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DOI 10.

Metal Science and Heat Treatment, Vol. 61, Nos. 9 – 10, January, 2020 (Russian Original Nos. 9 – 10, September – October, 2019)

UDC 669.14.018.298:536.485:621.73



M. Yu. Simonov,1, 2 A. S. Pertsev,1, 3 G. S. Shaimanov,1 and Yu. N. Simonov1

Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No. 10, pp. 15 – 25, October, 2019.

The structure, the strength characteristics and the impact toughness at different temperatures up to –100°C of
tubular billets from steel 35 are studied after a thermal deformation treatment involving initial heat hardening,
cold plastic deformation by radial forging and subsequent annealing. The regular features of structure forma-
tion in steel 35 after the thermal deformation treatment based on cold radial forging are determined. It is
shown that formation of macroscopic elements (splits) on the fracture surface affects positively the level of the
cold resistance.

Key words: radial forging, massive plastic deformation, cold resistance, tubular billets, thermal
deformation treatment, structural steel, structure, fracture surface.

INTRODUCTION important that virtually all processes of severe plastic defor-

mation [10 – 13] and megaplastic deformation [14, 15] are in
Formation of homogenous ultrafine-grained (UFG) fact laboratory technologies unsuitable for production of in-
structures in billets from structural steels remains a topical dustrial volumes of articles. Thus, the development of indus-
direction of advancement of science and production. Use of trial technologies implementable on commercial scale and
carbon and low-alloy (sparingly alloyed) steels under low giving bulk billets with UFG structure is an important task,
climatic temperatures is a priority direction in the develop- which can be solved at the recent level of development of
ment of science and technology in many countries. Their technology and engineering only with the use of processes of
strength, reliability and crack resistance are commonly pro- radial forging (RF) [16 – 18] and forming by spinning (SF)
vided by special thermal deformation treatments. [19]. However, RF has a number of advantages as compared
Development of the Russian Federation in the XXI cen- to SF, i.e., a high speed of single deforming actions, high
tury will be inevitably connected with development of the re- strain intensity, high locality of the plastic strain spot, possi-
sources occurring in the Far North and the Arctic Shelf, bility of application in different fields (mechanical engineer-
which demands development of various infrastructures from ing, aircraft industry), which make RF an advanced method.
civil to special. Today we possess not many materials suit- The aim of the present work was to perform a complex
able for operation at climatic temperatures up to –100°C; for analysis of the structure, mechanical properties, special fea-
the most part these are cryogenic materials [1 – 3] the cost of tures of the micromechanisms of crack growth and cold re-
which may make mining of natural resources in regions with sistance of tubular billets from steel 35 after heat treatment
low and extremely low temperatures economically inexpedient. (HT) and thermal deformation treatment (TDT).
However, there are methods and approaches to fabrica-
tion of materials with traditional chemical compositions and
elevated cold resistance using commercial severe plastic de- METHODS OF STUDY
formation [3 – 9]. As a rule, cold resistance is raised due to
multistage refinement of the whole of the structural set. It is We studied specimens fabricated from tubular billets
from structural steel 35 with the following chemical compo-
1 sition (in wt.%): 0.36 C, 0.24 Si, 0.59 Mn, 0.20 Cr, 0.12 Ni,
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia
0.018 Cu, 0.012 S, 0.01 P.
Institute of Continuum Mechanics of the Ural Branch of the Rus- The HT and TDT were applied to commercial tubular
sian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia. billets with external diameter 70 mm and wall thickness
Perm Research Institute for Technology, Perm, Russia. 15 mm by the following regimes.

0026-0673/20/0910-0601 © 2020 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
602 M. Yu. Simonov et al.

