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TESLIM TARIHI :28/01/2021


Rapor/Ödev Başlığı: Final Submission Paper (Time Machine – H. G. Wells)
Hazırlayanın Adı Soyadı: Kaan Uçarcı

The Time Machine by H. G. Wells

Analysis of the Environment

The House of the Time Traveler

I will start my analysis of the environment (dwelling, neighborhood and city) from the
dwelling where the scientist, a.k.a. the Time Traveler lives in Richmond, England. The story starts a
Thursday evening in his drawing-room while the Time Traveler entertains some guests and argues
that some knowledge of geometry in general and specifically the perception of dimensions and time
was founded on a wrong belief or idea. He lives in a house built on a hillside with its living quarters
on the ground floor where also his laboratory where he built his time machine and opening to a
garden was situated. In the second floor contains sleeping quarters and dressing room.

In the drawing-room, a fireplace provides the heating and the room is furnished with a
dinner table and the comfortable chairs in the room were of his patents. There are also small
octagonal tables that were scattered about the room. There can be reached from the room to his
laboratory by a long corridor. Lightening in the room is provided by paraffin or gas lamps and there
were also candles, some in brass candlesticks on the mantel and some in sconces. This provides a
brilliant illumination in the room. There is also a smoking room next to drawing-room on the
ground floor.

The story is unfolded the following Thursday evening in the same drawing-room with six
guests including the narrator, three of them from the previous week, starting in the absence of the
Time Traveler. The Time Traveler looking haggard comes into the room about an hour after the
agreed dinner time, then goes to wash and dress. After coming back to the room and having his
dinner, we learn the story of the Time Traveler in regard to his travel in time as it was from the
narrator’s discourse.

The Sensations of the Actual Travel

Before going into the details of the environment in the year the traveler lands in time, let’s
look into the sensations he experiences during the actual travel. Apparently, they were unpleasant
while he was observing the passage of night after day after night and after day and so on as if he
was in a headlong motion. During his travelling, at one point in time, he comes out of his laboratory


Rapor/Ödev Başlığı: Final Submission Paper (Time Machine – H. G. Wells)
Hazırlayanın Adı Soyadı: Kaan Uçarcı

into the open air. The supposition of laboratory’s being destroyed sinks in him as he observes a hazy
view of scaffolding, but the speed was excessive for him to perceive any moving thing consciously.
He observes the moon from new to full and other space bodies like stars within the interval of
darkness. Eventually, while he was gaining speed in time, the succession of darkness and light
becomes a continuous grey. He is aware that he is still on the hillside where his house stood. He
observes the growth and dying of the trees in the meantime. He also observes the erection of huge
buildings in the landscape and the changing of all the surface of the earth. Then he realizes that his
travelling speed had become more than a year a minute by noting the passage of solstice.

He notices a swaying of the Time Machine which he cannot account. Because of his being
too confused, he throws himself into future. He wonders what developments of mankind, what
delightful advances over existing civilization might not appear when he looks into the strange world
passing before his eyes. He sees an extraordinary and great architecture elevating around him more
massive than any buildings of his own time. He notices a richer green landscape up to the hillside
and the world before his eyes seems very fair and he thinks of stopping. However, he is afraid of
stopping due to a possibility of something’s going wrong, he decides to stop immediately. He pulls
the stopping lever, the machine spins around and he was thrown through the air. It was the year
Eight Hundred and Two Thousand Seven Hundred and One A.D.

The Environment the Time Traveler Lands on When He Stopped the Time
Machine and His Immediate Impressions

The first thing he notices is the sound of a crash of thunder hissing of a hail and rain around
him and he realizes that he was sitting on a soft lawn in front of the time machine which was
overturned in the process of stopping. I understand that he comes across with a harsh weather
condition as soon as makes his stop. He looks around and realizes that he is on a little lawn in a
garden surrounded by rhododendron bushes with mauve and purple flowers and sees that the
flowers fall under the blows of hail-stones. He gets wet to the skin and amuses himself by saying
“fine hospitality to a man who travelled countless years to see you” to himself. He stands up and
looks around. There he sees an extremely large figure loomed up ahead of the bushes of
rhododendrons through the hazy rain. It seems that the figure is carved in some white stone. But all
the other things were invisible due to the downpour.


