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ISBT Science Series (2011) 6, 270–276

ª 2011 The Author(s).

STATE OF THE ART 2B-E1.6 ISBT Science Series ª 2011 International Society of Blood Transfusion

The role of the transfusion nurse in the hospital and blood

L. Bielby, L. Stevenson & E. Wood
Australian Red Cross Blood Service, Melbourne; and Blood Matters Program, Department of Health, Victoria, Australia

The transfusion process is complex, involving many interlinking chains of events,

and a multidisciplinary group of health professionals with different levels of aware-
ness and understanding of transfusion practice. In recent years, many measures
have been implemented to increase blood component safety and the clinical trans-
fusion process. Haemovigilance programs report the greatest risks to patients from
transfusion in many countries now relate to hospital-based steps in the process.
The role of the Transfusion Nurse (TN) is evolving as an integral part of efforts to
optimise appropriate use of blood components, reduce procedural risks and improve
transfusion practice generally. The TN position is a relatively recent specialist role
within hospitals and blood services, and continues to develop with growing experi-
ence of areas requiring intervention in the clinical setting, and increasing expecta-
tions for improvements in transfusion clinical governance.
The role typically includes activities to improve clinician and patient awareness
of transfusion issues and practical knowledge of blood product use, and therefore to
improve clinical decision-making and enhance blood administration processes,
along with responsibilities for education/training, auditing and adverse event fol-
low-up. Within the Blood Service in Australia the role also covers approval and
provision of specialised blood products along with many of the hospital-based TN
The TN serves as an expert resource and has been fundamental in development of
tools, resources and skills in the following areas:
- Patient blood management:
- Education
- Governance
- Professional development
- Research
Benchmarking across organizations has demonstrated that availability and
review of comparative data can be a powerful motivator of change. Reviews of the
TN role/programmes highlighted their effectiveness and resulted in ongoing sup-
port/funding. Skills and attributes such as confidence, persistence, energy, excellent
communication/ technical knowledge and clinical experience are key requirements
for the roles success.
Conclusion The specialist transfusion practitioner/Transfusion Nurse is an integral
part of a multidisciplinary team, supporting efforts at institutional and national
levels to reduce transfusion risks and improve practice.
Key words: transfusion practice, transfusion nurse, transfusion practitioner.

Correspondence: Linley Bielby, Blood Matters Program Manager, Australian Red Cross Blood Service ⁄ Department of Health, 50 Lonsdale Street,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Role of the transfusion nurse 271