1. Base regime of heat refining (HR), i.e., heating to vide the required temperature at the moment of the test. The
860°C, a hold for 40 min, water cooling + tempering at specimens were tested no later than 3 – 5 sec after withdraw-
570°C, a hold for 1 h; the treatment was conducted in a ing them from the thermostat.
SShTsM 6.2/9 shaft furnace; the tempering was followed by The impact tests at from +20 to –100°C were conducted
forced cooling in water. in a KM-30 pendulum impact machine. The geometrical pa-
2. The initial heat refining (treatment 1 ) followed by rameters of the specimens were determined with the help of
cold radial forging (CRF) in a radial-forging machine an Olympus SZX-16 stereo microscope accurate to ± 0.05 mm.
(SXP-16, GFM, Austria) in three successive passes. The ini- The impact toughness was calculated by the formula
tial billet (a tube Æ70 ´ 15 mm in size) was deformed in the
first pass to a size of Æ64 ´ 12.5 mm with strain e1 ~ 21%. KCT = Af /F,
In the second pass the billet was deformed to a size of
Æ59 ´ 10.5 mm with total strain e1 + e2 ~ 39%. In the final where Af is the fracture energy read from the scale of the im-
third pass, the billet was deformed to a final size of pact machine accurate to ± 0.05 kgf × m and F is the area of
Æ54 ´ 8 mm with total strain e1 + e2 + e3 ~ 55%. During the the effective cross section of the specimen in cm2.
CRF the billet was subjected to forced water cooling. The images of the fractures were obtained with the help
3. Treatment 2 followed by annealing of templates cut of an Olympus SZX-16 stereo microscope and an Olympus
from cold-deformed tubular billets in a SNOL-1.6, 2.5.1/11-I2 DP72 high-resolution camera at a magnification of ´ 7. The
laboratory chamber furnace for 1 h at 300°C with subsequent images were first processed using the Olympus Stream Mo-
forced cooling in water. tion v.1.8 software and then using the Photoshop 7.0 soft-
4. Treatment 2 followed by annealing of templates cut ware. The surface area taken by splits was evaluated with the
from cold-deformed tubular billets in a SNOL-1.6, 2.5.1/11-I2 help of the same software on plane images obtained under
laboratory chamber furnace for 1 h at 600°C with subsequent the Olympus SZX-16 stereo microscope using the technique
forced cooling in water. of evaluation of the area over a closed contour.
The metallographic analysis was conducted for micro- The micromechanisms of crack growth and the special
sections prepared in cross sections of impact specimens. The features of the cracks were determined using a FEI Phenom
etchant was a 4% solution of nitric acid in ethyl alcohol. The G2 ProX scanning electron microscope (SEM) at an acceler-
etched microsections were studied under an Olympus GX-51 ating voltage of 15 kV.
optical microscope at a magnification of ´ 500 and under a
FEI Quanta 200 scanning electron microscope at a magnifi- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
cation from ´ 500 to ´ 25,000 at an accelerating voltage of
25 kV. An additional study was conducted under a FEI The metallographic analysis of the tube billets from steel
PHENOM G2 ProX electron microscope at an accelerating 35 after treatment 1 showed that their structure consisted of a
set of microvolumes of formed martensite where primary
voltage of 15 kV and working magnifications ´ 8000 –
and secondary recrystallization had occurred to this or that
´ 15,000. The fraction of carbide particles after treatment 4 degree (Fig. 1a ). In the regions of active development of
was determined using the Siams 700 software processing the secondary recrystallization, we observed carbides oriented in
micrographs at a magnification of ´ 8000 – ´ 25,000. The three mutually perpendicular directions (Fig. 1b ). In addi-
number of the fields analyzed was at least 20. tion, the initial structure contained regions of thin-plate
The strength and ductility characteristics were determined eutectoid, the presence of which indicated low stability of the
for short cylindrical specimens of type 3 with initial diameter supercooled austenite of steel 35 during the quenching cooling.
5 mm in accordance with the GOST 1497–73 Standard using Cold radial forging (treatment 2 ) caused substantial re-
an INSTRON-SATEC 300 LX universal hydraulic machine finement of the structure (Fig. 1c ). In some microvolumes,
for static tests. The results were processed and the diagrams we observed fragmentation of cementite plates in the
plotted with the help of the “Bluehill” program product for at thin-plate eutectoid (Fig. 1d ).
least 4 specimens for each heat treatment variant. Analyzing the structure of steel 35 after treatment 3 we
The tests for impact bending were conducted in accor- did not detect substantial differences from the structure
dance with GOST 9454–78 for specimens of type 17 with formed after treatment 2 (Fig. 1e ); the shape of the carbide
preliminary induced fatigue crack with relative length particles became more equiaxed as compared to treatment 1
l = 0.27 – 0.30. To grow cracks of different lengths we used (Fig. 1f ).
a Drozdovsky device. The coolant for the tests conducted at a After treatment 4, the steel acquired a quite homogenous
temperature from –20 to –100°C was a mixture of liquid ni- and ultrafine grain/subgrain structure with a mean grain size
trogen with ethyl alcohol. The specimens were held in the of 1.0 – 1.2 mm (Fig. 2a and c). Coarse carbide particles
thermostat for 15 min before testing. To measure the tempe- were located on grain and subgrain boundaries, whereas
rature of the specimens we used a chromel-alumel thermo- much finer carbide particles occurred inside the structural
couple. The specimens were supercooled by 3 – 5°C to pro- components having morphological features of the former
Cold Resistance of Structural Steel Subjected to Cold Radial Forging 603

