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Rev. Date Description
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04 July 2019 First edition

IMQ S.p.A.




GMM Kalos powered by Canon
SM-PN001C-EN, Rev 04 Service manual

Table of contents

1. General notes ..................................................................................................... 8

1.1. Typographic conventions .......................................................................................... 9
1.2. Warning symbols on the system ............................................................................. 10
1.3. Applicable standards and compliance ..................................................................... 12
1.4. Classification (IEC 60601-1) ..................................................................................... 12
1.5. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) ...................................................................... 13

2. System description ........................................................................................... 17

2.1. System Configuration ............................................................................................. 17
2.2. Accessories ............................................................................................................ 17
2.3. Applications and methods of use ............................................................................ 18

3. Technical data .................................................................................................. 19

3.1. Power supply ......................................................................................................... 19
3.2. Thermal dissipations .............................................................................................. 20
3.3. Weights and dimensions ........................................................................................ 20
3.4. Performance characteristics ................................................................................... 29
3.5. Compatibility with other accessories ...................................................................... 31

4. Labelling ........................................................................................................... 32
4.1. Identification and compliance labels....................................................................... 32
4.2. Warning Labels ...................................................................................................... 34

5. Storage and use ................................................................................................ 36

5.1. Packing .................................................................................................................. 36
5.2. Storage conditions ................................................................................................. 36
5.3. Use conditions ....................................................................................................... 36

6. Room preliminary requirements ....................................................................... 37

6.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 37
6.2. Accessories for installation ..................................................................................... 37
6.3. Room requirements ............................................................................................... 38
6.4. System cables......................................................................................................... 43
6.5. System grounding .................................................................................................. 44
6.6. Input line and emergency circuit............................................................................. 45
6.7. Input line voltage selection .................................................................................... 53

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7. Installation ....................................................................................................... 54
7.1. Foreword................................................................................................................ 54
7.2. Ceiling suspension mechanical installation .............................................................. 55
7.2.1. Installation of the iron beams .................................................................................... 55
7.2.2. Installation of the ceiling rails .................................................................................... 59
7.2.3. Mounting the bridge .................................................................................................. 63
7.2.4. Mounting the bridge motorization assembly ............................................................ 78
7.3. Table mechanical installation .................................................................................. 81
7.3.1. System floor fixation .................................................................................................. 81
7.3.2. Fixed 43 x 43 cm flat panel mounting ........................................................................ 87
7.3.3. AEC detector mounting .............................................................................................. 89
7.3.4. Table cover mounting ................................................................................................ 91
7.4. Wall stand mechanical installation .......................................................................... 92
7.4.1. Stand electrical connection ........................................................................................ 93
7.5. Mounting the ceiling suspension cable support ....................................................... 94
7.6. Mounting the x-ray tube ......................................................................................... 96
7.7. Mounting the collimator ......................................................................................... 99
7.8. Mounting the access point .................................................................................... 101
7.9. System cable routing ............................................................................................ 102

8. Interface circuit .............................................................................................. 107

8.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 107
8.2. Castor r generator interface .................................................................................. 108
8.3. Deimos generator interface .................................................................................. 111
8.4. PRIMO image processor interface ......................................................................... 118
8.5. Setting automatic positions into anatomical programs .......................................... 119
8.5.1. Table position ........................................................................................................... 119
8.5.2. Wall stand (vertical) positions.................................................................................. 123
8.5.3. Lateral position on rear side of elevating table ....................................................... 125
8.5.4. Wall stand in horizontal position ............................................................................. 125
8.5.5. Lateral position on front side of elevating table ...................................................... 126
8.5.6. Wi-fi in free positions ............................................................................................... 126
8.5.7. Wi-fi detector on top of patient tabletop ................................................................ 127
8.5.8. Direct mode .............................................................................................................. 127

9. Control circuits & SW utilities ......................................................................... 128

9.1. Foreword.............................................................................................................. 128
9.2. Circuits description ............................................................................................... 128
9.3. Hw jumpers settings ............................................................................................. 129
9.3.1. System arm CPU jumpers setting ............................................................................. 130
9.3.2. System main board (rack) jumpers setting .............................................................. 131
9.3.3. System main board (ceiling suspension) jumpers setting........................................ 132
9.3.4. System TBS interface jumpers setting ..................................................................... 133

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9.3.5. System CAN interface jumpers setting .....................................................................134

9.3.6. System power board jumpers setting ......................................................................135
9.3.7. System driver line protection jumpers setting .........................................................136
9.3.8. System collimator CPU jumpers setting ...................................................................137
9.3.9. System wall bucky keyboard (FM512) jumpers setting ...........................................138
9.3.10. Driver FM713 (DRV01 - ADD4 – CTM Long.) jumpers setting ..................................139
9.3.11. Driver FM713 (DRV02 – ADD3 - CTM Lat.) jumpers setting .....................................140
9.3.12. Driver FM713 (DRV03 – ADD1 – CTM Inc.) jumpers setting ....................................141
9.3.13. Driver FM713 (DRV04 – ADD2 – CTM Rot.) jumpers setting ...................................142
9.3.14. Driver FM713 (DRV06 – ADD5 – TBT Lat.) jumpers setting......................................143
9.3.15. Driver FM713 (DRV07 – ADD6 – TBT Long.) jumpers setting ...................................144
9.3.16. Driver FM713 (DRV08 – ADD8 – WB Tilt.) jumpers setting ......................................145
9.3.17. Driver FM713 (DRV09 – ADD7 - WB Vert.) jumpers setting.....................................146
9.3.18. Driver AKD (CTM Vert) jumper setting .....................................................................147
9.3.19. SUB COMPACT BOARD / SINGLE BOARD COMPUTER GENE-BT05 ......................148
9.4. Service utilities installation................................................................................... 150
9.5. Analog & digital I/O monitoring ............................................................................ 151
9.6. Movements monitoring ........................................................................................ 155
9.7. Saving / restoring the System calibrations ............................................................ 158
9.7.1. EEprom parameters download.................................................................................158
9.7.2. EEprom parameters upload......................................................................................160
9.7.3. EEprom parameters flash edit ..................................................................................162
9.7.4. EEprom parameters flash reset ................................................................................168
9.7.5. EEprom parameters store ........................................................................................169
9.7.6. Graphic Help .............................................................................................................170
9.8. System FW / SW downloads ................................................................................. 172
9.8.1. Ceiling suspension and control unit CPUs FW download .........................................172
9.8.2. Collimator CPU FW download ..................................................................................190
9.8.3. USB-to-CAN CPU FW upgrade ..................................................................................198
9.8.4. Touchscreen Console CPU SW upgrade ...................................................................205
9.9. Drivers programming ........................................................................................... 211
9.9.1. FM713 driver FW download .....................................................................................212
9.9.2. Kollmorgen AKD driver FW download ......................................................................224

10. Calibrations .................................................................................................... 233

10.1. Entering maintenance mode................................................................................. 233
10.2. Settings configuration .......................................................................................... 239
10.2.1. General settings........................................................................................................239
10.2.2. Watchdog Enable setting .........................................................................................239
10.2.3. Nodeguard FM713 / AKD / Consolle Enable setting ................................................240
10.2.4. Synchro Repositioning setting ..................................................................................240
10.2.5. New Collimator setting .............................................................................................241
10.2.6. SSI Encoder Lateral FM713 / SSI Encoder Longitudinal FM713 / SSI Encoder
Incidence / SSI Encoder Rotation setting ....................................................................................241
10.2.7. Ultrasound Enabled setting ......................................................................................242

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10.2.8. Ultrasound MB1010 setting ..................................................................................... 242

10.2.9. Ultrasound URM37 / SRF01 setting ......................................................................... 242
10.2.10. Ultrasound MB1010 Pulse Width setting................................................................. 243
10.2.11. Ultrasound URM37 / SRF01 Pulse Width setting ..................................................... 243
10.2.12. New Detector Homing setting ................................................................................. 243
10.2.13. Cassette Rotation Collimator setting ....................................................................... 243
10.2.14. Collision Brake Enable setting .................................................................................. 244
10.2.15. Manual Anticollision Enable setting ......................................................................... 244
10.2.16. Motorized Movement Check setting ....................................................................... 245
10.2.17. Foot Pedals Enable setting ....................................................................................... 245
10.2.18. Canon Options setting .............................................................................................. 245
10.2.19. Capacitive HandleBars setting.................................................................................. 245
10.2.20. Free Position Option setting .................................................................................... 246
10.2.21. Free........................................................................................................................... 246
10.2.22. Table Present setting................................................................................................ 246
10.2.23. Table Autopositioning Disable setting ..................................................................... 246
10.2.24. Wall Bucky Present setting....................................................................................... 246
10.2.25. Wall Bucky Autopositioning Disable setting ............................................................ 247
10.2.26. Table bucky setting .................................................................................................. 247
10.2.27. Wall Bucky setting .................................................................................................... 250
10.2.28. Saving settings .......................................................................................................... 253
10.3. Mechanical calibrations ........................................................................................ 254
10.3.1. Position of the tube .................................................................................................. 254
10.3.2. Balancing the tube ................................................................................................... 258
10.3.3. Calibration of the strain-gauge ................................................................................ 258
10.4. Siko calibrations ................................................................................................... 259
10.4.1. Longitudinal Siko calibrations .................................................................................. 260
10.4.2. Lateral Siko calibrations ........................................................................................... 267
10.5. Ceilstand calibrations ........................................................................................... 275
10.5.1. Tube longitudinal and transverse runs (x and y)...................................................... 275
10.5.2. Tube vertical run (z) ................................................................................................. 283
10.6. Tube calibrations .................................................................................................. 287
10.6.1. Tube incidence rotation (alpha) ............................................................................... 287
10.6.2. Tube arm rotation (beta) ......................................................................................... 296
10.7. Elevating table calibrations ................................................................................... 306
10.7.1. Elevating table height calibration ............................................................................ 306
10.7.2. Detector transverse and longitudinal end of runs calibration ................................. 308
10.7.3. Lateral Run and Longitudinal Run of the Table Bucky ............................................. 311
10.7.4. Table Length and Width calibration ......................................................................... 311
10.7.5. TBT Longitudinal Gain .............................................................................................. 314
10.7.6. TBT Lateral Gain ....................................................................................................... 321
10.7.7. Other calibrations..................................................................................................... 329
10.8. Bucky stand calibrations ....................................................................................... 331
10.8.1. Vertical bucky stand run........................................................................................... 331
10.8.2. Bucky stand tilting angles ......................................................................................... 336
10.8.3. WB Vertical Gain ...................................................................................................... 344

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10.9. Other calibrations ................................................................................................ 353

10.10. Accessories calibrations........................................................................................ 355
10.10.1. Calibration of accessory 1 ........................................................................................355
10.10.2. Calibration of accessory 2 ........................................................................................366
10.10.3. Calibration of accessory 3 ........................................................................................379
10.10.4. Calibration of accessory 4 ........................................................................................390
10.10.5. Calibration of accessory 5 ........................................................................................407
10.10.6. Calibration of accessory 6 ........................................................................................417
10.11. DAP calibration .................................................................................................... 420
10.11.1. Installing AkCalibrationForDAP tool .........................................................................420
10.11.2. DAP dose calibration ................................................................................................424

11. Collimator calibration ..................................................................................... 436

11.1. Entering collimator service mode ......................................................................... 436
11.2. Collimator default parameters loading ................................................................. 440
11.3. Automatic collimator configuration ...................................................................... 441
11.4. Collimator lateral shutters calibration .................................................................. 443
11.5. Collimator longitudinal shutters calibration .......................................................... 444
11.6. Testing square and round collimation ................................................................... 445
11.7. Manual and motorised filter test .......................................................................... 446
11.8. Simulation light on time selection ........................................................................ 447
11.9. Shutters speed setting .......................................................................................... 448
11.10. Shutters test ........................................................................................................ 449

12. Preventive maintenance ................................................................................. 450

12.1. User maintenance ................................................................................................ 450
12.2. General cleaning and disinfection ......................................................................... 451
12.2.1. Cleaning ....................................................................................................................451
12.2.2. Disinfection ...............................................................................................................452
12.3. Preventive maintenance – schedule ..................................................................... 454
12.4. Preventive maintenance – inspection ................................................................... 456
12.4.1. General .....................................................................................................................456
12.4.2. End switches .............................................................................................................457
12.4.3. Brakes and clutches check ........................................................................................458
12.4.4. Safety ground connection check ..............................................................................458
12.4.5. Beam alignment check in tracking mode .................................................................459
12.4.6. Tracking SID accuracy check .....................................................................................460
12.4.7. Ceiling suspension rails cleaning & lubrication ........................................................460
12.4.8. Ceiling suspension traction belt inspection .............................................................461
12.4.9. Tube vertical travel end switches assy lubrication...................................................462
12.4.10. Ceiling suspension toothed belts inspection ............................................................463
12.4.11. Wall stand traction cable inspection & lubrication ..................................................463
12.4.12. Table docking station toothed belts tension check .................................................464

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13. Corrective maintenance ................................................................................. 466

13.1. Siko magnetic strip replacement ........................................................................... 466
13.2. Ceiling suspension ................................................................................................ 468
13.2.1. Telescopes traction belt replacement ..................................................................... 468
13.2.2. Telescopes vertical movement end switches adjustment ....................................... 468
13.2.3. Lateral movement toothed belt replacement and adjustment ............................... 470
13.2.4. Longitudinal movement toothed belt replacement and adjustment ...................... 471
13.2.5. Longitudinal rail magnetic detector replacement and adjustment ......................... 474
13.2.6. Lateral rails magnetic detector replacement and adjustment ................................ 475
13.2.7. Tube rotation gearmotor replacement and adjustment ......................................... 476
13.2.8. Tube arm rotation gearmotor replacement and adjustment .................................. 477
13.3. Wallstand ............................................................................................................. 478
13.3.1. Wallstand vertical travel potentiometer replacement ............................................ 478
13.3.2. Wallstand vertical travel brake adjustment ............................................................. 479
13.3.3. Wallstand traction cable replacement ..................................................................... 480
13.3.4. Wallstand tilt potentiometer replacement .............................................................. 482
13.4. Autofocusing bucky adjustments .......................................................................... 483
13.4.1. Autofocusing bucky wire rope replacement and adjustment ................................. 483
13.4.2. Autofocusing bucky end switches adjustment and replacement ............................ 486
13.4.3. Autofocusing bucky grid replacement ..................................................................... 489
13.5. Elevating table bucky ............................................................................................ 492
13.5.1. Detector sensing switch mechanical setting ............................................................ 492
13.5.2. SFD rotation end switches mechanical setting ........................................................ 493
13.5.3. SFD rotation motor coupling and replacement ....................................................... 494
13.5.4. Grid sensing switches mechanical setting................................................................ 495
13.5.5. AEC detector replacement ....................................................................................... 496
13.5.6. Docking station longitudinal movement switch adjustment ................................... 498
13.5.7. Docking station lateral movement switch adjustment ............................................ 500
13.5.8. Docking station extraction movement sensing potentiometer replacement ......... 501
13.5.9. Docking station longitudinal movement toothed belt replacement and adjustment
13.5.10. Docking station lateral movement toothed belt replacement and adjustment ..... 503

14. Collimator corrective maintenance ................................................................. 504

14.1. Entering collimator service mode .......................................................................... 504
14.2. Optical switches replacement ............................................................................... 508
14.2.1. X axis optical switch replacement ............................................................................ 508
14.2.2. Y axis optical switch replacement ............................................................................ 511
14.2.3. Manual filters optical switches replacement ........................................................... 513
14.2.4. Motorised filter optical switches replacement ........................................................ 516
14.3. Power LED replacement ........................................................................................ 519
14.4. Cover cross reference adjustment ......................................................................... 523
14.5. X & Y axis stepper motor replacement .................................................................. 524
14.6. Motorised filters motor replacement .................................................................... 529

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14.7. Replacement of the alignment line laser diode ..................................................... 534

15. Demolition and disposal ................................................................................. 536

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1. General notes

Important Note
Although this equipment was designed and manufactured according to the most up-to-date safety
standards, the source of X-rays is always dangerous when the operator is not properly qualified or
trained. Excessive exposure to X-rays damages the human body.
Therefore, all the necessary precautions must be taken to prevent unauthorized or unskilled
personnel from operating this equipment, thus jeopardizing themselves and other people.
Do not use the equipment if you have not received appropriate training in the correct and safe use of
the equipment by the manufacturer or any of his appointed instructors.
Before executing any operation, the persons qualified and authorized to operate this equipment
must be informed about the protection and safety measures established by the International
Committee for Radiological Protection, as well as any other relevant national Standards.
For proper use of this equipment, it is necessary that the operator refer preventively and carefully
to this user manual. Special attention should be paid to the sections concerning user interface,
command functions, application examples and safety recommendations. Incorrect and
inappropriate use of the equipment by poorly qualified personnel, unsuitably and insufficiently
trained can cause fatal accidents.
This system complies with the requirements established by the European Directive 2007/47/EC,
which amends the Directive 93/42/EEC regarding medical devices, and it bears the EC mark stating
the code number identifying the notified body responsible for carrying out the procedures foreseen
for the compliance certification.

IMQ S.p.A.

This is a Class IIb device according to Rule 10 of Annex IX to Directive 93/42/EEC and following
amendments and additions.
The manufacturer declines all responsibilities with regard to the proper functioning of the
equipment, should the installation or the maintenance of it be executed by unauthorized
The X-ray system installation instructions are included in a service manual, which is a separate item
from the Operator’s manual.

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SM-PN001C-EN, Rev 04 Service manual

1.1. Typographic conventions

In order to facilitate the reading of the manual, different styles and types were used.

The text identified by bullets indicates:

• Instructions to be executed according to the sequence specified.

The text in italics inside a frame indicates:

Useful supplementary information for the technician.

The following icons are also used:

It is advisable that extra attention be paid in reading the topics identified with this

The topics identified with this icon regard aspects of safety for the patient and/or the

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Service manual SM-PN001C-EN, Rev 04

1.2. Warning symbols on the system

Warning symbol that indicates potential generic danger for the equipment or
the operator. It invites the operator to check the equipment documentation
for further details.

Warning symbol that invites operators to follow the instructions for using the
device on which the symbol is applied.

Hazard symbol that indicates X-ray radiation exposure.

Warning symbol that indicates electrical components, which are sensitive to

electrostatic discharge.

Warning symbol that indicates live electrical parts with a possible risk of
electric shock.

Warning symbol that indicates that fingers may be crushed.

Warning symbol that indicates that the feet may be crushed.

Symbol of protective earth (ground).

“ON” symbol (power).

“OFF” symbol (power).

“ON” / “OFF” symbol (push-push).

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Symbol of applied part B type.

Symbol of filtration.

Symbol that indicates electrical and electronic components, which must be

collected separately.

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1.3. Applicable standards and compliance

This system complies with the requirements and design standards of the following directives
concerning electro-medical equipment:
Reference Description
European Directive 2007/47/CE which amends
the Directive 93/42/EEC Medical Device Directive (EC mark)
Class IIb device according to Rule 10 of Annex IX
IEC 60601-1: 2005 +CORR.1(2006) +CORR.2(2007) General requirements for the basic safety
+CORR.3(2012) and essential performance
Electromagnetic compatibility -
IEC 60601-1-2: 2007
Requirements and tests
IEC 60601-1-6: 2010 Usability
Application of usability engineering to
IEC 62366: 2007
medical devices
Particular requirements for the basic safety
IEC 60601-2-54: 2009 and essential performance of X-ray
equipment for radiography and radioscopy
Collateral Standard: General requirements
IEC 60601-1-3: 2008 for radiation protection in diagnostic X-ray
All the medical devices that interface or integrate with the table for system composition, acquired by
the manufacturer or built with OEM for the manufacturer are individually certified, must meet the
requirements of Annex I of the European Directive 2007/47/EC, which amends the Directive
93/42/EEC and must comply with the following standards regarding electro-medical equipment:
X-ray generator IEC 60601-2-54
X-ray radiant components IEC 60601-2-28
Digital system IEC 60601-1
For the north American market:
UL 60601-1; CAN/CSA C22, 2 No 601.
NOTE: All reference standards are to be considered at the latest revision.

1.4. Classification (IEC 60601-1)

Type of protection against electric shock class I equipment
Degree of protection against electric shock with applied part B type
Degree of protection against seepage of
ordinary IPX0 type equipment
harmful water
continuous functioning with intermittent
Functioning mode
loading (standby - exposure)
Equipment not suitable for use in presence of a
flammable anaesthetic mixture with air or with
oxygen or nitrous oxide.

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1.5. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

In accordance with the intended use, this system complies with the European Directives concerning
Medical Devices, and it bears the CE mark. One of the standards of this directive defines the allowed
levels of electromagnetic emission from this equipment and its required immunity from the
electromagnetic emissions of other devices.
However, it is not possible to exclude with absolute certainty the possibility that other high frequency
electronic equipment, fully compliant with the EMC regulations, will not adversely affect the
operation of this system. If the other equipment has a comparatively high level of transmission
power and is in close proximity to the system, these EMC concerns (the risk of interference) may be
more pronounced. It is therefore strictly recommended that operations with mobile or cordless
telephones, microphones and other similar equipment, such as mobile radio systems, be executed at
a distance from the R&F system.

Annex A

Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – Electromagnetic emissions

The Equipment is suitable for use in the specified electromagnetic environment. The purchaser or user of the
Equipment should assure that it is used in an electromagnetic environment as described below:

Emissions test Compliance Electromagnetic Environment

RF emissions Group 1 This Equipment uses RF energy only for its internal function.
Therefore, the RF emission is very low and not likely to cause
CISPR 11 any interference in nearby electronic equipment.

RF emissions Class A This Equipment is suitable for use in all establishments other
than domestic and those directly connected to the public low-
CISPR 11 voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for
domestic purposes.
Harmonic emissions Not Applicable

IEC 61000-3-2

Voltage fluctuations/ Not Applicable

flicker emissions

IEC 61000-3-3

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Annex B

Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – Electromagnetic immunity

The Equipment is suitable for use in the specified electromagnetic environment. The purchaser or user of the
Equipment should assure that it is used in an electromagnetic environment as described below:

Immunity IEC 60601-1-2 Compliance

Electromagnetic Environment
Test Test level level

Electrostatic 6 kV contact IEC 60601-1-2 Floors should be wood, concrete or

discharge (ESD) 8 kV air Test level ceramic tile. If floors are covered
IEC 61000-4-2 with synthetic material, the relative
humidity should be at least 30%.

Electrical fast 2 kV for power IEC 60601-1-2 Mains power quality should be that
transient/burst supply lines Test level of a typical commercial or hospital
IEC 61000-4-4 environment.
1 kV for input/output
lines > 3 m

Surge 1 kV differential mode IEC 60601-1-2 Mains power quality should be that
IEC 61000-4-5 Test level of a typical commercial or hospital
2 kV common mode environment.

Voltage dips, short 0% Un for 0.5 cycles IEC 60601-1-2 Mains power quality should be that
interruptions 40 % Un for 5 cycles Test level of a typical commercial or hospital
and voltage 70 % Un for 25 cycles environment. If the user of the
variations on power 0 % Un for 5 s Equipment requires continued
supply input lines operation during power mains
IEC 61000-4-11 interruptions, it is recommended that
the Equipment be powered from an
uninterruptible power supply or a

Power frequency 3 A/m IEC 60601-1-2 Power frequency magnetic fields

(50/60 Hz) magnetic Test level should be at levels characteristic of a
field typical location in a typical
IEC 61000-4-8 commercial or hospital environment.

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Annex C
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – Electromagnetic immunity

The Equipment is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the
Equipment should assure that it is used in such an environment

Immunity IEC 60601-1-2 Compliance

Electromagnetic Environment
Test Test level level

Portable and mobile RF communications equipment

should be used no closer to any part of the Equipment,
including cables, than the recommended
separation distance calculated from the equation
applicable to the frequency of the transmitter
Recommended separation distance

Radiated RF 3 V/m 3 V/m d = 1.2  P 80 MHz to 800MHz

IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to 2.5 GHz frequencies d = 2.3  P 800 MHz to 2.5GHz

Conducted RF 3V
3V d = 1.2  P
IEC 61000-4-6 150 kHz to 80 MHz

Where P is the maximum output rating of the

transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter
manufacturer and d is the recommended separation
distance in meters (m).

Field strengths for fixed RF transmitter, as

determined by an electromagnetic site survey, should
be less than the compliance level in each frequency

Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment

marked with the following symbol:

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Service manual SM-PN001C-EN, Rev 04

Annex D

Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communications equipment

and the Equipment

The Equipment is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are
controlled. The customer or the user of the Equipment can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining
a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitter) and the Equipment as
recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment.

Rated maximum output Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter

power of the transmitter
150KHz to 80MHz 80MHz to 800MHz 800MHz to 2.5GHz
d = 1.2  P d = 1.2  P d = 2.3  P

0.01 0.12 0.12 0.23

0.1 0.38 0.38 0.73

1 1.2 1.2 2.3

10 3.8 3.8 7.3

100 12 12 23

For transmitters rated at the maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance d in
meters (m) can be estimated the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum
output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.

(1) at 80MHz and 800MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies

(2) These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption
and reflection from structures, objects and people

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SM-PN001C-EN, Rev 04 Service manual

2. System description
It is an innovative system, specifically developed to meet the needs of modern, direct, digital,
skeletal, pulmonary, and first aid diagnostic radiology.
Its state-of-the-art architecture removes the conventional mechanical limitations, and allows any
type of projection. The image is immediately available, thus eliminating most of the manual
operations such as loading, transporting and developing films.
The system can automatically place the beam on the active detector, leaving only the fine centering
to the operator. In fact, the vertical and horizontal automatic tracking system keeps the beam always
centred on the detector.
The elevating table, with carbon fibre tabletop, allows examining a patient weighing up to 250 kg
without any limitation, ensuring high rigidity and reduced filtration. The longitudinal and transversal
detector unit motorizations eliminate the need for manual movement of the tabletop, allowing
complete patient exploration without the need for repositioning.
The anatomical programming mode can be controlled by the operator through the digital image
processor monitor or the touchscreen console. Once the exam has been selected, the tube and
detector automatically reach the correct position, leaving to the operator only the fine centering.

2.1. System Configuration

The multifunctional radiographic system is composed of:

Five-telescope ceilstand with manual and motorized movements

Elevating table with carbon fibre tabletop and longitudinal and transversal motorization of the
detector unit
Automatic collimator
65 or 80 kW high frequency generator with X-ray complex
Digital image processor with integrated generator
Flat panel detectors, fixed and / or mobile, with Wi-Fi image transmission

2.2. Accessories
The system is supplied with the following optional accessories:

Lateral detector-holder
Compression band with band tensioner
External handle
IV support
Arm support
Pair of thigh-holder
Table paper roll holder
Table height control pedal
Bucky stand height pedal
Wi-Fi detector holder with grid

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Module for the automatic reconstruction of the rachis and the lower limbs (stitching), complete with
patient support
Remote control console, with Bluetooth technology
Special elevating table (motorized variable height, with battery)
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)

2.3. Applications and methods of use

The multifunctional radiographic system was designed to allow the execution of standard
radiographic procedures, such as:

Thorax studies with a focal length of 180 cm.

