Level 4 Project Book

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Level 4:Access

Copyright ©2013 by Deep Origins LLC

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No portion of this material is intended to offer legal, health, medical, personal or
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represent these strategies and their potential to help you. However, we do not purport
this as a “get rich scheme,” “weight loss scheme,” or “personal growth scheme” in any
capacity. There is no guarantee that you will, including, but not limited to, earn any
money, lose weight, increase your health, or establish relationships using the content,
strategies or techniques displayed here. Nothing in this presentation is a promise or
guarantee of, including, but not limited to, earnings, health, or relationships. Your
level of success in attaining similar results is dependent upon a number of factors
including your skill, knowledge, ability, connections, dedication, personal and business
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information contained herein cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained
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Level 4:Access
Table of Contents

Bringing in Auspiciousness & Prosperity… 3

Project:Forward 5
Feel at Peace in Your Heart 7
The Power of Level Four: Giver of All Auspiciousness 9
The Fourth Chakra 13
In Real Life 16
Develop From Within… 19
Getting to the Crux of What You Need 21
The Power of Love-Inspired Enthusiasm 23
Your Brilliant Heart! 25
Project:Work—Tap Into Your Heart Center 27

Page 1

The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart.

Page 2
Bringing in Auspiciousness & Prosperity…

Welcome back to Level Four, Access, of Project:Yourself. The

corresponding level of the Sri Yantra is called “Giver of All
Auspiciousness.” This is because, at this level you are literally being
blessed to proceed.

In the last level you were agitating your current reality and so in this
level it’s about the person or energy on the other side of your agitation,
the one who opens the door to your new reality. It’s almost as if they, or
the entity you are envisioning, is saying “you are pushing me so you are
granted access.”

This fourth level is also comprised of the fourteen cornered figure

created by the intersecting triangles. They stand for the fourteen realms,
and also represent the fourteen main vital channels in your body.

As you clear and activate these channels within your body you will be
creating the space needed to bring in auspiciousness and prosperity—
one more step in the path to creating your new reality.

You are
pushing me,
so you are
granted access.

Page 3

Page 4
Begin in a comfortable seated position, with a straight spine, in place that feels like
your sanctuary of peace, wherever that may be. Close your eyes as you take a deep
breath in through your nostrils. Exhale deeply, letting go of any residual air in the
body. Inhale again and let it go. Find your own pace of breath, bringing it in and
out through the nostrils. (pause)

Now let your Avatar find his or her way in your mind’s eye, coming closer and closer
to your body. Embrace him or her, with heart touching heart, as if you are old
friends. Stay in this embrace for a cycle of three breaths. Let your hearts fully open
to one another. (pause)

In this level, we will bring awareness to your fourth chakra, Anahata, known as the
heart chakra. It symbolizes love, empathy and selflessness. It is the gateway to your
soul and spirit self. (pause)

As you take in the next breath, visualize the Sri Yantra. You may see the levels
of portals and petals. Exhale as you continue to let the Sri Yantra become your
drishthi, your inner focal point.

In this level, we will focus on the fourth level, the 14 triangles, called the Giver of All
Auspiciousness. It is here that we see the blessing to proceed to create what you
truly want.

Take a deep breath in and out to let this blessing wash over your body. (pause)

You may find a block or an area that feels resistance. Your body is comprised of
Nadis, or energy channels, which flow from the soles of your feet to the crown of
your head. Essentially, it is translated as “Nerve”. Take a breath in and feel it in your
toes. (pause) Now inhale again and feel it in the crown of your head. (pause)

Let the prana, your life force, flow through your body, letting the fine, thin threads
of this channel, all thousands of them, into the delicate being of each chakra.

This flow of nerves is your spiritual nervous system. Bring the breath to the area
of resistance, allowing it to become unlocked and feel the flow of energy deepen.

In this level, we will also tie in Napoleon Hill’s concepts of specialized knowledge
and enthusiasm. (pause)

Come back to and face your Avatar as you bring his or her hands to your hands
and press into them, palm to palm. Feel the strength, the power. In this level, we
will empower our hearts. (pause)

Your heart’s intelligence controls more than the emotions of your body. It is the
epicenter of health, controlling blood circulation and helping with immune
Page 5
defense. Breath into this space, inhaling your lungs full of air as your heart expands
fully and then relaxes just as deeply as you exhale. Reduction of stress on the heart
has been proven to aid in longevity as well as increase stamina, both physically
and mentally. (pause)

At the next deep inhale, breath in the power of this level that awaits you, and as an
open mouth exhale, let it into the Universe. Gently open your eyes.


