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or prevent any disease.


Table of Contents
The AlphaPrime Guidebook for Men..........................................................1

Step #1:
Japanese Armor Weed Protects What Makes You a Man...........................11

Step #2:
“Stallion Herb” Restores He-Man Vitality.................................................15

Step #3:
“Mineral 12” #1 for Virility And Immunity..............................................19

Bonus Cures:
Dr. Gerhauser’s Bonus Manhood Secrets...................................................23

Bonus Cure #1:

Do This Every Day to Boost Focus, Erase Stress and Grow Your Brain......25

Bonus Cure #2:

Dangerous Curves Ahead: Penis Shape Boosts Cancer Risk.......................31

Bonus Cure #3:

“Forbidden Food” Slashes Heart Disease Risk...........................................35

Bonus Cure #4:

The Statins Scam: Read This Before You Pop Another Pill.........................37

Bonus Cure #5:

Sip Away Heart Attacks With This “Super Drink”.....................................41

Bonus Cure #6:

Spicy Oil Knocks Out Arthritis Pain.........................................................45

Bonus Cure #7:

The Diabetes Cure with a 98% Success Rate.............................................49

Bonus Cure #8:

“Memory Mushroom” Reverses Alzheimer’s Damage
and Restores Precious Memories...............................................................55

Bonus Cure #9
Special Water Destroys Prostate Cancer Cells in Just 4 Months.................61


D o you remember when you were a true he-man.... in every sense of

the word?
You could make passionate love to your wife all night...
Your body was lean, trim and fit... so strong, your muscles had muscles.
Your daily energy level soared through the roof... and you could easily
keep up with people much younger than you.
Is that how you feel today?
Let me ask you a few questions... man to man.
Is your body getting soft?
Do you tire easily?
Are you frail and weak?
Are your erections smaller and softer than they used to be?
Don’t be embarrassed... because you’re NOT alone.
And it’s NOT your fault.
Like many men, you’ve probably been told, “Face it, that’s all just a nor-
mal part of aging... it happens to EVERY MAN.”
Scientifically speaking, that’s a LIE.
Because restoring your full manhood... enjoying HUGE results in the
bedroom... and once again becoming the virile, masculine man you’ve al-
ways been is YOUR RIGHT.

You deserve it. You’ve EARNED it.
And I’m about to tell you how to get back the strength and virility that
are your birthright.
And I’ll share exciting information on ways to dramatically BOOST
God-given testosterone. NATURALLY increasing manhood, REVIVING
sex drive, and the ability to achieve a ROCK-SOLID erection.
…restoring the strength in your arms, back, and legs…
…replacing the soft flab on your stomach and chest with lean muscle…
And even sharpening your memory and your mind…
You see, what’s happening to your body are just SYMPTOMS of a man-
hood-destroying epidemic that’s taking over our country.
I’ll prove it to you in this report—and more important, I’ll walk you
through exactly how to get your manhood BACK.
I’ll show you EVERY detail on this manhood-destroying epidemic.
To help REGAIN your arm and chest strength... so you can lift more
weight in just a few short weeks.
To help effortlessly ERASE the fat on your stomach… so you’ll need to
tighten your belt – or even buy new pants.
And – most importantly – how to help restore your manhood to its full
You see, there’s a “senior male wasting” epidemic that’s sweeping across
... and it’s caused by dangerous chemicals—the SAME toxic poisons
found in the household products you use every single day.
No one is talking about it.
Your doctor doesn’t even know about this new research—or if he does,
he’s not sharing.
Friend, this is brand new science...
... and I’m about to expose the whole truth.

