Plag - Evaluating The Employee Retention in Organization

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Author Name Innovative Technologies

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The difficulty of keeping good workers is significant. A lack of new entrants, an
exodus of experienced professionals seeking better compensation and working
conditions elsewhere, and a dearth of avenues for promotion have all contributed to a
critical shortage of radiologists. The inability to keep newcomers in the field
contributes to already dire staffing shortages. The majority of future efforts, I propose,
should be directed at employee retention and "closing the back door," as opposed to
recruiting and "getting more people through the front door." Keeping good employees
on board should be seen as a process, rather than a program. Retention strategies that
center on what the corporation can do to or for the employee (external factors) tend to
fail. It's true that methods for keeping workers around have to center on benefits to the
worker. Employees should be able to answer the question, "What's in it for me?" via
the process. Staff retention efforts need to be persistent and ingrained in the
company's way of life. Treating staff as though they were customers is the greatest
way to keep them around. The focus of customer service is on clients from the
outside. They are given courteous treatment by us. We do everything it takes to ensure
their happiness. With our assistance, they are able to realize their dreams. We should
treat our staff the same way, after all. Why not adopt good customer service rules and
practices for workers if they are effective in satisfying and keeping external
customers? Furthermore, there is a correlation between satisfied customers and a
company's ability to keep its employees. Consistency in service is appreciated by
customers, who like working with the same workers again. When employees often
leave a firm, customers lose trust. Your "revolving door" staff are annoying to your
customers for the same reason that they don't want to "train and educate" a new
supplier. Therefore, retaining staff is crucial if you want to maintain your consumer
base. Considering how well its methods align with those of customer service and
CRM, I've dubbed the merged process C/ERM (customer/employee relationship



Human resource management (HRM) is the organizational function concerned with

the selection, training, and development of an organization's workforce. HRM tasks
are sometimes delegated to line managers.
Human resource management (HRM) is the business process that addresses concerns
about people in an organization, including but not limited to their pay and benefits,
their hiring and development, their sense of security and well-being on the job, their
level of engagement, and their access to information and resources.
Human resource administration consists of several tasks such as planning, recruiting,
selecting, orienting training, appraising performance, motivating employees,
compensating them, etc. Human resource management is concerned with the personal
development of employees.
• Buildings, machinery, and stockpiles do not define an organization. These things
have human nature. Organizations can't function without the individuals who work in
them and lead them.
Human resource management (HRM) is based on management theory and practice.
The roles and principles are used in companies to hire, train, retain, and compensate
Integrated human resources decisions are essential. All human resource (HR) choices
96 34
must be consistent with one another, even if they concern various facets of the same
An organization's efficiency must be taken into account while making decisions. For a
business to be effective, it must be able to provide its clients with improved services,
such as more and better items at affordable prices.
Human resource management activities are not limited to corporate settings. They
may also be used in settings that aren't businesses, such as those dealing with
healthcare, education, and leisure.

Introduction on Employee Retention:

Increasing the length of time an employee stays with a business is a goal of employee
retention efforts. The business world is having difficulty keeping employees. It is
crucial for a company to staff its open positions with competent individuals. However,
keeping employees is much more crucial than recruiting them. If you're skilled, you
won't be short of options. Many businesses would benefit from having someone with
such skills on staff. Those that are unhappy in their current positions may seek out
different employment opportunities.
Maintaining a stable workforce is crucial for success in today's business climate. The
98 57
most successful businesses are successful because their leaders know how to attract
and retain talented workers. There are pros and cons to both keeping and losing
employees. Any number of private or business considerations might be at play here.
The company should be aware of and considerate of these factors. Companies are
catching on to these factors and responding with a plethora of retention initiatives.
A. Payments

Acceleration of Development in Substantial Ways, Part

Third, Backing

Connectedness (D)

E. Ecology

A. Compensation
Workers are more likely to stay put if they are paid well. Staff members often have
lofty pay expectations. Payment structures shift from one sector to another. Therefore,
it is essential to provide a competitive salary plan in order to keep the staff.

the inclusion of compensation measures

Pay, benefits, bonuses, perks, time off, stock options, and more. When arranging the
bundles, remember these details:

Compensation and remuneration: It's the mainstay of the pay, and it's substantial. It's
also the main basis for internal workplace comparisons. Among its components are

Compensation at or above the minimum level

Rent Assistance Payment

Allowance for Distress

City Incentive Payment


Every successful career is built on a foundation of continuous improvement and

expansion. An employee's likelihood of staying with an organization depends on his
ability to see his future with the company.

An employee's job profile should be commensurate with his skills and experience.
The height of the profile should be moderate.

The employee's job obligations should facilitate his professional development and
personal aspirations. Companies must support workers' personal aspirations alongside
the company's own, or they will fail. It is the employees themselves who come first in
the minds of those who work for the company. He won't be able to contribute to the
success of the company if he isn't happy with his own development.
Employees should be provided with opportunities for training and professional
growth. Companies often worry that their staff may quit if they get enough training.
To ensure success, an organization must not restrict access to the resources necessary
to do its work. Many different abilities may be taught in these courses.

To wit: verbal and nonverbal communication abilities

Competencies in technology

Capabilities pertaining to the enhancement of internal processes and procedures

The ability to ensure that customers are happy, abbreviated as "C"

Ability to focus on specifics of a project

Keeping in regular contact with workers, doing regular performance evaluations,

holding regular meetings, conducting regular employee satisfaction surveys, and so on
may all help to identify the areas where more training is required.

Third, Backing

Sometimes, employees leave because they don't feel they have management's
backing. A good supervisor helps his employees succeed. The company's
management should care for its workers and help them through bad patches, both at
work and in their personal lives. Recognizing and appreciating staff members is one-
way management may help them.

It is also in the interest of employers to offer workers constructive criticism so that
they may better understand how they might contribute to the success of the company.

The employee gains a sense of ownership, responsibility, and agency as a result of

their supervisor's comments. Leaders may help workers during tough times by
offering them emergency cash loans, daycare, EAPs, and counseling.
Employers may also help workers by fostering an atmosphere of trust and instilling
the company's ideals in workers. The following are some of the ways in which
businesses may help their staff members:

• By giving suggestions

· By recognizing and rewarding effort

Advice from a counselor

This may be done in two ways: • by offering comfort


A person's decision to quit a company might be influenced by how they get along
with upper management and their coworkers. At times, management just isn't able to
create an atmosphere where workers feel comfortable sharing both their personal and
professional lives at work. When an employee feels resentment against his or her
superiors or coworkers, productivity often suffers. There may be a number of causes
for this bitterness. Because of this, the worker loses interest and starts to feel
demotivated. It causes dissatisfaction and, ultimately, turnover.

The professional development and morale of employees are both boosted by an

environment that encourages their personal and professional growth. The following
are some considerations for management to bear in mind if they want to foster
positive professional connections in the workplace.

Individuals must be treated with respect, hence this value must permeate the
company's culture.

Communication with the direct supervisor: a manager acts as a coach and mentor.
Each employee's job is uniquely designed and planned by him. He must make the
worker feel that he or she is a part of the company's operations. So, it's important for
businesses to employ managers who can get along well with their staff.

Relationships with coworkers: Encourage cooperative efforts across both teams and
organizational silos. As a result, coworker connections will strengthen and rivalry will
be stoked.

Recruit enthusiastically: hire someone only if there's a genuine need for him to do the
work. Otherwise, he'll be left feeling worthless and unfulfilled. It's important for

workers to have a clear understanding of both their responsibilities and the
companies. Provide the promised services.

• Foster a culture focused on your staff so they know they can always count on help
from management when they need it most. If the organization can demonstrate its
concern, he will reciprocate. Decision-making power, access to resources, an open
door policy, and other similar practices may all be part of an organization's employee-
centric culture.

