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This first fieldwork provides insight into how fast a person can measure a distance

in the field depending on their pace. This method can save time to measure the distance

between two plots or locations, but it is less accurate than using a measuring tape. When

an approximation of these outcomes is needed, a pace is recognized as being a one-

step. It emphasizes the individual pace component and the unknown distance to see by

individual pacing during its primary goals. The use of pacing relates closely with timing at

a certain speed or intensity, which needs to be observed if it is maintained throughout the


There is a light deviation in the directions that could affect the accuracy of

pacing. Moreover, an attempt to make each step not determined will lead to

inaccurate results. The length of the pace varies on the speed that the person

accommodates, the roughness of the ground, the weight of the clothing, and the

footwear. The pace differs when going on the high-level ground and the lower level,

producing fewer steps instead of pacing the same distance on a high level. In general,

the length of the paces causes this field to discover how to develop math

computations and measure every detail that might be shown throughout this


This fieldwork that been through has been succeeded to show that each pace

accommodates to individual’s pace. This stated performance is the of error that could be a

problem by preventing it is simply with the field work, having a backup in counting and

recording the data and having guide to prevent irregularities. So therefore, I conclude that

this application let to know one’s pace factor of each individual and practice it could be a

real way of doing in the field work. There are some applications which the estimation of the

accuracy of the average pace. The complexity of the terrain is larger and how will the impact

stride. This means that each one has its own practical measure of distance.

Taping is the linear measurement of the horizontal distance between two points

using a tape. Observation of horizontal distances by taping consists of. applying the

known length of a graduated tape directly to line a. number of times. There are two types

of taping, level and uneven, whereas the surveyors will use plumb-bob are used on

uneven grounds. The rear tape person holding the 0m end of a tape over the first (rear)

point lines in the forward tape person, holding the other end of the tape. For accurate

results the tape must be straight, and the two ends held at the same elevation. A specified

tension is applied. In some case, Plumb bob is used to hold the tape above ground in a

horizontal position. Placing the plumb-bob string over the proper tape graduation and

securing it with one thumb, mark each end point on the tape. The rear tape person

continues to hold a plumb over the fixed point, while the forward tape person marks the

length. In measuring a distance shorter than a full tape length, the forward tape person

moves the plumb-bob string to a point on the tape over the ground mark.

The field has demonstrated that the pace is level. Using the ground, one can

determine a reasonable approximation of the distance already covered. This approach is

focused on the places where the results in the field are determined by the number of paces

according to the average pace duration. This area of study has some various mistakes and

challenges that anyone could have to a personal speed. Such an erroneous elevation of

the surface type miscount of the footsteps could occur at the measured location unsteady

paths while going through could also have an impact on the pace aspect alter the precise

measuring pace.

In pacing, I recommend that the surveyors or the students that will conduct this

fieldwork should walk normally or in their relaxed manner, so that there will be less

mistakes or errors in the outcome.


In taping, I recommend that in doing this fieldwork, this should be conducted in not

sunny weather because high temperature gives an error. As also in holding the tape,

make sure it is not sag, so that the surveyors will accurately record the correct

measurement in the data sheet. And lastly, use a plumb-bob on uneven grounds.

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