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Personal Skills Audit

1. Look at the twelve personal areas of knowledge and skills and place them in order
of difficulty, with the most difficult first (you can do this by cutting and pasting them in

Good time management

Team player

Work independently

Solve problems

Motivate people

Take risks

Meet deadlines

Ability to plan

Accept responsibility

Desire to learn/improve


Maintain focus

2. Use the ‘traffic light’ system to highlight which you feel is the most or least difficult
for you (you can do this by changing the text colour):

Red – major priority which needs working on a lot

Amber (or yellow) – difficult, but manageable

Green – confident

C. Now, consider your future ambitions and possible routes.

c. How will the areas you have highlighted as ‘strengths’ in green for both audits help you
with your future ambitions and routes? Do you feel you have sufficient knowledge, or are
there still areas to improve?
For my personal skills audit I have highlighted my strengths in green which are the

Meet deadlines- I feel as though I have enough knowledge and experience in

meeting deadlines, especially shown throughout my years of college.

Ability to plan - I have shown that consistently throughout years of college.

However, it is something I can improve on and adapt for my career.

 Accept responsibility – i will need this strength throughout my career in case

things don’t go plan – I will have to accept responsibility and change it
 Desire to learn/improve – This is something I am constantly working on as I
need to improve to be the best and push myself so I get to where I know I can
 Decisive – I am pretty good at making executive decisions quickly; I don’t
think this is something I need to improve on
 Maintain focus- This is a key skill in which I will need, I do think I am pretty
good at it – I will need it in an under-pressure working environment such as

For my technical skills audit I have highlighted my strengths in green which are the

 Photoshop – I have enough knowledge on Photoshop, I could improve my

skills/ adapt to learn new things. However, I doubt I will need this is my future
career unless I am working with print magazines.
 Use of Video Camera – This is a skill I am constantly progressing on; I think
knowing this could lead me down the path to being a runner in the media
industry and I will be able to create connects and gain contacts by educating
myself enough on the technical use of a video camera and how and why they
are used.
 Use of Sound Recording Equipment – This is a skill worth knowing, I do
know how to use the sound recording equipment and I would also need to
know how to use it for journalism – when interviewing people, I might need a
sound recording to collect their answers in real time.
 Website Production – I am extremely confident with website production –
ever since school I would have to create a website and add to it; so, I know
enough about creating a website and maintaining and updating it constantly. I
would also need this for my future career if I was to build a portfolio.
 Scriptwriting – Scriptwriting I have been doing mainly in video lessons – so I
am confident creating scripts and sticking to them.
However, again I don’t think I would need it hugely in my career, it would inspire
my future interview questions but it’s not something you can stick to, as the
questions as you cannot predict interview answers

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