When caring for workers, it's important to take into account their unique aspirations
and needs. Provide them with avenues for professional development, such as
mentoring programs, certifications, continuing education opportunities, etc.

Organizations should be loyal themselves, and they should do everything they can to
instill that same loyalty in their staff. Avoid hiring new people and focus on keeping
the ones you have.

E. Ecology

Avoiding attrition is not the focus here. The focus here is on people management.
Employee retention is a byproduct of good human resource management. In order to
make the most of their people resources, businesses should prioritize improving
workplace management.

Individuals seek employment with businesses that meet their needs.

• Acknowledgement of a job well done

Advantageous conditions for development

• A welcoming and collaborative atmosphere

• The company has become like a second family to the worker.

Features of the Organizational Setting

• Culture

• Values

• Reputation of the Company

Consider the caliber of the company's employees.

Career advancement and employee training

A willingness to take chances

Features: • State-of-the-Art Hardware/Software

• Trust

Workplace settings that are optimal for employees

The term "learning environment" refers to a setting that encourages and facilitates
education at all levels.
An organization's culture of support might take the shape of a flexible work schedule
that allows employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance. A well-rounded work
life consists of:

o Flexible hours

o Telecommuting
Assistance for the Dependent
Switching up your work schedule
o Vacations

o Wellness

Effective management, friendly coworkers, interesting tasks, opportunities to
contribute to company decisions, defined roles, clear expectations, regular feedback,
and public acknowledgment all contribute to a positive work environment.

Employees are more likely to leave a company if they feel they cannot advance in
their current role. The workplace should be set up in a way that makes workers feel
like an integral part of the company.

Unfortunately, the answer is a resounding "no." The importance of keeping good staff
around is highlighted not only because of the financial burden on a business but also
to prevent valuable personnel from leaving for competitors.

Keeping good employees around has several advantages for businesses.

• Turnover Costs: The cost of replacing departing employees may run the business
hundreds of thousands of dollars. Industry experts commonly reference 25% of the
average employee wage as a realistic estimate of the cost of turnover (which includes
recruiting expenses, training costs, and productivity loss) despite the fact that it is
impossible to assess the cost of turnover in its entirety.

When an employee quits, the firm loses vital information about his tenure there, as
well as his familiarity with the business's clients, active initiatives, and previous
accomplishments (sometimes to competitors). Investing in an employee takes time
and money, but it usually pays off in the long run. If the worker departs, the company
loses out on its investment.
Customers and customers choose to work with a firm in part because of the
individuals that work there. Partnerships are formed that inspire sponsors to keep
supporting the company. The organization risks losing customers as a result of the
ruptured ties created when a valued employee quits.
As soon as one person leaves, others will feel the effects across the company. When
one person is absent or unable to do their job, others must step forward to fill the void.
Unspoken animosity typically escalates, making the situation worse for those still

• Company goodwill: When turnover is minimal, a company's reputation remains
intact. Employees with a higher likelihood of staying with the company are
encouraged to apply for positions there.
• Regaining efficiency: If an employee quits, the firm loses time recruiting,
employing, and training a replacement—time that, in many cases, goes undetected.
Even if you do this, you still can't promise that the new hire will be just as productive.


• It's important for businesses to prevent their workers from defecting to competitors.
The high price of recruiting, screening, employing, and training new staff members
makes this a reality.
• Job satisfaction and prospects for progress in one's career go a long way toward
keeping people around.
• The tightening labor market has made the old adage, "good assistance is hard to
find," more applicable than ever before.


 The topic of EMPLOYEE RETENTION was chosen because it is crucial to sustain and
retain workers for a longer period of time by concentrating on their levels of
satisfaction with their work and the firm as a whole. Therefore, all workers of Spar
Hypermarket, including managers and those not in management positions, are
included in the research.

 Since the focus of this research is on documenting and describing actual occurrences
or processes inside an organization, we classify it as a descriptive study.


 Examining the cooperative dynamic between management and staff

 The purpose of this study is to analyze the morale of the staff.
 Among the goals of this research are: • Identifying factors that contribute to
employee turnover


• The correlation and relationship between the variables are investigated in this study.
The resulting set of hypotheses is as follows:

H1: There is a favorable correlation between supervisor support and staff retention.

Employee retention is positively correlated with reward and recognition programs


A positive correlation between work-life policies and employee retention is supported

by the data (H3).

Source of data:

We used both primary and secondary sources to compile our findings.

Source material:

Primary data is gathered by conducting in-depth interviews with respondents to a

well-structured questionnaire sent out to the sample population.

Tertiary sources:

Sometimes, secondary data came from a variety of different places.

To compile the secondary data, researchers go to the company's public documents,

periodicals, and websites.

Sampling, No. 1

There were 120 people in the sample.

Methods for Taking Samples

We use a purely random sampling method.


 The study's reliance on commercial data raises concerns that it may fall short of

 There is a lack of background information on the research.

 Due to the study's short length, the data presented may not be representative of the
whole picture.

 Data reliability is questionable.


According to research by Hom and Griffeth (1995), "retention" is the practice of
motivating workers to remain with the company for an extended length of time or
until the conclusion of a project. According to Wysocki, B. (1997), the viewpoint of
"The Society of Human Resource Management" is that employee retention is now the
most pressing issue. In his explanation of staff retention, Drucker (1999) identified
voluntary turnover as a possible problem. According to Trip, R., a major obstacle for
many businesses is employee turnover that occurs voluntarily. Employee turnover
may be both voluntary and involuntary, as well as healthy and unhealthy. When an
employee leaves a company of their own will, he is said to have resigned freely.
Expulsion by an employer is an example of involuntary turnover, in which the
employee departs the company against his or her will. There are a number of reasons
for this, including poor performance, disagreements, or the fact that employees are at
will. We talk about "functional turnover" when an employee who isn't contributing
anything to the company decides to depart. Dysfunctional turnover occurs when a star
employee quits, and it costs businesses money every time it happens. According to
Terence et al. (2001), there might be many different causes for an employee's
voluntary departure. Both individual and institutional variables may have a role.
Reasons unique to you, your family, and your position, such as a better work offer or
a promotion. Factors inside the business might include a lack of advancement
possibilities, discrimination, a failure to address concerns about fair treatment, and a
disconnect between individual and collective beliefs. Turnover is a major issue for
everyone involved in a company. Further, it is made abundantly obvious that the
incidence of shock, whether anticipated or unforeseen, causes serious ideas (i.e.
intention) to depart. Positive, negative, or neutral shocks are all possible. Things on
the bright side, like a new job offer or a pregnancy, etc. Both negative (such as friends
leaving or a bad review) and neutral (such as a spouse moving away or a new
administration is put in place) outcomes are possible. Employee effective human
resource practices have a favorable and direct link to keeping workers, according to a
study conducted by Maqsood Haider et al. (2005) in the telecommunications industry.
Furthermore, the analysis shows that although culture and salary have a beneficial
influence on staff retention, training and development have a negative impact on the
same metric.

