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Feature Judy Cheng-Hopkins, Assistant SecretaryGeneral for Peacebuilding Support with the United Nations observed that in many

post-conict countries, women were agents of peace-building and positive change.

Female labour force participation only stands at 45.7%

62.3% of undergraduate

degree holders are women

Sticky oor, glass ceiling

By Chung Hosanna


A recent conference organised by the Good Governance and Gender Equality Society (3gs), a Penang-based ngo, examined the mainstreaming of gender issues. Despite great strides made in granting women equal opportunities, legal eorts to close the gender gap have hardly made a dent in our persistently patriarchal society.
52 . Penang Economic Monthly . December 2010

Achieving gender parity in Malaysia seems to be a far-off goal for a conservative Asian society which has traditionally espoused a men over women mindset. Societal expectations of women have remained stubbornly stereotypical despite increasing latitude granted to women in all fields. Whilst women comprise 62.3% of undergraduate degree holders in Malaysia, female labour force participation only stands at 45.7%. Due to the shortage of affordable care facilities, many women quit working post-marriage or after childbirth. Those choosing to return to work are not exempted from the traditional role of being primary caretakers of families, notes Loh Cheng Kooi, executive director of the Womens Center for Change (WCC). Household duties are often assigned by default to women on the basis of their gender, making it a struggle for women to claim their share of the Malaysian dream and be placed on an equal footing as their male counterparts. The twin goals of achieving professional success as well as caring for their family seem to be mutually exclusive, and balance is as elusive as the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The bulk of female workers are concentrated in low or semi-skilled positions in the manufacturing and services sectors. With informalisation and casualisation becoming a workforce trend, many women have an unstable income and do not enjoy the benefits granted to formal workers. Moreover, the glass ceiling phenomenon still rings true as women continue to earn, on the average, less than men. They are less likely to be considered for promotion than their male counterparts, despite being equally, if not more qualified. Just 6.9% of the upper echelon of the public sector are made up of women. Perhaps the best example underscoring the masculine nature of the workforce is that while 71% of school teachers are female, only eight per cent of schoolmasters are female. Despite increased participation of women in the political arena, chauvinism and bigotry are still rampant, with members of parliament getting away with sexist remarks such as the infamous bocor comment uttered by Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin. Arguably, the name change of the Ministry of Women Affairs to the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development reinforces Malaysian womens place in the home and family life, while womens other roles in society become secondary. Meanwhile, advertising and media messages continue to portray women as the weaker sex at

best and sex objects at worst. It comes as no surprise that Malaysias ranking in the Global Gender Gap Index has fallen from 92 in 2007 to 96 in 2008 and 101 in 2010.
Changing who decides changes and what gets decided

Deconstructing the idea of gender, one finds that inherent differences between the sexes give rise to diverse needs and perspectives. According to Dr Khoo Hoon Eng of the National University of Singapore, being hardwired differently causes men and women to make different decisions. Dr Khoo opines that female leaders traditionally adopt a less hierarchal, more communicative style of leadership. Judy Cheng-Hopkins, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support with the United Nations observed that in many post-conflict countries, women were agents of peace-building and positive change. Women also have a unique viewpoint in other policymaking areas, particularly education, transportation and even town-planning. Lim Kah Cheng, a Penang municipal councillor, suggests that a male architect designing a building might not have the foresight to increase the number of toilets for women or ensure viable laundry space. Operating an old boys network with a male-favouring culture results in poor governance. Political will is the missing component to bring about gender parity to the forefront. Transformative change requires a gender-responsive budget. Clearly-articulated social policies which adopt a gender-equality perspective are needed to re-orientate the main-stream. The perception that gender justice is an unnecessary drain on resources must be combated.

92 (2007) Malaysias ranking in the Global Gender Gap Index has fallen from 92 in 2007 to 96 in 2008 and 101 in 2010.

96 (2008) 101 (2010)

Penang Economic Monthly . December 2010 . 53

Gender justice is protable

Investing in capacity-building of women has a multiplier effect on socio-economic development, observes Prof Datin Dr Rashidah Shuib, director of the Womens Development Research Centre of Universiti Sains Malaysia (KANITA). Leveraging the contribution potential of the invisible half of the population enhances labour productivity, starting a virtuous cycle. Conversely, studies show that unequal (including gender-imbalanced) societies produce low economic growth rates. Datuk Latifah Merican-Cheong, advisor in the Chairmans Office of the Securities Commission of Malaysia, suggests that gender-fair policies and gender integration are part of good governance for a merit-based economic framework. She advocates de-institutionalising the preference for male leaders prevalent in our political framework. An enabling environment must be created to empower womens full and equitable participation in society.
The end of men?

Haris Zuan

Haris Zuan

12.3 10.1

12.1 10.5








From top to bottom: Scenes from the 3gs Conference.

Among the key recommendations was a proposed imposition of a 30% quota for women in the state executive council, local council levels and the civil service.


company directors, presidents, vps, mds, ceos, coos senior gms, gms 24

women decision-makers in the corporate sector, 20012007 (as a % of the workforce)









In the civil service, women make up an average of only 14% of the upper echelon as secretary generals, director generals and chief executives.


Haris Zuan

Due to an increased number of women being more highly educated than men, social norms and family structures are impacted. Some leaders have expressed concern at the perceived diminishing prestige of men and loss of male power, notably the secretary-general of Cuepacs statement that the increasing dominance of female employees in the civil service will have long-term implications on the progress and growth of our country. Should men feel threatened by gender equality? Chong Eng, president of 3Gs and Member of Parliament for Bukit Mertajam doesnt think so. Gender equality is not a womens agenda. It is a social justice agenda to achieve balance and fairness for both men and women. As Dr Cecilia Ng of Universiti Sains Malaysia says, it is a fallacy that gender equality pits women against men.
Recommendations: quotas?

Haris Zuan

At the end of the 3Gs Conference, a Declaration was presented to Penangs Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng. Among the key recommendations was a proposed imposition of a 30% quota for women in the state executive council, local council levels and the civil service. The justification for quotas, Chong Eng says, is that rampant gender inequality traps women in a vicious cycle. Affirmative action is an interim solution to break the cycle and fast-track womens participation. After an appropriate period, the quotas can be removed.
54 . Penang Economic Monthly . December 2010

According to Dr Lesley Clark of James Cook University and former Australian Member of Parliament, the affirmative action quota of the Labour Party has successfully increased the percentage of female MPs from 10% to 31% in the past eight years. Dr Clark clarifies that quotas are most effective when coupled with training to empower female candidates. She cites the example of EMILYs List, an Australian organisation which provides funding, mentoring, training and campaigning support for female candidates. While a similar Malaysian quota may yet be slow in coming, its suggestion highlights the need for serious measures to address our deeply-rooted gender imbalance. Public perception has been slow to recognise gender imbalance. Is gender a lightweight issue fit only to remain in the periphery? For gender mainstreaming to happen, women themselves have to recognise it first. As it stands, the average Malaysian woman often takes for granted that she can vote, drive, and own and inherit property. It would not be too far-fetched to suggest that the last frontier of feminism is not men but women.
Chung Hosanna survived Skudai, dabbled in the legal profession and currently works for seri.



In Penang, the incidence of poverty in femaleheaded households (16%) is higher compared to male-headed households (seven per cent). The female labour force participation rate has remained stagnant for the past 20 years. 46.7% 37.2% 1970 1990 45.7%



71% of Malaysias school teachers are female, yet only eight per cent are school heads.


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