à b

15 mm 3 mm

c d

15 mm 3 mm

e f

Fig. 1. Microstructure of steel 35 after

heat the thermal deformation treat-
ments: a, b ) treatment 1; c, d ) treat-
ment 2; e, f ) treatment 3; a, c, e) ´ 5000; 15 mm 3 mm
b, d, f ) ´ 20,000.

structure of high-tempered martensite (Fig. 2a ). In most plastic strain) and lumped plastic strain. The strength level is
structural components bearing features of refinement we ob- the lowest.
served formation of boundaries of substructural components The diagram of steel 35 after CRF (treatment 2 ) looks
in the form of web-like ridges (marked with the arrows in quite traditionally too, i.e., has no yield plateau; the yield
Fig. 2c ). The histogram of the size distribution of the carbide strength is close to the ultimate strength, the total elongation
particles has a unimodal nature with positive asymmetry is minimum as compared to the other treatments, and the
(Fig. 2b ). The total fraction of carbide particles after treat- strength level is close to the maximum one.
ment 4 of steel 35 amounts to 4.8% with an average size of The stress-strain diagram after treatment 3 differs from
about 0.18 mm. Treatment 4 results in virtually total disap- the previous case by presence of a small yield drop. The duc-
pearance of the thin-plate eutectoid. tility is somewhat higher than after treatment 2, and the
Figure 3 presents the diagrams of uniaxial tension for strength is almost the same or even a bit higher.
steel 35 after treatments 1 – 4. The stress-strain diagram after treatment 4 presents the
The form of the diagram of steel 35 in the initial condi- greatest interest. It has a yield drop, which is so high that the
tion (treatment 1 ) is traditional, i.e. consists of a yield pla- upper yield limit is somewhat higher than the ultimate
teau and long enough regions of strain hardening (uniform strength. After the yield drop, the diagram exhibits a quite
604 M. Yu. Simonov et al.

n, %



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 d, mm

3 mm

Fig. 2. Microstructure (a, c) and histogram of size distribution

of carbide particles (b ) in steel 35 after treatment 4: a) ´ 20000;
500 nm
c) 100,000.