Researchers found that compensation and job analysis had a positive effect on
employee turnover after evaluating the HR practices of providing accurate
information about jobs, conducting job analyses, providing work-life balance and
career opportunities, and providing supervisor support and compensation. This
research by Holtom et al. (2008) found that employees' motivations for remaining and
departing were distinct. As stated by Hay Group (2009), elements of employee
engagement include dedication and extra effort above what is expected. The term
"commitment" is used to describe an employee's emotional investment in and
dedication to their current employer. In this context, "discretionary effort" means that
workers are willing to quit if given the opportunity. As explained, it is crucial to give
these two factors their weight. Taylor (2010) noted the importance of both pull and
push variables in determining turnover. Even when the content is in its current
position, some workers may feel compelled to go elsewhere for work due to pull
forces. Employers and managers in this situation would do well to put themselves in
their workers' shoes to get insight into the factors driving them to go elsewhere or
their hopes for the future of their present position in order to better retain their best
people. The second category of causes for employees to go elsewhere for better job
satisfaction is "push factors," which include unfavorable conditions at the existing
employer. Various characteristics of pull and push factors need to be discovered, and
greater attention should be paid to certain of them. According to research on
employee retention undertaken by Cardy and Lengnick-Hall (2011), businesses that
focus more on their customers are more likely to retain their personnel. This study
employs a methodology based on the equitable participation of employees. Focusing
on internal rather than external reasons, this research looks at what motivates workers
to remain or quit their jobs. That is to say, this research focused on the underlying
causes of workers' decisions to remain or go, rather than external circumstances.
Chitra Devi and Latha (2011) studied the issue of IT worker turnover. The primary
purpose of this study is to investigate the causes of employee turnover and to evaluate
the advantages of retaining such individuals. It was determined via the use of a
discriminatory analytic tool that the industry must prioritize pay, work happiness, and
job security as means of retaining people. Tripathi et al. (2011) made an effort to
dissect the challenges faced by private and public sector organizations and the
elements that helped them prevail over such challenges. This research offered a
comparative analysis of public and private institutions in terms of job satisfaction, job

loyalty, loyalty among teachers, length of service, and retention strategies. Pay There
are a number of elements that contribute to how faculty members feel about their
institutions, including dissatisfaction, a lack of career advancement prospects, an
unpleasant work atmosphere, insecure employment, and a lack of loyalty. In the
study, researchers identified the factors that contributed to faculty turnover and those
that kept them in their present positions. According to research performed by Sadaf
Zahra et al. (2013) in Pakistani universities, remuneration, supervisor support, and
work-life rules are major variables in workers' desire to leave their current positions,
even more so than prizes and acknowledgment. Work-life balance suffers as a result
of less flexibility and increased demands on parents. Excluding these incentives,
competitive salary, supervisor support, leadership, and professional development
programs would all diminish the intention to quit.
The reasons for an employee's departure may be broken down into "push" and "pull"
elements, as described in a study by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development (CIPD, 2015). In their discussion of a holistic strategy for employee
retention, Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey noted that once problems with retention
have been identified, steps can be taken to improve retention rates through measures
such as higher pay, more careful hiring, more open communication about employees'
futures and the company's goals, clearer roles and responsibilities, more opportunities
for growth, greater autonomy and autonomy, more generous benefits packages, and
more. Using the main component approach, Priyanka and Dubey S K (2016)
conducted an exploratory factor analysis. They used a list of eight factors, including i.
quality of management practices; ii. low salary; iii. no career growth opportunity; iv.
lack of support from the peer, supervisor, and family; v. little learning opportunities;
vi. poor working environment; i.e., no workplace safety; vii. Communication. Their
research focuses mostly on management and leadership, with less attention paid to
other important elements like company culture, employee autonomy, and
opportunities for professional growth. Finally, the additional study may be done
depending on employee categorization, which is mentioned in the conclusion as a
potential area for investigation.
Vijayalakshmi V (2012) made an effort to examine the elements that affect employee
retention in India's car sector. The study's aims are to examine strategies used by the
car industry to retain their best workers and (ii) draw conclusions about such
strategies. The goals of this study are (ii) to learn how contented workers are with

their workplace's culture, (iii) to assess the efficacy of the available training and
development possibilities, and (iv) to investigate pay aspects. Chi-square, regression,
Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and ANOVA were employed in this investigation.
Both employers and workers take these into account when making decisions.
Furthermore, companies are urged to take certain further safeguards. Manager
evaluation and compensation are the first order of business. Two, remember to
include retention questions on your period interviews. Human resources managers are
the connecting thread between these tactics, and they play a crucial role in keeping
people at their companies. Moreover, the Indian perspective on retention management
is discussed, with the following points made. In addition, leadership encourages and

As far as Mark Parrott (2000) is concerned, the happiness of a company's workers
directly correlates to the happiness of its customers. In light of one of the tightest
labor markets in decades, he thinks modern workers present a new set of difficulties
for employers. Since this skill pool is quickly being depleted, it is becoming more
difficult to keep personnel. This claim is supported by the studies that follow, which
center mostly on retaining employees by improving their level of contentment in their
current positions.

Employees engaged in their work, show more innovation, and are more likely to
remain with the organization long-term.

A secondary objective of this study is to aid individuals in developing their own

personal definition of what it means to be fulfilled in one's professional life. I hope
this collection of information will help the working population understand why it's
important to design workplaces that foster greater job happiness so that companies
can keep their best people and the economy and society thrive.
A thorough examination of the factors that contribute to worker retention via
contentment in their jobs is required. Think of all the money that could be saved if
everyone at work was happy and fulfilled. These suggestions for businesses and
workers alike might be highlighted in promotional materials for presentation.

According to Eskildsen and Nussler (2000), competition for top talent is fierce among
companies that want to stay successful.

Ranking Retention Items Based on Retention Factors

To advance one's profession via study and experience.
2. stimulating tasks and difficulties.
Having a job that you like, one in which you can make a difference, and one in which
you can contribute to society all count as meaning 3.
Fantastic Individuals
Contributing to a group
Rank 6 Good Boss
7. Acknowledgement of a job well done
8. Job satisfaction; 9. Independence; 10. Control over one's work
10 Adaptability, for instance, in terms of working hours and attire.
Equable compensation and benefits, number 11.
Influential leadership, number 12.
Thirteen. Taking pride in one's organization, one's work, and one's product.
14 - The office is a wonderful place to work.
15. Location.

Guidelines for Retention


Support and high hopes: the letter E.




It's time to nurture them.

Organizations may increase their retention rates by using a variety of

Place of Employment

Cash Flow
One's Own
Intimate Connections (owners, managers, peers, mentors, customers)

Constraints on Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry

. Recruitment

. Retention

. Motivation

Instructional Improvement

Causes of people's departure

Lack of advancement opportunities

A Better Paycheck

Higher Education Purposes

A company's misleading information

The lack of an enabling policy and process framework

Lack of a private life

Weaknesses in the body

Trouble getting along with coworkers or superiors

A Job-Perspective Seeker's on Factors Influencing Skill Acquisition

and Retention

The monetary rewards, including salaries and bonuses,

Employees' high social standing and professional competence,

In light of the job's complexities and the allure of the title and rank,

Possibilities for advancing one's career and gaining valuable


The nature of the technology to which he would be exposed.

What Affects: - How Talent Acquisition and Retention Policies and Practices Are
Implemented Within Organizations

Its reputation and value as a brand.

. Philosophy.

. Vision.

. Mission.

. Culture.

Sustainability and moral principles.

Control Your Talent

The ability to provide silver service is an example of a transferable talent used in the
hospitality industry.

There are primarily two sorts of knowledge:

Knowledgeable Facts

Insights gained via experimentation that you picked up on the road

Occupying oneself with minute details is neither a talent nor an area of expertise.

The key is talent.

This causes intense rivalry for skilled laborers and

Possessing a healthy economic system

There has been a paradigm shift in how individuals think about their professional

Disruptions to the implicit "contract" between employers and workers

Insularity inside corporations

Workers of the future

Shifts in the cultural norms

Strive toward a healthy equilibrium in your life.

Learning-focused interactions with superiors, peers, and others

Methods Employed By Businesses to Keep Their Employees

What You Need to Know About Communications If You Want Your Employees to

Establish Objectives
Employee expectations and desires in the workplace

Strenuous labor

Relationships between supervisors, subordinates, and coworkers are based on mutual


Leadership Capability

Contributors to Increased Employee Happiness:

Possibilities for development

Adept Administration

Reasonable remuneration

The total value of benefits from outside the individual

Strenuous labor

Collegial, subordinate, and superior partnerships are based on mutual learning.

