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SNo Month Offering Id

4 April ,2022 436069

42 April ,2022 437011
56 April ,2022 438191
81 April ,2022 435998
Offering Name
T4 MSVC - JSON & Restful
Introduction to Java 2 Enterprise Edition - J2EE - ILT
Digital : Python_E1_vILT
TTalk_Digital : Building modern web apps at scale_Expert Connects_vILT
SME / Faculty-led sessions to drive implementation experiences to understand the concepts of integration of Distributed Eco
- Java Training, we will talk about application of Java Enterprise concepts in the construction of services used by Web portals
The course will yield an E1 "Trained" competency for associates who complete the course successfully
This WBT covers concepts on React JS (Framework), Node with Express, npm (package managers), Testing. This course also
Offering Start Date Offering End Date Session Start Date Session End Date
18-Apr-2022 18-Apr-2022 18-Apr-2022 18-Apr-2022
21-Apr-2022 21-Apr-2022 21-Apr-2022 21-Apr-2022
25-Apr-2022 29-Apr-2022 25-Apr-2022 25-Apr-2022
27-Apr-2022 27-Apr-2022 27-Apr-2022 27-Apr-2022
Session Start Time (IST) Session End Time (IST) Total Hours Geography Delivery Mode
18:00:00 19:30:00 1 INDIA Virtual ILT
22:30:00 23:30:00 1 LATAM Virtual ILT
15:00:00 17:00:00 10 INDIA Virtual ILT
16:00:00 17:30:00 1 INDIA Virtual ILT
Category Calendar Type Campaign Name Campaign Description
Technology Global
Technology Global
Technology Global
Technology Global
SPoC Emp ID SPoC Emp Name SPoC Branch Requestor
1531256 YUVA SHREE RAJASEKARAN IS-Life Sciences-Eli Lilly-1.5 No
531343 Alejandra Pallares Cervantes IS-Life Sciences-Eli Lilly-1.5 No
780291 RITIN RUPAK GHOSHAL IS-Life Sciences-Eli Lilly-1.5 No
1002703 PRAGYA SHUBHAM IS-Life Sciences-Eli Lilly-1.5 No
Requestor IOU
SNo Month Offering Id
1 April ,2022 433661
2 April ,2022 436995
3 April ,2022 436426
4 April ,2022 433664
5 April ,2022 433756
6 April ,2022 433666
7 April ,2022 437860
8 May ,2022 433670
9 May ,2022 433757
10 May ,2022 433671
11 May ,2022 433674
12 May ,2022 433758
13 June ,2022 437645
14 June ,2022 438372
15 June ,2022 438371
Offering Name
Art of Articulation - F2F Workshop - Creating Value through Conversations
Basics_of_Writing a POV Paper-Basics_of_Writing a POV Paper-Knowledge Transition Program - SoftSkills - ILT/Virtual ILT
Kotlin fundamentals-Kotlin fundamentals
Art of Articulation - F2F Workshop - Creating Value through Conversations
Articulation for Impact (AFI) : Workshop_Amplifying value for customer focus_ILT/vILT
Art of Articulation - F2F Workshop - Creating Value through Conversations
WINGS1 - BUSINESS SKILLS: B3-Complex Problem Solving Capabilities_vILT
Art of Articulation - F2F Workshop - Creating Value through Conversations
Articulation for Impact (AFI) : Workshop_Amplifying value for customer focus_ILT/vILT
Art of Articulation - F2F Workshop - Creating Value through Conversations
Art of Articulation - F2F Workshop - Creating Value through Conversations
Articulation for Impact (AFI) : Workshop_Amplifying value for customer focus_ILT/vILT
Art of Articulation - F2F Workshop - Creating Value through Conversations
Articulation for Impact (AFI)
Articulation for Impact (AFI)
On completing this program, associates will be able to use the English language to formulate and present their thoughts and
Basics_of_Writing a POV Paper-
On completing this program, associates will be able to use the English language to formulate and present their thoughts and
