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This project mainly deals with creating an application regarding cab booking and checking the
availability of vehicles. For this application we will store some model names, their registration no, on the
basis of per day accordingly. Cab booking system provides reliable online (web based) cab(car) booking
facility to people in various cities in Rwanda, free of cost. Cab acts like a bridge between the cab
operators and the customers/users/people who book a cab. Taxi booking is a typical kind of transportation
that is offered by a number of different transportation firms in a particular city. The bulk of people rely on
taxi services for their daily transportation needs. This is the online cab booking service provided to
customers. This brings together the registered travel agencies/cab operators/cab owners and the
customers. free service to the travelers/customers/users who go for booking a cab or car or taxi.


Transport is activity of taking goods or people from one place to another by a car, ship, an
airplane.  The modern society cannot run without transport facilities. In the current system, the client first 
contacts with the transport company for getting transport service. The company then books the vehicle for 
him on the requested date and time and then sends the vehicle to his place at the time. The Online taxi bo
oking system is the online service which will automate the process of booking a taxi and will facilitate bot
h the client and the company with reduced time and efforts. First the company will register his vehicles an
d the vehicles to the system. Then the client will request for booking a vehicle on his required date and ti
me, providing all necessary information. The fare will be calculated and client should confirm it. Then the 
employee will serve the client on the specific date and time.
Finally, the client will have an opportunity to give feedback for the service he got. The company can chec
k it and take appropriate action for the future improvements


Transport is one of the key strategic pillars of economic growth of the country and the enabler of social
inclusion and prosperity of the Rwandan citizens. Rwanda’s position as a landlocked country has a
negative impact on economic growth and development. Well-managed taxi services, including moto taxis,
car taxis, and various forms of ride hailing services provided by transport network companies (TNCs),
can improve access to economic opportunities and enable residents to live car-free life. In Rwanda the tax
cab transport is mainly used in towns. And it is used when persons need to go quickly without waiting for
long line bus stations. By using this type of transport, the passengers go comfortably because they
transport small number of persons between 4 and 6 passengers. This kind of transport is costly compared
to other types of transports. these services are not a substitute for a robust public transport network or
compact and pedestrian friendly development. Regulation is needed to minimize potential negative
externalities of moto and car taxis, including increased congestion, poor safety for NMT users, and


The old manual system was suffering from different problems but some of them are the following: a
passenger who need to go with taxi cab has to go the taxi park which are mostly located in towns and are
sometimes far from the passengers that case the passenger spends time and physical energy
going to the taxi park. The other main problem is the lack of proper control for taxi companies ‘managers
on their employers(drivers) because they don’t know exact daily activities performed by the driver. Since
whole of the system was to be maintained with hands the process of keeping, maintaining and retrieving
the information was very tedious and lengthy. The records were never used to be in a systematic order.
The third problem of the manual system is the lack of communication between clients and the
management staff of taxi cab companies. In the case the client has some thing to claim to the company
there is no platform to help him/her.


1.4.1 General objectives
The main aim of the project is to create a reliable and easy to use web-based system which will
simplify the cab booking processes by automating all activities performed in that process. This
website will help fans to book cab wherever they are in Rwanda by using internet through their
smart phones and computers.
1.4.2 Specific objectives
 Manage large number of client details.
 Manage all details of clients who registered and requested for getting the service.
 Create employee accounts and maintain the data effectively.
 View all the details of the clients and employees.
 Showing available vehicles to book for the client.
 Getting the feedback from the client to facilitate future improvement.
 Following all daily journeys done by driver


This research project will be focus on management of all information about all cabs booked for
by recording all necessary details about client, cab, driver and admin as well as about the journey
done for Rwandan taxi transport companies.
1.5.1. Content scope
This software has been developed for cab booking systems using a computer. If someone
wants to book for a cab, he or she can use the system with computers.

