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Mineral Resources:
Potentials and Problems
Mineral Resources:
Potentials and Problems

By Walden P. Pratt and Donald A. Brobst


A summary of United States resources of 27 ma/or

mineral commodities, and the problems
involved in their utilization

United States Department of the Interior
ROGERS C. B. MORION, Secretory

Geological Survey
V. E. McKelvey, Director

First printing 1974

Second printing 1974

Free on application to the U.S. Geological Survey, National Center, Reston, Va. 22092

Page Page
Abstract ______________ 1 Resource summaries Continued
Principal ferrous 9
Introduction __________ 1
Iron __ . 9
Resources and reserves _________ 1 10
Focus of this report _______ 2 Silicon ____ 10
Molybdenum 11
Resource summaries ___________ 3 Manganese _ 11
Principal nonferrous metals 3 Tungsten __ 12
Cobalt _____ 12
Aluminum _____________ 3
Chromium __ 13
Copper _ ____. 5 Vanadium _ 13
Titanium ________. 5 Tantalum 13
Zinc ___________. 6 Niobium ___ 14
Gold ___________. 6 Mineral fuels __ 14
Lead ____________ 7 Oil and gas 15
Coal _____ 16
Platinum _________ 8
Uranium _ 17
Tin ____________. 8 Thorium ___ 17
Silver __________. 8 18
Magnesium 9 References cited 19


FIGURE 1. Classification of mineral resources 2


TABLE 1. Principal nonferrous metals 4
2. Principal ferrous metals . 10
3. Mineral fuels . 14
Mineral Resources: Potentials and Problems

By Walden P. Pratt and Donald A. Brobst

ABSTRACT rate companion article (W. P. Pratt and D. A.