Reflect back upon your journey through Level 4’s Projecting Forward
and write down everything that you felt and observed. What new
energy or awareness do you feel? What thoughts and emotions arose in
you? Capture all of this below….

Page 6
Feel at Peace in Your Heart
This level’s element infusion will take you through a brief guided
meditation created by Puja Shah, yoga teacher, writer and
Project:Yourself guest expert (www.puja-shah.com) Once again, listen
and follow along with the meditation. Here you will be slowing down
and feeling your breath so that you can ultimately become more relaxed
and at peace in your heart.

Find a room that you feel good in and create your space for this next meditation.
Use incense or candles that invite a scent that allows you to feel at peace in your
heart. It may even be a smell from childhood that brings you to innocence and
happiness such as summer carnival cotton candy, roses from a spring garden, or
your mother’s lavender soap.

Let the light into the room be natural and unfiltered.

If feasible, have green plants in the room to surround you.

Once you find a comfortable seat with a straight spine, lower your gaze and gently
shut your eyes. (pause)

Begin to let the breath flow from your nostrils to throat, entering your chest and
belly and then exhaling your navel to your spine in a rhythm that keeps your
body and face fully relaxed. Remember to breath in and out slowly, as it becomes
effortless. (pause)

At the next inhale, let the scents around you wrap into the color green and imagine
it entering your nostrils. Allow green to fill your inner body, finding its way into your
chest. Let the light of this color, which symbolizes life, flow through you with your
breath. Exhale and imagine green loosely enveloping your whole body like the
branches of deep rooted plant. (pause)

Imagine this plant in a peaceful forest, lush with vegetation and green leaves.

Inhale as you feel this nourishment, of oxygen and growth in your heart. (pause)
Exhale as you feel your heart connecting to this symbiotic balance of nature.

Notice where you begin to feel more peace in your body, notice your heart chakra’s
energy funneling this harmonious love throughout. (pause)

Let the emotions of this place flow as well. Gratitude. (pause) Compassion. (pause)
Forgiveness. (pause) Release of Anger. (pause) Love. (pause)

At the last breath, find the scents that have filled your space and keep your eyes
closed to rest in your heart’s awareness for however long you need before opening
your eyes.

Page 7
Element Infused Reflections

How this guided meditation make you feel? What imagery did it conjure
up in your mind? What were the sights, scents and images that came up
for you? Anchor back into these mentally and physically any time you
need to re-associate to a slower, more relaxed state of being.


Page 8
The Power of Level Four:
Giver of All Auspiciousness
At this level you will be focusing on the 14 Triangles within the Sri
Yantra. As briefly mentioned previously, this level is called “Giver of All
Auspiciousness” or the “Provider of All Prosperity.” In this level you are
being blessed to proceed and create what you want and what you have
been pushing for.

This level’s focal point it also about your own body. Your body has
energy channels that you have to “unblock” and “unlock”. It’s within
these powers that you are granted auspiciousness to achieve what you

Page 9
The key to unlocking auspiciousness…

The energy channels are called Nāḍis. They connect through the
chakras and in a biological sense can be translated into “nerve” in

These Nāḍis penetrate your body from the soles of your feet and flow
all the way through to the crown of your head, carrying the prana (or life
force) through your body. These channels are comprised of thousands
of thin threads, just like your nervous system.

The word “Nāḍi” comes from the Sanskrit root “nad”, which refers to
the resonating vibrations in a hollow tube. These Nāḍis have been
scientifically shown to exist in all living creatures in almost exact
alignment with our nervous system.

Dr. Robert O. Becker, an orthopedic

surgeon in New York, found, in a
5-year study, that a constant current
is always being conducted through
the nervous system, even though the
nerves themselves only react when
they are stimulated.

