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Bolt Analysis So ware

for Space Applica ons

w w w. s p aceb o l t. d e
Bolt Analysis So ware
So ware for bolt verifica on
according to space industry standards:
• VDI 2230 "Systema c Calcula on
of High Duty Bolted Joints"
• ECSS-E-HB-32-23A "Threaded Fasteners Handbook"

+ First so ware combining the VDI and ECSS standards

+ User friendly GUI

+ Direct import of FEM results

+ Handling of large datasets

thousands of joints and loadcases simultaneously

+ Database func on for bolts, nuts, inserts, materials

and fric on coefficients

+ Any ghtening method can be considered

+ Outputs for fracture analysis (NASGRO)

+ Significantly increasing produc vity of engineering staff


"The best bolt analysis tool I have seen!"

Werner Konrad, Head of Mechanical Analysis, AirbusDS GmbH

Space Structures GmbH

Fa n ny- Zo b e l - S t ra s s e 1 1
12435 Berlin . Germany
office: +49 30 - 814549 700
fax: +49 30 - 814549 799

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