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Lown Blaise Galvez 1D Toe 2-2 Bercise 7-1 5 ete The given Function is Pe solvhon of Te initiol value DYE og'-6y2 AL yoo GD Sens O93 <5 BB ER Ys 7 An ext t Glos ~h e Yrs 46 -Igx 42% y" 1¢ & x AY" 958)" sg ey = 2A -6y* > a si a > nee x Gle- ee aye. 6LD-eEn*s 3c Ao G-8t3-120 > O20 ! =~ 6 -lex- at ace 7ge9: “HEE ~ ac 5-6 $16%9-1e oF 2020 Yls -Ie-lee 42 x Rig oh jeteint ck os The giver Fonction 16 tw solution, 3 = 2am ° Of He inthat valve problem - s le tly-2> nny POO, Hy" ty! “Y'4 Ge M4 Yo? yond xe 2-3 aT (CU? sey yok > xt ns 4.3 Jeosth Zy< ZF Yat -de Yen thy dy, D de gS 9 yo: be [= Tiguan fonchans 1s The Solution of Me inthal valve gobiem 97g "-y"-xy"49 = yoo=a ,yleoes ,gtU=-1 Geata tag LOD gs Gils SEED AOD Yes -2tBeO pein, ¥ oN rE YP GP xg! tye xC ae? peor ee wren sai ears ae Piet 7D erat ee erin, DEE ae) % 7 Ise? pete 2 EE nt otal gO a Oe Se F4X 2 yuy= oy ree sae le - BE 2p Ye De rae 0 p66 u- Hy ' Vte > YOO = -261+2e41- LeEM 4g ag. TRiathlges & Ke Ye -atreseo cer * Geby glad = 2407 ge 2 e“theles| SF =) « eae 2". Tha given gunchon ic te soliton of Hu inthat valve probtem a 6 ik 8 3 Sey) > 1 a) Auge Y ~Soy)+ 2y = 80x") yOd=5, Y! C1 = At Es > 14 sax" Ina x pax Reast y 2207 Ine 24 bax pat 2otnx t 10% et 2h "2 live +14 41 a 3 Shae tm yd 3 1s RH PUNCH yh il teats (A. 2 — 1B. 4 gh HE Gt Say! tay “f + BF 5m) HOC net ng | 5, ate y wake. 1 Yang (4dr Hoe Ba oe) 2 (tnx Bt 492 Jay Flot. BY LAS 4, ’ 7 ie I teen alt yf past Tr cn z 5 ER MS de 30x" D> Dx 2 0X Ye pg = tyme REI ax BM ts Boy Yeaeting we tae eae 1 YD 2004 I~ On F205 bacrtes se 1F442"5 > 52 HY Hs del ~ Y= Fein Hoy 4 1 1 a Re, YO =4qooinitouy- Lt. x 3 1 " 20)!" GR a fstad-\ st yg PUR DB g w othe % So Ala 44 + 988 to Ww 63 \ r= = YInl + —, yap? F = dln M+ am tape wa ee ee Loe WFa hs = oft. && >a a 2. The Quen fonction i Te solvtion of te Initial valve problem B. 2) x8y May 4 axy's a4xy! tray =6e", yo ylllcr) = = 52, Yox" na tx ax bax tact Y= x4inn dx 2x F Bebe xt Bie qe inx = I5x? tat-qx 41 Y= laxtiny ~4LM +1 6-4 Y= aaxlng ~ 40x HE YO- adinx 46 xAy@- 42y"4 i2x¥y! -aduy! tady= Ot 2-2 /Y'O)= -4 y"Uys aR = XCad 40) ~ pPCMINx -Toxt 12+ CRs" Iny - 41 ¥+19x-4) © AAPA = (BPE 4x 41) 424A IME X- aT HE dA) = Gx! © MAHER - dex AG OIK t ago et Iu ~ dane ta(S Ge ex. ag $3009 - 216 AGM HL aati’ BH das 2641 ze — Garton Peaateag aay! 9 2O9'n 141-205 4300? 