reasons, such as ageing populations, changes in treat-

Introduction ment options, introduction of new technologies, and
The transfusion process is complex, involving many inter- improvements in supportive therapy. With increased
linking chains of events, and a multidisciplinary group of demands come associated costs, including costs associ-
health professionals with different levels of awareness and ated with production, management and administration
understanding of transfusion practice. In recent years, of blood components and fractionated blood products.
numerous measures have been implemented to increase (4) Patient expectations: Patients are now much more
both the safety of blood components and the transfusion informed about treatments, including transfusion, and
process itself. However, haemovigilance programmes con- their potential risks, and have expectations for more
tinue to report that the greatest risks to patients from trans- information to make informed decisions about their
fusion in many countries relate to hospital-based steps in therapy.
the process, particularly transfusion of the wrong blood (5) Availability of new clinical practice guidelines and
component. research findings, for example, in the areas of blood
Over the last decade, many countries have introduced conservation, including intra- and post-operative cell
clinical transfusion practice improvement programmes to salvage techniques and the development of pre-opera-
optimize appropriate use of precious blood components, tive anaemia management clinics [such as from the UK
reduce the procedural risks of transfusion administration Better Blood Transfusion (BBT), and Canadian onTrac
processes and improve transfusion practice generally. These programs].
improvement activities typically involve a multidisciplin- Many governments and health agencies have considered
ary team, and the role of the Transfusion Nurse (TN) is these factors and now place increased emphasis on appro-
evolving as an integral part of these programmes and con- priate use and management of blood, and as a consequence
tinues to develop with growing understanding of areas some have provided direction and resources, including
requiring intervention in the clinical setting, and increasing financial support, to establish clinical transfusion practice
requirements for improvements in transfusion clinical gov- improvement initiatives.
ernance. The TN is (generally) a relatively recent specialist
position within hospitals and blood services. The role is What do these programmes look like?
multifunctional, requiring diverse skills and attributes, and
incorporates a range of clinical, quality, risk management Established clinical transfusion practice improvement
and educational activities. programmes and the activities within them vary signifi-
cantly both between and within countries; and are
strongly influenced by the local health care system
needs and government expectations. Programmes gener-
Drivers underpinning clinical transfusion
ally involve a multidisciplinary team raising awareness
practice improvement programmes
around transfusion to improve practical knowledge of
A number of factors have prompted the development of blood product use, and provide a basis to improve clini-
practice improvement programmes: cal decision-making and enhance blood administration
(1) Clinical governance: Many countries now have processes and patient care. Data generated from audits
requirements from healthcare quality accreditation and other programme activities can be powerful motiva-
bodies that include standards for transfusion gover- tors of change and tools for benchmarking within and
nance, and considerable resources may be required across organizations.
to demonstrate compliance. For example in Australia, The individuals undertaking these roles have various
both the Australian Commission for Safety and Qual- titles, such as TN, TN specialist or consultant, transfusion
ity in Healthcare (a national, standard-setting body) safety officer, haemovigilance officer and specialist practi-
and the Australian Council on Health Care Standards tioner of transfusion. In Australia, New Zealand and the UK
(a hospital assessment and accreditation body) now these specialist transfusion practitioner positions are now
have detailed requirements for transfusion practice. well established and are predominantly nursing roles, while
(2) Risk management: International haemovigilance data in other settings, personnel with scientific ⁄ technical (e.g.
indicate significant hazards associated with the trans- Canada) or medical (e.g. France) backgrounds may perform
fusion of incorrect or inappropriate blood components, some or all of these activities. In all cases, they work very
plus a substantial number of near misses with the closely with other healthcare professionals in transfusion
potential for harm. support, patient blood management and blood conserva-
(3) Demand: The demands for blood and blood products are tion. Links to some established programmes and groups are
increasing each year in many countries for a variety of provided at the end of this article.

 2011 The Author(s).

ISBT Science Series  2011 International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Science Series (2011) 6, 270–276
272 L. Bielby et al.

Table 1 Examples of activities of some practice improvement programmes and the role of the TN in achieving results

Activities and achievements Key elements ⁄ skills of TN

Promote and participate in Patient Blood Management (PBM) programs:

• Support PBM including blood conservation practices (e.g. UK Better Blood Transfusion including Knowledge, preparation, implementation,
e-learning programme for cell salvage, see support and education,
• Provide tools and materials, such as patient information brochures (e.g. for management of iron Clinical input, real-time education to
deficiency anaemia), fact sheets and other materials which are age and culturally appropriate. patients ⁄ staff and clinical intervention
(see BloodSafe and Blood Matters websites)
• Manage nurse-led clinics for anaemia management (see OnTrac website)
• Promote multidisciplinary team approach – e.g. involvement in clinical ward rounds enabling
real-time education or clinical intervention
• Develop and implement programmes within health services and blood services, including: Online Knowledge, development and implementation,
e-learning ⁄ paper-based training ⁄ competency packages e.g.: support and education,
• BloodSafe (South Australia): see Understanding and working with technology,
• Bloody Easy (Transfusion Ontario): see Being a change agent,
• Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS): see Project management, Communication with and across disciplines
• Develop templates to provide consistent transfusion information and assist new TNs
• Educational posters on indications, special requirements, identification, blood
sampling, transfusion reactions, etc. (see Better Blood transfusion tools).
Newsletters to highlight important messages
• Develop and implement policies and procedures, manuals, clinical guidelines, charts and forms to Knowledge,
support safe and appropriate transfusion practice. For example: Change agent,
• Policies and procedures to support new clinical practice guidelines and ⁄ or requirements, e.g. Auditing and monitoring,
for massive transfusion, or for specialised products such as intravenous immunoglobulin and Recording, analysing and maintaining data,
recombinant factor VIIa Literature review,
• Institutional activities to support blood supply contingency planning strategies Education and training,
• Patient identification – conduct audits and make recommendations for change, develop Communication with and across disciplines,
policy, conduct trials and participate in implementation of technology, i.e. Working with multidisciplinary teams
radiofrequency identification system (RFID) for patient ID – e.g.‘Blood Track’
• Informed consent – develop and implement policy and procedures, patient
information (age appropriate and culturally sensitive) and forms to support increased
patient knowledge and understanding of risks. Establish and support hospital
transfusion committees, to provide authority and action change improvement
processes. Transfusion reaction follow-up and incident reporting internally and
externally, including to Haemovigilance programs
• Prepare reports to national and local governments, local institutions ⁄
organisations ⁄ departments and clinicians
Professional development
• Develop resources for new TNs e.g. UK BBT tools – ‘A drop of knowledge,‘A Wealth of Knowledge Knowledge, development and implementation,
and Blood Matters ‘Handbook for Transfusion Practitioners 2010’ support and education,
• Clinical support networks to facilitate information and resource sharing and provide support to Communication with and across disciplines and
TNs (e.g. Australia ⁄ NZ ‘AUSPOTS’ and UK SPOT networks organisations,
• Participate in post-graduate specialist qualifications: e.g. Blood Matters ⁄ University of Project management,
Melbourne Graduate Certificate in Transfusion Practice. TNs have played a major part in Contract management,
designing and delivering this course Multimedia presentation skills,
• Participate in local, national and international professional meetings and conferences Facilitating change
to share knowledge
Audit and research
• Plan and conduct audits of clinical practice (e.g. administration practice, overnight transfusion, Auditing, monitoring maintaining and
sample collection and compliance, appropriateness of transfusion against guidelines, patient interpreting data,
identification and storage and handling). Implementing change,
• Use audit data to support practice change and benchmarking. Participate in research, including Understanding and working with technology,
clinical trials Communication with and across disciplines,
Working with multidisciplinary and
international teams

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ISBT Science Series  2011 International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Science Series (2011) 6, 270–276
Role of the transfusion nurse 273