Tantra also speaks of fourteen Nāḍis (or nerves) alambusha, kuhu,

visvodara, varuni, hastijihva, yashaswini, payasvini, gandhari, pusha,
shankhini, saraswathi, ida, pingala and sushumna. These fourteen Nāḍis
form the fourteen powers represented in the 14 triangles of the Sri

Page 10
The fourteen powers break down like this:

1. Alambusha—runs from your sacral vertebrae to your urinary and

genital organs.
2. Kuhu—is located in the sacral plexus, to the left of the spinal cord.
3. Visvodara—are the nerves of the lumbar plexus, between Kuhu and
Hastijihva, spreading over the lower trunk and limbs.
4. Varuni—are the nerves of the sacral plexus, between Kuhu and
Yashaswini, and spread over the lower trunk & limbs.
5. Hastijihva—stretches from below the corner of the left eye to the
great toe of the left foot.
6. Yashaswini—stretches from the right thumb to the left leg.
7. Payasvini—between Pusha and Saraswathi, is the auricular branch
of the cervical plexus on the left.
8. Gandhari—stretches from below the corner of the left eye to the
left leg.
9. Pusha—stretches from below the corner of the right eye to the
10. Shankhini—is located Gandhari and Saraswathi, and is the auricular
branch of the cervical plexus on the left.
11. Saraswathi—is to the right of Sushumna, stretching up to the
12. Ida—stretches from under the left nostril to below the left kidney, in
the form of a bent bow.
13. Pingala—is the corresponding chain to Ida, to the right.
14. Sushumna—the central channel of the spinal cord.

Page 11

When we form heart-centered beliefs within our bodies, in the language

of physics we’re creating the electrical and magnetic expression of them
as waves of energy, which aren’t confined to our hearts or limited by the
physical barrier of our skin and bones.  So clearly we’re “speaking” to the
world around us in each moment of every day through a language that has
no words:  the belief-waves of our hearts.
— Gregg Braden
Page 12
The Fourth Chakra

This level coincides with the fourth chakra, which is commonly known
as the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the center of the entire chakra
system...it’s the virtual gateway to the higher chakras which connect you
to your soul and spirit self.

This fourth chakra is directly tied to your thymus, the epicenter of

your immune system, and is the organ where your warrior t-cells—
the cells critical to helping your immune system fight off any foreign
substances—are created.

This chakra also gives you the ability to love freely without any fear or
self-consciousness. Your heart is the seat of your emotions and deep
feelings. The 4th chakra is crucial for you to actually FEEL what you want
to create in your life and for you to LOVE every piece of what you are
trying to create.

Being in charge of your heart center and in tune with all your
Nāḍis empowers you to achieve magnificent things because
you are in tune with your emotional love and your body.

As you balance the energies of your heart, mind and emotions you’ll
also be tapping into the unconditional love force of the “Infinite
Intelligence” that Napoleon Hill often references.

Page 13
It’s Not Easy Being Green

As we touched on in the element infusion for this level, the green

energy of this chakra allows your heart center to open up and become
more receptive to the life force that emanates from your higher self.
This energy can literally heal your heart, bringing balance, harmony and
peace to you. It also allows you to draw more love from your higher self
and radiate this out to others, helping you to accept the truth that you
ARE a divine spark of the Universe and are worthy of love.

Just as there are positive aspects to having a balanced heart chakra,

there are also negative emotions and feelings that can arise if this
chakra is left unbalanced. These can range from feeling unloved and
carrying a sense of unworthiness, to not being able to forgive yourself or
others. It can also manifest feelings of selfishness, guilt, envy or jealousy.

We also trap emotions and feelings in our heart. This can be feelings of
old and lost love that we have for others, ourselves or things around
us. It’s so easy to get caught up in everyday life that we forget what
love is. And not just any love...but unconditional love—the type of
love that stems from your innermost recesses. The love you had as a
child...completely unconditional and without fail. Just like a child loves
everything around it...so can you. Tap into that!

If you didn’t resolve your challenges surrounding the forgiveness of

yourself or others in Level One, now is a great time to go back through
the “Projecting Forgiveness” lesson and exercises. Accessing your higher
self in this level provides you with another opportunity to examine old
beliefs or perceptions that are limiting or controlling what you want to

Opening Up to Your New Reality

Now is also a great time to take advantage of having access to your

higher self. While your heart chakra is open, think about and answer the
following questions. Really soul search here and be honest with yourself.
Only then will you be truly free to create everything you want in life.

What are the heart-centered emotions you are feeling?


Page 14
Are there still people in your life (or even yourself) that you need
to forgive? If so, who? Write this down and then go back to the
Projecting:Forgiveness exercise in Level 1.

Have you experienced feelings of unworthiness or of not being

loved? Dig deep here...what is the source of these feelings?

