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Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237 – 256

On convergence behaviour and numerical accuracy in stationary

SWAN simulations of nearshore wind wave spectra
Marcel Zijlemaa,b,*, André J. van der Westhuysena
Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, P.O. Box 5048,
2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management/RIKZ, P.O. Box 20907, 2500 EX The Hague, The Netherlands
Received 9 December 2003; received in revised form 1 July 2004; accepted 9 December 2004


Irregular convergence behaviour is frequently encountered when computations of wave spectra are performed by means of
the third-generation wind wave model SWAN (Simulating WAve Nearshore). Numerical accuracy is another key issue. The
present paper proposes two techniques that improve the convergence and accuracy properties of SWAN in the prediction of
stationary wave conditions in the nearshore zone. The first is an under-relaxation approach in which the extent of updates during
the iteration process, which underlies a route to steady state, is made proportional to wave frequency. This method complies
with the principle of decreasing time scales at higher frequencies, which is inherent to the evolution of wind waves. As a result,
the improved SWAN model is free from numerical restrictions to spectral shape in the non-equilibrium range. The second
proposed method is a new termination criterion associated with the rate of model convergence, by which the identification of the
point of convergence is improved. The capabilities of these methods are demonstrated by simulations of idealized cases and a
field application featuring fetch- and depth-limited wave growth. It is concluded that the proposed termination criterion
improves numerical accuracy and that the action density limiter, as currently used in SWAN, has minimal negative influence on
stationary model results.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Stationary wind wave spectra; Convergence behaviour; Numerical accuracy; Limiter; Frequency-dependent under-relaxation;
Stopping criteria

1. Introduction

The search for reliable wave estimates for assess-

* Corresponding author. Environmental Fluid Mechanics Section,
ing the impact of waves on the natural environment,
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of
Technology, P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands. Tel.: coastal protection, ship routing, offshore structures
+31 15 278 3255; fax: +31 15 278 4842. and port and harbour operations has led, over the past
E-mail address: (M. Zijlema). two decades, to the development of advanced spectral
0378-3839/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
238 M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256

wind wave models known as third-generation models, In a number of papers concerning spectral wave
such as WAM (WAMDI Group, 1988; Komen et computation, numerical measures are proposed to
al.,1994), WAVEWATCH III (Tolman, 1991) and achieve stable model results economically. WAMDI
SWAN (Booij et al., 1999). These models solve the Group (1988) suggest to use a semi-implicit time
spectral action balance equation without any a priori integration scheme with a time step that matches the
restrictions on the evolving spectrum during wave time scale of low-frequency waves. However,
growth. To this end, the processes of generation by numerically stable solution of the resulting system
wind, dissipation by whitecapping and nonlinear of equations cannot be guaranteed (Press et al.,
wave–wave interactions have been explicitly para- 1993; Hargreaves and Annan (2001)). The ratio of
meterized. Whereas the models WAM and WAVE- the largest eigenvalue to the smallest eigenvalue of
WATCH III consider non-stationary problems on the stiff system of equations, called the condition
oceanic scales, with SWAN wave propagation is number, can be so large that even a fully implicit
usually calculated from deep water to the surf zone method combined with large time steps precludes a
by means of solving the time-independent wave action stable solution. For counterexamples, see Har-
balance equation. This is considered to be acceptable, greaves and Annan (2001). The only remedy is
since the residence time of the waves in the coastal time step reduction or under-relaxation so that the
zone is expected to be far less than the time scale of modified system of equations has a spectrum of
variations of the ambient current, the wind or the tide eigenvalues with a more favourable condition
(Booij et al., 1999). number.
The accuracy with which physical processes for To guarantee numerical stability at relatively large
wave growth are approximated numerically is of time steps, the so-called action density limiter has
crucial importance in assessing the predictive been introduced in WAM in the early 1980s
realism of spectral wave models. There is a need (Hersbach and Janssen, 1999). This limiter restricts
to separate these numerical errors from errors due the rate of change of the energy spectrum at each
to physical modelling. Third-generation wave time step. Because low-frequency waves carry the
models pose a numerical difficulty caused by the most energy, it is desirable to solve the balance
presence of multiple time scales. This is a equation in this part of the spectrum accurately
reflection of the physical nature of wind waves, without intervention by the limiter, whereas for high-
which consist of a wide range of frequencies. The frequency waves using an equilibrium level is
ratio of the largest to the smallest time scale of sufficient. Although this approach lacks a rigorous
spectral components is often substantially larger foundation and is not generally applicable or valid, it
than one. When this is the case, the action appears to guarantee numerical stability at relatively
balance equation is called stiff (Press et al., large time steps even when these do not match the
1993)1. Taking proper account of these time scales time scales of wave growth. Moreover, it is believed
is a necessary condition for numerical accuracy. This that the limiter will not affect the stationary solution
would require the use of a very small time step in a when convergence is reached. This assumption is
numerical algorithm, which may be impractical. widely employed as a justification for the use of
Moreover, the action balance equation is usually so limiters. For an overview, we refer to Hersbach and
stiff that its numerical implementation combined with Janssen (1999) and Tolman (2002) and the refer-
economically large time steps often prevent a stable ences quoted therein. Tolman (1992) proposes an
solution. In this respect, nonlinear four-wave inter- alternative to the action density limiter in which the
action usually poses the biggest problem, since this time step is dynamically adjusted where necessary to
process is associated with high sensitivity to spectral ensure accurate wave evolution. The calculation of
change. this optimal time step is related to the action density
limiter. Further details can be found in Tolman
(1992, 2002).
The equivalent situation for such an equation is to have The steady-state solution in the SWAN model is
eigenvalues of very different magnitudes. obtained in an iterative manner, which can be
M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256 239

