2018 - RMB Case Study Handbook-158-169

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Bom Sucesso Neighbourhood

Paulo Providência
Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra

S eci icati ns Technical in rmati n

Location: Rua Gonçalo Sampaio, Massarelos, Porto, Portugal
GPS: 41°09’13.4”N 8°37’55.6”W
Authors: Luís Moura Coutinho Almeida D’Eça
Commission / Design period (s): 1956-57
Construction: 1958
Completion/inauguration: 1958
Classification (Heitage Protection): None

ack r und
The m Sucess nei h urh d is an e -
am le the h usin r rammes that
started in rt in and as ne the
lar est s cial h usin r ects uilt in r-
tu al The num ers s eak r themselves
e un in and c m leted in ,
a artments ere uilt as art this r -
ramme, h usin the t tal ula-
ti n rt at that time The irst h usin
l cks ere inau urated s n a ter the
start the r ramme in The r -
ramme as devel ed y the munici al
technical de artment, and desi ned y
u s Almeida d Eça , an architect h
trained at rt eau Arts Sch l in the
s and h had revi us e erience in
desi nin nei h urh ds s cial h us- Fig. 01 General plan of Housing Improvements, 1956. CMP.
The main ur se the r ramme surr unded y reen s ace and ree r m neighbourhoods were located more toward the
as t d a ay ith the verly dense ty e ur an r lems as a ri rity r the outskirts of Porto, others were located clos-
city centre h usin kn n in rt as munici ality Fi er to the city centre, either because a plot of
The distribution of the new neighbourhoods land was already available or because a major
ilhas islands , enerally c nsistin very
which replaced the old and unhealthy ilhas infrastructure project was under way, releasing
l n , narr alleys c ntainin tiny, sin le land for building (Fig. 2). The neighbourhood
amily d ellin s A c nsidera le num er was made according to the availability of land
within the confines of the Porto ring road (the of Bom Sucesso is an excellent example of the
rt citizens lived in these ilhas in very latter, as the plot designated for its construction
Circunvalação), which demarcates the city
unhy ienic and unhealthy c nditi ns, and became free as the result of the enlargement of
limits. Although the majority of these new
s re lacin them ith ne uildin s Rua Campo Alegre and the creation of the new
listic architectural ty l ies that ere y ermitted the uildin the desired
im lemented in the ne ly created nei h- , a artments ver a year eri d
urh ds came a ut as a result that The irst nei h urh d, the airr d
ressure lans r these c nstructi n r - m Sucess hich as c nstructed and
ects, includin all the desi n and en ineer- inau urated in , c nsisted a art-
in lans, tender d cuments and technical ments divided ver l cks, ith all the
s eci icati ns, ere carried ut ithin eri- a artments ein the same ty l y
ds si m nths, ith c ntracts r c n- the l cks that el n t this c m le
structi n a arded immediately a ter that are l cated n the est side ua nçal
Over a ten year eri d, the r cedure as Sam ai , ith the ther n the eastern
the same every year rk uld e carried side the r ad The l cks c nsist
ut n the lans r the irst si m nths, l rs, ith an interi r staircase and
ith the remainin si m nths dedicated t deck access alc nies Fi
su rtin the c ntract r This meth d l - The lay ut the three edr m a art-
ments have a central s ace hich c nsist-

Fig. 02 Construction of the Bom Sucesso Neighbourhood /

CMP Lu s Moura Coutinho Almeida d’Eça, CMP Archive

urban access routes required for the Arrábida

Bridge, construction of which began in 1957
and finished in 1963.

