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Irregular Ronin Civilized for East Combat Style Card

Source: Notesfrompavis Campaign

Swashbuckling : Style allows the user to engage in attacks and evades made whilst jumping or
swinging into (or disengaging from) combat, ignoring any skill cap placed on it by the Athletics skill.

Common Special Effects

Critical (*)Accidental Injury,(*)Blind Opponent,(*)Force Failure,(*)Pin
Defensive Weapon,(*)Select Target,(*)Slip Free
Critical (*)Bypass Armour,(*)Choose Location,(*)Circumvent Parry,(*)Force
offensive Failure,(*)Max Damage,(*)Pin Weapon
Defensive Arise,Close Range,Compel Surrender,Damage Weapon,Disarm
Opponent,Open Range,Overextend Opponent,Prepare Counter,Scar
Foe,Stand Fast,Trip opponent,Withdraw
Offensive Close Range,Compel Surrender,Damage Weapon,Disarm Opponent,Press
Advantage,Scar Foe,Shift Location,Spoil Spell,Trip opponent

Select either (one of the 2H and one of the 1h weapons) or two of the 1H weapons from the list. In addition select one
ranged weapon and one of the dagger/knife/hatchet from the lists when available
Naginata Size: L Reach: VL 2h 1d10+2 AP: 4 HP:12 Enc: 3 Narrow <3m: -2 grades* <1.5m: -3
A naginata consists of a wooden or metal pole with a curved single-edged blade on the end; Naginata often have a round
handguard (tsuba) between the blade and shaft, when mounted in a koshirae. The 30 cm to 60 cm long naginata blade. The
shaft ranges from 120 cm to 240 cm in length and is oval shaped. The end of the shaft has a heavy metal end cap (ishizuki
or hirumaki). When not in use the blade would be covered with a wooden sheath
Offensive Bleed,Impale,Sunder
No-Dachi Size: H Reach: VL 2h 2d8 AP: 5 HP:12 Enc: 3 Narrow <3m: -2 grades* <1.5m: -3
The no-dachi greatsword is usually carried at your back and can be as long as two metres
Offensive Bleed,Impale,Sunder
Sai dagger Size: S Reach: S 1h 1d4+1 AP: 3 HP: 8 Enc: 1
Sai dagger is a blunted, prong shaped metal baton, with two curved prongs (yoku) projecting from the handle
Offensive Bleed,Impale,Kill Silently,Remise
Tachi Size: L Reach: VL 1h/2h 1d10+1 AP: 5 HP:11 Enc: 2 Narrow <3m: -2 grades <1.5m: -3
Katana type sword with cutting-edge down. Average cutting edge length (nagasa) of 70–80 cm and compared to a katana
was generally lighter in proportion to its length, had a greater taper from hilt to point, was more curved and had a smaller
point area
Offensive Bleed,Impale,Sunder
Tanto Size: S Reach: T 1h 1d6 AP: 5 HP: 5 Enc: 1
The blade is single or double edged with a length between 15 and 30cm (1 Japanese shaku). The tant■ was designed
primarily as a stabbing weapon, but the edge can be used for slashing as well.
Offensive Bleed,Kill Silently,Remise
Tetsubo Size: H Reach: VL 2h 2d8 AP: 4 HP:12 Enc: 4 Narrow <3m: -2 grades <1.5m: -3 grades
Metal staff 120+cm long. Weighs 6kg+
Offensive Bash,Stun Location

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