regarded as a time marching method with a pseudo measure of the error in the converged solution.
time step. This pseudo time step generally does not Experiences in the application of SWAN have shown
match the relatively small time scale in frequency that the iteration process is often more erratic and
space and consequently, divergence will occur. typically much slower than reported by Booij et al.
Therefore, SWAN makes use of the action density (1999). As a result, the current stopping criteria often
limiter to stabilize the iteration process (Booij et al., lead to premature termination of simulations. This is
1999). However, experience with SWAN has characterised by the fact that, due to the relatively
revealed that the limiter acts not only in the low rate of convergence, the convergence error is
equilibrium space, but also in the energy-containing larger than the difference between the successive
part of the wave spectrum. This finding is also iterates. A stopping criterion is proposed that uses
confirmed by Tolman (2002). Furthermore, the the second derivative or curvature of the series of
limiter appears to be active over almost all spectra successive iterates of the calculated wave height. The
in the geographical domain and during the entire premise is that this curvature approaches zero upon
iteration process. This activity has been associated full convergence.
with poor convergence behaviour, such as small- The outline of this paper is as follows. First,
amplitude oscillation in frequency space. Ris (1999) the mathematical framework of SWAN and its
demonstrated that stationary SWAN results are numerical implementation are presented in Sec-
influenced by the settings of the action limiter while tions 2 and 3, respectively. Section 4 describes the
De Waal (2001) suspects that the limiter acts as a implementation of two convergence-enhancing meas-
hidden sink in the source term balance under ures, namely the action density limiter and the
equilibrium conditions. The question to what extent proposed frequency-dependent under-relaxation tech-
this limiter adversely affects the stationary solution of nique. Section 5 deals with the proposed stopping
SWAN has not been addressed previously, and is criterion based on the curvature of the iterate series of
considered here. the calculated wave height. In Section 6, the impact
An alternative way to restrict the high rate of and effectiveness of the frequency-dependent under-
change at higher frequencies is under-relaxation, i.e., relaxation technique and the new termination criterion
making smaller updates by means of a much smaller are investigated by means of series of SWAN
(pseudo) time step (Ferziger and Perić, 1999). simulations, featuring idealized fetch-limited cases
Consequently, a limiter may no longer be needed. and a depth-limited field case. Section 7 closes with a
Although this approach may be suitable to SWAN, it discussion and conclusions.
slows down convergence significantly. In this paper,
we propose a new method that finds a compromise
between fast convergence on the one hand and 2. Model description
minimizing the role of the limiter in the energetic
part of the spectrum on the other. The key idea to In stationary SWAN simulation, the evolution of
achieve this is to link the extent of updating to the the action density N is governed by the time-
wave frequency—the larger the frequency, the independent wave action balance equation, which
smaller the update. This approach is therefore called reads (Booij et al., 1999):
frequency-dependent under-relaxation.
The second objective of this paper concerns the h  i Bc N Bch N Stot
Y Y r
formulation and the use of termination criteria jY
x cg þ U N þ þ ¼ :
Br Bh r
required by the iteration procedure in SWAN. In
principle, the iterative process should be stopped if
the convergence error defined as the difference The first term denotes the propagation of wave energy
between the current iterate and the stationary in two-dimensional geographical Y x -space, with Y
c g
solution is smaller than a prescribed tolerance. At the group velocity and U the ambient current. This
present, the stopping criteria in SWAN make use of term can be recast in Cartesian, spherical or curvi-
the difference between successive iterates as a linear coordinates. The second term represents the
240 M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256

effect of shifting of the radian frequency due to geographic velocity vector Y Y by (c , c ), Eq.
cg þ U x y
variations in depth and mean currents. The third term (1) can be rewritten as
represents depth-induced and current-induced refrac-
tion. The quantities c r and c h are the propagation Bcx N Bcy N Bcr N Bch N Stot
velocities in spectral space (r, h), with r and h þ þ þ ¼ : ð3Þ
Bx By Br Bh r
indicating the radian frequency and propagation
direction, respectively. The right-hand side contains
We choose a rectangular grid with constant mesh
the source term S tot that represents all physical
sizes Dx and Dy in x- and y-direction, respectively.
processes that generate, dissipate or redistribute wave
The spectral space is divided into elementary bins
energy. In shallow water, six processes contribute to
with a constant directional resolution Dh and a
S tot:
constant relative frequency resolution Dr/r (result-
ing in a logarithmic frequency distribution). We
Stot ¼ Swind þ Snl3 þ Snl4 þ Swc þ Sbot þ Sdb : ð2Þ denote the grid counters as 1ViVN x , 1VjVN y,
1VlVNr and 1VmVNh in x-, y-, r- and h-spaces,
respectively. All variables are located at points
These terms denote, respectively, energy input by
(i,j,l,m). We obtain the following approximation of
wind, nonlinear transfer of wave energy through
Eq. (3):
three-wave and four-wave interactions and wave
decay due to whitecapping, bottom friction and
depth-induced wave breaking. Extensive details on ½ cx N iþ1=2;j;l;m  ½ cx N i1=2;j;l;m
the formulations of these processes can be found in
Holthuijsen et al. (2004).   Dx  
cy N i;jþ1=2;l;m
 cy N i;j1=2;l;m
To obtain a unique solution of Eq. (1), boundary þ
conditions should be provided. The incoming wave Dy
components at the seaward boundaries are specified ½ cr N i;j;lþ1=2;m  ½ cr N i;j;l1=2;m
by a two-dimensional spectrum. The closed bounda- þ
ries (e.g., a coastline) are fully absorbing for wave ½ ch N i;j;l;mþ1=2  ½ ch N i;j;l;m1=2 Stot
energy leaving the geographical domain. The lower þ ¼ j :
Dh r i;j;l;m
and upper boundaries in frequency space are indicated
by r min and r max, respectively. These boundaries are
fully absorbing, although a f 4 diagnostic tail is added
above the high-frequency cut-off, which is used to Note that locations between consecutive counters are
compute nonlinear wave–wave interactions and for indicated by half-indices. Since the unknown values
computing integral wave parameters. Since the direc- of N and the propagation velocities are only given at
tional space is a closed circular domain, no boundary points (i, j,l,m), further approximation is needed. In
conditions are needed. Rogers et al. (2002), a number of higher order
upwind schemes are presented for the calculation of
the fluxes c x N at (iF1/2,j,l,m) and c y N at (i,jF1/
3. Numerical framework 2,l,m). In this paper, however, we employ a first-
order upwind scheme in geographical space, since it
3.1. Discretization is sufficiently accurate for nearshore applications2,
relatively cheap and fully monotone, i.e., it cannot to
This section describes the main features of the
discretization and solution method of Eq. (1) in
SWAN. For more information, we refer to Booij et 2
This is confirmed by some tests with the second order upwind
al. (1999). For the sake of clarity, we restrict ourselves scheme SORDUP (Rogers et al., 2002) and the first order upwind
to Cartesian coordinates. Replacing the horizontal scheme in which no differences are found in the model results
gradient operator jYx by (B/Bx, B/By) and the obtained with both these schemes.
M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256 241

give rise to spurious oscillations in N in the geo- matrix structure can take different forms, mainly
graphical space: depending on the propagation of wave energy in the
geographic space. For instance, suppose that c x N0 and
 c y N0, everywhere. Then, the matrix structure has the
cx N ji;j;l;m ; cx ji;j;l;m N0
cx N jiþ1=2;j;l;m ¼ ð5Þ following form:
cx N jiþ1;j;l;m ; cx jiþ1;j;l;m b0


cy N ji;j;l;m ; cy ji;j;l;m N0
cy N ji;jþ1=2;l;m ¼ : ð6Þ
cy N ji;jþ1;l;m ; cy ji;jþ1;l;m b0