Registration has to be completed for both admin, driver and passenger with the required

1.5.3. Geographical scope

The study will be conducted at MUSANZE District, and it was conducted on Musanze cab
owners and drivers as well as passengers.
1.6. Significance of the project
1.6.1. Personal interest
This study will help the researcher to acquire skills and knowledge about the functioning of
online cab booking process and also enhance programming knowledge and in websites
development. Also, the study will help the researcher to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Information

1.6.2 Academic interest

To academicians and scientists, the study acts as the reference material to the other students who
will be carrying out other researches on the variables under study.


The following challenges were encountered during development of this research:
 Time constraint
 Due to the shortness of time and other activities like doing internship etc. The time was
very short to perform well research process.
 lack of finance to carry out the project effectively and efficiently.
 The high cost of a computer system and the functions used in the design the software also
posed some hindrances to this research work.


This project report is divided into five chapters:
CHAP1: General introduction
CHAP2: Theoretical concepts and literature review
CHAP3: Research methodology
CHAP4: System Analysis, design and implementation
CHAP5: Conclusion and recommendation
2.1. Introduction
This chapter put out the theoretical concepts related to the project. this chapter helps to know
definition and characteristics of technology used in this project, to classify well the concept,
comparative study of works will be used in attempt to solve the found problems

2. 2 Information system and fundamental technical terms

This chapter includes what other researchers have done, theoretical, and fundamental definitions
In this field as regards in making of this system Online ticket reservation and increasing the
way clients will make reservation through this system. This chapter covers the theoretical and
fundamental definitions used in this study. It is an overview of today’s online reservation and the
internal management where different technologies that enable this system where used.

2.3 Definition of the key terms

 Management information system: An organized approach to the study of the
information needs of an organization's management at every level in making operational,
tactical, and strategic decisions. Its objective is to design and implement procedures,
processes, and routines that provide.

 Management: Management is the process of planning, leading, organizing and

controlling people within a group in order to achieve goals; also used to mean the group
of people who do this.

 Literature review: is a part that contains definitions of key terms contained in the
project development.
 System: is away that set of connected things that work together or a method of
organizing things or doing things.

 Program: A program is a set of instructions for computer to execute.

 Operating system: An operating system is a program that controls a computer and

makes it possible for users to enter and run their own programs.
Other Definition
 Significance: The importance or meaning of something.
 Dedication: is a group or a person who declare the project that are been doing any
 Cab: a vehicle that carries paying passengers
 Transport: is the activity of taking or carrying (people or goods) from one place to another by
means of a vehicle, aircraft, or ship.

 Abstract: is the ideas or feelings rather than showing the exact appearance.
 Diagram: Is drawing that explain something.

 The database: A database is a collection of related data that is organized so that its
contents can easily be accessed, managed and updated.

 DBMS: A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of interrelated data and a

set of programs to access those data.

Record: A record is a collection of related data items.

 Flow chart: Flowchart is a diagram of the sequence of operations in a computer program
or an accounting system and is a schematic representation of an algorithm or a
process is a representation, primarily through the use of symbols, of the sequence of
activities in a system (process, operation, function, or activity)

 Table: A table is one of the most important ingredients to design the database. It is also
known as a relation, is a two dimensional structure used to hold related information. A
database consists of one or more tables and in this project we have 4 tables that are
 Field: A field is an area of database record, or graphical user interface from, into which a
particular item of data is entered.
 Index: Index is a number used to select an element of a list, victor array of sequence or
an index can be a list of names, subjects and others with reference.