The Menace That’s WRECKING Your Manhood
More than four decades ago, Congress passed the Toxic Substances Con-
trol Act, first law in the U.S. to regulate and ban harmful industrial chemicals.
But they didn’t go far enough. A jaw-dropping 62,000 dangerous chemicals
were “grandfathered” in, meaning they got a pass and were allowed to stay...
despite all of the evidence proving how toxic they really are.
Fast forward to today, and one group of hazardous chemicals—industri-
al plastic byproducts known as Toxic Feminizing Chemicals (TFCs)—are
commonly used in consumer packaging.
And they’re everywhere...
You can’t see, smell, or taste them, but they’re in the same products you
interact with every day.
In fact, our own National Institutes of Health conducted a massive study
and discovered… 93% of Americans have these “feminizing mutant” TFCs
in our bodies.
And they’re destroying your manhood.
Let me show you exactly why TFCs are so dangerous for men like us.
In the 1980s, American manufacturing was booming and revenues were
soaring. Driven by their shareholders, companies kept seeking new ways to
drive down production costs to save money and boost their profits.
One group of these chemicals, called phthalates, were created to make
plastic more flexible and harder to break. Companies by the thousands
climbed on board, using phthalates to slash manufacturing costs and build
profits—and keep their shareholders happy.
And these lower production costs also made these products cheaper to buy.
You might think that would be a win-win—the companies save money
and so do you, so everyone benefits, right?
You see, phthalates are some of the worst Toxic Feminizing Chemicals...
and their widespread use led to some unexpected consequences—especially
for men.
I’ll tell you all about that in a moment.

But first, I want to tell you that you’re exposed to these Toxic Feminizing
Chemicals every single day. We ALL are...
... they’re in hundreds of products in your homes... your cars... even
your doctor’s office.
They’re in your personal care products, from soap, shampoo, and skin
lotion, to your wife’s makeup, hairspray, and nail polish...
... in your favorite foods and drinks, from meat and dairy products, to fast
food, to water bottles, soda bottles, beer cans, and soup cans...
... in everyday items, like your eyeglasses, raincoat, vinyl records, store
receipts, and medical equipment and devices...
... and they’re all over your home—from your detergent, toothbrush,
and shower curtain, to your flooring, window blinds, wallcovering, plastic
pipes, and even your grandchildren’s toys.
Friend, these Toxic Feminizing Chemicals are EVERYWHERE.
In fact, if you really knew how extensively TFCs are used in this country,
it would make your head spin... it’s just out of control.
And since they’re so widely used, you’d probably think they’re safe.
They’re NOT.
And there’s a VERY good chance they’re inside your body... in fact, nearly
ALL Americans have phthalate byproducts in their urine.
That’s a BIG problem for men like us, because do you know what TFCs are?
The first estrogen mutant.
Yes, estrogen—the FEMALE hormone...
... the same female hormone that makes your wife so soft and feminine.
Now if you were to compare the chemical makeups of TFCs and natural
estrogen, you’d see they’re almost IDENTICAL.
So TFCs behave exactly like female estrogen in your body...
And once they get inside your body, the mutant estrogens—the TFCs—
do the unthinkable...
They destroy your testosterone.
Now here’s a frightening thought. Since 1980, every time you cracked

open an ice cold beer, put on your eyeglasses, drank a bottle of water, brushed
your teeth, put your favorite record on the turntable, or went about your dai-
ly activities, here’s what happened....
... TFCs invaded your body...
And once TFCs get into your system, these mutant estrogens do the un-
thinkable... They destroy your testosterone.
Let me repeat that. When TFCs enter your body, these estrogen imposters
turn male hormones into female hormones—faster than your body can react
and stop it.
These TFCs are SHRINKING your manhood—and making you less of
a man.
Friend, I’m a doctor.
And I’ve been practicing medicine for nearly four decades.
I’ve seen first-hand how the TFCs in the consumer plastic goods you use
or are exposed to every day...
... are devastating your strength... sapping your energy... killing your sex
drive... and stealing everything from you that makes you a MAN.
That’s why I created my 3-step AlphaPrime System...
... a safe and all-natural manhood-restoring program.
It’s based on science... and it works with the natural biology of your body.
My system is designed to DESTROY fake estrogen... reverse TFC dam-
age... and BOOST your testosterone by up to 200%.
I’ve used it myself—and I’d like to share EXACTLY how it worked for me.
As I told you, my name is Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D.
I’m 65 years old and I still run a busy medical clinic in Tucson, Arizona.
I’m a board-certified doctor who specializes in men’s health issues.
I’ve even guided well-known celebrities and professional athletes at the
world-famous Canyon Ranch medical center, helping them regain perfect
health... and their manhood.
But, believe it or not, about 10 years ago, I thought it was all over for me.

