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Multiple Choices: Read the following and choose the correct answer.

1. A circuit which transmit the message to the signaling apparatus.

a. Sensor
b. trigger device
c. transmission line
d. enunciator
2. A kind of alarm which detects any sound caused by attempted force entry
a. Vibration detection device
b. Laser beam alarm
c. Electric eye devise
3. What is the signaling system that activates the alarm?
a. Sensor
b. Trigger device
c. Transmission line
d. Enunciator
4. This system consists of ringing up a visual or audible alarm near the object to be
a. Central station system
b. Local alarm
c. Auxiliary alarm
d. Proprietary system
5. A kind of alarm wherein a visible or an invisible beam is emitted and when this is
disturbed or when an intruder breaks contact with the beam, it will activate the
a. Metallic foil
b. Vibration detection device
c. Photoelectric beam or electric eye device
d. Laser beam alarm
6. A type of protective alarm wherein the currency activation device are placed in the
teller’s cash drawer and connected to the alarm system using a wire connector.
a. Foot rail activator
b. Foot button
c. Bill trap
d. Knee or thigh button
7. A type of protective alarm system where the central station is located outside the
a. Auxiliary system
b. Central station system
c. Local alarm system
d. Proprietary system
8. What is the alarm system where in buildings or compounds, all possible point of
entry can be wired by using electrically charge strips of tinfoil wire?
a. Breaking an electrical circuit through a metallic foil or wire
b. Interruption of light beam of photo
c. Detecting sound and vibration through an audio detection device
d. Vibration detection device
9. These systems derive their operating principle usually from a physical phenomenon
known as “Doppler effect” constant sound waves in a cubicle disturbed by an object
will cause change of frequency and wave motion thereby causing an alarm to trigger.
a. Interruption of light beam of photo
b. Space and motion detectors
c. Penetration of an electron or electromagnetic fence
d. Foot rail activator
10. This type of alarm is done by requiring on both side of the device and therefore the
probability of accidental alarm is reduced.
a. Bill traps
b. Foot button
c. Knee or thigh button
d. Double squeeze button
11. What is alarm transmission system where as many as 15 alarm transmitters may
send alarm to a single receiving panel at the central station over the same time and
each alarm has a distinct code.
a. Direction wire systems
b. Multiplex system
c. Circuit party systems
d. Digital communicator
12. What is alarm transmission system where a pre-recorded verbal message is sent to a
central station, answering service, or police department when an alarm is detected?
a. Radio signal transmission
b. Digital communication
c. Video verification
d. Direct wire system
13. This is widely used to detect glass breakage in show windows, doors and the transom
(casement). When the glass cracks and breaks the foil, it interrupts the low-voltage
electrical circuit and activates the alarm.
a. Wooden screens
b. Glass break detectors
c. Metallic foil (window tape)
d. Window screens
14. These are installed on the surface of the door panels and safes are protected against
entry by installing a close lacelike pattern of metallic foil or a fine brittle wire on the
a. Lace and paneling
b. Wooden screens
c. Metallic foil (window tape)
d. Door switches
15. This uses ultrasound (sound of very high frequency) to detect motion.
a. Infrared rays
b. Ultrasonic
c. Microwave
d. Video

1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. D
11. C
12. C
13. B
14. D
15. B

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