2.4 Relational Database concepts

Prior to understanding the concept of a relational database, you should first understand the
concept of a Flat file.
For example, a spreadsheet would consider as flat file database, where all the record are in one
table. However, it is not an efficiently designed database since different topics are stored in same
Table and would contain duplicate data values. So a relational database would be the best.
A relational database is comprised of multiple tables each pertaining to a specific topic. A table
is one of the most important ingredients to design the database. It is also known as a relation, is a
two-dimensional structure used to hold related information. A database consists of one or more
The other key point to a relational database concept is that each table contains a field or a
combination of field, in which the data value uniquely identifies the record. This field is referred
to as the primary key.
2.4.1 Primary key
Also called a primary keyword is a key in a relational database that is unique for each record. It
is a unique identifier, such as id-ticket. A relational database table must always have one and
only one
primary key. Primary keys typically appear as columns in relational database tables. A primary
key can be a foreign key in another table.
A foreign key in database table is a key from another table that refers to (or targets) a specific
key, usually the primary key, in the table being used. A relational database must always have one
and only
one primary key. It is represented by an underline.
2.4.2 Foreign key
A foreign key is a reference to a key in another relation, meaning that the referencing table has,
as one of its attributes, the values of a key in the referenced table.
2.4.3 Relationship
Each relationship will have a primary (parent) table and a Related (child) table. An easy way to
determine the primary table in the relationship is to note the primary key. Typically the primary
table is the table that holds the primary key field in the relationship. The other with foreign key
would be the related table.
How each table is related to each other is another key concept in a relational database. There are
two main types of Relationship: One-to-One (for example one student does registration one time)
and One –to- Many (one student studies many courses).
The third one known as Many-to Many (for example many student study many courses) is
always transformed into One-to many by creating a third table joining which were linked by a
Many-to Many relationship.

2.5 Tools for designing software

In developing the software mentioned above, many resources were needed.
 Some knowledge acquired in classroom
 Knowledge from classmate and guidelines from research supervisor
 Research on internet


Xampp (mysql, apache server)

 Edit plus to create Webpages
 Microsoft power point for slide show
 Microsoft windows operating system
 Microsoft word to produce report
 Microsoft publisher for designing logo
 Photos cape to animate some photos

2.6 Critical review

RWANDA, Well-managed taxi services, including moto taxis, car taxis, and various forms of
ride hailing services provided by transport network companies (TNCs), can improve access to
economic opportunities and enable residents to live car-free life. However, these services are not
a substitute for a robust public transport network or compact and pedestrian friendly
development. Regulation is needed to minimize potential negative externalities of moto and car
taxis, including increased congestion, poor safety for NMT users, and pollution.
Understanding residents' different travel behaviors provides a prerequisite for the transportation
infrastructure configuration and policy implementation. Currently, taxi travel behavior research
mainly concentrates on commuting trips, which can be extended in future researches. Car-hailing
provides a new source of information that can be used to study people's travel behavior and
urban mobility (Zhang et al., 2020).
With the promotion of the concept of the sharing economy and the popularization of mobile
internet technology, the taxi market is facing the biggest challenge since taxi first appeared. A
larger amount of data will be considered in the research, and other more detailed determinants
will be added to the regression model in a further study. Abundant studies often focus only on a
given transportation mode and fail to present different aspects of ridership patterns for multi-
modal transportation (Kim, 2018; Tu et al., 2018).
Online car-hailing is experiencing a period of rapid development; however, few efforts have
been made to investigate the impact of the urban built environment on online car-hailing travel in
the spatial dimension (Li et al., 2019b). This study can be transplanted to other cities based on
their local conditions.
Li et al., 2019b
T. Li, P. Jing, L. Li, et al.
Revealing the varying impact of urban built environment on online car-hailing
travel in spatio-temporal dimension: an exploratory analysis in Chengdu, China
Sustainability, 11 (5) (2019), p. 1336

2.7 Conceptual frame


3.1. Introduction
The methodology is the theoretical and systematic analysis of strategies related to a field of
study. It includes the theoretical analysis of the collection of strategies and guidelines
related to the part of the knowledge

A methodology does not set out to provide solutions it is, therefore, not the same as a
method. Instead, a methodology offers the theoretical underpinning for understanding which
method, set of methods, or best practices can be applied to a specific case, for example, to
calculate a specific result.

