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JMama tn

.C.T.E., TVM
tama loay ounv inwolvtng parl
Gtsuek tootd ohich
wiltn fo aloss to porfootm; t u a

mearns adluin. Jhe oigin ok(uesun theahe is Buppos2cl

Abe foun.d u cdnicnt 6neece. BAama pdbaky

n tcinacnt Gacce kom the festivals, honosing ionts,
he 61Aeek btod oltlilt and sne. Aamas Annpl
ckned o as koim kuiou ohuel is RprLSeulLd in
porhorwm.oute a a Ehcalve, nadio 0 V and n Ang ok
m usical ete
16 puikoaning ais guch 0s play, núme, balet,
ho wod okama alo means 1 do.

Ohe blend th dhoma ,0kt and edataion

has been thoe sinte the time th Plalo Aaslid his udcadomy
fe bekaued thot vgoaming a udeut ust abeut
i. nct enough, a Aovd hachev has o indute he
abdalg ciital inkung and le tmpostanu chalue
thealu leoth ane
eduahen in o Bmdevt Riama and
buvotol oullut fov el xpukieN and wsing diama as a
inolued in oueu e
Aeaching zot, sladenls
st inteiechually, phagiaMy, 8ptially o emehomallye
deuama and t educoihen
Aonds to hoiski keaoning, atcelosatts peunalilg
and umpants Aludenis noit otutial ka
skilk, Aaadesship and on
phoblerns sdleing

Clasgiom teadhing
ucte is an invaluable tcbnique
Teachon in
Bhapung tho dramali pusus and dveleping duclenls
sde nv Aelaluon
toining dhe keachor fauklale askums an
b Ahu puplk. dhe liathuw able ko paxdiuipal dsuetiy into
dan.olui puCOR and inglhucu fmom lhe Uside -his nialkos tt
posbte pwxnt chalengng and ceubiouetsial pctnls ch wew
and oimuli hought, dis(wsien and akien oy ptupils. Ta. in
MDle does not huquire qveot aclung skuls 4t caun be Aten ashe
edens ton th the ev chavnqwg fük play that we all exponievne
whelhor as paxunt, Jeahos,Bhudent coleagae O On. d
hiolgg ovdlues Atrppuvg into A0mt oneelbe thoU o put fonuad
bh pountd i n du e oe doni b{ Bubtly hangiua

tpathuns tone and lody language. Jo tommunicat emotn

mufhcds n
attivnlios and
Usnq drana
tovfnibudea fut ond exiling tavinq
Teadhing ca Aeaning ospits
and tah maku tnan he Atasu o% bobing
and engagthg. fmightbedun that
oatheus plaw
apioathale students
than hunmokisingq llowing
Xougo enphaus upon deud aabhes
and hundu 6h mavny
Ao enqage wrih tho ubjet an mone tollaborafiue
thsoucl huadog 4oups, Altosy elang and aeling Rudoital
CLCn Sntfu,toguaphital pArtovin.
lauhing ubjeud with the quidane oh duauma wethd
RUnd approadhts a n abo hrh &ludents do gain eatie piAenoBilvng
potnideu thene witho plaffrano to queshon isuEs and ssponel i
avd autiuikes all hthe tine tuough
Gdra whout undtugeing uilten
gsovp, diama iuhnique in the tlastovm, syu deudlop hoty
WORihg then ith buu vojt
tANbalTnd hom-exinal temotunicahon by poudng
cavn helps
und bedly (onguae s well as buildung te-cperaton. Ino
sluideus ho dl ts otalrd, and enoud age hzn to ely anciia

thetosning eniaonnaot

egrate DaNa i
he classo oI
Keam eny
HOwna ornd ofhev coatuie app Aoaches 1o puposcs. Jhe
pLeNde mysiad t dilfpent Jeuys ovu vanuely
wam ps monologus, hustbaie
Avauicus methods an Bhe dkanmwov
0-enautrwnt and o o
Dnama warm-ups
teachws tonsidu heaies and dhama basrd ydn
he guatine wtn
ihinkng skulls,alpng pAtu
ups ane also usehl n enhanng studius
and eallinghos afluvrton bt Retww
telan ngsluudeilb dam- en be o uv And ttimaulcin
Bmply tt the atmosphne. ups
udedo wtv leasning 'sthout quwping head Gout pino
way tsing
1ignonubuy and testa tDsosionr.

MonoloquesAionologues enakte studenb to aep inside a keu kiauaus

an entily 3his tlioclpLoüLdes
Shot Bu &0rubody k posthbn o emhody monölequL D
a nesh way o dncuVsandug the topii and stahtng the
thuù posenfolien skall.
theo pevs wl aho dlp to düuelep

Historical enactmet o 4c evonlo

he sudenlo
istoruuad ALENact medt Melps
tuious and it aboo enuouags
and eros in Mistvg om Piaent potnt of
feam wonk and toopoations n sndonts
radhes can nulcate
sually all hese metheds
tlameowm Xenthing
pelpaming dsama pr at m

Wody dongunge
Qccent altta chie gestuses
.enphasis adequate uchons
paL Bteady body
9inythm chen body podlive
pause Ahaiuht indg
8padial kilts
Volume .pesthiovin
eSOnante blãge spaue toexage
pate oh walkiung
enefits of
cot3rria and art n
Classnoontt feadhin
1ratltat a beitr densving eniremwment
Qe tsdnna gionafien
3 necass partcipanen
pants oht skils
Engaqes tarnEu in ptoklen solvong
iuDe Bistouwe
Osking and konning
Meaningfl Juaoming thsough symbois
bMetival hanes to beuome Pitliial hinkets
dhusxe. 090 Bhe main lscnugbs e drnwma. and
ppnkowning ts in desmoD cauhing
ConebusioI lo
RAama qarlonmitiq aab tauiHulp tachux
ust dioma,
Jnteract utlh the atuduut mat thutuuly. Tuaduv can
As ehckae tommuritafion- Jby usmg tluse
mtfhods tiadhur
Carn casdy tak1 altealien fhom the Abudenl,. H makes topia

nlceseel to studenls. m-tot potating dsama int the cianmanm

dou nat Raue to ke adhicned thsonga he most ealsavagunt o
teachina plan ts ouengn lamge aale and tme nsuniung pqRo
the smalest adwshis ean make a uge vmpa
outimus en

he Peonls usinq Brana tdetuitiu in the clasLoDm
9ulktoved fvm l . ehudy con, bu 08, Apil,aDa
3 he mpcslänu ch dama n the alademit ptotes
ALiaiuedom wwlo Sheulaut uk egl/aon4 on 0a,Ap

Aamo amd theadh ap a lonchung Aopl acbuna

aD w - mndu.tOn Dn Apil, 0 3,20.y

RAama i the damoom sttuieucel yo

wotao-p taguL youlhytheatre. wol puUs. (o0 Dv

O Apsul b12.

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