The seri us h usin r lem that re-

mained unres lved des ite a year r -
ramme c nstructi n s cial h usin
as uttin reat ressure n the system
and re uired ur ent res luti n The sim- Fig. 03 Façade of a Typical Housing Block / CMP Lu s Moura Coutinho Almeida d’Eça, CMP Archive
ed a livin r m that inc r rated a in ardr e The a artments ere als nies The remainin alls ere uilt ut
small kitchen The a artments have an in- e ui ed ith sanitary acilities a t ilet, a h ll rick the e teri r alls in sin le
teri r r m hei ht m, and interi r ash asin, a tu r ashin cl thes and a layer cm rick, the dividin alls e-
areas m The entrance t the sh er As there as n s ace r a rivate t een a artments in cm rick, and the
a artments is thr u h the m livin laundry area, a lar e c mmunal ash- interi r artiti n alls in cm rick These
r m, ith st ra e areas c nsistin nly h use as uilt in the ack area the alls ere rendered ith laster and
t symmetrical ardr es that en int h usin scheme, et een r s h usin ainted The r s are traditi nal c n-
the livin r m and serve the m ed- l cks The ne residents sim ly needed structi n, ith a a le and t itches,
r ms Access r m the utside t the main t rin their eds t e in livin in these and r tiles ver a den structure
s ace is direct, and the ec n my in the dis- ne and im r ved h uses
tri uti n ives a schematic l k t the ar- The structure the uildin as ased Use the deck access alc ny
chitectural ty l y Fi The a art- n a rein rced c ncrete rtic ith a T years a ter the inau urati n the
ments, all hich have the same num er s atial m dulati n meters The irst l cks, a re rt si ned y un rtas
r ms and lay uts, ere each e ui ed l r sla s ere als in c ncrete, as ere and art l meu C sta Ca ral
ith an electric ven, h t ater and a uilt the staircases and the deck access alc - u lished in the urnal Ar uitectura
hich as run y rtas himsel , criti-
cized n t nly the a sence rt Sch l
architects r m such an im rtant endeav-
ur mainly T v ra and Siza , ut als the
small size the a artments and the a -
sence rivacy in the livin r m a
s ace that had ind s acin the u lic
deck access alc ny either as the
deck access alc ny c nceived as an in e-
t een s ace, ne that uld all r tran-
siti n r m the u lic s ace t the rivate
h me, ut as a c ld and sim listic element
distri uti n hich r u ht s me r -
lems ith it, as it ermitted the a artments
Fig. 04 Plan of a Typical Housing Block / CMP -Lu s Moura Coutinho Almeida d’Eça, CMP Archive
l cated at the ends the alc nies t a - and included ima es r m the rmer ilhas, a r riati n the alc ny y means
r riate the s ace c m arin the ne ha itat ith the scan- the c nstructi n a ate and ence t hin-
The article as r usely illustrated ith dal us rmer livin c nditi ns e eri- der n rmal circulati n, hile yet an ther
h t ra hs sh in several as ects the enced y the rkin classes rt One sh ed the deck access alc ny ccu ied
nei h urh d, such as the children s lay- t ic earned the ri ht t e illustrated y y a rack r dryin laundry
r und and the surr undin ardens and means ur ima es the deck access al- Mean hile, and des ite the r cesses
s me ima es the c nstructi n r cess, c ny, ith ne ima e sh in the r cess reha ilitati n that ere takin lace n
u lic h usin , the deck access alc nies
ecame s aces un reseen everyday
use, and there re a t ic increasin
c n lict ith the assa e time O erin a
s ace r arkin icycles, a c mmunal
ash area, a lace r utd r meals, and a
small arden and st ra e s ace, the alc -
nies re resented a lace r utd r unc-
ti ns that as very much desired y the
residents These uncti ns r u ht ith
them the use access ries such as ta les,
reenh uses, dryin racks, st ra e cu -
ards, etc