3.2. Data collection methods

A qualitative approach is used to collect data that serves as the requirements for the proposed
system after analysis. The following techniques have been used: observation, interview, and
document analysis.
3.2.1. Interview
Semi-structured interviews will be conducted to augment the data collected during observations
and more so to provide an in-depth understanding of the views and experiences of the personnel.
Since the researcher needs to know specific information to compare and contrast with
information gained from other interviews, semi-structured interviews are chosen. Therefore, the
same questions shall be asked in most of the interviews. However, this interview type had
enabled the researcher’s interviews to remain flexible so that other important information can
still arise.
All interviews were audio-recorded, and supplementary handwritten notes were taken. These
interviews shall mainly be individual since medical officers are always busy; thus, creating time
for focus groups may not be possible.
3.2.2. Observation
An observation method is chosen because it can be a rich source of information as it enables the
researcher to capture what people do rather than what they say they do and promote
understanding of complex situations.
3.2.3. Document analysis
The researcher will examine written, visual, and audio documents that exist. There are lots of
different kinds of documents, including official documents produced by institutions, websites,
and personal documents.

3.3. Software engineering methods

It is important to fulfill the planning for the implementation phase. This can only be done if the
proper methodology is selected. The methodology is important to make sure all project life cycle
activities are being carried out without any shortcuts. The methodology helps the system
developers to take one step at a time towards accomplishing the full system.

The following section discusses the choice of methodology for the implementation of the online
criminal Record Management system in Rwanda.

3.3.1. Iterative development model methodology

Iterative development is a software development approach that breaks the process of developing
a large application into smaller parts. Each part, called “iteration”, represents the whole
development process and contains planning, design, development, and testing steps. Unlike the
Waterfall model, the iterative process adds features one by one, providing a working product at
the end of each iteration, and increases functionality from cycle to cycle.

In the Iterative model, the iterative process starts with a simple implementation of a small set of
the software requirements and iteratively enhances the evolving versions until the complete
system is implemented and ready to be deployed.

An iterative life cycle model does not attempt to start with a full specification of requirements.
Instead, development begins by specifying and implementing just part of the software, which is
then reviewed to identify further requirements. This process is then repeated, producing a new
version of the software at the end of each iteration of the model.
Figure 1.iterative development model

Phases of iterative development model

1. Requirements: In this phase, requirements are gathered from customers and check by an
analyst whether the requirements will fulfill or not. Analyst checks the need will achieve
within budget or not. After all of this, the software team skips to the next phase.
2. Design: the iterative process starts with a simple implementation of a subset of the
software requirements and iteratively enhances the evolving versions until the full system
is implemented. At each iteration, design modifications are made and new functional
capabilities are added. The basic idea behind this method is to develop a system through
repeated cycles (iterative) and in smaller portions at a time (incremental).
3. Testing: In the implementation as well as a test phase, the system is developed by coding
and building the user interface and modules which are then incorporated and tested.
4. Implementation: This phase covers coding which is a process of converting the design
into executable codes. It is normally done by coders/programmers who have expertise in
several programming languages but in my project, I did the coding part using
programming languages that we will see in other parts of the book. Since the coder has to
read the codes many times in debugging the codes should be written so that they are easy
to read not easy to write.
Advantages of iterative development model

Iterative software development means building the product step by step, which allows for the
identification and correction of defects during the early stages, to avoid their downward flow into
further processes.

With iterative development at the end of each stage, you can get user feedback, such as how they
see the product now and what they are expecting it to look like n the future. This allows you to
make any necessary improvements and amendments.

The iterative development approach helps you to save time on documentation, which often
accompanies the waterfall workflow, and to focus more on designing the project.

3.4. Development tools and Platform

This section describes what is evolves to come up with the system and how the system works.

3.4.1. Webserver

A web server is a computer program using client/server architecture that is responsible for
accepting HTTP requests from clients, which are known as web browsers, and serving them
HTTP responses along with optional data contents, which usually are web pages such as HTML
documents and linked objects (images, etc.)

Two popular web servers are Apache, the most widely installed web server, and Microsoft’s
Internet Information Server (IIS). In the case of the project, Apache has been used.

