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DOI 10.

Metal Science and Heat Treatment, Vol. 61, Nos. 9 – 10, January, 2020 (Russian Original Nos. 9 – 10, September – October, 2019)

UDC 621.735:669.018.298:620.17



T. Yu. Barsukova,1 D. O. Panov,1 A. S. Pertsev,2 A. I. Smirnov,3 and Yu. N. Simonov1

Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No. 10, pp. 25 – 32, October, 2019.

The structure and mechanical properties of low-carbon steel 10Kh3G3MFS after cold radial forging with 20,
40 and 60% deformation are studied. The initial (multiphase) condition of the steel is provided by quenching
from the intercritical temperature range. The effect of the degree of the deformation on the characteristics of
strength, ductility, impact toughness, micromechanism of fracture and parameters of the substructure of the
steel is determined.

Key words: steel, radial forging, deformation, intercritical temperature range, fracture.

INTRODUCTION ple, the changes in the structure may be connected with par-
tial decomposition of martensite under the deformation
Development and application of various processes of and/or with transformation of the austenite present in the
forming treatment of steels of various classes (rolling, forg- quenched steel into strain martensite [9]. In addition, the aus-
ing and other kinds of pressure treatment of metals) attracts tenite, ferrite and low-carbon martensite may accumulate
special interest of many researchers due to the prospects of crystal structure defects, which causes fragmentation and re-
advancement of many properties, creation of gradient struc- crystallization processes [10].
tures and ultrafine-grained state [1, 2]. The aim of the present work was to study the effect of
Radial forging is a possible and efficient method for cre- cold radial forging with 20, 40 and 60% deformation on the
ating ultrafine-grained materials for bulky articles [3, 4].
micro- and substructure and mechanical properties of low-car-
Promising materials for such treatment are low-carbon steels
bon steel 10Kh3G3MFS in the initial multiphase condition.
with a structure of lath martensite, which possess a unique
combination of mechanical properties combining a high
strength with enough ductility and reliability [5]. An effec- METHODS OF STUDY
tive technique for preliminary refinement of structure and el-
evation of process ductility is quenching from the intercri- We studied steel 10Kh3G3MFS [11] of the following
tical temperature range (ITR), which is especially successful chemical composition (in wt.%): 0.1 C, 1.25 Si, 2.51 Mn,
for initially hardened steels [6]. The multiphase structure 2.75 Cr, 0.12 V, 0.40 Mo, 0.008 S, 0.019 P. Ingots from this
produced by such treatment is represented by martensite, lay- steel with a mass of 40 kg were hot rolled into billets with di-
ers of retained austenite, and an isolated ferritic phase [7]. ameter 65 mm, which were then subjected to free forging to
Knowledge of the laws of formation of structure and proper- Æ19 mm. When the forging was finished (at 950°C), the bars
ties of the steel in the multiphase condition under deforma- were cooled in air. The structure formed in the steel in this
tion is necessary for effective control of the process of strain way was represented by low-carbon martensite. To obtain a
hardening and formation of the specified combination of refined multiphase structure, the steel was heated in the ITR
properties. The difficulties of the solution of this task are to 800°C, held for 2 h, and then quenched in air. The pro-
connected with complexity of the structure of multiphase cesses of structure formation in such a treatment have been
quenched steels and hence with variety of the ways of its studied in detail in [7]. It has been shown that the occurrence
possible evolution during plastic deformation [8]. For exam- of an incomplete phase transformation under the heating
1 yields after the cooling a multiphase structure consisting of
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia
76% martensite with layers of retained austenite and 24%
Perm Research Technological Institute, Perm, Russia. isolated regions of a high-tempered a-phase with some dis-
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia. persed carbide particles.