The encyclopedic nature of "United States Mineral Brobst, written commun., 1974) has empha-
Resources" (U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper sized the importance of undiscovered high-
820) seems to have inhibited its widespread use by grade resources in contrast to known resources
people other than professional geologists. A summary
of the principal findings and conclusions of Profes-
that are not recoverable because of economic or
sional Paper 820 is presented with special regard to technologic factors. The lesson to be drawn
the resources of 27 mineral commodities of major im- from both articles is the same. Our large re-
portance to our industrial civilization (based on dol- sources of many minerals are at this point only
lar value) and the problems involved in the utiliza- a potential, not a reality. To bring them into
tion of these resources of the 10 most important non-
ferrous metals, the 11 principal ferrous metals, and
the category of available reserves is not a sim-
the 6 principal fossil and nuclear fuels. ple matter of raising the price; it will require
enormous research efforts, with long lead times.
INTRODUCTION Crash programs responding to the shortage of
the moment will not suffice. We hope that these
"United States Mineral Resources" (Brobst two articles together may enlighten a larger
and Pratt, 1973) reviewed the long-term segment of the American public to the prob-
United States position for potential resources lems that confront us if we are to overcome
of 65 mineral commodities or commodity our present complacency and avert many fu-
groups. One of the main purposes of the report ture crises of mineral supply.
was to provide people other than geologists We acknowledge once again the efforts of our
with easily understandable factual data on the many colleagues without whose experience and
resources of the many mineral commodities continuing cooperation neither the large report
that are important to our daily lives. However, nor the present one would have been possible.
the comprehensive encyclopedic nature of the
volume seriously inhibits its effective use for RESOURCES AND RESERVES
this purpose; the 722 pages of scientific and Mineral reserves are materials from which a
technical prose does not make for great popular usable mineral or energy commodity can be
consumption. extracted profitably by using existing tech-
We have, therefore, condensed a great mass nology and under present economic and legal
of information into a form more readily usable conditions. They represent only a part of the
by other writers and the general public. The broad field of mineral resources. In a long-
present report summarizes the principal find- range assessment of resources, reserves must
ings and conclusions of the larger report with be distinguished from other mineral deposits
regard to 27 mineral commodities of major im- that may eventually become available: (1)
portance to our industrial civilization: the 10 Known deposits that cannot be profitably mined
most important nonferrous metals, the 11 prin- at present because of economics, technology, or
cipal ferrous metals, and the principal fossil legal restraints and (2) unknown deposits,
and nuclear fuels petroleum and natural gas, rich or lean, that may be inferred to exist on
coal, uranium, thorium, and oil shales. A sepa- the basis of geological reasoning but that have
not yet been discovered. In order to make this 3. Importing raw or refined minerals from
distinction useful for all the commodities dis- foreign sources.
cussed in "United States Mineral Resources" 4. Increasing our reserves, through discovery
we adapted a classification of mineral resources of new mineral deposits (hypothetical
previously suggested by McKelvey (1972), and speculative resources) and through
which differentiated reserves and other re- development of technology for the feasi-
sources on the basis of two factors: feasibility ble recovery of low-grade deposits (iden-
of economic recovery and geologic assurance or tified subeconomic resources).
certainty of existence. This classification, with Probably no one of these actions alone will be
minor changes, has been accepted for formal enough to solve our long-range supply prob-
use by the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. lems, but each one is important. The first two,
Bureau of Mines, and is shown in figure 1. which deal with processing of minerals and use
of the products, are beyond the scope of this
report, and the third is an increasingly sensi-
IDENTIFIED In known In undiscovered
tive question of international economics and
districts districts or forms politics. This report deals with the potential
Economic impact of the fourth action, by attempting to
RESERVES HYPOTHETICAL SPECULATIVE evaluate our resources that may eventually be
- converted into reserves.
Subeconomic IDENTIFIED We emphasize that the resource figures pre-
SUBECONOMIC RESOURCES RESOURCES sented here are estimates, and obviously those
RESOURCES that relate to undiscovered resources must be
Increosing degree of very rough estimates indeed. They will undergo
~ geologic ossuronce constant revision in future years, probably for
both better and worse, as new deposits are
Reserves: Identified resources from which a usable
mineral or energy commodity can be economically found, new theories are evolved, and old ideas
and legally extracted at the time of determination. discarded. However, they have been made by
Identified-subeconomic resources: Materials that are geologists who have spent a significant part of
not reserves, but that may become reserves as a re- their careers studying the geology of their re-
sult of changes in economic and legal conditions.
(Referred to as "conditional resources" in Brobst
spective commodities, and they may probably
and Pratt, 1973.) be regarded as the most reliable resource esti-
Hypothetical resources: Undiscovered materials that mates now publicly available. (Readers who
may reasonably be expected to exist in a known min- have questions may refer to Brobst and Pratt
ing district under known geologic conditions. (1973) or directly to the authors for more de-
Speculative resources: Undiscovered materials that may
occur either in known types of deposits in a favor-
tails.) We hope that a continuing resource ap-
able geologic setting where no discoveries have been praisal program now being implemented in the
made, or in as-yet-unknown types of deposits that Geological Survey may make possible the peri-
remain to be recognized. odic refinement of these estimates and also may
FIGURE 1. Classification of mineral resources. eventually be extended to include appraisal of
the impact of the first three actions listed above
FOCUS OF THIS REPORT on our domestic mineral supply.
Our known reserves of most minerals are Estimates of reserves are made by the U.S.
relatively small in relation to long-term de- Bureau of Mines, largely on the basis of data
mand, and the deficit can be made up only supplied annually by the mineral industries.
through a combination of four actions: Because of the competitive nature of the free
1. Reducing the demand, through substitution enterprise system, and further because some
of other minerals, reduction of waste, or States levy taxes on mineral reserves in the
elimination of some uses. ground, mining companies, understandably,
2. Supplementing the raw (primary) mineral may be less than candid in reporting known
supply, through recovery and recycling of reserves long in advance of their exploitation.
scrap and used materials. We believe that many such known but unre-
ported reserves are accounted for in our esti- Future demand is difficult to evaluate. To as-
mates of undiscovered (hypothetical and specu- sume continued use at present rates, and no
lative) resources; they are still "undiscovered" growth in either population or per capita use,
from the standpoint of being public informa- would give a minimum figure that would be
tion. Although reserve data are reported to the easy to project indefinitely; but the resulting
Bureau of Mines in strict confidence, it seems projections would be unrealistically small, ex-
likely that modification of the tax laws in some cept for a few commodities whose consumption
States would increase the reliability of total may be cut back drastically because of substi-
reserve estimates. tutes or environmental concerns. As an alterna-
tive, we use here figures estimated by the U.S.
RESOURCE SUMMARIES Bureau of Mines for the minimum anticipated
The rest of this report consists of summary cumulative demand (MACD) for the period
information on the resources of three groups of 1968 to 2000 the total amount of each com-
minerals: nonferrous metals, ferrous metals, modity we are expected to need, at the very
and mineral fuels. The text summarizes for least, from 1968 until the end of the century.
each commodity the principal uses; the extent (No attempt has been made to reduce the
to which the United States depended on im- MACD to allow for the part already used from
ports in 1972 (see below), and the principal 1968 to 1973, but because demand for most
sources of these imports; the extent of domes- commodities is projected to increase annually,
tic reserves; the resource potential (identified this difference would amount to no more than
subeconomic, hypothetical, and speculative re- a few percent of the total MACD.) These esti-
sources) ; and the particular problems of dis- mates are based on extrapolation of recent
covery or technology that hamper our ability to trends, modified by a number of contingencies
convert the potential resources into reserves. assumed for technological, economic, social, en-
Tables 1-3 summarize three factors for each vironmental, and other relevant influences
mineral: (1) The dollar value of U.S. primary (U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1970). We believe these
demand for 1968 (the latest year for which are the most reasonable projections available of
these data are readily available), as a means of probable minimum demand for each commodity
ranking the minerals in relative importance, over the next 26 years a convenient minimum
(2) the approximate 1972 U.S. consumption, time span for assessment of "long-term" de-
and (3) the minimum projected cumulative mand. The MACD for each commodity is shown
U.S. demand to the year 2000. in tables 1-3 and is used in the text.
The nonmetallic mineral commodities are not Statistical data relating to production, con-
included in this review because the most im- sumption, imports, and reserves are taken from
portant ones, in terms of the criterion used to published reports of the U.S. Bureau of Mines
rank the metallic minerals, are nearly all in (U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1970; U.S. Department
long supply, and their reserves are adequate of Interior, 1973, 1974). The estimates of iden-
for the long term. tified subeconomic, hypothetical, and specula-
Data on imports in 1972, as reported here, tive resources, and discussions of their prob-
may be misleading for several minerals of lems, are based on the commodity chapters of
which we have little or no reserves. For exam- Brobst and Pratt (1973).
ple, the statement that we imported 67 percent
of our 1972 consumption of niobium seems to
imply that the remaining 33 percent came from ALUMINUM
domestic production yet domestic reserves are Aluminum (S. H. Patterson and J. R. Dyni,
reported to be nil. In this and similar cases, the in Brobst and Pratt, 1973, p. 35-43) is widely
difference between imparts and consumption is used in construction materials, aircraft and
accounted for by supply from domestic stocks autos, electrical equipment, containers, and
(inventories) already on hand, including Gov- home consumer products. We import approxi-
ernment stockpile release not by domestic pro- mately 96 percent of our aluminum as bauxite,
duction from very small or nonexistent reserves. alumina (aluminum oxide derived from baux-
ite), and the metal, mainly from Jamaica, Suri- partly offset by coproduction of shale oil and
nam, and Australia. Virtually the only alumi- nahcolite (soda ash) from the same rock. Proc-
num ore from which aluminum can be profita- esses for extraction of the aluminum are known,
bly recovered at present is bauxite, a complex but utilization of this vast resource is largely
impure mixture of aluminum hydroxides. Do- dependent on solution of the technological, legal,
mestic bauxite reserves contain 13 million short and environmental problems of the oil shale.
tons of aluminum, less than 5 percent MACD. Alunite (hydrous potassium aluminum sul-
Identified subeconomic resources of bauxite in fate) deposits near Cedar City, Utah, report-
Hawaii, Washington, and Oregon amount to edly contain about 31 million tons of aluminum,
about 20 percent MACD, but for much of this or 11 percent MACD. Recovery of alumina
material, a process of profitable extraction has from these deposits is now being tested by in-
not been devised. Hypothetical and speculative dustry in a pilot plant at Golden, Colo. Alunite
resources of bauxite in the United States are is a present source of aluminum in the
considered to be small, because the areas that U.S.S.R., and a plant for the recovery of alu-
have geologic environments in which bauxite mina and fertilizers from alunite is planned in
commonly occurs are relatively small in extent Mexico. Alumina and potassium sulfate were
and have been explored. recovered experimentally from alunite in Utah
Potential resources of aluminum other than during World War II (Parker, 1969).
bauxite include a variety of minerals and rocks. Anorthosite, an igneous rock containing 23-
An enormous amount of aluminum is involved, 28 percent alumina, occurs in large masses in
but few of these resources can be exploited Wyoming, California, New York, and elsewhere
without major technological or economic break- in the United States. A pilot plant operated by
throughs. High-alumina clays seem to be the the U.S. Bureau of Mines in the early 1950's
most favorable of these potential sources be- proved that alumina can be recovered from
cause of their high aluminum content (25-35 anorthosite, but not at currently competitive
percent alumina) and their widespread occur- costs. Although United States anorthosite is not
rence; the chief factors prohibiting their use at likely to become a source of aluminum in the
present are the lack of a method for profitable near future, it constitutes an enormous low-
extraction of the alumina, and the greater value grade resource.
of the deposits for kaolin and for refractory and In view of our present dependence on im-
ceramic clays. Another major subeconomic re- ports of bauxite and bauxite-derived alumina,
source of aluminum is dawsonite, a basic sodi- it would appear that exploration for new baux-
um-aluminum carbonate, soluble in acid. It oc- ite deposits, especially in tropical areas, should
curs as crystals in the rich oil shales of the be supplemented by research on methods for
Green River Formation in northwestern Colo- economical recovery of alumina from domestic
rado, where one area of 250 square miles con- nonbauxite resources. Any such methods, how-
tains an estimated resource of some 3.5 billion ever, must deal with the large energy demands
tons of aluminum more than 12 X MACD. In of conventional aluminum-reduction processes,
addition, the rock contains an average of about a factor which a prominent consumer advocate
30 gallons of shale oil per ton; costs of mining recently highlighted by characterizing alumi-
and processing the rock would therefore be num beverage cans as "congealed electricity."
TABLE 1. Principal nonferrous metals
Value ( millions ) of Approximate 1972 con- Minimum anticipated cumula-
Commodity U.S. primary demand , sumption (short tons tive demand, 1968-2000 (short
1968 except as noted) tons, except as noted)
Aluminum __________________ q»1 QQQ 4,707,000 290,000,000
Copper _ _ _ _ _ ______ 1,300 2,351,000 96,400,000
Titanium ___ __ _ ____ 414 440,000 { 21,100,000 (nonmetal)
1,000,000 (metal)
Zinc _ _ _ __ _ ______________ OQA
1,535,000 57,000,000
Gold _____ _____ ___ OKQ 9,400,000 troy oz 372,000,000 troy oz
Lead 943 1,435,000 37,000,000
Platinum group _____________ ____ 202 1,430,000 troy oz 43,600,000 troy oz
Tin ________ ___________ 1Qfi 67,000 long tons 6,200,000 long tons
Silver _ ____________________ ____ 193 137,000,000 troy oz 3,700,000,000 troy oz
Magnesium _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ 144 1,100,000 40,900,000
COPPER clude resources in several areas but chiefly.'
Copper (D. P. Cox and others, in Brobst and those in undiscovered deposits concealed under
Pratt, 1973, p. 163-190) is used for electrical basin fill in the major porphyry copper regions
applications (53 percent of U.S. consumption of the Southwest. Whereas southeastern Ari-
in 1970), and in construction, industrial ma- zona is the most favorable general target for
chinery, transportation, ordnance, and many discovery of hypothetical resources, most of the
other uses. Foreign sources, mainly Canada, western Basin and Range province should be
