Oedipus Rex Questions PDF

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Oedipus Rex​ Questions:

Pages 1-23

1. What gifts do the people of Thebes offer to the gods? Why?

Branches wrapped in wool. To get rid of the plague.

2. What does the Oracle say must be driven out of Thebes?

The murderer

3. Whom does Creon say killed Laius?


4. Why didn’t the people of Thebes investigate Laius’ murder?

They thought the curse of the sphinx was more important

5. What does Oedipus criticize the people of Thebes for?

That they didn’t immediately start looking for the killer of their king, until a

plague was upon them.

6. What does Oedipus accuse Tiresias of?

Killing Laius.

7. Whom does Tiresias say murdered Laius?


8. How does Oedipus react to Tiresias’ comment about his parents?

He gets angry.

9. What does the Chorus decide to do after hearing Tiresias and


The chorus decides to wait for proof.

10. What does Oedipus think Creon is trying to do?

Opedipus thinks Creon is trying to steal the throne.

11. What does Jocasta convince Oedipus to do to Creon?

Jocasta convinces Oedipus to forgive Creon and send him home.

12.What does Jocasta say about prophets?

She says that prophets are not true

13.Why did Oedipus flee Corinth?

An oracle said he was going to kill his father

14.Where did Oedipus kill the part of travelers?

At the same spot Laius was killed.

15.Who survived the attack in which Laius was killed?

A shepherd

16.Why is Jocasta happy that Polybus is dead?

Because it means the oracle was false

17. Why does the messenger tell Oedipus about Polybus and Merope?

The messenger says that Polybus and Merope are dead and they want him to be


18.What did the messenger find years ago on Mount Cithaeron?

A baby with its legs tied together.

19.Why does Oedipus think Jocasta doesn’t want to find out about

Oedipus’ parents?

He thinks that Jocasta thinks that he is poor and ashamed of him.

20. Why did Jocasta give the shepherd her and Laius’ child?

An oracle said the child would kill his father one day
21. How does Jocasta die?

Jocasta kills herself.

22. What does Oedipus do with the pins in Jocasta’s robes?

Oedipus stabs himself in the eyes, losing his vision.

23. What does Oedipus ask the Thebans to do to him?

Oedipus asks them to

24. Whom does Oedipus ask to take care of his daughters

Oedipus asks Creon to take care of his daughters.

25. What does the chorus say is the only thing that can bring peace?

Death is the only thing that can bring peace.

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