s, ÌPà extended yield plateau (7 – 8%), which is followed by a

2 small region of strain hardening.
800 The characteristics of the strength and ductility of steel
700 35 after treatments 1 – 4 are presented in Table 1. The results
of the evaluation of the strength and ductility show that treat-
400 4 ment 2 raises the strength and lowers the ductility as com-
300 pared to treatment 1. After treatment 3, the strength charac-
200 teristics grow further. It should be noted that after treatment 3
100 the growth in the strength parameters with respect to treat-
ment 2 is accompanied by some increase in the ductility, i.e.,
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
d, % d = 22 and 19% respectively. Treatment 4 raises the strength
characteristics considerably as compared to treatment 1 at
Fig. 3. Stress-strain diagrams of specimens of steel 35 after heat re-
fining (1 ), after cold radial forging with total strain e » 55% (2 ) and close ductility characteristics.
after post-deformation annealing at 300°C (3 ) and 600°C (4 ). The Table 1 also presents the impact toughness of specimens
treatments are numbered at the curves. tested at different temperatures.

TABLE 1. Characteristics of Mechanical Properties of Steel 35 after Different Treatments

s0.2 (sy ), MPa sr , MPa KCT + 20°C, KCT – 20°C, KCT – 60°C, KCT – 100°C,
Treatment d, % y, %
MJ/m2 MJ/m2 MJ/m2 MJ/m2
1 465 665 30.5 72.5 1.35 0.40 0.09 0.08
2 785 865 19 64.5 0.97 0.68 0.56 0.36
3 885 900 22 64.0 1.02 0.77 0.55 0.32
4 730 (680) 730 28.5 68.5 1.25 1.22 0.57 0.15
Cold Resistance of Structural Steel Subjected to Cold Radial Forging 605

à b c d

e f g h

i j k l

Fig. 4. Fractures of specimens of steel

35 after different heat and thermal defor-
mation treatments and impact tests at
different temperatures (´ 7): a, e, i, m )
at +20°C; b, f, j, n ) at –20°C; c, g, k, o )
at –60°C; d, h, l, p ) at –-100°C; a – d )
treatment 1; e – h ) treatment 2; i – l )
m n o ð
treatment 3; m – p ) treatment 4.

The results obtained for the impact toughness at room treated by variant 3 to plastic strain is about 100 MPa higher
temperature (about 20°C) show that KCT + 20°C is high than after the treatment by variant 2. Comparing the levels of
enough after all the treatments. After the treatment by vari- the resistance to plastic strain after treatments 1 and 4 we see
ants 1 and 4, the values of KCT + 20°C are the highest (1.25 – even higher differences, i.e., the yield strength of the steel af-
1.35 MJ/m2 ); after treatments 2 and 3 they are somewhat ter treatment 4 is about 200 – 250 MPa higher than after
lower but still high enough (0.97 – 1.02 MJ/m2 ). treatment 1.
It should also be noted that at close levels of ductility and Visual analysis of the fracture surfaces of the specimens
impact toughness (KCT + 20°C ) the resistance of the steel after the impact tests has shown that the size contraction at
606 M. Yu. Simonov et al.