The fluxes at (i1/2,j,l,m) and (i,j1/2,l,m) are

obtained from Eqs. (5) and (6), respectively, by
decreasing the indices by 1 in appropriate manner.
The approximations to the fluxes cr N at (i,j,l+1/
2,m) and ch N at (i,j,l,m+1/2) are usually obtained by
combining central differences and a first-order upwind
scheme, as follows:
cr N ji;j;lþ1=2;m
> 1 1
< 1  l cr N ji;j;l;m þ lcr Nji;j;lþ1;m ; cr ji;j;l;m N0
2 2
¼  (9)
> 1 1
: 1  l cr N ji;j;lþ1;m þ lcr N ji;j;l;m ; cr ji;j;lþ1;m b0
2 2
One recognizes that the subblocks on the main
diagonal express coupling among the unknowns in
and the (r, h)-space for each geographic grid point,
whereas the off-diagonal subblocks represent cou-
ch N ji;j;l;mþ1=2 pling across geographical grid points. This system can
8 be solved with a Gauss–Seidel technique in one step
> 1  1 m ch N ji;j;l;m þ 1 mch N ji;j;l;mþ1 ; ch ji;j;l;m N0
< (Wesseling, 1992; Press et al., 1993). Generally, the
2 2
¼  ; velocities c x and c y may have different signs in the
> 1 1
: 1  m ch N ji;j;l;mþ1 þ mch Nji;j;l;m ; ch ji;j;l;mþ1 b0 geographical domain and hence, more steps are
2 2
needed. However, it is well known that adapting the
ordering of updates of the unknowns N in geo-
where the parameters l and m are still to be chosen. graphical space to the propagation direction can
Similar expressions can be found for the correspond- improve the rate of convergence of the Gauss–Seidel
ing fluxes at (i,j,l1/2,m) and (i,j,l,m1/2). iterative procedure (Wesseling, 1992). This is done as
For all values la[0,1] and ma[0,1], a blended follows. For each iteration, sweeping through grid
form arises between first-order upwind differencing rows and columns in geographical domain are carried
(l=m=0) and central differencing (l=m=1). In the out, starting from each of the four corners of the
present study, we choose l=m=1/2. computational grid. After four sweeps, wave energy
has been propagated over the entire geographical
3.2. Solution algorithm domain. During each sweep, only a subset of the
unknown values of N are updated depending on the
The discretization of the action balance Eq. (1) as sign of c x and c y. For instance, the first sweep starts at
described in Section 3.1 yields a system of linear the lower left-hand corner and all grid points with
equations that need to be solved. The corresponding c x N0 and c y N0 are updated.
242 M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256

After each propagation update at geographic grid more, the coefficients a k , ka{P, L, R, B, T} arise from
point, an update in the spectral space is made. Since, the discretizations of the fluxes crN and chN and b P
according to Eqs. (5) and (6), the wave energy at a contains the positive contributions of the source term
single spatial location depends on the upwind grid S tot in Eq. (10) and the updated fluxes c x N (5) and c y N
points only, it is sufficient to carry out the update (6). Note that coefficient a P includes S tot .
within a 908-quadrant of the (r, h)-space, as The linear system of Eq. (11) for all bins within a
illustrated in Fig. 1. Because of the implicit nature directional quadrant at a particular geographical point
of the spectral propagation terms in Eq. (4), a system is denoted by
of equations must be formed. Furthermore, due to the Y Y
fact that the source term S tot in Eq. (4) is nonlinear in AN ¼ b ; ð12Þ
N, linearization is required in order to find a solution. where AaRK K contains the coefficients a k , ka{P, L,
Generally, the term S tot in each bin (l,m) is treated by R, B, T} (and corresponds to a subblock on the main
distinguishing between positive and negative contri- Y
diagonal of Eq. (9)), b aRK contains the coefficient
butions and arranging these in the linear form Y
b P and boundary values and N aRK denotes an
(Ferziger and Perić, 1999): algebraic vector containing the unknown action
p n density values. Matrix A is non-symmetric. The
Stot ¼ Stot þ Stot N; ð10Þ
dimension K of a directional quadrant equals
where S tot consists of positive contributions and Nr (1/4)Nh . Note that linearization of the source
S tot of negative ones. Both contributions are inde- term (10) enhances diagonal dominance of A, thereby
pendent of the solution N at the corresponding bin improving numerical stability. Also note that neither
(l,m). Any negative term that does not contain N as Y
A nor b depends on the unknowns. Each row in the
a multiplier is first divided by N obtained from the matrix A corresponds to a bin (l,m). The main
previous iteration level and then added to S tot . This diagonal contains the coefficients a P and directly to
stabilizes the iteration process. Details on the the left and right are the coefficients a B and a T,
application of this principle to each source term in respectively. The coefficients a L and a R are on the
SWAN can be found in Booij et al. (1999). As such, diagonals that are Nh positions to the left and right of
each difference Eq. (4) using expressions (7), (8) and the main diagonal, respectively.
(10) provides an algebraic relation between N at the Y Y
The solution N is given by A 1 b . Since, the only
corresponding bin and its nearest neighbours: non-zero matrix elements are situated in five diago-
aP NP ¼ aL NL þ aR NR þ aB NB þ aT NT þ bP ; ð11Þ nals, iterative solution methods that utilize the sparsity
of A optimally are very attractive. In SWAN, the
where P corresponds to central bin (l,m) and L(eft), solution of Eq. (12) is found by means of an
R(ight), B(ottom) and T(op) correspond to (l1,m), incomplete lower–upper decomposition method fol-
(l+1,m), (l,m1) and (l,m+1), respectively. Further- lowed by an iteration process called the Strongly


y y y y

x x x x

Fig. 1. The solution procedure for wave energy propagation in geographical space with the appropriate directional quadrant (indicated by shaded
area) for each of four sweeps.
M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256 243