Write a statement or two that you can use together with the green
energy of this chakra to make a positive change in your life.

Your heart chakra is the doorway to the higher states of

consciousness. Energy from the Earth (root chakra) flows up to your
heart, while energy from your Higher Self flows down through the
crown chakra to merge and co-mingle in your heart.

If you think about the whole flow of things, you are connecting with
the earth through your root chakra and are “creating” from your sexual
energy. You are feeling with your gut and you love with your heart. It’s
the transmutation of the energy from the earth within yourself to create
your ultimate destiny.

The reason why there are the 14 triangles that all relate to your nerves
is because you MUST love yourself before you can love others. You
must love yourself so deeply that you know you can love anyone around
you, unconditionally and without judging or projecting your negativity
or ego on people.

This is powerful energy! Take advantage of this powerful state and

radiate love, to yourself and others and harness it to create everything
that you want.
Page 15
In Real Life
Focusing again on the 14 triangles, who or what do you need help,
lessons or even blessings from to accomplish your what you desire?
Get specific here. It can be anything. This can be another person, specific
lessons or knowledge, love or even blessings that you need in order to
accomplish what you desire or create what you want.  


Next to each one, write how you will unconditionally love each
person, lesson or acquired knowledge.

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word
in reality.
–Martin Luther King, Jr.
Page 16
The Power of Love

While you have access to your higher self, go deeper and really tap into
the powerful force of unconditional love in your everyday life. Self-love
is one of the most important aspects to embodying unconditional love.
If you can’t unconditionally love yourself, how are you supposed to have
unconditional love for anything else?

Where in your life are you judging yourself and not loving yourself
unconditionally? Next to each way, write a positive “I AM” statement
that counters the negativity in a positive way.

Make a list of people you feel are UNLOVED. Next to each one, write
down how you are going to start loving them unconditionally.

Dig a little deeper into the specialized knowledge and what you need to
make your desires reality. What do you need to LOVE (not just need)
in order to make this happen?

Having written this down, you are one step closer to creating what you
want in life. REAL change, growth and creation is going to happen
when you actually embody unconditional love. This is the key to
auspiciousness. Now get out there and start DOING!

Page 17

Page 18
Develop From Within…
We’ve all heard the phrase, “knowledge is power!” WRONG! Knowledge
is only potential power.

As Napoleon Hill explained, there are actually two kinds of power—

general and specialized. General knowledge, no matter how much
you have of it, is of little use to creating what you want. Just “knowing”
things is not going to do the trick. Knowledge, in and of itself, will not
attract what you want.

“Education”—derived from the Latin

word “educo”—means to educe, to
draw out, and to develop from within.

Specialized knowledge is about drawing specific knowledge from

where you need it and also developing it from within yourself.
Ultimately, getting what you desire in life requires real power, and
power is acquired through highly organized and intelligently directed
specialized knowledge.

When I’m talking about “specialized knowledge,” I’m also not strictly
talking about the kind of education you get through schooling.
Although in some cases this may be just the kind of knowledge you
need to amass, this is not always the case. There are many examples of
wildly successful people out there that had very little “schooling” and yet
mastered the art of gathering the essence of “specialized knowledge”
that I’m talking about here.

Page 19
Wildly successful and yet “unschooled”…

Thomas Edison only had 3 months of “schooling”

during his entire life. However, he didn’t lack real
“education”, nor did he die poor!

Henry Ford had less than a 6th grade “schooling”

himself, however, he managed to do pretty well
himself. He started the Ford Motor Co., developed
and manufactured the first affordable automobile
and was the first auto manufacturer to use an
assembly line.

John D. Rockefeller dropped out of high school,

but went on to found the Standard Oil Co. and
became the first American billionaire.

Richard Branson dropped out of formal schooling

at age 16 and went on establish the “Virgin” empire!

At the age of 15, David Karp dropped out of an

elite Bronx High School of Science and developed
Tumblr, the blog-hosting and social network
company that he eventually sold to Yahoo for $1.1

Bill Gates dropped out of college but started

Microsoft and is now one of the richest people in
the world and a great philanthropist.