Skills and attributes of the TN The Australian experience

The skills and attributes of TNs ⁄ practitioners are impor- A number of transfusion practice improvement pro-
tant factors in the success of the role and their contribu- grammes have been established over the past decade in
tion to clinical transfusion practice improvement Australia, generally constructed as formal collaborations
programmes. between state ⁄ territory health departments and the Austra-
Transfusion nurses are vital connections between the dif- lian Red Cross Blood Service and in partnership with local
ferent health professionals engaged in the transfusion hospitals. Their activities, and those of the TNs employed
chain, in particular, those beyond the transfusion labora- within them, reflect both national and local state or terri-
tory. They act as educators, trainers, co-ordinators, data tory government priorities, resulting in variation in activity
collectors, project managers and change agents. They are and responsibility depending on the context and location
critical components of hospital transfusion teams, and pro- of their work. For example, some TNs oversee activities in a
vide invaluable support for the efforts of the hospital trans- large area health service (either metropolitan or regional)
fusion committee (or equivalent). covering many hospitals and health services, whereas oth-
The TN skills should include comprehensive and current ers are based at one hospital, such as a large metropolitan
knowledge of transfusion practice, excellent communica- university teaching hospital. At the time of publication,
tion skills, an ability to interact with a broad range of peo- there were approximately 75 specialist nurse positions
ple from hospital executives, quality co-ordinators, senior across Australia. A review of the TN role and the Blood
and junior medical officers, scientists and nurses, to Matters program conducted in 2007 highlighted the effec-
patients and relatives. The ability to understand and work tiveness and resulted in ongoing support ⁄ funding.
with the local hospital ⁄ health service ‘politics’ is a definite A Graduate Certificate in Transfusion Practice was devel-
advantage when implementing change. Skills such as effec- oped by the Blood Matters program and is now offered
tive project management and coordination, and attributes entirely on line for Blood Matters by the University of Mel-
such as confidence, energy and persistence are necessary to bourne. This specialist qualification is recommended for
see ideas through implementation and to fruition. As prac- TNs undertaking this role in Victoria. Since 2003, a total of
tice change is often achieved slowly, a coordinated and per- 70 students across Australia have successfully completed
sistent approach is required for truly ‘embedded’ long term the course, including a number of international and non-
changes. nursing background participants.
In some Australian states, funding has been secured to
introduce additional resources in the form of non-specialist
nurse transfusion trainers (TT) and ‘link’ nurses to imple-
The TN has been fundamental in the development and ment quality activities at regional and rural hospitals. These
implementation of many improvements; however, it roles are typically undertaken on a part-time basis, 1 day ⁄
must be noted that while the TN is the driver and agent week or fortnight, depending on the number of transfusion
of many of these changes, strong local leadership and episodes in their hospital.
support from management is also essential to the pro- The TN role is also an integral part of the Transfusion
cess, and especially required to ensure there is a contin- Medicine Services (TMS) team at the Australian Red Cross
uous cycle of improvement. Depending on the role and Blood Service. The TMS team provide clinical and technical
the organization, this support could be provided by a transfusion advice and support to clinicians, hospitals and
number of sources including hospital clinical champions, laboratories nationally.
transfusion team and transfusion committee, the blood Currently, 14 TNs are employed within the Blood Service
service transfusion medicine team, and professional TN across Australia to cover each state and territory. The Blood
networks and specialty societies. Service TN role includes approval and provision of specia-
Where practice improvement programmes are well estab- lised blood products with particular reference to intrave-
lished and have been evaluated they have demonstrated nous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and specialised platelet
increased awareness and knowledge to support decision- support, along with assistance with clinical advice, educa-
making and appropriateness of transfusion, ultimately tion and support. In Australia, IVIG is an intensively man-
resulting in improved outcomes in patients [1]. aged blood product, with the Blood Service designated as
Table 1 demonstrates the complexity and diversity of one of the key authorized approvers; as such the Blood Ser-
some of the achievements that have been possible within vice TNs are key facilitators of these approvals, along with
these programmes and also outlines key elements and skills other members of the TMS team. The Blood Service TNs
of the TN required to achieve these results. have assisted governments with the implementation and

 2011 The Author(s).

ISBT Science Series  2011 International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Science Series (2011) 6, 270–276
274 L. Bielby et al.