0026-0673/20/0910-0610 © 2020 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
Evolution of Structure and Properties of Multiphase Low-Carbon Steel During Cold Radial Forging 611

After the quenching, the bars were subjected to cold neous and consists of a dispersed mixture of martensite and
plastic deformation by radial forging in a radial compacting ferrite (Fig. 1a ).
machine with the following parameters: the speed of feeding After the cold deformation by radial forging with
of the billet 180 mm/min, the speed of its rotation 25 rpm, e = 20 – 60% the microstructure changes in the cross section
the impact rate of the strikers 1000 impacts per minute. Dur- of the bar, which is manifested in different etching of local
ing the forging, the deformation source was cooled continu- regions (Fig. 1b, d, and f ). The dark regions 1 have a deve-
ously with water. The degree of the plastic deformation was loped substructure in contrast to the light regions 2 (Fig. 1b
20, 40 and 60% and was determined for each pass from the and d ). After the deformation with e = 20%, the structure ex-
change in the cross sectional area of the bar with respect to hibits individual grain boundaries and boundaries of marten-
the initial size. site packets (Fig. 1b ). After the deformation with e = 40 and
After each treatment variant, we conducted mechanical 60% the packet-lath pattern of the structure disappears
tests for uniaxial tension using an INSTRON-SATEC 300LX (Fig. 1d and f ).
universal hydraulic system (specimens of type III, No. 7, Considerable changes occur in the longitudinal section of
GOST 1497–84) and for impact bending (specimens of kind the bars too. After the deformation with e = 20% the struc-
T, type 17 with concentrator, GOST 9457–78) using a KM-30 tural components have no manifested directions (Fig. 1c ),
pendulum impact machine. We measured the hardness of the but at e = 40% is already distinguishable (Fig. 1e ) and at
bars in cross sections in two mutually perpendicular diamet-
e = 60% (Fig. 1g ) we observe a banded structure.
ral directions by the Vickers method according to GOST
Figures 2 and 3 present the fine structure of the initial
2999–75 using an IT 5010 device at a load of 5 kgf/mm2.
and deformed steel 10Kh3G3MFS. In the initial condition
We conducted macro- and micro-fractographic analyses
(after quenching from the upper part of the ITR) we observe
of the steel. The macrofractures were studied using an
isolated light ferrite layers inside the former austenite grains
OLYMPUS SZX-16 optical microscope at magnifications up
heated for quenching (Fig. 2a ); these layers formed as a re-
to ´ 100. The images were processed using the Olympus sult of tempering of the initial martensite are arranged inside
StreamMotion v.1.8 software. The microfractures were stu- the martensite skeleton and bear some carbide particles. The
died using a Hitachi S-3400N scanning electron microscope internal structure of the ferrite layers is characterized by
for the specimens tested for impact toughness. We studied presence of dislocations located chiefly in dislocation sub-
the regions where the fracture occurred under a plane-strain boundaries. Polyhedral martensitic regions are present on the
condition (the flat regions of the fractures). The proportion of boundaries of the former austenite grains and initial packets
the structural components (dimples and facets) was deter- (Fig. 2c ). Inside the martensitic regions of a lamellar shape
mined by the method of point analysis of the images [12]. we detect layers of retained austenite (Fig. 2b ).
We studied the microstructure of the bars in transverse The fine structure of the steel after the cold deformation
and longitudinal directions using an Olympus GX 51 optical
with e = 20% in the longitudinal section of the bar is charac-
inverted microscope at a magnification of up to ´ 1000 for terized by presence of dislocation clusters in the form of
microsections etched in a 4% alcoholic solution of nitric wide bands (Fig. 2d ). The dark-field analysis has shown
acid. We also investigated the microstructure at resolution on presence of retained austenite in individual fields of view be-
thin foils with the help of a FEI Tecnai 20 G2 TWIN trans- tween martensite laths and in polyhedral martensite regions
mission electron microscope at an accelerating voltage of (Fig. 2e and f ).
200 kV. We determined the phase composition of the steel
The structure of the steel deformed with e = 40% exhi-
with the help of micro-diffraction and dark-field analysis
bits metal volumes oriented over the direction of the defor-
[13, 15]. The foils were prepared by standard electropo-
mation (Fig. 3a ). The internal structure of such bands is ho-
lishing procedures [13 – 15] in cross sections of the bars for
mogeneous and broken into fragments by dislocation boun-
the initial condition and in longitudinal sections after the de-
daries. The microdiffraction patterns contain reflections from
formation. The electron micrographs were used to determine
the austenite (Fig. 3b ).
the scalar dislocation density by the linear-intercept method
When the degree of the deformation is increased to 60%,
with allowance for the invisibility of dislocations [14] and we observe formation of a banded structure (Fig. 3c ) in the
the average transverse size of the substructure components whole of the volume of the steel and refinement of the strain
(cells in the a-phase for the initial condition and strain cells) cells. Reflections from retained austenite are absent in the
using the Olympus StreamMotion v.1.8 software. The data microdiffraction patterns (Fig. 3d ).
obtained were processed statistically. The deformation treatment of the steel is accompanied
by decrease of the characteristic component of the substruc-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ture, i.e., the mean size of the strain cells decreases to 67 nm,
and the interval of their size distribution becomes narrower
Evolution of Micro- and Substructure
(Fig. 4). The enhancement of the refinement of the structure
The microstructure of steel 10Kh3G3MFS in the initial with increase in the degree of the deformation is accompa-
condition obtained by quenching from the ITR is homoge- nied by growth in the scalar dislocation density (Fig. 5a ).
612 T. Yu. Barsukova et al.

