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Felix Nathaniel A.

De Los Reyes



Watching the movie gives me insights and thought about the importance of

Education, Friendship, Passion, and Success. These things are the most important aspects

for you to finish studying at school. A good education for you to enhance your mind without

any restriction or obstruction. A good friend or friends that whenever problem occurs, they

will be there any time for you. Your passion towards the things you are doing and want to do.

To achieve those challenges, you need passion to achieve your goals and gain excellence.

The success which comes at the end, this will be the reward for all of your effort, from the

start until the very end. Your commitment on what you are doing will lead to success and

victory. No matter how hard it is, once you gain success, it will all worth 100%. With the

presence of this aspects studying will be accomplished and you will be afraid of nothing. As

what in the movie saying “All is well”, which means everything will be okay because if there

is a problem there will always be a solution for it.

For Education, as you can see on Chatur’s perspective, he saw Rancho as opponent

while Rancho are studying because he has the passion to become an engineer. In fact of

these, he didn’t see Chatur as a competitor. Instead, he treat him like a colleague despite

the treatment of Chatur to him. The other day, Rancho in his class with relation to machine,

he was noticed by the teacher or professor to the reason that he is smiling or laughing. He

then respond and due to this action, the professor ask him the definition of machine, he

explain it with simplicity and left the professor unsatisfied. He remain on stand and called

another person to answer the question, Chatur confidently raise his hand afterwards he

perfectly and precisely define what is a machine, after that Rancho raised his voice and said

that the answer of Chatur was the same as him but more simplified, Chatur’s explanation are
so complicated and bookish that no one will understand unless you are familiar to machines.

Rancho’s opinion made the professor mad, and for that reason he was asked to leave the

room. As Rancho was about to leave the room, he go back and say to the professor that he

forget something. When the professor was curious for what he left on the classroom, he

asked Rancho. Rancho then talked like Chatur’s explanation about the definition of Machine,

to be precise a complicated and bookish explanation. The professor became confused and

ask what is it. He replied that the explanation of him before is just a book. The professor

asked Rancho why he didn’t said that before, he explained the Machine but a more simpler

and it was rejected. The professor get mad about it and asked Rancho to leave the room

immediately and never come back to his discussion ever again. The above story is just

shown how bad education is. Rancho once said that this system of education only highlights

the good grades and its impacts on getting a good job instead of improving someones ideas

and make inventions out of it. This made professor Virus raging. Another story is when

professor Virus let Rancho teach the class while the other professor and him is sitting. He

looked at the book placed on the table after searching, he grab chalk and start to write two

words on the board. After that, he gave the class only 30 seconds to define the words written

on the board. After 30 seconds, none of the students find the definition of two words the he


“When you were asked to define the two words, were you excited, curious? Thrilled that

you’ll learn something new? No. You all got into frantic race.

“What’s the use of such methods even if you come first? Will your knowledge increase? No.

Just the pressure. This is college, not a pressure cooker.”

Professor Virus got mad about this, he challenged Rancho to define the words written on the

board. He replied,

“I just invented the words. I was not trying to teach Engineering. I was teaching you how to

The point of Rancho was to change to system of education, changing this kind of system will

lead to better world. He latter define the bad educational system to the rest of the movie and

one of that, which also got my attention is the pictorial happened after the exam. The

students who got high scores are in front while the lower is at the back, until the lowest,

Rancho define it as a division due to the results of the examination and the resulting grade.

He come up to this conclusion because he seen his two friends sitting at the back that has

the lowest grade on the result of the examination.

The perspective of Rancho on view of education got my attention. Learning and

studying must be fun and not full of hesitation and fear. Even if Rancho is being scolded by

professor Virus, we can still see his passion and devotion to continue on studying. Due to

the action and behaviour of Rancho, at the end of the story we see that professor Virus gave

the pen which symbolizes that Rancho is the perfect student professor Virus was looking for.