Implicit Procedure (SIP) (Ferziger and Perić, 1999). 4. Convergence-enhancing measures

This procedure is specifically designed for (non-
symmetric) penta-diagonal systems and is relatively As explained in Section 1, many time scales are
fast. Note that in the absence of mean current there are involved in the evolution of wind waves. The high-
no shifts in the frequency, and consequently the frequency waves have much shorter time scales than
structure of A reduces to a tri-diagonal one, i.e., the low-frequency waves, rendering the system of Eq.
a L=a R=0, which can be inverted efficiently with the (12) stiff. If no special measures are taken, the need to
Thomas algorithm (Press et al., 1993; Ferziger and resolve high-frequency waves at very short time
Perić, 1999). scales would result in extreme computational time.
Due to refraction and nonlinear wave energy For economy, it is desirable that a numerical technique
transfer, interactions occur between the directional can be used with a large, fixed time step. Moreover,
quadrants. To properly take these interactions into we are mainly interested in the evolution of slowly
account and the fact that we employ the Gauss–Seidel changing low-frequency waves. For stationary prob-
technique and linearization of the source term (10), lems, we are interested in obtaining the steady-state
the quadrant sweeping and the solution of system (12) solution. Unfortunately, the convergence to the steady
need to be repeated until some convergence criteria state is dominated by the smallest time scale and, in
are met. At present, the iteration process runs from the absence of remedial measures, destabilizing over-
s=1 to s=S and is terminated if the maximum number and undershoots will prevent solution from converg-
of iterations S (usually 15) is reached or the following ing monotonically during the iteration process. These
criteria for the significant wave height H m0 and mean oscillations arise because of the off-diagonal terms in
relative wave period T m01, as given by matrix A, which can be dominant over the main
diagonal, particularly when the ratio r max/r min is
pffiffiffiffiffiffi m0 substantially larger than one. As a consequence,
Hm0 ¼ 4 m0 ; Tm01 ¼ 2p ; convergence is slowed down and divergence often
Z l Z 2p ð13Þ occurs. To accelerate the iteration process without
mj ¼ r j E ðr;hÞdrdh; generating instabilities, appropriately small updates
0 0
must be made to the level of action density.
With the development of the WAM model, a so-
are both satisfied in at least 98% of all wet grid points called action density limiter was introduced as a
(i,j): remedy to the abovementioned problem. This action
jDHm0 ði;jÞj r limiter restricts the net growth or decay of action
beH or jDHm0 ði; jÞjbeaH ð14Þ density to a maximum change at each geographic grid
Hm0 ði;jÞ
point and spectral bin per time step. This maximum
and change corresponds to a fraction of the omni-direc-
tional Phillips equilibrium level (Hersbach and Jans-
s sen, 1999). In the context of SWAN (Booij et al.,
jDTm01 ði; jÞj r s
beT or jDTm01 ði; jÞjbeaT : ð15Þ 1999), this is
Tm01 ði; jÞ
Here, DQ s uQ s Q s1, with Q some quantity. In this DN uc ; ð16Þ
2rk 3 cg
study, we use the default values: e Hr =e Tr =0.02,
e Ha =0.02 m and e Ta =0.2 s; see Holthuijsen et al. where cz0 denotes the limitation factor, k is the wave
(2004). The rationale behind the use of the integral number and a PM=8.1 103 is the Phillips constant
wave parameters H m0 and T m01 in the stopping for a Pierson–Moskowitz spectrum (Komen et al.,
criteria is that these are the output variables typically 1994). Usually, c=0.1 (Tolman, 1992)3. Denoting the
of interest. The iterative solution procedure is
accelerated by calculating a reasonable first guess of
the wave field based on second-generation source 3
It is noted here that the effective c used in SWAN is not
terms of Holthuijsen and De Boer (1988). equivalent to that of WAM: the former is a factor 2k larger.
244 M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256

total change in N i,j,l,m from one iteration to the next a will play an important role in determining the
after Eq. (4) by DN i,j,l,m , the action density at the new convergence rate and stability of the iteration process.
iteration level is given by Substitution in Eq. (18) gives

s s1 DNi;j;l;m   Ys ¼ Y
ðA þ arI ÞN Y s1 :
b þ arN ð19Þ
Ni;j;l;m ¼ Ni;j;l;m þ min jDNi;j;l;m j; DN :
jDNi;j;l;m j
ð17Þ When the steady state is reached (i.e., s Yl), system
(19) solves AN l ¼ b since, N l is a fixed point of
For wave components at relatively low frequencies, Eq. (19).
Eq. (17) yields the pre-limitation outcome of Eq. (4), Suitable values for a must be determined empiri-
because, for these components, the pseudo time step cally and thus robustness is impaired. For increasing
matches the time scale of their evolution. For high- values of a, the change in action density per iteration
frequency waves, however, Eq. (17) gives the upper will decrease in the whole spectrum. The consequence
limit for the spectrum to change per iteration due to of this is twofold. Firstly, it allows a much broader
the limiter (16). For typical coastal engineering frequency range in which the action balance Eq. (4) is
applications, it is sufficient to compute the energy- actually solved without distorting convergence prop-
containing part of the wave spectrum accurately. In erties. Secondly, the use of the limiter will be reduced
other words, action densities near and below the because more density changes will not exceed the
spectral peak should not be imposed by the limiter maximum change (16). Clearly, this effect may be
(16). However, our experiences with SWAN have augmented by increasing the value of c in Eq. (16).
shown that the limiter is active even close to the peak. To allow proper calculation of the second-gener-
Furthermore, during the entire iteration process, the ation first guess of the wave field (see Section 3.2),
limiter is typically active at almost every geographic under-relaxation is temporarily disabled (a=0) during
grid point, as will be shown in Section 6. the first iteration. Whereas this measure is important
The alternative measure to enhance the conver- in achieving fast convergence, it does not affect
gence of the stable iteration process considered here is stability, since the second-generation formulations do
so-called false time stepping (Ferziger and Perić, not require stabilization.
1999). Under-relaxation terms representing the rate of
change are introduced to enhance the main diagonal
of A and thus stabilize the iteration process. The 5. Stopping criteria
system of Eq. (12) is replaced by the following,
iteration-dependent system In general, the iterative method should be stopped
if the approximate solution is accurate enough. A
Y s1
N s YN Y Y good termination criterion is very important, because
þ AN s ¼ b ð18Þ if the criterion is too weak the solution obtained may
be useless, whereas if the criterion is too severe the
with s a pseudo time step. The first term of Eq. (18) iteration process may never stop or may cost too much
controls the rate of convergence of the iteration work. Experiences with SWAN have shown that the
process in the sense that smaller updates are made present criteria (14) and (15) are often not strict
due to decreasing s, usually at the cost of increased enough to obtain accurate results after termination of
computational time. To deal with decreasing time the iterative procedure. Thus, criteria (14) and (15) are
scales at increasing wave frequency, the amount of necessary but not sufficient. It was found that the
under-relaxation is enlarged in proportion to fre- iteration process can converge so slowly that at a
quency. This allows a decrease in the computational certain iteration s the difference between the succes-
s s1
cost of under-relaxation, because at lower frequencies sive iterates, H m0 H m0 , can be small enough to meet
larger updates are made. This frequency-dependent the convergence criteria, causing the iteration process
under-relaxation can be achieved by setting s 1=ar, to stop, even though the converged solution has not
where a is a dimensionless parameter. The parameter yet been found. In particular, this happens when
M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256 245