3. 4.2. Apache

Apache is short for Apache HTTP Server Project, a robust, commercial-grade, and freely
available open-source HTTP Web Server software produced by the Apache Software
Foundation. It is the most commonly used web server on the internet and is available on many
platforms, including Windows, Unix/Linux, and Mac OS X

3.4.3. Html
Hypertext markup language, the coding language used to create hypertext documents for the
World Wide Web. In HTML, a block of text can be surrounded with tags that indicate how it
should appear (for example, in boldface or italics). Also, in HTML a word, a block of text, or an
image can be linked to another file on the web. HTML files are viewed with a World Wide Web

3.4.4. Php
PHP is an open-source server-side programming language extensively used for web scripts and
to process data passed via the common gateway interface from HTML forms etc. PHP can be
written as scripts that reside on the server and may produce HTML output that downloads to the
web browser. Alternatively, PHP can be embedded within HTML pages that are then saved with
a PHP file extension.

In an HTML document, a PHP script (similar syntax to that of Perl or C) is enclosed within
special PHP tags. Because PHP is embedded within tags, the author can jump between HTML
and PHP instead of having to rely on heavy amounts of code to output HTML. And, because
PHP is executed on the server, the client cannot view the PHP code.

3.4.5. CSS
It stands for cascading style sheet. Style sheet refers to the document itself. Style sheets have
been used for document design for years. They are the technical specifications for a layout,
whether print or online. Print designers use style sheets to ensure that their designs are printed
exactly to specifications.

3.4.6. Mysql
MySQL is a very fast, robust, relational database management system (RDBMS) that controls
access to data to ensure that multiple users can work with it concurrently, to provide fast access
to it, and to ensure that only authorized users can obtain access. Hence, MySQL is a multiuser,
multithreaded server. It uses Structured Query Language (SQL), the standard database query

3.4.7. JavaScript
A scripting language developed by Netscape to enable web authors to design interactive sites.
Although it shares many of the features and structures of the full Java language, it was developed
independently. JavaScript can interact with HTML source code, enabling Web authors to spice
up their sites with dynamic content. JavaScript is endorsed by several software companies and is
an open language that anyone can use without purchasing a license.
3.4.8. Edit plus
Edit plus is an Internet-ready 32-bit text, HTML, and code editor for Windows. It offers many
features for Web page authors and programmers, including syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS,
PHP, C/C++, Java, JavaScript, and VBScript. It is possible to use a seamless Web browser for
previewing HTML pages, and FTP commands for uploading local files to an FTP server. Other
features include an HTML toolbar, user tools, line number, ruler, URL highlighting, auto-
completion, clip text, column selection, powerful search and replace, and multiple undo/redoes.

3.4.9. Xampp

XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MariaDB (M), PHP (P), and Perl (P). It is a
simple, lightweight Apache distribution that makes it extremely easy for developers to create a
local web server for testing and deployment purposes. XAMPP is also cross-platform, which
means it works equally well on Linux, Mac, and Windows. XAMPP was chosen because of its
portability (Daniel M, 2005).


In this chapter, the current system used in stadium ticket booking system is to be examined
and the relevant analysis done on it. The core aim of this is to determine whether there is
need for a new system or not. The chapter also explains how the current system works by
providing system requirements through various models that enables one to comprehend the
system better. Modeling tools such as DFDs, use case diagrams and others are used in the


4.2.1 Overview of the current system

Currently the passengers who want to go by cab should to their nearest cab park stations
located in cities and major commercial centers in Rwanda. The other possibility is to call
by phone the driver of a cab if you have hi/or her number. The owners of taxi cab
companies use to buy cars and then give them to the drivers to use them in transporting the
passengers then have to the different locations. The drivers depose amount of money
earned in their daily job to the management of their companies. Then the companies use
the earned income to pay them their monthly salaries and to pay.
4.2.2 Problems associated with the current system

The present Online taxi Booking system has many problems as am going show in this paragraph. As I
said in the manual system of booking a cab a passenger has to go the cab park station. With this approach
there is a big loss of time and much effort can be used by the passenger to arrive to a cab. Some persons
especially those who are far from these park stations pay money to the motorcycles and bicycles to reach
to them in short time. in that case there is the spending of unnecessary money. When they reach there,
they are not sure that cabs are always available and ready to transport them. Again, as I said the other
option is to call a driver of a cab when you have his/her number. It is clear that all passengers don’t have
the driver’s phone numbers. Even when you have it., you will not be sure that he/she is available to
transport. He/she might be busy transporting the other passenger at that time you need him/her.