Even in the end of the movie, we saw Chatur bowed Rancho unexpectedly, because he

never know that the guy he admire after graduating school was Rancho but in different


For friendship, Rancho’s action defined the friendship as a true treasure. Rancho’s

way of giving friendship is truthful and full of sincerity. We can see on the movie how he help

his friends before his own sake. He would help his friends and his friends families even if it

will affect his own living and life. His true friendship made Farhan and Raju in to tears, his

view of friendship doesn’t require money or anything else but indeed just help with litte

appreciation. Because of him, Farjan successfully pursue his own desired passiona in

photographt despite of challenges he encounter with relation to family. Also, he made Raju

face the failure and fear towards his own life and finally found his own job with the help with

his two friends and others.

For passion, a lot of us has a nature to fulfill the desire of other even if it will not

satisfy our own self. We do our best to satisfy the people and soceity but leaving behind
what is our true desire in life. This leads to two loses. We go to study, become the

professional we not wanted and will result only in sorrow, the other one is we lose our true

passion leading to loss on our real talent. We can see it at Farjan’s point of view, he studied

engineering because it is what his father desire the most. His father believed that it is the

only way for their family to get wealthy. Farjan has no gut to express his own desire due to

fear and rejection. Thankfully, Rancho helped him to fight and tell his father what he really

wanted. Rancho is there whatever happened, and this is a true friendship. True friendship

will not only be there when there is a fun or happiness but also in sorrow and challenges

encountered by each of us. In the movie, Farjan became successful and was accepted as a

assistant photographer located at Hungary and later become a proffesional wildlife

photographer. We can also see at the movie how his father realizes the mistakes he did

when he pushed Farjan to study engineering, he grabs the laptop which serves as a gift for

his wife and also serve as the success of Farjan getting his first job, after that he asked

Farjan if that laptop can be exchanged to a professional camera. This serves as the support

of his father for taking Farjan’s passion which is photography. This part of the movie also

touches my heart and make my eye tear.

For excellence and success, Rancho’s lines will be remain at my heart, this includes

“Follow excellence and success will chase you.”

“Study with all your heart, not just for grades.”

“ Study to be accomplished, not affluent.”

“Make your passion your profession.”

He always in the first when examination comes. I remember when Farjan asked Rancho why

he is so good at engineering, Farjan replied, “I love engineering. It’s my passion.” He later

said, “Follow your talent. Quit Engineering. Marry photography.” He said it because he

noticed that Farjan have the talent in terms of photography but his family is stoping him to

pursue it and it was his father’s dream for him. Raju then asked Rancho how come he is not

good in engineering even if it is his passion. Rancho replied, “Because you’re a coward.
Scared of the future. With such fear of tomorrow, how’ll you live today? How’ll you focus in

your studies? Go live your life.” This touches my heart since I loved and I want to become a

successful engineer yet I always failed, having a hard time to focus on studying, and having

bad grades after a semester and examinations. I realize that I have fear on taking the future

which results on my own defeat and loss.

We are basing our success by looking at someone’s success. We then focus on how

they became successful and we gave all our power to achieve that aspect. Yet, we loss the

way how we will success on our own different way with unique style and passion. We always

need to remember how Rancho define excellence and success in one sentence, “Strive for

excellence and success will chase you.”

The movie teaches us how to become successful with the help of friendship and

education. To be able to become successful, we need to have someone we can accompany

at any cost, this includes friend and family. As well as education, we need this to gain

confidence and be proud of what we are doing. If we have the passion on something, we

better strive for it with willingness and with full potential. Once we excel doing the things we

love, we can now tell ourself that we have live a better life. It is nature for us wanting to

become successful, because this is all what we wanted. So to be able to achieve this goal,

we should do and strive our best and follow our passion with devotion and excitement. Do

not be afraid when you commit mistakes because as what the movie says, “All is well”, no

matter how many problem it is and how hard it is, as long as you have the passion, you will

be excel in any of this problems. Just like the 3 idiots in the movie, namely Farjan, Raju, and

Rancho, they became successful with the hindrance of challenges and failure. For they

having passion on what they do, they will always excel on what they do because they

believe on the phrase “All is well”.

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