“Specialized knowledge” is about more than formal education as we

generally think of it. It’s about really focusing on what it is that you
REALLY need to attain success. For you it might be reaching out to
the people or resources that can help make your outcomes happen.
Alternatively, it could be taking in some training and continuing to
develop your own raw talents from the inside.
Page 20
Getting to the Crux of What You Need

So how do you figure out what specialized knowledge you need to

make your new reality happen? Start by going through the following

What do you really want? What is the desired outcome for your new
reality? What do you feel you are lacking, or what is holding you back
from achieving this? What knowledge (or love of knowledge) could
help you, either directly from others, or what you need to develop
within yourself?

After having given this some thought, write down 5 avenues of

specialized knowledge that you need to accomplish or acquire what
you desire or want.

1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________

Page 21
After you have done this, determine whether this is knowledge that you
need to activate within yourself, or whether this is knowledge that you
need from another person or resource:

Activate knowledge within yourself: do you have the education,

lessons, or creative ideas within yourself? Or, do you need to learn
something specific? If so, write down a definite plan of action for how
you are going to go about obtaining the specialized knowledge and
apply it to accomplish what you desire.

Help from another person or resource: you don’t necessarily need

to have all of the knowledge within yourself. What are other resources
(people/organizations/programs, etc.) you can draw from? How will you
specifically use these resources to accomplish what you desire?

Be “definite.”

Page 22
The Power of Love-Inspired Enthusiasm
As you go forward seeking out the specialized knowledge you need
to make your desires reality, your “enthusiasm” is going to be one of
the most powerful tools in your “creation arsenal.”  This is not about
being upbeat. Genuine enthusiasm goes much deeper than that and is
both external and internal to what you’re creating.  It’s a vital force that
energizes your entire self—body, mind and spirit.

Genuine enthusiasm comes from the heart and finds it’s roots in
LOVE. It’s that love, inside of enthusiasm, that’s important. And it’s
ultimately that love that will make your enthusiasm addictive to others!

Enthusiasm is a state of mind that inspires and arouses

one to put ACTION into the task at hand. It is the most
contagious of all emotions and transmits the impetus
toward agreement and action to all within reach of
your words.

–Napoleon Hill

When people come in contact with your love-inspired enthusiasm it is

so palpable that they can feel it...it’s irresistible!

Love-inspired enthusiasm is the greatest tool of persuasion

available to you—whether you are directing it toward someone
else...or yourself.

You might not be in the sales business, however, the truth is we are ALL
selling ourselves, each and every day! Think about it, if you are wanting
to start a new business, write a book, or create some other audience-
facing thing, your success will depend, in some part, on people
welcoming your ideas into their own life.

Also, you may not see any reason to persuade yourself of anything,
but self-persuasion gives you the power to develop the roots of your
BELIEF and PASSION...that ultimately enable you to create what you
want.  Love-inspired enthusiasm is the vital force that energizes all of
the forces within your mind, body and spirit.  

Page 23
Put the Power of Enthusiasm to Work For You

As Napoleon Hill stated, enthusiasm is contagious! Contagiousness is

that magical power to “sell” your actions, thoughts and ideas to others.
And “selling” is helping others’ minds to vibrate in harmony with your
own. When you reach out with genuine enthusiasm, you can bring
others’ minds into rapport with your own. Your enthusiasm enables you
to transmit feelings of appreciation, desire and excitement to others.
Remember, what you’re saying is important, however, mere words will
be useless unless they carry belief, conviction, passion and love-inspired
enthusiasm with them!

It’s time for you to start putting the power of your own enthusiasm
to work for you:

1. Associate back to your child self like you did during the element
infusion in this level. (i.e., Jump around, go exploring, eat something
that you did when you were a child, or listen to something like you
did as a kid.)

2. While you are doing this, think about what you need to LOVE and
be enthusiastic about to make your desires a reality.

3. Next, get into mind-rapport with others—you can do this by

being present and engaged and sharing your genuine enthusiasm
with them. Share from your heart, feel it with the most beautiful,
purest, most unconditional love. Project that energy out of your
heart as you talk with others.

4. Make it about more than just you—express a sincere interest in

someone beyond yourself. Be willing to “go the extra mile.”

Page 24
5. Write down all of your thoughts and feelings around this and
the definite steps you are going to take:

What are you enthusiastic about?

Who are you going to reach out to, to share your enthusiasm?

What can you do to engage and be present with this person or


What are you going to do and how are you going to “go the extra
mile” and make this about more than just you?

Love and gratefulness go hand-in-hand...so, take this process one step

further and revisit everything that you were grateful for in Level 1 and
FEEL the unconditional love outpouring to each from your heart.

