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Different Types of Model of Communication

The Shannon Weaver's Model

The Shannon Weaver's model was created by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver's
(Flores 2016). According to the website Communication Theory. Org. in 1948 . Shannon and
Weaver's wrote an article in the bell system Technological Journal entitled "A mathematical
Theory of Communication" ; According to Flores (2016) this is also often called the
"Telephone Model" since it was developed because of the technology of the telephone and
the experience of "noise" coming from the switchboard.

8 stages of Communication Process

 Sender
 Message
 Encoding
 Channel
 Receiver
 Decoding
 Feedback
 Noise

Aristotle’s Model of Communication


Aristotle, a great philosopher initiative the earliest mass communication model called
“Aristotle’s Model of Communication”. He proposed model before 300 B.C who found the
importance of audience role in communication chain in his communication model. This
model is more focused on public speaking than interpersonal communication.

Aristotle Model of Communication is formed with 5 basic elements

 Speaker
 Speech
 Occasion
 Audience
 Effect

Osgood-Schramm's Model of communication

Osgood-Schramm's model of communication is known as a circular model because it

indicates that messages can go in two directions. Hence, once a person decodes a message,
then they can encode it and send a message back to the sender. They could continue encoding
and decoding into a continuous cycle.

The Osgood-Schramm model of communication is a circular, rather than linear,

experience that involves a sender, who encodes a message, and a recipient, who decodes it.
The sender and the receiver hold both roles in the mode.

Advantage of Osgood-Schramm model of communication


Dynamic model-Shows how a situation can change

It shows why redundancy is an essential part There is no separate sender and receiver, sender
and receiver is the same person

Assume communication to be circular in nature

Feedback - central feature.

Disadvantage of Osgood-Schramm model of communication

This model does not talk about semantic noise and it assume the moment of encoding and

It is a Circular Model, so that communication is something circular in nature.

Encoder - Who does encoding or Sends the message (message originates)

Decoder - Who receives the message

Interpreter - Person trying to understand. (analyses, perceive) or interpret

Note: From the message starting to ending, there is an interpretation goes on. Based on this.
interpretation only the message is received. coding.

White Stages of Oral communication


Thinking-a desire, feelings or an emotion provides a communicator a stimulus to
communicate a need.

Symbolizing- before a communicator can utter a sound(s). He/she has to know the code of
oral language with which to represent his/her ideas and in order to make his/her selection.

Expressing- the communicator then use his/her vocal mechanism to produce the sounds of
language accompanied by his/her facial expression, gestures, and body stance.

Transmitting-the sound waves spread at 1000 ft. per sec. and light waves travel at a speed of
186 000 miles per second carry the speaker's message his/her listeners.

Receiving- when sound waves make an impact upon the listener's ears after which the
resulting nerve impulses reach the brain via the auditory nerve.

Decoding- the communicator interprets the language symbols he/she receives and think

Feedback -the communicator may show overt behavior like a nod,yawn,or smile or he/she
may not show any behavior at all.

Monitoring- while the communicator watches for the sign or understanding of his/her
message among his/her listener; the communicator is receiving and decoding messages about
himself/herself from his/her audience in order to adjust to the particular situation.

The most important contribution from Eugene White's model is the concept of feedback. -
Eugene White gave his communication students a sequence of events that takes place in

Berlo’s Model of Communication

David Kenneth Berlo was his full name. He was born in the year 1929 and died in year 1996.
He is

American communication theorist.


Berlo's model of communication is outlined into six stages: the communications
source, the encoding of the message, the message, the delivery method of the message, the
decoding of the message, and the message receiver.

David Berlo set out his theory of communication in 1960. It is also known as the
SMCR model because of its four components; Source, message, Channel and the Receiver.

Helical Model of Communication


 The process of communication evolves from the very birth of an individual and
continues till the existing moment.
 All living things entities start communication from the very first day of their origin.
 The helical Model of communication or Dance’s Helix Model, is a communication
model in which explained by means of a helix.
 This model of communication is both linear and circular, and stands in contrast to
exclusively linear models or models based on circularity.


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