Small joint studies, with and without a grid.
Skull studies with a patient in a lying or upright position.
Studies of the muscular-skeletal system.
Complete studies of the skeletal system with patient in a lying or upright position.
Complete spine studies.
First aid studies, with patient lying on a radiolucent stretcher.
AP, PA, LL projections, with patient lying on a table, a radiolucent stretcher, or in an upright position.
Paediatric applications.

The multifunctional X-ray system cannot be used for dental applications.

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3. Technical data
3.1. Power supply

The X-ray room must comply with IEC standards.

Ceilstand power requirements:

VOLTAGE SUPPLY: 115 V - 230 V (± 10%) single-phase


System power requirements:

Generator type 50 kW
Mains frequency 50-60 Hz
Rated Mains Voltage 400 V three-phase
Mains variation ±10%
Absorbed power 65 kW

Generator type 65 kW
Mains frequency 50-60 Hz
Rated Mains Voltage 400 V three-phase
Mains variation ±10%
Absorbed power 85 kW

Generator type 80 kW
Mains frequency 50-60 Hz
Rated Mains Voltage 400 V three-phase
Mains variation ±10%
Absorbed power 105 kW

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3.2. Thermal dissipations

CONSOLE: approx. 350 kcal/h
ELECTRONIC CABINET: approx. 930 kcal/h
CEILSTAND: approx. 1000 kcal/h

3.3. Weights and dimensions

The weight of the individual components making up the entire system is shown in the following table.

Ceiling rails 122 kg

Adjustable Bucky stand 200 kg
Table 160 Kg
Electronic cabinet with generator and rack 195.5 kg
Ceilstand 111.5 kg
Collimator 14 kg
X-ray tube 25 kg

The system dimensions are shown in the following figures.

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3.4. Performance characteristics

4410 mm x 3010 mm
Length of longitudinal - transverse rails 4410 mm x 3610 mm
3610 mm x 3010 mm
3540 mm x 2170 mm
Longitudinal - transverse stroke 3540 mm x 2770 mm
2740 mm x 2170 mm
Longitudinal translation speed Max. 420 mm / s
Transverse translation speed Max. 420 mm / s
Vertical stroke 1700 mm
Vertical translation speed Max. 300 mm / s
Minimum distance focus / ceiling 939 mm
Minimum distance focus / floor 330 mm
Room typical height 2950 mm
Tube rotation around the telescope axis ±160°
Tube rotation speed around the telescope axis 40° / s
Tube rotation around the horizontal plane 140
Rotation speed of the tube in the horizontal plane 40° / s
Operator interface 10.4'' touch screen display


Carbon fiber and laminate with anti-scratch
Tabletop material
Tabletop absorption <0.6 mm Al / eq @ 100 kVp
Maximum patient weight 250 kg without restrictions
Tabletop dimensions 2410 mm x 886 mm
Radiographic area 2040 mm x 730 mm
Tabletop- detector distance 83 mm
Tabletop minimum height from the ground 470 mm
Tabletop maximum height from the ground 770 mm
Tabletop vertical stroke 300 mm
Vertical movement speed 25 mm/s
Longitudinal detector stroke 1610 mm
Detector longitudinal movement speed Max. 230 mm / s
Detector transverse travel 300 mm
Detector transverse movement speed Max. 230 mm / s
Detector transverse travel outside the tabletop 558 mm
Device for lateral X-ray exposures Detector holder for 35x43 cm format
Longitudinal stroke 1610 mm
Device orientation 0°, ±45°

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Carbon fiber and laminate with anti-scratch
Tabletop material
Tabletop absorption <0.6 mm Al / eq
Maximum patient weight 250 kg without restrictions
Tabletop dimensions 2410 mm x 886 mm
Radiographic area 1970 mm x 730 mm
Tabletop- detector distance 89 mm
Tabletop minimum height from the ground 470 mm
Tabletop maximum height from the ground 770 mm
Tabletop vertical stroke 300 mm
Vertical movement speed 25 mm/s
Longitudinal detector stroke 1540 mm
Detector longitudinal movement speed Max. 230 mm / s
Detector transverse travel 300 mm
Detector transverse movement speed Max. 230 mm / s
Detector transverse travel outside the tabletop 558 mm
Device for lateral X-ray exposures Detector holder for 35x43 cm format
Longitudinal stroke 1540 mm
Device orientation 0°, ±45°


Column Height 2394 mm
Vertical stroke 1404 mm
Vertical movement speed > 10 mm / s
Maximum distance detector center - floor 1814 mm
Minimum distance detector center - floor 410 mm
Potter tilting movement -20° ÷ +90°
Detector tilting speed 3.3°/s
Potter rotation movement 90°


Column Height 2394 mm
Vertical stroke 1404 mm
Vertical movement speed > 10 mm / s
Maximum distance detector center - floor 1814 mm
Minimum distance detector center - floor 410 mm
Potter tilting movement -20° ÷ +90°
Detector tilting speed 3.3°/s
Potter rotation movement 90°
Detector rotation movement 90°

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FFD rectangular field coverage = 100 cm 43 cm x 43 cm
Focus - detector distance 115 ÷ 180 cm
Minimum collimation area 5 cm x 5 cm
Intrinsic filtration > 1.5 mm Al / eq
Scatter radiation <1 mGy / h
1mm Al + 0.1mm Cu
Additional filters
1 mm Al + 0.2 mm Cu
Simulation light 7 W LED
Average lighting > 200 lux @ FFD = 100 cm

3.5. Compatibility with other accessories

The X-ray system has been designed and tested to fully comply with the regulations specified in
paragraph 1.3, when connected to the following radiological sub-systems.


IAE / VARIAN models

AL series


All generators, series ODEL Castor


Thales Detectors + ATS Primo Digital System

The use of accessories / components whose compatibility is not declared by the
manufacturer is not allowed.

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4. Labelling
4.1. Identification and compliance labels
A series of adhesive labels is applied onto the equipment to identify the product commercially and
meet the requirements of the current standards.

Pos. Description
1 Brand or distributor logo
2 Name and address of the brand or distributor
3 Manufacturer's name and address
4 Product name (as per CE certificate)
5 Code or name of reference (internal use)
6 Serial number
7 Production date
8 Electrical power supply
9 Additional power and / or product characteristics data
10 Space reserved for product certifications
11 Additional power and / or product characteristics data

Do not remove the adhesive labels applied to the equipment; they are an integral part
of the documentation accompanying the appliance.

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The identification plates are applied in specific positions, as shown in the figures below.

Ceiling stand and collimator Bucky stand


On the individual components are also applied the manufacturer's original labels, placed as follows:

Generator Applied directly on the generator covers

Digital system Applied directly on the computer of the digital system
Grid Applied directly on the grid
Measuring chamber On the top side
RX Sheath Inside the X-ray tube casings
Detector On the bottom side
Monitor On the back side

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4.2. Warning Labels

Ceiling stand Description

Danger of collision during

the equipment movements

Table Description

Crushing hazard (feet)

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Table potter Description

Danger of collision with

moving parts

Bucky stand Description

Hand crushing hazard

(hands, fingers)

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5. Storage and use

5.1. Packing
The System is supplied according with the shipping documents delivered with each unit.

5.2. Storage conditions

Storage temperature from -5°C to +60°C
Storage humidity 80% non condensing

5.3. Use conditions

Environment temperature from +15°C to +40°C
Environment humidity 80% non condensing

This System is not classified as anaesthetic-proof and may ignite inflammable anaesthetic.
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6. Room preliminary requirements

6.1. Introduction
The System can be installed in a room that has been officially approved for the operation of
radiological equipment of the same class.

In addition, proper operation of the System can be achieved only if the environmental characteristics
specified in the following sections are strictly observed.

Make sure that the construction and load capability of the ceiling are sufficient for the
installation of this System.
Make sure that the central ground terminal of the room has a resistance in accordance
with the regulations in force.
Make sure that the room line input is protected by means of a differential breaker
calibrated for a maximum leakage current of 30ma.
Make sure that the room emergency circuit is present and designed in accordance with
the regulations in force.
Failure to comply with this warning may cause serious or fatal bodily injury and degrade
the System safety level.

6.2. Accessories for installation

In order to properly install the System, the use of special accessories for the installation might be
necessary. The accessories to be used depend on the room construction and should be ordered
before the installation starts.

Unistrut Support p/n KIT_UNISTRUT

Power distribution box (or equivalent) p/n IMP04
Table base plate p/n EIHA021

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6.3. Room requirements

The System has been designed to operate in a room respecting the following environmental

Environment temperature from +15°C to +40°C

Environment humidity 80% non condensing

In addition to the above, the following rules must be observed:

1. The construction and load capability of the ceiling are sufficient for the installation of the System.
2. The floor is level or can be compensated.
3. Precautionary measures have been taken to prevent scatter radiation from entering other rooms
and/or hallways. All exposed walls are lead-lined.
4. In particular the Hospital physicians should approve the room layout before the installation
5. Sufficient consideration has been given to the room layout with respect to minimum clearances
between walls and the System as specified in the System manual.
6. Carefully evaluate the best fixation system to be used for the ceiling rails as described in the
following layout example.
7. It is a good practice to install an intercom system to ease the communication between the
patient and the medical staff.

A typical room layout could be the following one:

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6.4. System cables

The System must be completed with a special set of cables that allows the proper operation of the
additional accessories.
Because each installation has its own typical layout, this section shows the lengths of the standard
cables supplied with the systems and the correct way to route the cables.
If, when drawing the room layout, it is necessary to modify the standard length of a group of cables,
it is responsibility of the installer to clearly specify this configuration change.

This section also includes the System interconnection diagrams. Such drawings show all physical
connections between the internal parts of the System and the System itself with other accessories.

Before starting the installation, the installer must check that the length of all the
delivered accessories or interface cables is the one defined during the room layout
design phase.

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6.5. System grounding

All the control electronics of the System are 0V grounded.
It is consequently clear that a grounding error in the installation or a ground connection made with a
cable of inadequate section may degrade both reliability and safety level of the System.

The following rules must be observed for a correct grounding:

− Check that the central ground terminal in the examination room has the characteristics specified
in the safety regulations of the installation country. A ground resistance lower than 2  is
− Connect the System central ground terminal directly to the central ground terminal of the power
distribution box by means of a 4 mm² singe conductor if the distance is less than 10 m. The cable
section must be increased proportionally in case of higher distances.
− Connect all System ground internal cables only to the central ground terminal of the System
located in the backside of the power rack as shown in the following figure. Make sure that the
brass fixation screws have been properly tightened.

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Do not add other ground connections that might involve sections of the System, in order to avoid the
possibility to cause ground loops.

6.6. Input line and emergency circuit

The System requires the connection to a single-phase line with the following characteristics:

Line Voltage 115V - 230V single phase

Line Voltage tolerance  10 % (absolute max. rating)
Line frequency 50 Hz – 60 Hz
Line frequency tolerance 3%
Stand-by power 300 VA
Peak power 2000 VA

If possible, the following rules should be observed for the line connection:
− The input line must be totally independent from any other line that might create interference.
− The main line cable is laid in a separate conduit from the cable one.
− The section of the line cables must be 2.5 mm as a minimum.
− In case the input line features do not match the requirements, a line conditioner should be
− The input line cable must be connected to the System power rack line connector CN100 as
detailed in the following figures.

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The System line input must be protected by means of a safety switch, calibrated for a
maximum leakage current of 30 mA.

The input line can be disconnected from the System by turning to OFF position the line switch
mounted on the front panel of the power rack, where a set of protection fuses and indication lamps
are also located.

The System is equipped with an emergency button mounted on the front side of the ceiling
suspension keyboard that disconnects the power circuit of the System if pushed by the operator. In
any dangerous situation, or in case a movement cannot be stopped, the operator must push this
button immediately. The emergency button must be reset only if the operator is absolutely sure that
the danger condition has been removed.

Such a button is a normally closed contact available at connector CN122 as shown in the following

The System emergency button should be connected in series with the other emergency
buttons located in the room.
The installer is responsible for the proper operation of the emergency button.

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The room power distribution box must be designed not only to meet the technical requirements
previously specified but also to comply with the requirements of the x-ray generator and of the
image processor (for more details see the related service documentation). In particular, the general
requirements of the room input line is:

Line Voltage 400V 3-phase

Line Voltage tolerance  10 % (absolute max. rating)
Line frequency 50 Hz – 60 Hz
Line frequency tolerance 2%
Power source impedance @ 400V 0.20 
Line input reactive power 120 kVA
Line input active power 100 KW
Stand-by power 300 VA
Peak power 2000 VA

The room power distribution circuit described in the following pages must be used by the
installer as guide line for any site specific design.

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6.7. Input line voltage selection

The line voltage input can be selected by the installer by changing the wiring of the insulation
transformers in the power rack at terminal blocks SWT1 and SWT2.
The line voltage can be selected between 115 Vac and 230 Vac; The change can be achieved by
moving the line cable to the required voltage input as described in the following figure.

An additional ± 15V ac compensation can also be introduced by moving the 0V cable to the voltage
compensation tap as detailed in the following figure:

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7. Installation
7.1. Foreword
This section describes the operations that must be carried out to start the System.
The installer is responsible to verify that any accessory used with the System is listed in
section 2.8 of the present manual (Compatibility with other accessories).

Make sure that the construction and load capability of the floor and of the ceiling rails
are sufficient for the installation of this equipment.
Make sure that the central ground terminal of the room has a resistance in accordance
with the regulations in force.
Make sure that the room line input is protected by means of a differential breaker
calibrated for a maximum leakage current of 30ma.
Make sure that the room is provided with an emergency circuit and that it has been
designed in accordance with the regulations in force.
Failure to comply with this warning may cause serious or fatal body injury and reduce
the System safety.
The installation operations must be carried out by at least two people.

The equipment mounting does not need specials tools, but common ones, like those listed below:

• set of fixed wrenches;

• set of box wrenches;
• set of Allen wrenches;
• set of screwdrivers;
• water level;
• electric drilling machine with a set of widia drills;
• lifting device (if available).

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7.2. Ceiling suspension mechanical installation

The suspension equipment is supplied on a carriage provided with 4 swiveling wheels so that it can
be moved easily.

7.2.1. Installation of the iron beams

1. The rails supporting the suspension equipment must be fixed to two properly sized beams
installed in a correct position, depending on the room configuration. During installation, it will be
necessary to consider any false ceiling and the distance between the supporting ceiling and the
floor. The figure below shows the installation method to be followed if there is a false ceiling with
removable panels.

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2. The rails can be installed under the beam (solution A) or on the side of it (solution B). The figures
below show the correct distance between the beams for both solutions.

Minimum internal distance

between beams

Distance between holes

for rail centering

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Internal distance between

The suspension ceiling rails are mounted on the iron beam by means of a set of screws
deliverd with the System.
The installer must take into consideration that each fixation screw must resist a pull of
150 kg and it is his responsibility to make sure that the fixation method used for the iron
beam can withstand such value.

During installation, make sure that the two beams are perfectly parallel to each other.

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7.2.2. Installation of the ceiling rails

Before starting the installation of the ceiling rails assembly, the installer must verify that the
customer has met the conditions described in the previous paragraph.

1. As previously shown, the rails can be installed in two positions. Both positions require 7 fixing
holes to be drilled at a distance of 700mm from each other (see the figure below).

Distance 700 mm for 7


Distance 700 mm for 7

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The suspension ceiling rails are mounted on the iron beam by means of a set of screws
deliverd with the System.
The installer must take into consideration that each fixation screw must resist a pull of
150 kg and it is his responsibility to make sure that the fixation method used for the
iron beam can withstand such value.

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2. Verify that the distances among all fixation holes are correct, as indicated in the following figure.
In case the holes have not been prepared, drill them.

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If value “X” is lower than 700mm, place the bridges supports on the rails before fixing
them to the ceiling. For the instructions relating to the disassembly of the supports from
the bridges, refer to paragraph 6.2.3 (points “f”, “g” and “h”). Insert the support into the
rail on the floor. After fixing the rails with supports to the ceiling, follow the installation
instructions from point “i”.

3. Verify that the cable conduits have been prepared as required by the final room layout, and in
accordance with the specifications contained in this manual.
4. If the previous conditions are met, it is possible to mount the ceiling rails on the ceiling iron beam
using the set of screws delivered with the System.

The iron beam fixed to the ceiling might not be level. The installer must carefully verify
that and, if necessary, level the ceiling rails using proper spacers.

The two longitudinal rails are not identical. In fact, the magnetic band detecting the
longitudinal position of the ceiling suspension is fixed to the longitudinal rails at the
System front side (the side of the keyboard).
The installer must install the rails carefully, as described in the following figure:

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7.2.3. Mounting the bridge

1. Once the longitudinal rails are mounted and level, it is possible to mount the SUSPENSION lateral
rails (bridge).
2. If in the room there is enough space at one end of the longitudinal rails, it is possible to slip the
entire bridge assembly 3 into the internal guide 6 of the longitudinal rails as shown in the
following fig. B.
3. In order to do that, it is necessary to release the bridge magnetic brakes using an external 24V dc
power supply unit.

Fig. B

4. Drive the bridge assembly to the middle of the travel and make sure that the brakes are working

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5. In case there is not enough space at one end of the longitudinal rails, the following procedure
should be carried out:
a) Dismount headpieces A of bridge B removing the lateral screws C.



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b) Insert the proper small blocks D into bridge B (two for each side of the bridge).



c) Mount headpieces A again and tighten screws C.

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d) By using the proper wrenches, remove screws E fastening the suspension system to the carriage.

e) Place the System in the room in the proper position, aligning it to the rails which were previously

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f) Disconnect cable F from the terminal block G.

g) Mark the bridge support H position with a marker and remove the fixing screws I.


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h) Remove the bridge supports H.

i) In order to ensure the suspension equipment lifting in safety conditions, special accessories are
supplied (see figure below)

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j) Remove the three screws and small blocks L from the lifting equipment and put the blocks into
the rails.

k) Put the first lifting rod in the system frame, then put the equipment in the rail after placing it at a
distance of 500mm from the rail leading end and fix it by tightening the three screws.

In case there is not enough space between the wall and the rail leading end, dismount
the lower plate M by removing the screws, put the equipment in the rail and close it by
fixing the lower plate again.


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l) Remove headpiece N and the internal small blocks from the ceiling rail. Loosen the screws locking
the belt fastening device O and move it towards the rail centre.

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m) Mount the second lifting rod as described in point “k”.

n) Place the bridge supports H into the rails.


o) Insert the lifting equipment plate P into the first rod and fix it to the system frame by means of 4
locking screws and blocks D which were previously installed (refer to point “b”). Insert the lifting
equipment plate into the second rod and repeat the same operation.



In order to ensure the correct frame balance during lifting, the plate must be mounted
on the proper side, respecting the distance between the centres of the holes. Check that
the distance between the plate and the headpiece leading end is the one shown in the

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p) Insert the two handles on the two threaded rods until they touch the plates and lift the system
frame by turning the two handles clockwise at the same time until reaching a distance of 50mm
from the bridge supports located on the rails.

Both sides of the system frame must be lifted at the same time.

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q) Put spacers Q between the bridge supports H and frame observing the markings which were
previously made. Lift the system frame again until the spacers touch the bridge supports, then fix
the unit with the proper screws.

r) Put the end stroke bumper R.

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s) Unscrew the handles by turning them counterclockwise until removing them from the rods and
remove the lifting equipment plates “P”.

t) Remove the support unit after removing the fixing screws.

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If necessary, remove lower plate M.

u) Mount cable duct S on the rail fixing it with the proper dowels, then fix cable guide T to the


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v) Connect cable F to the terminal board G.

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7.2.4. Mounting the bridge motorization assembly

1. Remove the headpiece of the lateral rails (bridge) and slip 4 square nuts A in the internal guide of
the right rail as shown in the following figure.
2. Mount the motorization assembly 1 to the support plate 2 using screws 3.
3. Mount the entire assembly to the lateral rails using screws 4 and the square nuts A as shown in
the following figure.
4. Position the transmission belt parallel to the longitudinal rails and fix it to the rails as shown in
the following figure. Align the motorization assembly with the belt and tighten screws 4.

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5. Mount the covers of the motorization assembly as detailed in the following drawing.

6. Loosen screw 1 and adjust the tension of the belt acting on screw 2 as shown in the following
figure. When the correct tension is achieved, tighten screw 1.

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7. Mount the headpiece 5 using screws 6.

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7.3. Table mechanical installation

7.3.1. System floor fixation
The SYSTEM elevating table can be fixed to the floor by using the supplied plates (see figure below).

Table A is supplied on carriage B provided with swiveling wheels so that it can be moved easily.

Make sure that the position of the cable duct prepared in the room matches the cable
output at the right side of the table.

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To install the table, proceed as follows:

1. Find the installation measures in the layout drawing and mark them on the floor.



2. By using plate P1, mark the position of the fixing holes.



3. Drill the fixing holes on the floor.

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4. Insert screw anchors C into the holes.


5. Position plate “P1” and fix it with the supplied screws D.


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6. Remove screws E from carriage B.

7. Remove carriage B and place table A on plate “P1” in the correct position.


8. Place screws F fixing the table to plate P1 without tightening them.

P1 F

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9. By using a plumb line, find the position of the table with respect to plate P1 and use such
measure to determine the position of plate P2.



10. After finding the correct position for plate P2, mark the holes with a marker and remove the
plumb line.
11. Remove the fixing screws F from reference plate P1 which was previously positioned.

P1 F

12. Move the table and drill the floor to install plate P2. Follow the same installation procedure as for
plate P1 (refer to points 2-3-4-5).
13. Position the table on the plates and fix it by tightening the four fixing screws F on each plate.

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14. Position panel support G as shown in the figure below.

15. Route the table cables (including the flat panel ones) to the System power cabinet and to the
image processor as indicated in section 7.9 of this manual using the cables ducts previously
preset in the room.

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7.3.2. Fixed 43 x 43 cm flat panel mounting

If the table is provided with a docking station for 35 x 43 cm Wi-Fi detector, this
chapter can be skipped by the installer.

If the table can be provided with a fixed 43 x 43 cm flat panel detector, the following operations must
be carried out by the installer:

1. Smoothly drive the docking station to its most external position by pulling it out.
2. Remove screws 1 to take out the grid frame as shown in the following figure.
3. Mount the fixed flat panel taking care that the connectors are present at the front side.
4. Fix the flat panel to the docking station from the bottom side by means of screws 2 as shown in
the following figure. Properly lock the screws.
5. Connect the detector interface cables.

The interface cables have been already routed inside the table.
Because the System supports different detector models the installer must refer to the
detector technical documentation for proper cable connection.

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7.3.3. AEC detector mounting

If the table is provided with a docking station for 35 x 43 cm Wi-Fi detector, this chapter
can be skipped by the installer.

1. Take out screws 1 and remove the front side of the grid frame as detailed in the following

2. Slide in the AEC detector from the front side making sure that the connector is at the front

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3. Connect the AEC detector to its cable and mount back the front side of the grid frame.
4. Mount the detector assembly lateral covers fixing screws 3 as detailed in the following figure.

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7.3.4. Table cover mounting

If the table has no covers, mount the docking station covers as described in the following figure.

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7.4. Wall stand mechanical installation

To install the wall stand, proceed as follows:

1. After positioning the wall stand according to the relevant layout drawing, fix it to the floor by
using the 4 screw anchors and screws supplied.
2. Fix the stand to the wall by inserting the two screw anchors and screws supplied into the holes
located on the rear side of the stand.


The maximum load in horizontal direction and acting on the fixings to wall is about 500
It is important that the support surfaces are carefully smoothed. Possible little
differences can be corrected during the mounting phase, by inserting suitable spacers
between the base and the support surface.
The fixing system which has just been described is the most common one and must be
considered as the preferred method of installation.
The measuring of the stand support structures is sole responsibility of the designer, who
is the person in charge of the room preparation, too.

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7.4.1. Stand electrical connection

The wall stand is shipped from the factory with pre routed cables.
The cables exit from the rear bottom side of the stand and the useful lengths are those specified in
the following figure.

The installer must route the wall stand cables (including the flat panel ones) to the System power
cabinet and to the image processor as indicated in previous figure using the cable ducts which were
previously preset in the room.
For detailed connection information, the installer must refer to the SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION
DRAWINGS relating to the desired configuration.

Because the System supports different detector models, the installer must refer to the
detector technical documentation for proper cable connection.

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7.5. Mounting the ceiling suspension cable support

Route the cables house from the ceiling suspension to the x-ray tube as detailed in the following

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7.6. Mounting the x-ray tube

1. Mount the rear tube rings 20 to the tube plate 11 using screws 12
2. Mount the tube holder 14 to the rear rings 20 using screws 13.
3. Place the X-ray tube inside the rear rings 20 making sure that the holder 14 is safely supporting it.
4. Mount the front tube rings 19 and fix them to the rear ones using screws 10; rotate the tube in
the way to have it perpendicular to the floor and tighten screws 10.
5. Remove tube holder 14.
6. Mount plate 9 to the tube front rings 19 using screws 8.
7. Connect the HV cables, the stator cable and the ground cable of the x-ray tube as detailed in the
generator service manual.

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8. Connect the touch screen assembly cables as shown in the following figure.
In detail:
a) Connect the ground cable to the fixation point specified in the figure;
b) Connect the Emergency contact cable to Plugs CN425
c) Connect the power supply to Plug CN401.
d) Connect the Ethernet cable to plug CN26.
e) Connect the CAN cables to plugs CN421 and CN422.
f) Mount the touch screen assembly to the fixation plate 9


CN405 CN23





CN416 CN26
CN418 CN12 CN18


CN421 CN422

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9. Mount the tube assembly covers as described in the following figure.

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7.7. Mounting the collimator

The instructions of the present section of the manual are referred to the pure
mechanical coupling of a collimator to the X-ray tube.
The installer must also align the collimator on the beam following the instructions
contained in section 10 of this manual.

1. Mount the intermediate 5 to x-ray tube output port using screws 4.

2. This cone is made starting from the assumption that the x-ray tube focus is 80 mm distant from
the collimator/cone contact plane. Verify that this distance is correct measuring the distance
between the focus and the lower edge of the cone. In case of need insert as many spacers 6 as
needed to reach the required distance.
3. Unscrew the 4 socket head screws 3 that control the adapter seal tongues 2 using a 3-mm
hexagon key 1.
4. Place the collimator on the cone and lock screws 3 (with a torque value of 1 Nm) in the way to fix
the collimator in a position mechanically centered with the cone.

The collimator is shipped with a lead cone in the upper side that must fit into the tube
Be sure that no interference could occur with the outport glass.

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5. Connect the collimator cable to the mating plug.

6. If the System is equipped with the optional Vacutec dose meter detector (ref. GNA20), the
measuring chamber must be mounted as indicated in the following figure, after routing the
detector cable with the collimator cable.

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7.8. Mounting the access point

The supplied access point A must be positioned near wall stand B as shown in the figure below.

To ensure the correct operation of the System, place the access point away from metal

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7.9. System cable routing

Route the System cables specified in the following system interconnection diagram as indicated in
the previous sections of this manual and connect them as indicated in the following figures:

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8. Interface circuit
8.1. Introduction
This section of the manual describes the HW interconnections and the security lines among the
different components of the System.

It must be underlined that the interface circuit described in this section represents only the physical
interconnections between the single System components and not the entire interfacing possibility.
The installer can find complete and detailed information in the technical documentation of the single
System components.