4 Wat3-qeeg p13 -2 B 4 ting - 169% dx" dy et yico AG INI 150 +4 C4 CN Ht 4 IB 44-41 2 Ag 4 yh =I - net ga Dra He 4s -2H PAF ety Ms adn - Jax He Y"G) =24 Ud In ~FOUDERW = =5a = FO He «Ba Bas -52 7 12s days 2Te gue sunchon is ‘the solution of The initial valve problem, ] € 9 Dag? yi cbt tty! = Ber? YOd = 5 y'en = =24,, yleay 2-26 yee ag se SPO mi ya Yer taxcage Ms “48 yy Hh gay! = xC0)- CAD de Ca TOD 4g Cr gx -ax2) = Goat = 4s ARk bax de ba Ex - Gor = I6y* PX 46K BA -t OE ey? | YOd ~n4 2-g4-~ ys 1a ~4Bx YEO = B4800 <6, r-de= -86 Bag 23g L ys -4& 42 ae = Ae SU ThE given fonchon it Fhe Solvtvan_of Tu inthial valve. problem @ Find te wrong) Rian WO OF a Set OF Me solhone oF 4M dy" texyl_g <0 gwen thet wo =2 Formula: WO < U6) exp (- f*axax) = 29 Sadr 2 all B Brerase 4-2 ') Tn exercise 4-2, Find the gener colton. yay! Fay! =y=0 Fe arte tare eran &*Cr3- or? + 3h -1D <9 TAL Get, el 5) Salve Ye intiol value problem oe YOO= O*Cettax HGS) the goreral soln e -2g"44g - ty =O, yOd: MHD Ur-3 Fo retor 17d, Real yes FOOD +CasinGwd eae ™ {oso s1n099, 2°F 1s He fundamen] seg sdivton, w Gs OS(2X) singax) e™* - -20NQX) cys CX) 3’ 74 C98C%) s4sin Coxqe™ *O8@OLe*Cig OI te™ Crm HO) “SINC CoP CAE ND) 4H0C 12 cae boi] tele surd t€ ws *Ca0 | a 7 Ve%eosCAX) f12e™ 1m IX Cos ax t [HePEIN Cad) CosLIAF Ge PHM Ox HEP ETR WED 236 OP QD Hint) W0e) < 268 C cot Q@} > Sin'Gons)) 2 COHID AI D-Dy a Crp yo = e"ewolsrod Kos 09 easy] sup eed —— 7 2£3) = c= [ht ie es HET Ebi hci nye 409 = Cgasd+ Gs wat SIND ve Teroo®) F sind, os {SMTP 18 Ihe fundamen? get hi (0) = e* coda) E51 OD cosdgeinwe* (cost ev GIR -$mOD Co809 - Sinbd) +09 ~2 Vsird) LE“OstO -coe(wp-sin-Je* 6 SR) Ie*ComD SING ~c9509 + Ca¢L)-Ind) merits i | «I AS 12 DSBS dec Pen WPS, FILGDED (G2 k4) ra w= raneact © 2) Find the particyar colvton, Yl ey" +NY!-6y <8 C4 pe aetx) Yoede* Yee yietue, Upsute™ dae" Ue ylp= U"e* gue t gue. we Y" p Sy Hy'p ~ yp = Ue aa Or ae nue 6 Cue -ay' et UC") MCUs ue) GLU) 2.p -* Cd £46 x ay 2 ulle™—gute™ ule ue culle™ t1ayle™ ~6 UE™ Flue *= Me™ - gu*= eG Hoxaux?) sulle® quier4a6ule™- 24ue*= CE He a2) = Cul au! bag -adu) _ CANE AF 2g. a io 2U" qu" tagut-adqy = dHex-a4 Biases a FaGulp Buh = -aGcpuaecn ReD-aA(Mr ered THex p= “I D180 68-4626, - — =Crectagg © F2a- SAD ates Hoc haye *CRAIGB™ MAD+CraC HB $OBOS 24-144 26x ~IEC+QGB-ada< -4 2210 = 24 626-248 = - 76 comer Up <2 bee -24e #24 (c= os ~HECH26B -24A 2-4 = AS I$ CD t26UD~24qq=-4 Bac-24B = 16 Yp © C2bx-2) "tae ~24aqe-4 52D -24 B= -te Porhaor Solr 44 - 4K -4 oJ4e au iA ae, ae «aq wt -ad vO 2) 4" .ay- by! Hoy < €™* (30 -aaxtex. Yer ue™ Yp=u'é>-sue™ "p= We ce F087 p= We aug, hs 3 Sis ute aefomaae Sagas ae p25" ~Bubseyp = ule aus agus 23ue%a Lue Fae) -5( ie Yip~29'P Bub teyp ~tud* J 46 (be) = SO (a2-a3xt62) ne IO ae Ue eye SUC 11Sue™ Hye =e "Ca-ax tex?) WEE le tay a9 yg 2| 3 Partetlar Solute on 6) Find The. general solvtron gl-g!