Q, %
room temperature is preserved completely after all the treat-
ments (Fig. 4a, e, i, and m ). This means that the fracture has 40
developed under the conditions of a mixed stress-strain state, 35
i.e., plane-stress and plain-strain one). At room temperature 30
the maximum level of impact toughness (treatment 1 ) corre- 25
sponds to the minimum resistance to plastic deformation; the 20
fracture surface is typical for fracture of a tough material 15
(Fig. 4a). 10
The macroscopic analysis of the fractures after treat- 5
ments 2 and 3 has shown that the fracture surfaces acquire 0
1 2 3 4
macro- and meso-splits (Fig. 4e and i ). For example, the pro- Treatment variant
portion of splits after treatment 2 and testing at +20°C is hot Fig. 5. Variation of the fraction of splits (Q ) at different tem-
high and amounts to about 15.5 ± 2.5%. This is connected peratures of impact tests of steel 35 and variants of heat and thermal
with the fact that though a complex stress-strain state is im- deformation treatment: &) ttest = +20°C; :) ttest = –20°C;
plemented during the tests at +20°C, the rigidity of the stress p) ttest = –60°C; =) ttest = –100°C.
state is inconsiderable. This results in side contractions
which take up to 75 – 80% of the entire fracture surface
(Fig. 4e ). It should be mentioned that growth in the resis- 3.5 ± 2.5% respectively. At the same time, the fractures of
tance to plastic strain after treatment 3 and testing at +20°C the impact specimens treated by variant 4 contain no
reduces the area taken by side contractions and enlarges the macro-splits (Fig. 4m ); only microscopic forms are observ-
area of the fracture taken by splits (Fig. 4i ), the proportion of able in an amount of only 1%, and their linear sizes are about
which amounts to about 21.6 ± 2.5%. The nature of forma- 80 – 120 mm. It is also interesting that the side contractions
tion of splits in radially forged sparingly alloyed steels has on the specimens after impact tests at –60°C after treatment 4
been described quite in detail in [17, 20]. We have not de- are commensurable with the splits in the specimens treated
tected splits on the fracture surfaces after treatment 4 by variants 2 and 3.
(Fig. 4m ). The impact tests at –100°C show that the impact tough-
Testing at –20°C causes lowering of the level of fracture ness KCT-100°C of the specimens after all the four treat-
toughness for all the treatments (1 – 4 ) as compared to test- ments is lower than KCT – 60°C. Minimum values of
ing at +20°C. The lowering of the values of KCT – 20°C from KCT – 100°C = 0.08 MJ/m2 were detected for the initial struc-
treatment 1 to treatment 3 is accompanied by some decrease tural condition (treatment 1 ); the configuration of the frac-
in the sizes of the side contractions (Fig. 4b, f, and j ). How- ture was such that the side contractions and the contraction in
ever, they do not disappear completely even in the specimens the bottom run of the crack were virtually absent (Fig. 4d ). It
with maximum resistance to plastic strain treated by variant 3 should be noted that the values of KCT – 100°C after treatments
(Fig. 4j ). It is important that with lowering of the tempera- 2 and 3 are at a level of 0.36 and 0.32 MJ/m2 respectively,
ture of the tests and the corresponding growth in the rigidity which is unusually high for such test conditions and maxi-
of the stress state in the treatments providing a maximum mum as compared to the other treatment variants. The best
level of resistance to plastic strain (variants 2 and 3 ) the side values of KCT – 100°C in steel 35 were detected after treatment
contractions are replaced by splits (Fig. 4f and j ), the propor- 2. The fracture surfaces of the specimens treated by variants
tion of which increases and amounts to about 31.7 and 2 and 3 contain splits (Figs. 4h and l ) like in all the other
25.9 ± 2.5% respectively. Maximum values of KCT – 20°C in tests of specimens of the given group of TDT; their fraction
steel 35 have been detected after treatment 4 and amount to is about 41.7 and 32.9 ± 2.5% respectively. Analysis of the
1.22 MJ/m2. Treatment 4 did not promote formation of mac- fracture surfaces after treatment 4 showed presence of
ro-splits; we detected only individual features of their forma- macro-splits (Fig. 4p ); we observed only relatively small
tion; the proportion of such objects did not exceed 0.5%, and side contractions even in the bottom run of the crack, which
their linear sizes were about 40 – 60 mm (Fig. 4n ). did not make a substantial contribution into the level of resis-
Further decrease of the temperature of impact tests to tance to growth of dynamic crack. The values of KCT – 100°C
–60°C causes abrupt fall of the impact toughness (see Ta- of the specimens treated by variant 4 were 0.15 MJ/m2,
ble 1), i.e., after treatment 1 the decrease in KCT – 60°C is ac- which is twice lower that after treatments 2 and 3. Figure 5
companied by reduction of the sizes of side contractions up presents the variation of the proportion of splits in the speci-
to their virtually total elimination (Fig. 4c ). It should be mens treated by variants 1 – 4 and tested at +20 ¸ –60°C.
noted that KCT – 60°C in steel 35 treated by variants 2 – 4 has Thus, summarizing the results of the macroscopic
the same level and amounts to about 0.56 MJ/m2. The sur- fractographic analysis, we should infer that formation of
faces of the specimens treated by variants 2 and 3 bear splits such specific objects as splits on fracture surfaces makes it
with maximally developed morphology and maximum sizes possible to raise the cold resistance of plain and low-alloy
(Fig. 4g and k ); their proportion amounts to about 37.1 and structural steels.
Cold Resistance of Structural Steel Subjected to Cold Radial Forging 607