Page 25
Your Brilliant Heart!
We’ve talked a lot about love and unconditional love and touched
on the power of your Nāḍis. Now, I want to dive into one of the most
remarkable forces of creation housed within your body—your HEART.

Did you know?

Your heart possesses an intelligence all it’s own. Its intelligence
is so powerful that it directly affects both your emotions
and your physical health. There are 40,000 neurons found in
the heart—the same number as the brain itself! The heart’s
electromagnetic field is also five thousand times stronger than
the brain’s electromagnetic field. Fifty percent of heart cells
are neural and form their own neural network...this is what’s
commonly referred to as the intelligence of the heart.

Doc Childre and Howard Martin, at the HeartMath Institute, delved

deeply into the intelligence of the heart and the power of its
electromagnetic field. The results of their studies are stunning!

As they discovered, the electromagnetic field of your heart envelops

your entire body and extends out in all directions. This field was
measured up to several feet outside of the body! The research showed
that, as you consciously focus on feeling positive emotions, it has
positive effects on your health and wellbeing. On top of this, as your
heart sends intuitive signals, including feelings of love, happiness,
care and appreciation to your body, it’s also sending them to everyone
around you! When such positive emotions are felt, they not only change
patterns of activity in the nervous system; they also reduce stress
hormones and even boost your immune system.

Who knew you had such a powerhouse inside of you? ...well, now
you do. And it’s your choice what you do with it. You can stay stuck in
your mind OR you can let go of the noise of thoughts that keep you
in your mind and harness the power of your heart consciousness and

Opening your heart and focusing on emitting positive messages will

not only benefit your own mind and body and that of those around
you...you’ll also be harnessing the greatest tool for creating what you
desire most.
Page 26
Project:Work—Tap Into Your Heart Center
In this Project:Work you will be putting the intelligence, love and
wisdom of your heart to work. While you concentrate on love and what
you really enjoy doing, tap into your heart center. Then, continue on
with the guided meditation and experience a powerful exercise devised
by the HeartMath Institute, called the Freeze-Frame Technique™, which
will help to rid you of bad memories and fill you with love.

Begin in a cross-legged position with a straight spine. Inhale and as you

exhale, gently place the palms at your heart. Let your breath be steady as it
fills your chest and feel the chest rise and fall with your hands.

Continue to breathe in and out as you begin to bring awareness to your

heart space. Start to imagine your breath moving in a circle, in a clockwise
direction, from each ventricle and atrium of your heart. (pause)

Now think of what you truly love doing, your passion. Visualize this and the
root of your love-inspired enthusiasm. Imagine this moving in this circle
with your breath in your heart. (pause)

Place one hand to rest on your knee, keeping the other palm at your heart.
With the hand that remained at your heart space, take your forefinger
and middle finger and start to tap your heart area gently, in a rhythm that
mimics your breath.

Think of the people that are the blessings in your life that propel the passion
of what you love doing. With each tap, feel their names in your heart.
(pause) Picture their faces. (pause) Let the love you feel, the thought that
you could never live without them, be your heart’s fuel as it continues to
beat and flow. (pause)

At the next inhale, bring your hands to a prayer position at your heart
center and think of anything that has served this passion, your life purpose
with immense gratitude. (Pause)

Continue to breath here, in this moment of sweet surrender. (pause)

Feel it with pure, unconditional love.

Bring your hands to rest at your knees and gently open your eyes.

Notice how you feel after this guided visualization. The wisdom, intuition
and openness of your heart are something you can tap into anytime.

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Doc Childre and Howard Martin of the Heart Math Institute devised a
great exercise for harnessing your heart’s power to gain control over your
thoughts and emotions. It’s called the Freeze-Frame Technique™. The
beauty of it is that it only takes a minute! The steps are basically as follows:

1. Catch yourself when you enter a state of distress and Freeze-Frame it.
2. Try your best to bring your focus to your heart as we did in this
meditation. Although your thoughts and emotions may still be
racing, let them become background noise. The authors recommend
“breathing through the heart” to help you focus your awareness there.
3. Bring a pleasant memory to mind. Pick one that’s fun and happy. Try to
relive that memory, feeling what you felt when you were experiencing it.
4. Ask your heart for a better, more efficient solution to the current
situation, one that will reduce any future stress.
5. Lastly, listen to your heart’s response.

When you are ready, write down what you saw and felt:


Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.

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