Peru, and Chile, supplied about 18 percent of considered pristine exploration ground for
our needs in 1972. Most of current U.S. pro- speculative resources because of the generally
duction comes from the porphyry copper depos- favorable regional geology. In both places, even
its of the West large bodies of igneous rock though these undiscovered resources are prob-
(typically porphyries) through which copper ably very large, discovering them will require
minerals are disseminated in such small an enormous amount of geologic and geophysi-
amounts that they can be recovered only by cal mapping, imaginative analysis of geologic
mass-mining techniques. The cutoff grade, or data, and continued improvement of explora-
minimum copper content for which these ores tion techniques.
can be processed economically, is currently TITANIUM
0.2 to 0.4 percent.
The U.S. Bureau of Mines (Bennett and Titanium (Harry Klemic and others, in
others, 1973) estimates domestic copper re- Brobst and Pratt, 1973, p. 653-665; J. W.
serves on the basis of three different price Stamper, in U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1970, p.
levels, as follows: at 50 cents per pound, re- 773-794) is useful principally in the modern
serves are 83 million tons; at 75 cents, 114 mil- industrial technology of affluent societies. Only
lion tons, and at $2.00 per pound, 180 million about 5 percent of titanium raw materials is
tons. Of this total, the strict definition of re- used to produce titanium metal; the remaining
serves limits us to a range of about 100-110 mil- 95 percent is used to make titania (titanium
lion tons (about l.lX MACD) for reserves at dioxide), which because of its whiteness, opac-
the recent price range of 65-70 cents. The re- ity, and chemical inertness, is especially suit-
maining 70 million to 80 million tons at prices able for use as a pigment in paints and other
surface coatings and in plastics. Titanium metal
as much as $2.00 is then, by definition, part of
and its alloys are used in the aerospace indus-
the identified subeconomic resources category; it
includes deep deposits not now workable and try because of their favorable strength: weight
ratio, and in the chemical industry because of
known porphyry deposits averaging as little as
their resistance to corrosion. The two principal
0.25 percent copper. It also includes an esti-
mineral resources of titanium are ilmenite
mated 11 million tons in low-grade beds in
Michigan. It does not, however, include an ad- (FeTiOs) and rutile (Ti02 ). Metallic titanium
ditional estimated 60 million tons in low-grade is made from rutile and accounts for about 27
copper-nickel sulfide deposits in the Duluth percent of the rutile used; the rest of the rutile
Gabbro Complex of Minnesota, on which fur- and nearly all the ilmenite are used in making
ther research is needed on geology, mining pigments. Although rutile is preferred as a
source of titanium metal because the cost of
methods, and technology of extracting the ore
processing ilmenite is so much higher, rutile is
minerals, before mining will become economic-
available in the United States only in deposits
ally and technologically feasible. It also does
not include low-grade copper deposits in Pre- which at present are economically marginal or
cambrian sedimentary rocks in western Mon- submarginal. Conversely, ilmenite is more
tana and adjacent parts of Idaho, which are abundant than rutile and is produced in many
currently being explored and evaluated; it countries, including the United States. The
seems clear that these deposits will eventually United States in 1972 imported 86 percent of
constitute a very large resource. Estimated the rutile it consumed, mostly from Australia
hypothetical resources of as much as 150 mil- and Sierra Leone, but only 18 percent of its il-
lion tons of copper (about 1.5x MACD) in- menite needs, mainly from Canada and Aus-
tralia; the ratio of ilmenite to rutile consumed U.S. reserves amount to about 30 million short
was about 7:1. tons, or about 53 percent of MACD. Identified
Ilmenite is an accessory mineral in certain subeconomic resources estimated at more than
types of iron ores, and its greatest resources 80 million tons (more than 1.4X MACD) occur
are in such iron ores, and in some modern or chiefly in low-grade deposits in sedimentary
fossil beach sands. U.S. reserves of ilmenite are carbonate rocks in the Mississippi Valley and
equivalent to about 1.4 X MACD. Rutile re- Appalachian regions and in deep-lying deposits
serves are here considered to be nil because of in Washington State. Some of these resources
virtual cessation of rutile production. Identified are in old mines that have been closed within
sub economic resources of titanium are esti- the past few years because of short-term low
mated to be on the order of 147 million short metal prices. Such resources formerly re-
tons, or 6.7X MACD. Nearly half this resource serves until the price dropped below a certain
is in subeconomic titanif erous iron-ore deposits level now will require an even higher price to
in Alaska, from which ilmenite would be pro- become enonomically recoverable because of the
duced as a byproduct. Other large identified added cost of reopening mines that have filled
subeconomic resources are in Hawaiian later- up with water. Hypothetical and speculative
ites; marginal resources are in both bedrock resources of the same geologic type, elsewhere
and sand deposits in the producing areas of the in North America, including both recoverable
east coast of the United States (mostly ilmen- and subeconomic deposits, constitute a re-
ite, minor rutile) and in magnetite-ilmenite source potential estimated at several hundred
deposits in the Duluth Gabbro Complex of million tons of zinc, awaiting discovery
Minnesota; all these resources are at present through effective exploration techniques.
subeconomic because of economics or beneficia-
tion problems or both. Identified subeconomic
resources of rutile are estimated at 2.7-3.4 Gold (F. S. Simons and W. C. Prinz, in
million short tons; this amount is only a frac- Brobst and Pratt, 1973, p. 263-275) is used
tion of MACD for titanium oxide, but as rutile mainly in jewelry and the arts (60 percent of
is the preferred source material for metallic ti-
consumption in 1971), in electronic components
tanium, it is equivalent to about 1.6-2.0 X the (29 percent), and in dentistry (11 percent).
MACD of 1 million tons for titanium metal. In- Gold imports in 1972 were 61 percent of con-
asmuch as rutile has been produced in the past sumption, mostly from Canada and, through
from most of the deposits that constitute the Switzerland, from South Africa. Although more
identified subeconomic resources, resumption of excitement is popularly attached to gold mines
production will be largely a matter of econom- proper, byproduct gold currently accounts for
ics. Estimated hypothetical resources are about 40 percent of the total U.S. gold output, most
4x MACD, mostly in bedrock ilmenite deposits. of it from copper mines. Differentiation be-
Speculative resources are probably great in geo-tween gold reserves and resources is particu-
logic environments common in regions such as larly sensitive to price fluctuations, which in
Canada and South Africa but not in the United the past 2 years (1972-73) have been ex-
States. tremely volatile; estimates given here are based
on the price of $35 per troy ounce that obtained
in 1968 when most of the detailed reserve esti-
Zinc (Helmuth Wedow, Jr., and others, in mates were made; consequently, some of the
Brobst and Pratt 1973, p. 697-711) is used material considered identified subeconomic re-
chiefly in the automobile, household appliance, sources on that basis has now been moved into
and hardware industries, for zinc-base alloy the reserve category, either theoretically or
die castings, for galvanizing iron and steel actually (Loehwing, 1973). With this in mind,
products, and in the manufacture of brass. estimated reserves as of 1970, including both
About 52 percent of domestic consumption in primary and byproduct gold, were about 82
1972 was imported from foreign sources, million troy ounces, or 22 percent MACD.
chiefly Canada, Mexico, Peru, and Australia. Identified subeconomic resources estimated by
the U.S. Bureau of Mines (1967) as potentially West are underlain by rocks now recognized as
recoverable at prices up to $145 per oz were 244 favorable hosts for this new type of gold de-
million oz (66 percent MACD), including 30 posit; these areas should be geologically
million oz of byproduct gold. This does not in- mapped to outline the most favorable targets
clude two other significant resources: an esti- for exploration.
mated several hundred million ounces dispersed Another area that has strong possibilities for
in a volume of some 50 cubic miles of gold- discovery of hypothetical resources is the north-
bearing conglomerates (consolidated gravels) ern Black Hills of South Dakota, site of the
in northwestern Wyoming, and another esti- Homestake gold deposit, which is currently the
mated several hundred million ounces of po- most productive in the United States. The
tential byproduct gold in identified subeconomic Homestake mine is in Precambrian rocks, less
resources of porphyry copper ores. Either of than 2 miles distant from the edge of an ex-
these identified subeconomic resources by itself tensive cover of younger sedimentary rocks.
is of the same order of magnitude as the MACD This cover once extended over the area of the
of 372 million oz. However, formidable tech- mine, but was eroded away in fairly recent
nologic and legal problems militate against geologic time. The same rocks and structures
utilization of the resources in the Wyoming that contain the Homestake deposit continue
conglomerates, and the recovery of the gold in underneath the younger rocks, and J. J. Norton
the identified subeconomic copper resources, as (1974) has recently proposed testing of the
well as from copper reserves, will depend not hypothesis that another Homestake-type de-
only on conditions that govern the eventual posit might be discovered by carefully planned
mining of the copper, but also on the method exploration of the buried Precambrian rocks.
used. In-place leaching methods recently intro- Total recorded production of the Homestake
duced in Arizona, although they decrease the mine to date is more than 35 million oz.
adverse impact of copper mining on the en-
vironment, leave all the byproduct metals (not- LEAD
ably gold, silver, molybdenum, and selenium) Lead (H. T. Morris and others, in Brobst
behind. Recovery of gold from abundant ma- and Pratt, 1973, p. 313-332) is used primarily
terials in which it occurs in extremely low con- in storage batteries (42 percent), from which
centrations, such as sea-floor sediments in the it is recoverable, and in leaded gasoline (20
Bering Sea and along parts of the Pacific percent), from which it is not; other important
Coast (concentrations of 10-390 parts per bil- uses are in the construction industry and in
lion (ppb), or seawater itself (0.01-0.05 ppb), pigments, cable sheathing, type metal, and am-
presents a potentially rewarding challenge to munition. About 26 percent of the lead used in
technology. (A median concentration of 0.03 the United States in 1972 came from foreign
ppb would be about 1 oz of gold per million cu countries, principally Canada, Peru, Australia,
m of seawater enough water to flood two foot- and Mexico. Lead reserves are estimated at 56
ball fields to a depth of 100 m3 million short tons, about 1.5x MACD. Identi-
The principal hypothetical and speculative fied subeconomic resources in low-grade depos-
resource's of primary gold are probably to be its of conventional types in the United States
found in deposits of the so-called Carlin type, have not been estimated quantitatively but may
in which the gold occurs as grains of submicro- be of the same order of magnitude as the re-
scopic size (less than 10 /*,,, or a hundredth of serves ; recovery of these resources is as much a
a millimeter, across), disseminated in dark- matter of economics as of technology. As with
gray limestone beds rocks so nondescript that zinc, however, some of these resources are in old
neither gold nor anything else was normally mines that have been closed; their recovery now,
sought in them 30 years ago. Two deposits of even though metal prices have risen considera-
this type in Nevada together accounted for bly, will be very costly and impractical because
more than 20 percent of domestic gold produc- the mines have been allowed to fill with water.
tion in 1969. Very likely, other deposits of this Quantitative estimates have not been made for
type have been overlooked. Large areas in the hypothetical and speculative resources either;
the outlook for continuing discovery of addi- cent of its tin demand was met by secondary
tional resources at a rate that exceeds consump- sources (reclaimed tin). A negligible amount of
tion will depend largely on continued research tin is recovered as a byproduct from the molyb-
on regional geology and new methods of explo- denum mine at Climax, Colo. Reserves are esti-
ration to apply in geologically favorable areas. mated by the Geological Survey at about 38,000
long tons, or a scant 0.61 percent of MACD.
PLATINUM Most of this is in fluorspar deposits on the
Platinum (N. J Page and others, in Brobst Seward Peninsula, from which tin will be one
and Pratt, 1973, p. 537-545) and the related of several byproducts. Figures on the produc-
metals, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmi- tion and reserves of tin in the Climax molybde-
um, and iridium, which occur with platinum num mine are not available. Identified subeco-
in nature, are used now much less in jewelry nomic resources are estimated to be just slightly
than in a variety of industrial applications, in- greater than reserves; together with the re-
cluding production of high-octane fuels, vita- serves, they would provide only about 1*4
mins and drugs, synthetic fibers, fertilizers, years' supply at the 1971 rate of consumption.
and manufacture of electrical components. Fu- Hypothetical and speculative resources in con-
ture demand could be greatly increased by the ventional types of deposits are each estimated
use of platinum in automotive emission-control to be of the same order of magnitude as the
mufflers. U.S. production is only about 1 per- reserves.
cent of consumption; principal U.S. imports are Tin shows a well-marked geologic association
from the U.S.S.R., the Republic of South Afri- with silicic granitic or volcanic rocks. Although
ca, and Canada. Domestic reserves of 3 million most geologic environments of these types in
troy oz, almost entirely in copper ores, repre- the United States Lave been prospected, many
sent only 7 percent of MACD. Identified sub- have not been examined with their tin potential
economic resources are estimated at about 20.6 as a primary objective. Furthermore, the large
million oz, or 47 percent MACD. About a third gap between known tin resources and the re-
of this is in low-grade placer and vein deposits source potential suggested by the crustal abun-
in the Goodnews Bay area, Alaska, about half dance of tin (R. L. Erickson, in Brobst and
is in two titanium-bearing iron-ore deposits in Pratt, 1973, p. 21-25) at least suggests that
Alaska, and about one-fifth is in currently un- additional promise for finding undiscovered re-
recoverable chromite deposits in the Stillwater sources may lie in Unconventional speculative
Complex, Montana. Hypothetical resources are resources that is, the possibility of a new
very large, more than 4x MACD, but almost geologic environment for tin concentrations.
entirely subeconomic. Speculative resources are
thought to be large, especially in the large SILVER
areas of Alaska that have not yet been mapped
Silver (A. V. Heyl and others, in Brobst and
geologically. Discovery of these resources
Pratt, 1973, p. 581-603) has its greatest cur-
would be aided by detailed mapping of geolog-
rent use in photographic materials; this use
ically favorable belts that are known to exist
alone accounts for nearly all our annual pro-
and by improvement of analytical techniques
duction of newly mined silver. Other important
for the platinum-group metals at very low con-
uses are in electrical and electronic products,
sterling and plated ware, and brazing alloys.
TIN Imported silver supplied 44 percent of domestic
Tin (C. L. Sainsbury and B. L. Reed, in needs in 1972, most of it coming from Canada,
Brobst and Pratt, 1973, p. 637-651; Sainsbury, Peru, and Mexico. Byproduct silver from base-
1969) is used in making tinplate (principally metal and gold ores accounts for roughly two-
for "tin" cans), solders, bearing alloys, and thirds of U.S. production and resources, the re-
bronze and brass. The United States imports mainder being from ores in which silver is the
virtually 100 percent of its primary tin require- principal metal. Reserves in currently operat-
ments, of which about 90 percent comes from ing mines are estimated to be about 1,300 mil-
Malaysia and Thailand. In 1972, about 23 per- lion troy oz, or 35 percent MACD. Identified

