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Communication - Writing

(Sharing and exchanging ideas effectively)

Interpersonal Connections - Mediating/ Resolving Conflict

(Collaborating with others)

Personal Success - Being Flexible & Adaptable to Change

(Developing self-awareness and accountability)

Social Responsibility And Community - Staying Up-to-date with Current Affairs/Issues

(Acknowledging respect, equity, diversity and

Knowledge Acquisition And Application - Reading, Understanding & Evaluating Information

(Learning and applying knowledge and

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving - Exercising Judgement & Decision-Making

(Making effective decisions)

Skills Summary
Based on the skills you checked off above what are the top 5 skills that you feel strongest in or most enjoy using?


Reading, understanding and evaluating information

Resolving conflict

Judgement and decision making

Adaptable to change

From the skills you DIDN'T check, choose 3 skills Confidence

you would most like to develop:

Critical thinking and analyzing

Active listening

My Action Plan

My Goals
Three goals I would like to set that will help me build my skills and bring my vision to reality are:

Set up a business

Being congident

Public speaking

From the above list, what immediate steps will I take to jump-start my Action Plan?
Being confident

If I need help, I will seek advice or support from:

Parents, mentors and teachers

Name Rahil Jain

Student Number 9899991691


Program BBA

Faculty Dr Arpana Kumari

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