convergence is non-monotonic such that the process is behaved manner and qb1 for all iterations. However,
terminated at local maxima or minima that may not due to nonlinearities SWAN typically does not display
coincide with the converged solution. such smooth behaviour. Therefore, this criterion may
Furthermore, it became apparent that, unlike H m0, be less suited for SWAN.
the quantity T m01 is not an effective measure of An alternative way to evaluate the level of
convergence. It was found that the relative error in convergence is to consider the second derivative or
s s1 s1
T m01, i.e. |T m01 T m01 |/T m01 , does not monotonically curvature of the curve traced by the series of iterates
decrease near convergence, but keeps oscillating (iteration curve). Since the curvature of the iteration
during the iteration process. This behaviour is due to curve must tend towards zero as convergence is
small variations in the spectrum at high frequencies, to reached, terminating the iteration process when a
which T m01 is sensitive. This behaviour is problematic certain minimum curvature has been reached would
when any form of stricter stopping criterion is be a robust break-off procedure. The curvature of the
developed based on T m01. Therefore, in the improved iteration curve of H m0 may be expressed in the
termination criterion proposed in this paper, T m01 has discrete sense as
been abandoned as a convergence measure and only  s
H m0, which displays more monotonic behaviour near D DH̃H sm0 ¼ H̃H sm0  2H̃
H s1 H s2
m0 þ H̃ m0 ; ð21Þ
convergence, is retained. where H̃ H sm0 is some measure of the significant wave
Stiffness and nonlinearity of the action balance height at iteration level s. To eliminate the effect of
equation are found to yield less rapid and less small amplitude oscillations on the
 s  curvature measure,
monotone convergence. Ferziger and Perić (1999) we define H̃ H sm0 u Hm0 þ Hm0s1
=2. The resulting
explain the slow convergence in terms of the curvature-based termination criterion at grid point
eigenvalue or spectral radius of the iteration process (i,j) is then
generating the sequence {/ 0, / 1, / 2,. . .}. They show  s1 
that the actual solution error is given by s s2 s3
jHm0 ði;jÞ  Hm0 ði;jÞ þ Hm0 ði;jÞ þ Hm0 ði;jÞj
s beC ;
2Hm0 ði;jÞ
/sþ1  /s
/l  /s c ; ð20Þ s ¼ 3;4;N ; ð22Þ
where e C is a given maximum allowable curvature.
where / l denotes the steady-state solution and q is The curvature measure is made non-dimensional
the spectral radius indicating the rate of convergence. through normalization with H sm0. Condition (22) must
The smaller the q, the faster the convergence. This be satisfied in at least 98% of all wet grid points
result shows that the solution error is larger than the before the iterative process stops. This curvature
difference between successive iterates. Furthermore, requirement is considered to be the primary criterion.
the closer q is to 1, the larger the ratio of solution However, the curvature passes through zero
error to the difference between successive iterates. In between local maxima and minima and, at conver-
other words, the lower the rate of convergence of the gence, the solution may oscillate between two
iteration process, the smaller this difference from one constant levels due to the action limiter, whereas the
iteration to the next must be to guarantee conver- average curvature is zero. As safeguard against such a
gence. The stopping criterion of SWAN could be situation, the weaker criterion (14) is retained in
improved by making the maximum allowable relative addition to the stricter criterion (22).
increment in H m0 a function of its spectral radius
instead of imposing a fixed allowable increment. By
decreasing the allowable relative increment as con- 6. Simulations
vergence is neared, it would be possible to delay run
termination until a more advanced stage of conver- In this section, the numerical implementations
gence. Such a stopping criterion was used by, e.g., described in Sections 4 and 5 are investigated by
Zijlema and Wesseling (1998). This criterion is means of numerical simulations. To explore the
adequate if the iteration process converges in a well- comparative performance of the convergence-enhanc-
246 M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256