-yl ty =e C10 1230, Up = wer Jp = u'e™ auc” uipe Ue tule” tque™ Sp FUME + 6ule™ +10u ete Wer Bele YP typ = ulled™ reutte™ ule eye — Cue gy 4ue) - ie Rue) +L Ue) se Cinta ue +5u'e™ thule tayo. eu 13D) aS a oe Cult su" eau tau) «C0 so) TB tu! tu) 2c Ct0 a9 a ee u™ £5u! Fu! b3u =10 +3 Up *AtBx Up = 8 Julp tBup = FB EWA PBX) < 14S TBESA 210 = ZBIDA F BBR = 1d aR 8B eg BEA OED = Wpe lo 43x lp = Px FBt3A<10 2B =% [el Foo as—0 Sp 78“ UIHO ss Bar 3 pet-cl-Petee 2 # Fem Pe pe ge™%=0 eG 1 =p 41) 20 UDerty cv-0 0 Bel, Get ns! But Get teae® tye YeCe tee, xe be cist) Qerarat calvhon, GI) yMty"-ay = 2™ C4 OMe) @ Ven ai! st doe Hew Bap 7 Petree =o cee FSG 0-6 eCe* trea) <0 Bac =-\4 crstp Erte $2) <0 we. k=-z| te~bt(*-dac ge we le ao GEC tB4B = 67 (edos oF = ANT aD jHiertex -¢ SI >t 342-8 a cp 4 (B= -1 Faas a - : 20c12BB A= -8 = -atai 20(- $433 D434 = -4 x =42 baHA Rta Mae otey yy ~ Int Bas Vere e* +E™ Ga cascot estes) a fe Sez ue™ yl cue™ 40,2 wrx uip= ute boule’ + que” Sere Cl-a-de Sts UI Guile’ Fate 423 ue SEP tS up sues auleMearule YeGe" te *(egeoceatg,sinoy patue+ ule poule+ Gued™ 2 ue >. 7 eC beRED FEM Ul-X 2X) = Roc 4338, 13K) Hest t3d Bs) xt CWC) = -9-6Rx=xt gg salt te intial valde, preblem and graph Fhe solvton @ yl By tey 20 Meare 5 re™ Xe <0 e OP -a Br +6)-0 SrAdCrnd Ord) 20 reve Be GTR Yo7 Ge rae toe Spo ue, Ups ule” +e ylpzu'e™ taue™ tue* Ope uleMtoute “oule* que” 4p ayes Sup teyp =u" estaule” t3uletue -au" ek que?-aue™ ~Sue% Sue* + Ue" =3e*-Gd cubers ule Gule™ = 2e* Cex 2 Cu™pu" -6u') , ae*LI-@D A al ular Guna > wt Ups CRI Bx) x= Axt BX up= At? ups 28 u"p ~Gu'p2aB-GA-1aBx = 2-12X 2 QB-GA4C DB) A= 2-1 2B-6a = 2 21a <2, ae 31] SOE? EME GOCE” Syn G aE 436, &™ tteroee” YT Ge Qe™ EG Cert xem t dxe"t 20% "By! ry = 2e*C1-64) yO 2 Yea) =F ylor= q ° YOD=Cre FS Fae, POL Gt Hot hI" =F me $620 ey yO) Ge tac, Ege, 8 twee He? 4 FGHG 44, 2% Lea Hey 222 , 0 Cy Rey FB Gy 3 er 5 Gag H40y 29 len G Ketter a i SO IP amt Ce —- $02 (Geil 3 = Re Yare ee tee Exercise 4.4 : ® D In exercise V4.1 and 9.4.2 gid @ parWcular Solvtion , given the jo tion Sundamente set o4 ScliFrons of The, ae equi eye rary MxGuPay 26994 a xx’ wadafx x ee" Wit Hd xe" x xe" ay (apne oe OX xe" fe | xete* 0 a xe "Het = te et Sea aeX bee REVERE =P e™ on w zol We=L x xl Wh >? > k 2 he BE tract [i inet 13k | tpt te 2K beoe 2 3h? = aattinx thee 7 De Wr =-238 Ing bE . DY 0D = GD FAC EG MGR) 4 =G4,°4 YCD= G4 5604s Im] bey Cin 2h dx 20d ROD 2y? i... y ND = 6D £1 cyt Walter ee Re Cay ~ : . 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