à b c d

10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm

e f g h

10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm

i j k l

10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm

m n o ð

10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm

Fig. 6. Micromechanisms of crack growth in specimens of steel 35 after different variants of heat and thermal deformation treatment and im-
pact tests at different temperatures (´ 5000): a, e, i, m ) at +20°C; b, f, j, n ) at –20°C; c, g, k, o ) at –60°C; d, h, l, p ) at –100°C; a – d ) treatment
1; e – h ) treatment 2; i – l ) treatment 3; m – p ) treatment 4.

The results of the study of the cold resistance seem to be nism is ductile for all the four treatment variants (Fig. 6s, e, i,
quite unexpected, because they show that steel 35 has a high and m ), and the results are close to those obtained in [17].
level of resistance to plastic strain (treatments 2 and 3 ) and The mechanism of crack growth in the specimens treated
maximum level of KCT – 100°C, which differs from the tradi- by variant 1and tested at –20°C becomes brittle; the domi-
tional concepts of the recent metal science. This has made us nant components are quasi-cleavage facets; the ridges of
investigate systematically the special features of fracture sur- microplastic strain inside the facets are developed (Fig. 6b ).
faces with the help of scanning electron microscopy. After the treatment by variants 2 – 4 and tests at –20°C, the
The results of the study of the micromechanism of crack micromechanism of crack growth is ductile; the main com-
growth in steel 35 at room temperature show that this mecha- ponents of the fracture surfaces are dimples of different
608 M. Yu. Simonov et al.