4.1.1 Functional and nonfunctional requirements
So as to be in a position to automate the manual system at Modern coast bus ticket
reservation system, an automated system was required. This system allows users to
perform their reservation while in remote environments. Due to this, several requirements
were thus required in order to come up with a system that will allow this. Such
requirements will be classified into three; functional, non- functional and domain

 Functional requirements

These requirements are those that enable the system to operate. These requirements focus
mainly on what the system should do. They include:

Users have to register themselves by creating accounts to gain access to the system’s
User authentication by use of password.
The system has three users; the super administrator has more privileges than the other
users. The system shall validate users accessing data in the system through use of
password and username validation and verification. A login dialog box will be used for
these purposes.
The categories of users allowed to access data in the system are:

i) Administrator,
ii) passenger (clients)
iii) driver
The Administrator is the super user and has complete control over all the activities that can be performed.
Admin enters in the system by login after login in he/has the privilege of seeing the list of all
cabs owned by the company and he/she can add new cab if it is necessary and available by
registering all its details in the system. He/she has the privilege of seeing all registered
clients(passengers) with all their details. He/she also have the privilege of seeing all booking
done by the clients
Passenger/client enters in the system by registering then after registering he/she logs in to start
using the system. The client can see the available cabs then select the one he/she want then clicks
on it. By clicking on it he is given the form in which he fills the starting place and ending place
of his/her journey then his/her booking is automatically sent to the driver of the booked driver.
The passenger can visit his account to see the status of the request.

The driver also starts by logging in and then after he/she see the booking sent to him/her. The
driver has the privilege of changing the status of the client’s request by clicking on confirmed,
dropped up(to mean that the passenger starts the journey), dropped off( to mean that the
passenger ends the journey).

After performing all actions needed every user has to logout.

 Non-functional requirements
These requirements focus on how the system works or how the system should behave by
providing its quality attributes. These requirements include:
The system should be able to handle an unlimited number of users at a time.

• Documentation: the system will be documented and PDF manuals will be available
for users when the system goes live.
• Recover-ability: the system will be regularly backed up so that it can be recovered
in case data is lost for some reason.
• Design constraints: The software will be developed with MySQL database back
• The system will not work in the absence of internet
• The system will only require the registered users to log in to the system.
• The system will only allow the super admin to change data on the database and not
any other user.
• The interfaces of the system should be designed to be clear. Simple and easy to use and
understand. To increase the user friendliness, on-line help should be built into the
• In general, the average response time of the system should be less than thirty seconds.
However, in the case of a very complicated query that demands a lot of calculations and
joining tables. the maximum respond time is set to five minutes.

4.4.1 Domain requirements

• This system will not be in a position to operate in environments which are not
accessible to internet
• The system will also require the user to have access to a computer/a laptop, a smart
phone or any other device that has internet access.
• The system will be by those people basic computer skills.
• People with visual impairments will not use the system unless there is assistance
from people without visual challenges.

4.4.2 Database requirements

 A common repository of data will be needed. This implies that the new system will
require a database for data storage and retrieval for the purposes of processing and
feedback information.
 The database will require a number of tables to record various entries that the uses
will enter into the system.

4.4.3 Software required

 Operating system: Microsoft Windows7, etc..
 Browser: Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Torch browser, Opera
mini, Safaris, etc...
 Web server: Apache service.
 Database package: MySQL.
 Front end tools: Html, Edit Plus or Notepad, Dreamweaver, Notepad++, etc...

