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Daniella Sanchez

Professor Mangione
Art 100

Chapter 1 - Assignment 1

1. Enter the approximate dates for these periods:

Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) art: c. 30,000 BCE to c. 8,000 BCE

Neolithic (New Stone Age) art: c. 8,000 BCE to c. 2,300 BCE

2. List a couple of major changes that marked the shift from the Paleolithic period to the
Neolithic period. (list at least two)

Architecture and Art

3. Describe the following artworks using the listed points as a guide. (5-7 sentences)

Nude woman (Venus of Willendorf), from Willendorf, Austria

● Period (date): 24,000-22,000 BCE

● Medium/Materials: Limestone and red ochre
● Subject: Woman/Fertility
● Stylistic features: Big body (breasts, abdomen, legs, etc.)
● Probable function: To represent the high fertility of women because it
represented survival

Venus of Willendorf is a prehistoric artwork from the upper paleolithic era dating from
24,000 to 22,000 B.C.E. Venus of Willendorf was created by carving limestone and tinted
with red ochre. This artwork represents the fertility of women by showing wide
attributes of the feminine body. Fertility was important back then due to the fact that it
meant the survival of men, which made women be respected and worshipped.

4. Describe the following artworks using the listed points as a guide. (3-5 sentences)

Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England (Fig. 1-20)

● Period: 3,000-1,520 BCE

● Location: Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England
● Materials and construction techniques: wooden stakes and ropes, dug up
holes and placed stones inside them.

Stonehenge is one of the most famous monuments of art from the neolithic era. Its date
of creation ranges from 3,000 to 1,520 BCE in Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England. The
materials that were believed to be used for Stonehenge are wooden stakes and fibre
ropes. One of the techniques that explain how it was created was that holes were dug
and the slates of stone were placed in them.

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