types, i.e., conical dimples, tunnel dimples and microdimples 2. The possibility of structural transformation (trans-
(Fig. 6f, j, and n ) [17]. It should be noted that as compared to configuration) during dissipation of the energy supplied from
the specimens tested at + 20°C, the sizes of the components the outside in the impact tests. A consequence of this is for-
of the fracture surfaces after treatments 2 – 4 become mation of a structure of adiabatic shear due to deviation of
smaller. The largest dimples after the tests at –20°C have individual structural volumes from the conditions of thermo-
been observed in the specimens treated by variant 4 dynamic equilibrium. As a rule, these structural volumes are
(Fig. 6n ). localized in the places with maximum energy concentra-
After the impact tests at –60°C the specimens treated by tion [26].
variant 1 do not exhibit qualitative changes in the microme- 3. The possibility of hydrodynamic mass transfer of in-
chanism of crack growth; it is brittle like after the tests at terstitial atoms present in the solid solution, when they are
–20°C and is mainly represented by facets of quasi-cleavage transferred to considerable distances due to the collective
(Fig. 6c ). The ridges of microplastic strain inside the facets motion of ensembles of mesodefects over the intercrystallite
become less developed as compared to the tests at –20°C. space of the bands of adiabatic shear and then accumulated
The micromechanism of crack growth in the specimens and segregated in the form of volume fields (clouds of inter-
treated by variants 2 and 3 remains ductile after testing at stitial atoms) [27]. This enhances the distortion of the lattice
–60°C as well as after testing at –20°C (Fig. 6g and k ). How- of the matrix material and increases the probability of forma-
ever, as compared to the tests at +20°C, all the size compo- tion of dimples with great transverse sizes and depth. Their
nents of the coarse elements of the fracture surface decrease further evolution into single macroobjects is just the cause of
more than twice. After the tests at –60°C the micromecha- formation of micro-, meso-, and macro-splits.
nism of crack growth in the specimens treated by variant 4 In our opinion, the set of the processes responsible for
changes from a ductile one to a quasi-brittle one; the domi- the formation of splits (Fig. 4d – l ) has played the decisive
nant pattern is quasi-cleavage taking about 65 – 70% of the role in formation of the high level of KCT – 100°C in steel 35.
fracture surface; the rest of the surface is taken by micro-
dimples and flattened cone dimples; deep tunnel dimples be- CONCLUSIONS
come little noticeable against the total mass of microsplits
(Fig. 6o ). 1. We have determined traditional laws of structure for-
After the tests at –100°C, the specimens treated by vari- mation in steel 35 after the heat and thermal deformation
ant 1 exhibit facets of intergrain cleavage (Fig. 6d ). The treatments conducted after cold radial forging. The structure
micromechanism of crack growth in the specimens treated formed after treatment 4 has a highly dispersed homoge-
by variant 2 and tested at –100°C is chiefly represented by neous grain/subgrain morphology. The size distribution of
microdimples (Fig. 6h ) located on the side surfaces of meso- the carbide particles has a unimodal nature.
and macro-splits detectable on the fracture surface (Fig. 4h). 2. Treatment 3 yields maximum strength characteristics
The tests of the specimens of steel 35 treated by variant 3 and minimum values of impact toughness KCT + 20°C, elonga-
cause a change in the micromechanism of crack growth from tion d and contraction y in steel 35. Treatment 4 lowers the
a ductile one to a quasi-brittle one and appearance of quasi- strength characteristics and raises the impact toughness pa-
cleavage facets that form a single fractographic massif with rameters. Radial forging affects positively the combination
microdimples on the fracture surface (Fig. 6l ). Like after of the strength and reliability of the steel as compared to the
treatment 2, the side surfaces of the meso- and macro-splits initial condition (treatment 1 ).
bear microdimples. In the specimens treated by variant 4, the 3. The values of the impact toughness KCT – 60°C of steel
tests at –100°C do change the micromechanism of crack 35 treated by variants 2, 3 and 4 are close, i.e., KCT – 60°C =
growth; like in the tests at –60°C, the main components are 0.56, 0.55 and 0.57 MJ/m2, respectively. The highest impact
quasi-cleavage and microdimples, but the proportion and the toughness at –100°C has been detected in the specimens
sizes of the microdimples decrease (Fig. 6p ). treated by variant 2, i.e., KCT – 100°C = 0.36 MJ/m2.
It should be noted that the presence of quasi-ductile com- 4. Presence of meso- and macro-splits has been detected
ponents on the fracture surface of steel 35 does not explain on the fracture surfaces of the impact specimens treated by
the considerable difference in the values of KCT – 100°C for variants 2 and 3; splits occur in the whole of the temperature
treatments 1 and 4 and for treatments 2 and 3. It is known range of the impact tests (from +20 to –100°C). Growth in
that the final level of the impact toughness and dynamic the fraction of splits causes increase of the values of
crack resistance is affected by several important factors KCT – 100°C of steel 35 treated by variant 2.
[21, 22]. 5. We have performed a systematic study of the micro-
1. The possibility of formation of zones of plastic strain mechanisms of crack growth in specimens treated by vari-
(ZPS) under the fracture surface [23, 24]; it is known that the ants 1 – 4 and tested at +20 ¸ –60°C. After the tests at –20°C,
larger are the sizes of the ZPS the larger volume of the mate- the dominant mechanism of crack growth in the specimens
rial receives the dissipated energy and the higher is the level treated by variant 1 changes from a ductile one to a brittle
of KCT and KCT* (dynamic crack resistance) [25]. one; in the specimens treated by variant 2, the micromecha-
Cold Resistance of Structural Steel Subjected to Cold Radial Forging 609

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