subeconomic resources that might become re- PRINCIPAL FERROUS METALS
coverable with a threefold to fourfold increase IRON
in the price of silver (over the October 1972 Iron (Harry Klemic and others, in Brobst
price of $1.80 per oz) are roughly estimated to and Pratt, 1973, p. 291-306) is the principal
be of the same order of magnitude as the re- metal used in modern industrial civilization and
serves. Recovery of these subeconomic re- is indispensable to everyday living. Iron and
sources, however, is not entirely dependent on iron alloys (steel) are essential to the construc-
price increases; porphyry copper deposits sup- tion of buildings, bridges, and railroads, and
ply about 20 percent of domestic silver produc- the manufacture of industrial machinery,
tion, which, like byproduct gold, is recoverable transportation equipment, pipelines, tools, con-
by mass (open-pit) mining but not by the new tainers, fasteners, pigments, and countless
in-place copper-leaching techniques. A signifi- other items. Although other materials such as
cant identified subeconomic resource is in the wood, aluminum, and plastics are used as sub-
copper deposits disseminated in Precambrian stitutes for steel in some items of manufacture,
sedimentary rocks of Idaho and Montana, there are no practical substitutes for iron and
which are still being evaluated. Estimated hy- steel for a broad spectrum of purposes. The
pothetical resources, about 92 percent MACD, United States imported 28 percent of its iron
are largely potential byproduct resources in ore in 1972, most of it from Canada and Vene-
undiscovered but predicted sedimentary copper zuela. Domestic reserves are estimated at 2
deposits (Precambrian) and porphyry copper billion short tons, or abouo equal to 60 percent
deposits. Possibilities for discovery of specula- MACD. Identified subezonoiric resources of
tive resources are highly favorable, in both pri- iron ore contain about 22,3 billion metric tons
mary and byproduct silver deposits. of iron, equal to about 7x iviACD, but the bulk
Two recent developments are tending to in- of these resources are of a mineralogical nature
crease U.S. dependence on foreign silver different from cu^re.itly usable low grade de-
sources. First, increasing amounts of silver are posits, and they will require development of a
being used in photography and other industrial different technology. Ear j:ous hypothetical
applications from which it cannot be recovered resources of iron ore are predicated on the ex-
and recycled. Second, as a byproduct or co- pectation that many identified iron-ore re-
product of copper, lead, zinc, and gold ores, the sources within half a mile of the surface are
production of silver depends largely on the pro- underlain by similar resources proportional in
duction of these other metals; therefore, be- amount to the near-surface identified quanti-
cause of the closure of one-third of our do- ties. At present, however, physical limitations
mestic lead and zinc smelters, domestic silver upon depths to which mining activities can be
production has declined. As the consumption of carried on in various types of rock impose limi-
silver is not likely to decrease in the foreseeable tations on not only the evaluation of hypo-
future, our growing dependence on foreign thetical resources at great depths, but also the
sources can be decreased only by the discovery expectation of their recovery. Speculative re-
of new domestic deposits and by more efficient sources in the United States are relatively low
mining methods and environmentally clean re- because the most promising regions for iron-
covery methods. ore discovery have largely been identified and
at least part explored. The principal need is to
obtain mora detailed information concerning the
Magnesium (G. I. Smith and others, in geology of these regions. Because most of the
Brobst and Pratt, 1973, p. 210) is the tenth major iron deposits or iron-bearing formations
most important nonferrous metal by virtue of have associated magnetic anomalies, major pro-
its use as the metal, and as the oxide in pre- grams of aeromagnetic surveying to delineate
paring refractories and chemicals. Magnesium the zones of magnetic rocks and potential ore
resources in brines, in widespread sedimentary bodies should be continued. In some places, fur-
rocks, and in seawater assure the United States ther geologic studies and interpretation of the
a virtually inexhaustible supply. magnetic and geologic data are needed.
TABLE 2. Principal ferrous metals
Commodity Value (millions) of Minimum anticipated cumula-
U.S. primary demand, Approximate 1972 con- tive demand, 1968-2000 (short
1968 sumption (short tons) tons)
Iron ___________________ $1,294 86,000,000 3,280,000,000
Nickel ____ ___________ 300 230,000 8,100,000
Silicon ___ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ 148 470,000 22,900,000
Molybdenum __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ 90 23,400 1,550,000
Manganese _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _, 64 1,260,000 47,000,000
Tungsten ____ _ ______ _ 43 6,600 550,000
Cobalt ______ ________ _ 26 7,000 260,000
Chromium ______ ___________ 24 420,000 20,100,000
Vanadium __ _ _ _ _ ______ 20 7,200 420,000
Tantalum _ _ _ __ _______ 11 564 31,000
Niobium (Columbium) _________ 6 2,135 138,000