I suddenly felt my youth slipping away...
I was weak... and growing frailer each day...
An avid jogger, I could barely run or even hike because I easily became
short of breath. In fact, some days, I could barely get out of bed.
“Is this it?” I wondered. “Am I getting old?”
I knew from my medical training that a man—biologically—should be
able to remain strong, sexually active, and energetic well into his 80s.
So I made it my personal mission to discover the REAL reason I was
feeling like this...
And why so many of my male patients seemed to be growing frail and
weak long before their time.
Fortunately, as a doctor, I have access to exclusive medical research...
It took years of research, but one day... in a little-known (or covered up)
study out of the University of Exeter in England...
I had my “aha” moment.
I had uncovered something that most people—even most doctors—are
completely missing...
That something in our modern environment is hurting men... changing
men... feminizing men.
That’s right, it’s TFCs—those mutant estrogen imposters.
Researchers showed that exposure to an especially hazardous TFC—a
plastic chemical called bisphenol A (BPA)—can cause your testosterone
levels to PLUNGE.
BPA is in countless plastic and plastic-derived products throughout your
home... and you’re exposed to it EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE.
The effects of BPA are easier to detect in men than women because we
have lower levels of estrogen to start with.
But that’s not the only problem.
You see, in America today, testosterone is literally DISAPPEARING.
In fact, a study at The New England Research Institute found that... TES-
TOSTERONE levels in America are plummeting 1% EVERY YEAR.

And that study was performed all the way back in 1987.
In the years since this research was published, American masculinity has
been in freefall... it’s already plummeted 39% since that study, and it’s de-
creasing every year.
At this rate, testosterone will be EXTINCT by 2070.
Maybe it’s a good thing that YOU won’t be around to see it, but your
grandsons might... and THER sons, if they can even have any.
But that’s not the worst thing.
Researchers have also discovered that male sperm counts have TAKEN A
They’ve dropped 59% over the last 40 years... according to research pub-
lished in the respected journal Human Reproduction Update.
If you do the math, you’ll see that sperm counts will hit rock bottom
during this century, plunging to ZERO by 2078.
But your body NEEDS enough testosterone to make you feel, act, and
look like the man you’ve always been.
In fact, as a man over the age of 55, you can directly blame this nation-
wide testosterone crisis for...
... the stubborn fat around your midsection or chest...
... feeling your muscles shrink as your strength declines year after year...
... feeling like your tank is empty, keeping you from getting the most out
of your days...
... worries about your erections “standing at attention” on command...
And here’s what’s REALLY frightening—with the manhood-killing com-
bination of less testosterone and more “fake estrogen,” your body actually
starts acting a lot more like a woman’s body!
High estrogen levels significantly boost your risk of prostate enlargement
and heart attacks... and can also stimulate your breasts to grow—you may
know it as “man-boobs.”
Friend, I know you love your wife, but you don’t want to look like her.
Do you know what else happens when you don’t have enough testosterone?

Your body becomes softer... your waistline expands... your muscles
shrink... and your strength and energy slip away...
Low testosterone can also cause hair loss, brain fog, irritability and even
depression. And it can REALLY do a number on your sex life.
Not only does is make your sex drive PLUNGE, but you may have diffi-
culty achieving or maintaining an erection.
And believe it or not, even your actual manhood could even suffer... it
may even be SHORTER than it should be.
Think about that for a moment... how it would feel to once again be a super-
star in the bedroom... and how much more manly an extra inch or two would
make you feel.
But let me be crystal clear... NONE of this is your fault.
No one has ever told you about the epidemic that’s stealing your man-
hood... wrecking your strength... and destroying your sex life...
But that’s why what I’m about to share is so IMPORTANT.
My 3-step AlphaPrime System can help you REVERSE the emascu-
lating effects caused by those Toxic Feminizing Chemicals... and help you
RECLAIM your manhood.
But the medical mainstream would rather tell you, “Your smaller penis
and weaker erections are totally NORMAL for an older man.”
They’d tell you to just accept it...
Then send you on your way with a prescription that helps it get a weak,
artificial erection.
That’s a Band-Aid solution... and it never actually solves the problem.
Other doctors might even suggest MORE pills, injections, diets, and other
“therapies” to increase your natural testosterone levels.
But they come with dangerous side-effects like blurry vision, heart attack,
stroke, or even death.
And they still don’t REVERSE the effects of TFCs in your system...
That’s why you need the only true, natural manhood CURE that is com-
pletely side-effect free...