1. Hone your articulation skills through: Empathy, Listening, Questioning, Cognitive Flexibility 2. Leverage tools like Mindmap
On completing this program, associates will be able to use the English language to formulate and present their thoughts and
This course equips the learners with the necessary knowledge to understand the concepts and aspects of complex problem s
On completing this program, associates will be able to use the English language to formulate and present their thoughts and
1. Hone your articulation skills through: Empathy, Listening, Questioning, Cognitive Flexibility 2. Leverage tools like Mindmap
On completing this program, associates will be able to use the English language to formulate and present their thoughts and
On completing this program, associates will be able to use the English language to formulate and present their thoughts and
1. Hone your articulation skills through: Empathy, Listening, Questioning, Cognitive Flexibility 2. Leverage tools like Mindmap
On completing this program, associates will be able to use the English language to formulate and present their thoughts and
1. Hone your articulation skills through: Empathy, Listening, Questioning, Cognitive Flexibility 2. Leverage tools like Mindmap
1. Hone your articulation skills through: Empathy, Listening, Questioning, Cognitive Flexibility 2. Leverage tools like Mindmap
Offering Start Date Offering End Date Session Start Date Session End Date
18-Apr-2022 19-Apr-2022 18-Apr-2022 18-Apr-2022
20-Apr-2022 20-Apr-2022 20-Apr-2022 20-Apr-2022
20-Apr-2022 20-Apr-2022 20-Apr-2022 20-Apr-2022
25-Apr-2022 26-Apr-2022 25-Apr-2022 25-Apr-2022
25-Apr-2022 26-Apr-2022 25-Apr-2022 25-Apr-2022
28-Apr-2022 29-Apr-2022 28-Apr-2022 28-Apr-2022
29-Apr-2022 29-Apr-2022 29-Apr-2022 29-Apr-2022
05-May-2022 06-May-2022 05-May-2022 05-May-2022
12-May-2022 12-May-2022 12-May-2022 12-May-2022
17-May-2022 18-May-2022 17-May-2022 17-May-2022
24-May-2022 25-May-2022 24-May-2022 24-May-2022
26-May-2022 27-May-2022 26-May-2022 26-May-2022
06-Jun-2022 07-Jun-2022 06-Jun-2022 06-Jun-2022
14-Jun-2022 14-Jun-2022 14-Jun-2022 14-Jun-2022
23-Jun-2022 23-Jun-2022 23-Jun-2022 23-Jun-2022
Session Start Time (IST) Session End Time (IST) Total Hours Geography Delivery Mode
16:00:00 19:00:00 6 Virtual ILT
15:00:00 16:30:00 1 Virtual ILT
17:30:00 21:30:00 4 Virtual ILT
14:30:00 17:30:00 6 Virtual ILT
15:00:00 18:15:00 5 Virtual ILT
14:30:00 17:30:00 6 Virtual ILT
15:00:00 17:00:00 2 Virtual ILT
10:30:00 13:30:00 6 Virtual ILT
13:00:00 18:30:00 5 Virtual ILT
14:30:00 17:30:00 6 Virtual ILT
14:30:00 17:30:00 6 Virtual ILT
15:00:00 18:15:00 5 Virtual ILT
16:00:00 19:00:00 6 Virtual ILT
13:00:00 18:30:00 5 Virtual ILT
13:30:00 18:30:00 5 Virtual ILT
Category Calendar Type
Leadership Business Skills and Cultural Region
Functional Region
Leadership Business Skills and Cultural Region
Leadership Business Skills and Cultural Region
Leadership Business Skills and Cultural Region
Leadership Business Skills and Cultural Region
Leadership Business Skills and Cultural Region
Leadership Business Skills and Cultural Region
Leadership Business Skills and Cultural Region
Leadership Business Skills and Cultural Region
Leadership Business Skills and Cultural Region
Leadership Business Skills and Cultural Region
Leadership Business Skills and Cultural Region
Leadership Business Skills and Cultural Region
Leadership Business Skills and Cultural Region

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