Organizational Retention Enhancement Strategies

Settling Into Expectations

Employee Appreciation

Recruit Competent Individuals

Put Recognition into Action

Demonstrate your concern.

Reduce losses with strategic drills

Improve underachievers

. Communication

Taking pleasure in one's accomplishments

Setting the Stage for Success
Formalized in the form of Goal Statements are the following:

The Goals:

Involvement Of Whom

When will this task be finished?

How much it will cost and what materials will be utilized

The key is to compare your results to something concrete.

Objectives and measures of success that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Relevant, and Time-Bound

Exact; containing no ambiguity or vagueness.

Measurable - Quantity and unit of measure indicated.

Reachable - Within the team member's capabilities to complete.

Focused on achieving results rather than just doing actions.

Date-bound means that it must be finished by a certain date.

It's Important to Hire Competent Individuals

Have sure you do it correctly (make a plan!)

Acquire the knowledge, abilities, and traits needed for success in the position

Apply strategies from "behavior-based interviews"

The need to educate employees about the recruitment process

During the trial period, evaluate new hires.

Case studies of excellent and inept hiring practices

Honoring Workers

In other words, "Acknowledgement Certificates"

Stickers and Pins

Infamy Wall

Voicemail with Recognition

Send a "Family Member" a thank-you note.

Greeting card with the sentiment, "Thank you for a job well done."

Recognize someone with a lunch date.

Candy, balloons, popcorn, and movie tickets

Put Your Acknowledgement Talk Where Your Mouth Is

No amount of "please" or "thank you" will ever be enough.

Explore interests, activities, and relations

Create an "attitude of thankfulness"

Acknowledge one and everyone

Make it genuine and appropriate.

"Extraordinary leaders make it a point to

increase the confidence of their employees.

When individuals have faith in themselves, incredible things may happen.

their potential and what they're capable of."

S. M. W.

An Infectious Case of Bad Management

When working under a wonderful boss, even the best employees will stick around.

When working under a lousy boss, even the best employees will eventually depart.

A helpful guide to fostering the kind of employee loyalty that keeps today's top talent
in your company.

Among the many factors that set employee retention strategies unique is the
unwavering belief that:

Approaches to increasing morale in the workplace that are not founded on theory or
research are avoided at all costs. Despite their widespread use, gimmicks like
employee of the month, suggestion boxes, prizes, and other "carrots" should be
avoided because they only serve as a temporary fix and have been shown to fail over
and over again (by the way, this has been studied for over 60 years) to create genuine
employee loyalty.

Uses a straightforward systems approach to identify and eliminate sources of

employee turnover and release latent abilities for long-term improvement.

Tailors its services to the specifics of your company's background, existing

procedures, and long-term goals. Competitors in the market and a lack of qualified
workers are also taken into account.
The people who are tasked with enacting change are included in the process from the
beginning, which increases the likelihood of successful initiatives and ensures that
everyone involved is on the same page.

Combines theoretical frameworks with practical, results-oriented methods to help

businesses advance rapidly and efficiently.

The importance of low- or no-cost initiatives in creating the "glue" that fosters
employee loyalty and dedication is acknowledged.

Provides cutting-edge organization development strategies to help your company

construct a retention-friendly culture fast and easily.
During its publication in the early part of this decade, the Employee Retention
Strategies newsletter became a nationally recognized source for evidence-based
advice on increasing employee retention. This website benefited greatly from this
exposure, and it currently ranks first on both Google and Yahoo. Previous issues may
still be purchased. Research into what works (and doesn't) to win the allegiance of
workers across all economic sectors has led to the development of strategies for doing

On top of this foundation, we use cutting-edge organization-development techniques

to help you highlight your company's greatest assets, reignite your team's passion for
your purpose, and position your business to address the challenges of the present and

Take your time and browse through the articles here. Learn the factors that really
influence employee satisfaction and loyalty. The next step is to schedule a one-on-one
chat about the specific retention goals of your company.

Keeping Your Employees

85 29
People are becoming more intelligent these days. Due to the availability of several
alternatives, people may change careers with relative ease. Turnover among staff
members is on the rise. Companies are always concerned about losing their best
workers. The workforce is a company's most valuable asset. The fundamentals of
human resource management, such as employee motivation, performance evaluation,
development, recognition, and compensation, are essential for businesses to hold on to
their most precious assets: their people.

Effective Staffing
Companies should only hire hardworking employees. In order to learn more about
potential employees, they may take psychometric exams. The results of these
examinations will aid hiring managers in making decisions about potential candidates
based on their character qualities and how they could play out on the job. Recruiters
need to find people that are enthusiastic about joining the company. In turn, this may
help the company retain its staff more effectively.

Benefits Arrangements

Salary is a major factor in whether or not an employee stays with a firm. In order to
attract and retain top talent, businesses need to provide generous compensation

packages that are competitive with the market. Employees may also be eligible for
additional perks like paid time off, subsidized or free meals, subsidized or free
transportation, company-provided housing, and medical and dental insurance, among

Instruction and Growth

Training for staff members should be made available as needed. On-the-job
instruction, mentoring or coaching all fall under this category. They need to be
allowed room to grow professionally inside the company. Some companies, for
instance, offer their workers online courses, degrees, and certifications in coordination
with other institutions.
Analysis of Performance
Performance evaluations are important for every company. Performance evaluations
and the subsequent feedback given to workers should follow a uniform procedure.
Human resource management strategies, such as 360-degree feedback and others, may
be used to achieve this goal. Employees are better able to self-evaluate and understand
their worth to the company as a result of the feedback they get.

Employees that excel should be rewarded for their efforts. There is flexibility in the
nature of the appreciation; it need not be monetary. Managers might provide
employees verbal or written praise for their efforts. Their position, income, and
potential bonuses/promotion are all up for discussion. If workers are able to grow
professionally and personally inside the company (in terms of connections, expertise,
salary, benefits, and so on), they will have little reason to leave.

Condition in Society

A company's treatment of its workers should mirror that company's own expectations
of how it should be treated. They ought to provide credit to the workers when it is
due. Employees need a thorough explanation of all goals and expected results.

Power Transfer
It's possible that workers might be given more freedom and independence to make
choices on their own. The degree of supervision is determined by a number of factors,
including the kind of task being performed and the regulations of the company or
organization. Managers are often reluctant to give their employees decision-making
power, even when doing so would make their jobs much easier.

Maintaining market leadership and driving future expansion requires careful attention
to both personnel acquisition and management. One of the most important things you
can do in today's competitive job market is to position your company as an employer
of choice by doing all you can to keep hold of your best workers.

A better retention rate may be achieved via

1. Having an open-door policy encourages staff to stick together. Having an open line
of communication with your staff is a great way to ensure that they are always up to
date on the most important matters. Staff members must be assured that their ideas
will be heard and that management values their contribution.

93 15
2. Employee Recognition Program: Giving people what they deserve for a job well
done may do wonders for morale. Awards such as "best employee of the month" or
"punctuality award" are a great way to show your appreciation openly.
Acknowledgment based on completed projects is also very important. Rewards might
be monetary or in the form of a gift.

3. Every person has professional concerns and might benefit from a development
program. He often inquires about his future with the organization. Some companies
provide opportunities for employees to get specialized certifications in order to
expand their skill sets.

4. Employees are more likely to put in extra effort if they can see how their efforts
directly affect the company's bottom line via a performance-based incentive. This
reward must be tied directly to results.

