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Audit Checkpoints

Sperate for regional office

Documents, Hr, Available staff vs required staff, Competency requirement (Education, experience,
Role in organization), Is there a travel plan? Tat monitoring , Ware house/stock, Stock list and
quantity and optimal no of stock, any adjustments, or mismatches, untraceable since how long?
ambiance, records, compliance for RFP, master list of equipment centre wise, when was if last
updated, Available equipment vs required equipment. Gaps Communication of missed ID to HQ

Remarks column should be bigger

Sperate for sites

HR for field staff: no of pending calls per Employee no of assigned, approval pending with RM

Required documents, tool kit. Back communication

Segregation of centres Efficient centres and problematic centres (outage of the centres)

Average TAT for engineers.

Roles and responsibilities for engineer’s checklist.

Stickers- PM, BM, BER, Tagging

Stationary stock

Sites/Health facility

Tagging of equipment (All equipment are tagged properly are not, Doble tagging, Improper tagging),
Toll free Stickers, Time for PM, BM, Calibration, communication to medical officer, not found

Customer point of view checklist; like satisfaction of services, engineers’ promptness, engineers
performance, etc.,

Incidence reports.

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