The System components are interconnected by means of a set of specific cables; detailed cables
interconnections are detailed in the following System interconnection drawing.

The radiography part is connected to the image processor via a DLL module integrated into the Primo
processor computer. The communication between this module and the touch screen console of the
ceiling suspension is achieved via an Ethernet communication.

The System DLL integrated in the image processor acts also as control desk of the generator; the
communication between this module and the generator is achieved via an RS-232 link.

The power unit of the System contains the insulation transformers, the ON/OFF circuit and the circuit

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8.2. Castor r generator interface

The control desk of the CASTOR R generator is integrated into the Primo image processor by the
System DLL routine. The serial link communication (RS2-232) between the Generator power module
and the integrate console is realized by means of the ATS cable p/n SER 003.
The cable must be connected at the generator side to plug J17 of the MPU board and to USB4 port of
the image processor using a USB/232 adapter delivered with the System.

The HW interlock signals that drive the detector selection and the exposure in all operative modes
are driven by the Primo processor by means of cable p/n 356004 from Primo plug CM1 to generator
interface board CM3 and cable p/n 356003 from Primo plug CM2 to generator interface board CM2.
These two cables are included into the generator package.

The installer must check that on the generator interface board is mounted a strap
between pin 14 and pin 29 of connector CM1.

The preparation/exposure button must be connected only at plug CM101 of image processor cabinet.

The DAP chamber mounted on the automatic collimator must be connected, via cable p/n 97309 to
Plug J9 of the generator MPU board.

The generator ON/OFF circuit is driven by the System circuit.

The HW lines are transferred by means of Manufacturer cable p/n 122176A from plug CN105 of the
System power cabinet to plug J6 of the generator MPU board.

Additional details on the system interconnections can be found in the schematic of the
following page.
For further information about the generator installation the installer must make
reference to the generator technical documentation.

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For a proper operation of the System, the CASTOR R generator must be configured as follows:

Normally, The selection of this working station enables the use of flat panel #1.
Changing the jumper setting on the generator Iris interface board it is possible to enable the use of
flat panel #2

Normally, The selection of this working station enables the use of flat panel #2.
Changing the jumper setting on the generator Iris interface board it is possible to enable the use of
flat panel #1

The selection of this working station enables the use of the Wi-Fi detector in free mode (external to
the docking stations).

The selection of this working station enables the direct technique (free exposure with the tube)
without use of the detector.

In all working station the AEC circuit mut be disabled, because integrated into the image

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8.3. Deimos generator interface

The control desk of the DEIMOS generator is integrated into the Primo image processor by the
System DLL routine. The serial link communication (RS2-232) between the Generator power module
and the integrate console is realized by means of the cable p/n 122179A
The cable must be connected at the generator side to plug J16 of the INTERFACE board and to USB4
port of the image processor using a USB/232 adapter delivered with the System.

The HW interlock signals that drive the detector selection and the exposure in all operative modes
are driven by the Primo processor by means of cable p/n 356004 from Primo plug CM1 to ESI
interface board CM8 and cable p/n 356003 from Primo plug CM2 to ESI interface board CM6.
These two cables are included into the generator package.

It is mandatory that the generator is equipped with the ESI interface board CPI P/N

The preparation/exposure button must be connected only at plug CM101 of image processor cabinet.

The DAP chamber mounted at the output port of the automatic collimator must be connected, via
cable p/n 55993 to Plug J2 of the generator DAP INTERFACE board.

The generator ON/OFF circuit is driven by the System circuit.

The HW lines are transferred by means of cable p/n 122185A from plug CN105 of the System power cabinet
to plug J4 of the generator INTERFACE board.

Additional details on the System interconnections can be found in the schematic of the
following page.
For further information about the generator installation the installer must make
reference to the generator technical documentation.

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For a proper operation of the System, the DEIMOS generator must be configured as follows:

Normally, The selection of this working station enables the use of flat panel #1.

Normally, The selection of this working station enables the use of flat panel #2.

The selection of this working station enables the use of the Wi-Fi detector in free mode (external to
the docking stations).

The selection of this working station enables the direct technique (free exposure with the tube)
without use of the detector.

In particular:


Receptor Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Tube Number: 1 1 1 1 0 0
Serial Enabled: ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF
Interface Options: 2 2 2 none 2 2
Fluoro Hangover (s): 30 30 30 30 30 30
Rad Hangover (s): 0 0 0 0 0 0
Last Image Hold (ms): 40 40 40 40 40 40
Tomo Back-Up Time (ms): 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500
AEC Back-Up mAs: 500 500 500 500 500 500
AEC Back-Up ms: 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200 3200
AEC Lock Exp: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Default Voltage (kV): 75 75 75 75 75 75
Default Current (mA): 200 200 200 200 200 200
Default Time (ms): 200 200 200 200 200 200
Default Density: 0 0 0 0 0 0
Default Film Screen: I I I I I I

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In all working station the AEC circuit must be disabled, because integrated into the
image processor.

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8.4. PRIMO image processor interface

The PRIMO image processor integrates the System remote controls and the generator functions via
the System DLL module that must be installed and configured as described in section 9.3 and section
9.4 of this manual.
All information exchange from the Image processor and the System is realized via the integrated
System DLL module.

The serial link communication (RS2-232) between the Generator power module and the integrate
console is realized by means of a cable that is generator specific.

The HW interlock signals that drive the detector selection and the exposure in all operative modes
are driven by the Primo processor by means of cable p/n 356004 from Primo plug CM1 and cable p/n
356003 from Primo plug CM2. These two cables are included into the generator package.

The preparation/exposure button must be connected only at plug CM101 of image processor cabinet.

The primo processor is connected to the System via the Ethernet cable p/n 122186A from PRIMO
plug LAN3 to the System power cabinet CN113

In order to properly operate the System, the installer must define for each anatomical program the
System positioning code as described in section 7.5 of this manual.

The AEC circuit is integrated into the image processor as detailed in the Primo service

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8.5. Setting automatic positions into anatomical programs

The System has several programmed positions corresponding to different anatomic programs. In this
paragraph you can find a table of correspondence between the positions of the machine and the
anatomic programs these positions refer to. When you select a particular anatomic program from the
digital system, the machine goes to the corresponding position by putting a particular code inside the
digital system itself. Therefore, it is necessary to know the exact code which binds the position to the
anatomic program.

Each position is referred to as a workstation, and each workstation can have different sub-positions.
For the System you have 7 workstations plus a direct mode, and each of them has up to 136 sub-
positions. If you call the workstation WS and its sub-position SP, the code you have to put inside the
anatomic program in the digital system is calculated with the following equation:

CODE = WS * 256 + SP

8.5.1. Table position

The workstation n. 1 corresponds to all the exams over the table using the bucky moving under the
table. If you imagine the table as a matrix with 3 rows per 11 columns, you have 33 sub-positions
where the bucky under the table can be placed. In the table below you can see the 33 sub-positions
with the corresponding code.

A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1 I1 J1 F1
A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 H2 I2 J2 F2
A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 H3 I3 J3 F3

You can also program an exam where the bucky remains in the place where it is: therefore an
additional sub-position has to be added to the previous 33 ones, for a total amount of 34 sub-
positions. For each of them, 2 focal distances are possible: the first one corresponds to a pre-
programmed distance during the calibration procedure (f1, see chapter 11), and the second one
corresponds to the first one with the additional amount of 30cm (f2 = f1 + 30cm). Moreover, for each
position and focal distance you can have 2 table heights: the first one is about 80cm (h1 = 80cm) and
the second one corresponds to the minimum height of the table (h2 = min cm).

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The total number of sub-positions for the workstation n. 1 is: 34 * 2 * 2 = 136. The table below shows
the different sub-positions of workstation n. 1 with the code you have to put inside the anatomic

Workstation n. 1
Detector under the table

Sub- Detector Table

Code Photo Focal distance
position position height

- (where it
1 257
2 258 F3
3 259 A1
4 260 B1
5 261 C1
80 cm f1 cm
6 262 D1
7 263 E1
8 264 F1
9 265 G1
10 266 H1
11 267 I1
12 268 J1
13 269 K1
14 270 A2
15 271 B2
16 272 C2
17 273 D2
18 274 E2
19 275 F2
20 276 G2
21 277 H2
22 278 I2
23 279 J2 80 cm f1 cm
24 280 K2
25 281 A3
26 282 B3
27 283 C3
28 284 D3
29 285 E3
30 286 G3
31 287 H3
32 288 I3
33 289 J3
34 290 K3

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- (where it
35 291
36 292 F3
37 293 A1
38 294 B1
39 295 C1
40 296 D1
41 297 E1
42 298 F1
43 299 G1
44 300 H1
45 301 I1
46 302 J1
47 303 K1
48 304 A2
49 305 B2
50 306 C2
51 307 D2 f2 = (f1 + 30) cm
52 308 E2
53 309 F2
54 310 G2
55 311 H2
56 312 I2
57 313 J2
58 314 K2
59 315 A3
60 316 B3
61 317 C3
62 318 D3
63 319 E3
64 320 G3
65 321 H3
66 322 I3
67 323 J3
68 324 K3
- (where it
69 325
min cm f1 cm
70 326 F3
71 327 A1
72 328 B1
73 329 C1
74 330 D1
min cm f1 cm
75 331 E1
76 332 F1
77 333 G1

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78 334 H1
79 335 I1
80 336 J1
81 337 K1
82 338 A2
83 339 B2
84 340 C2
85 341 D2
86 342 E2
87 343 F2
88 344 G2
89 345 H2
90 346 I2
91 347 J2
92 348 K2
93 349 A3
94 350 B3
95 351 C3
96 352 D3
97 353 E3
98 354 G3
99 355 H3
100 356 I3
101 357 J3
102 358 K3
- (where it
103 359
104 360 F3
105 361 A1
106 362 B1
107 363 C1
108 364 D1
109 365 E1
110 366 F1
111 367 G1
f2 = (f1 + 30) cm
112 368 H1
113 369 I1
114 370 J1
115 371 K1
116 372 A2
117 373 B2
118 374 C2
119 375 D2
120 376 E2
121 377 F2

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122 378 G2
123 379 H2
124 380 I2
125 381 J2
126 382 K2
127 383 A3
128 384 B3
129 385 C3
130 386 D3
131 387 E3
132 388 G3
133 389 H3
134 390 I3 min cm f2 = (f1 + 30) cm
135 391 J3
136 392 K3

8.5.2. Wall stand (vertical) positions

The workstation n. 2 corresponds to all the exams using the lateral wall bucky in its vertical position.
The tube can be oriented 0°, +15° or -15° with respect to the wall bucky itself. There can be 3 focal
distances (f1, f2 and f3, programmable as you can see in chapter 11) and 8 different wall bucky
heights (from the minimum height to the maximum height).

Therefore, the total number of sub-positions for the workstation n. 2 is: 3 * 3 * 8 = 72. The table
below shows the different sub-positions of workstation n. 2 with the code you have to put inside the
anatomic program.

Workstation n. 2
Detector inside the wall stand (vertical)

Sub- Tube Detector

Code Photo Focal distance
position angle height

1 513 f1 cm
2 514 0° f2 cm
3 515 f3 cm
4 516 f1 cm
5 517 +15 ° 140 cm f2 cm
6 518 f3 cm
7 519 f1 cm
8 520 -15 ° f2 cm
9 521 f3 cm
10 522 f1 cm
11 523 0° f2 cm
min cm
12 524 f3 cm
13 525 +15 ° f1 cm

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14 526 f2 cm
15 527 f3 cm
16 528 f1 cm
17 529 -15 ° f2 cm
18 530 f3 cm
19 531 f1 cm
20 532 0° f2 cm
21 533 f3 cm
22 534 f1 cm
23 535 +15 ° 50 cm f2 cm
24 536 f3 cm
25 537 f1 cm
26 538 -15 ° f2 cm
27 539 f3 cm
28 540 f1 cm
29 541 0° f2 cm
30 542 f3 cm
31 543 f1 cm
32 544 +15 ° 70 cm f2 cm
33 545 f3 cm
34 546 f1 cm
35 547 -15 ° f2 cm
36 548 f3 cm
37 549 f1 cm
38 550 0° f2 cm
39 551 f3 cm
40 552 f1 cm
41 553 +15 ° 95 cm f2 cm
42 554 f3 cm
43 555 f1 cm
44 556 -15 ° f2 cm
45 557 f3 cm
46 558 f1 cm
47 559 0° f2 cm
48 560 f3 cm
49 561 f1 cm
50 562 +15 ° 110 cm f2 cm
51 563 f3 cm
52 564 f1 cm
53 565 -15 ° f2 cm
54 566 f3 cm
55 567 f1 cm
56 568 0° f2 cm
160 cm
57 569 f3 cm
58 570 +15 ° f1 cm

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59 571 f2 cm
60 572 f3 cm
61 573 f1 cm
62 574 -15 ° f2 cm
63 575 f3 cm
64 576 f1 cm
65 577 0° f2 cm
66 578 f3 cm
67 579 f1 cm
68 580 +15 ° max cm f2 cm
69 581 f3 cm
70 582 f1 cm
71 583 -15 ° f2 cm
72 584 f3 cm
8.5.3. Lateral position on rear side of elevating table
The workstation n. 3 corresponds to all the exams using the lateral bucky put inside the cassette tray
in the back of the table. There can only be 3 different sub-positions for the workstation n. 3,
corresponding to the orientation of the cassette tray with respect to the longitudinal border of the
table: 0°, +45° and -45°.
Workstation n. 3
Lateral detector behind the table

Sub-position Code Photo Tube angle

1 769 0°

2 770 +45 °

3 771 -45 °

8.5.4. Wall stand in horizontal position

The workstation n. 4 corresponds to all the exams using the lateral wall bucky in its horizontal (0°) or
+45° tilted position. These 2 orientations of the wall bucky correspond directly to the 2 sub-positions
of the workstation n. 4.
Workstation n. 4
Detector inside the wall stand (horizontal or tilted)

Detector tilt
Sub-position Code Photo Focal distance

1 1025 0° f1 cm
2 1026 +45 ° f1 cm

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f2 = (f1 + 30)
3 1027 0°

8.5.5. Lateral position on front side of elevating table

The workstation n. 5 corresponds to all the exams using the lateral bucky put inside the cassette tray
in the front of the table. There can only be 3 different sub-positions for the workstation n. 5,
corresponding to the orientation of the cassette tray with respect to the longitudinal border of the
table: 0°, +45° and -45°.
Workstation n. 5
Lateral detector in front of the table

Sub-position Code Photo Tube angle

1 1281 0°

2 1282 +45 °

3 1283 -45 °

8.5.6. Wi-fi in free positions

The workstation n. 6 corresponds to all the exams using a wifi detector in a completely free position.
There can be 5 different sub-positions for the workstation n. 6.
Workstation n. 6
Wifi free detector

Sub-position Code Photo Position

1 1537 n. 1
2 1538 n. 2
3 1539 n. 3
4 1540 n. 4
5 1541 n. 5
6 1542 n. 6
7 1543 n. 7
8 1544 n. 8
9 1545 n. 9
10 1546 n. 10
11 1547 n. 11
12 1548 n. 12
13 1549 n. 13
14 1550 n. 14
15 1551 n. 15

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16 1552 n. 16
17 1553 n. 17
18 1554 n. 18
19 1555 n. 19
20 1556 n. 20

8.5.7. Wi-fi detector on top of patient tabletop

The workstation n. 7 corresponds to all the exams using a wifi detector over the table in three
particular positions (see the matrix of the table in paragraph 10.9.1). So, there can be 3 different sub-
positions for the workstation n. 7.
Workstation n. 7
Wifi detector over the table

Sub-position Code Photo Detector position

1 1793 F2

2 1794 B2

3 1795 J2

8.5.8. Direct mode

The workstation n. 15 corresponds to all the exams using a CR in direct mode, when the digital
system is completely disabled. So, there can only be 1 sub-position for the workstation n. 15.
Workstation n. 15
Direct mode

Sub-position Code Photo Position

1 3841 everywhere

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9. Control circuits & SW utilities

9.1. Foreword
The control electronics of the System has been designed in the way to grant an easy upgradability of
the System and a total flexibility in the management and controls of the motorised components as
single or when synchronised.

The calibration and configuration of the System is achievable via a calibration SW running on an
external laptop computer.

9.2. Circuits description

The control electronics of the System is based on the concept of distributed intelligence.
In particular the macro components of the System (Ceiling suspension, elevating table and wall stand)
are connected via a serial link (CAN bus) and receive the power supply from the power unit located in
the generator cabinet.
The System is connected to the image processor via a DLL module integrated into the Primo
processor computer. The communication between this module and the touch screen console of the
ceiling suspension is achieved via an Ethernet communication.

The System DLL integrated in the image processor acts also as control desk of the generator; the
communication between this module and the generator is achieved via an RS-232 link.

The power unit of the System contains the insulation transformers, the ON/OFF circuit and the circuit

All motor drivers are microprocessor controlled and integrate the interface circuit for the end of
travel switches or position sensors (encoders, potentiometers).
All driver are equipped with CAN interface and receive macro commands from the CPU controlling
the specific macro component of the System.

The “intelligence” and the “control management” of the System it is distributed in three different

1. System Main CPU #1, located in the electronic Rack (inside the cabinet).
This board controls the Wall stand and the elevation movement of the table.

2. System Main CPU #2, located in the upper side of the Ceiling suspension.
This board controls the ceiling suspension and longitudinal and lateral movements of the table
docking station.
In the X-ray tube support arm is located an electronic board that contains the physical interface
circuit for the capacitive circuits of the ceiling suspension handgrips and the force sensor used by
the CPU to realize the zero force control for the tube vertical movement.

3. Touch screen CPU, mounted on the frontal part of the X-Ray tube.

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This module is based on an industrial Intel CPU running windows Xp embedded and on a specific
interface board for the Can communication with the other System components and the optional
blue tooth remote control.
This board is also the physical link with the Automatic collimator.

9.3. Hw jumpers settings

The System control firmware includes a set of software switches whose function is to enable or
disable optional components of the System or skip some parts of the safety chain.
Such switches are accessible in service mode via a specific configuration menu as detailed in the
following paragraphs of this section.

It must be underlined that the function of such switches might be related with the firmware version
installed on the System. For this reason is a good practice to check all service notes released after the
distribution of this manual to be sure that the jumpers still conserve the original function.

There are some software switches that allow the service engineer to disable safety
interlocks of the System. Such switches have the main porpoise to easy the trouble
shooting operation of field engineers, but can also dramatically reduce the safety level
of the System if enabled during normal operation.
Is therefore responsability of the field engineer that such switches are not left enabled
if not for the time strictly necessary for the troubleshooting operations.

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9.3.1. System arm CPU jumpers setting

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9.3.2. System main board (rack) jumpers setting

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9.3.3. System main board (ceiling suspension) jumpers setting

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9.3.4. System TBS interface jumpers setting

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9.3.5. System CAN interface jumpers setting

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9.3.6. System power board jumpers setting

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9.3.7. System driver line protection jumpers setting

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9.3.8. System collimator CPU jumpers setting

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9.3.9. System wall bucky keyboard (FM512) jumpers setting

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9.3.10. Driver FM713 (DRV01 - ADD4 – CTM Long.) jumpers setting

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9.3.11. Driver FM713 (DRV02 – ADD3 - CTM Lat.) jumpers setting

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9.3.12. Driver FM713 (DRV03 – ADD1 – CTM Inc.) jumpers setting

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9.3.13. Driver FM713 (DRV04 – ADD2 – CTM Rot.) jumpers setting

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9.3.14. Driver FM713 (DRV06 – ADD5 – TBT Lat.) jumpers setting

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9.3.15. Driver FM713 (DRV07 – ADD6 – TBT Long.) jumpers setting

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9.3.16. Driver FM713 (DRV08 – ADD8 – WB Tilt.) jumpers setting

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9.3.17. Driver FM713 (DRV09 – ADD7 - WB Vert.) jumpers setting

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9.3.18. Driver AKD (CTM Vert) jumper setting

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List of Jumpers

JP1 LVDS Port Backlight Inverter VCC Selection

- 1-2 +12V
- 2-3 +5V
JP3 LVDS Port Backlight Lightness Control Mode Selection
- 1-2 VR Mode
- 2-3 PWM Mode

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JP4 LVDS Port Operating VDD Selection

- 1-2 +5V
- 2-3 +3.3V
JP8 COM2 Pin8 Function Selection
- 1-2 +12V
- 2-3 RING
- 5-6 +5V
JP9 COM3 Pin8 Function Selection
- 1-2 +12V
- 2-3 RING
- 5-6 +5V

JP17 Auto Power Button Enable/Disable Selection

JP19 Front Panel Connector

JP20 Touch Screen 4/5/8-wire Mode Selection
JP21 Clear CMOS Jumper

List of Connectors

CN1 +5VSB Output w/SMBus

CN3 LVDS Port Inverter / Backlight Connector
CN4 +5V Output for SATA HDD
CN5 External +5VSB Input
CN7 External +12V Input
CN9 Audio I/O Port
CN10 Mini-Card Slot (Half-Mini Card)
CN11 LPC Port
CN12 COM Port 2
CN13 LPT Port
CN14 COM Port 3
CN15 COM Port 4
CN16 Digital IO Port
CN17 USB 2.0 Port 3
CN18 USB 2.0 Port 2
CN19 SPI Debug Port
CN22 PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse Combo Port
CN23 Touch Screen Connector
CN24 CPU FAN (Optional)
CN25 USB Ports 0 and 1
CN26 LAN (RJ-45) Port1
CN27 LAN (RJ-45) Port2
CN28 COM Port 1 (D-SUB 9)
CN29 HDMI Port
CN30 VGA Port
CN31 Battery
CN33 CFast Slot
CN35 UIMCardSocket
CN37 Mini-Card Slot (Full-Mini Card)

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9.4. Service utilities installation

The System service SW is distributed in a ZIP file called

The installer must unzip the file into a new folder of the laptop computer and check that the
following files are present:


KalosService/Cfg/ FLSHBOOT.BIN
KalosService/Cfg/ FLSHPROG.H08
KalosService/Cfg/ FLSHPROG.H16
KalosService/Cfg/ Default.lin
KalosService/Cfg/ English.len
KalosService/Cfg/ Italiano.len

KalosService/Jpg/ *.jpg

To start the service SW is enough to launch the KalosService_Vxxx.exe program as described in

section 12 of this manual.

The Service Software has been designed to run on laptop computers with the following minimum

1. OS: Windows Xp, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

2. Ram: Minimum 1 GB

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9.5. Analog & digital I/O monitoring

The service software utility allows the operator a complete monitoring of the main signals of the

1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
3. Select In/Out/Analogs from the Display tab in the top part of the window.

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4. A new window will open with a complete list of all the actual status of the input signals and
output signals (where present) of each device. This list allows a fast overview of the
microswitches, the relays, the brakes and the analog signals built inside the machine. Each of
them is organized in boxes referring to the driver and to the board inside the System where they
come from. In the example below, the ceilstand’s Vertical Driver status and that of the CTM
Board can be checked (the status signals are referred to as blinking circles: grey meaning input
signals actually not in communication with ceilstand vertical driver and main board, yellow
meaning the end of run down input signal actually in communication with vertical driver and
movements enable button input signal actually in communication with the ceilstand main board
and green meaning the end of run up input signal actually read from the ceilstand vertical driver).

The LED in the Movement Bit - (Software OUTPUT) field shows if a motorized movement of the
System is in progress (green led) or if it is not (yellow led).

Each signal is described with a label, in which the final part can vary according to the
system configurations.
Therefore, we suggest to refer to the electrical scheme to check what signal belongs to
which of the listed micros.

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5. After having monitored the main digital signals of the Ceilstand, Elevating table and Bucky Stand,
select ANALOG key in the bottom part of the window to display the complete list of all the actual
values of the analog signals.

6. This list allows a fast overview of the analog signals values of the System various movements.
Each of them is described with a brief label and eventually the name of the port inside the board.
If you click on each of their numeric field, a new window will open.

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Horn n°1 and Horn n°2 refer respectively to the left sensors and right sensors of the ceilstand
capacitive handle, and their values are expressed in mV. Straingauge refers to the ceilstand fast
vertical movement through the capacitive handle and its value is expressed in mV. Ultrasound sonar
refers to the value in mV of the distance between the anticollision ultrasonic sensor (positioned
under the vertical ceilstand) which allows the movement to stop and any object detected far than 20
cm. Vertical Driver - Encoder refers to the vertical position of the ceilstand, and its value is expressed
in mm. Longitudinal Driver - Encoder refers to the longitudinal position of the ceilstand, and its value
is expressed in mm. Lateral Driver - Encoder refers to the transverse position of the ceilstand, and its
value is expressed in mm. Incidence Driver - Encoder refers to the alpha angle rotation around the
tube focus, and its value is expressed in encoder steps. Rotation Driver - Encoder refers to the beta
angle arm rotation around the center of the vertical ceilstand, and its value is expressed in encoder
steps. Detector Longitudinal Driver - Encoder refers to the longitudinal position of the detector
under the elevating table, and its value is expressed in mm. Detector Lateral Driver - Encoder refers
to the transverse position of the detector under the elevating table, and its value is expressed in
mm. Wall Bucky Vertical Driver, refers to the vertical position of the bucky stand, and its value is
expressed in mm. Wall Bucky Tilting Driver, refers to the rotation of the bucky stand, and its value is
expressed in degree. Finally, Ultrasound Sonar n°2 refers to the value in mV of the distance between
the anticollision ultrasonic sensor (positioned under the vertical ceilstand) which allows the
movement to stop and any object detected far than 20 cm., expressed in mm (signal in pulse mode).
Arm Rotation, Sensing Device X, Sensing Device Y, Wall Bucky Foot Pedal UP, Wall Bucky Foot Pedal
DOWN , Elevix Foot Pedal UP, Elevix Foot Pedal DOWN and Ultrasound Sonar n°2 are not present in
this version of System.

7. In the example below, by clicking in the Horn n°1 numeric field, the relative diagram will appear,
and if you grap and release the capacitive handles on the left side of the ceilstand, the ON/OFF
signal will be visible on the diagram itself.

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9.6. Movements monitoring

The service software utility also allows a complete monitoring of the main movements of the System.

1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
3. Select Graphic from the Display tab in the top part of the window.

4. One by one, select the items in the drop-down menu to graphically display the reading values of
the individual axis positions or the individual movements along their entire strokes.

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Lateral, Longitudinal and Vertical refer to the X, Y and Z coordinates of the ceilstand. Rotation and
Incidence refer to the alpha and beta angles of the tube. Detector Lateral and Detector Longitudinal
refer to the transverse and longitudinal coordinates of the detector under the table. Vertical Bucky
and Vertical Bucky Tilt refer to the height and to the angle of the bucky stand. Finally, Sonar1 refers
to the value in mm of the sonar distance between the source (under the vertical ceilstand) and any
object detected far than 20 cm. Ctm Arm Incidence and Sonar2 are not present in this version of

5. In the example below, selecting Longitudinal the relative diagram will appear and if you move the
ceilstand in the longitudinal direction, a trace of the movement will be visible, together with the
minimum and maximum positions reached during the movement.

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When maintenance mode in On, to move the table bucky in longitudinal and transverse
directions it is mandatory to use the appropriate directional keys on the System service
software (as in the example below) and NOT the keys on the touchscreen console.