Encl sin the deck access alc nies

S me h usin l cks r m the r -
ramme have recently een re ur ished t
im r ve their level thermal c m rt and
t make the a artments m re sustainable
in terms ener y use rk t cl se
the deck access alc nies e an in the ear-
ly st Century Fi
Fig. 05 Photograph of the Carvalhido Neighbourhood, with enclosed deck-access balcony Architect Paulo Providência
The irst r ects t e im lemented main livin areas, raisin the interi r m is- the deck access alc nies and their e ec-
ere sim ly meant t encl se the deck ac- ture level and causin disc m rt, there y tiveness as emer ency e its
cess alc nies and create a main entrance c ntri utin t an unhealthy ind r h us- The deck access alc nies still re resent
d r t the uildin s The railin s n the in envir nment the reatest challen e t re ur ishment
alc nies ere there re encl sed ith A sec nd strate y as then tried, c nsist- residents have str n ly adv cated r in-
mas nry, and aluminium ind s ere in nly artially encl sin the alc nies creasin the areas their res ective a art-
used t c m letely encl se the alc nies The s aces in r nt the stairs ere ke t ments y inc r ratin the deck access al-
This device av ured direct a r riati n en, ith nly the s aces in r nt the c nies, and ren vati ns ill rin technical
the deck access alc nies, hich led the a artments ein encl sed The desi n r lems as any chan es t the deck access
inha itants t intr duce d rs dividin the ind s als included an u er art alc nies ill revent cr ss ventilati n,
each se ment the alc nies Several that all ed ventilati n the alc ny, r at hinder ire esca es and emer ency e its,
r lems then emer ed First, the deck ac- least this as the intenti n This s luti n and essentially rivatize an area c mm n
cess alc nies c uld n l n er uncti n as as im lemented ith ut any urther s ace
emer ency e its ecause in rder t reach chan es t the alc nies, and the l r t
sa ety, residents livin in the end a art- ceilin lass d rs that ere itted em d-
ments uld n have t en ur d rs ied a very sim le desi n easy e ecuti n, C REUSE PROJECT
t reach the utside their n a artment as they c uld e set in ehind the alc ny
d r, the irst d r in the deck access al- railin s This s luti n h ever decreased
c ny, the sec nd d r in the deck access the idth the alc ny, addin t the r - A ne r ramme r the deck access
alc ny, and inally the main entrance d r lem the lack a ree and unhindered alc nies
t the uildin An ther r lem detected s ace r use as an emer ency e it n addi- Si ty years a ter its c m leti n the current
as that encl sin the deck access alc - ti n, s me the r lems that ere art s cial situati n the irst h usin nei h-
nies created a reenh use e ect, leadin t the revi us s luti n ersisted the reen- urh d, uilt as art the
the need r shadin y the use interi r h use e ect, r instance, as still elt, and im r vement lan r the m Sucess
linds, cl sin the alc nies r m the s a s ecial e teri r shadin element as nei h urh d, as assessed in a study
e teri r Finally, encl sin the deck access created An ther r lem as that the ven- carried ut y s ci l ist r es ereira in
alc nies y use aluminium and lass tilati n as ine ective ecause n air as and , and u lished in The
ind s drastically reduced the circula- enterin via the l er level the ind study aimed t dra a s cial rtrait the
ti n air in the interi r s aces and reatly Finally, the ractice a r riati n the nei h urh d, and indeed sh ed that
increased interi r c ndensati n in the s ace c ntinued, decreasin the uality there is a si ni icant am unt re udice
made in litical statements a ut s cial venti ns that t k lace n rt u lic em irical servati n may all a diverse
h usin nei h urh ds and their resi- h usin uildin s, e aminin hat she de- a r ach t the re ur ishment the h us-
dents n act the eneralizati ns made ines as the ren vati n u lic h usin in l cks
a ut the educati nal levels, main activities, meanin th reha ilitati n the uildin Thr u h surveyin the chan es made t