ongoing education and support of the ‘Criteria for clinical for such programmes. In Australia, support and funding
use of IVIG in Australia’ (Commonwealth of Australia has generally been focused at hospitals in the public
2007) and provided input to the recent review of this docu- sector to date but it is hoped to expand this further to
ment. The Blood Service TN role also incorporates the co- the private sector and rural areas in the future.
ordination and provision of specialised platelet support (i.e.
HLA-matched and directed products). The Blood Service
Where to from here?
TNs work closely with the hospital-based TNs and the role
also includes clinical audit and research (see below). In the current healthcare climate, and with imperatives to
The TNs in Australia are actively involved in all aspects reduce costs and risks, it is important that the outcomes
of transfusion practice improvement as outlined in Table 1. and achievements from these clinical transfusion practice
Some additional interesting aspects of the TN role in Aus- improvement programmes continue to be circulated and
tralia include participation in a range of clinical research published, to share results, celebrate achievements, identify
projects, such as: problems, minimize duplication of effort and assist with
(1) Data linkage activities, where hospital admission data benchmarking. Collaboration between programmes can
are linked with laboratory data to help understand both maximize results and reduce workloads, generating
usage patterns at institutional and regional levels. cost efficiencies and serving to provide a variety of addi-
(2) A study of hospital intern knowledge of blood and tional skills and experiences for TNs, including opportuni-
blood transfusion, which has been helpful in planning ties for exploration of new technologies and their
further educational interventions. implementation. Where institutions, regions or countries
(3) Collecting patient data for a number of clinical regis- are exploring or establishing new programmes, established
tries such as the Australian and New Zealand Haemo- programmes could provide valuable support and direction
stasis Registry (to capture non-haemophilia-related use by sharing knowledge and experiences.
of recombinant factor FVIIa), and the new national reg-
istries for neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia and
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
Summary ⁄ conclusion
(4) National coordinator role for the Australian arm of the Specialist transfusion practitioners ⁄ TNs have played sig-
international ‘TOPPS’ study (a randomized controlled nificant roles in delivering the many achievements of
trial examining the use prophylactic platelet transfu- the transfusion practice improvement programmes estab-
sions in patients with haematological malignancies). lished to date, working as part of multidisciplinary teams
(5) Mapping and costing studies of red cells and platelets. at institutional and national levels in hospitals and
Within Australia, each clinical transfusion practice blood services to reduce transfusion risks and improve
improvement programme regularly uses an email network practice. Sustaining improvements in transfusion practice
or online forum at regional (e.g. Blood Matters – Transfu- requires the continued support and co-ordination of
sion Interest Group) or national (Australian Specialist Prac- these efforts.
titioners of Transfusion – AUSPOTS) level to interact, and
share resources or information from colleagues, including
through national networks in other countries such as the Disclosures
UK Specialist Practitioner of Transfusion (SPOT) group. The authors declare that there are no potential conflicts of
Challenges for the TN role
(1) Facilitating change and maintaining the drive and Reference
enthusiasm to continue to promote and support change 1 Taylor CJ, Murphy MF, Lowe D, Pearson M: Changes in practice
where in some settings there is little evidence and con- and organisation surrounding blood transfusion in NHS in
flicting clinical and other priorities. England 1995-2005. Qual Saf Health Care 2008; 17(4):239
(2) The complexity of the transfusion chain and the num-
ber of staff involved, with frequent turnover, which
creates sustained pressure on the number and fre- Further reading
quency of education requirements. 2 Anemia Institute for Research & Education: A Program of
(3) Maintaining funding to support and maintain pro- the Institute for Optimizing Health Outcomes. http://www.
grammes in the setting of tight healthcare budgets is a (accessed 1 August 2011)
constant challenge and requires proactive managers 3 Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists 2007: The
and the use of data to demonstrate the value and need Haemostasis Registry – Australian and New Zealand Experience

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ISBT Science Series  2011 International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Science Series (2011) 6, 270–276
Role of the transfusion nurse 275