6. Selecting another axis or movement, as in the Lateral example below, a new tab CTM Lateral will
appear on the same window. Transverse moving the ceilstand, the relative trace will be visible
with another color together with the previous track.

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9.7. Saving / restoring the System calibrations

The service software utility can also be used to save or restore the complete parameters
configuration of the System (for example after a calibration procedure).

9.7.1. EEprom parameters download

1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
3. Select Download from the EEprom tab in the top part of the window, in order to save the
complete parameters configuration file of the machine in your computer laptop.

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4. The download process start message displays on the right side of the screen. The service software
utility will now download all the parameters from the System. Select the directory of your laptop
computer where you want to store the file, rename the file as you want (with .ees extension) and
press Save.

5. After that, the service software utility will complete the saving procedure and you will see a
notification message on the right side of the screen.

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This download procedure is carried out automatically by the service software utility
every time you enter the maintenance mode (with the only difference that you can not
save the file in your computer laptop). This is done because in this way all the fields of
the service software utility are populated with the right parameters whenever you are in
maintenance mode.

9.7.2. EEprom parameters upload

1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
3. Select Upload from the EEprom tab in the top part of the window, in order to restore a complete
set of parameters from a configuration file of the machine previously saved in your computer

4. A new window will open. Select the configuration file you want to upload (with .ees extension)
from a directory in your computer laptop and then press Open.

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5. After that, the service software utility will complete the restore procedure and you will see a
notification message on the right side of the screen.

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9.7.3. EEprom parameters flash edit

1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
3. Select Flash Edit from the EEprom tab in the top part of the window, in order to visualize the
complete set of parameters loaded in the service software utility, that is to say the complete
configuration of the System at the time you are connected to the machine.

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4. A new window will open and you will see the list of the parameters stored in the EEprom
memories without the corresponding values. Press Open to select the configuration file of which
you want to visualize the values from a directory in your computer laptop.

5. Select the configuration file you want to visualize (with .ees extension) from a directory in your
computer laptop and then press Open.

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6. For each parameters listed will appear the corresponding value charged, both in decimal format
and in hexadecimal format (reversed bytes).

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7. There is the possibility to compare two different sets of parameters, just click the button

8. Select the configuration file you want to compare (with .ees extension) from a directory in your
computer laptop and then press Open.

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9. You will now see the parameters to compare on the last column on the left, so that you can easily
compare them. The symbol != shows the values that are different.

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10. There is also the possibility to overwrite some parameters, just click the button OVERWRITE. A
new window will appear, where you can select and open the file from which you want to recover
data to overwrite on the ones already opened in the table.

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9.7.4. EEprom parameters flash reset

1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
3. Select Flash Reset from the EEprom tab in the top part of the window, in order to perform a
reinitialization of the ceilstand board EEprom or of the rack control unit board EEprom.

After the EEprom reset, a notification message will be visible on the right side of the screen.

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9.7.5. EEprom parameters store

1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
3. Select Store from the EEprom tab in the top part of the window, in order to perform a general

4. After the EEprom refresh, a notification message will be visible on the right side of the screen.

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9.7.6. Graphic Help

Starting from rev.5 , a graphic help has been added to KalosService.

When the Configuration tab is active, you can go through the other Tabs to see a graphic display of
the actions to be carried out.

The selection of symbol opens a Help window.

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The Help window displays the pictures related to the keys clicked by the mouse.

The uploaded pictures are included in the folder Jpg.

If there is no folder, the pictures cannot be seen.

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9.8. System FW / SW downloads

In the System there are many CPUs each of which has to be programmed differently when there is a
firmware / software upgrade.

The ceiling suspension, the rack control unit and the new version collimator have a STM32F4
microcontroller integrated. The USB to CAN board interface has a LPC2194 microcontroller
integrated. Finally, the touch screen consolle is a normal CPU.

9.8.1. Ceiling suspension and control unit CPUs FW download

Tools needed
HW tool P/N
FW download cable 121041A
Laptop ---
Serial-USB adapter 122187

SW version SW tool
Kalos_Board_1-x.x.x.hex KalosServiceX.exe
Kalos_Board_2-x.x.x.hex KalosServiceX.exe

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In order to carry out this procedure, it is necessary to use System Service Tool version 4
or higher.

The ceiling suspension (CPU #1) and the rack control unit (CPU #2) have an STM32F4 microcontroller
integrated. A drawing of the CPU board is shown in the next page.

It is needed to remove any specific cover to access the CPU boards.

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1. Switch System on.

2. Connect the FW download cable (P/N 121041A, a drawing follows) in the connector CN30 of the
Rack Control Unit CPU (CPU #2) and to your laptop through the Serial-USB adapter.

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3. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example KalosService4).

4. Enter the maintenance mode by pressing Maintenance → On. Then you will see some
notification messages in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background
color (blue).

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5. Download the current EEprom configuration by pressing EEprom → Download.

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Save the EEprom configuration for example on the desktop of your laptop.

6. Quit maintenance mode (Maintenance → Off) without closing KalosService software.

7. Click on Program tab and then on STMicroelectronics STM32F4.

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8. In the new window, select the proper serial port (COM5 in the following figure).

9. Press Connect and then Send, and choose Kalos_Board_2.hex file, for rack control unit CPU

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10. A new window appears and warns to reset the board.

11. Press the buttons BOOT and RESET on the rack control unit CPU board at the same time, and
then after a few seconds (about three seconds) release the button RESET first and BOOT about
one second later.

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12. As soon as the two LEDs Reset and Boot turn green, the programming sequence is starting.

13. A progress bar will keep you updated about this process.

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14. When the final process is done, the Verify Flash led turns green and a final window will inform
you that the programming sequence has been successfully completed. Press OK to end the
programming sequence.

15. Unplug the FW download cable from the Rack Control Unit CPU board and connect it in the
connector CN30 of the Ceiling Suspension CPU (CPU #1).
16. Press Connect and then Send, and choose Kalos_Board_1.hex file, for ceiling suspension CPU

17. A new window appears and warns to reset the board.

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18. Press the buttons BOOT and RESET on the ceiling suspension CPU board at the same time, and
then after a few seconds (about three seconds) release the button RESET first and BOOT about
one second later.

19. As soon as the two LEDs Reset and Boot turn green, the programming sequence is starting.

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20. A progress bar will keep you updated about this process.

21. When the final process is done, the Verify Flash led turns green and a final window will inform
you that the programming sequence has been successfully completed. Press OK to end the
programming sequence.

22. Unplug the FW download cable from the Ceiling Suspension CPU board and connect it in the
connector CN30 of the Rack Control Unit CPU (CPU #2).
23. Enter the maintenance mode by pressing Maintenance → On.

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24. Press EEprom → Flash Edit.

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25. The following window will show up.

26. Go back to the main window without closing the EEprom window, and press EEprom →

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27. Press Annulla on the following window.

28. The EEprom values will be automatically filled. Now press the OVERWRITE button.

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29. Open the configuration file previously downloaded.

30. The following window will be displayed to save the new overwritten EEprom. Give it a different
name with respect to the old one (new_eeprom in this example) and save it.

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31. Go back to the main window and press EEprom → Upload to upload the new EEprom.

32. Select the new EEprom just created.

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33. The upload procedure is complete when the message EEprom 2 data structure correctly received
is displayed on the right side of the service software.

34. Quit maintenance mode (Maintenance → Off).

35. Switch the System off.
36. Unplug the FW download cable from CN30.

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9.8.2. Collimator CPU FW download

Tools needed
HW tool P/N
FW download cable 97731
Laptop ---
Serial-USB adapter 122187

SW version SW tool
New_Collimator_Kalos_logo_PRIMO_V x.xx.x.hex KalosServiceX.exe

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The collimator has an STM32F4 microcontroller integrated. Follow the procedure below to upgrade

It is needed to remove any specific cover to access the CPU board.

Collimator CPU board is located behind the frontal cover of the collimator itself.

1. Switch System on.

2. Put the jumper JMP1 on the two green pins as in the following figure.
3. Connect the FW download cable (P/N 97731, a drawing follows) in the connector CN17 as in the
figure below, and to your laptop through the Serial-USB adapter.

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4. In your laptop open KalosServiceX.exe (in this example KalosService3).

5. Click on Program tab and then on STMicroelectronics STM32F4.

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6. In the new window, select the proper serial port (COM5 in the following figure).

7. Press Connect and then Send, and choose New_Collimator_Kalos_logo_PRIMO_V x.xx.x.hex file.

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8. A new window appears and warns to reset the board.

9. Reset the CPU board by pressing button PL1 and then press the OK button on the Flash EPROM
programmer menu.

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10. As soon as the two LEDs Reset and Boot turn green, the programming sequence is starting.

11. A progress bar will keep you updated about this process.

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12. When the final process is done, the Verify Flash led turns green and a final window will inform
you that the programming sequence has been successfully completed. Press OK to end the
programming sequence.

13. Switch the System off and set the jumper JMP1 back to its original position.
14. Unplug the FW download cable from CN17.

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9.8.3. USB-to-CAN CPU FW upgrade

Tools needed
HW tool P/N
FW download cable 121041A
Laptop ---
Serial-USB adapter 122187

SW version SW tool
USB_to_CAN_Pensile KalosServiceX.exe

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The USB-to-CAN CPU board has an LPC2194 microcontroller integrated. Follow the procedure below
to upgrade it.

It is needed to remove any specific cover to access the CPU board.

USB-to-CAN CPU board is located behind the right side of the frontal cover of the touchscreen

1. Switch System on.

2. Connect the FW download cable (P/N 97192, a drawing follows) in the connector CN409 as in the
picture below, and to your laptop through the Serial-USB adapter. Please, note that the
connector has to be plugged on the four central pins, whereas pins #1 and #6 have to be free.

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3. In your laptop and open KalosServiceX.exe (in this example KalosService3).

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4. Click on Program tab and then on LPC_2194.

5. In the new window, select the proper serial port (COM5 in the following figure).

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6. Press Connect and then Send, and choose USB_to_CAN_Pensile

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7. A new window appears and warns to reset the board.

8. Press the buttons SW1 and SW2 on the CPU board at the same time, and then after a few
seconds (about three seconds) release the button SW2 first and SW1 immediately after.
9. As soon as the two LEDs Reset and Boot turn green, the programming sequence is starting.
A progress bar will keep you updated about this process. During the whole process, a buzzer
beep will be hearable, meaning that the programming sequence is in progress.
10. When the final process is done, the Verify Flash led turns green and a final window will inform
you that the programming sequence has been successfully completed. Press OK to end the
programming sequence.

11. Switch the System off.

12. Unplug the FW download cable from CN30. At the following switch on, the buzzer beep will
vanish and the System will start with the new uploaded firmware running.

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9.8.4. Touchscreen Console CPU SW upgrade

Tools needed
HW tool P/N
Service USB keyboard 97385
Laptop ---

SW version SW tool
KalosPensile x.x.x.x ATS PRIMO YYYY_MM_DD ---

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It is needed to remove any specific cover to access the CPU board.

Touchscreen console CPU is located behind the left side of the touchscreen console itself.
In the following image, both the frontal view and the profile of this board are showed.

Such a system disk is writing protected: therefore, it is necessary to disable this lock before having a
software upgrade.

1. Switch System on.

2. Unplug any USB device from the two USB ports located on the left side of the touchscreen
console board.
3. Connect a service USB keyboard to one of the two USB ports located on the left side of the
touchscreen console board.
4. Exit to Windows by pressing alt+F4 on the service USB keyboard.
5. Disable the disk protection by following these steps:
a. Open C:\FBWF_setting.
b. Double click on Reset_Prot.bat icon.

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c. Press any key to continue in the DOS window, which automatically opens.
d. Restart Windows.
6. Exit to Windows by pressing alt+F4 on the service USB keyboard. If it does not work, force System
application to quit by pressing ctrl+alt+del.
7. Open the folder C:\KalosCfgFiles.

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8. Copy/paste the file AMBIENTE.ini on your Upgrade USB key and rename it as AMBIENTE_old.ini:
this is a backup needed to reload the current System configuration.
9. Close the folder C:\KalosCfgFiles.
10. Uninstall the program Kalos Pensile ATS Primo by using Windows Control Panel uninstalling
11. Insert the USB key in the only free USB port located on the left side of the touchscreen console
board. Copy the folder KalosPensile x.x.x.x ATS PRIMO YYYY_MM_DD and paste it on the
System touchscreen desktop.
12. Open the folder KalosPensile x.x.x.x ATS PRIMO YYYY_MM_DD and double click the setup.exe

13. Follow the setup installation procedure to make the new software version overwrite the previous
14. Open the folder C:\KalosCfgFiles.
15. Cut/paste the file AMBIENTE.ini on the Upgrade USB key.
16. Quit the folder C:\KalosCfgFiles.
17. Remove safely the Upgrade USB key and plug it in your laptop.
18. Open both AMBIENTE_old.ini and AMBIENTE.ini from the Upgrade USB key, by using Notepad.
19. Modify manually the AMBIENTE.ini file. Each option must be set accordingly with the old
configuration AMBIENTE_old.ini.

The new file AMBIENTE.ini is expected to have few more new options. Do not change
them. Do not add/remove any line in the new AMBIENTE.ini file.

20. Save the AMBIENTE.ini file. Close both the files and safely remove the Upgrade USB key from
your laptop.

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21. Plug again the Upgrade USB key to the USB port located on the left side of the touchscreen
console board.
22. Copy/paste (and overwrite) the AMBIENTE.ini file from the Upgrade USB key to the folder
23. Quit the folder C:\KalosCfgFiles.
24. Enable the disk protection by following these steps:
a. Double click Set_Disk Protection.lnk on the desktop

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b. Press any key to continue in the DOS window, which automatically opens.

c. Shut down Windows.

25. As soon as Windows is off, switch System suspension off, by pushing the emergency button
located on the top of the touchscreen console.
26. Unplug both the service USB keyboard and the Upgrade USB key and connect all the USB device
previously unplugged.
27. Wait a few seconds and then switch it on, by releasing the same emergency button.

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9.9. Drivers programming

It’s useful to know something about the programmation and the configuration of the main drivers
involved in the movement of the whole System. The System has two different types of drivers:
FM713 and Kollmorgen AKD.

The FM713 ones are used for the following movements:

3. Ceiling lateral movement (x);

4. Ceiling longitudinal movement (y);
5. Tube rotation movement (alpha);
6. Arm rotation movement (beta);
7. Bucky under the table lateral movement (for Systems with the table);
8. Bucky under the table longitudinal movement (for Systems with the table);
9. Wall bucky vertical movement (for Systems with the wall bucky);
10. Wall bucky tilting movement (for Systems with the wall bucky).

The first six drivers are used to pilot AC brushless motors, while the last two ones are used to pilot DC
motors. Anyway, both of them are powered by direct current with a voltage ranging from about 70 V
to about 80 V. They are also used to read some digital signals coming from the System (above all
concerning grid and cassette microswitches) and to drive some output digital signals for some other
movements (for example the deformation grid mechanism and the bucky rotation).

The Kollmorgen AKD one is used for the following movement:

11. Ceiling vertical movement (z).

This driver is used to pilot a more powerful DC motor. It is powered by a monophase alternated
current directly provided by the net with a voltage ranging from about 230 V to 240 V.

There is an additional movement in the System: the up / down movement of the table, driven by two
synchronized SKF actuators, but they don’t need a particular programmation because it’s already
carried out by the factory which provides the motors.

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9.9.1. FM713 driver FW download

Tools needed
HW tool P/N
USB cable M-M ---
Laptop ---

SW version SW tool
FM713_PMSM_100V_vxxx.hex C2Prog.exe
FM713_DCM_100V_vxxx.hex C2Prog.exe

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FM713 drivers are eight and are located in the areas indicated by the red arrows.

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In order to reach them, it is necessary to remove covers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.

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In particular:

Driver 1 Suspension longitudinal

Driver 2 Tube incidence

Driver 3 Suspension lateral

Driver 4 Tube rotation

Driver 5 Table lateral

Driver 6 Table longitudinal

Driver 7 Wallstand vertical

Driver 8 Wallstand tilting

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The following procedure is valid for all the eight drivers.

1. Position the ceiling suspension so that it is possible to reach all the drivers easily.
2. Switch the System off.
3. Close the jumper JP103 (the red one in the following image) in all the drivers.

4. Switch the System on.

The instructions from 1 to 4 have to be executed only once.
The instructions from 5 to 18 must be repeated for all the eight drivers.

5. Connect the USB M-M cable from your laptop to driver’s connector J102 (the green one in the
previous image).

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6. As far as the programming and the configuration of the FM713 drivers are concerned, you only
need an USB cable with male connectors on both sides. Inside any of the FM713 drivers, there is
a small FTDI chip that converts the USB message to RS232 ones and vice versa. After connecting
the USB cable from the driver to your laptop, it is necessary that your PC have FTDI drivers
installed, so that the USB port can be seen as a Virtual COM Port (VCP).
3 In order to do that, open the Windows Device Manager and go to Universal Serial Bus

7. Then click on USB Serial Converter, open the Advanced tab and check the flag indicating Load
VCP, as shown in the figure below.

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8. After that, Windows will recognize the USB port as a COM port (eventually unplug the USB cable
and plug it again). If Windows has assigned a number bigger than 8 to the new COM port (in the
example COM66), renumber it with a number ranging from 1 to 8 (in the example COM8). In
order to do that, go to Ports (COM & LPT) and click on USB Serial Port.

9. Open the Port Settings tab and click on the Advanced button.

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10. Now change the number of the COM port (it does not matter if the port you select is already in
use), click OK, and then OK again.

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11. Launch the program C2Prog.exe from KALOS_SW_download → 07_FM713 → C2Prog on the
Upgrade USB key.

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12. Press Select File… and select:

a. FM713_PMSM_100V_vxxx.hex for drivers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
b. FM713_DCM_100V_vxxx.hex for drivers 7, 8.

13. Set the Programming Configuration options as in the previous image.

14. Select the correct COM port by clicking Configure Ports… and then on Scan Ports: a menu will
open where you can select the COM port previously configured.

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15. Now click OK and then Program. Then wait until the firmware downloading has been carried out
successfully and finally press OK.

16. Quit the program C2Prog.exe.

17. Unplug the USB cable from this driver and connect it to the next one, until all the eight drivers
have been updated. Do not switch the System off.
18. Go back to instruction 5 until all the eight drivers have been updated.

Go ahead only when all the eight drivers have been updated.

19. Switch the System off.

20. Put the jumper JP103 back to its original position for all the eight drivers.

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9.9.2. Kollmorgen AKD driver FW download

Tools needed
HW tool P/N
Eight-pole Ethernet cable ---
Laptop ---

SW version SW tool
AKD-x-xxxx-Vxx-xx-xx-xxx.i00 WorkBench.exe

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It is needed to remove any specific cover to access Kollmorgen AKD driver.

Kollmorgen AKD driver is located on the front upper side of the ceiling suspension.

1. It is necessary to set up a Local Area Network between your laptop and the driver. Go to Control
Panel → Network and Internet → Network and Sharing Center and click on Local Area

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2. Then click on Properties, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click on Properties
again. In the new window, choose Use the following IP address, and set as IP
address and as subnet mask. At the end of this procedure, restore the previous

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3. Then click on OK, Close and Close again.

4. Connect the eight-pole Ethernet cable from the driver (connector X11) to your laptop.

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5. On your laptop launch WorkBench.exe.

6. Select Connect.

7. Then wait for the automatic detection of the driver.

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8. The following figure indicates that driver is properly connected.

Press More >> button and then Download… to update new firmware.

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9. Select the right file and then click Open. In order to choose it, it is needed to select the file
compatible with the driver hardware version that is indicated in Device Model window (see next

Here below the list of hardware revision – firmware files correspondence is presented.

Driver Firmware
AKD-Bxxxxx-NBAN-xxxx AKD-B-NBAN-Vxx-xx-xx-xxx.i00
AKD-Bxxxxx-NBSQ-xxxx AKD-B-NBSQ-Vxx-xx-xx-xxx.i00
AKD-Mxxxxx-M1EC-xxxx AKD-M-M1EC-Vxx-xx-xx-xxx.i00
AKD-Mxxxxx-MCEC-xxxx AKD-M-MCEC- Vxx-xx-xx-xxx.i00
AKD-Pxxxxx-NBAN-xxxx AKD-P-NBAN- Vxx-xx-xx-xxx.i00
AKD-Pxxxxx-NBCC-xxxx AKD-P-NBCC- Vxx-xx-xx-xxx.i00
AKD-Pxxxxx-NBCN-xxxx AKD-P-NBCN- Vxx-xx-xx-xxx.i00
AKD-Pxxxxx-NBEC-xxxx AKD-P-NBEC- Vxx-xx-xx-xxx.i00
AKD-Pxxxxx-NBEI-xxxx AKD-P-NBEI- Vxx-xx-xx-xxx.i00
AKD-Pxxxxx-NBPN-xxxx AKD-P-NBPN- Vxx-xx-xx-xxx.i00
AKD-Pxxxxx-NBS3-xxxx AKD-P-NBS3- Vxx-xx-xx-xxx.i00

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10. Wait for a few minutes for firmware upgrade.

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11. At the end of the upgrade, switch the System off and on again, and check the new firmware
version has been successfully updated.

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10. Calibrations
10.1. Entering maintenance mode
The System is equipped with a service software utility that allows the installer to calibrate the control
circuits and to setup all the parameters the machine needs for its movements and synchronizations.

To run the service software utility, it is necessary to enter the System maintenance mode carrying out
the following procedure.

1. First of all connect one of your laptop computer serial ports to connector CN30 of the CPU board
of the System power supply unit using the cable p/n 121041A. Alternatively build the cable using
the attached drawing.

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2. In your laptop start the service software utility launching the file KalosService_Vx.exe. In the
procedure described in this chapter, the software version of the service software utility used is
4.4 (purely as an example).

3. In the figure below you see the start screen of the service software utility.

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4. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode, before the System initializes itself, selecting
On from the Maintenance tab in the top part of the window.

5. You will see the following sequence of notification messages in the list view on the right side of
the screen as well as a new background colour (blue). All the EEprom parameters of System are
downloaded into the software and the corresponding fields are populated (you can see that by
selecting the different tabs).

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6. The service software recognizes the type of System and checks automatically the relative flag (in
this example Auto is checked, meaning the System is an automatic Kalos). Manual and Trauma
are not present in this version of System.

7. When Check Communication flag is checked, means the service software utility has the
prerogative to continuously verify the correct communication with the OTS.

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8. In the event of a communication interruption between the service software utility and the OTS,
the screen background colour will change (orange).

9. The maintenance mode can be abandoned any time during the calibration selecting
Maintenance > Off, or pressing the Exit tab in the top part of the window, or clicking X key on
the right top corner of the window.

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10. A pop-up displays will appear requesting to eventually save the parameters.

11. The screen background colour will change again and a notification message in the list view will be

12. Switch the System off and on again, to synchronize all devices.

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Each of the calibrations shown in this chapter can be done only when the maintenance
mode is enabled. Otherwise, if you try to press any of the buttons in the service software
utility, you will not see any notification message and the button label will become red, to
warn you that the calibration has not taken place.

10.2. Settings configuration

10.2.1. General settings
When maintenance mode is On, there is the possibility to change some hardware / software
configurations of the System in the Configuration view.

Once the notification messages in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as the blue color
of the background appear, different features may be enabled / disabled by checking / unchecking the
corresponding options.

10.2.2. Watchdog Enable setting

When “Watchdog Enable” option is checked, the CPU microprocessor self-check system is active.

When “Watchdog Enable” option is not checked, the CPU microprocessor self-check system is not

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To ensure the correct functioning of the System the "Watchdog Enable" option must be

10.2.3. Nodeguard FM713 / AKD / Consolle Enable setting

When “Nodeguard FM713 Enable”, “Nodeguard AKD Enabled” and “Nodeguard Consolle Enable”
options are checked, the checks between the software and the driver models examined are active.

When “Nodeguard FM713 Enable”, “Nodeguard AKD Enabled” and “Nodeguard Consolle Enable”
options are not checked, the checks between the software and the driver models examined are

To ensure the correct functioning of the System, it is strongly recommended that the options
"Nodeguard FM713 Enable", "Nodeguard AKD Enabled" and "Nodeguard Console Enable" be

10.2.4. Synchro Repositioning setting

When “Synchro Repositioning” option is checked, the OTS vertical

tracking takes place automatically.

When “Synchro Repositioning” option is not checked, the OTS vertical

tracking takes place manually, by pressing the movement enable button.

When the "Synchro Repositioning" option is enabled, in order to ensure a correct vertical
tracking movement of the OTS, the "Strict Movement Control" setting of the "Ambiente.ini"
file must be = 1, and when the "Synchro Repositioning" option is disabled, the "Strict
Movement Control" setting of the "Ambiente.ini" file must be = 2.

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10.2.5. New Collimator setting

When “New Collimator Enable” option is checked, the System is equipped with a new type
collimator, model AL.

When “New Collimator Enable” option is not checked, the System is provided with an old type
collimator, model CT.

10.2.6. SSI Encoder Lateral FM713 / SSI Encoder Longitudinal FM713 / SSI Encoder Incidence / SSI
Encoder Rotation setting

When “SSI Encoder Lateral FM713”, “SSI Encoder Longitudinal FM713”, “SSI Encoder Incidence” and
“SSI Encoder Rotation” option are checked, the checks and communications between the software
and absolute encoders examined are active.

When “SSI Encoder Lateral FM713”, “SSI Encoder Longitudinal FM713”, “SSI Encoder Incidence” and
“SSI Encoder Rotation” option are not checked, the checks and communications between the
software and the absolute encoders examined are not active.

To guarantee the correct functioning of the System, the options "SSI Encoder Lateral
FM713", "SSI Encoder Longitudinal FM713", "SSI Encoder Incidence" and "SSI Encoder
Rotation" must be enabled.

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10.2.7. Ultrasound Enabled setting

When “Ultrasound Enabled” option is checked, the ultrasonic anti-collision sensor, which stops the
movement, is active.

When “Ultrasound Enabled” option is not checked, the ultrasonic anti-collision sensor, which allows
the movement to stop, is not active.

To ensure the correct functioning of the anti-collision system, and consequently the system
safety, the "Ultrasound Enabled" option must be enabled.

Ultrasound anticollision sensor is mandatory on this System and must be kept active
necessarily. If disabled, there could be extensive casualties and material damage.
It is mandatory to reactivate the Sonar anti-collision ultrasound sensor at the end of any

10.2.8. Ultrasound MB1010 setting

When “Ultrasound MB1010” option is checked, the anti-collision ultrasonic sensor model MB1010
that allows stopping the movement is active.

When “Ultrasound MB1010” option is not checked, the anti-collision ultrasonic sensor model
MB1010 that allows stopping the movement is not active.

To ensure the correct functioning of the anti-collision system, and consequently the safety of
the System, the "Ultrasound MB1010" option must be enabled.

10.2.9. Ultrasound URM37 / SRF01 setting

Not present in this version of System.

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Not present in this version of System.

10.2.10. Ultrasound MB1010 Pulse Width setting

When “Ultrasound MB1010 Pulse Width” option is checked, the anti-collision ultrasonic sensor model
MB1010, which allows the movement to stop, records the signal in pulse mode.

