Project Scope

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1. Project Background and Description

For 50 unique identities, the following content will be collected and delivered through a Google Drive Folder specific
to the vendor

- 50 Enrollment photos (1 per identity)

- 1000 Historical photos (20 per identity)

- 50 Model Releases & Demographic Data Forms (1 per identity)

2. Project Scope
The high-level requirements for the Enrollment photos and Historical photos are listed below. All the requirements
need to be met for each unique identity to be approved as a valid set. The requirements are split into 4 categories
as listed:

1. Demographic Distributions

2. Enrollment Photos

3. Historical Photos

4. Release Form with Demographic Data

3. High-Level Requirements
Demographic Distributions

1. All identities should be 18 years and older

2. All identities must be Black or East Asian– Please note: East Asian Race is defined as people whose
Country of Ancestry is China, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Tibet & Taiwan. Country of
Residence may vary but must be one of the following: Albania, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Congo, Costa Rica, Fiji, Georgia, Ghana, Haiti, India,
Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Liberia, Malaysia, Malawi, Mozambique, Mongolia,
Moldova, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Serbia,
Singapore, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad, Ukraine, Uganda, Vietnam

Enrollment Photos

1. For each participant submit 1 enrollment photo with the following specs:

2. Solid color background (does not need to be white)

3. Color image (not Black & White)

4. No makeup or face paint

5. Face is in center of photo, full head, and shoulders in frame

6. Only one face in the photo

7. Flat, indoor lighting - no shadows behind head or on face - no side lighting

8. Image resolution 1920 x 1280 - image is right-side up, no tilt

9. Neutral face expression - eyes open, closed mouth, no teeth or wide-open mouth

10. No occlusions

11. Frontal, Frontal, with no more than ~15 deg deviations in roll, pitch, yaw

12. Eyes open and visible, looking at the camera

13. No blur (incorrect focus, motion)

14. No image degradation or graininess

15. No upside down or 90-degree rotated images

16. No watermarks on the photo

17. No accessories: no scarves, hats, sunglasses, or anything that occludes the eyes, nose, or mouth

18. Hijab is OK if it does not cover eyes, nose, or mouth

Acceptable Enrollment Photos

Unacceptable Enrollment Photos

Historical Photos

1. Each Identity should submit 20 distinct photos from the past 10 years (2012-2022)

2. Photos should show a wide variety in appearance, pose, environment, facial expression, date captured,
and time of day captured.

3. Selfies are preferred.

4. File extension should not be modified; Image should not be corrupted – corrupted meaning that image
can’t be opened

5. Additional Requirements:

6. Photos are clearly from different days

7. No specific backdate required for historical photos

8. Photos show a variety of poses, environments, styles of dress, etc.

9. Subject's face is visible and clear/not blurry

10. Subject's body may be in the frame

11. Resolution may vary depending on device model/capability at the time of capture

Release Form with Demographic Data

1. All identities must sign a Release Form and complete all their demographical data

2. Without this Release Form the photos will be invalid

3. The Release Forms may be signed digitally, for example, they can sign on a piece of paper, and take a
photo. and the photo may be pasted into the Release Form Word Document

4. Deliverables
Each identity’s photos will be uploaded into a separate folder in a vendor-specific Google Drive folder which will be
provided to the vendor

5. Delivery Milestones
Milestone 1 – Delivery of the first set of 25 identities within 14 days

Milestone 2 – Delivery of the second set of 25 identities within 28 days

6. Fees Payable
The vendor will be paid directly at a rate of $[CONFIDENTIAL AS AGREED WITH VENDOR] per validated and
client-approved identity.

This project requires two levels of quality assurance, and the final validation of the identities will come from the
client, the quality assurance will be the responsibility of the company, not the vendor.

The final approval lies with the client.

The full amount of all the validated and approved identities will be paid at one time, up to 14 days after the end date
of the project.

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