4477 | Game Name = MaTriX |
Country = egy | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 40 | TotalRecentGames = 0 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
xbastic:28rjcipok | Username = xbastic | Tag Line = deuS1 | Game Name = BastideuS | Level = 158 |
Account ID = 206950332 | Country = chl | NickName = xBastiC | EmailVerified = True | Region = LAS |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zizzypizzy:IsaacDaniel123 | Username = ZizzyPizzy | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = ZizzyPizzy | Level = 5
| Account ID = 2247670341298336 | Country = hnd | NickName = ZizzyPizzy | EmailVerified = True |
Region = LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
gndzgndz:2004hanfb | Username = gndzgndz | Account ID = 207108158 | Country = ita | EmailVerified =
False | Region = TR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
wormsimon:konni123 | Username = wormsimon | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = wormsimon | Level =
48 | Account ID = 217688380 | Country = deu | NickName = wormsimon | EmailVerified = True | Region
= EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
darkanai666:zeratul123 | Username = darkanai666 | Account ID = 205658412 | Country = egy |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lucasmoreiracao:mari1109 | Username = lucasmoreiracao | Tag Line = BR1 | Game Name = Fury
Maddog | Level = 109 | Account ID = 214233844 | Country = bra | NickName = Fury Maddog |
EmailVerified = True | Region = BR | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lavret12:lolnoob123 | Username = lavret12 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = Iavret | Level = 30 |
Account ID = 29075215 | Country = mys | NickName = Iavret | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUN |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
piselloelello:Mastergame10 | Username = piselloelello | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ΩmegaRafel |
Level = 7 | Account ID = 2087896894861664 | Country = ita | NickName = ΩmegaRafel | EmailVerified =
True | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0
| Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
lukerfp:Lmabic2010 | Username = LukeRFP | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Niyam | Level = 54 |
Account ID = 22847780 | Country = rus | NickName = Niyam | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | TotalRecentGames = 4 |
Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
xmercuryxz:Lastres21041998 | Username = xmercuryxz | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = xmercuryxz |
Level = 6 | Account ID = 216755021 | Country = ukr | NickName = xmercuryxz | EmailVerified = False |
Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
eljimmyyo :c0nfl1ct0.1. | Username = eljimmyyo | Tag Line = LAN | Game Name = eljimmyyo | Level =
16 | Account ID = 205289803 | Country = mex | NickName = eljimmyyo | EmailVerified = True | Region =
LAN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
danielwoo33:talim1vy | Username = danielwoo33 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
IS1257f2531a8d78dc43989 | Level = 5 | Account ID = 42064208 | Country = aze | NickName =
IS1257f2531a8d78dc43989 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email =
| Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
mushrooms12307:45aelihm53 | Username = mushrooms12307 | Account ID = 33957693 | Country =
chn | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point =
0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
chefboyl:Chewy0905 | Username = chefboyl | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Chefboy L | Level = 6 |
Account ID = 230234671 | Country = usa | NickName = Chefboy L | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
elpepelota2048:Pepit0tv | Username = elPEPELOTA2048 | Country = nan | EmailVerified = False | Email
= | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
monika731:1sasuke | Username = monika731 | Tag Line = EUNE | Game Name = monika731 | Level = 1
| Account ID = 209942148 | Country = irn | NickName = monika731 | EmailVerified = False | Region =
EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kpdiebold:Cherries8715! | Username = Kpdiebold | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = King Kaque | Level =
31 | Account ID = 32230096 | Country = usa | NickName = King Kaque | EmailVerified = True | Region =
NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked
= Yes
zaliesh09:ck091998 | Username = zaliesh09 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Zaliesh | Level = 10 |
Account ID = 218905441 | Country = usa | NickName = Zaliesh | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
xinzhao530:canon25b | Username = xinzhao530 | Account ID = 30798717 | Country = chn |
EmailVerified = False | Region = EUN | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite
Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
kra751tos :Kunal430 | Username = Kra751tos | Tag Line = Bred | Game Name = ItsnotKra | Level = 1 |
Account ID = 2468596844258464 | Country = usa | NickName = Kra751tos | EmailVerified = True |
Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
ortho614:Maggie614 | Username = ortho614 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = OrTho614 | Level = 1 |
Account ID = 218856379 | Country = usa | NickName = OrTho614 | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
somerandomdoctor:alex5090001 | Username = somerandomdoctor | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name =
SomeRandomDoctor | Level = 1 | Account ID = 208200550 | Country = nor | NickName =
SomeRandomDoctor | EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = |
Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
yashar5:yashar5 | Username = yashar5 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = yashar5 | Level = 7 | Account
ID = 222434338 | Country = usa | NickName = yashar5 | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
juniorrecruit:Fuque123 | Username = juniorrecruit | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = JuniorRecruit |
Level = 3 | Account ID = 2059690433538976 | Country = usa | NickName = JuniorRecruit | EmailVerified
= False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 |
Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
zyrtexs:utahb123 | Username = zyrtexs | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Me Not Smerfing | Level = 26 |
Account ID = 231085114 | Country = usa | NickName = Me Not Smerfing | EmailVerified = True | Region
= NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
pegnas:hitmonchan1 | Username = pegnas | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = Pegna | Level = 7 |
Account ID = 224558209 | Country = chn | NickName = Pegna | EmailVerified = False | Region = EUW |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
qw48159263:as48159263 | Username = qw48159263 | Tag Line = 4887 | Game Name = qw48159263 |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 2368576709856448 | Country = twn | EmailVerified = True | Region = NA |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
cosmoyou:Lastres21041998 | Username = cosmoyou | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = CosmoYou |
Level = 1 | Account ID = 222235124 | Country = rus | NickName = CosmoYou | EmailVerified = False |
Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
azubusenpai2:xenonxenon1 | Username = azubusenpai2 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = Azubu
Techno | Level = 6 | Account ID = 221576864 | Country = can | NickName = Azubu Techno |
EmailVerified = False | Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
romano2311:gustavo2311 | Username = romano2311 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = exilon18 | Level
= 1 | Account ID = 202647385 | Country = can | NickName = exilon18 | EmailVerified = True | Region =
NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
renumaru09:tito090702 | Username = renumaru09 | Tag Line = 5759 | Game Name = TimothyChrist |
Country = idn | EmailVerified = False | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 |
Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
exsau:GfaLover13 | Username = exsau | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = ExsauS | Level = 7 | Account ID
= 2162828021402240 | Country = slv | NickName = ExsauS | EmailVerified = True | Region = EUW |
Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] | Checked = Yes
malga15:Paolopaolo1 | Username = malga15 | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = MALGA15 | Level = 3 |
Account ID = 2063082398191936 | Country = fra | NickName = MALGA15 | EmailVerified = True |
Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 40 |
TotalRecentGames = 14 | Skins = [Standart Skin] | Checked = Yes
kafuracc1:Yasminlukas123 | Username = kafuracc1 | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = xGanjaHunter |
Level = 21 | Account ID = 42323200 | Country = deu | NickName = xGanjaHunter | EmailVerified = True
| Region = EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes
itzsince:Downunder666 | Username = itzsince | Tag Line = NA1 | Game Name = itzsince1337 | Level =
13 | Account ID = 2162953146763904 | Country = usa | NickName = itzsince1337 | EmailVerified = True
| Region = NA | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins =
[] | Checked = Yes
nexdoudou:redlav39 | Username = nexdoudou | Tag Line = EUW | Game Name = nexdoudou | Level = 2
| Account ID = 208335201 | Country = fra | NickName = nexdoudou | EmailVerified = False | Region =
EUW | Email = | Valorant Point = 0 | Radianite Points = 0 | Skins = [] |
Checked = Yes

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