and amily make u the residents ere as ell as the alterati n its architectural the alc nies e may disc ver the real
e treme, ith the reality sh in itsel t ty l y The study she carried ut is very r lems that lie ehind the s ntane us
e much m re diverse, even hen takin much c ncerned ith increasin the size desi ns, there y av idin di icult en ui-
int c nsiderati n the e ects s cial vul- the a artments in relati nshi t their ty- ries n act, ch ice the meth d l y
nera ility The survey als clearly sh ed a l y She there re studied ays c n- this survey as dictated y the decisi n t
eneral tendency t ards an a ein resi- vertin a three edr m a artment int a ase im lementati n m di icati ns t
dent ulati n, ith ut any si ni icant re- t r even ne edr m d ellin , hile the uildin s n hat the residents have in
ne al re lectin the m re eneral issue at same time ein c ncerned ith the ac- act c nstructed rather than ased n hat
a ein ithin the rtu uese active la ur cessi ility the a artments, iven that the they say they ant
rce The residents eneral sense c m- residents and amilies are ec min lder A survey th se h usin l cks that
mitment t their nei h urh d, al n and may have m ility issues As r the have n t yet een re ur ished may reveal
ith their erce ti n el n in t s me- c mm n access and distri uti n s aces, that it uld e est t use the deck access
thin that they value, ere act rs hi hli ht- she is very critical the s luti n und t alc nies as everyday s aces, all in r
ed y the ini ns the ers ns inter- encl se the deck access alc nies, ut d es dryin racks, utd r eatin , the arkin
vie ed One the characteristics m st n t er any indicati n h t res lve icycles, havin l ers r lants, and st r-
valued y the residents as the l cati n the r lems that led t the need r their a e s ace, as ell as access t the a art-
the nei h urh d, as it is cl se t the encl sure hich is n t nly the tiny inte- ments F cusin n the use the deck ac-
avista unda ut, ne the main ne ri r areas the a artments, ut als the cess alc nies as a r ramme r
ur an centres the city On the ther uninterru ted access r m the alc nies re ur ishin the h usin l cks, e have
hand, the size the a artments and the int the main livin area the a artments re lected n the redesi n this am i u us,
deck access alc nies ere as ects hich in et een m dernist s ace, e aminin
ere m st keenly criticized in the survey Assessin use the deck access alc nies h t revent the technical r lems
An ther survey, c nducted y h stu- nstead i n rin the real use deck ac- raised y the s ntane us chan es t the
dent ana estiv in and u lished in cess alc nies, and the s ntane us uildin s made y the residents and als
her study rt u lic h usin interven- chan es made t them y the residents, a nh t all the alc nies t retain the
in t re uali y , c m ares several inter- ne r ramme interventi n ased n
uni ue character, identity and atm s here m re ermanent, ere classi ied acc rdin r m inter inds and als as a ay creat-
hich they have taken n ver time t their ur se use in e teri r st ra e s ace c c nstructi n
The survey n the use deck access al- The survey all ed t identi y a series a reenh use as a ay r tectin the ri-
c nies as c nducted y means a system- issues a d rs uilt int the alc ny due t vacy the livin r m and as an e ansi n
atic r cess h t ra hic l in The security related r lems, r t ther ise that r m d encin in an e teri r s ace
chan es made t the alc nies, s me c ntr l access t the deck t create a ind at r und level t e and and rivatize that
hich are e hemeral in nature and thers shelter, as a ay r tectin the alc ny s ace e ther rms a r riati n the
deck access alc ny are th se that r vide
r tecti n r m the sun, such as sunshades
and a nin s, als the sus ensi n rivate
dryin racks in the ceilin the alc ny t
av id havin t make use u lic nes, and
the installati n ta les n the e teri r al-
c ny s ace t ena le utside eatin Fi
The açades the di erent uildin s
ere then ma ed, r vidin a eneral
vervie the trans rmati ns Fi
The ll in num ers ere rec rded
num er und t tal ssi le num er
rs ut St ra e ut

