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ALTERNATIVE Accreditation and

Community Learning
LEARNING Program Equivalency (A
Learning Facilitator LE and AE
Teaching Date & Time Communication
Skills (English)
Demonstrate understanding of information heard to
A. Content Standard make meaningful decisions, as well as understanding of
text elements to see the relationship between known and
new information to facilitate comprehension.
Performance Standard A: Listen attentively and critically

in English to be able to function effectively as a member

B. Performance Standard of the family, the community, the
nation, and the world and to participate in community
and economic development
Identify cause and/or effect of events/ relationship
State the effects of a given cause / the cause of a given
C. Learning Competencies
Identify several effects based on a given cause
A. Subject Matter Cause and Effect Relationship
B. Learning Resources
tarpapel, manila paper, scotch tape, scissor, glue, meta
C. Materials cards, laptop, projector

Preliminary Activities
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
Good morning, everyone! Good morning, Ma’am!
Before we start, may I request a volunteer to please
(A learner will lead the prayer.)
lead the prayer.
You may now take your seats. Thank you, Ma’am.
Let us first check the attendance. Don’t forget to log
(The learners will write on the attendance sheet)
your name in the attendance sheet.
How is everyone today? Is it good so far? (Learners answer may vary)
Well today, we are going to discuss a new topic for
Yes, Ma’am!
LS1 English. Are you all ready?

Okay, without further ado let us start our lesson with a

game called “Act and Guess”
Group yourselves into two and each member of the (The learners will group themselves.)
group will be in front and pick a strip of paper from the
box and he/she will act out the written word on it while Yes, Ma’am.
the other members of the group will guess. Each group
will have 2 minutes to do the task and the group who
will get the high score will win. So are you ready?

One, two, three, go! (Learners will perform the task. Each group will be
given 2 minutes each.)
Good job, everyone! Thank you for actively (Learners will clap their hands.)
participating. Let’s give an applause to the winners and
of course to the other group. I will give the prizes later Thank you, Ma’am.
Base from the words that your classmates had act out
or that you’ve guess, what can you say about it? Answers may vary

Does this happened in daily life? Answers may vary

Have you experience it? Or doing it? Answers may vary
Okay, thank you for sharing everyone. Those words
that you’ve act out/guess are the causes or effect of a
certain situation.
Please stay within your group for we will still have an
activity, okay? And each group will have the meta Yes, Ma’am.
cards and marker.
I have here the pictures of words/situations that I will
flash in the screen. I want you to tell me what will be
the possible cause or effect of that situation by writing
your answer on the meta cards. You can write your
Yes, Ma’am!
answer in English, tagalog or bisaya or any dialect you
are comfortable with as long as everyone can
understand. The fastest group with correct answers will
win. Okay, let’s start!

Cause: Dynamite Fishing/Illegal fishing

Effect: Killing small fishes and destruction of coral reefs

Cause: Illegal logging/Deforestation

Effect: Floods/landslides

Cause: Throwing garbage in the river/sea/anywhere

Effect: water pollution

Cause: oil spill

Effect: poisoning of fishes and other marine lives

Cause: eating too much sweets

Effect: tooth cavity
Cause: too much cigarette smoking
Effect: lung cancer/health problems

Cause: eating too much junk food

Effect: unhealthy body/malnutrition

Cause: eating healthy foods/vegetables/fruits

Effect: healthy body

Cause: exercise
Effect: healthy and strong body

How do you find the activity? Answers may vary
What did you feel while doing it? Answers may vary
What can you say about the pictures shown? Answers may vary
Do these happened in our environment? Do you
Answers may vary
experience any of it?
These are the cause and effect relationship that are
common/happening in our environment and also to our
daily activities.
Today, we are going to tackle about cause and effect
relationship. First, let us know what a cause is and
what effect is.
"Cause and effect" is a relationship between events or
things, where one is the result of the other or others.
This is a combination of action and reaction.
Something happens (a cause) that leads to an effect. 

Example of Cause and Effect:

 Cause: I never brush my teeth. Effect: I have (During the discussion, the learners will listen and
5 cavities. participate if there are certain questions asked and at the
 Cause: I've smoked cigarettes daily for 20 same time take down notes if necessary.)
years. Effect: I have lung cancer.
 Cause: He broke his arm. Effect: The doctor
put it in a cast.
 Cause: I flipped the light switch. Effect: The
light came on.
 Cause: A child eats only junk food and never
does anything active. Effect: The child is

Cause and Effect Examples in Sentences

 John made a rude comment, so Elise hit him.

 I had to get the mop since I spilled my juice.
 We were late because the alarm was not set.
 The clouds are dark because it is going to rain.
 A tornado blew the roof off the house, and as a
result, the family had to find another place to

(During the discussion, the learners will listen and
participate if there are certain questions asked and at the
same time take down notes if necessary.)

The cause is the action or the reason why something

happened while the effect is the reaction or the result
of the cause. In sentences, signal words are used to
determine/separate the cause and effect.

Yes Ma’am.
Okay, let’s try. Everyone please get a piece of paper or
(The learners will start answering.)
even your notebook and answer this one.
What is the What is the
What is the What is the
cause? effect?
cause? effect?
If you train
If you train you train your he will follow
your dog, he
your dog, he dog commands
will follow
will follow
I skipped lunch
I skipped lunch I skipped lunch I am extremely
today, so I am
today, so I am today hungry this
extremely evening
hungry this
hungry this
I have difficulty
I have difficulty my last I have difficulty
trusting people
trusting people boyfriend lied a trusting people
because my last
because my last lot
boyfriend lied a
boyfriend lied a
She forgot to
She forgot to She forgot to they all died
water her
water her water her plants
plants, so they
plants, so they
all died.
all died.
He did not
He did not He did not he failed it
study for the
study for the study for the
test at all, so he
test at all, so he test at all
failed it.
failed it.
Very Good! It seems like that you really understand
our lesson for today. I know that you are all ready for a Yes, Ma’am.
I have here a test paper wherein you will write your Yes, Ma’am.
answer. Please get one and pass. For test 1, you will
identify the cause and effect, you will underline the (The learners will start answering the quiz)
cause and encircle the effect. On test 2, you will give
the appropriate cause or effect for each situation. And
for test 3, you will give the possible cause or effect of
the given situation.

Well done for today, everyone! For your additional
task I want you to bring labels/instructions/recipes
Yes, Ma’am.
from medicines/packages/sachets/cookbooks/
magazines that you can get and bring it next meeting.

Okay everyone, thank you for today! Let us all stand

Goodbye, Ma’am!
and pray. Class dismiss, see you next meeting.

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