Topic 4 - Developing and Maintaining A Quality Workforce

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Developing and

a Quality Workforce
Presented by:
Ms. Ma. Anna
M s . J Corina
N Kagaoan,
G . S I L V A , MBA,
College of Business and Accountancy
Developing a Quality Workforce
• Socialization – process of influencing the expectations,
behavior, and attitudes of a new employee in a way
considered desirable by the organization
• Orientation – set of activities
designed to familiarize new
employees with their jobs,
coworkers, and key aspects of the
organization (policies and services)
Developing a Quality Workforce
• Training –
provides learning
opportunities to
acquire and
improve job-
related skills
Developing a Quality Workforce
✓ On-the-job training: takes place in the work setting
▪ Coaching – an experienced person offering performance
advice to a less-experienced person
▪ Mentoring – assigns early career employees as proteges to
more senior ones
▪ Modeling – uses personal behavior to demonstrate
performance expected of others
✓ Off-the-job training: accomplished outside the work setting
▪ Management developing – training to improve knowledge
and skills in the management process
Developing a Quality Workforce
• Performance management systems ensure that:
✓ Performance standards and objectives are set
✓ Performance results are assessed regularly
✓ Actions are taken to improve future performance potential
Developing a Quality Workforce
• Performance appraisal
✓ Formally assessing someone’s work
accomplishments and providing feedback
✓ Purposes of performance appraisal:
▪ Evaluation — lets people know where they stand
relative to objectives and standards
▪ Development — assists in training and continued
personal development of people
Performance Appraisal Methods
• Graphic rating scales –
uses checklists of traits or
characteristics to
evaluate performance.
Relatively quick and easy
to use. Questionable
reliability and validity.
Performance Appraisal Methods
• Behaviorally anchored rating
scales (BARS) – describes
actual behaviors that exemplify
various levels of performance
achievement in a job. More
reliable and valid than graphic
rating scales. Helpful in
training people to master
important job skills.
BARS Sample
Performance Appraisal Methods
• Critical-incident techniques – keeping a running log
or inventory of effective and ineffective behaviors.
Documents success or failure patterns.
Performance Appraisal Methods
• Multiperson comparisons – Formally compare one
person’s performance with that of one or more others.
Types of multiperson comparisons:
✓ Rank ordering – all are arranged in order of performance achievement
✓ Paired comparison – each is compared with every one else and rated
as either superior or weaker of the pair.
✓ Forced distribution – each is placed into a frequency distribution that
requires a certain percentage fall into a specific performance classification
Performance Appraisal Methods
• Alternatives to supervisory appraisal:
✓ Peer appraisal – people who work regularly and directly
with a jobholder are involved in the appraisal
✓ Upward appraisal – subordinates reporting to the jobholder
are involved in the appraisal
✓ 360° feedback – superiors, subordinates, peers, and even
internal and external customers are involved in the appraisal
of a jobholder’s performance
Maintaining a Quality Workforce
• Career development
✓ Career — a sequence of jobs that constitute what a person
does for a living
✓ Career path — a sequence of jobs held over time during a
✓ Career planning — matching career goals and individual
capabilities with opportunities for their fulfillment
✓ Career plateau — a position from which someone is unlikely
to move to a higher level of responsibility. Progressive
employers seek ways to engage plateaued employees
Maintaining a Quality Workforce
• Work-life balance
✓ How peoplebalance careerdemandswithpersonalandfamily needs
✓ Progressive employers support a healthy work-life balance
✓ Contemporary work-life
balance issues:
▪ Single parent concerns
▪ Dual-career couples concerns
▪ Family-friendliness as screening
criterion used by candidates
Maintaining a Quality Workforce
• Compensation and benefits
✓ Base compensation – salary or
hourly wages
✓ Fringe benefits – additional non-
wage or non-salary forms of
✓ Flexible benefits – employees can
select a set of benefits within a
certain dollar amount
Maintaining a Quality Workforce
• Compensation and benefits
✓ Family-friendly benefits – help in
balancing work and nonwork
✓ Employee assistance programs –
help employees deal with
troublesome personal problems
Maintaining a Quality Workforce
• Retention and turnover
✓ Replacement – management of
promotions, transfers, terminations,
layoffs, and retirements.
Replacement decisions relate to:
▪ Shifting people between
positions within the organization.
▪ Retirement.
▪ Termination.
Maintaining a Quality Workforce
• Labor-management relations
✓ Labor unions deal with employers on the workers’ behalf
✓ Labor contracts specify the rights and obligations of
employees and management regarding:
▪ Wages;
▪ Work hours;
▪ Work rules;
▪ Seniority;
▪ Hiring;
▪ Grievances; and
▪ Other conditions of employment
Traditional adversarial view of labor-management relations
Maintaining a Quality Workforce
• Legislation governing labor-management relations
✓ Article XIII Sec. 3 of the Philippine Constitution on Labor-
Management Relations – provisions on full protection to labor, full
employment and equality, and right of workers to self-organize
✓ Article 211 of the Labor Code, as amended by R.A. 6715 –
collective bargaining and union
✓ Presidential Decree No. 21 – creating a national labor
relations commission and for other purposes
✓ Presidential Decree No. 442 – labor code of the Philippines
Maintaining a Quality Workforce
• Legislation governing labor-
management relations
✓ Unions can create difficulties for
management by striking,
boycotting, and picketing
✓ Management can create
difficulties for unions by using
lockouts, hiring strike breakers,
and seeking injunctions

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