Fig. 07 Survey of changes classified according to the typology

Fig. 06 Photographs of spontaneous interventions at the Bom Sucesso Neighbourhood Architect Paulo Providência of the action Architect Paulo Providência
reenh use ut ati
ut ryin rack ut A -
nin ut Sunshade and ta le
several unc unted
y means the survey and ma in e
have c nstructed a s luti n that deals ith
all the ma r c ncerns re ardin sa ety
access and accessi ility t the a artments
and revents the ma rity r lems
caused y e cessive heatin r duced y
reenh uses and the res ective lack
cr ss ventilati n, hile still res ndin t
the needs e ressed y the trans rma-
ti ns that ere seen
The encl sures n the deck access alc -
nies, i c nstructed r m steel and clad in
thin steel net, uld all the idth the
alc nies t e increased, there y all in
the installati n dryin racks arallel t
the decks, r vidin artial shieldin r m
the inter inds and rains and creatin a
rm rivacy r the s aces The steel net
uld als all ermanent cr ss ventila-
ti n the main livin r m Fi

m r vin Thermal c m rt
The Ener y e iciency the uildin s is
currently ein im r ved in line ith m d-
ern re uirements Alterati ns are ein
made, such as Fig. 08 Project for the Refurbishment of the Bom Sucesso Neighbourhood section of the deck-access balcony Architect Paulo Providên-
A licati n c ntinu us thermal insula-
ti n t the e teri r all
A licati n thermal insulati n t the
r t s, t all the c ncrete arts and t
the lind es
e lacement the ind s, ith chan -
es t the manner enin and the ty e
lass, in rder t im r ve thermal c m rt
Fittin s lar anels t the c mm n ar-
eas the uildin s
nsulati n the a artments under the
r t s is articularly im rtant in rder
t av id c ndensati n caused y verheat-
in in the kitchens

The r und l r a artments, and c ntact

ith the u lic s ace
The a artments n the r und l r ere
ermitted t have an utside s ace, r -
vidin direct access t the street This ati Fig. 09 Project for the Refurbishment of the Bom Sucesso Neighbourhood rendered image of a deck-access balcony/
revents assers y r m l kin in, reat- deck-access balconies Architect Paulo Providência
ly im r vin the level rivacy a rded
The r und l r a artments are m st crease the thermal c m rt and ener y e - stallati n a main entrance d r, and y
suited t the elderly, as there are n stairs iciency the h usin l cks as ell as t encl sin the deck access alc nies
inv lved in accessin their h mes lease the residents h have encl sed This r ect is a startin int in the
the deck access alc nies seemin ly at r cess interventi n, assessin and sur-
C ncludin remarks rand m is carryin ut interventi ns veyin the trans rmati ns made t the
The r lem re ur ishment the aimed at increasin the ener y e iciency h usin l cks and creatin a lan t re-
deck access alc nies is ne that has n t the uildin s, achievin reater c ntr l s nd t th se trans rmati ns t main-
yet een res lved The City C uncil, t in- the c mm n s ace y means the in- tains that it is ssi le t increase r tec-
ti n r m the climate n the habitação social na transformação da cidade. Sobre a
deck access alc nies r m ind génese e efeitos do “Plano de Melhoramentos para a
and rain in inter, and r m the sun in
the heat summer hile at the
same time all in r cr ss ventila-
ti n livin and ther r ms t als
a ears that it is ssi le t re ur ish
the deck access alc nies s that they
can e used r dryin cl thes ith ut
creatin stacles t the emer ency
e its The desi n s luti n, n t yet een
im lemented, r ses increasin the
idth the deck access alc nies y
means the c nstructi n a r tec-
tive mechanism that st s the rain
r m enterin and creates s ace r
dryin racks, at the same time as im-
r vin the rivacy the a artments
Fi ,

Bibliography / Sources
BORGES PEREIRA, Virgílio, (org.) A habitação social
na transformação da cidade. Sobre a génese e efeitos do
“Plano de Melhoramentos para a Cidade do Porto” de
1956 2016.
BORGES PEREIRA, Virgílio, “Posicionamentos sociais,
estilos de vida e representações dos residentes num
bairro do ‘Plano de Melhoramentos’: o caso do Bairro do
Fig. 10 Project for the Refurbishment of the Bom Sucesso Neighbourhood ren-
dered image of the exterior of the housing blocks Architect Paulo Providência Bom Sucesso cinco de décadas depois da construção”, A

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