4.4.4 Hardware required

 CPU: Pentium IV processor or higher processor
 RAM:125mb or plus
 HDD: 20gb or plus
Keyboard, mouse, printer, monitor

4.5. Use Case Diagrams

In Software Engineering, a use case is used to describe the steps between a user and a
software system which guides the user to useful output. The user (also called an actor)
could be a human user, an external hardware, software systems, or other subjects.
The proposed system will have a structure like the one discussed below.
This is the use cace diagram for the current system

Figure 2 use case diagram

In this phase of system design, the overall architecture of the desired system is decided. The
system is divided in subsystems interacting with each other. While designing the system as a set
of interacting subsystems, the analyst must take care of specifications as observed in the system
analysis as well as what Is required of the new system by the end user. The tools employed
during this methodology were diagrams like use case diagram, data flow diagrams and entity
relationship diagram. The main tables must also be defined. The design ensures that only allows
authorized users to access the system; information.

4.6. 1 Architectural Design

For a web application the system architecture design includes components such as, database,
application server, web server, internet, browser etc. Not all of these have to be included in the
diagram and there are other components that can be included.
Figure 4.Architectural design

4.6.2 context (level 0) diagram

Are used to represent the flow of data as well as the processes and functions involved to store,
manipulate, and distribute data among various components of the system and between the system
and the environment of the system by a specific set of graphical representations. It also depicts
the logical flow of information in a system and appropriately defines and determines the physical
requirements for the construction of the system. The key features of a Data Flow Diagram
involve simplicity of notation as well as generation of a clear overview of the manual and
automated requirements of the system.
.6.3 data flow diagram
The various processes for proposed system have been summarized in a Data Flow Diagram (see figure 4).
The figure below is therefore a data flow diagram describing the design of these processes:
4.6.4 entity relationship diagram
ER diagram is known as Entity-Relationship diagram. It is used to analyze to structure of the
Database. It shows relationships between entities and their attributes. An ER model provides a -
means of communication


Physical data model represents the actual design blueprint of a relational database. It represents
how data should be structured and related in a specific DBMS so it is important to consider the
convention and restriction of the DBMS you use when you are designing a physical data model.
This means that an accurate use of data type is needed for entity columns and the use of reserved
words has to be avoided in naming entities and columns. Besides, database designers may also
add primary keys, foreign keys and constraints to the design.
Figure 5 dataflow
4.7.3 data dictionary
Data dictionary is a store of information about the data in database. The dictionary defines the
name, description, source of data, user of data, and keyword in data, formula to derive the data,
specification and such other details. Data dictionary is bringing common understanding of the
data in the organization. RDBMS provides software to create the dictionary. use of data
dictionary enforces the standards of processing, usage's application and documentation in the
organization. Data dictionaries are an integral component of structured analysis, since data flow
diagram by them do not fully describe the information about the system. The data dictionary
provides additional information about the system

Here are the tables of our system

Id int (11) Primary key

booking_list `ref_code` int (30) Not null

`client_id` int (30) Not null
`cab_id` int (30) Not null
`pickup_zone text Not null

`drop_zone` text Not null

`status` tinyint(2) Not null

`date_created` datetime Not null

Cab_list table
Id int (11) Primary key

cab_list `reg_code` int (30) Not null

`category_id` int (30) Not null
`cab_reg_no` varchar(20) Not null
`body_no` varchar(20) Not null

`cab_model` text Not null

`cab_driver` text Not null

`driver_contact` text Not null

`driver_address` text Not null

`password` text Not null

`image_path` text Not null

`status` tinyint(1) Not null

`delete_flag` tinyint(1) Not null

`date_created` datetime Not null

`date_updated` datetime Not null

Category_list table
`id ` int(30) NOT NULL

Category_list `name text NOT NULL

`description ` text NOT NULL,
`delete_flag` NOT NULL
`status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL

`date_created` datetime NOT NULL

date_updated datetime DEFAULT NULL


Client_list table
Id int (11) Primary key
Firstname Varhar(50) Not null
Middlename Varchar(30) Not null
Lastname Varchar(30) Not null
Gender Varchar (100) Not null

Contact Varchar (100) Not null

Address Varchar (100) Not null

Email Varchar (100) Not null

I i P
d r
S i
y m
s a
t r
e y
m k
_ e
i y
n ` t N
f m o
o e t
t n
a u
_ ll
` t N
m o
e t
t n
a u
_ ll

