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NAME Gianna Taaguinod 26August2022

BSBA – 2D Activity 1
Life and Works of Rizal (page 7)
Mr. Juan Carlos M. Caballero

gned into Rizal law by President Ramon Magsaysay on 12 June 1956.The Rizal Bill was
Congress passed the Rizal Bill which was is sponsored by Senator Claro M.
Recto, he was the main proponent of the Rizal Bill. The arguments in support of
the bill are: It was said by the people in support of this law that it was about the
love for god, country, and countrymen .The supporters argued that this law was
to rededicate the lives of youth to the ideals of freedom and nationalism.

The Rizal Law is a Philippine law that mandates all educational institutions in
the Philippines to offer courses about José Rizal.When the Catholic Church in
the Philippines found out about Recto’s bill, it mobilized its forces to prevent
the bill from becoming law.During the 1955 Senate election, the church charged
Recto with being a communist and an anti-Catholic.

Dissenting opinions are considered important, because they put an alternative

interpretation of the case on the record, which can encourage future discussion
of the case.Such dissent may be used years later to shape arguments or
opinions.Dissenting opinions don't always lead to the overturning of cases.

All Philippine educational institutions are required to offer courses on José

Rizal. an act to include in the curricula of all public and private schools,
colleges, and university courses on the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal,
particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo .In any event,
Rizal's law was strictly limited by the Christian church to the anti-clerical themes
that were prevalent in Rizal's works Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo

NAME Gianna TAguinod 26 August 2022
BSBA – 2D Activity 1
Life and Works of Rizal (page 8)
Mr. Juan Carlos M. Caballero

Law is the glue that holds democratic

societies together. All a law-abiding citizen
must do to maintain the rule of law is to
remain law-abiding and protest illegal
activity. Ignoring the rule of law leads to
arbitrary government and tyranny. A society
that has lost its dependence on the law will
soon cease to be a society and become
chaotic. In fact, small groups can avoid
formal, strict and speedy laws, but they still
exist in the form of traditions and common
courtesies. As the number of people
increases, so does the need to be more
formal. When you lose the rule of law, things
fall apart. Depending on the situation, it may
happen gradually or in bursts, but it is more
likely to move quickly in a "power wins"
direction. Ironically, the rule is later reverted.
The difference is that the rules are set so that
the fittest fits the rules rather than for the
benefit of the group as a whole.

NAME Gianna taguinod 26August 2022
BSBA – 2D Activity 1
Life and Works of Rizal (page 14)
Mr. Juan Carlos M. Caballero

It is the way how there bayani or hero become a hero or bayani.Is short it is how
they follow there role.the Filipino concept, our bayani fight for our right to free
our country in all of the terrorist enter our country while Western concept its like
they are the one who acknowledge other like they are the one who had
contributed knowledge in our society

The Commission has set the following standards: A hero is someone who has a
national conception and strives and fights for national freedom. Heroes define
and contribute to the system or life of a nation's freedom and order. Heroes
contribute to the quality of life and destiny of nations.

His novels awakened Philippine nationalism .Most of his writings, both in his
essays and editorials, centered on individual rights and freedom, specifically
for the Filipino people. As part of his reforms, he even called for the inclusion
of the Philippines to become a province of Spain.
*NAME* 26 August 2022
BSBA – 2A Activity 1
Life and Works of Rizal (page 15)
Mr. Juan Carlos M. Caballero

Each person has a hidden bayani

within, you just have to look
inside you and search it in your
heart, and be the hero to the next
one in need. As a student I can
became a bayani because Idoesn’t
just keep quiet when I see wrong
being done. A true bayani is
there to do good at anytime.
Random acts of kindness can do
include Helping to my fellow
students. Buying groceriesfor
someone in need. Taking an
elderly neighbor to an
appointment. I can ask my
friends andfamily what they think I
excel at, if Icannot think of anything

*NAME gianna taguinod August 2022
BSBA – 2d Activity 1
Life and Works of Rizal (page 19)
Mr. Juan Carlos M. Caballero

*NAME*Gianna Taguinod August 2022
BSBA – 2d Activity 1
Life and Works of Rizal (page 20)
Mr. Juan Carlos M. Caballero

I think it is impossible to have a single

historical fact because there are many
theories of fact in the history or the
past, the elders from the past have
many stories about the past bf their
generation. As students today it is
inevitable that we study the history of
our own country, especially how lives
were in the past and how it changed. It
can be inferred using the meaning of the
text that it is impossible to establish a
single meaning because all things
viewed as text are open to many
interpretations. Applying this to the
study of History, the past can think of
many texts to interpret facts. Just like
the book made by Rizal so that he could
boldly reveal the truth about the evil
deeds of the Spaniards in the
Philippines in the text that he made, it
has meaning and it is also one of the
ways to defend the Filipinos in the past
from the oppression of the Spaniards.

*NAME*gianna taguinod August2022
BSBA – 2d Activity 1
Life and Works of Rizal (page 23)
Mr. Juan Carlos M. Caballero

History education is often associated with the education of civic values, especially the
formation of national identities. By instilling pride in a shared past, teaching a
nation's history helps create and reinforce nationalism and national identity.

It is somehow the kind of character or attitude do Filipinos have. We are ready to fight whatever it
takes but behind that, is the most precious thing, we will have it lifted to the Divine Creator that if
it allows us to fight through weapons or not. However, passively through the writings of Dr. Jose
Rizal, Filipinos were able to get rid of the mindset of fighting against the Spaniards and liberated
our ancestors from them. On the nation building side of us being Filipinos at that, we are proud
God fearing nation even though there are things we need to patch up to the world’s standard.
Being faithful and resilient are some of our Filipino attitudes that formed and molded us as one
united nation.

Gemino Abad referred to as the crucial infinitives in life which are "to read, to think,
to write." According to Abad, any language is essentially a translation of reality, that
is, what we perceive, imagine, or intuit. Thus, to think, speak, or write is, in every
instance, to re-translate from a given language’s abstract conceptual system of
representation, to ferry across its river of words.

*NAME* gianna taguinod August 2022
BSBA – 2d Activity 1
Life and Works of Rizal (page 24)
Mr. Juan Carlos M. Caballero

Nationalism is the concept of loyalty

towards a nation. In Nationalism, this
sentiment of loyalty must be present in
every citizen. This ideology certainly has
been present in humanity since time
immemorial. Above all, it’s a concept that
unites the people of a nation. As a
student, I become a herald nationalism by
starting to nurture and value the
knowledge that have been taught to us by
the elders or in school especially those
subjects that focusing the story how our
ancestors live before and share or teach it
to the future generation so that the unity
that we have .

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