ing methods, two situations are considered: idealized, corresponding results, depicted in Fig. 2, can be
fetch-limited wave growth and the field case of Lake regarded as the true numerical solution of the
George, Australia (Young and Verhagen, 1996), which problem. Note that the stationary solution is reached
represents depth-limited wave growth. In these tests after approximately 7000 and 4000 time steps for the
the convergence behaviour is of interest. Following U 10=10 and 30 m/s cases, respectively.
this consideration of iteration behaviour, the attention Firstly, the convergence behaviour of SWAN is
is turned to the application of stopping criteria. The discussed when using the default value of the action
performance of the present and newly proposed limiter (c=0.1) and various moderate levels of under-
criteria are compared for the field experiment of Lake relaxation (a=0.00–0.05. In these simulations, the run
George. with a=0 represents the default SWAN result (base
case). Fig. 3 presents the iteration behaviour of H m0
6.1. Convergence behaviour studies for U 10=10 and 30 m/s at a fetch of 12.5 km. As
reference, the equilibrium-level results of the nonsta-
The first situation investigated is that of deep-water, tionary benchmark simulations have been added. Fig.
fetch-limited, idealized wave growth over a fetch of 25 4 shows the lowest frequency bin at which the limiter
km, for spatially uniform wind with speeds of U 10=10 was active during the simulation, for the various
and 30 m/s. The depth is set to 105 m. Simulations settings of a. It should be noted that this minimum
were conducted in one-dimensional, stationary mode, appears to be more or less independent of the spectral
using a spatial discretization of Dx=100 m. The direction component. With a=0 convergence is fast
frequencies ranged from f min=0.04 Hz to f max=1.0 Hz (see Fig. 3) but the limiter was heavily used to obtain
and are discretized into 34 bins on a logarithmic scale this fast convergence (Fig. 4). Note also the persistent
(Df/fc0.1). The wave directions are discretized into small oscillations in the curves with a=0. Further-
36 sectors each of 10 degrees. For simulations at more, the limiter was active throughout both the
U 10=10 m/s the frequency range was shifted to 0.06– U 10=10 and 30 m/s simulations, up to period bins
3.0 Hz, with a discretization of Df=0.12f, to accom- above the highest values of T m01 respectively reached.
modate high-frequency growth. The simulations were In comparison, the curves for aN0 in Fig. 3 show three
conducted using the default third-generation physics effects of under-relaxation. First, under-relaxation
formulations of SWAN (see Holthuijsen et al., 2004). considerably slows down the speed of convergence,
For the iteration behaviour up to convergence and with the number of iterations required for convergence
beyond, the stopping criteria (14) and (15) were increasing with increasing values of a. Second, the
disabled and iteration was continued up to a suffi- iterative behaviour is smoothed by under-relaxation.
ciently large chosen maximum. The method of model Third, the overshoot in significant wave height during
convergence enhancement was varied for various iteration is reduced. Another advantage of under-
runs. The following approaches were considered: (a) relaxation is seen in the altered activity of the limiter,
the application of the present default action limiter in as shown in Fig. 4. At increasing levels of under-
SWAN (a=0.0, c=0.1), (b) using frequency-dependent relaxation, the lowest frequency at which the updates
under-relaxation in addition to the action limiter (a, are limited increases. This implies that the influence
cN0) and (c) applying frequency-dependent under- of the limiter on model results is reduced. In terms of
relaxation without the action limiter (aN0, c=l). numerical accuracy, the solution of the simulations
Various values of the under-relaxation parameter a with aN0 are in agreement with those of the nonsta-
were considered. To serve as a benchmark in these tionary benchmark simulations (especially for higher
comparisons, the test case of idealized wave growth values of a), whereas the a=0 simulation slightly
was also calculated in nonstationary mode, using a over-estimates H m0.
very small time step of Dt=1 s and no limiter4. The Considering the decreasing time scales at higher
frequencies, convergence should be achievable solely
For U 10=10 m/s, the limiter (16) with c=1.0 was necessary to
by slowing down the updates of spectral energy
maintain stability at the highest frequency bin (3.0 Hz), but its change. This can be achieved by applying strong
impact was limited to this bin. frequency-dependent under-relaxation. During such
M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256 247


Hm0 (m)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (h)

Fig. 2. Deep-water, fetch-limited wave growth for wind speeds of U 10=10 (dashed line) and 30 m/s (solid), at fetch=12.5 km. Results for
nonstationary SWAN with Dt=1 s and no limiter.




0.65 =0.01
nonstat, t = 1 s
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
3.35 =0.01
3.3 =0.05
nonstat, t = 1 s





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Fig. 3. Convergence behaviour of H m0 in deep-water, fetch-limited simulations for wind speeds U 10=10 (top panel) and 30 m/s (bottom panel),
at fetch=12.5 km. Results for SWAN with c=0.1 and a=0.0–0.05. Also shown is nonstationary SWAN with Dt=1 s.
248 M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256


Lowest frequency bin limited (Hz)

2 =0.03



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Lowest frequency bin limited (Hz)

0.8 =0.01
0.7 =0.03






0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Fig. 4. Lowest frequency bin at which limiter is active, as a function of iteration level. Results for deep-water, fetch-limited simulations for wind
speeds U 10=10 (top panel) and 30 m/s (bottom panel), with c=0.1 and a=0.0–0.05.

simulations, stable behaviour should be possible even stable, even in the absence of the limiter. As seen
with the limiter deactivated. Therefore, a next set of before, under-relaxation results in longer convergence
simulations was done for the idealized, fetch-limited times. For the strong under-relaxation applied here,
case, with under-relaxation of up to a=0.20, with the convergence was only reached after 1000 and 4000
limiter deactivated. Figs. 5 and 6 present simulation iterations for U 10=30 m/s and 10 m/s, respectively. It
results for U 10=10 m/s and 30 m/s in which the should be noted that fewer iterations are needed for
nonstationary benchmark results are again displayed. the higher wind speed. This is due to the fact that the
The curves with a=0 again represent the standard ratio r max/r min is half that at U 10=10 m/s case, so that
SWAN result, obtained with the limiter (c=0.1). The the corresponding system of equations is less stiff,
remaining curves (a=0.10 and 0.20) show the effect of thus improving the convergence rate (see Section 4).
strong under-relaxation, without the use of the limiter Considering the growth curves (Fig. 6), excellent
(c=l). At a relatively low level of under-relaxation agreement is found between the results of the strongly
(a=0.10), stability could not be achieved without the under-relaxed, unlimited simulations and those of the
limiter. This represents the situation in which the nonstationary benchmark simulations. This would
pseudo time step still exceeds the time scales of suggest that by using frequency-dependent under-
spectral change. However, for intensified under- relaxation, a very good approximation of the true
relaxation (a=0.20) the simulation does indeed remain numerical solution is obtained.
M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256 249


(m) 0.75


0.65 =0.00, std. limiter

=0.10, no limiter
=0.20, " "
nonstat, t = 1 s
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
=0.00, std. limiter
3.35 =0.10, no limiter
=0.20, " "
3.3 nonstat, t = 1 s





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Fig. 5. Convergence behaviour of H m0 in deep-water, fetch-limited simulations for wind speeds U 10=10 (top panel) and 30 m/s (bottom panel),
at fetch=12.5 km. Results for SWAN without limiter (c=l) and various large under-relaxation factors (a=0.10–0.20). Also shown are stationary
SWAN with c=0.1 and a=0, and nonstationary SWAN with Dt=1 s.