Users table
Id int (11) Primary key
users `firstname` Not null
`lastname` varchar(250) Not null
`username` text Not null
`password` text Not null
`avatar` text Not null
`last_login` datetime Not null
`type` text Not null
`date_added` datetime Not null
`date_updated` datetime Not null

This chapter will explain the terminologies and methodology used implementing the proposed
systems after a thorough analysis of the current one and design of the proposed one. We will give
details on the programming languages and other tool used in implementing INTERFACE OF

Easy PHP: easy PHP is a complete software package allowing using all the power and the
flexibility that offers the dynamic languages.

HTML: Hyper Text Markup Languages has been employed to design the web pages, forms,
tables and creating some links.

CSS: cascading style sheet is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation semantics
(the look and formatting)of a document written in a markup language

Edit plus: is a text editor, HTML editor, Java editor and Hex Viewer for windows. While it can
serve as good Notepad replacement, it also offers many powerful features for Web page Authors
and programmers.
Java scripts: Java scripts played a very crucial role in adding some functionalities to my
system. These included sliding images, a feature which is much clear in the system’s
SQL: This is an abbreviation which stands for Structured Query language. I used SQL as
the language to connect the PHP code to the database as well as executing the various
This test evaluates the working of the system that has been developed to establish whether it is
solving the intended problem. Below are the tests that will be used for this system. Unit testing: This requires that testing be done on individual units constituting the entire
system. This testing approach was to help identify errors since each unit was examined
independently Stress testing: This is a testing method that always tests the behavior of a system when
subjected to unusual conditions. I tested the system with invalid input data such as unfilled input
fields and no execution could continue. Actual system testing:

This is done to the entire system to test the general working of the system after it has been
fully developed. This test will be done on this system to test whether the objectives stated
earlier have been achieved or not. Functional testing:

This involves testing the functions of the program by providing an input data and
observing the output. This will be done to test the working of the various functions of the
programed and any unexpected behavior will be identified and corrected accordingly.






In order to reverse the risks/problems involved in the project and realize improvements
in succeeding developments, I would like to make the following recommendations.

5.1.1 Reduction in strictness of the Time deadlines

Since some of the issues in this system cover new concepts, I would recommend that the
students be allowed to begin the project development at a quite early time to build up on
their ideas and to complete early and meet the set deadlines by the requirements.

5.1.3 Compelling some institutions to pave way for the students to develop
Some institutions have been a major bottleneck in the development of the projects and the
higher-level institutions should compel them to release and loosen the restrictions they
have over their intellectual property such API (Application Programming Interface).
5.1.4 Future improvements
I would like to say that my system did not capture everything that would be required and
would therefore recommend for future improvements on the following:

 A feature to allow clients to pay with other features like visa card and debit card
 To connect the system with GPS so that admin can see where the cab is(arrives) every

Information Technology plays a vital role not only in a particular field, it provides various kinds of
solutions and services to the various problems prevailing in many fields. Cabs exploits information
technology at the maximum extent. It uses the information technology in an efficient way for providing
better passenger services. The online booking system helps to solve the everyday problems of the world
biggest Rwandan . This project presents an investigative view of presenting the taxi management system
including the history of taxis. Present system of taxi management system is having some shortcoming on
which we have tried to work on that to eliminate the disadvantages. We have made a database for
customers and taxis and connected these two tables from the custom made data entry form built in php
and html.There are options for new entry which will be stored in M S Access database and retrieved from
database in future. This project was a small attempt to make the railway reservation database system
using M S Access, and Visual Basic 6.0. We have talked with some of the employees of Rwandan cab
service about the features and shortcoming of present taxi management system after the research with the
associated people and other sources we were able to found out some of the major facts regarding the taxi
management system and tried to eliminate the shortcoming of system. In the last we conclude that Indian
taxi is having a strong IT Infrastructure and a well-equipped taxi management system but there is some
shortcoming in the system on which we have tried to work on it and successfully completed our project
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