NICKEL Manitoba, Canada, suggests a new type of geo-

Nickel (H. R. Cornwall, in Brobst and Pratt, logic mechanism for the formation of nickel
1973, p. 437-442) not only strengthens steel but deposits. The greatest need therefore is for
also imparts corrosion resistance over a wide detailed geologic and geophysical mapping of
range of temperatures; hence, nickel steel is geologic environments in the United States that
used widely in the chemical industries as well are potentially favorable for either Thompson-
as in aircraft, motor vehicles, and electrical or Duluth-type nickel deposits.
machinery. In 1972, the United States imported
74 percent of its nickel needs, principally from SILICON

Canada and Norway (where some nickel ores Silicon (K. B. Ketner, in Brobst and Pratt,
of Canadian origin are refined). Reserves are 1973, p. 577-580; F. E. Brantley, in U.S. Bu-
about 200,000 short tons, a scant 2.5 percent of reau of Mines, 1970, p. 369-384), in the form
MACD. Identified subeconomic resources are of high-purity silica (quartz) sand or its con-
estimated at 15.2 million tons (nearly 1.9X solidated equivalents (sandstone and quartz-
MACD) ; 90 percent of this resource is in low- ite), is important not only for steelmaking and
grade copper-nickel sulfide deposits in the Du- other metallurgical uses, but also in the manu-
luth Gabbro Complex of Minnesota (see under facture of glass, ceramic ware, and chemicals.
Copper). Another 5 percent is in laterites, re- A possible future application of potentially
sidual soils formed during long periods of in- great importance is the use of silica fibers in
tensive weathering and erosion over sparsely the manufacture of flywheels for energy-stor-
nickel-bearing rocks in the Pacific Northwest; age units, which could be used not only for
these deposits are too small and remote to be large installations but for such small-scale
mined profitably under current economic con- items as automobile power sources (Post and
ditions. Deep-sea manganese oxide nodules Post, 1973).
could eventually contribute to U.S. nickel pro- Silica sand and sandstone are among the
duction, but technologic and legal problems pre- more common sedimentary formations cropping
clude an estimate of this potential resource at out in the United States, and, in general, their
present. Additional large identified subeconomic stratigraphic positions, extent, thicknesses, and
resources would be made available by the de- the areas of outcrop are rather well known. It
velopment of new metallurgical techniques to is unlikely that important units of high-purity
produce nickel from peridotite and serpen- silica sand and sandstone remain to be discov-
tinite, rocks that occur in many areas of the ered. Therefore, almost all silica sand and sand-
United States and universally contain 0.2-0.4 stone units can be regarded as identified rather
percent nickel. Extraction of nickel from these than undiscovered resources. Parts of these
resources, however, is likely to require so much identified resources can be classed as reserves:
energy that the process will not be feasible. such parts are where certain favorable geologic
Hypothetical and speculative resurccs are not features are combined with favorable geo-
estimated, but discovery of a new type of graphic circumstances so that the deposits are
nickel-sulfide deposit in the Thompson district, workable under present economic conditions.

Favorable geologic features include chemical MANGANESE
purity, uniform grain size, friability (ease of Manganese (J. V. N. Dorr, II, and others, in
crumbling), amenability to beneficiation, and Brobst and Pratt, 1973, p. 385-399) is essential
proximity to the surface. The favorable geo- in two ways to the manufacture of steel: (1)
graphic circumstances are proximity to mar- Used as a scavenger in the molten metal, it
kets and to transportation facilities. combines with sulfur and oxygen, which make
Although U.S. silica-sand resources are so steel brittle, and removes them as part of the
large that they are unlikely to be depleted by slag; (2) used as an alloy, it makes steel more
normal use, a large proportion of the most resistant to shock or abrasion. Manganese oxide
favorably located deposits may be precluded is used in the chemical industry and in dry
from exploitation by shortsighted public poli- batteries. More than 90 percent of manganese
cies either unconscious, as when residential consumption in the United States is by the steel
developments are allowed to spread over valu- industry, and no substitute has yet been found,
able sand deposits, or deliberate, as when land- despite much effort. About 13-20 pounds of
use laws are invoked to prohibit exploitation of manganese (as alloy or metal) is consumed per
known deposits in urban areas. The result is ton of steel manufactured in the United States;
not that we will run out of silica sand, but that elsewhere in the world the amount of manga-
costs will increase because mining will be con- nese needed per ton of steel may range from
fined to areas remote from industrial users and 13 to 50 pounds, owing to the wide range of
the ultimate consumers. Sand and sandstone efficiencies in its use. Clearly, the element is
deposits capable of yielding high-quality silica essential to the whole industrial capacity of the
sand should be identified and precisely deline- world. When we can do without steel, we can
ated on geologic maps, especially on large-scale do without manganese. The United States in
maps of urban regions. Geologic maps exist for 1972 imported 95 percent of its manganese,
many urban areas, but workable silica-sand de- mainly from Gabon, Brazil, the Republic of
posits are specially designated on only a few of South Africa, and Zaire. Although the United
these. Precise location of all deposits in urban States has many small deposits of high-grade
regions would permit orderly planning for the material, they cannot be considered reserves
most beneficial use of land underlain by silica- under present economic conditions, nor would
sand deposits. they constitute significant reserves even at
much higher prices (Brooks, 1966, p. 70-72).
MOLYBDENUM Identified subeconomic resources contain an
Molybdenum (R. U. King and others, in estimated 73 million short tons of manganese,
Brobst and Pratt, 1973, p. 425-435) is used or nearly 1.6x MACD. More than 80 percent
principally in alloy, stainless, and tool steels. of this resource is in deposits in Maine, Minne-
Other importance uses are in lubricants, agri- sota, and Arizona. Technologically feasible
culture, chemicals, and pigments. The element processes of extraction have been developed for
also has an assured future use as a principal much of this material, but they could be used
material in nuclear and space applications. The only at 2-5 x the present world price for man-
United States is a net exporter of molybdenum, ganese and would require great energy input.
having reserves of approximately 3.15 million Of the remaining estimated identified subeco-
short tons (2x MACD) and estimated identi- nomic resources, about 16 percent (nearly 12
fied subeconomic resources of about 14.4 million million short tons of manganese), plus an addi-
short tons (more than 9x MACD) ; the sub- tional unmeasured but much larger resource in
similar rocks at somewhat deeper levels, is con-
economic resources are in deposits having tained in carbonate nodules and enclosing man-
grades lower than the present cutoff, and the ganiferous shales of the Pierre Shale in South
problem here is largely-one of economics. Hypo- Dakota. This resource is essentially unwork-
thetical resources in the United States are esti- able at present because of mining, ore-dressing,
mated to be on the order of half a billion tons metallurgical, and pollution problems. Manga-
(several hundred times MACD). nese oxide nodules known to occur over large

areas of the sea floor at many localities have sibility of byproduct recovery of tungsten from
not been included in estimates of U.S. re- molybdenum deposits like the one at Climax,
sources, but if the legal status of deep-sea min- Colo., which is a significant source of our cur-
ing can be favorably resolved, it appears likely rent domestic supply; as new molybdenum de-
that the nodules will eventually contribute to posits of this type are discovered and devel-
U.S. production. Hypothetical resources in the oped, they will probably provide new tungsten
United States are nil, because the known dis- reserves. Speculative resources may very likely
tricts are in general well enough known for be discovered in new districts in the known
most possibilities to have been identified. Specu- circum-Pacific tungsten belt, and a better un-
lative resources cannot be estimated, but geo- derstanding of small tungsten deposits in the
logic theory suggests several broad targets for Rocky Mountains might lead to the discovery
research and exploration. of major new resources in that region.

Tungsten (S. W. Hobbs and J. E. Elliott, in Cobalt (J. S. Vhay and others, in Brobst and
Brobst and Pratt, 1973, p. 667-678) imparts to Pratt, 1973, p. 143-155) is used in high-tem-
its compounds and alloys the properties of ex- perature alloys (the "superalloys"), permanent-
treme hardness, ability to retain hardness and magnet alloys, cutting and wear-resistant al-
strength at high temperatures, high tensile loys, tool steels, miscellaneous other alloys, and
strength, adequate electrical conductivity, and for a variety of other industrial and chemical
high wear resistance. Its principal uses, as purposes. The United States imported 98 per-
tungsten carbide and in a variety of steels and cent of its apparent consumption in 1972, the
nonferrous alloys, are in metalworking ma- major sources being Zaire, Canada, Morocco,
chinery, tool steel, construction and mining and Zambia. Most of the world's supply of co-
machinery, drill bits, turbines, rocket nozzles, balt reaches the market as a byproduct of min-
structural material in nuclear and space appli- ing copper, nickel, and silver ores; smaller
cations, transportation equipment, electrical amounts are byproducts of iron, chromium,
equipment, and many other items. Imports in lead, zinc, uranium, and manganese. U.S. re-
1971, mainly from Canada, Bolivia, Peru, and serves are estimated at 28,000 short tons, or 11
Australia, supplied 44 percent of domestic con- percent MACD. Identified subeconomic re-
sumption. Domestic reserves are estimated by sources, most of which are available only as
the Geological Survey at about 119,000 short byproducts, are estimated at more than 800,000
tons, or about 22 percent MACD. Identified short tons, or more than 3x MACD. About 60
subeconomic resources of approximately 305,- percent of this estimated resource is in the
000 short tons (56 percent MACD) are mostly copper-nickel sulfide ores of the Duluth Gabbro
in deposits like those currently being mined, Complex in Minnesota, which are not yet eco-
but of lower grade. The parts of the western nomically or technologically minable (,«ee under
United States from which most of our tungsten Copper). Probably the next largest single re-
has been produced include vast areas, covered source is in the lead ores of the Southeast
by surficial debris and by sedimentary or vol- Missouri district, where recovery of cobalt (as
canic rocks geologically younger than those in well as nickel) is more a problem of technology
which the tungsten is found, that undoubtedly and economics than of geologic availability.
conceal hypothetical resources of recoverable Hypothetical resources are directly related to
grade, at least equal in volume to, if not greatly those of the major metals with whose ores co-
exceeding, known deposits. Discovery of such balt is associated, most notably nickel, copper,
deposits will require continued geologic map- iron, and lead. Possibilities seem favorable for
ping of exposed areas and imaginative and in- the discovery of new cobalt-bearing ores of
tensive application of various geophysical and nickel and iron in eastern Pennsylvania, copper
other methods to identify favorable geologic in Minnesota, Alaska, and the Appalachian re-
situations in the intervening covered areas. An gion, and lead in the Mississippi Valley. As
additional hypothetical resource lies in the pos- with the major metals, discovery of such re-