Rapor/Ödev Başlığı: Final Submission Paper (Time Machine – H. G. Wells)
Hazırlayanın Adı Soyadı: Kaan Uçarcı

As the rain becomes thinner, he sees the white stone figure in its explicitness. There was a
silver birch tree touching its shoulder. He realizes that it was of white marble and shaped something
like a winged sphinx. Wings of the sphinx spread out giving it a hovering appearance. The pedestal
of it seemed to be made of bronze and there was a thick layer of verdigris indicating that it was not
maintained for a long time. Sphinx itself was in a state of weather worn and this again shows the
lack of maintenance. At that moment, it seemed that rain was diminishing in intensity and the sky
was becoming ready with the provision of glimpses of the Sun. While looking up again at the white
shape, speculative thoughts about mankind ran through in the back of the mind of the Time
Traveler. What the mankind had become, whether human race lost its humanity and become
something inhuman. Through the lessening storm, he sees other huge buildings or immense shapes
having parapets with a lot of small parts and small details which fit together and columns next to a
forested hillside. It is understood that there was a hugeness in the man-made structures where the
Time Traveler making his observations.

He feels like being naked in a strange world. His fear of being in an unknown place grows
into a blind rage and he tries to turn over the machine to the state how it should stand, and, in the
process, he hits his chin onto the machine. He thinks of mounting the saddle with one hand on
lever, but his courage comes back, and he looks more curiously at this world of future. It is obvious
that his curiosity gets the better of him compared to the fear he initially felt.

Coming Across with Eloi

In a circular opening in the wall of the nearer house, he sees a group of beings dressed in
soft robes and they also see him. He hears voices approaching through the bushes by the Sphinx.
One of the men coming through emerges in a pathway leading straight to the place where he stands.
There he sees a short and thin creature wearing a purple tunic with a leather belt at the waist. He
was also wearing sandals alike footwear. Then the Time Traveler notices for the first time that the
air was very warm. This observation indicates a certain climate change comparing to his own era
especially experiencing a hailing thunderstorm a very short while ago. The very creature in front of
his eyes strikes him as being very beautiful but incredibly frail. At the sight in front of him, the
Time Traveler gains his confidence back.

The frail creature comes to him, looks into his eyes and laughs. The Time Traveler observes
the absence of fear with a child alike naivety in the face of the creature. Then the frail child alike


Rapor/Ödev Başlığı: Final Submission Paper (Time Machine – H. G. Wells)
Hazırlayanın Adı Soyadı: Kaan Uçarcı

guy turns to the other two and speaks to them in a strange but sweet language apparently evolved
through the time. At the end, there comes eight to ten more creatures. The first one hesitantly takes a
step towards him and touches his hand. Then the others follow the course and start touching him.
This may indicate that they have a childlike manner and imitate the leader. Then he sees that the
little hands were exploring the Time Machine as well and realizes the possible danger of their
setting the machine in motion. In order to avoid such a danger, he unscrews the levers and places
them into his pocket.

When it comes to communicate, the Time Traveler starts pointing to the Time Machine and
himself then to the Sun in order to express time. Then one of the little figures follows the gesture
and imitates the sound of thunder with obvious clarity that he was assuming that the Time Traveler
had been brought from the Sun to this world by thunderstorm. At that moment, the disappointment
of the Time Traveler in his anticipation of people who would be immensely advanced in knowledge,
art, etc. through time sinks in. These short and frail creatures were obviously fool. Then one of them
brings a chain of flowers all new to the Time Traveler and puts it around his neck. They start
imitating the first one and soon he was almost smothered with flowers. Apparently natural evolution
through time brought on new species of flora and plant cover.