5. Amenities for relaxation and fun assist reduce stress in the workplace. It's important
to plan a variety of fun activities. Annual or semiannual travels, company
anniversaries, team sports, and other events are some examples.

6. Employees will feel appreciated and will know that their superiors care about them
if they get presents on the occasion of one or two holidays every year.

Retention Model Diagram

Motivating Workers, Giving Thanks to Those Who Help, and Keeping Good
These materials go into the topics of employee motivation, staff morale, awards, and

Annual holidays are celebrated by many businesses. As a company celebrates

holidays together year after year, customs emerge and anecdotes are shared among
workers. These anecdotes and pictures from the yearly events contribute to the culture
of the organization, and the atmosphere in which employees operate. Workers like
companies that provide Christmas parties for them. A job at Google seems like a
dream come true. If anybody is going to sing Google's praises as an inspiring place to
work, it will be me. Best workplaces may be found at Google and the other top 100
companies. On the other hand, benefits that encourage workers to spend all of their
time at work exploit workers and lead to a loss of work-life balance. This means that
not everyone would benefit from working for the finest company. You'll be more
content in your job life if you give attention to these aspects.
Each worker comes to their job with their own unique set of motivations. The
motivations for working vary from person to person. But we all put in time in the
office because it provides us with necessities. What is gained from employment has
an effect on one's sense of well-being, drive, and contentment. Motivating workers is
easier when they feel that their contributions are valued. You may motivate your staff
and give them what they want out of their jobs by implementing some of these

Inspirational Business Quotes to Get You Going

Motivational quotations are helpful for boosting inspiration and boosting one's own
sense of drive. These inspiring quotes on motivating employees are certain to boost
your chances of success in the workplace, as a manager, and in life overall.

Essentially, the Greatest Management Techniques

Key variables in people's productivity on the job are both your expectations of them
and their own. The influence of high and low expectations, respectively known as the
Pygmalion Effect and the Galatea Effect, is immense. These are the underlying
concepts that may be used for workplace performance standards and enhancement.
Find out more.

Holding yearly celebrations is a great way to boost morale and bond with employees.

Businesses, like families, benefit much from maintaining cherished customs and
rituals. And the yearly traditions established by workplaces surrounding the

celebration of seasonal holidays are the most essential of all. Staff morale is boosted
by a Christmas party, which in turn boosts productivity. Inspiration helps groups work
together and achieve their goals. Your accomplishments may be attributed to the hard
work of your teams.

Improving Morale During a Transition

Businesses now need their workers to use all of their skills and abilities to thrive in
the unpredictable and sometimes chaotic world we live in. However, many managers
still see employee motivation as a mystery, despite the abundance of ideas and best
practices on the subject. Get an employee motivation checklist and read more on the
science behind inspiring workers.

Desires and Needs in the Workplace for Keeping People Energized

Some individuals go to work because they enjoy doing it, while others do it because it
gives them meaning in life. Some people get a rush from checking off lists or feeling
like they've made a difference in the world. Regardless of why you go to work each
day, the vast majority of people do so because they need to make a living. Learn the
most up-to-date ideas and findings on the topic of employee motivation.
When do workers decide to quit, and why?
Workers seldom quit without a major cause to do so. They leave the company due to
issues that cannot be resolved inside the company. Usually, these are the most typical

• The job's duties are different from what the person anticipated. Employees get
dissatisfied with their jobs when they are given tasks they weren't expecting.

• Incompatibility between the candidate's skill set and the requirements of the
position. If he is assigned work that isn't a good fit for his personality, he won't do
well there and will look for ways out.

The candidate's employment and career will stagnate if there are no prospects for
advancement or if there are only limited options for advancement.

When employees' efforts aren't recognized by their superiors, they lose motivation
and interest in their work.

• A lack of trust and support from supervisors, colleagues, and upper management.
Trust is the single most crucial quality that an employee needs to succeed on the job.
When colleagues, supervisors, and upper management aren't on your side, it may be
tough to get anything done.

It's very uncommon for employees to leave a company because of issues like job-
related stress and the resulting work-life imbalance.

It's possible that competitors' more generous pay packages may entice some of your
best workers to leave.

An employee may decide to quit the company if he or she is offered a better position
elsewhere, particularly if the new position offers more responsibility, higher pay,
more opportunities for advancement, etc.
Procedures for Keeping Good Employees

The fundamentals of staff retention techniques are as follows:

1. Hire the proper personnel in the first place.

2. In other words, trust your staff and give them the responsibility and freedom to
complete tasks on their own.

3. Instill in your staff the knowledge that they are the company's most precious

4. Trust them, respect them, and put your confidence in them.

5. Give them the benefit of your knowledge and expertise.

6. Don't stop giving them comments on how they're doing.

7. Acknowledge and celebrate their successes.

8. Lift their spirits.

9. Make it such that everyone in the office enjoys coming to work.

Low, medium and high levels of these methods may be distinguished.


The retail sector in India is a major economic driver, contributing 35% to GDP.
The retail sector may be broken down into two categories: organized and
unorganized. Only 4% of the over 12 million stores in the nation are greater than 500
square feet (46 square meters). The term "organized retailing" is used to describe the
business practices of stores that have obtained the necessary licenses to operate
legally in the marketplace. Both publicly owned and privately held, huge retail
establishments fall within this category. On the other side, "unorganized retailing"
refers to the more conventional forms of low-priced retailing, such as mom-and-pop
businesses, convenience stores, paan/beedi stands, hand carts and street vendors, and
so on.
The majority of purchases in India are made at outdoor marketplaces and the
countless mom-and-pop grocers known as Kirana. Only 4% of the market is made up
in 2008 by organized retail like supermarkets. Most foreign investment in retail is
blocked by regulations. A business may also need to comply with over thirty
requirements, such as "signboard licenses" and "anti-hoarding measures," before it
can open its doors. Transporting products across state lines (or even just inside the
same state) incurs various tariffs.
As the traditional agricultural and industrial industries in India pay their workers less,
more and more people are turning to the country's booming service industry. Annual
growth in the organized retail industry is estimated at 35%, whereas growth in the
unorganized retail sector is estimated at 6%.
A turning moment has arrived in India's retail industry. Several Indian and multi-
national corporations have plans to spend $25 billion over the next five years,
ushering in a period of rapid transformation. According to Technopak Advisors Pvt.
Ltd., a management consulting business, the industry is worth over $ 350 billion. In
the next five years, organized retail is projected to earn 16–18% of the overall retail
industry, or $65–75 billion.
28 68
India has been ranked as the most attractive market for retail investment by A.T.
Kearney's annual Global Retail Development Index (GRDI) for the third year in a
row. In 2007, the Indian economy had an increase of 8%. Estimates put the rate at
7.9% for 2008. As retail has expanded at such a rapid rate, more and more space has
been necessary. Construction of shopping centers and malls is proceeding at a

breakneck speed, and it is predicted that there will be 300 such centers in operation
throughout the nation by 2010.
The Indian market is very diverse, both in terms of geography and customer tastes, so
much so that regional adaptation is required even within India itself. India boasts the
world's largest retail density (7 per thousand) With about 2 square feet (0.19 square
meters) per Indian, the country has the world's smallest amount of shop space per
person. With 6%, India has the highest retail density of any country. In India, 1.8% of
all families had a yearly income of more than $45,000.
Buying behavior may be broken down even further into two categories: showing off
and treating oneself. Appliances such as plasma/LCD TVs, refrigerators,
washers/dryers, dishwashers, microwaves, and DVD players are considered high-end.
Products geared toward self-indulgence include plasma televisions, cutting-edge
home theatre systems, iPods, high-end digital cameras, camcorders, and gaming
consoles. Those that fall into the "status" consumer bracket do so to keep up
appearances among their peer group. Those looking to improve their quality of life by
purchasing items that cater to their wants and needs are the ones who indulge. During
the holiday shopping season, it is the status-conscious customers that drive the
majority of sales.
While the sizeable population and rising disposable income in India provide
promising business prospects, the country's reliance on small, independently owned
shops for more than 90% of its retail activity poses serious difficulties. Population
dispersion, low spending power, a tangled web of stores, a lack of information
technology, media restrictions, and fake products all provide difficulties.
Big-Name Indian Shopping Malls
The number of Indian clothing stores exporting their wares, especially to Western
countries, is growing. Some of the largest players are looking to the United States and
Europe to fill the void they've found in nations in West Asia and Africa. Clothing
manufacturers Arvind Brands, Madura Garments, Spykar Lifestyle, and Royal Classic
Polo are now plotting their international growth through the traditional distribution
channel and their retail outlets. Spykar, another denim wear company that is
transitioning into a casualwear lifestyle brand, has just opened a shop in Melbourne.
The company has announced that by the end of 2008, it would have opened three
locations in the London area.