sources depends on delineation of favorable ex- other metals is a candidate for use in the nu-
ploration ground through careful geologic clear industry as a fuel-cladding material for
analysis and on the refinement of ore-finding advanced fast-breeder reactors. In 1972, the
techniques. A particular need in the case of United States imported 32 percent of its vana-
cobalt is new and better technology for the re- dium, mainly from the Republic of South Afri-
covery of cobalt (currently selling for about ca, Chile, and the U.S.S.R. U.S. reserves are
$3.15 per pound) from ores containing less 115,000 short tons, about 27 percent MACD;
valuable lead, zinc, and copper; loss of such most of this quantity is contained in uranium
valuable byproducts in mining, beneficiating, and phosphate deposits from which vanadium
and smelting is not only a financial loss to the would be recovered as a byproduct. Identified
producer, but may be an irretrievable loss of subeconomic resources are very large proba-
the material itself. bly on the order of a few million tons, or sev-
eral times MACD; to extract the vanadium
from some of these deposits would require
Chromium (T. P. Thayer, in Brobst and modified metallurgical practices, and some de-
Pratt, 1973, p. 111-121) is used to make stain- posits are in rocks such as carbonaceous shale
less steel, tool steel, and various alloys and that have not l^een mined previously and would
superalloys which are used mainly in construc- require new technology altogether. Potentially
tion, transportation, and machinery and equip- recoverable vanadium is currently being lost
ment. The United States in 1972 imported 100 from some operations that mine magnetite iron
percent of its chromium consumption, mainly ores, others than mine phosphate rock, and
from the U.S.S.R., the Republic of South Afri- others that burn or refine crude oil. Hypotheti-
ca, and Turkey. We have no reserves of chro- cal and speculative resources have not been
mium. Identified subeconomic resources amount evaluated because the greatest potential for
to only about 1.67 million short tons, or 8 per- vanadium resources appears to be in byproduct
cent MACD; they would be difficult to mine recovery rather than in discovery of new de-
and expensive to use. Hypothetical and specu- posits that would be mined primarily for va-
lative resources are even less, mainly because nadium.
the geologic environments in which chromium
occurs are of limited occurrence in the United TANTALUM
States; moreover, the few postulated relatively Tantalum (R. L. Parker and J. W. Adams,
large deposits could mitigate the national sup- in Brobst and Pratt, 1973, p. 443-454) is still
ply problem only temporarily and at very high classed as a ferrous metal because of its earlier
cost. The nearest potential resources of signifi- predominant use as an alloying element in steel,
cant size, both identified subeconomic and un- but its principal use now is in the electronics
discovered, are in a deposit in Manitoba similar industry, largely in the manufacture of capaci-
to the principal large U.S. resource (in the tors and rectifiers. The remainder goes into the
Stillwater Complex of Montana), and in very production of superalloys for high-temperature
large low-grade deposits in Greenland; both corrosion-resistant applications, into tantalum
metallurgical research and, ,for the Greenland carbide for high-temperature cutting tools, and
deposits, more detailed geologic information, into tantalum metal for a variety of corrosion-
are needed. resistant uses. Imports in 1972 accounted for
VANADIUM 97 percent of U.S. consumption; the principal
Vanadium (R. P. Fischer, in Brobst and sources were Nigeria, Malaysia, Australia, and
Pratt, 1973, p. 679-688) is added to steel to Thailand.
toughen and strengthen it and to control its The United States has no reserves of tanta-
grain size; vanadium steels are used for con- lum. Identified subeconomic resources are esti-
struction, high-pressure pipelines, transporta- mated at a scant 1,720 tons, less than 6 percent
tion equipment, and metal-working machinery. of MACD; recovery of the tantalum minerals
Vanadium-titanium alloys are used in the aero- in these resources, though technically feasible,
space field, and vanadium alloyed with several is not profitable at present prices. The likeli-

hood of discovering large new deposits of tan- Arkansas, from which recovery of the niobium
talum, of the type now exploitable commerci- is unprofitable under present market condi-
ally, is small. As is true of tin, the large gap tions. Improvements in technology could bring
between known tantalum resources and the re- both these resources into the reserve category.
source potential suggested by the crustal abun- Hypothetical resources no doubt occur as
dance of tantalum (R. L. Erickson, in Brobst blind ore bodies in known carbonatite masses,
and Pratt, 1973, p. 21-25) indicates the need or as ore bodies in undiscovered carbonatites
for geologic research on the possible existence in known carbonatite provinces. These re-
of new types of deposits unconventional sources constitute probably several times the
speculative resources. amount of currently known resources; their
discovery will depend on continuing geologic
and exploration activities. The outlook for
Niobium (R. L. Parker and J. W. Adams, in speculative resources seems good, because of
Brobst and Pratt, 1973, p. 443-454) still re- the probability that other carbonatite deposits,
ferred to as columbium to some extent in now concealed beneath younger rocks, remain
metallurgy and mineral trades is used chiefly to be discovered somewhere in the Rocky Moun-
in the form of ferrocolumbium as an alloying tains and the Midwest. Continued geologic map-
element in carbon and alloy steel, stainless ping and development of new exploration meth-
steel, and superalloys. High-strength low-alloy ods will aid in the discovery of these resources.
niobium steels are used in the construction of
large buildings, pipelines, and machinery and MINERAL FUELS
structures where savings in weight and in- A national energy crisis is now generally
creased durability and strength are important. recognized, although there is still some debate
Niobium alloys are used in aircraft and rocket whether it is temporary or long lived. Individ-
engines, and unalloyed niobium is an important ual facets of the problem, and possible solu-
construction material in nuclear reactors. The tions, have become a matter of daily news. It
United States in 1972 imported 67 percent of would be presumptuous for us to attempt any
its consumption, principally from Brazil, Ni- kind of comprehensive statement on a problem
geria, Malaysia, and Thailand. of such magnitude and diversity, except to
Domestic reserves at current prices are nil. point out that to whatever extent any of the
Identified subeconomic resources total an esti-
mated 121,000 tons of niobium, or about 88 per- solutions involve mineral fuel resources, they
cent MACD. More than half this resource is are subject to the law of geologic availability.
contained in a single body of carbonatite (an Thus, summaries are presented here to provide
unusual igneous rock) near Powderhorn, Colo.; a brief appraisal of the geologic availability of
another third of the resource is a potential by- the mineral fuels, rather than to offer an in-
product of bauxite (aluminum) deposits in stant solution to the energy crisis.

TABLE 3. Mineral fuels

Commodity Value ( millions ) of Approximate 1972 Minimum anticipated cumulative
U.S. primary demand, consumption demand, 1968-2000

Petroleum "1 __ _ $13,769

Shale oil ] 1 5.96 billion bbls 2 195 billion bbls
Natural gas _ _ __ _ _ __ 3,109 22.6 trillion cu ft 860 trillion cu ft
Coal _ _____ 2,147 27 billion short tons
Uranium pentoxide _ _ 60 13,300 short tons 3 2,400,000 short tons
Thorium _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 1.5 27,500 short tons (maximum)

1 One bbl (barrel) equals 42 gallons.

2 This MACD, etsimated in 1968 for petroleum, can theoretically be satisfied equally well by shale oil. However, shale oil is not
now being produced commercially and probably will not be produced in significant quantities before about 1978, so the extent
to which MACD can be met by shale oil will depend on the speed with which, and the capacity to which, commercial production can
be developed. It is estimated that a maximum production rate of 1 million bbls per day (0.3 billion bbls per year) is not likely to
be reached before about 1985 at the earliest, so that total cumulative production by the year 2000 probably will not exceed 5 billion
3 Revised estimate by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission for approximate period 1972-2000.