The Building Where Eloi Live, Eat and Sleep and its Surroundings

The building was made up grey fretted stone and very big with its huge dimensions and had
an equally huge entrance. The arch of the doorway had plenty of carvings resembling old
Phoenician decorations. But they were mainly broken, and weather worn again suggesting the lack
of maintenance and repairs. The building was surrounded by long neglected garden having a tangled
waste of bushes and flowers. Even though the garden appears to be neglected, there can be seen no
weed in the garden. That is interesting because even in the attended gardens always have weeds.
That may mean that weeds in general ceased to exist and had become extinct species. In the garden,
there was strange and unknown flowers and plants with very big waxen petals. I understand again
that the evolution has caused some plant species to become extinct and gave life to new kinds of

If we get back to the building itself, the big doorway opens into a great hall. The windows
with partially glazed and partially unglazed glass in there allow in a tempered light. The floor was
made of a very hard white metal block. The floor was also so much worn indicating again the


Rapor/Ödev Başlığı: Final Submission Paper (Time Machine – H. G. Wells)
Hazırlayanın Adı Soyadı: Kaan Uçarcı

absence of any activities of repairs. There were innumerable tables made of polished stone, raising a
foot from the floor. They were placed transversely and upon them were piles of fruit. Some of the
fruit is recognized by the Time Traveler as raspberry and orange but most are unknown to him.
There were also many cushions scattered between the tables. While sitting on the cushions they ask
the Time Traveler to do the same by signing him to sit. Without any ceremony, they begin eating
fruits and throw the peeling into the round openings in the sides of the tables.

The Time Traveler realizes that the only diet these small people have was fruit and
vegetation. And he perceives that these people of far future are vegetarians. While he puts effort to
communicate with them in a verbal manner, I understand from his account that these little folks
were very indolent and/or more easily fatigued. After having his hunger satisfied with the fruits, the
Time Traveler exits the great hall for further exploration of the surroundings.

Exploration of Near Surroundings

The Time Traveler is very confused because everything is so different than the world he
knows including the plant cover, structures, landscape, feeding materials and absence of any
production activity by these people.

So, he leaves the building and observes that the building was situated on the slope of a wide
river valley and realizes that the river, he indicates it was the River Thames as known, has shifted its
bed bay about a mile from its position in his own time. He decides to walk and climb a hill about a
mile and a half away in order to get a better view of his surroundings. As he walks he tries to
understand how and why this world he is in is in a ruinous condition and neglected. He sees derelict
remains of vast structures, heaps of granite bound by large amounts of aluminum and a labyrinth of
walls among wildly grown plants. Then he realizes that there are not any small and single houses
around. Among all the greenery, there were palace-like structures but there was no house and
cottage which form the characteristic features of his own period. They disappeared.

As he is observing the scenery, he looks at some of the little figures who were following him
and suddenly notices and perceives that they all had the same form of costume, same physical
appearance and there are no outward signs of gender. These people of the future were all alike. He
thinks he has arrived in a communal paradise and these creatures are the result of a world without
hardship and fear. He thinks how in his own time, human intelligence is bent towards making life


Rapor/Ödev Başlığı: Final Submission Paper (Time Machine – H. G. Wells)
Hazırlayanın Adı Soyadı: Kaan Uçarcı

easier and now, he thinks he sees the outcome in these creatures. It is the hardship that necessitates
energy, force and enthusiasm and keeps mankind intelligent. He reckons that without danger and/or
hardship, there is no need for the institution of the family.

While he was flooded with these thoughts, a little structure similar to well under a cupola
attracts his attention. He thinks of the oddness of the wells still existing. He goes back to his
musing. There were no hedges, no signs of proprietary rights, no evidences of agriculture. The
whole world had become a long-neglected garden with buildings some in ruins and some are still
occupied. For the Time Traveler, intellectual growth is driven by the need to survive.