When “Ultrasound MB1010 Pulse Width” option is not checked, the anti-collision ultrasonic sensor
model MB1010, which allows the movement to stop, records the signal continuously (analog).

To ensure the proper functioning of the anti-collision system, and consequently the safety
of the System, it is preferable that the "Ultrasound MB1010" option is enabled.

10.2.11. Ultrasound URM37 / SRF01 Pulse Width setting

Not present in this version of System.

Not present in this version of System.

10.2.12. New Detector Homing setting

This option must be always on.

10.2.13. Cassette Rotation Collimator setting

When “Cassette Rotation Collimator” option is checked, the physical orientation (PORTRAIT /
LANDSCAPE) of the Docking Station automatically follows the value of the collimator format.

When “Cassette Rotation Collimator” option is not checked, the physical orientation (PORTRAIT /
LANDSCAPE) of the Docking Station varies according to the anatomical program selection.

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10.2.14. Collision Brake Enable setting

When “Collision Brake Enable” option is checked, the vertical movement slows when approaching the
collision zone before stopping definitively (the option is referred to the speed of the motorized
vertical movement; it is not valid for manual vertical movement).

When “Collision Brake Enable” option is not checked, the vertical movement stops upon coming into
contact with collision zone without slowing at all (the option is referred to the speed of the
motorized vertical movement; it is not valid for manual vertical movement).

As the System implies that the room is correctly configured and calibrated, every movement
of the System requires the voluntary application of a command by the operator, who is
considered the sole responsible for the safety of the System and the patient.

10.2.15. Manual Anticollision Enable setting

When “Manual Anticollision Enable” option is checked, as soon as a collision condition comes into
play, it is no longer possible to keep on moving the ceilstand toward the collision zone. In this
condition, if the operator tries to continue such a movement by releasing and seizing the handles
again, the braked immediately intervene to stop it, a warning message appears on the touchscreen
and finally the acoustic alarm is emitted.

When “Manual Anticollision Enable” option is not checked, the operator is warned about the collision
condition from both a warning message and the acoustic alarm, but it is still possible to move the
ceilstand manually toward any direction. Only the vertical movement (both manual and motorized) is
stopped as soon as a collision condition is reached.

As the System implies that the room is correctly configured and calibrated, every movement
of the System requires the voluntary application of a command by the operator, who is
considered the sole responsible for the safety of the System and the patient.

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10.2.16. Motorized Movement Check setting

When “Motorized Movement Check” option is checked, the System controlling that the motorized
movements reach the working positions, is active.

When “Motorized Movement Check” option is not checked, the System that controls that the
motorized movements reach the working positions is not active.

To ensure the correct functioning of the System, it is necessary that the "Motorized
Movement Check" option be enabled.

10.2.17. Foot Pedals Enable setting

When “Foot Pedals Enable” option is checked, the System is equipped with the optional pedal board

When “Foot Pedals Enable” option is not checked, the System is not equipped with the optional
pedal board accessory.

10.2.18. Canon Options setting

When “Canon Option” option is checked, the room has been configured with a Canon System.

When “Canon Option” option is not checked, the room has not been configured with a Canon, but
with a Primo System.

10.2.19. Capacitive HandleBars setting

When “Capacitive HandleBars” option is checked, the System is provided with a new type of
capacitive handle.

When “Capacitive HandleBars” option is not checked, the System is not provided with the new type
of capacitive handle.

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10.2.20. Free Position Option setting

When “Free Position Option” option is checked, the automatic movements linked to the positions
from 6.4 to 6.20 do not provide for the vertical movements of the elevating table and bucky stand,
but only that of the OTS.

When “Free Position Option” option is not checked, the automatic movements linked to all the
positions of workplace 6 provide for the vertical movements of the elevating table, the bucky stand,
and the OTS.

10.2.21. Free

This option is not used.

10.2.22. Table Present setting

When “Table Present” option is checked, the System is equipped with an elevating table.

When “Table Present” option is not checked, the System is not equipped with an elevating table.

10.2.23. Table Autopositioning Disable setting

When “Table Autopositioning Disable” option is checked, the automatic movements do not provide
the elevating table auto-positioning, which in this case is disabled.

When “Table Autopositioning Disable” option is not checked, the automatic movements include the
elevating table auto-positioning, which in this case is enabled.

10.2.24. Wall Bucky Present setting

When “Wall Bucky Present” option is checked, the System is equipped with a bucky stand.

When “Wall Bucky Present” option is not checked, the System is not equipped with a bucky stand.

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10.2.25. Wall Bucky Autopositioning Disable setting

When “Wall Bucky Autopositioning Disable” option is checked, the automatic movements do not
include the bucky stand auto-positioning, which in this case is disabled.

When “Wall Bucky Autopositioning Disable” option is not checked, the automatic movements include
the bucky stand auto-positioning, which in this case is enabled.

10.2.26. Table bucky setting

When maintenance mode is On, there is the possibility to change some hardware/software
configurations of the bucky under the elevating table in the Table Setting view.

First of all, it is possible to choose the type of bucky mounted under the elevating table (GMM bucky
or Claymount bucky). Selecting GMM Bucky you can set the following configurations.

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When “Fixed Detector” option is checked, the detector mounted on the bucky under the elevating
table is a 43x43 fixed detector model.

When “Motorized Detector” option is checked, the detector mounted on the bucky under the
elevating table is a rotating detector model.

When “No Grid” option is checked, the anti-scatter grid is not mounted.

When “Manual Grid” option is checked, the manual anti-scatter grid is mounted.

When “Moving Grid” option is checked, the oscillating anti-scatter grid is mounted.

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Selecting Claymount Bucky you can set the following configurations.

When “Manual Detector 35x43” option is checked, the detector mounted on the bucky under the
elevating table is a 35x43 manual detector model.

When “Manual Detector 43x43” option is checked, the detector mounted on the bucky under the
elevating table is a 43x43 manual detector model.

When “No Grid” option is checked, the anti-scatter grid is not mounted.

When “Manual Grid” option is checked, the manual anti-scatter grid is mounted.

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10.2.27. Wall Bucky setting

When maintenance mode is On, there is the possibility to change some hardware/software
configurations of the bucky stand in the Wall Bucky Setting view.

First of all, it is possible to choose the type of bucky mounted (GMM bucky or Claymount bucky).
Selecting Bucky you can set the following configurations.

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When “Fixed Detector” option is checked, the detector mounted on the bucky is a fixed detector

When “Manual Sensing Device Detector” option is checked, the detector mounted on the bucky is a
PROVOTECH potter model of detector.

When “No Grid” option is checked, the anti-scatter grid is not mounted.

When “Moving Grid” option is checked, the oscillating anti-scatter grid is mounted.

When “Manual Grid” option is checked, the manual anti-scatter grid is mounted.

When “Deformation Grid” option is checked, the auto focusing anti-scatter grid is mounted.

Selecting Claymount Bucky you can set the following configurations.

When “Fixed Detector” option is checked, the detector mounted on the bucky is a fixed detector

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When “Motorized Right Detector 35x43” option is checked, the detector mounted on the bucky is a
35x43 rotating detector model, removable from the right side.

When “Motorized Left Detector 35x43” option is checked, the detector mounted on the bucky is a
35x43 rotating detector model, removable from the left side.

When “Manual Right Detector 35x43” option is checked, the detector mounted on the bucky is a
35x43 manual detector model, removable from the right side.

When “Manual Left Detector 35x43” option is checked, the detector mounted on the bucky is a
35x43 manual detector model, removable from the left side.

When “Manual Left Detector 43x43” option is checked, the detector mounted on the bucky is a wi-fi
43x43 manual detector model, removable from the left side.

When “Manual Right Detector 43x43” option is checked, the detector mounted on the bucky is a wi-fi
43x43 manual detector model, removable from the right side.

When “Motorized Grid” option is checked, the oscillating anti-scatter grid is mounted.

When “Manual Grid” option is checked, the manual anti-scatter grid is mounted.

When “Deformation Grid” option is checked, the fixed anti-scatter grid is mounted.

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10.2.28. Saving settings

Once the various System configuration options have been set, the changes made must be saved by
pressing “Store” tab indicated in the following window.
The save settings message appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

Pressing one of the keys to exit the software ("Maintenance > Off", "Exit", or "X key on the screen"), a
pop-up displays, requesting to save the parameters.

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10.3. Mechanical calibrations

In this paragraph you can find some procedures for three mechanical calibrations of the system: the
first one involves the correct position of the ceilstand tube, the second one a tube angle calibration,
and the third one is necessary for a smooth vertical manual movement.

10.3.1. Position of the tube

This procedure allows to verify that the focal spot of the tube corresponds with the central rotation
point of the ceilstand support arm.
1. Using the capacitive handles, manually move the ceilstand (oriented at 0°) until it reaches a
comfortable position for the operator and measures the distance from the floor using the
ceilstand measurement tool.

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2. Turn the ceilstand counterclockwise (+ 90°) by pressing the counterclockwise rotation key 1 on
the device's touchscreen console. Press the collimator’s light switch 2.

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3. Measure the focus distance between the red light (corresponding to the focal point of the tube)
and the floor, checking that the distance is the same as in the previous point.

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4. If the two measurements do not coincide, loosen the fixing screws of the tube-support arm and
position the support on its slide, to the right or left, depending on whether it is necessary to
decrease or increase the focal distance.

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10.3.2. Balancing the tube

This procedure is necessary to balance the weight of the X-ray tube when it is rotating.
• Mechanically remove the tube incidence motor from the whole machine.
• Verify that the tube – collimator assembly is mechanically balanced, otherwise you have to
raise or lower its position with respect to the suspension support in order to make it
• Then reconnect the motor to the machine as it was in the beginning.

10.3.3. Calibration of the strain-gauge

As far as the vertical manual movement of the suspension is concerned, the core of the system is the
strain-gauge, placed behind the tube. It is a sensor which can detect the force the user transmits to
the handlebar (in both directions, up and down), and translates this information to the suspension
CPU which enables the vertical movement of the motor in a way to simulate a “force zero”
movement. In order to do that, the strain-gauge signal has to be read and later amplified by an
analogic board placed just behind it. Nevertheless, a procedure has to be performed in order to
calibrate the electrical voltages on some test points of the board.
• Let the strain-gauge loose from its locking nuts.
• Adjust the voltage on TP14 of the board 121786 with PT2 in order to obtain 0 mV.
• Tighten the two locking nuts of the strain-gauge very smoothly in order to maintain the
voltage on TP14 at 0 mV.
• Adjust the voltage on TP9 of the same board with PT1 in order to obtain 2500 mV.
• Lay a little weight over the tube – collimator assembly and adjust the voltage on TP9 of the
same board with PT3 in order to have a variation of 100 mV per kg applied (for example, if
you place a 7 kg object over the tube – collimator assembly, you have to read a voltage of
1800 mV = (2500 – 700) mV on TP9).
• Now the strain-gauge is completely calibrated.

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10.4. Siko calibrations

These procedures are necessary in order to calibrate the longitudinal and lateral Siko sensors.
The sequence of the calibration steps is as follows:
4. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
5. Connect one of your laptop computer serial ports to connector CN30 of the CPU board of the
System power supply unit using the cable p/n 121041A.

6. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the system initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background colour (blue).

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7. Perform the system start-up by pressing the movements enable button.

10.4.1. Longitudinal Siko calibrations
To calibrate the longitudinal Siko sensor, proceed as follows:
8. Connect the cable (P/N 166061, a drawing follows) in the connector CN247 of the longitudinal
driver FM713A, as in the picture below, to your laptop through a Serial-USB 2.0 to RS485 adapter.
Please note that for the sensor power supply, the other cable connector must be plugged
indifferently to one of the indicated connectors on the Kalos Main CPU 98421 board.

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To serial-USB 2.0
to RS485 adapter

To Kalos Main
CPU 98421 board

To longitudinal
driver FM713A

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9. Press "Siko" from the "Tools" menu.

10. Select the appropriate Com port (in this example the COM14).

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11. Press the Display Position Run Time key.

12. Once the readings of the longitudinal magnetic strips have been verified by the sensor, manually
bring the ceilstand to the left mechanical limit stop.

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13. Press the STOP key to stop the reading.

14. Press Store Offset Zero Value key to fix the device's zero value.

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15. Press in the indicated field to open the window and visualize the chart displaying the longitudinal
magnetic strips reading. By uniformly moving the ceilstand back and forth along the longitudinal
axis, the correct reading or any missing readings can be verified (shown by spikes on the

In the event of a reading failure, adjust the sensor position and check the efficiency of the magnetic
strip. If it is damaged, replace it following the procedure described in section 14 paragraph 14.1.

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16. Switch off the System and disconnect the cable (P/N 166061) from the connector CN247 of the
longitudinal driver FM713A.

10.4.2. Lateral Siko calibrations

To calibrate the lateral Siko sensor, proceed as follows:
1. Connect the cable (P/N 166061, a drawing follows) in the connector CN249 of the lateral driver
FM713A, as in the picture below, to your laptop through a Serial-USB 2.0 to RS485 adapter.
Please note that for the sensor power supply, the other cable connector must be plugged
indifferently to one of the indicated connectors on the Kalos Main CPU 98421 board.

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To serial-USB 2.0
to RS485 adapter

To Kalos Main
CPU 98421 board

To lateral driver

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2. Press "Siko" from the "Tools" menu.

3. Select the appropriate Com port (in this example the COM14).

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4. Press the Display Position Run Time key.

5. Once the sensor readings of the lateral magnetic strips have been verified, manually bring the
ceilstand to the front mechanical limit switch.

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6. Press the STOP key to end the reading.

7. Press Store Offset Zero Value key to fix the device's zero value.

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8. Press in the indicated field to open the window and visualize the chart displaying the lateral
magnetic strips reading. By uniformly moving the ceilstand back and forth along the transverse
axis, the correct reading or any missing readings can be verified (shown by spikes on the

In the event of a reading failure, adjust the sensor position and check the efficiency of the magnetic
strip. If it is damaged, replace it following the procedure described in section 14 paragraph 14.1.

9. Switch off the System and disconnect the cable (P/N 166061) from the connector CN249 of the
longitudinal driver FM713A.

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10.5. Ceilstand calibrations

The calibrations shown in the manual refer to a typical room configuration, which
includes the elements arranged as shown in the figure. If the elements are positioned
differently, refer to the instructions indicated below only as an example.

10.5.1. Tube longitudinal and transverse runs (x and y)

There is the possibility to acquire the ceilstand longitudinal and transverse end of runs values.

Watching the room frontally the longitudinal minimum is where the ceilstand is completely pushed
towards the left side of the longitudinal rails and the transverse minimum is where the ceilstand is
completely pushed towards you on the lateral rails. The longitudinal / transverse maximum positions
are on the corresponding opposite directions.

Proceed as follows:

1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode (as described in section 11 paragraph 11.1),
before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages in the list view on the
right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).

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3. Select the Suspension view.

4. Manually move the ceilstand to the minimal longitudinal position.

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5. Press on Min Longitudinal (Left) key for the minimum end of run, the relative flag will appear.

The successful acquisition and its own values will appear on the right side of the screen.

6. Manually move the ceilstand to the maximum longitudinal position.

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7. Press on Max Longitudinal (Right) key for the maximum end of run, the relative flag will appear.

The successful acquisition and its own values will appear on the right side of the screen.

8. Manually move the ceilstand to the minimum transverse position.

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9. Press on Min Lateral (Out) key for the minimum end of run, the relative flag will appear.

The successful acquisition and its own values will appear on the right side of the screen.

10. Manually move the ceilstand to the maximum transverse position.

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11. Press on Max Lateral (In) key for the maximum end of run, the relative flag will appear.

The successful acquisition and its own values will appear on the right side of the screen.

12. Once the various tube longitudinal and transverse runs are acquired, the values must be saved
by pressing “Store” tab indicated in the following window.
The save acquired values message appears in the list field to the right of the screen. The values
indicated represent the longitudinal position (Y) and the transverse position (X) of the ceilstand
expressed in mm, after the magnetic bands have been calibrated.

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The Longitudinal / Lateral Gains are inserted by default and, normally, should not be
modified by the installer. These parameters represent the longitudinal / transverse runs (in
mm) per motor shaft.

The Strip Width is inserted by default and, normally, should not be modified by the installer.
This parameter represents the width (in mm) of the ceilstand strip.

10.5.2. Tube vertical run (z)

This procedure is necessary to calibrate the ceilstand height with respect to the floor.
1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch system on and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
3. First of all, it’s necessary to remove the assembly covers of ceilstand support arm and the
assembly front covers of ceilstand electronics, to ensure that the value of the distance between
the upper telescopic column and the plate below is 8 cm (with a tolerance of about 5 mm), as
shown in the following figure.

8 cm

4. If the value does not correspond to 8 cm, adjust it using the micro switches FC1 and FC2,
corresponding respectively to the ceilstand's high and low limit switches. Then, bring the
ceilstand in such a position as to obtain the required value by loosening the fixing screws of the
microswitch supports.

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5. Move the supports outwards or inwards (depending on whether it is necessary to increase or

decrease the stroke), in correspondence with the cams.
6. Re-assemble the covers.
7. Manually move the ceilstand down until it reaches the corresponding microswitch and measure
the distance of the tube focus from the floor.
8. Insert its value in mm in the field on the right side of the Min Vertical (Down) key, in the service
software utility of your laptop, when maintenance mode is On, as already described.

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9. Press on the Min Vertical (Down) key for fixing the set value. The relative flag will appear.

Some debug messages will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

10. Manually move the ceilstand up until it reaches the corresponding microswitch. Measure the
distance of the tube focus from the floor and insert its value in mm in the field on the right side of
the Max Vertical (Up) key and press this key. The relative flag will appear.

Some debug messages will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

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11. Once the tube vertical run is acquired, the values must be saved by pressing “Store” tab indicated
in the following window. The save acquired values message appears in the list field to the right of
the screen.

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10.6. Tube calibrations

These calibrations are necessary in order to perfectly align the tube both to the elevating table
detector and to the bucky stand detector. There are two types of rotation, according to two degrees
of freedom of the tube: an incidence rotation (alpha angle) nearly around the tube focus, and an arm
rotation (beta angle) around the center of the vertical ceilstand. The keys Left, Center and Right for
both of them refer respectively to the angles -90°, 0° and +90°.

Watching the System frontally, for the tube incidence rotation Left indicates the tube orientated to
your left side, Center indicates the tube orientated to the ground and Right indicates the tube
orientated to your right side.

Always watching the System frontally, for the tube arm rotation Left indicates the ceilstand arm
orientated to your left side, Center indicates the ceilstand arm orientated towards you and Right
indicates the ceilstand arm orientated to your right side.

10.6.1. Tube incidence rotation (alpha)

To calibrate the alpha angle, you have to position the tube into the three different orientations (Left,
Center and Right). The sequence of the calibration is free.

Proceed as follows:

1. Create a reference on the floor using a plane tool with crossed lines (e.g. the detector), which
allows verifying and obtaining the alignments necessary for calibrations.

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2. Using the capacitive handles, manually move the ceilstand until it reaches the position over the
detector. Press key 1 to switch the collimator light and obtain a transversal line on the ground
reference tool and proceed with the correct alignment of the ceilstand. On the console
touchscreen, press the 2 and 3 up and down keys to verify that the collimator's red light projected
on the ground reference constantly remains in position over the entire travel. Otherwise, it
means that the ceilstand is not correctly oriented. In this case, it is necessary to press the
clockwise and anticlockwise rotation keys 4 and 5 to correct the central rotation angle of the tube

2 3

5 4

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3. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
4. Enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering maintenance mode), before the
system initializes itself. You will see some notification messages in the list view on the right side
of the screen as well as a new background colour (blue).
5. Select the Tube view.
First press on the numeric field next to the Center Incidence Offset key to set the detected
mechanical value, and then press the same key to set it. The relative flag will appear. The save
acquired value appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

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6. If you directly press one of the Tube view keys before setting the values in the appropriate
numeric fields, a window displays, in which the detected values can be set (by pressing Send
READ Value) or the previous value (pressing Send EDIT Value).

7. The same is for the other two orientations. Create a lateral reference (for example, a piece of
rubber tape with appropriate reference marks can be applied to the wall).
In the image below, the bucky stand image receptor has been taken as an example of a right side
reference tool.
8. Rotate the ceilstand by + 90° by pressing the anti-clockwise rotation key 5 on the device's
touchscreen console. Press the collimator's light-on key 1 to obtain a horizontal line of sight on
the lateral reference tool (in the specific example, the bucky stand's image receptor) and proceed
with the correct alignment of the ceilstand. Press keys 2 and 3 to approach and move away the
ceilstand, verifying that the collimator's red light projected on the reference tool remains
constantly in position over the entire travel. Otherwise, the ceilstand is not correctly oriented,
and it is therefore necessary to press the clockwise and anti-clockwise keys 4 and 5 to correct the
rotation tube incidence rotation position.

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9. First press on the numeric field next to the Right Incidence Offset key to set the detected
mechanical value, and then press the same key to set it. The relative flag will appear. The save
acquired value appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

10. Create a left lateral reference (in the specific example a piece of rubber tape with appropriate
reference marks applied to the wall). Rotate the ceilstand by -90° by pressing the clockwise
rotation key 4 on the ceilstand’s touchscreen console. Press the collimator's light-on key 1 to
obtain a horizontal line on the lateral reference and proceed with the correct ceilstand alignment.
Press keys 2 and 3 to approach and move away the ceilstand, verifying that the collimator's red
light projected on the reference tool remains constantly in position over the entire travel.
Otherwise, the ceilstand is not correctly oriented, so the clockwise and anti-clockwise keys 4 and
5 must be pressed to correct the tube incidence rotation.

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11. First press on the numeric field next to the Left Incidence Offset key to set the detected
mechanical value, and then press the same key to set it. The relative flag will appear. The save
acquired value appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

12. Once the tube incidence rotation (alpha) is acquired, the values must be saved by pressing
“Store” tab indicated in the following window. The save acquired values message appears in the
list field to the right of the screen.

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10.6.2. Tube arm rotation (beta)

To calibrate the beta angle, you have to position the ceilstand arm into the three different
orientations (Left, Center and Right). The sequence of the calibration is free.

Proceed as follows:

1. Create a lateral reference (for example, a piece of rubber tape with appropriate reference marks
can be applied to the wall).
In the image below, the bucky stand image receptor has been taken as an example of a right side
reference tool.
2. Rotate the ceilstand by +90° by pressing the anti-clockwise rotation key 1 on the ceilstand's
touchscreen console. Press the collimator's light-on key 2 to obtain a vertical line of sight on the
lateral reference (in the specific example the image receptor of the bucky stand) and proceed
with the orientation of the tube arm. Press keys 3 and 4 to approach and move away the
ceilstand, verifying that the collimator's red light projected on the reference tool remains
constantly in position over the entire travel. Otherwise, it means that the tube arm is not
oriented correctly, and it is therefore necessary to press the clockwise and anti-clockwise 5 and 1
keys to correct the position the tube arm rotation.

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3. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
4. Enter the maintenance mode (as described in section 11 paragraph 11.1), before the System
initializes itself. You will see some notification messages in the list view on the right side of the
screen as well as a new background colour (blue).
5. Select the Tube view.
First press on the numeric field next to the Center Rotation Offset key to set the detected
mechanical value, and then press the same key to set it. The relative flag will appear. The save
acquired value appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

6. If you directly press one of the Tube view keys before setting the values in the appropriate
numeric fields, a window displays, in which the detected values can be set (by pressing Send
READ Value) or the previous value (pressing Send EDIT Value).

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7. The same is for the other two orientations. Create a reference on the wall to the right of the
previous reference (for example, a piece of rubber tape with appropriate reference marks can be
applied to the wall).

8. Rotate the ceilstand by + 90°, press the counter-clockwise arm rotation key 6 on the ceilstand
touchscreen console to reach the wall reference with the collimator light (light up key 2) and
obtain a vertical line of sight on the wall reference (in the specific example, a piece of rubber tape
with appropriate reference marks can be applied to the wall) and proceed with the orientation of
the tube arm.

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9. Press keys 3 and 4 to approach and move away the ceilstand, verifying that the collimator's red
light projected on the reference tool remains constantly in position over the entire travel.
Otherwise, it means that the tube arm is not oriented correctly, and it is therefore necessary to
press the clockwise and anti-clockwise keys 6 and 7 to correct the tube arm rotation.

4 6

3 7

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10. First press on the numeric field next to the Right Rotation Offset key to set the detected
mechanical value, and then press the same key to set it. The relative flag will appear. The save
acquired value appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

11. Rotate the ceilstand by 90°, press the counter-clockwise arm rotation key 7 on the ceilstand
touchscreen console to reach the wall reference with the collimator light (light up key 2) and
obtain a vertical line of sight on the wall reference (in the specific example, a piece of rubber tape
with appropriate reference marks can be applied to the wall) and proceed with the orientation of
the tube arm.

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12. Press keys 3 and 4 to approach and move away the ceilstand, verifying that the collimator's red
light projected on the reference tool remains constantly in position over the entire travel.
Otherwise, it means that the tube arm is not oriented correctly, and it is therefore necessary to
press the clockwise and anti-clockwise keys 6 and 7 to correct the tube arm rotation.

7 4


13. First press on the numeric field next to the Left Rotation Offset key to set the detected
mechanical value, and then press the same key to set it. The relative flag will appear. The save
acquired value appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

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14. Once the tube arm rotation (beta) is acquired, the values must be saved by pressing “Store” tab
indicated in the following window. The save acquired values message appears in the list field to
the right of the screen.

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10.7. Elevating table calibrations

These calibrations are necessary in order to calibrate the elevating table height with respect to the
floor and the transverse and longitudinal end of runs of the bucky positioned under the table.
10.7.1. Elevating table height calibration
1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch system on and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background colour (blue).
3. Move the elevating table telescopic columns down until they reach their minimum position and
measure the distance of the upper border of the table surface from the floor.

4. Select the Table Setting view.

Insert the detected value in mm in the field on the right side of the Min Vertical (Down) key and
press this key to fix the value, the relative flag will appear. The save acquired value appears in the
list field to the right of the screen.

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5. Move the elevating table telescopic columns up until they reach their maximum position and
measure the distance of the upper border of the table surface from the floor.

6. Insert the detected value in mm in the field on the right side of the Max Vertical (Up) key and
press this key to fix the value, the relative flag will appear. The save acquired value appears in the
list field to the right of the screen.

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10.7.2. Detector transverse and longitudinal end of runs calibration

1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode (as described in section 11 paragraph 11.1),
before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages in the list view on the
right side of the screen as well as a new background colour (blue).
3. Manually place the bucky under the elevating table in the left and inside end of run position.

4. Select the Table Setting view.

Simply press the Manual Bucky (In) key to memorize the information that the table bucky is
inserted, the relative flag will appear. The potentiometer save acquired value appears in the list
field to the right of the screen.

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5. Now manually pull out the bucky under the elevating table outside until it reaches its outermost

6. Simply press the Manual Bucky (Out) key to memorize the information that the table bucky is
extracted, the relative flag will appear. The potentiometer save acquired value appears in the list
field to the right of the screen.

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7. Switch off and on again the system and enter maintenance mode (as described in paragraph
Entering maintenance mode), before the system initializes itself. You will see some notification
messages in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
8. Now, to verify the correct acquisition of the transversal and longitudinal limit switches, proceed
through the service software utility by pressing the directional keys to move the bucky under the
elevating table into the two positions (left-in and right-in).