OIL AND GAS the processes by which organic remains in-
Oil and gas (T. H. McCulloh, in Brobst and terred in sediment are transformed to proto-
Pratt, 1973, p. 477-496) are at once the most petroleum and thence to fluid hydrocarbons cap-
crucial and yet among the most difficult to able of migration, and (2) the chemical and
evaluate of our energy resources. Estimates of physical processes by which such mobilized hy-
oil and gas reserves ("proved reserves" in the drocarbons are expelled from source rocks and
parlance of the petroleum industry) are made trapped during their migrations to form com-
periodically by the industry; the most recent mercial accumulations. In general, the oil and
estimates published are recoverable reserves of gas fields that have been discovered are con-
36.3 billion barrels of oil (about 7 years' pro- spicuous (from the viewpoint of exploration
duction at the present rate, or 19 percent techniques), very large, or in regions that have
MACD) and 266 trillion cubic feet of gas undergone thorough prospecting. Remaining to
(about 13 years' production at the present rate, be discovered are innumerable small reservoirs,
or 31 percent MACD) (U.S. Department of the large reservoirs that are inconspicuous (again,
Interior, 1974). Estimates of resources, how- from the viewpoint of the exploration tech-
ever, are subject to the condition that no mat- niques available), and traps of all sizes in re-
ter how they are made, they ultimately involve gions that have not yet been prospected thor-
projections from the results of oil and gas ex- oughly or at all. Not all subsurface hydrocarbon
ploration to date. Because very large areas of accumulations are worth finding, however. For
the earth have yet to be adequately explored every accumulation that can be found and pro-
geologically (especially parts of the seabed), duced economically, doubtless many accumula-
and because our techniques for identifying oil tions are so small that the volumes of hydro-
and gas traps are very imperfect, the results carbons producible would be insufficient to
of oil and gas exploration to date are an inade- repay the costs of finding them. Moreover, a
quate base on which to project results of future very large percentage of the total oil (and gas)
exploration. Thus, recent estimates of ultimate occurs in a very small percentage of all known
producible oil in the United States have ranged accumulations. More than 85 percent of the
from 165 billion barrels (Arps and others, world's hydrocarbon production plus reserves
1970) to 550 billion barrels (Schweinfurth, in occurs in less than 5 percent (238 fields) of all
McKelvey and others, 1973), and estimates of producing accumulations. Even more remark-
ultimate oil in place have ranged from 587 able, 65 percent occurs in slightly more than 1
billion (Moore, 1970) to 2,900 billion barrels percent of all fields the 55 "supergiants" (a
(Schweinfurth, in McKelvey and others, 1973). billion barrels of oil or a trillion cubic feet of
Perhaps more significant than the magnitudes of gas, or more) (Halbouty and others, 1970;
these estimates of resources (the most conserva- Klemme, 1971) and an astounding 15 percent
tive of which is equivalent to 85 percent MACD) occurs in only two immense accumulations in
is their demonstration of the low recovery fac- the Middle East, the Ghawar field in Saudi
tor, the difference between producible oil and oil Arabia and the Burgan field in Kuwait. In
in place. When present techniques are used, for smaller areas, similar relations exist.
every gallon of oil pumped out of the ground, 2 New oil-producing regions and areas have
gallons are left behind, locked in the poor been discovered through combinations of busi-
spaces of the rocks by surface tension. ness enterprise, economic pressures of many
What are the principal problems to be solved sorts, technologic advances, and exploitation
in the effort to convert these potential re- effectiveness. There is considerable room for
sources of oil and gas into reserves? The dis- continuation of this evolutionary achievement.
tribution of fluid hydrocarbons in sedimentary Much of the United States Continental Shelf is
rocks and basins is extremely uneven (although unexplored. The onshore-offshore region south
subject to certain broad general patterns), and of Cape Hatteras has much in common geo-
a substantial understanding of the underlying logically with the onshore-offshore region of
physical and chemical reasons for their distri- Saudi Arabia, including a very thick section of
bution is needed, particularly (1) the nature of structurally simple sedimentary rocks of the

same ages and similar compositions beneath a fluenced by many other diverse factors such as
very large area. Prior to discovery by the drill, the nature of the roof rock, joints, faults, and
and subsequent development, the Ghawar field the need to protect oil and gas wells and fields.
(the largest single oilfield known in the world) Average long-term recoverability, nationwide,
was not a particularly conspicuous prospect or is probably about 50 percent. Unmapped and
structure, either from surface geologic mapping unexplored areas in known coal fields contain
or from geophysical interpretation (Arabian substantial additional resources of an estimated
American Oil Co., 1959). Another such incon- 1,643 billion tons that must be classed as hypo-
spicuous "supergiant" might lie beneath the thetical. Although large, the hypothetical re-
Blake Plateau, or somewhere else within the sources are, for the most part, relatively inac-
territorial limits of the United States. Discov- cessible for mining at present, and a more
ery of new oil and gas fields and new provinces exact delineation of the magnitude, distribu-
will require (1) research on the process of for- tion, and future utility of such resources will
mation, migration, and entrapment, (2) de- require a .substantial amount of detailed geo-
tailed geologic mapping to outline potentially logic mapping, exploration, and study over a
favorable geologic formations and structures, long period. The major geologic features of the
and (3) development and application of new United States are known well enough to justify
and better geophysical exploration techniques. the statement that in all probability, no major
Last but far from least, although only the drill coal fields remain to be discovered; hence there
bit can finally prove the presence of oil, "oil are no speculative resources.
must be sought first of all in our minds!" Sulfur in coal is an undesirable element; it
(Pratt, 1942, p. 49). lowers the quality of coke and of the resulting
iron and steel products; it contributes to cor-
COAL rosion, to the formation of boiler deposits, and
Of coal consumed in the United States (Paul to air pollution; its presence in spoil banks in-
Averitt, in Brobst and Pratt, 1973, p. 133-142), hibits the growth of vegetation; and as sulf uric
about 62 percent is used in the production of acid, it is the main deleterious compound in
electric power, 20 percent is used by the steel acid mine waters, which contribute to stream
industry, 16 percent in manufacturing, and 2 pollution. The sulfur content of coal in the
percent for all other purposes. Coal is also of United States ranges from 0.2 to about 7.0 per-
great future value and importance as a subsidi- cent; the average is 1.0-2.0 percent. Sulfur con-
ary source of synthetic gas, liquid fuels, and tent is highest in bituminous coals of Pennsyl-
lubricants. vanian age in the Appalachian and Interior coal
Coal is widespread and abundant in the basins, which account for about 34 percent of
United States. Coal-bearing rocks underlie the identified coal resources; it is low, generally
about 13 percent of the land area of the 50 less than 1 percent, in subbituminous coal and
States and are present in parts of 37 States. lignite of the Rocky Mountain and Northern
On any basis of analysis, U.S. resources of coal Great Plains regions, which account for 56 per-
are larger than the combined resources of cent of the identified resources.
petroleum, natural gas, oil shale, and bitumi- Coal contains small but significant quantities
nous sandstone, but use of coal lags behind use of 25 metallic and nonmetallic elements, which
of both petroleum and natural gas because they are of considerable interest because some may
are cleaner and easier to handle. Recoverable become of future resource importance, and
coal reserves are estimated at 197 billion short others may be pollutants. Five elements ura-
tons, or about 7 MACD. Total identified re- nium, germanium, arsenic, boron, and beryl-
sources in the ground, including reserves in lium occur locally in vastly greater concentra-
thick accessible beds and subeconomic resources tions than their estimated concentration in the
in thinner or less accessible beds, are estimated earth's crust; others, including barium, bis-
at 1,581 billion tons, or 58x MACD. Recover- muth, cobalt, copper, gallium, lanthanum, lead,
ability ranges from 40 to 90 percent, depending lithium, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, scandi-
largely on the method of mining, but it is in- um, selenium, silver, strontium, tin, vanadium,