My 3-step AlphaPrime System.
I’ve personally researched, developed, and used it successfully for more
than a decade in my own clinic.
And thousands of my thrilled patients (and their wives) report it’s the ONLY
thing that’s delivered dramatic results. And I’ve seen it work—firsthand.
In this report, I’m going to tell you how in just three short months from
now, you could naturally have:
• Skyrocketing strength and soaring energy... imagine being able to lift
up to 43 extra pounds more than you can right now.
• 4x MORE weight loss—in just a few weeks, you can ERASE 2 inch-
es of fat from your waistline and replace it with strong, lean muscle... EF-
• A revived sex drive and STRONGER erections... on command
• A sharper memory and mind
• And up to 200% MORE natural testosterone pulsating through your body
• A larger penis... up to 2.5 inches LONGER!
And yes, you read that last one correctly.
If you don’t have enough testosterone coursing through your body, there’s
a good chance your penis isn’t all it COULD be.
In fact, it may be up to 2.5 inches shorter than it should be—that’s about
the length of your thumb!
But with my easy-to-follow AlphaPrime System, you could see a dramatic
difference in ALL of these areas just 90 days from today.
Like I told you, this is the same system I use myself... and it’s been restoring
the strength, virility, and manhood of thousands of my male patients for years...
... and it can do the same for you. Let’s get started.
To Your Health,

Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D

Step #1

Japanese Armor
Weed Protects What
Makes You a MAN

A re you ready to feel 30 again?

Because starting just four weeks from today, you can see your body
start transforming BACK to its youthful, powerful, and manly state.
That’s right...
You see, by following Step 1 of my 3-step protocol, you can STOP mutant
estrogen Toxic Feminizing Chemicals dead in their tracks...virtually ensur-
ing your natural testosterone levels—for LIFE.
That’s because the first step is designed to help fix the root cause of the
You see, before you can restore your testosterone, you need to secure your
manhood. By that, I mean STOP TFCs from turning your testosterone into
female estrogen...
Without this critical step—you’ll NEVER win the battle.
It blows my mind that SO MANY doctors miss this...
Instead, they’d rather shoot you up with loads of fake testosterone... which is
a BIG mistake. It doesn’t do a darn thing to stop the invading mutant estrogen.

Luckily, you can protect your testosterone AND halt the invading TFCs
in their tracks. And it works by feeding your body a powerful male nutrient
found in the strangest of places...
Just listen to this...
A hardy weed called “Japanese Armor Weed” can be a stubborn invader in
your vegetable garden, but it’s also something far more important...
... a MIRACLE for protecting your testosterone from TFCs. If you’ve never
heard of it, you may know it by another name...
If you’re familiar with resveratrol, you may know it as a powerful weapon
in the fight against heart disease.
But scientists have also found that it can make you feel more like a MAN.
It’s a type of antioxidant called a polyphenol—but A LOT more potent.
And if you know how powerful Vitamin C is resveratrol is 156% stronger.
Resveratrol is sometimes called the “red wine nutrient” because it’s natu-
rally found in the skins of grapes used to produce wine. You’ll also find it in
cocoa, dark chocolate, peanuts, and cranberries.
This antioxidant superstar has been found to not only help keep your
ticker healthy, but also increase life span, prevent cancer, and protect against
Alzheimer’s, and diabetes.
However, some recent findings will definitely be of interest to men...
Scientists have discovered that when resveratrol comes in contact with
mutant estrogen TFCs, this plant enzyme acts like an impenetrable shield
for your testosterone... blocking all that “fake estrogen”—on contact.
Evidence suggests that resveratrol not only raises your testosterone lev-
els.... but also prevents testosterone from changing into estrogen.
The science is complicated, but basically, there’s an enzyme in our bodies
called aromatase that helps change androgens into estrogen.
Androgens, including testosterone, are the hormones that make you a
But resveratrol is a powerful “aromatase inhibitor.” So by STOPPING
the aromatization process, you STOP losing testosterone.

And since resveratrol is also a potent antioxidant... you could see the ef-
fects in your body within days.
Resveratrol goes to work right away to SHIELD your testosterone from
these estrogen-mimicking mutants... and STOPS them from turning your
male hormones into female hormones.
Not only that, but it’s also a powerful vasodilator—that means it helps
open your veins and BOOSTS your blood flow from your head to your
toes—that means more blood gushing up to your BRAIN—and down to your
And the science backs it up.

