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The philosopher Francis Bacon put forward his Baconian method in his 1620 book ,Novum Organum .

Use in scientiflic enquiry and was one of

the driving forces behind the scientific revolution . Possibly the most famous of all British scientists , Isaac Newton , the 1687 publication of his
Principia Mathematica , which ushers in what is recognisable as modern physics . He is most famous for realising the gravity . It is commonly
reported that he made this realisation when he was sitting underneath an apple tree and was hit on the head by a falling apple ; this story is ,
however , apocryphal . He is also famous as the father of classical niechanics , formulated as his three laws and as the co – inventor ( with
Gottfried Leibniz ) of differential calculus . Less famously , he also created the binomial theorem , worked extensively on optics , and created a
law of cooling . James Joule , who discovery of the principle of conservation of energy .Charles Darwin , author of On the Origin of Species and
discoverer of the principle of evolution by natural selection , transformed the conception of the people regarding natural history and changed
man’s way of thinking on the problems of human

. Technologically , the UK is also amongst the world’s leaders . Historically , it was at the forefront of the industrial revolution , with innovations
especially in textiles , the steam engine , railroads and civil engineering . Alan Turing , Frank Whittle ( inventor of the jet engine ) , Charles
Babbage ( who devised the idea of the computer ) and Alexander Fleming ( discoverer of penicillin ) were all British. Nowadays, The UK remains
one of the leading providers of technological innovations today , providing inventions as diverse as the World Wide Web and Viagra ( created by
Tim Berners – Lee and Pfizer respectively ) .


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