Mahindra Group, a conglomerate of companies, is entering the retail sector in a low-
key manner to sell lifestyle items. After D-Mart Industries Ltd, the Aditya Birla
Group, and Bharti Enterprises Ltd, the Mahindra Group is the fourth major Indian
corporate conglomerate to join the retail industry. The other three are either
specializing in a wide variety of items or perishables and groceries.

The retail sector in India is a major economic driver, contributing 35% to GDP.
The retail sector may be broken down into two categories: organized and
unorganized. Only 4% of the over 12 million stores in the nation are greater than 500
square feet (46 square meters). The term "organized retailing" is used to describe the
business practices of stores that have obtained the necessary licenses to operate
legally in the marketplace. Both publicly owned and privately held, huge retail
establishments fall within this category. On the other side, "unorganized retailing"
refers to the more conventional forms of low-priced retailing, such as mom-and-pop
businesses, convenience stores, paan/beedi stands, hand carts and street vendors, and
so on.
The majority of purchases in India are made at outdoor marketplaces and the
countless mom-and-pop grocers known as Kirana. Only 4% of the market is made up
in 2008 by organized retail like supermarkets. Most foreign investment in retail is
blocked by regulations. A business may also need to comply with over thirty
requirements, such as "signboard licenses" and "anti-hoarding measures," before it
can open its doors. Transporting products across state lines (or even just inside the
same state) incurs various tariffs.
As the traditional agricultural and industrial industries in India pay their workers less,
more and more people are turning to the country's booming service industry. Annual
growth in the organized retail industry is estimated at 35%, whereas growth in the
unorganized retail sector is estimated at 6%.
A turning moment has arrived in India's retail industry. Several Indian and multi-
national corporations have plans to spend $25 billion over the next five years,
ushering in a period of rapid transformation.A management consulting business, the
industry is worth over $ 350 billion.

In 2007, the Indian economy had an increase of 8%. Estimates put the rate at 7.9% for
2008. As retail has expanded at such a rapid rate, more and more space has been
necessary. Construction of shopping centers and malls is proceeding at a breakneck
speed, and it is predicted that there will be 300 such centers in operation throughout
the nation by 2010.
By 2011, India is expected to have around 1,000 hypermarkets and 3,000
supermarkets, necessitating an increase in the retail area of 700,000,000 sq ft
(65,000,000 m2). There is a need to fill a deficit of 500,000,000 sq ft (46,000,000 m2)
at a cost of US$15-18 billion, but current predictions for development point to just
200,000,000 sq ft (19,000,000 m2).
The Icrier research projects a 13% increase in retail sales in India, from $322 billion
in 2006-07 to $590 billion in 2011-12. From a revenue perspective, the Indian retail
market is forecasting a 10% CAGR for the unorganized retail sector, from $ 309
billion in 2006-07 to $ 496 billion in 2011-12.
The Indian market is very diverse, both in terms of geography and customer tastes, so
much so that regional adaptation is required even within India itself. India boasts the
world's largest retail density (7 per thousand) With about 2 square feet (0.19 square
meters) per Indian, the country has the world's smallest amount of shop space per
person. With 6%, India has the highest retail density of any country. In India, 1.8% of
all families had a yearly income of more than $45,000.
Buying behavior may be broken down even further into two categories: showing off
and treating oneself. Appliances such as plasma/LCD TVs, refrigerators,
washers/dryers, dishwashers, microwaves, and DVD players are considered high-end.
Products geared toward self-indulgence include plasma televisions, cutting-edge
consoles. Those that fall into the "status" consumer bracket do so to keep up
appearances among their peer group. Those looking to improve their quality of life by
purchasing items that cater to their wants and needs are the ones who indulge. During
the holiday shopping season, it is the status-conscious customers that drive the
majority of sales.
While the sizeable population and rising disposable income in India provide
promising business prospects, the country's reliance on small, independently owned
shops for more than 90% of its retail activity poses serious difficulties. Population
dispersion, low spending power, a tangled web of stores, a lack of information
technology, media restrictions, and fake products all provide difficulties.

Big-Name Indian Shopping Malls
The number of Indian clothing stores exporting their wares, especially to Western
countries, is growing. Some of the largest players are looking to the United States and
Europe to fill the void they've found in nations in West Asia and Africa. Clothing
manufacturer Polo are now plotting their international growth through the traditional
distribution channel and their retail outlets. Spykar, another denim wear company that
is transitioning into a casualwear lifestyle brand, has just opened a shop in Melbourne.
The company has announced that by the end of 2008, it would have opened three
locations in the London area.
Mahindra Group, a conglomerate of companies, is entering the retail sector in a low-
key manner to sell lifestyle items. The other three are either specializing in a wide
variety of items or perishables and groceries.
Formats carried by RPG stores include: Music World, Books & Beyond, Spencer's
Hyper, Spencer's Super, Daily & Fresh, and the New York & Company Bookstore
• Pantaloon's many retail formats
Pyramid Megastore, TruMart, and other "Pyramid" Store Concepts
Subhiksha Formats: Subhiksha supermarket, pharmacy, and telecom discount chain;
Nilgiri's Formats: Nilgiris' supermarket chain.
• Trinethra, with its Fabmall and Fabcity supermarket and hypermarket formats
D-Mart Retail-Formats: D-Mart; Vishal Retail Group-Formats: Vishal Mega Mart;
BPCL-Formats: In & Out; D-Mart Retail, Inc.-Formats: D-Mart Retail Format of
ADAG: D-Mart, German Metro, and Cash & Carry
Shoprite Holdings Shoprite Hyper
• Honey Shine Stores, located in the Paritala Stores Bazaar
More Stores from the Aditya Birla Group
Kapas- Cotton Clothing Stores