What the Research Shows

In a clinical study out of Korea, lab animals who were repeatedly treated
with resveratrol found that in just 28 days:
• Blood testosterone levels rocketed 51.6%
• Testicular sperm count increased by 15.8%
• Sperm motility climbed by 23.3%
And that’s not all... researchers found that resveratrol can also help gener-
ate bigger, harder erections.
And although the study only lasted four weeks, I wouldn’t be surprised if
YOU see results sooner.
Wouldn’t it feel great to know that your impressive, rock-hard erection is
100% all you?
That’s right, this natural extract could increase blood flow, block the dan-
gerous effects of TFC, and help make your testosterone level surge—just like
it did when you were a strapping 25-year-old.
And while resveratrol is helping to RESTORE your masculinity and man-
hood, it’s also delivering benefits throughout your body.
Like I told you, one way it helps is by boosting healthy blood flow, not
just down below, but also to your gray matter... and that puts you on the way
to sharper thinking and clearer focus... and de-fogs your brain.
In a double-blind study published in the American Journal of Clinical

Nutrition, researchers analyzed resveratrol’s effect on cerebral blood flow
and cognitive performance.
On separate days, 22 healthy adults were given one of three options: 250
mg or 500 mg of resveratrol or a placebo. After giving the participants time
to absorb whatever they’d just taken, researchers asked the participants to
perform cognitive tasks for 36 minutes to activate their frontal cortex.
Researchers found that when the participants took resveratrol, the
blood flow to the brain INCREASED during task performance and they
had HIGHER levels of deoxyhemoglobin, which helps transport oxygen
throughout the bloodstream.
And while both dosages were effective, the 500 mg dose had even
BETTER results.

Where to Get it
As I mentioned earlier, resveratrol can be found red wine and grapes, as
well as cocoa, dark chocolate, peanuts, and certain berries. But just drinking
wine or eating resveratrol-foods daily won’t give you the full benefits of this
all-natural male enhancer.
Instead, I recommend taking a 100 mg resveratrol supplement once per day.
Resveratrol is widely available at health and vitamin stores, as well as on-
line. One site I recommend is, where they offer a 60
capsule bottle of Resveratrol.

Step #2

“Stallion Herb” Restores

He-Man Vitality

I n Step 1 of my protocol I discussed how resveratrol can STOP those fem-

inizing, manhood-stealing TFCs in their tracks...
And now in Step 2, I’m going to tell you how to start RESTORING your
manhood... and REVERSING the damage they’ve already done.
And that includes regaining the raw strength and lean muscle you had in
your 30s. How would you like to be able to lift an extra 43 pounds... without
losing your breath?
Imagine carrying your wife through the threshold of your bedroom door-
way, just like you did in your 30s. Or playing a game of catch with your
grandson... without even breaking a sweat.
All of this can be your reality in a few short weeks from today.... just by
adding one of my best kept health secrets.
You see, I’m constantly scouring the globe for natural health remedies,
but I never expected my search would lead me to a remote village in the
mountains of West Bengal, India where a little purple flower was making
older men behave like teenagers again.
For the past 3,000 years, the senior members of this village, guys 60 and old-
er, have been secretly using this powerful herb for the most MIND-BLOW-
ING lovemaking sessions with their wives.

They had MORE erections...
MORE ejaculations...
And they pumped out MORE semen...
Talk about feeling like MORE of a man!
But luckily, you don’t have to buy an airline ticket to India to benefit
from this “Stallion Herb.” That’s because it’s available right here in the U.S.,
where it’s called ashwagandha.
Ashwagandha has been used to improve men’s sex lives since the time of
Kama Sutra. And I’m going to walk you through how it can help yours, too.
One of the most common causes of a dwindling sex life is increased stress.
That’s where this magical herb shines—it’s a potent weapon for bringing
down high stress AND blood pressure levels.
Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, meaning it can improve your fight-or-flight
response and strengthen your adrenal glands.
And there’s plenty of science to back it up.