à 20 mm b c

1 Fig. 1. Microstructure of steel

10Kh3G3MFS in transverse (a, b, d,
2 f ) and longitudinal (c, e, g; the arrow
points in the direction of the deforma-
tion) sections of the bar: a) initial
condition (quenching from 800°C);
b, c) after radial forging with defor-
mation e = 20%; d, e) e = 40%; f, g )
2 e = 60%; M ) martensite; F ) ferrite;
1, 2 ) regions of enhanced and re-
d e f
duced etching, respectively.

à b 220g c


500 nm 500 nm 500 nm

d e f 200g

500 nm 500 nm 500 nm

Fig. 2. Fine structure of steel 10Kh3G3MFS in the initial condition after quenching from the intercritical temperature range (a – c) and
after deformation with e = 20% (d – e): a, c, d, e) light-background images; b, f ) dark-background images in reflections 220g and 200g of
the austenite, respectively; M ) martensite; F ) ferrite; A ) austenite; D ) dislocation clusters.
Evolution of Structure and Properties of Multiphase Low-Carbon Steel During Cold Radial Forging 613

à b

500 nm (211)a 500 nm

c d

500 nm (110)a 500 nm

Fig. 3. Fine structure of steel 10Kh3G3MFS after quenching from the ITR and 40% (a, b ) and 60%
(c, d ) deformation: a, c) light-background image; b, d ) dark-background image.

n, % n, %
40 40
à b
30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0

d, nm d, nm
n, % n, %
60 60
50 c 50 d
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0

d, nm d, nm

Fig. 4. Size distribution of dislocation cells in the initial condition in the a-phase (a) and after quenching from the ITR and 20% (b ), 40% (c)
and 60% (d ) deformation: a) means size of the cells d = 496 ± 178 nm; b ) 245 ± 105 nm; c) 125 ± 54 nm; d ) 67 ± 28 nm.
614 T. Yu. Barsukova et al.

d, mm rd ´ 1013, m – 2 P, kN
0.8 4 40
à b

0.6 3 30 40%
20% 0%

0.4 2 20

0.2 d 1 10

0 20 40 60 0 5 10 15 20
e, % Dl, %

KCT, s0.2 ; sr , HV5,

ÌJ/m2 ÌPà d; y, % kgf/mm2
0.8 2000 80
c d 500

1500 60
s0.2 60%

0.4 1000 40 40%


KCT 20%
500 20
0 0 300
0 20 40 60 10 5 0 5 10
e, % h, mm
Fig. 5. Parameters of microstructure (a) and results of mechanical tests (b – d ) of steel 10Kh3H3MFS:
a) dependences of the mean transverse size of cells d and dislocation density rd on the degree deforma-
tion; b ) stress-strain diagrams (the degree of radial forging is given at the curves); c) dependences of me-
chanical properties on the degree of deformation; d ) variation of hardness in cross sections of bars (h is
the distance from the middle of the bar over the radius).