When maintenance mode in On, to move the bucky under the elevating table it is
mandatory to use the appropriate keys on the System service software and NOT the keys
on the touchscreen console.

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10.7.3. Lateral Run and Longitudinal Run of the Table Bucky

The Lateral Run and the Longitudinal Run are inserted by default and, normally, should not
be modified by the installer. These parameters represent the transverse/longitudinal runs
of the table bucky, in millimetres. If it is necessary to modify them, contact the

10.7.4. Table Length and Width calibration

The Table Length and Width are normally factory default settings and should not be
modified by the installer. If it is necessary to modify them, follow this procedure.

• Length

1. With a tape measure meter, which should be at least 3 meters long, measure the maximum
length of the table, including the actuators covers.

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2. Remove the check from the box to the left of the Length key, in this way it will be possible to
enter the value measured in millimeters.

3. Edit the value to the right of the Length key, then press Enter or the Length key.

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• Width

1. With a tape measure meter, which should be at least 2 meters long, measure the maximum width
of the table, including the cable holder.

2. Remove the check from the box to the left of the Width key, in this way it will be possible to enter
the value measured.

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3. Edit the value to the right of the Width key, then press enter or the Width key.

10.7.5. TBT Longitudinal Gain

1. Get a pencil, some adhesive tape and a tape measure (2 m minimum).
2. Switch System On.
3. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
4. After the Start-up procedure, enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode). You will see some notification messages in the list view on the right side of
the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
5. Select the Table Setting view. Press the left directional key to move the bucky under the elevating
table to the left end of run.

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6. Mark the initial position of the bucky under the elevating table with a pencil on a piece of
adhesive tape.

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7. Press the right directional key to move the bucky under the elevating table to the right end of run.

8. Measure the distance between the new initial position of the bucky under the elevating table and
the pencil reference on the adhesive tape.

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9. Compare the measurement taken with the value in the numeric field Longitudinal Run set in the
Table Setting tab.

If the values coincide (with a possible 3 mm maximum tolerance), check the TBT Lateral Gain,
otherwise proceed with the next steps.

10. Press the left directional key to move the bucky under the elevating table to the left end of run.

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11. Remove the check box to the left of the Longitudinal Gain key.

12. Press the numeric field next to the Longitudinal Gain key to open the edit box. A Gain window
opens, in which you can select the data entry mode. By double clicking on the mm Error box, it is
possible to modify the type of data that can be edited.

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13. When the message Measured Travel (mm) displays, the measured value can be entered in the
edit box.

In the Gain window you can also view and edit the following values: in the Travel (mm) field the
stroke in mm carried out during the survey (the software inserts the value shown in the numeric field
next to the Longitudinal Run key by default); in the Actual Resolution field, the current value (the
software inserts the value shown in the numeric field next to the Longitudinal Gain key by default); in
the Calculate Resolution field, the recalculated value, which is automatically replaced also in the
Longitudinal Gain field.

14. Press the Longitudinal Gain key to set the newly recalculated value. The relative flag will appear.
The save acquired value appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

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15. Save the values acquired by pressing “Store” tab indicated in the following window.

16. Quit maintenance mode (Maintenance → Off) without closing System service software. You will
see some notification messages in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new
background color (yellow).
17. Switch System Off. Wait about 5 seconds and switch System on to take the system back to the
internal left limit switch; check the synchronization positions and, if necessary, repeat the
sequence of the elevating table longitudinal gain procedure.

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10.7.6. TBT Lateral Gain

1. Get a pencil, some adhesive tape and a tape measure (2 m minimum).
2. Switch System On.
3. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
4. After the Start-up procedure, enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode). You will see some notification messages in the list view on the right side of
the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
5. Manually extract the bucky under the elevating table.

6. Select the Table Setting view.

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7. Press the inside directional key to move the bucky under the elevating table to the internal end of

8. Mark the initial position of the bucky under the elevating table with a pencil on a piece of
adhesive tape.

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9. Press the outside directional key to move the bucky under the elevating table to the external end
of run.

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10. Measure the distance between the new initial position of the bucky under the elevating table and
the pencil reference on the adhesive tape.

11. Compare the measurement taken with the value in the numeric field Lateral Run set in the Table
Setting tab.

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If the values coincide, check the WB Vertical Gain, otherwise proceed with the next steps.

12. Press the inside directional key to move the bucky under the elevating table to the internal end
of run.

13. Remove the check box to the left of the Lateral Gain key.

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14. Press the numeric field next to the Lateral Gain key to open the edit box. A Gain window opens,
in which you can select the data entry mode. By double clicking on the Error (mm) box, it is
possible to modify the type of data that can be edited.

15. When the message Measured Travel (mm) displays, the measured value can be entered in the
edit box.

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In the Gain window you can also view and edit the following values: in the Travel (mm) field the
stroke in mm carried out during the survey (the software inserts the value shown in the numeric field
next to the Lateral Run key by default); in the Actual Resolution field, the current value (the software
inserts the value shown in the numeric field next to the Lateral Gain key by default); in the Calculate
Resolution field, the recalculated value, which is automatically replaced also in the Lateral Gain field.

16. Press the Lateral Gain key to set the newly recalculated value. The relative flag will appear. The
save acquired value appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

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17. Save the values acquired by pressing “Store” tab indicated in the following window.

18. Quit maintenance mode (Maintenance → Off) without closing System service software. You will
see some notification messages in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new
background color (yellow).
19. Switch System off. Wait about 5 seconds and switch System on to take the system back to the
internal left limit switch; check the synchronization positions and, if necessary, repeat the sequence
of the elevating table lateral gain procedure.

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10.7.7. Other calibrations

1. Watching the room frontally, it’s possible to configure the elevating table positioning inside the
room, by pressing one of the keys Left/Right/Back (in the example, the table is set back).

2. To change the orientation of the docking station inserted in the bucky of elevating table, press
the relative Landscape or Portrait keys.

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3. It’s also possible to configure the type of bucky mounted inside the elevating table by using the
parameters indicated in the following figure.

Once the elevating table configurations are completed, the values must be saved by pressing “Store”
tab indicated in the following window. The save acquired values message appears in the list field to
the right of the screen.

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10.8. Bucky stand calibrations

These calibrations are necessary in order to calibrate the bucky stand height with respect to the floor
and its tilting angles.
10.8.1. Vertical bucky stand run
1. On the ceilstand's touchscreen console press key 1 for the bucky stand's vertical rotation until it
reaches its vertical position (+ 90°).

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2. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
3. Enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering maintenance mode), before the
System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages in the list view on the right side
of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
4. Move the bucky stand down until it reaches its minimum position. Measure the distance of the
center of the bucky from the floor.

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5. Select the Wall Bucky Setting view.

Insert the detected value in mm in the field on the right side of the Min Vertical (Down) key and
press this key to fix the value, the relative flag will appear. The save acquired value appears in the
list field to the right of the screen.

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6. Move the bucky stand up until it reaches its maximum position and measure the distance of the
center of the bucky from the floor.

7. Insert the detected value in mm in the field on the right side of the Max Vertical (Up) key and
press this key to fix the value, the relative flag will appear. The save acquired value appears in the
list field to the right of the screen.

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10.8.2. Bucky stand tilting angles

To calibrate the bucky stand tilting angles, it is necessary to check the flag indicating Tilt Present in
the Wall Bucky Setting view of the System service software.

Therefore, the sequence of these calibrations is as follows:

1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering maintenance mode), before the
System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages in the list view on the right side
of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
3. Select the Wall Bucky Setting view and check the Tilt Present flag, so that the two bucky stand
Tilt keys appear on the window.

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4. On the ceilstand touchscreen console press key 1 for the bucky stand's horizontal rotation until it
reaches its horizontal position (0°).

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5. Use a precision level to check that the ceilstand reaches a horizontal position (0°) with a possible
0.5° tolerance. If necessary, correct the rotation by making small movements by pressing key 1.

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6. Simply press the Wall Bucky Tilt 0° key to memorize the information, the relative flag will appear.
The save acquired value appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

7. On the ceilstand touchscreen console press key 2 for the bucky stand's vertical rotation until it
reaches its vertical position (+90°).

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8. Use a precision level to check that the ceilstand reaches a vertical position (90°) with a possible
0.5° tolerance. If necessary, correct the rotation by making small movements by pressing key 2.

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9. Now simply press the Wall Bucky Tilt 90° key to memorize the information, the relative flag will
appear. The save acquired value appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

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The Vertical Gain is inserted by default and, normally, should not be modified by the
installer. This parameter represents the vertical run (in encoder steps) per mm.

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10.8.3. WB Vertical Gain

1. Switch System On.
2. On the ceilstand touchscreen console press the bucky stand vertical rotation key 1 until it reaches
its vertical position (+90°).

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3. Move the bucky stand down until it reaches its minimum position. Measure the distance of the
center of the bucky from the floor.

4. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
5. Enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering maintenance mode). You will
see some notification messages in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new
background color (blue).
6. Select In / Out / Analogs from the Display tab in the top part of the window.

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7. Select ANALOG tab in the bottom part of the window.

8. In the numeric field relating to the Wall Bucky Vertical Driver, check that the value in mm
detected by the software, with the bucky stand in the down position, corresponds to the
measured one.

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9. Select the Wall Bucky Setting view.

Verify that the configured value in mm in the field on the right side of the Min Vertical (Down)
key is the same value.

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10. Now move the bucky stand up until it reaches its maximum position and measure the distance of
the center of the bucky from the floor.

11. In the numeric field relating to the Wall Bucky Vertical Driver, check that the value in mm
detected by the software, with the bucky stand in the up position, corresponds to the measured
one. If there are any deviations, the value of the Vertical Gain in the Wall Bucky Setting view
must be changed.

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12. Select the Wall Bucky Setting view.

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13. Remove the check box to the left of the Vertical Gain key.

14. Press the numeric field next to the Vertical Gain key to open the edit box. A Gain window opens,
in which you can select the data entry mode. By double clicking on the Error (mm) box, it is
possible to enable the Gain automatic calculation. The procedure lasts a few seconds, after which
the value of the Vertical Gain is updated.

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15. Repeat the same check in point 11. If the measurements coincide, press the "Store" key to save
the values acquired, otherwise repeat the procedure.

If you do not want to use the automatic procedure described above, you can follow the procedure

1. Press the numeric field next to the Vertical Gain key to enable the edit box. A Gain window
displays in which you must insert in the first Numerical field Error (mm) the deviation in mm just
detected, obtained by subtracting from the stroke performed the one obtained from the values
measured. If the detected deviation is positive, the value must be entered with a positive sign (+),
otherwise with a negative sign (-).

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In the Gain window you can also view and edit the following values: in the Travel (mm) field the
stroke in mm carried out during the survey - by default, the software inserts the value of the
difference calculated between the values inserted in the numeric fields related to the Max Vertical
(Up) and Min Vertical (Down); in the Actual Resolution field, the current value (the software inserts
the value shown in the numeric field next to the Vertical Gain key by default); in the Calculate
Resolution field, the recalculated value, which is automatically replaced also in the Vertical Gain

2. Press the Vertical Gain key to set the newly recalculated value. The relative flag will appear. The
save acquired value appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

3. Repeat the same check in point 11. If the measurements coincide, press the "Store" key to save
the values acquired, otherwise repeat the procedure.

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10.9. Other calibrations

1. Watching the room frontally, it’s possible to configure the Wallbucky position inside the room, by
pressing one of the keys Left/Right/Back/Front (in the example, the Wallbucky is set right).

It’s also possible to configure the type of bucky mounted inside the elevating table by using the
parameters indicated in the following figure.

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Once the wallbucky configurations are completed, the values must be saved by pressing “Store” tab
indicated in the following window. The save acquired values message appears in the list field to the
right of the screen.

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10.10. Accessories calibrations

These calibrations are necessary in order to calibrate the ceilstand positions in relation to the six
10.10.1. Calibration of accessory 1
1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System on and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
3. Select the Acc1 (Tbt) view.

4. In Quick view, press the directional keys to move the bucky under the elevating table, to reach
the left-out end of run positions.

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When maintenance mode in On, to move the bucky under the elevating table it is
mandatory to use the appropriate keys on the System service software and NOT the keys
on the touchscreen console.

5. Using the capacitive handles, manually move the ceilstand until it reaches the position over the
detector and measure the focus distance from the detector using the ceilstand measurement
tool. Vertically move the ceilstand until the distance is exactly 110 mm and leave it at this
distance for the next measurements.

110 mm

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6. Now determine the detector's center point. In the longitudinal direction it is possible to take as a
reference point the center of the handle of the bucky under the elevating table.

7. Use the laser spot line of the collimator (key 1 of the touchscreen collimator) to align with the
central point of the detector.

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8. Move the ceilstand lengthwise as needed for the exact positioning by pressing the movement
keys 2 and 3 to the left and to the right making reference to the red line projected on the table

2 3

9. Crosswise measure the distance from the center of the detector (indicated by the notches on
both sides of the detector inside the cassette tray) up to the outer edge of the elevating table.

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10. To carry out this measurement it is necessary to position the table bucky at the left-in end of run
positions by pressing the directional keys on the System service software.

When maintenance mode in On, to move the bucky under the elevating table it is
mandatory to use the appropriate keys on the System service software and NOT the keys
on the touchscreen console.

11. Then place a tape measure on the elevating table and, using the laser spot line of the collimator,
align with the central point of the detector.

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12. Transversely move the ceilstand as needed by pressing keys 4 and 5 for inwards and outwards
movements, making reference to the red line projected on the elevating table, maintaining the
longitudinal and vertical positions previously detected.

4 5

13. Press the Detector In (Pos.1) key on the System service software to fix the value, the relative flag
will appear. The focus distance appears on the field near the key. Both the save acquired values
appear in the list field to the right of the screen.

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14. Press the directional keys to move the bucky under the elevating table, to reach the left-out end
of run positions.

When maintenance mode in On, to move the bucky under the elevating table it is
mandatory to use the appropriate keys on the System service software and NOT the keys
on the touchscreen console.

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15. Maintaining the previously detected ceilstand's vertical position, find a reference on the table
bucky in outside position, using a tool aligned to the two notches on both sides of the detector
indicating its center, and using the laser spot line of the collimator to align with the detector's

16. Move the ceilstand longitudinally as needed by pressing keys 6 and 7 to move left and right,
according to the red line projected on the elevating table.

6 7

17. Press the Detector Out (Pos.2) key on the System service software to fix the value, the relative
flag will appear. The focus distance appears on the field near the key. Both the save acquired
values appear in the list field to the right of the screen.

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18. In Exp.Pos.1 view, it is possible to execute the same calibrations described above of the ceilstand
positions in relation to the bucky under the elevating table, but in an exploded view, one position
at a time if necessary: internal lateral left longitudinal and vertical focal distance.

19. Also, in Exp.Pos.2 view, it is possible to execute the same calibrations described above of the
ceilstand positions in relation to the bucky under the elevating table, but in an exploded view,
one position at a time if necessary: internal lateral left longitudinal and vertical focal distance.

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In Position 2, (differently from to position 1) the table bucky manually pulled out to
carry out exposures in direct contact with the detector.

20. To move the ceiling stand safely near the table, the table center must be memorized. To do this,
switch on the collimator light (Key No. 1 on the touch screen).

21. Bring the center of the beam onto the center of the table, as shown in the following figure.

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22. Press the key Table Center.

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23. Once the various calibrations of ceilstand in relation to the elevating table have been done, the
values must be saved by pressing “Store” tab indicated in the following window.

10.10.2. Calibration of accessory 2

1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
3. Select the Acc2 (W.B.) view.

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4. On the ceilstand's touchscreen console press key 1 for the bucky stand's vertical rotation until it
reaches its vertical position (+ 90°).

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5. Starting from a condition in which the ceilstand is perfectly centered, with 0° alpha and beta
angles, rotate the ceilstand by + 90°, by pressing the anti-clockwise rotation key 2 on the
touchscreen console of the device.

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6. Align the collimator center with the bucky stand receptor center (if the system is equipped with a
rotating potter, refer to the “portrait” position indicated by letter “P”), and measure the focus
distance from the detector using the ceilstand's measurement tool. Longitudinally move the
ceilstand until the distance is exactly 1800 mm and leave it at this distance for the next

1800 mm

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7. In Quick view on the System service software, press the Store/Cam FFD 3 (Pos.1) key to fix the
value just measured, the relative flag will appear. The save acquired value appear in the list field
to the right of the screen.

8. The other focus distance values 1500 and 1100, automatically detected, appear simultaneously in
the fields below. To fix them, press the Stop Cam FFD 2 (Pos.2) and Stop Cam FFD 1 (Pos.3) keys,
the relative flags will appear. The save acquired values appear in the list field to the right of the

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9. In Explode view, it is possible to execute the same calibrations described above with reference to
the bucky stand, and also the calibrations of each axis, such as the tube's rotation and incidence
and the ceilstand's transverse position with respect to the bucky stand.

10. After performing the calibrations related to the ceilstand's positioning in relation to the bucky
stand, proceed with the calibration of the alignment between the ceilstand and the center of the
bucky stand. Press key 3 to switch on laser spot line of the collimator.

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11. Referring to the red line projected on the bucky stand, check and measure the distance from the
center and enter the value expressed in mm of the detected error in the numeric field next to the
Vertical offset key (Dw-> Up), with a positive symbol (+) if the red line of the collimator is below
the center, with a negative symbol (-) if the red line projected on the bucky stand is above the

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12. Fix the value detected, by pressing the Vertical Offset (Dw->Up) key, the relative flag will appear.
The save acquired value appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

13. At this point check that the alignment is constant over the entire bucky stand stroke. Position the
bucky stand close to the lower limit switch by pressing key 4 on the bucky stand keyboard.

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14. In the event of a misalignment between the ceilstand and the bucky stand center, enter the value
in mm of the error detected in the numeric field next to the Vertical Offset Low key (Up-> Dw),
with a positive symbol (+) if red line of the collimator is above the center, with a negative symbol
(-) if the red line projected on the bucky stand is below the center (-).

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15. Fix the value detected, by pressing the Vertical Offset Low (Up->Dw) key, the relative flag will
appear. The save acquired value appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

16. Position the bucky stand close to the upper limit switch by pressing key 5 on the bucky stand
keyboard, checking that the ceilstand is constantly aligned. Then press key 4 to slightly lower the
vertical stroke of the bucky stand, checking that the ceilstand is constantly aligned.

4 5

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17. In the event of a misalignment between the ceilstand and the bucky stand center, enter the value
in mm of the error detected in the numeric field next to the Vertical Offset Top (Up->Dw) , with a
positive symbol (+) if red line of the collimator is above the center, with a negative symbol (-) if
the red line projected on the bucky stand is below the center (-).

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18. Fix the value detected, by pressing the Vertical Offset Top (Up->Dw) key, the relative flag will
appear. The save acquired value appears in the list field to the right of the screen.

The Average Window is inserted by default and should not be modified by the installer.

19. Once the various calibrations of ceilstand in relation to the bucky stand have done, the values
must be saved by pressing “Store” tab indicated in the following window.

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10.10.3. Calibration of accessory 3

This procedure is used to setup the synchronization of the ceilstand when the Wi-Fi detector is fixed
in a support in the back of the elevating table. The figure below shows two holes in the back of the
table for the positioning of the support, one used for the elevating table parallel to the longitudinal
elevating table border (0° rotation) and the other used for the elevating table +45° or -45° tilted with
respect to the longitudinal elevating table border (+45° rotation and -45° rotation).


1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
3. Select the Acc3 (Lateral Back) view.

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4. Fix the support with elevating table inserted, in the lower lateral back position of the elevating

5. Starting from a condition in which the ceilstand is perfectly centered, with alpha and beta angles
of 0°, on the touchscreen console of the ceilstand press the counter-clockwise rotation incidence
key 1 (+ 90°).

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6. Press key 2 to switch the collimator light.


7. With the ceilstand rotated by + 90°, press the anti-clockwise rotation key 3 of the arm to align it
with the center of the detector inserted in its support.

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8. Using the capacitive handles, manually move the ceilstand to align it with the center of the
detector on both the longitudinal and the transverse axis, and measure the focus distance using
the ceilstand measurement tool.

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9. Enter the value in the numeric field next to the Store + FFD key (Pos.1 0°) and then press the
same key to store the value. The relative flag will appear. The save acquired value appears in the
list field to the right of the screen.

10. Now fix the support with elevating table inserted, rotated +45 ° in the upper lateral back position
of the elevating table.

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11. Move the ceilstand to align it with the detector's center on both the longitudinal and transverse
axis (using the collimator's laser spot line) and measure the focus distance using the ceilstand
measurement tool.

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12. Enter the value in the numeric field next to the Store + FFD (Pos.2 +45°) and then press the same
key to store the value. The relative flag will appear. The save acquired value appears in the list
field to the right of the screen.

13. Now fix the support with elevating table inserted, rotated -45 ° in the upper lateral back position
of the elevating table.

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14. Move the ceilstand to align it with the detector's center on both the longitudinal and transverse
axis (using the collimator's laser spot line) and measure the focus distance using the ceilstand
measurement tool.

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15. Enter the value in the numeric field next to the Store + FFD (Pos.3 -45°) and then press the same
key to store the value. The relative flag will appear. The save acquired value appears in the list
field to the right of the screen.

16. In Exp.Pos.1, Exp.Pos.2 and Exp.Pos.3 view, it is possible to execute the same calibrations
described above of ceilstand in relation to the detector fixed in the support positioned in the
three lateral back positions (0°, +45°, -45°) of the elevating table separately for each individual
coordinate: Lateral (X), Longitudinal (Y) , Rotation (beta), Incidence (alpha) and Vertical (Z),
together with the focal distance between the tube and the detector (insert the value expressed in
mm inside the corresponding numeric field, FFD).

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17. For example, if you have to memorize the vertical position of the ceilstand for the tracking with
the detector +45° tilted you have to insert the value detected and press the Vertical + FFD (Pos.2
+45°) key shown in the figure below. The same procedure can be applied to all the other

18. Once the various calibrations of ceilstand in relation to the elevating table fixed in the support
positioned in the three lateral back positions of the elevating table have done, the values must be
saved by pressing “Store” tab indicated in the following window.

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10.10.4. Calibration of accessory 4

1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
3. Select the Acc4 (W.B.) view.

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4. Starting from a condition in which the ceilstand is perfectly centered, with 0°alpha and beta
angles, on the touchscreen console of the ceilstand press the bucky stand’s horizontal rotation
key 1 until it reaches its horizontal position (0°).

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5. Position the bucky stand close to the lower limit switch by pressing key 2 on the bucky stand

6. Move the ceilstand over the bucky stand.

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7. Use the laser spot line of the collimator (key 3 of the touchscreen console) to align the central
point of the bucky stand receptor (refer to the “portrait” position, indicated with the letter “P”, if
the system is supplied with a rotating potter) on the transverse axis.

8. Extract the detector by acting on the handle shown in the figure.

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9. Proceed measuring the focus using the ceilstand measurement tool.

10. Keeping the newly detected focal distance unchanged, manually move the ceilstand on the
transverse axis until it reaches the central point of the bucky stand receptor (refer to the
“portrait” position, indicated with the letter “P”, if the system is supplied with a rotating potter)
and align them using the collimator's laser spot line as a reference.

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11. In Quick view on the System service software, insert the detected value in mm in the numeric
field on the right side of the Store (Pos.1 Horizonal) key and then press the same key to store the
value, the relative flag will appear. The save acquired value appears in the list field to the right of
the screen.

12. Now move the ceilstand in the position 2 of the accessory 4, with ceilstand over the bucky stand
of 45° tilted.

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13. Extract the detector by acting on the handle shown in the figure and measure the focus distance
using the ceilstand measurement tool.

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14. Keeping the newly detected focal distance unchanged, manually move the ceilstand on the
transverse axis until it reaches the central point of the bucky stand receptor (refer to the
“portrait” position, indicated with the letter “P”, if the system is supplied with a rotating potter)
and align them using the collimator's laser spot line as a reference.

15. In Quick view on the System service software, insert the detected value in mm in the numeric
field on the right side of the Store (Pos.2 Tilt 45°) key and then press the same key to store the
value, the relative flag will appear. The save acquired value appears in the list field to the right of
the screen.

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16. It is possible to execute the calibration of the ceilstand in relation to the bucky stand in the
horizontal (0°) position but with the ceilstand arm rotated counter-clockwise (+ 90°). To proceed
with this calibration, the calibration of the horizontal position 1 must have already been
17. On the touchscreen console of the ceilstand press the bucky stand’s horizontal rotation key 1
until it reaches its horizontal position (0°).

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18. Position the bucky stand close to the lower limit switch by pressing key 2 on the bucky stand

19. Press the anti-clockwise rotation key 4 of the arm on the touchscreen console of the ceilstand and
move it above the central point of the bucky stand receptor (refer to the “portrait” position,
indicated with the letter “P”, if the system is supplied with a rotating potter).

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20. Light the laser spot line of the collimator (key 3 of the touchscreen console).

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21. Extract the detector by acting on the handle shown in the figure.

22. Using the capacitive handles, manually move the ceilstand until it reaches the position over the
detector and measure the focus distance from the detector using the ceilstand measurement
tool. Vertically move the ceilstand until the distance is exactly 110 mm, the same as the
horizontal position 1 calibration and leave this distance for the next measurements.

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23. Keeping the newly detected focal distance unchanged, manually move the ceilstand on the
transverse axis until it reaches the central point of the bucky stand receptor (refer to the
“portrait” position, indicated with the letter “P”, if the system is supplied with a rotating potter)
and align them using the collimator's laser spot line as a reference.

24. In Exp.Pos4 view on the System service software, press Lateral (Pos.4), Longitudinal (Pos.4) and
Rotation (Pos.4) keys to fix the values just detected, the relative flags will appear. The save
acquired values appear in the list field to the right of the screen.

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25. Once the various calibrations of ceilstand in relation to the bucky stand in horizontal (0°) and
tilted (45°) positions have done, the values must be saved by pressing “Store” tab indicated in the
following window.

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10.10.5. Calibration of accessory 5

This procedure is used to setup the synchronization of the ceilstand when the Wi-Fi detector is
positioned inside the elevating table fixed in a support in the docking station under the elevating
table. The figure below shows a hole in the front of the table for the positioning of the elevating table
support, which is used both for the elevating table parallel to the longitudinal table border (0°
rotation) and for the elevating table +45° or -45° tilted with respect to the longitudinal table border
(+45° rotation and -45° rotation).

1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System On and enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering
maintenance mode), before the System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages
in the list view on the right side of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
3. Select the Acc5 (Lateral Front) view.

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4. Fix the support with elevating table inserted, in the lateral front position of the elevating table
parallel to the longitudinal table border (0° rotation).

5. Starting from a condition in which the ceilstand is perfectly centered, with alpha and beta angles
of 0°, on the touchscreen console of the ceilstand press the counter-clockwise rotation incidence
key 1 (+ 90°).

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6. Light the laser spot line of the collimator (key 2 of the touchscreen console).


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7. With the ceilstand rotated by + 90°, press the anti-clockwise rotation key 3 of the arm to align it
with the center of the detector inserted in its support.
8. Using the capacitive handles, manually move the ceilstand to align it with the center of the
detector on both the longitudinal and the transverse axis, and measure the focus distance using
the ceilstand measurement tool.