with rFVIIa. (accessed

McCall2.htm (accessed 1 August 2011) 1 August 2011)
4 Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 21 Monash Medical Centre Medicine, Nursing and Health Services
National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards Haemostasis Registry ology/traumaepi/mandazattaclosing.ppt (accessed 1 August
nsqhs-standards (accessed 1 August 2011) 2011)
5 Australian Council of Health Care Standard – EQuIP 5 (Evalua- 22 Ontario Transfusion Coordinators, Education pamphlets. http://
tion and Quality Improvement Program (EQuIP)). http://www. (accessed 1 (accessed 1 August 2011) August 2011)
6 Better Blood Transfusion Tool Kit including: A Drop of Knowl- 23 South Australian Department of Health, Australian Red Cross
edge 2009 version5 Blood Service, New Zealand Blood Service and Australian &
docs/pdfs/bbt-01_ADOKV5-July09.pdf (accessed 1 August New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion. Receiving a Blood
2011) Transfusion - A Parents’ Guide by BloodSafe http://
7 Better Blood Transfusion Tool Kit including: A Wealth of Knowl-
edge 2008 version 1 24 South Australian Department of Health, Australian Red Cross
docs/pdfs/bbt_1309_a-wealth-of-knowledge-v1.pdf (accessed 1 Blood Service, New Zealand Blood Service and Australian &
August 2011) New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion Amazing You - Let’s
8 Better Blood Transfusion Tool Kit including: Intraoperative cell Learn About Blood by BloodSafe
salvage e-Learning – Learn Cell Salvage http://www.learncell bloodsafe/Default.aspx?tabid=52 (accessed 1 August 2011) 25 South Australian Department of Health, Australian Red Cross
9 Better Blood Transfusion Tool Kit including: Intraoperative Cell Blood Service, New Zealand Blood Service and Australian &
Salvage competency workbook http://www.transfusionguide New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion Voyages Comic (accessed by BloodSafe
1 August 2011) aspx?tabid=52
10 Better Blood Transfusion Tool Kit including: Postoperative Cell 26 St Michael’s Hospital, Blood Conservation Program. Blood
Salvage competency workbook http://www.transfusionguide Transfusion & the Medical Alternatives. http://www.ontrac (accessed
1 August 2011) pdf (accessed 1 August 2011)
11 BloodSafe e-learning Australia https://www.bloodsafelearning. 27 St Michael’s Hospital, Perioperative Blood Conservation Pro- (accessed 1 August 2011) gram (PBCP) Patient Process for Elective Surgery Flowchart.
12 Blood Track, Safe Tx
asp?id=587 (accessed 1 August 2011) %20process%20flow%20chart%20Mar07.pdf (accessed 1 August
13 Canada’s Transfusion Safety Officers http://www.transfusion 2011) (accessed 1 August 2011) 28 The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Consulting & Custom
14 Commonwealth of Australia 2007. Criteria for the Clinical Use Programs 2011. Graduate Certificate in Transfusion Practice
of Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIg) in Australia http://www. fusion_prac2011.pdf (accessed 1 August 2011)
15 Department of Health, State of Victoria 2011 Clinical audit of 29 Towards better, safer blood transfusion– a report for the Austra-
platelet use in Victorian and Tasmanian hospitals: 2009 http:// lian Council for Safety and Quality in Health Care, Common- wealth of Australia 2005.
in-Victorian-and-Tasmanian-hospitals-2009 (accessed 1 August safety/publishing.nsf/.../bloodrept05.pdf (accessed 1 August
2011) 2011)
16 Department of Health Victoria Blood Matters Program. Transfu- 30 TraQ program – British Columbia provincial Blood Coordinating
sion Interest Group Office (accessed 1 August 2011)
index.html 31 Transfusion Ontario – Blood Easy for physician electronic
17 Department of Health, Victoria. Handbook for Transfusion learning tool.
Practitioners 2010 resource-centre/bloody-easy-resources.php (accessed 1 August
loads/blood_matters_web.pdf (accessed 1 August 2011) 2011)
18 Department of Human Services Victoria July 2007. Evaluation 32 World Health Organisation Global Collaboration for Blood
of the hospital blood management program: transfusion nurs- Safety (2000–2010)
ing in Victoria 2003–2006, was commissioned by the Better (accessed 1 August 2011)
Safer Transfusion (BeST) Program 33 Van der Linden, et al.: Multidisciplinary transfusion strategy.
19 Department of Health, Victoria 2010. Serious transfusion Can J Anaesth, 2001; 48(9):894
incident report 2008–09 34 Walter H. D., Howard Corwin, Lawrence T. G., et al.: Shulman
downloads/stir_report_08-09.pdf (accessed 1 August 2011) and Rosyln Yomtovian. Transfus Med Rev, 2003; 17(3):169–180
20 Government of South Australia, Department of Health. Blood- 35 Knowles S (Ed.) and Cohen H on behalf of the Serious Hazards
Safe Anaemia Management Tools & Resources http:// of Transfusion (SHOT) Steering Group. The 2010 Annual SHOT

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276 L. Bielby et al.

Report (2011). OnTrac – Canadian Transfusion Officers – http://www.

2011/07/SHOT-2010-Report1.pdf (accessed 1 August 2011)
Ontario Nurse Transfusion Coordinators – http://www.
Web References
Queensland Blood Management Program – http://www.
Better Blood Transfusion –
Blood Matters – TraQ – British Columbia Provincial Blood Coordinating
BloodSafe – Office –
Blood Watch – Western Australia Patient Blood Management Program –

 2011 The Author(s).

ISBT Science Series  2011 International Society of Blood Transfusion, ISBT Science Series (2011) 6, 270–276

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