Mechanical Properties Variation of mechanical properties of steel

10Kh3G3MFS (Fig. 5c ) quenched from the ITR with in-
The stress-strain diagrams of the deformed specimens crease of the degree of cold deformation from 0 to 60% is
have a form typical for steels in high-strength condition characterized by growth of the ultimate strength sr from
(Fig. 5b ). The diagram has no region of uniform plastic 1345 to 1860 MPa and decrease of the ductility parameters d
strain. The region of elastic strain is followed by a well mani- from 12.0 to 6.8% and y from 62 to 45%. The effect of the
fested stress maximum corresponding to the ultimate strength. deformation on the parameter characterizing the reliability of
Graphic determination of the yield strength in accordance the material, i.e., the value of the KCT, presents interest. Ac-
with GOST 1497–84 by plotting a straight line parallel to the cording to the data of [16, 17], radial forging with e = 60% of
region of elastic strain through the abscissa e = 0.2% is in- steels 10Kh3G3MF and 10Kh3G3MFT with martensitic
correct, because it intersects the stress-strain curve in the re- structure promotes growth of the impact toughness as com-
gion of localized strain. For this reason, we assume that the pared to the initial condition. In our study, radial forging
conventional yield strength is equal to the ultimate tensile caused decrease in the impact toughness KCT from 0.76 to
strength (Fig. 5c ). 0.23 MJ/m2. The difference between our results and the data
Evolution of Structure and Properties of Multiphase Low-Carbon Steel During Cold Radial Forging 615

à 3 mm b 3 mm c 3 mm d 3 mm

1 1 1

2 2

e 20 mm f 20 mm g 20 mm h 20 mm

Fig. 6. Fractures [1 ) dimples; 2 ) facets] of specimens of steel 10Kh3G3MFS with type T concentrator after im-
pact bending tests: a, e) initial condition; b, c, d, f, g, h ) after radial forging; b, f ) e = 20%; c, g ) e = 40%; d, h ) 60%.

of [16, 17] is connected with the difference in the structural “superposition” of strain fields under radial forging, as a re-
states of the steels before forging. The multiphase structure sult of which the core of the bar is deformed more and its
of steel 10Kh3G3MFS obtained by quenching from the ITR hardness increases [18].
contains some retained austenite that seems to undergo a Figure 6 presents fractures of specimens with a T-type
strain-induced polymorphic transformation yielding car- concentrator after testing for impact bending. In the initial
bon-enriched martensite encountered in the structure in the condition, the crack propagates by the mechanism of brittle
form of thin layers, which should embrittle the metal. It fracture (Fig. 6a and d ). After cold radial forging with de-
should be noted that the curve describing the dependence of gree 20%, the area of the flat part of the fracture surface in-
the impact toughness KCT on the degree of cold plastic de- creases (Fig. 6b ). In this case, fracture develops primarily by
formation for steel 10Kh3G3MFS has a minimum at e = 20% the mechanism of quasi-cleavage (Fig. 6f ), because the
quasi-cleavage facets take 74% of the fractured area. When
(Fig. 5c ). With growth of the degree of the deformation the
the degree of the deformation is increased to 40%, the
martensitic transformation finishes, the uniformity of the dis-
macrostructure of the fracture acquires unevenness, which
tribution of the crystal structure defects improves, and a
may be classified as presence of macro-splits (Fig. 6c ) [19].
banded structure appears. It can be seen from Fig. 5c that
The content of facets in the microstructure decreases to 70%
when the degree of the deformation e is increased from 20 to (Fig. 6g ). Thus, we may speak about gradual growth of the
60%, the impact toughness of the steel increases. area fractured by the mechanism of merging of micro-voids
The gradient state of the material created under the effect with growth of the degree of the deformation. The brittle
of cold plastic deformation is characterized by growth of the fracture behavior is replaced by a mixed brittle-ductile be-
hardness of the central part of the cross section of the bar havior.
(Fig. 5d ). The nonuniformity of the distribution of the hard- The state of the steel after cold radial forging is interme-
ness over the diameter of the bar increases with the degree of diate in the cycle of the thermal deformation treatment. We
the deformation. The difference in the hardness values in the plan to study the processes of variation of structure and pro-
central and edge zones of the bar amounts to 9% for e = 20% perties in deformed steel 10Kh3G3MFS under heat treatment
and to 14% for e = 60%. This is explainable by the effect of and to determine the possibility of formation of high me-
616 T. Yu. Barsukova et al.

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