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9. Enter the value in the numeric field next to the Store + FFD (Pos.1 0°) and then press the same
key to store the value. The relative flag will appear. The save acquired value appears in the list
field to the right of the screen.

10. Now fix the support with elevating table inserted, rotated +45° in the lateral front position of the
elevating table.

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11. Move the ceilstand to align it with the detector's center on both the longitudinal and transverse
axis (using the collimator's laser spot line) and measure the focus distance using the ceilstand
measurement tool.

12. Enter the value in the numeric field next to the Store + FFD (Pos.2 +45°) key and then press the
same key to store the value. The relative flag will appear. The save acquired value appears in the
list field to the right of the screen.

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13. Now fix the support with detector inserted, rotated -45 ° in the lateral front position of the
elevating table.

14. Move the ceilstand to align it with the detector's center on both the longitudinal and transverse
axis (using the collimator's laser spot line) and measure the focus distance using the ceilstand
measurement tool.

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15. Enter the value in the numeric field next to the Store + FFD (Pos.3 -45°) key and then press the
same key to store the value. The relative flag will display. The save acquired value appears in the
list field to the right of the screen.

16. In Exp.Pos.1, Exp.Pos.2 and Exp.Pos.3 view, it is possible to execute the same calibrations
described above of ceilstand in relation to the elevating table fixed in the support positioned in
the three lateral front positions (0°, +45°, -45°) of the elevating table separately for each
individual coordinate: Lateral (X), Longitudinal (Y) , Rotation (beta), Incidence (alpha) and Vertical
(Z), together with the focal distance between the tube and the detector (insert the value
expressed in mm inside the corresponding numeric field, FFD).

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17. For example, if you have to memorize the vertical position of the ceilstand for the tracking with
the detector +45° tilted you have to insert the value detected and press the Vertical + FFD (Pos.2
+45°) key shown in the figure below. The same procedure can be applied to all the other

18. Once the various calibrations of ceilstand in relation to the detector fixed in the support
positioned in the three lateral front positions of the elevating table have done, the values must be
saved by pressing “Store” tab indicated in the following window.

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10.10.6. Calibration of accessory 6

The System has the possibility to memorize up to twenty different free positions the operator can use
to make exposures with a WIFI detector not inserted in the docking station. In order to setup these
ones, proceed as follows:
1. In your laptop open KalosService_Vx.exe (in this example the software version is V 4.0).
2. Switch System On.
3. Manually move the ceilstand to the desired position.
4. Enter the maintenance mode (as described in paragraph Entering maintenance mode), before the
System initializes itself. You will see some notification messages in the list view on the right side
of the screen as well as a new background color (blue).
5. Select the Acc6 (Free) view.

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6. Press the Store Position key to fix the position for the number of the free positions you want to
memorize and the System will memorize the exact positions of the machine (ceilstand, elevating
table and bucky stand).

It is recommended to configure all the twenty positions.

Some notification messages with the encoder values for the memorized position will be visible on the
right side of the screen.

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7. Once the various calibrations of ceilstand in relation to the free positions have done, the values
must be saved by pressing “Store” tab indicated in the following window.

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10.11. DAP calibration

10.11.1. Installing AkCalibrationForDAP tool
In the following example, AkCalibrationForDAP tool has been installed on a generic
personal laptop. Service engineer may at his discretion install it either on PRIMO digital
system PC or on his personal computer.

1. Log in digital system Windows as administrator by typing password.

2. Unzip folder on your laptop.

3. Open AkCalibrationForDap folder and double click on setup.exe.

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4. The following window will be automatically opening and disappearing in a few seconds.

5. Press Next button.

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6. Press Next button.

7. Wait for the installation process to be completed.

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8. Press Finish button when installation process is over.

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10.11.2. DAP dose calibration

1. Launch PrimoVP application on digital system PC

2. Create a new exam and name it as test.

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3. Select any one of the anatomical programs and press enter button.

4. As soon as generator initialization is over, select direct mode by pressing the following button.

5. Select three points technique by pressing the following button and set 70kV, 100 mA, and 0.100

6. Select the large focal spot by pressing the following button.

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7. Make sure to have the following configuration.

8. Have an X-ray, read the post-mAs value and take note of it.

9. Open Ak Calibration for DAP folder, located at Computer → system (C:) → Program Files (x86) on
your laptop.

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10. Launch AkCalibrationForDAP.exe, by double-clicking on it.

11. The following window will be showed. In order to start a new calibration, click on New button.

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12. Enable all six workstations by checking all six buttons on the upper side of the previous window.

13. Set Dosimeter thickness [mm] to 0.

14. Measure the distance between focus and upper surface of DAP chamber and type it (in
millimeters) in the DAP-Focus Distance [mm] field.

15. Move focal distance to 115 cm by clicking on the little arrows on collimator display and type such
a value (in millimeters) in the Focal Distance [mm] field.

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16. Move collimator shutters up to 25 cm x 25 cm, by clicking on collimator shutters buttons. Type
such values (in millimeters) in the Blade X [mm] and Blade Y [mm] fields.

17. Remove both collimator filters and set the option No Filter.

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18. Insert the mAs value according to instruction 5 (9.9 mAs in this example).

19. Set 50 kV, 100 mA, 0.1 s and have an X-ray.

20. Read the DAP value and type it in the first line.

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21. Set 70 kV, 100 mA, 0.1 s and have an X-ray.

22. Read the DAP value and type it in the second line.

23. Set 90 kV, 100 mA, 0.1 s and have an X-ray.

24. Read the DAP value and type it in the third line.

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25. Set 110 kV, 100 mA, 0.1 s and have an X-ray.
26. Read the DAP value and type it in the fourth line. After that, the µGy boxes will be automatically

27. Set 130 kV, 100 mA, 0.1 s and have an X-ray.
28. Read the DAP value and type it in the fifth line.

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29. If R2 value is bigger than 0.98, the calibration may be considered successful.

30. Insert collimator filter #1 and set the option Filter 1.

31. Repeat instructions from 18 to 29.

32. Insert collimator filter #2, remove filter #1 and set the option Filter 2.

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33. Repeat instructions from 18 to 29.

34. Insert both collimator filters and set the option Filter 1 & 2.

35. Repeat instructions from 18 to 29.

36. Press Save… button.

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37. Name this file as AirKerma and save it on an USB key

38. Plug the USB key into digital system PC and overwrite file located at Computer →
system (C:) → Program Files (x86) → DllMecall.

39. Reboot the whole system.

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11. Collimator calibration

11.1.Entering collimator service mode
The collimator service mode is automatically enabled as soon as the System enters maintenance
mode as described in paragraph Entering maintenance mode of this manual.

In particular starts the service software utility launching the file KalosService_Vxxx.exe. In the
procedure described in this section, the software version of this service software utility is V 5.0. In the
figure below you see the start screen of the service software utility.

Select the serial port (in the figure COM4, but it may be another serial port depending on the laptop
computer and the USB – COM adapter you have).

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Then start the listening on the serial port selected by pressing the button Play.

Go now to the Maintenance tab and select On in the menu as shown in the following figure. If your
laptop computer has only one serial port, it is not necessary to select it and press the button Play, as
Maintenance > On is enough to start the listening over that serial port and to start the maintenance

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In this way the maintenance mode is on. You can see some notification messages in the list view on
the right side of the screen as well as a new colour of the background. All the EEprom parameters of
the System are downloaded into the software and the corresponding fields are populated (you can
see that by selecting the different tabs).

The maintenance mode can be abandoned any time during the calibration selecting Maintenance >

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11.2.Collimator default parameters loading

Please note that when the parameters are set, the buttons turn pink.

Touching icon for 3 seconds, the collimator CPU will use the default data stored into the
eeprom as actual calibration data.
All previous calibration data will be lost.

Pay attention not to touch this icon accidentally.

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11.3.Automatic collimator configuration

Using this configuration menu is possible to set specific configuration.

In particular:


Touch icon if the collimator is equipped with Iris shutters.

If the selection is accepted the background color of the icon turns to pink.

Touch icon if the collimator is not equipped with Iris shutters.

If the selection is accepted the background color of the icon turns to pink.


The collimator can operate with SID and dimension of the irradiated ared displayed in inches or

Touch icon if the collimator must operate displaying dimensions in millimeters.

If the selection is accepted the background color of the icon turns to pink.

Touch icon if the collimator must operate displaying dimensions in inches.

If the selection is accepted the background color of the icon turns to pink.

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The collimator can operate with different type of beam hardening filters. In particular:

Touch icon if the collimator is equipped with motorised beam hardening filters.
If the selection is accepted the background color of the icon turns to pink.

Touch icon if the collimator is equipped with manual beam hardening filters.
If the selection is accepted the background color of the icon turns to pink.

Touch icon if the collimator is not equipped with beam hardening filters.
If the selection is accepted the background color of the icon turns to pink.

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11.4. Collimator lateral shutters calibration

1. Go to the minimum DFF (fig. 1 or 3). With buttons , select 5 cm to calibrate the

shutters with button .Then, select 43 cm to calibrate the shutters format with button

• To move to the next menu, touch the right arrow or the left arrow to go back.

2. Optional calibration (fig. 2 or 4). Once the collimator is calibrated, and in case the formats are
not correct at the maximum DFF, it is necessary to perform a further calibration. Select the

maximum DFF by pressing the DFF key, choose an opening of 5 cm with button . Button

resets the previous settings of all shutters.

• To move to the next menu, touch the right arrow or the left arrow to go back.

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11.5. Collimator longitudinal shutters calibration

Please note that the buttons are differentiated by capitol and small letters.

1. Go to the minimum DFF (fig. 1 or 3). With buttons and , first select 5 cm to

calibrate the shutters with button . Then, select 43 cm to calibrate the shutters format

with button .
• To move to the next menu, touch the right arrow or the left arrow to go back.

2. Optional calibration (fig. 2 or 4) Once the collimator is calibrated, and in case the formats are not
correct at the maximum DFF, it is necessary to perform a further calibration. Select the maximum

DFF by pressing the DFF key, choose an opening of 5 cm and touch button .

• Button resets the previous settings of all shutters.

• To move to the next menu, touch the right arrow or the left arrow to go back.

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11.6.Testing square and round collimation

Fig. 1

1. This menu allows visualizing the square and round formats. The row of numbers at the
bottom visualizes the square formats, the one above the round ones. To verify the sizes of
the various formats with different DFF, touch the DFF button, choosing between

, , or .

2. To move to the next menu, touch the right arrow or the left arrow to go back.

Fig. 2

3. This menu (fig. 2) has the same function as that in Fig. 1, but without iris.
To move to the next menu, touch the right arrow; touch the left arrow to go back.

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11.7.Manual and motorised filter test

Fig. 1

1. This menu is used with motorized filters. Button allows inserting the filter, and button

allows disinserting it. In case of error, the buttons turn red.

• To move to the next menu, touch the right arrow; touch the left arrow to go back.

Fig. 2

2. This menu displays if the manual filters are used. The two icons show the filter status.
Manually move the filters to check the operation of the limit switches.

• To move to the next menu, touch the right arrow; touch the left arrow to go back.
• If the filters are inserted, the buttons are green; if they are half way, the buttons turn red to
report an error condition; if the filters are not inserted, the buttons are white.

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11.8.Simulation light on time selection

Fig. 1

1. This Menu sets the the timing of the light. The settable timings are multiple of 30 seconds.

Button keeps the light on for 30 seconds, and the seconds increase until button ,
which allows the light on for 180 seconds.
• To move to the next menu, touch the right arrow; touch the left arrow to go back.

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11.9.Shutters speed setting

Fig. 1

1. This Menu sets the speed of the shutters in manual mode.

Button sets the lowest speed and button sets the highest.

Buttons and allow to immediately check the set speed.

• To move to the next menu, touch the right arrow; touch the left arrow to go back.

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11.10. Shutters test

Fig. 2

1. This menu performs a cyclic test on all shutters.

To start the test, touch button , to stop the test, touch button .

To move to the next menu, touch the right arrow; touch the left arrow to go back.

Fig. 3

2. This starts the cyclic test on shutters x and y only.

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12. Preventive maintenance

The expected lifetime of the System is 10 years when maintenance is properly carried
out following the instructions contained in this section and in the Unit Service

The System, as any other technical apparatus, must be carefully used and needs periodical
maintenance as specified in the technical documentation.
the manufacturer is responsible for the safety of its products only in case their maintenance,
repairing or modification is carried out by the manufacturer or by personnel authorized by the

The manufacturer denies any responsibility for improper operation, damages or
dangerous situations caused directly or indirectly by non-respect of maintenance

12.1.User maintenance
It's a good practice to survey on the following items:

They are intended to keep the patient's hands away from potentially dangerous positions.
It's a good practice to leave them in place, and adjust and fix them for each patient.

The operator must daily check that all the security and signaling circuits are fully operative.

The protection against electrical shocks has been realized grounding all the metal covers of the

Therefore, it is imperative to check periodically the proper operation of the grounding system of the
examination room in which the system has been installed according with the regulations in force.

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12.2. General cleaning and disinfection

The equipment must always be cleaned after use. According to local regulations, appropriate
guidelines and procedures must be followed for cleaning and disinfection, in order to avoid
contamination of personnel, patients and equipment. It is the user's responsibility to adopt an
appropriate disinfection procedure.

12.2.1. Cleaning
To clean the external parts of the equipment, follow the procedure below.

• Stop the system and cut off the power supply.

When the equipment needs cleaning, be sure to turn off the main power of the system.
Never use organic solvents, alcohol, ether, benzene, diluents or any other flammable
agent, as they may cause fire or electric shock.

• Clean the appliance with a soft cloth, moistened with water and a neutral detergent.

Make sure that no liquid permeates the appliance.

Do not spray disinfectants or detergents directly on the equipment. Do not pour liquids
directly on the equipment.

Do not use solvents, alcohol, ether, diluents or benzene. Do not use any corrosive or
abrasive product for cleaning or polishing, as this may damage the surfaces of the
By using unsuitable cleaning products or methods, the equipment surfaces may become
opaque and fragile (for example by the use of alcohol-based agents), and can seriously

Do not open the equipment for cleaning. No components Inside the equipment require
cleaning by the user.

Allow the surfaces of the equipment to dry completely before re-starting the system.

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In the various equipment cleaning steps, use specific products that, in case of accidental contact with
the guide, do not damage it.
The following are the suitable/allowed products:
• Solmentar C4 degreaser (Cod. GMM 33675)
• Certisuds degreaser (Cod. GMM 33912)

Once the cleaning phase is completed, lubricate the guide with protective oil (CONTRAKOR FLUID H1
SPRAY – KLUBER – GMM P/N 161254).


If there is rust on the guides, the operator must perform the following operations to remove it.
Wear nitrile gloves and use a layer of 1000-grit wettable sand paper.
Rub the sand paper repeatedly over the rusty part of the linear guide, until the rust is eliminated.

To reach the rust located in a concave area of the guide, use a piece of 1.5 mm 2 – diameter electrical
wire, and wrap it with wettable, 1000-grit sand paper.

Once the sanding phase is completed, lubricate the guide with protective oil (ANTICORIT RP 4107 LV).
Note: If, after insistent sanding activity, the rust is still there, please report the item.

12.2.2. Disinfection

The use of disinfectants that can form explosive or flammable gas mixtures creates a
danger condition for health and life, due to the risk of explosion. Switch off the
equipment before disinfecting it. Allow the gas mixture to evaporate completely before
turning on the radiological system.

Use only disinfectants and procedures approved by the manufacturer to disinfect the equipment, in
compliance with local regulations and explosion protection regulations. If you plan to use other
disinfectants, the manufacturer's prior approval is required, as most disinfectants can damage the
For the disinfection of surfaces, it is recommended to use aqueous solutions available on the market
for the disinfection of surfaces based on aldehyde or amphoters such as, for example, Tego 103,
Korsolin. (These products are not available in Canada. For the Canadian market the use of tb
Minuteman or hx2 is recommended).
Furthermore, the following disinfectants have been found to be compatible with the equipment
covering material, and can be used on the external surface of the devices.

- WIP 'ANIOS Excel

- Sani-Cloth AF3
- Microzid Sensitive Wipes
- Meliseptol Rapid

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- Acrylan
- Lysoformin 3000

Disinfectants based on phenolic substitutes and chlorine-containing compounds are partially

aggressive and should therefore be avoided. The same limits apply to agents containing alcohol,
when they are applied in an undiluted form (egg for hand disinfection).
Spray disinfectants must be avoided as the spray can enter the equipment. As a consequence, the
safety of the equipment can no longer be guaranteed (damage to electronic components, formation
of flammable mixtures of air and solvent vapors).

As generally known, some components of disinfectants are harmful to health. Their
concentration in the breathing air should not exceed certain legal limits. For this reason
it is recommended that the instructions on their use provided by the manufacturers of
these agents are respected.

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12.3.Preventive maintenance – schedule

In order to ensure the maximum safety level for the patient and the operator it is absolute necessary
that the unit is periodically checked by a THE MANUFACTURER Authorized Service team in order to
maintain unchanged the original level of safety.
Mechanical parts such as chains, traction cables, ball bearings, etc. make part of this type of System,
which need regular inspections.
It is recommended to check frequently the conditions of the traction cables and in any way not to
exceed 12 months between checks.
Checks should be made at shorter time intervals in case the System is intensively used. Special
modifications or maintenance must be made exclusively by the manufacturer or by expressly
authorized personnel.
Table 14.1 list minimum preventive maintenance requirements to be performed by a qualified
technician or engineer.
The actual maintenance schedule at one particular site may deviate from the schedule given here
depending on System operating conditions. Please consult with your service representative.

Table 14.1


Service procedure see 14.4.1 Annual Service procedure Annual Service procedure
Service procedure see 14.4.2
Service procedure see 14.4.3 Ceiling suspension traction Wall stand traction cable
Service procedure see 14.4.4 belt replacement replacement
Service procedure see 14.4.5
Service procedure see 14.4.6
Service procedure see 14.4.7
Service procedure see 14.4.8
Service procedure see 14.4.9
Service procedure see 14.4.10
Service procedure see 14.4.11
Service procedure see 14.4.12

* Whichever comes first

It is also a good norm that the deputy engineer using the form of the following page records each
maintenance operation.

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tipo di documento Document Id. Rev.


Unit s/n Installation date Installer signature

Service date Service operation type Engineer signature

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12.4.Preventive maintenance – inspection

The operations described hereafter might require the use of x-radiation.
In such a case the operators are requested to take all the necessary precautions in order
to avoid any type of exposure whether direct or indirect.
12.4.1. General
9. Check for external damage; investigate if necessary.
10. Operate all unit movement; investigate any strange noise (squealing, scraping,) emanating from
the System.
11. Check that the bolts fix the elevating table to the floor or to the base plate are tighten. In the
negative tighten them.
12. Check that the bolts fix the wall stand to the floor or wall are tighten. In the negative tighten
13. Check that detector’s docking station of the elevating table is correctly sliding in the longitudinal
and lateral direction.
14. Check that detector’s docking station of the wall stand mounting is correctly sliding in the vertical
direction and correctly tilts from the vertical to the horizontal position.
15. Check that the mechanical brake of the wall stand detector’s docking station rotation is correctly
working (Tilt wall stand only).
16. Check that both grid can be removed and inserted into the detectors’ docking station.
17. Check the correct operation of the ceiling suspension telescopes.
18. Check that the collimator fixation grains are properly tighten as described in section 7.7.
19. Check that the x-ray tube fixation screws are properly tighten as described in section 7.6.

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12.4.2. End switches

1. Switch on the System and check that the CPU detects the detector longitudinal and lateral
movement init end switches.
In the negative, replace and/or adjust the faulty end switch as described in section 15 of the
2. Operate the detector portrait/landscape rotation and check that the motor stops on the end
switches. In the negative, replace and/or adjust the faulty micro switch as described in section 15
of the manual.
3. Manually operate the tube vertical movement and check that the movement stops on the upper
and lower end switches. Also check that in the lowest position no collision between the x-ray
tube and the floor can take place.
In the negative, replace and/or adjust the faulty micro switch as described in section 15 of the
4. Remove and insert the anti scattering grids and check, using the service utilities, that the sensing
switches are correctly working. In the negative replace and/or adjust the faulty switch as
described in section 15 of the manual.
5. Insert the detector in the table docking station and check, using the service utilities, that the
sensing switch is correctly working. In the negative replace and/or adjust the faulty switch as
described in section 15 of the manual.
6. Mount the lateral holer for the Wi-Fi detector in the front side of the elevating table and check
using the service utilities, that the sensing switch is correctly working. In the negative replace
and/or adjust the faulty switch as described in section 15 of the manual.
7. In case of wall stand with manual rotation of the detector check using the service utilities, that all
sensing switches are correctly working. In the negative replace and/or adjust the faulty switch as
described in section 15 of the manual.
8. In case of wall stand with autofocusing grid check, using the service utilities, that all sensing
switches are correctly working. In the negative replace and/or adjust the faulty switch as
described in section 15 of the manual.

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12.4.3. Brakes and clutches check

1. Manually operate the ceiling suspension lateral and longitudinal movements and check that the
magnetic brakes are properly released and enabled.
In the negative check that the mechanical mounting of the brakes is correct and in case of need
adjust it as described in section 15.
2. Manually operate the ceiling suspension lateral and longitudinal movements and check that the
magnetic clutches are properly released and enabled.
In the negative check that the mechanical mounting of the clutches is correct and in case of need
adjust it as described in section 15.
3. Manually operate the wall stand vertical movement and check that the magnetic brake is
properly released and enabled.
In the negative check that the mechanical mounting of the brake is correct and in case of need
adjust it as described in section 15.
4. Manually operate the wall stand vertical movement and check that the magnetic clutch is
properly released and enabled.
In the negative check that the mechanical mounting of the clutch is correct and in case of need
adjust it as described in section 15.
5. Operate the wall stand tilt movement and check that the magnetic brake is properly released
and enabled.
In the negative check that the mechanical mounting of the brake is correct and in case of need
adjust it as described in section 15.

12.4.4. Safety ground connection check

8. Access line input terminals at the power cabinet.
9. Check that the line cable is firmly fixed by the related fixation clamps.
10. Check that the ground cable is firmly connected to the ground terminal.

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12.4.5. Beam alignment check in tracking mode

17. Operate the unit in automatic mode and select a wall stand technique (detector vertical) at the
Image processor touch screen and wait for the Ceiling suspension to align with the detector
stand and enable the tracking mode.
Wait for the automatic alignment of the beam and move vertically the detector and check if the
alignment error is ± 3 mm. In case the unit is equipped with a THE MANUFACTURER collimator,
the alignment error can be measured using the laser spot line of the collimator.
18. In case the error exceeds this value, carry out the detector vertical tracking calibration procedure
described in section 12.
19. Operate the unit in automatic mode and select a wall stand technique (detector horizontal) at
the Image processor touch screen and wait for the Ceiling suspension to align with the detector
stand and enable the tracking mode.
Wait for the automatic alignment of the beam and check if the alignment error is ± 3 mm. In case
the unit is equipped with a collimator, the alignment error can be measured using the laser spot
line of the collimator.
20. Select a table technique at the image processor touch screen and wait for the ceiling suspension
to align with the detector. Move along the longitudinal and lateral direction the ceiling
suspension and wait for the detector to align with the beam and check if the alignment error is ±
3 mm. In case the unit is equipped with a collimator, the alignment error can be measured using
the laser spot line of the collimator.
21. In case the error exceeds this value, carry out the detector longitudinal tracking calibration
procedure described in section 12.
22. Select a lateral technique (front and rear side of the table) at the image processor touch screen
and wait for the ceiling suspension to align with the detector. Move along the longitudinal
direction the ceiling suspension and wait for the detector to align with the beam and check if the
alignment error is ± 3 mm. In case the unit is equipped with a collimator, the alignment error can
be measured using the laser spot line of the collimator.
23. In case the error exceeds this value, carry out the detector longitudinal tracking calibration
procedure described in section 12.

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12.4.6. Tracking SID accuracy check

1. Operate the unit in automatic mode and select a wall stand technique with SID = 180 cm
(detector vertical) at the Image processor touch screen and wait for the Ceiling suspension to
align with the detector stand and enable the tracking mode. Check that the tube is positioned at
a SID= 180 cm with an error of ± 1 cm.
2. In case the error exceeds this value, carry out the detector vertical tracking calibration procedure
described in section 12.
3. Operate the unit in automatic mode and select a wall stand technique with SID = 110 cm
(detector vertical) at the Image processor touch screen and wait for the Ceiling suspension to
align with the detector stand and enable the tracking mode. Check that the tube is positioned at
a SID= 110 cm with an error of ± 1 cm.
4. In case the error exceeds this value, carry out the detector vertical tracking calibration procedure
described in section 12.
5. Operate the unit in automatic mode and select a wall stand technique with SID = 110 cm
(detector horizontal) at the Image processor touch screen and wait for the Ceiling suspension to
align with the detector stand and enable the tracking mode. Check that the tube is positioned at
a SID= 110 cm with an error of ± 1 cm.
6. In case the error exceeds this value, carry out the detector vertical tracking calibration procedure
described in section 12.
7. Operate the unit in automatic mode and select a table technique technique with SID = 110 cm at
the Image processor touch screen and wait for the Ceiling suspension to align with the detector
stand and enable the tracking mode. Check that the tube is positioned at a SID= 110 cm with an
error of ± 1 cm.
8. In case the error exceeds this value, carry out the detector vertical tracking calibration procedure
described in section 12.

12.4.7. Ceiling suspension rails cleaning & lubrication

Check that the ceiling suspension slides smoothly inside the longitudinal and lateral rails.
Clean the bearing tracks using a soft rag.
If necessary, lightly grease the bearings.
Wipe off excess of grease
The recommended lubricant for gear and chains is ESSO Cazar K (R310-2026M).

Never over-lubricate.
Lubricants are sticky and so tend to collect dust and dirt.

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12.4.8. Ceiling suspension traction belt inspection

In this procedure, an assistant will be needed to operate the CEILING SUSPENSION.

1. Remove the carriage upper cover to access the vertical drive assy.
2. Drive the telescope in the lower position.
3. Move the telescopes to the higher limit stop and check with a flashlight that the traction belt is
not damaged or worn out along its entire length as shown in the following figure.
4. In case the traction belt is damaged, replace it as described in section 15.1.

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12.4.9. Tube vertical travel end switches assy lubrication

1. Remove the carriage upper cover to access the vertical drive assy.
2. Drive the telescope in the lower position.
3. Check for proper lubrication of the screw that actuate the end of travel end switches.
4. If necessary, clean the screw using a soft rag and lubricate the screw. The suggested lubricant is
5. Move the telescopes up/down for 2/3 times to evenly distribute the lubricant.

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12.4.10. Ceiling suspension toothed belts inspection

1. Access the lateral and longitudinal ceiling suspension movement transmission belts.
2. Check for equal tension in the slack parts of the belts.
3. Move the ceiling suspension in both direction and check belts wear and tension; check that the
belts run smoothly.
4. In the negative, correct the tension of the belts as described in section 7.2.4 of the manual.