SPAR Hypermarkets in India are a joint venture between SPAR International of

Amsterdam and Max Hypermarkets India Pvt. Ltd. of Dubai's Landmark Group. After
opening its first shop in 1932, the firm has expanded to include more than 12,500
locations in 44 countries across four continents. SPAR's success over the last 80 years
can be traced back to a core set of principles that have served as the company's
compass ever since it was founded. The dedication of SPAR shops across the globe to

provide customers with Freshness, Choice, Value, and Service lies at the foundation
of these four pillars.
Bengaluru, Mangalore, Shimoga, Chennai, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, New Delhi,
Gurugram, and Ghaziabad are just a few of the locations among SPAR India's 25
outlets in these and other cities.
Our goal is to be India's most exciting and forward-thinking supermarket, enriching
the lives of our employees, shoppers, neighbors, and investors every day.
SPAR has always placed a premium on freshness and used this emphasis as a
competitive advantage. All SPAR India locations benefit from our innovative
procedures, processes, and supply chain approaches that preserve and improve
perishability. All of our clients, whether they come in or shop on our website
(, deserve access to the freshest fruits, vegetables, fish, and
meat & poultry items possible. To maintain our commitment to Freshness, we have
implemented a "Farmers Market" segment from which we get locally grown goods
directly from farmers and deliver them to SPAR distribution hubs. Here, fruits and
vegetables are sorted and supplied to all SPAR shops promptly, guaranteeing peak
freshness. We have implemented a new feature we're calling "Freshly" that will help
our clients in many different ways. Food products, such as fruit drinks, salads, and
sandwiches, are all created to order here.
Value for money has always been SPAR India's top priority. Our clients have plenty
of incentives to keep coming back, including exclusive discounts and deals that aren't
available anywhere else. We have something for everyone, from everyday essentials
at the lowest prices guaranteed to save on special products under Super Savers Offers
to make the most of new & clearance sales to save on SPAR Private Label Products
with 'Save With SPAR Offers,' so that every customer can leave with a sense of
satisfaction from their shopping experience.
Fruits, vegetables, beverages, groceries, meats, fish, poultry, dairy, clothes, plastics,
utensils, crockery, home furnishings, etc. are just some of the many things we stock to
ensure our clients have plenty of options. As a result, our clientele can take advantage
of a plethora of options. Our 'Taste the World' menu offers a wide selection of
international dishes for our clients to try. Find regional Indian cuisine from
throughout India in our 'Taste Of India' section.
At SPAR India, providing the finest service is paramount. Our call center is open
from 11 am to 8 pm daily to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

We aim to improve the shopping experience for our customers by using the most
appropriate technology, which is being influenced in exciting ways by technological
developments in the retail sector. We've made tremendous strides in providing value
to our customers. Customers may use the SPAR Studio to visualize their new home
furnishings, and the Self-Checkout Kiosks let them bypass the lines and pay for their
purchases quickly and conveniently on their own.
The team here at SPAR India is committed to making just as
convenient for online shoppers as it is for those who frequent our physical stores.
When you purchase on our e-commerce platform, you may do it from the comfort of
your own home, at any hour of the day. When it comes to fulfilling orders, getting
them to customers quickly, and accepting returns, we don't skimp. Every day of the
week, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., customers may place phone orders with our Bangalore
and Mangalore locations. In addition, we have a specialized app that serves as a
helpful platform for our clientele to conduct their transactions.
In SPAR, innovation is ingrained in the culture.
We use cutting-edge technology in all of our locations to guarantee an exceptional
shopping experience for our clients. We've built a food kiosk, where users can get
celebrity-approved recipes at the touch of a button. So that shoppers may save time
and energy, the site provides a comprehensive list of must-have components and their
corresponding quantities. Our self-service terminals provide an integrated phone
system for customer use. Having these kiosks strategically placed around the shop
helps customers quickly find the appropriate aisle and shelf. The ability to take calls
from customers is integrated right in. The consumer is never left alone thanks to the
call feature's instant notification of the closest store employee.
Families lose valuable time waiting in lines, which is particularly frustrating over the
holidays. SPAR India saw this need, and so Q Buster was born. Self-service checkout
kiosks, previously just a pipe dream, have finally arrived, much to the pleasure of
consumers. Customers may now scan and pay for their purchases without assistance,
shortening checkout times and reducing the need for staff.
This is the first time a major retailer has entered the local hawker market to
standardise a previously unregulated industry. SPAR India introduced SPAR on
Wheels in partnership with local push-cart sellers. The 'Click & Collect business
concept is used in the pilot project in Bangalore to deliver fresh fruits and veggies to
our customers' front doors. They can get anything they need by just ordering it online.

When it comes to grocery stores in India, SPAR is known for continually innovating
and pushing the envelope. We updated the look of our stores to appeal to today's
consumers. The following are examples of these advancements:
Spices, pickles, and other old-fashioned goods may be found in "Grandma's Corner."
Please refer your child to the Wonder Years: Kids area.
A dedicated dairy aisle called "Milkyway"
Home Sweet Home – A one-stop shop for all your interior design needs
SPAR Natural is a customer-focused concept that provides access to organically
grown food.
In addition to these niche areas, we have our label necessities such as food, breakfast
cereals, cleaning supplies, and more.
SPAR locations in India run Landmark Rewards, a reward program in tandem with
Landmark Group.
When you shop at any of the Landmark Group shops in India, you can sign up for the
free Landmark Rewards program simply by providing your mobile phone number.
There are several advantages to the new scheme, including:
First, there is no cost to enroll.
2. Collect and redeem points at any of the Landmark Group's Indian locations.
Thirdly, tailored deals
Special in-store offers, fourthly
5. Sneak Peek at Season-End Discounts
Sixthly, on your birthday, you get a bonus.
7. Promotional deals not available in stores
Members of Landmark Rewards may shop at any SPAR Hypermarket, Lifestyle,
Home Centre, Max Fashion, Splash Fashion, Melange, Krispy Kreme, Fun City in
India, or any of the other retailers in the Landmark Group.
We think it's the synergy between all of our offerings and the ease of doing business
with us that keeps clients coming back. Our mission is to provide solutions that enable
our clients and their families to live happier and healthier lives while saving money.

Our Products

Farmer’s Market



Home Care

Health & Beauty





Baby World

SPAR Brand
Great Value. Great Quality.
Value is at the heart of SPAR's mission, which is why the retailer crafts its private
label offerings.
They improve consumers' capacity to afford the goods without reducing the quality.
We always try to provide our clients with the most for their money.
Customers usually come out on top at SPAR, whether they're purchasing packaged
goods or bulk commodities.

All SPAR Private Label Products are produced, handled, and repackaged in a sterile
Our suppliers' facilities have both ISO and HACCP certifications.
SPAR QA Team conducts routine quality assurance checks and quality control
inspections on all manufacturing units.
Thus, we can guarantee that our clients always get superior goods.

Two of our private labels, SPAR Select and SPAR, make claims about the quality of
the items they sell and the low pricing they provide.
A bargain when fantastic goods are available at enticing costs.

As the name suggests, "Best Price" guarantees the lowest possible prices, offering
customers a wide selection from which to choose and significant savings every time
they shop.

We provide a wide variety of private label products, including Fast Moving Consumer
Goods (FMCG) Food (Breakfast Cereals, Culinary Range, Beverages, Snacks, and
More) Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Not Related to (Home Cleaning,
Serving Needs, Puja Needs, Personal Care and more)

Shop for Food and Beverages (Flours, Spices, Ready Masalas, Dry fruits, Instant
Mixes, Condiments, Oils, and more)

Fruits and Vegetables (Seasonal and Exotic) in Jars; Meats and Dairy (F & M) (Eggs,
Fresh Packed Meat & Poultry)

Nutritional Answers (Packed Bakery Products)

Home Furnishing (Inclusive of Home Decoration, Bathroom Accessories, Floor Mats,

Cushions, Comforters, Carpets, and More)

Miscellaneous Goods (Kitchen tools, Kitchen & Dining, Cookware, Containers,

Bottles, Cutlery, and more)

Our Retail Establishments

Grocery, fresh produce, baked goods, dairy, meat, poultry, and fish, alcoholic
beverages (wine, beer, and spirits), household goods (textiles, personal care items,
crockery, plastics, and appliances), and information technology (electronics)
accessories are just a few examples of the many product types available to customers.
SPAR asserts that they can transform shopping from a mundane errand into a
luxurious one while still providing excellent value.