The results of the unrelaxed, limited simulations the point of convergence, it was found that the
also agree well with those of the other two methods, resulting spectra agree very well, except for a small
with only a slight over-estimation of H m0 visible. amount of energy on the low-frequency face of the
This is due to the fact that the limiter is always peak, accumulated in the spectrum of the simulation
applied at frequencies where low-frequency energy using the action limiter. It is this accumulated energy
resides (see Fig. 4). This implies that the limiter will which accounts for the observed small over-estima-
systematically impact the solution. Since the limiter tion of H m0 results.
restricts both positive and negative changes to the Considering the results of the two sets of simu-
spectrum, it can be both a source or sink of wave lations described above, the setting a=0.05, c=0.5 was
energy. It was observed that in the first few iterations chosen as a practical combination of frequency-
the limiter (c=0.1) allows slightly larger growth of dependent under-relaxation and the action limiter.
high-frequency energy compared to the frequency- With this combination, which lies between the
dependent under-relaxation and nonstationary extremes applied in the first and second simulation
approaches. This energy is partly dissipated by sets, the advantages of improved numerical accuracy
whitecapping on a relatively long time scale and and smooth convergence are obtained, while retaining
partly transported to lower frequencies by four-wave a relatively fast convergence speed compared to the
interactions on a significantly shorter time scale. At extreme example (a=0.2, c=l). The results of fetch-
250 M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256



Hm0 (m) at iter=4000


0.8 0.76
15 15.5 16



=0.00, std. limiter

=0.20, no limiter
nonstat, t = 1 s
0 5 10 15 20 25
Fetch (km)

4 3.4
Hm0 (m) at iter=1200

15 15.5

1 =0.00, std. limiter

=0.20, no limiter
nonstat, t = 1 s
0 5 10 15 20 25
Fetch (km)

Fig. 6. Growth curves of H m0 in deep-water, fetch-limited simulations for wind speeds of U 10=10 (top panel) and 30 m/s (bottom panel). Results
for stationary SWAN with limiter, for a=0.20 without limiter and nonstationary SWAN with Dt=1 s.

limited simulation with this setting are essentially using a spatial discretization of Dx=Dyc200 m, a
similar to the results of the setting a=0.05, c=0.1. directional discretization of 108, a frequency range of
Next, the performance of this setting is investigated 0.125 to 1.0 Hz and a frequency discretization of
for practical application in the field case of Lake Df=0.1f. The simulations were conducted using the
George. default third-generation physics formulations of
The Lake George field experiment of Young and SWAN. Iteration was continued up to convergence
Verhagen (1996) represents near-idealized, depth- and beyond, with the stopping criteria (14) and (15)
limited wave growth. Lake George is a shallow lake disabled. Simulations were conducted with two
(depth about 2 m) with a nearly flat bottom and is settings of the convergence-enhancing methods,
approximately 20 km long and 10 km wide. Wave namely the default action density limiter (a=0.0,
spectra were measured along the North–South axis of c=0.1) and the combination of under-relaxation and
the lake using an array of eight gauges. The limiter a=0.05 and c=0.5.
simulation of one representative case is presented Figs. 7 and 8 present comparative simulation
here, namely case df41lak02T of the ONR Test Bed results of the two convergence-enhancing methods
(Ris et al., 2002). In this case, wave growth is caused after 500 iterations. It is striking that both in terms of
by a northerly wind of U 10=10.8 m/s. The simulations spectra (Fig. 7) and integral parameters (Fig. 8) there
were conducted in two-dimensional stationary mode is virtually no difference between the results pro-
M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256 251

0.1 0.1
Station 1 Station 2
0.08 0.08
E(f) (m2/Hz)

0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0
0.1 0.1
Station 3 Station 4
0.08 0.08
E(f) (m2/Hz)

0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0
0.1 0.1
Station 5 Station 6
0.08 0.08
E(f) (m2/Hz)

0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0
0.1 0.1
Station 7 Station 8
0.08 0.08
E(f) (m2/Hz)

0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
f (Hz) f (Hz)

Fig. 7. Lake George field experiment of near-idealized, depth-limited wave growth. 1D spectra obtained with a=0.0 and c=0.1 after 500
iterations (plusses), with a=0.05 and c=0.5 after 500 iterations (triangles) and observations of Young and Verhagen (1996) (thick line). Note: all
plusses virtually coincide with the triangles and for that reason are not separately visible.

duced without under-relaxation (a=0) and the action 6.2. Termination of a simulation
limiter at c=0.1 and with under-relaxation (a=0.05)
and the action limiter at c=0.5. This correspondence In Section 6.1 it was shown that in simulations of
would indicate that also here the action limiter has the Lake George field case the default action limiter
minimal influence on the simulation results. When and frequency-dependent under-relaxation conver-
comparing the two sets of simulation results to the gence-enhancing methods yielded very similar results.
observations, it is seen that total energy levels By making use of under-relaxation in this way, it has
compare very well, but that there is a consistent been established that the default action limiter has
underprediction of peak period. The latter is a well- little influence on model outcome. In these simula-
known shortcoming of SWAN, which is still actively tions, however, the focus was on the final, converged
being researched (Ris et al., 1999; Rogers et al., solution, and 500 iterations were allowed to achieve
2003). this. The question that remains is whether, in practical
252 M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256



Hm0 (m)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Tpeak (s)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 8. Lake George field experiment of near-idealized, depth-limited wave growth. Wave height and peak period obtained with a=0.0 and c=0.1
after 500 iterations (plusses), with a=0.05 and c=0.5 after 500 iterations (triangles) and observations of Young and Verhagen (1996) (squares).
Note: all plusses virtually coincide with the triangles and for that reason are not separately visible.

applications in which a stopping criterion and appears to ensure good accuracy, with the criterion
significantly fewer iterations are used, such well- (22) being dominant.
converged results are obtained. Fig. 9 presents the iteration behaviour of the Lake
This section compares the current default stopping George simulation with the default action limiter
criteria of SWAN with the newly proposed criteria in (a=0.0, c=0.1) at Station 8, the furthest observation
Section 5. The simulation of the Lake George case point downwind. Superimposed on Fig. 9 are the
df41lak02T was repeated using the same settings as termination points determined by the default stopping
before, but this time using only the default action criteria (14) and (15) and the proposed criteria (14)
limiter (a=0.0, c=0.1). Using this model set-up, a first and (22). The default stopping criteria, currently used
set of simulations was conducted with the default in SWAN, prematurely terminates the simulation at
stopping criteria (14) and (15). A second set of iteration No. 6, resulting in about 10% underpredic-
simulations was conducted with the newly proposed tion of the converged value of H m0. In contrast to this,
curvature-based criteria (14) and (22), using e Hr =0.02, the curvature-based criteria terminate the simulation at
e Ha =0.02 m and e C =0.0001. In a wide range of field iteration No. 30, at which point the solution of H m0
cases of the ONR Test Bed, these tolerance values has converged. Fig. 10 shows the normalized curva-
M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256 253


default criteria
Hm0 (m)


curvature criteria
0 10 20 30 40 50

Fig. 9. Lake George field experiment of near-idealized, depth-limited wave growth (Station 8). Iteration behaviour of SWAN with a=0.0 and
c=0.1 with positions of run termination using default stopping criteria (14) and (15) with e Hr =e Tr=0.02, e Ha =0.02 m and e Ta =0.2 s (6 iterations) and
criteria (14) and (22) with e Hr =0.02, e Ha =0.02 m and e C =0.0001 (30 iterations).