12.4.11. Wall stand traction cable inspection & lubrication

In this procedure, an assistant will be needed to operate the wall stand vertical

1. Remove upper cover 1 of the wall stand to access the traction cables wire ropes.

2. Drive the detector carriage in the lowest position.

3. Press and hold with the fingers some cotton wool around the traction cable and pass it along the
rope. This control must be done along all the length of the ropes, verifying that there are no signs
of stretching, deflection or strand breakage. Moreover, verify that the ropes roll up correctly
around the pulleys and their wear condition.

It is very important to carry out an accurate and scrupulous control, in order to avoid
dangerous situations for operators and patients.
If there are some anomalies during the control, the rope must be immediately replaced.
It is also necessary to check if there are clear damages or wear signs on the pulleys. If
there are, they must be replaced as well.
Do not use in any case the stand when one of the two wire ropes show evident signs of
tear and wear or if it is broken.

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4. In case the traction cable is damaged, replace it as described in section 15.

5. If necessary, lightly grease as shown in the following figure. Wipe off excess of grease. The
recommended lubricant is Vaseline grease type AVILUB Vaseline grease S. W.

12.4.12. Table docking station toothed belts tension check

1. Remove the docking station bottom cover in order to access the lateral movement toothed belt

2. Drive the docking station in the middle of the longitudinal and lateral travel.
3. Check for equal tension in the slack parts of the belts. Check that the belts are tensioned with a
minimum float. Check also that the toothed belts do not show signs of stretching, deflection or
4. In the negative, replace and or correct the tension of the belts as described in section 15 of the

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13. Corrective maintenance

13.1.Siko magnetic strip replacement
13. Remove the defective magnetic band by ungluing it from the rails.
14. Clean the shallow channel of the rail being very careful to remove the old glue using proper
product, such as alcohol or acetone, that does not leave any residues.
15. Check the correct direction for the magnetic band mounting that must be congruent with the
detector one as specified in the attached figures.

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It is of high importance that the magnetic strip is applied correctly to work with the
functions of the sensors.

16. Remove a small part of the protective foil (2) from the magnetic strip to expose the adhesive on
the magnetic strip (3). With long application runs, remove only a small part of the adhesive
protection and work small sections at a time ensuring proper alignment of the strip and to
reduce/prevent buckles or bumps or lifts from forming. Use the maximum application pressure
without deforming the strip.
17. Find the correct starting point on the rail and apply the strip (4) in the direction according to the
alignment of the arrows marked on the strip and that of the magnetic sensor itself while
maintaining the correct physical alignment in the rail channel.
18. Carefully clean the magnetic strip surface (4) for preparation of the cover strip.
19. Remove the protective foil (6) from the metal cover strip to expose the adhesive on the cover
strip (5). Apply the cover strip to completely cover the underlying magnetic strip.

20. Reset the internal counter of the magnetic detector.

21. Calibrate the ceiling suspension longitudinal or lateral travel as described in section 12.4.2.

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13.2.Ceiling suspension
13.2.1. Telescopes traction belt replacement

Please contact factory in case the replacement of the traction belt is considered to be

13.2.2. Telescopes vertical movement end switches adjustment

1. Remove the ceiling suspension upper cover to access the end switches assembly.
2. In case of faulty micro-switch, replace it with a new one.
3. Drive the tube/collimator assembly to the lower limit position. Check that in this condition there
is still a minimum gap between the collimator assembly and the floor.
4. Release screws 1 that lock the entire DOWN direction end switches assembly and adjust it in
order to release micro switch FC2. Tighten screws 1.
5. Drive the telescopes to the upper limit position.
Release screws 1 that lock the entire UP direction end switches assembly and adjust it in order to
release micro switch FC1. Tighten screws 1.
6. In case of need, the position of the micro switches can be corrected releasing the fixation nut at
the front side of the supporting bracket.
7. Calibrate the ceiling suspension vertical travel as described in chapter 12.

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13.2.3. Lateral movement toothed belt replacement and adjustment

1. Remove the ceiling suspension upper cover.
2. Loosen the motorization assembly fixation screws 1

3. Remove the screws that fix the toothed belt at both side of the rail assembly as shown in the
following figures

4. Position the new belt parallel to the bridge rails being careful that the belt is correctly wrapped
around the transmission gear; fix it to the rails as detailed in the previous figures:

5. Release screw 4 and adjust the tension of the belt acting on screw 5 as shown in the following
figure. When the correct tension is achieved, lock screw 4.

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13.2.4.Longitudinal movement toothed belt replacement and adjustment

1. Remove the ceiling suspension upper cover.
2. Loosen the motorization assembly fixation screws.

3. Remove the screws that fix the toothed belt at both side of the rail assembly as shown in the
following figures

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4. Position the new belt parallel to the bridge rails being careful that the belt is correctly wrapped
around the transmission gear; fix it to the rails as detailed in the previous figures:

5. Release screw 1 and adjust the tension of the belt acting on screw 2 as shown in the following
figure. When the correct tension is achieved, lock screw 1.

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13.2.5. Longitudinal rail magnetic detector replacement and adjustment

1. Remove the longitudinal drive motor assembly.
2. Replace the magnetic detector with a new one removing screws 1.
3. Adjust the position and the parallelism of the magnet detector in respect with the longitudinal
rails releasing screws 5.
For the correct operation of the magnetic detector is important that the distance between
the sensing area of the detector and the magnetic strip is about 0,5 mm.

It is also important that the installer makes sure that this distance is constant along the
entire length of the rails.

4. Tighten screws 5 when the correct alignment is reached.

5. Calibrate the ceiling suspension longitudinal travel as described in chapter 12.

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13.2.6. Lateral rails magnetic detector replacement and adjustment

1. Remove the ceiling suspension upper cover.
2. Replace the magnetic detector with a new one removing screws 7.
3. Adjust the position and the parallelism of the magnet detector in respect with the longitudinal
rails releasing screws 1.
For the correct operation of the magnetic detector is important that the distance between
the sensing area of the detector and the magnetic strip is about 0,5 mm.

It is also important that the installer makes sure that this distance is constant along the
entire length of the rails.

4. Tighten screws 1 when the correct alignment is reached.

5. Calibrate the ceiling suspension lateral travel as described in section 11.4.2.

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13.2.7. Tube rotation gearmotor replacement and adjustment

1. Remove the tube arm cover set.
2. Remove screws 6 and replace the gear motor assembly.
3. Mount the new gear motor assembly without tightening the fixation screws 6.
4. Check for the correct coupling of the motor gear 3 with the tube rotation gear.
5. Tighten screws 6 when the correct coupling is achieved.

It is important that the installer makes sure that the coupling between the two gear is
such that the float is minimum along the entire rotation of the X-ray tube assembly.

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13.2.8. Tube arm rotation gearmotor replacement and adjustment

1. Remove the tube arm cover set.
2. Remove the supporting bracket 4 with the gear motor.
3. Remove screws 1 and replace the gear motor assembly.
4. Mount back the supporting bracket with the gear motor without tightening the fixation
screws 9.
5. Check for the correct coupling of the motor gear 6 with the tube arm rotation gear.
6. Tighten screws 9 when the correct coupling is achieved.

It is important that the installer makes sure that the coupling between the two gear is
such that the float is minimum along the entire rotation of the tube arm assembly.

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13.3.1. Wallstand vertical travel potentiometer replacement

1. Remove the stand upper cover as shown in the following figure;

2. Drive the bucky carriage to the upper limit stop.
3. Unscrew the translator wire from the counterweights rod
4. Replace the translator assembly with a new one
5. Screw the translator wire from the counterweights rod

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13.3.2. Wallstand vertical travel brake adjustment

It is recommended to contact the factory before proceeding with this operation.

1. Remove the stand upper cover.

2. Release the fixation grains A.
3. Release the brake and correct the gap between the magnet and the anchor acting on the
front screws B. The correct calibration in achieved when the distance between the anchor and
the magnet is about 0,5 mm.
4. Lock the fixations grains A.

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13.3.3. Wallstand traction cable replacement

This procedure requires the service engineer to be supported by 2 additional assistants.
The procedure described in this section can be carried out only by experienced service
engineers. Since the replacement of this traction cable is quite a rare occasion, it is
recommended to contact the factory before proceeding.

1. Disconnect the bucky from the vertical carriage and all interconnection cables.
2. Lock the vertical carriage and remove the wall or floor fixations of the stand using as
reference the following figure 1 and the information contained in section 7.4.

3. Place the stand in horizontal position on two adequate supports and position with the bucky
support pointing towards the floor and the vertical carriage all the way towards the stand cap.
If necessary, unlock the safety brake by pulling the carriage traction cable.

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4. Remove the stand upper cover 2. Disconnect and remove all electrical components.
5. Remove the screws that fix the upper plate 3 of the stand to the stand itself.
6. Carefully pull out the counterweights plates 5 to access the wire rope fixation screws.
7. Replace the traction cable routing a new one trough the pulley and fix it to the
counterweights assembly.
8. Mount the stand assembly carrying out in the reverse order the instructions from step 4 to
step 8.

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13.3.4. Wallstand tilt potentiometer replacement

1. Remove the screws of the lateral wall stand cover as shown in the following figure (pay
attention not to break the cables behind the keyboard). Register the correspondence
between the wire color and the potentiometer terminal.

2. Remove the screws 1 and drive the potentiometer away from the transmission gear 5. Loosen
grain 2 and remove gear 3 from the potentiometer shaft.
3. Remove nut 4 and replace the old potentiometer with a new 1K-3 turns potentiometer.
Connect the wires to the potentiometer terminals as previously noted, proceed backward and
remount the potentiometer.

1 3
5 2

4. Set the potentiometer in its -20° limit stop and then turn for ¼ revolution its shaft. Couple the
potentiometer gear 3 with the transmission gear 5. Lock screws 1 when the correct coupling is

The correct coupling of the potentiometer gear 3 with transmission gear is achieved
when it is possible to detect a small float between the two gears. A tight coupling of the
two gears could damage the potentiometer bushing.

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5. Mount back the lateral wall stand cover and carry out the Wall Bucky Tilting Angles calibration
procedure as described in chapter 12.

13.4.Autofocusing bucky adjustments

13.4.1. Autofocusing bucky wire rope replacement and adjustment
The following calibration procedure describes how to tension the Auto focusing bucky wire rope and
adjust the end of the travel micro switches.
The installer must be very careful not to over load the wire rope tensioning gearbox in order to avoid
important damages to gearbox itself.

1. Remove the upper cover in order to access the auto focusing bucky assembly.
2. Using buttons 10 and 8 of the bucky front keyboard activate the motor until it is possible to
access the wire rope fixation screw as shown in the following figure:

3. Remove screw C to replace wire rope A in case is necessary. Loosen grains D to free the end
switches activation cam E as shown in the following figure.

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4. Route the new wire rope cable as shown in the following figures

5. Tension the wire rope symmetrically in respect with the two sides D and E as shown in the
following figure in the way that the four pressure clips are equally pushed on the upper side
of the frame. Lock the wire rope using screw C and washer B when the correct position is

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6. Adjust the end switches activation cam E in the way to activate end switch FC10 and lock the
position tightening grains D as shown in the following figure.

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13.4.2. Autofocusing bucky end switches adjustment and replacement

The Auto focusing bucky is equipped with two micro switches, wired in serial to detect the correct
position of the grid.
In particular the first micro switch detects that the grid frame is inserted in the bucky while the
second one detects that the grid frame is in the correct position.
In case one of the micro switches is not activated the image processor must inhibit the exposure and
generate an error message.

Grid presence micro switch adjustment

1. Insert the grid frame pushing it inside the bucky until the holding clips lock the grid in the
correct position
2. Check that the grid present micro switch is correctly pressed. In the negative adjust the
position of the micro switch releasing screws A and correcting the position of the metal
bracket B that support the micro switch as shown in the following figure:

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Grid position micro switch adjustment

1. Insert the grid frame pushing it inside the bucky until the holding clips lock the grid in the
correct position
2. Check that the grid position micro switch is correctly pressed. In the negative adjust the
position of the micro switch releasing screws C and correcting the position of the metal
bracket D that support the micro switch as shown in the following figure:

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13.4.3. Autofocusing bucky grid replacement

The following calibration procedure describes how to remove/replace the carbon fiber grid of the
auto focusing device.

1. Extract the grid frame from the bucky and place it on a table. Loosen screws 1 and remove
screws 2 from the grid frame assembly. Tilt downward the frame handle as shown in the
following figure.

2. Insert / remove the grid into / from the frame assembly sliding it inside slots 3 as shown in the
following figure.

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3. Pay attention that the grid passes over plates 4 and align it with the center of the frame as
shown in the following figure.

4. Tilt downward the frame handle; Mount screws 5 and tighten screws 6 as shown in the following

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13.5.Elevating table bucky

13.5.1. Detector sensing switch mechanical setting
1. Drive the docking station assembly to the external position.
2. Remove the top cover, to access the detector sensing position end switch
3. Insert the detector into the tray.
4. Check that the detector sensing position end switch is correctly pressed. In the negative
adjust the position of the end switch releasing screws 1 and correcting the position of the
metal bracket 2 that support the micro switch as shown in the following figure:

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13.5.2. SFD rotation end switches mechanical setting

1. Drive the docking station assembly to the external position.
2. Remove the top cover, to access the docking station assembly.
3. Rotate the detector to the portrait position and check that the limit end switch is correctly
activated. In the negative adjust the position of the limit end switch 4 by releasing entire
support fixation screws 1 as shown in the following figure.
Change the detector orientation several times to check the correct adjustment of the end
4. Rotate the detector to the landscape position and check that the limit end switch is correctly
activated. In the negative adjust the position of the limit end switch 9 by releasing entire
support fixation screws 6 as shown in the following figure.
Change the detector orientation several times to check the correct adjustment of the end

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13.5.3. SFD rotation motor coupling and replacement

1. Drive the docking station assembly to the external position.
2. Remove the top cover, to access the docking station assembly.
3. Change the detector orientation several times and check that the motor gear is correctly
coupled with the gear mounted on the bottom side of the detector holder as detailed in the
following figure.
4. In the negative loose screws 1 and correct the coupling between the two gears. Tighten
screws 1 and return to step 3.

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13.5.4. Grid sensing switches mechanical setting

The grid assembly of the Kalos elevating table is equipped with two magnetic detector that sense two
different type of grid.
In particular these detectors are used to discriminate between two grids having different focalization.
In particular:

FC17 – When active identifies the use of a grid with focalization at 130 cm.
FC18 – When active identifies the use of a grid with focalization at 180 cm.

The standard equipment of the table includes only the FC17 magnetic detector.

To replace the magnetic switch is necessary to remove the fixation nut and unscrew the switch
assembly as shown in the following figure.
Once replaced the switch with a new one it is necessary to lock it in position tightening the fixation
nut and check that the grid assembly is correctly recognized by the control electronics.
In the negative the installer must release the fixation nut and screw or unscrew the switch until it is
reached the correct operation.

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13.5.5. AEC detector replacement

1. Take out screws A and remove the front side of the grid frame as detailed in the following
2. Slide in the AEC detector from the front side taking care that the connector be present at the
front side as detailed in the following figure.
3. Connect the AEC detector to its cable and mount back the front side of the grid frame.
4. Mount the detector assembly lateral covers fixing screws B as detailed in the following

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13.5.6. Docking station longitudinal movement switch adjustment

1. Remove the docking station assembly covers.
2. Remove nut 6 and replace the switch with a new one.
3. Enter maintenance mode as described in paragraph Entering maintenance mode.
4. Move the docking station leftward using the controls that appear in the service tool as
described in chapter 12 until the end switch hits the end of travel mechanical cam.
5. In case the end switch is not activated by the cam, adjust the vertical position of the switch
acting on nut 6 and/or the position of the mechanical cam moving it along the tabletop frame
as shown in the following figures.

The correct position of the switch is achieved when the docking station stops at about 5
mm from the left side of the tabletop support.

6. Adjust the longitudinal tracking circuit as described in chapter 12.

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13.5.7. Docking station lateral movement switch adjustment

1. Remove the docking station assembly covers.
2. Remove the switch bracket 6 and replace the switch with a new one removing nut 7.
3. Enter maintenance mode as described in paragraph Entering maintenance mode.
4. Move the docking station inward using the controls that appear in the service tool as
described in chapter 12 until the end switch hits the end of travel mechanical cam 11.
5. In case the end switch is not activated by the cam, adjust the vertical position of the switch
acting on nut 7 and/or the position of the mechanical cam releasing screws 8 as shown in the
following figure.

The correct position of the switch is achieved when the docking station stops at about 5
mm from the internal side of the tabletop support.

6. Adjust the lateral tracking circuit as described in chapter 12.

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13.5.8. Docking station extraction movement sensing potentiometer replacement

1. Remove the docking station assembly covers.
2. Remove nut 13 that fix the potentiometer wire to the fixation bracket 12.
3. Replace the potentiometer 5 with a new one
4. Connect the potentiometer wire to bracket 12 and lock nut 13.
5. Adjust the potentiometer sensing circuit as described in chapter 12.

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13.5.9. Docking station longitudinal movement toothed belt replacement and adjustment
1. Loosen screws 1 and acting on screw 2 reduce the belt tension.

2. Remove screws 1 at both side of the table and replace the belt with a new one as shown in
the following figure.
3. Position the new belt being careful that the belt is correctly wrapped around the transmission
gear; fix it to the rails as detailed in the following figure:

4. Tension the belt acting on screw 2. When the correct tension is achieved tighten screws 1.

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13.5.10. Docking station lateral movement toothed belt replacement and adjustment
1. Loosen screws 1 and acting on screw 2 reduce the belt tension.

2. Remove screws 1 at both side of the table and replace the belt with a new one as shown in
the following figure.
3. Position the new belt being careful that the belt is correctly wrapped around the transmission
gear; fix it to the rails as detailed in the following figure:

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14. Collimator corrective maintenance

14.1.Entering collimator service mode
The collimator service mode is automatically enabled as soon as the System enters maintenance
mode as described in section Entering maintenance mode of this manual.

In particular starts the service software utility launching the file KalosService_Vxxx.exe. In the
procedure described in this chapter, the software version of this service software utility is V 5.0 In the
figure below you see the start screen of the service software utility.

Select the serial port (in the figure COM4, but it may be another serial port depending on the laptop
computer and the USB – COM adapter you have).

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Then start the listening on the serial port selected by pressing the button Play.

Go now to the Maintenance tab and select On in the menu as shown in the following figure. If your
laptop computer has only one serial port, it is not necessary to select it and press the button Play, as
Maintenance > On is enough to start the listening over that serial port and to start the maintenance

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In this way the maintenance mode is on. You can see some notification messages in the list view on
the right side of the screen as well as a new colour of the background. All the EEprom parameters of
the System are downloaded into the software and the corresponding fields are populated (you can
see that by selecting the different tabs).

The maintenance mode can be abandoned any time during the calibration selecting Maintenance >

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14.2.Optical switches replacement

14.2.1. X axis optical switch replacement
1. Switch off the collimator.
2. Remove the collimator covers and loosen the front cover with the board and connectors by
removing the screws A, B, C, and D and cut the plastic cable tie E in fig. 1.

Fig. 1

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3. Disconnect the switch connector CN2 from the board; remove the screws 6 as shown in fig. 2 and
move aside the front plate 22.

Fig. 2

4. Remove screw A indicated by the red arrow in fig. 3 and cut the plastic cable tie.


Fig. 3

5. Remove screw B, loosening the support and remove the optical switch from its support.
6. After replacing the switch, proceed in reverse, assembling all the parts previously removed.
Reposition the plate and reconnect connector CN2 to the board. Replace the plastic cable tie.

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When reassembling the covers, remember to insert cable AL00C001 in its guide rail as
shown in the following figure:

Fig. 4

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14.2.2. Y axis optical switch replacement

1. Switch off the collimator.
2. Remove the collimator covers and loosen the front cover with the board and connectors by
removing the screws A, B, C, and D in fig. 1.

Fig. 1

3. Disconnect the switch connector CN10 from the board.

4. Remove the screws A, cut the plastic cable tie.
5. Remove screw B shown in fig. 2, and take off the optical switches to be replaced by
unscrewing it from its support.

Fig. 2

6. After replacing the switch, proceed in reverse, assembling all the parts previously removed
and reconnect connector CN10 to the board. Replace the plastic cable tie.

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When reassembling the covers, remember to insert cable AL00C001 in its guide rail as
shown in the following figure:

Fig. 3

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14.2.3. Manual filters optical switches replacement

1. Switch off the collimator.
2. Remove the collimator covers and loosen the front cover with the board and connectors by
removing the screws A, B, C, and D in fig. 1.

Fig. 1

3. Disconnect all four connectors (CN 4-7-5-8). Loosen the screws A and B, and remove the cable
case C. Then, remove screw D and cut the plastic cable tie E as shown in fig. 2.


Fig. 2

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4. Remove screws 7 shown in fig. 3.

Fig. 3

5. Pull off the whole assembly.

6. Take off the damaged optical switch by removing the screw from group A or B as in fig. 4 , and
position the new one


Fig. 4

7. Reposition the filter unit in the collimator and put back the screws and cables.
8. Reconnect the connectors to the board and replace the plastic cable tie.

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When reassembling the covers, remember to insert cable AL00C001 in its guide rail as
shown in the following figure:

Fig. 5

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14.2.4. Motorised filter optical switches replacement

1. Switch off the collimator.
2. Remove the collimator covers and loosen the front cover with the board and connectors by
removing the screws A, B, C, and D in fig. 1.

Fig. 1

3. Disconnect all four connectors (CN 4, 7, 5, and 8) of the optical switches and the motor unit
connectors CN3 and CN6. Loosen the screws A and B, remove the cable case C. Then, remove
screw D and cut the plastic cable tie E as shown in fig. 2.

Fig. 2

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4. Remove screws 7 shown in fig. 3.

Fig. 3

5. Pull off the whole assembly.

6. Remove the damaged optical switch removing screws A or B as in fig. 4, take off the switch and
position the new one.

Fig. 4

7. Reposition the filter unit in the collimator and put back the screws and cables.
8. Reconnect the connectors to the board and replace the plastic cable tie.

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When reassembling the covers, remember to insert cable AL00C001 in its guide rail as
shown in the following figure:

Fig. 5

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14.3.Power LED replacement

1. Switch off the collimator.
2. Remove the collimator covers and loosen the front cover with the board and connectors by
removing the screws A, B, C, and D in fig. 1.

Fig. 1

3. Disconnect connector CN13 and CN22. Remove screws 6 and take off the front plate 21 as
shown in fig. 2.

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Fig. 2

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4. Remove screw A as shown in fig. 3.

Fig. 3

5. Take off the led assembly fig. 4.

Fig. 4

6. Replace the led assembly with the spare part and reposition the screw.
7. Remount the plate and reconnect connector CN13 and CN22.

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When reassembling the covers, remember to insert cable AL00C001 in its guide rail as
shown in the following figure:

Fig. 5

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14.4.Cover cross reference adjustment

The cross in the Plexiglas should be perfectly centered with respect to x and y axis shutter light,
following this procedure.

1. Loosen the four screws A, B, C, and D supporting the Plexiglas frame as shown in fig. 1.



Fig. 1

2. Center the cross drawn on the Plexiglas moving it with respect to the collimator light of X and Y
3. Tighten the screws back.

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14.5.X & Y axis stepper motor replacement

1. Switch off the collimator.
2. Remove the collimator covers and loosen the front cover with the board and connectors by
removing the screws A, B, C, and D in fig. 1.

Fig. 1

3. Disconnect the ground wire A shown in fig. 2.

Fig. 2

4. Remove the front cover with the board, disconnecting all connectors.

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5. Remove the plastic cable tie A shown in fig. 3.

Fig. 3

6. Remove the front and rear black plates 21 and 22 removing the screws 6.

Fig. 4

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7. Loosen the idler pulley screw A or B (depending on the motor to be replaced), as shown in fig. 5,
thus loosening the belt.

Fig. 5

8. Remove screw A and cut the plastic cable tie B as shown in fig. 6.

Fig. 6

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9. Remove the three screws A, B and C and take off the motor unit from its support as shown in
fig. 7.


Fig. 7

10. Loosen the two headless screws A and B that support the motor unit gear as shown in fig. 8.


Fig. 8

11. Replace the motor unit with a new one and proceed in mounting back the pieces.
12. Adequately adjust the belt tension.

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When reassembling the covers, remember to insert cable AL00C001 in its guide rail as
shown in the following figure:

Fig. 9

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14.6.Motorised filters motor replacement

In case it is necessary to replace one of the motor units A shown in fig. 1, the procedure is the

Fig. 1

1. Switch off the collimator.

2. Remove the collimator covers and loosen the front cover with the board and connectors by
removing the screws A, B, C, and D in fig. 2.

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Fig. 2

3. Disconnect all four connectors (CN 4, 7, 5, and 6) of the optical switches and the two motor unit
connectors CN6 and CN3. Loosen the screws A and B, remove the cable case C and cut the
plastic cable tie D as shown in fig. 3.

Fig. 3

4. Remove screws 7 shown in fig. 4.

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Fig. 4

5. Pull off the whole assembly.

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6. Loosen the headless screws that hold the gears of the motor unit to be replaced A or B as in fig.

Fig. 5

7. Remove the screws A and B that fix the motor unit to be substituted to its support as in fig. 6.

Fig. 6

8. Pull off the motor unit from its support and replace it with a new one.
9. Proceed in reverse, assembling all the parts previously removed. Remount the screws and the
filter group in the collimator. Reconnect the connectors to the board.

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When reassembling the covers, remember to insert cable AL00C001 in its guide rail as
shown in the following figure:

Fig. 7

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14.7.Replacement of the alignment line laser diode

1. Switch off the collimator.
2. Remove the collimator covers and loosen the front cover with the board and connectors by
removing the screws A, B, C, and D in fig. 1.

Fig. 1

3. Disconnect connector CN22 from the board.

4. Unscrew the headless screw A, in order to free the laser head shown in fig. 2.

Fig. 2

5. Take off the laser head and replace it with a new one.
6. Reconnect the connector.
7. Center the laser positioning the laser light at the center of the X axis shutters light.
8. Proceed reassembling the covers.

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When reassembling the covers, remember to insert cable AL00C001 in its guide rail as
shown in the following figure:

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15. Demolition and disposal

At the end of its working life, the demolition and disposal of the equipment and its components /
accessories must take place in compliance with the requirements of the European Directive 2012/19
/ EU (ex 2002/96 / EC) on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE - Waste Electrical and
Electronic equipment).
By ensuring that this equipment is disposed of correctly, you help prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and human health which could otherwise be caused by
inadequate treatment of the waste generated by this product. The correct recycling of materials will
help to conserve natural environmental resources.

This symbol on products and / or accompanying documents indicates that waste

electrical and electronic equipment must not be disposed of as unsorted
municipal waste, but must instead be collected separately.
Please contact an authorized representative of the manufacturer or your local
technical assistance service for information on how to dispose of the equipment.

The recycling symbol is affixed to a battery or its packaging to remind you that
the battery must be recycled or disposed of in accordance with local or national
laws. The letters under the recycling symbol indicate whether certain elements
(lead, cadmium, mercury) are contained in the battery. To minimize potential
effects on the environment and human health, it is important that all batteries
removed from the product are properly recycled or disposed of in accordance
with local regulations.

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GMM Kalos powered by Canon
SM-PN001C-EN, Rev 04 Service manual

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