SPAR is committed to providing its customers with high-quality, freshly-prepared

food, a wide selection of quality products at competitive prices, and exceptional
Produce is collected from local growers and delivered to the market within 18 hours,
all while being carefully preserved at precise temperatures.
Modern refrigeration techniques are employed to maintain the quality of perishable
goods in stock.
SPAR is boosting the number of fresh lines across all of its food and beverage
concepts to deliver value to the customer in a way that is both novel and

SPAR guarantees great prices all year round.

There is an "Everything Below MRP" policy at the shops.
Just said, this implies that SPAR often provides prices that are 4-6% less than the
MSRP of the things they sell.

In this way, the client may spend much less money each month on food and other
SPAR also features a biweekly ad called "Top Deals," which advertises the store's
best sales of the week.
In March 2009, SPAR introduced The Inner Circle, a loyalty program for its
consumers that provides discounts and other perks when they purchase at any of the
locations in the Landmark Group.

SPAR guarantees not just unparalleled quality in terms of food, variety, and price, but
also exceptional service.

Everything from wide aisles for smooth trolley movement to speedy checkout at the
many cash registers to the token system at the fish counter, where customers can have
freshly cut and cleaned fish placed on ice, is designed with their convenience in mind.

To provide a better shopping experience for its customers, the businesses use
innovative lighting and visual merchandising strategies.
The goal is to exceed the customer's expectations by offering an unparalleled
shopping experience, not only the products they need.

Presently, Max Hypermarket India Pvt. Ltd. has 17 outlets throughout 9 cities.
This list includes the urban centers of Bangalore, Mangalore, Coimbatore, Hyderabad,
Delhi, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Chennai, and Pune.
Most hypermarkets are about 50,000 square feet in size.
Over the next several years, the business plans to open around five locations every
year, on average.


SPAR's collective goal is to create a world where no one is subject to any kind of
oppression or inequality.
Peace, cooperation, gender equality, justice, fair resource sharing, and citizen
participation will all form the bedrock of this new society.
There will be peace between humans and the environment.
SPAR is a volunteer group that advocates for the rights of the poor and the oppressed
but has no affiliation with any government, political party, or for-profit enterprise.
In a participative manner, it aids the disadvantaged (such as Dalits and Adivasis), as
well as women, children, members of minorities, and others.
Development efforts in Orissa, Jharkhand, and West Bengal benefit from its

Facilitating people's and other development actors (including the organization's own)
empowerment is a core value of the organization.

SPAR will unavoidably make use of a rights-based approach in its quest to delve into
the complexities of human development.

SPAR will attempt to launch a people-centered advocacy and awareness drive at the
local and national levels simultaneously.
It will help get medical and educational services to outlying communities if they need
SPAR promotes its internal and external practices based on its core principles of
participation, transparency, gender equity, peace, justice, and equality.



 About four in ten workers felt they were compensated properly, while about as
many (27%) felt they were allowed to progress in their careers.
 In a survey conducted by Gallup, 88% of workers said that their workplace has
become more positive in terms of relationships, values, and culture.
 15% claimed they had a great work-life balance, 55% said they had a decent one,
and 25% said they had an average one. Only 5% of those who responded were
 95 percent of those polled said they appreciated being able to choose their hours.
Only 5% of people are completely satisfied with the results.
 Training opportunities were rated as great by 36% of respondents, acceptable by
40%, and ordinary by 24%.
 As much as 86% of those who took the survey thought the company had great On-
the-Job Training and Development Programmes.
 In a recent survey, 76% of workers stated they had great opportunities for
promotion inside their current organization.
 Eighty-nine percent of those who took the survey felt the organization has enough
high-quality tools and equipment for the task at hand.
79 74
 Seventy-two percent of those asked said they had defined what success looks like
for them.
 Eighty-five percent of respondents said that they are occasionally given information
on how the task is split up.
 Eighty percent of respondents said that their input is taken into account throughout
the decision-making process.
 Eighty-six percent of responders say they are commended for their work.
 Sixty-eight percent of respondents said their company values and acts on employee


o Management has a responsibility to provide enough direction and

motivation for their staff.
o An organization's workload distribution must be fair.
o Training opportunities are a need that should be made available to workers
by their respective organizations.
o Employers should help their workers progress in their chosen fields.
o Organizations must ensure that their employees have access to sufficient
materials in the workplace.
o The company should provide a forum for workers to have their hopes and
wishes heard.
o The purpose is for management to show appreciation for the hard work of
their staff.
o Management should include motivating factors to keep as many people as
possible happy.


If a company wants to keep its workers around, it has to provide them with
more stimulating tasks to do.

The company may keep its most valued workers by putting them through a
series of personality and motivational development courses.

Every manager and recruiter in a business should make retention a top priority
right from the outset of the hiring process.

Successfully recruiting hard-working, passionate workers takes practice.

However, retaining such personnel is an art. Making it clear to new hires that
you want them to stay for as long as feasible boosts their motivation to make a
long-term investment in your company.



Personal and human resource management

Himalaya publishing house - P. SUBBA RAO

Human resource and personal management

Human resource management
- Mirza s saiyadain

Human resource management



1. Age

a) 20-30 [ ]
b) 30-40 [ ]
c) 40-50 [ ]
d) 50-60 [ ]

2. Gender

a) Male [ ]
b) Female [ ]

3. Education

a) UG [ ]
b) PG [ ]
c) Others [ ]

4. Occupation

a) Executive [ ]
b) Supervisor [ ]
c) Manager [ ]

5. Marital STATUS

a) Married [ ]
b) Un-Married [ ]

6. Why have you stayed with the HYPERMARKET?
A. Career advancement opportunities [ ]
B. Challenging work [ ]
C. Salary [ ]
D. Employee benefits [ ]
E. Less travel [ ]
F. Supervision/management [ ]
7. To what extent do the following describe your experience working at SPAR
Positive work environment (relationships, values and culture)
a) Excellent [ ]
b) Good [ ]
c) Average [ ]
d) Poor [ ]
e) Very poor [ ]
8. Equitable compensation
a) Excellent [ ]
b) Good [ ]
c) Average [ ]
d) Poor [ ]
e) Very poor [ ]
9. Finding a healthy middle ground between work and personal life
a) Excellent [ ]
b) Good [ ]
c) Average [ ]
d) Poor [ ]
e) Very poor [ ]
10. Work schedule flexibility/telecommuting:
a) Excellent [ ]
b) Good [ ]
c) Average [ ]
d) Poor [ ]
e) Very poor [ ]

11. Training and educational possibilities
a) Excellent [ ]
b) Good [ ]
c) Average [ ]
d) Poor [ ]
e) Very poor [ ]
12. Gaining Experience and Skills on the Job
a) Excellent [ ]
b) Good [ ]
c) Average [ ]
d) Poor [ ]
e) Very poor [ ]
13. Opportunities for advancement
a) Excellent [ ]
b) Good [ ]
c) Average [ ]
d) Poor [ ]
e) Very poor [ ]
14. Sufficient tools and resources to get the work done a) Excellent
a) Excellent [ ]
b) Good [ ]
c) Average [ ]
d) Poor [ ]
e) Very poor [ ]
15. Please assess the following claims about your supervisory experience:
Sets clear goals/performance expectations
a) Always [ ]
b) Sometimes [ ]
c) Never [ ]
16. Distributes workload equitably
a) Always [ ]
b) Sometimes [ ]
c) Never [ ]

17. Gives the background knowledge to get the task done
a) Always [ ]
b) Sometimes [ ]
c) Never [ ]
18 Rewards workers for their efforts
a) Always [ ]
b) Sometimes [ ]
c) Never [ ]

19. Encourages comments and recommendations

a) Always [ ]
b) Sometimes [ ]
c) Never [ ]

20. When it comes to HYPERMARKET management, how do you rank the

following statements?
Sets clear goals/objectives for the organization
a) Always [ ]
b) Sometimes [ ]
c) Never [ ]


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