He notices that the air was free of mosquitos and other kinds of flying insects, the earth from
weeds or fungi. Diseases ceased to exist and there was no evidence of contagious diseases. There
were no signs of struggle, either socially or economically. He thinks of physical inadequacies, their
lack of intelligence and many of those big ruins and observes that mankind put in so much effort to
alter the conditions imposed by nature under he lives. And now, he observes the reaction of altered
conditions. Here, it is emphasized that there is a dialectic way the world turns about. When a thesis
is opposed by an antithesis, there comes a new synthesis both naturally and socially.

Missing of the Time Machine

As the Time Traveler reflects on his theories, night begins to settle. He looks for the building
he knows. His eyes travel along the Sphinx on the pedestal of bronze. He looks at the little lawn but
cannot see the Time Machine. It was gone. The feeling of panic and fear grabs him and he starts
running down the slope, falls and cuts his face. While running desperately, he realizes that the
machine was removed out of his reach. He is sure that nobody travelled in time, because he
removed the levers, but someone has obviously moved it in space. He believes that the creatures he
encountered so far are too weak to move the Time Machine. When he reaches the lawn, he goes into
a frenzy and there was not a trace of the machine. He runs around the White Sphinx on the bronze
pedestal, runs in and out of the moonlit bushes. He startles a white creature that runs away.

While in anguish, he goes down into the great stone building finding that the big hall was
dark, silent and deserted. As he looks for the small and frail folk, he finds a second great hall with
cushions upon which some of the little people were asleep. He wakes the sleeping creatures


Rapor/Ödev Başlığı: Final Submission Paper (Time Machine – H. G. Wells)
Hazırlayanın Adı Soyadı: Kaan Uçarcı

demanding where his Time machine is in a gruff manner scaring the creatures. Then he goes out of
the building under the moonlight. He falls asleep outside in despair.

In the morning, with less despair and more freshness, the Time Traveler decides that since
he was only away from the machine for a short time it could not have gone very far. He thinks that
the Time Machine was moved somewhere within the lawn. Search for clues in the lawn directs his
closer attention to the pedestal of the Sphinx. He concludes that the machine must be hidden in the
immense pedestal of the Sphinx statue. He tries to open the pedestal’s panels with a pebble from the
river but does not succeed. When he asks the creatures how to open the pedestal, they react with
shock and horror and disgust. Eventually, he decides that he must be patient and that it would e
good idea to get to know the little people better. He decides to learn more of their language and
explores the area. He pays more attention to the wells doting the landscape and at one point, notes
that air seems to be sucked down into them. He can also hear the dull sound of machines coming
from below.

Further Exploration of the Terrain

He decides to put the thought of the Time Machine and the panels under the Sphinx to a
corner of his mind and starts explorations to a distance a few miles from the point of his arrival. As
far as he could see, the whole world displayed the same richness in greenery as the Thames valley.
From every hill he climbs, he sees the same abundance of high and mighty buildings, same
woodland evergreens and the same blossoming trees. He notes again the presence of certain circular
wells that were rimmed with bronze and protected from the rain by a little cupola. Assembling his
observations about the wells together, he reaches to a strong suggestion that there is an extensive
system of subterranean ventilation.

One of the things that puzzles him was the absence of any cemetery or crematoria or
anything that suggests tombs. Another thing that puzzled him is the absence of aged and infirm
among this people. He begins to reconsider his theory that the creatures come from a decadent and
automated civilization because of his noticing that there are only buildings and the robes and other
clothes of them must be made somewhere.

The Narrator gives us an idea of the strange deficiency in these creatures from the account of
the Time Traveler when he rescues one of them from drowning in the river with the indifference of


Rapor/Ödev Başlığı: Final Submission Paper (Time Machine – H. G. Wells)
Hazırlayanın Adı Soyadı: Kaan Uçarcı

others towards her drowning. Her name is Weena and she seems like an affectionate, precocious
child to him. However, he did not expect any gratitude from her, she greets him with cries of delight
when he returns to the area of White Sphinx from an exploration. Like the other creatures, she is
very afraid of the dark. Her fellow creatures sleep in great clumps in the halls of the buildings, and
she is very reluctant to let the Time Traveler sleep elsewhere. One morning, he wakes up at dawn
and goes out on the porch of one of the buildings. He imagines he sees white figures moving around
in the dull pre-dawn light. On his fourth morning, he enters an old ruin and finds two big eyes
staring back at him. It is a white, ape-like creature. The animal flees, stumbling through the
daylight. He tries to track it, but it seems to have disappeared down one of the nearby wells.