yttrium, zinc, and zirconium, occur locally in its contain an estimated 6 million tons of U308,
appreciably greater concentrations. When coal more than 20 times the uranium in present re-
is burned, most of these elements are concen- serves, or more than 2x MACD, but to obtain
trated in the coal ash, but a few of the more significant supplies of uranium from them
volatile elements are emitted into the atmos- would require major technological changes. A
phere. very small amount of the total identified sub-
URANIUM economic resources in phosphate rock can be
Uranium (W. I. Finch and others, in Brobst obtained at moderate cost as a byproduct of
and Pratt, 1973, p. 456-468) is well known as making fertilizer, but at present, most of the
an important energy source. The readily fission- uranium in phosphorite that is used to make
able isotope, U235, constitutes only about 0.7 fertilizer by the wet process phosphoric acid
percent of natural uranium; U238, which consti- method stays in the fertilizer and is lost as a
tutes most of the remainder, is not readily fis- resource when the fertilizer is used. (On April
sionable, but under neutron bombardment con- 10, 1974, a Florida subsidiary of Gulf Oil Corp.
verts to fissionable plutonium-239. Although announced construction of a pilot plant to test
the demand for electricity generated by nuclear a new process for extracting uranium from
energy is expected to increase significantly for phosphate rock being converted to phosphoric
many years, technological developments may acid.) To obtain more of this uranium would
ultimately permit a decrease in the amount of require mining and treating the rock princi-
uranium required to generate the needed elec- pally for uranium; unit costs would be high,
tricity. If fast breeder reactors are developed and vast quantities of rock would have to be
by the mid-1980's, annual domestic uranium moved somewhat more than 25 billion tons of
requirements are expected to peak in about the rock, or nearly a third of the total identified
year 2000 at about 150,000 short tons of U308, phosphorite resources, to obtain enough ura-
about 10 times the 1972 requirement, after nium to fulfill the MACD. Uranium in phos-
which they will decline gradually to about the phate rock that is used to make elemental phos-
same level as in 1972, as the currently used phorus by the electric furnace method goes
nonbreeder reactors are phased out. If, on the mostly into the silicate slag. A process for re-
other hand, fast breeder reactors are not suc- covering uranium from the slag has not been
cessfully developed, uranium requirements will devised. Marine black shales, especially in Ten-
continue to increase. In this regard it is appro- nessee and adjacent States, also contain large
priate to quote from a 1969 report to the Na- identified subeconomic resources of uranium,
tional Academy of Sciences by M. King Hub- but recovery would require mining vast areas
bert (1969, p. 227-228) : by open-cut and underground methods, as well
The energy potentially obtainable by breeder reactors as development of an economic technology of
from rocks occurring at minable depths in the United extraction. Recoverable hypothetical resources,
States and containing 50 grams or more of uranium that is, new rich ore bodies in the known min-
and thorium combined per metric ton is hundreds of
thousands of times larger than that of all of the
ing districts, are estimated at 500,000 tons
fossil fuels combined. It is clear, therefore, that by U3O8 ; these resources, if discovered and mined,
the transition to a complete breeder-reactor program would satisfy estimated domestic requirements
before the initial supply of uranium-235 is exhausted, only until the early 1990's. Subeconomic hypo-
very much larger supplies of energy can be made thetical resources amount to somewhat less.
available than now exist. Failure to make this tran-
sition would constitute one of the major disasters in The pressing need is for discovery of specula-
human history. tive resources in new districts; therefore, re-
Domestic reserves of uranium, about 273,000 search on geologic guides to new districts is
short tons of U3O8 (at $8 per Ib), can supply urgently needed.
domestic requirements into the early 1980's.
For identified subeconomic resources, the great-
est promise is in low-grade resources in marine Thorium (M. H. Staatz and J. C. Olson, in
phosphate rocks in Idaho and adjacent States, Brobst and Pratt, 1973, p. 468-476)) has a
in Florida, and in North Carolina. These depos- small current demand, mostly for use in mak-

ing incandescent gas mantles and magnesium OIL SHALE
alloys, but it has considerable potential as a Oil shale (W. C. Culbertson and J. K Pit-
fuel for nuclear reactors, of which the farthest man, in Brobst and Pratt, 1973, p. 497-503) is
advanced at present is the high-temperature a fine-grained sedimentary rock containing or-
gas-cooled reactor. Because of this potential, we ganic matter that has the property of yielding
will here compare thorium reserves and re- substantial amounts of oil when heated in a
sources to the maximum anticipated cumulative closed retort (destructive distillation) but is
demand 1968-2000, which assumes commercial mostly insoluble in ordinary petroleum sol-
development of economically attractive thor- vents. The United States contains immense
ium reactors by 1980. In that context, domestic amounts of oil shale, but no oil-shale venture
reserves, producible as byproducts of titanium has been a commercial success in the last 100
mining from Atlantic Coast beach placers, are years, principally because of the abundant sup-
equivalent to only 50 percent of the maximum plies of lower cost oil, gas, and coal. The rising
anticipated cumulative demand. Identified sub- demand for energy, however, requires consid-
economic resources are substantial; the amount eration of this abundant energy resource as a
of thorium contained in relatively rich vein de- long-range supplement to the dwindling sup-
posits, from which it would be the principal plies of other fossil fuels. (See footnote 2 on
product, is more than 3x maximum anticipated table 3.)
cumulative demand and an even greater amount In classifying -public lands as valuable for
is contained in lower grade veins, in stream oil shale, the U.S. Geological Survey specifies
placer deposits, and in deposits from which it the minimum thickness and grade of oil shale
would be a byproduct. Still another resource is as 15 feet of shale yielding an average of 15
the Oonway Granite of New Hampshire, a body gallons of oil per ton. On this basis, the identi-
of granite exposed over an area of 300 square fied subeconomic resources in the Green River
miles and probably several miles deep. The Con- Formation in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming
way Granite contains an average of 2 ounces of are estimated to total 1.8 trillion barrels of oil
thorium per short ton of rock. The energy re- (one barrel contains 42 gallons). Nearly one-
leased by nuclear fission of the thorium con- quarter of this amount (418 billion barrels, or
tained in just 1 cubic yard of this rock would about 2.1x MACD) is in oil shale yielding 30
be equivalent in fuel energy to about 300 short or more gallons per ton. The recent increases
tons of coal, or 1,500 barrels of crude oil. If the in the price of oil mean that the more accessi-
entire area of 300 square miles were quarried ble of these higher grade deposits may soon be
to a depth of only 110 yards and the thorium economically recoverable. Further increases in
used in nuclear reactors, the fuel equivalent of the price of crude oil, or major developments in
the energy produced would be about 30 trillion the technology of recovering shale oil, or the
tons of coal, or 150 trillion barrels of crude oil value of coproducts such as aluminum or nah-
(Hubbert, 1969, p. 227), about 165 times the colite (soda ash), locally present in the shale,
coal reserves of the United States, or more than may make less accessible or lower grade depos-
3,900 times the proved recoverable reserves of its economically recoverable in the near future.
crude oil! Utilization would, of course, depend The hypothetical resources in the Green River
on development of a technology for extracting Formation are estimated to total about 650
the thorium and on minimizing the environ- billion barrels, of which perhaps 50 billion bar-
mental impact. Nevertheless, the amount of rels are in oil shale yielding 30 or more gallons
available energy would be enormous. The out- per ton.
look for discovery of hypothetical and specula- The possibility of heating the oil shale under-
tive resources is good. Systematic geologic ground and pumping the oil to the surface has
analysis should be made of known thorium re- been investigated by private industry in west-
gions to select favorable areas for prospecting, ern Colorado and by the U.S. Bureau of Mines
and geologic criteria should be applied to search in southwest Wyoming (L. W. Schramm, in
for potentially favorable environments in less U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1970, p. 188). Many
explored regions. technical problems remain to be solved, but

this method holds promise as a way to obtain Brooks, D. B., 1966, Low-grade and nonconventional
the oil with little harm to the environment. sources of manganese: Washington, D.C., Re-
sources for the Future, Inc., 123 p.
The synthetic-gas potential of oil shale of the Duncan, D. C., and Swanson, V. E., 1965, Organic-
Green River Formation has been investigated rich shale of the United States and world land
by the Institute of Gas Technology. Their data areas: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 523, 30 p.
Feth, J. H., 1963, Tertiary lake deposits in western
indicate that high-quality synthetic gas could conterminous United States: Science, v. 139, no.
be produced at the rate of 100 cubic feet of gas 3550, p. 107-110.
for each gallon of shale oil that could be pro- Halbouty, M. T., Meyerhoff, A. A., King, R. E., Dott,
duced by a conventional retort, or 4,200 cubic R. H., Sr., Klemme, H. D., and Shabad, Theodore,
feet for each barrel of shale oil. Thus the Green 1970, World's giant oil and gas fields; geologic
River Formation could be the source of an factors affecting their formation, and basin
classification, in Halbouty, M. T., ed., Geology of
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a relatively high price compared with present Geologists Mem. 14, p. 502-555.
natural-gas prices. Hubbert, M. K., 1969, Energy Resources, in Resources
Further identified subeconomic resources of and man: San Francisco, W. H. Freeman and Co.,
an estimated 200 billion barrels of shale oil p. 157-242.
(using a minimum thickness and grade of 5 Klemme, H. D., 1971, What giants and their basins
have in common: Oil and Gas Jour., v. 69, no. 9,
feet of shale yielding an average of 10 gallons p. 85-99.
of oil per ton) occur in marine black shales of Loehwing, D. A., 1973, New gold rush: Barren's, June
the central and eastern United States. Oil 18, 1973, p. 3, 14-15, 18, 20.
shales in Alaska (not to be confused with the McKelvey, V. E., 1972, Mineral resource estimates and
crude oil of the Prudhoe Bay fields) are incom- public policy: Am. Scientist, v. 60, no. 1, p. 32-
pletely known but are estimated to contain 40.
hypothetical resources of about 450 billion bar- McKelvey, V. E., Wang, F. H., Schweinfurth, S. P.,
and Overstreet, W. C., 1973, Potential mineral re-
rels of oil. sources of the United States Continental Shelf, in
For speculative resources, it is unlikely that Public Land Law Review Commission Study of
any other deposit of the magnitude of the Green Outer Continental Shelf Lands of the United
River Formation exists in the United States; States, Volume 4 (Appendices) : U.S. Dept. Com-
merce Natl. Tech. Inf. Service PB 188717, p. 5A1-
however, small high-grade deposits may be 5A117.
present in the many unexplored lacustrine de- Moore, C. Xi., 1970, Analysis and projection of historic
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States (Feth, 1963), particularly in Montana, National Petroleum Council, Future petroleum
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logists Bull., v. 43, no. 2, p. 434-454. others, Mineral and water resources of Utah: U.S.
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