ture measure (22) calculated at Station 8 as a function The results achieved with these criteria are similar to
of iteration level, as well as the limiting normalized those obtained in the fully converged results of
curvature value, e C =0.0001. It can be seen that the Section 6.1.
curvature measure consistently reduces throughout the
iteration process. After the 24th iteration the curvature
measure remains below the given e C , meeting the 7. Discussion and conclusions
convergence test at this location; at iteration No. 30
this was the case at 98% of all wet grid points, which In this study, two numerical aspects of the sta-
terminated the iteration process. tionary third-generation wind wave model SWAN
Figs. 11 and 12 present the resulting spectra and have been considered, namely convergence-enhancing
integral parameters at the eight observation points. measures and stopping criteria. Their application has
These figures confirm the improvement achieved by been shown for idealized and nearly idealized fetch-
using the proposed stopping criteria (14) and (22). and depth-limited wave growth situations, in which


Normalized curvature (–)

Maximum curvature



0 10 20 30 40 50

Fig. 10. Lake George field experiment of near-idealized, depth-limited wave growth (Station 8). Curvature measure (22) vs. iteration number,
with given maximum allowable curvature e C .
254 M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256

0.1 0.1
Station 1 Station 2
0.08 0.08
E(f) (m2/Hz)

0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0
0.1 0.1
Station 3 Station 4
0.08 0.08
E(f) (m2/Hz)

0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0
0.1 0.1
Station 5 Station 6
0.08 0.08
E(f) (m2/Hz)

0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0
0.1 0.1
Station 7 Station 8
0.08 0.08
E(f) (m2/Hz)

0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
f (Hz) f (Hz)

Fig. 11. Lake George field experiment of near-idealized, depth-limited wave growth. 1D spectra obtained with a=0.0, c=0.1 and default
stopping criteria (14) and (15) with e Hr =e Tr=0.02, e Ha =0.02 m and e Ta =0.2 s (6 iterations, triangles), with a=0.0, c=0.1 and criteria (14) and (22)
with e Hr =0.02, e Ha =0.02 m and e C =0.0001 (30 iterations, plusses) and observations of Young and Verhagen (1996) (thick line).

the source terms of wind input, whitecapping and ered as an important numerical aid for scientific
nonlinear four-wave interaction are dominant. applications.
This study has shown that a stable solution is Since frequency-dependent under-relaxation impo-
possible without use of the action limiter, using the ses no external limitation on wave growth, it can be
frequency-dependent under-relaxation technique. It considered a true numerical solution to the formula-
was shown that this method achieves smoother tions of physics in SWAN. This has been confirmed
iteration behaviour than the action limiter, although by the fact that the results of this method are in
it is more computationally expensive. Because of excellent agreement with those of nonstationary
this increased computational cost, the method of calculations using a very small time step (Dt=1 s)
frequency-dependent under-relaxation is probably and no limiter. As such, it is a significant discovery
not well suited to practical application (e.g., that the results produced by the action limiter differ
forecasting). On the other hand, it can be consid- very little from those of frequency-dependent under-
M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256 255



Hm0 (m)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Tpeak (s)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 12. Lake George field experiment of near-idealized, depth-limited wave growth. Wave height and peak period obtained with a=0.0, c=0.1
and default stopping criteria (14) and (15) with e Hr =e Tr=0.02, e Ha =0.02 m and e Ta =0.2 s (6 iterations, triangles), with a=0.0, c=0.1 and termination
criteria (14) and (22) with e Hr =0.02, e Ha =0.02 m and e C =0.0001 (30 iterations, plusses) and observations of Young and Verhagen (1996)

relaxation, for a wide range of stationary cases stopping criterion based on the curvature of the series
(including others not presented here). This would of successive iterates of the significant wave height. It
suggest that the limiter may not have a significant has been shown that this termination criterion is
impact on stationary model solutions. significantly better at locating the point of conver-
The finding that, when properly converged, the gence than the current default criteria.
results of frequency-dependent under-relaxation sim- This study has provided improved understanding
ulations do not differ noticeably from the results of of the impact of the numerics in SWAN on its
action limiter simulations implies that, at present, performance. This makes it possible to make a clearer
there is little gain in applying under-relaxation to distinction between inaccuracies due to numerics and
practical applications. However, it was shown that those due to approximations in the formulations of
current SWAN simulations tend to be prematurely physical processes. An example of this is the
terminated by the default stopping criteria, so that the remaining underprediction of peak wave period in
true converged solution is not reached. This has called the model results of Lake George (Figs. 7 and 8). With
for the development of the newly proposed stricter the improved understanding of numerical influence,
256 M. Zijlema, A.J. van der Westhuysen / Coastal Engineering 52 (2005) 237–256

these discrepancies can, with greater certainty, be Komen, G.J., Cavaleri, L., Donelan, M., Hasselmann, K.,
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Modelling of Ocean Waves. Cambridge University Press,
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Numerical recipes in Fortran 77. The art of scientific computing,
Acknowledgements 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press, New York (available
Ris, R.C., 1999. Model convergence of SWAN in the Westerschelde
Parts of this study are supported by the National estuary WL|Delft Hydraulics, Report H3496.
Institute for Coastal and Marine Management/RIKZ Ris, R.C., Holthuijsen, L.H., Booij, N., 1999. A third-generation
of the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water wave model for coastal regions: 2. Verification. J. Geophys.
Management through the project RKZ-1124. Res. 104 (C4), 7667 – 7681.
Ris, R.C., Holthuijsen, L.H., Smith, J.M., Booij, N., Van
Dongeren, A.R., 2002. The ONR Test Bed for coastal and
oceanic wave models. Proc. 28th Int. Conf. Coastal Engng.,
References ASCE, pp. 380 – 391.
Rogers, W.E., Kaihatu, J.M., Petit, H.A.H., Booij, N., Holthuijsen,
Booij, N., Ris, R.C., Holthuijsen, L.H., 1999. A third-generation L.H., 2002. Diffusion reduction in an arbitrary scale third
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