He deduces from this new creature's appearance and behavior that it lives underground, and
he begins to understand the wells as being a huge ventilation system for a subterranean race. He
imagines that the underground creatures are the laborer of the future society, and that they are only
allowed to come out at night. He thinks of how in his own time there a growing gap between is the
idle rich and laborer, and how the wealthy own huge estates where others are not allowed. He
imagines that the surface creatures have forced the underground creatures to work for them and
have denied them access to the sunshine of the surface.

He soon learns from the peaceful surface creatures that these underground creatures are
called "Morlocks" and that the surface creatures themselves are called "Eloi." When he tries to ask
Weena more questions about the Morlocks, however, she becomes very upset.

Efforts to Get the Time Machine Back

The Time Traveler concludes that in order to recover his machine he must enter into the
world of the Morlocks. In the distance, he sees what he describes as the Palace of Green Porcelain.
Instead of visiting it, he decides that he must descend into one of the wells. When Weena sees him
descend, she is very worried. He clambers down one of the wells for a long time, finally finding a
small alcove where he can rest. He awakes to the touch of clammy fingers. Lighting a match, he
sees several Morlocks running into the distance. He explores further and finds a vast chamber filled
with Morlocks and the throbbing machines that pump air through the caves. The Morlocks are
eating some kind of meat. Suddenly, the matches that he is using to ward off the Morlocks run out,
and they seize him. He narrowly escapes back up the well.


Rapor/Ödev Başlığı: Final Submission Paper (Time Machine – H. G. Wells)
Hazırlayanın Adı Soyadı: Kaan Uçarcı

Horribly frightened, he decides that he must find some way to defend himself from the
Morlocks. He has to revise his theories. Over the next few days, he realizes that the meat the
Morlocks were eating was probably Eloi, hunted at night. He now thinks that he understands why
the Eloi dread the night. They speak of imminent "Dark Nights," and he realizes that the moon is
waning. He imagines that his theory about the division of labor being carried to the extreme was
right, that at one point the ancestors of the Morlocks must have been driven underground to work
for the ancestors of the Eloi, but that now the balance of power has shifted. In their restful ease, the
Eloi have grown weak, while the Morlocks have grown strong. He imagines that both are the
descendents of man, and that the instinct against cannibalism must have gone out of style. He also
imagines that his journey into the underworld must have horribly upset the Morlocks. Nervous, the
Time Traveler hastens to find a safe place to spend the night.

He decides to try to find safety in the Palace of Green Porcelain. With Weena on his
shoulders, he begins to journey toward it. Weena walks alongside him for a while, stuffing his
pockets with flowers, two of which he produces for his guests. He resumes his story. The journey
takes longer than he thought, and as night falls they find themselves on the border of a great forest.
The Time Traveler is out of matches and is afraid to enter the woods with Morlocks about. He sets
Weena down on top of a hill and lets her sleep while he keeps watch. The night passes without

The Palace of Green Porcelain

Weena and the Time Traveler enter the Palace of Green Porcelain, and find that just as it
appears, it is made out of green porcelain. They also find that it is a ruined museum. Among a
chemistry exhibit, the Time Traveler salvages some camphor, an inflammable substance often used
in torches. He is thrilled to find some preserved matches--he had run out--and he marvels at the
completely decayed remains of books that he finds in one of the halls. Exploring a giant hall of
machinery, he notices that Weena is scared. Looking into the dark end of the hall, he hears the
sound of Morlocks. He breaks a lever off one of the machines and flees. Exiting the museum, he
intends to rush back to the area of the sphinx statue, but he is exhausted because he has not slept in
two days. As they near the woods again, they hear Morlocks beginning to stir behind them. Night
has fallen. Using the camphor and some dry brush he had collected; the Time Traveler starts a large
fire to guard their retreat into the woods. It spreads quickly. He and Weena proceed at a rapid pace,


Rapor/Ödev Başlığı: Final Submission Paper (Time Machine – H. G. Wells)
Hazırlayanın Adı Soyadı: Kaan Uçarcı

but eventually find themselves surrounded by Morlocks. The Time Traveler hurriedly starts a small
fire, pulling down dry timber to feed the flames. Incredibly tired, he nods off to sleep, feeling safe
by the fire.

He awakes to feel the Morlocks grasping him. He struggles, grabbing hold of the lever he
took from the museum. He swings wildly, killing a few Morlocks. Suddenly, the rest flee, and he
sees that the first fire has become a giant forest fire. He can't find Weena anywhere, and he runs
after the Morlocks, hoping that they will lead him to safety. He finally comes to a clearing with a
large hill, filled with confused, blinded Morlocks. They are helpless. When morning comes, he gets
his bearings atop the hill and heads back in the direction of the white sphinx statue. He plans to pry
open the pedestal with his lever.

Getting the Time Machine Back and Travelling Further into the Future

When he arrives at the Sphinx, to his surprise, he finds that the pedestal is open, and he sees
his Time Machine inside. He smiles, guessing at the Morlocks' plan of action. He walks into the
pedestal, and the panels slide shut behind him, just as he had suspected. He confidently begins to
strike a match, but realizes he has nothing to strike it against. The Morlocks pounce, and he
desperately struggles onto the saddle of the machine, barely screwing in the forward lever. He
pushes it forward, and escapes into the future.

The Time Traveler flies into the future with a greater velocity than before. Although he is
travelling thousands of years per second, he begins to notice day and night again. The sun grows
larger and redder. Finally, it seems that the earth has stopped rotating, and is circling the dying sun
as the moon used to circle the earth.

When he brings the machine to a stop, he finds himself on a sloping beach. Vegetation
covers every surface facing the unmoving sun; the air is very thin. Behind him he sees a huge white
butterfly in the distance, and slowly a red rock begins to move toward him. It turns out to be a giant
crab. While he is staring at it, he feels something brush his neck. It is the antenna of a second giant
crab, right next to him. He hurriedly skips a month into the future to escape, but finds the beach
covered with more crabs. He goes on, stopping every hundred years or so, watching the "old earth
ebb away." Finally, thirty million years into the future, he comes to a stop. The air is bitter cold, and
the only sign of life is lichen on the beach. Small flakes of snow float in the air. A large disc begins


Rapor/Ödev Başlığı: Final Submission Paper (Time Machine – H. G. Wells)
Hazırlayanın Adı Soyadı: Kaan Uçarcı

to eclipse the sun; the Time Traveler suspects that some inner planet, perhaps Mercury, which is
now much closer to Earth, is passing in front of the sun. An incredible darkness and blackness
follow. On the verge of fainting, he climbs back on the machine, and as he does he notices a black
blob with tentacles flop over in the distance. It is the only evidence of animal life.

As he travels back in time, he is eventually able to breathe with ease. He sees the dim
outlines of buildings, and as he slows down, the walls of his laboratory again surround him. He
stops the machine, stumbles out to check the date, and enters the dining room where he finds his


One of the major scientific aspect from the book to our contemporary knowledge in science
is the idea of perfecting food to our benefits. Nowadays almost every food that comes to our houses
is altered one way or an another. Sometimes it is for creating them off-season and other it is the
change the shape or size of it. In the book this idea of perfect food is completed. The food Eloi eats
contains no meat. This means they are able take all the necessary nutrients from the fruit and
vegetables. Also, the food they are eating is growing at all times does not rot no matter what. When
I looked from this point of view altering food seems like a good idea, but this is a case where the
humans achieved their wish and perfected food. But there is always a chance the actions can fail and
at worst cases have a negative effect. For this case even if someone makes a small mistake it could
lead to extinction of humans because of a food shortage. So this is very sensitive topic and people
should approach with attention.



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