What the Research Shows

In a randomized double-blind study, 64 participants with a history of
chronic stress were given either one 300 mg capsule of ashwagandha twice
a day, or a placebo.
After just 60 days, the ashwagandha group exhibited a SIGNIFICANT
reduction in stress levels, compared to the control group.
And as you may have already guessed, ashwagandha has a few more sexual
benefits up its sleeve.
It’s also an aphrodisiac... and has been used as one for a very long time. In
fact, in India, ashwagandha is a very common ingredient in herbal aphrodi-
siac products.
When men take this magical supplement, it stimulates the production
of nitric oxide in their bodies—and that causes a surge of sexual desire and
And today’s modern researchers have finally caught on. They’ve found
that this magical herb may be an effective natural therapy for a wilting libido

and erectile dysfunction.
And those aren’t the only ways ashwagandha helps to restore your sex life.
After digging through piles of clinical studies on ashwagandha, I found
this shocking discovery...
In a 2010 study out of India, researchers wanted to study the effect of
ashwagandha on semen quality. In other words, its ability to improve fertility.
They gave ashwagandha to 75 men dealing with fertility issues, and com-
pared their results to 75 healthy, fertile men. Those who were lucky enough
to be given ashwagandha got something else—40% MORE testosterone
surging through their bodies in just 12 short weeks.
And MORE testosterone means MORE erections and MORE semen.
Not only that, but their semen quality and motility soared—so much so
that their infertility issues were REVERSED.
Now, I know you’re probably thinking that you’re not a young, infertile
man. But the research is clear... if ashwagandha can turn around their paltry
testosterone levels, imagine what it can do for YOURS.
Plus, with that surge of manly hormones can come all kinds of OTHER
benefits like turning back the clock on your memory.
And if you’re looking to trim down, here’s where ashwagandha gets really
In another double blind study, researchers wanted to see how ashwagand-
ha could benefit 57 men with little or no experience in working out.
Half of the men were given 300mg of ashwagandha twice daily, while
the other half received placebos. Over the course of the study, both groups
underwent resistance training.
Now remember, these are guys who previously wouldn’t be caught dead
in the gym. But by the end of the 8-week study, the ashwagandha group saw
SIGNIFICANT increases in muscle strength on the bench-press and leg
extension exercises.
And they even LOOKED better... they slimmed down as they actually
GREW new muscles in their chests and arms.
And here’s what’s really remarkable—they were able to lift an average of

43.2 MORE pounds than they could before.
Take a second to think about that. Wouldn’t it feel great to lift your grand-
children over your shoulders— without the fear of throwing out your back?
This virility and strength will leave you feeling like a superhero—while
the other guys your age just keep growing OLDER and WEAKER.
Friend, ashwagandha is the all-natural key to RESTORING the mascu-
linity and strength that TFCs stole from you... and now it’s time to get them

Where to Get It
I recommend taking ashwagandha root extract, which you can find in pill
or powder form. The preferred dose is one 125mg of ashwagandha supple-
ment each day— preferably with breakfast.
Ashwagandha can be safely used for both short or long term treatment,
but as always, it’s important to consult your doctor before use.
Ashwagandha is available at many bricks-and-mortar and online retailers,
including, which offers a 60 capsule bottle.

Step #3

“Mineral 12”
#1 for Virility and Immunity

A s you’ve seen, the first two steps of my 3-step AlphaPrime System help
stop TFCs in their tracks and REVERSE the damage that “fake” estro-
gen has done to your body.
And now, I want to tell you about a “man mineral” that’s so powerful, I’ve
made it the 3rd and final step of my program.
Friend, not only can this potent mineral RESTORE your manhood...
It acts as a raw material for your testosterone... maintaining the level of this
vital male hormone by BLOCKING an enzyme that converts it to estrogen.
And it pumps your male hormone levels back up... way, way up.
...I’m talking a whopping 100% higher. (They DOUBLED their levels!)
It’s also essential for healthy immunity... and even human survival.
What is it? Well, some people call it Mineral 12—but you may know it by
its more common name, zinc.
But you might want to call it the ultimate sex mineral...
You may even have it inside your body right now.
In fact, it’s inside EVERY cell in your body.
But the highest concentration of zinc in the male body is found in the

testes and prostate.
The problem is... 4 out of 10 men over the age of 45 have low testosterone,
which is mostly undiagnosed.
And your body can’t store zinc, meaning you need to take it in every day
to prevent your testosterone levels from plunging.
Scientists are still trying to figure out why this happens...
But here’s what they DO know.
A zinc deficiency often leads to a low testosterone level. And when that
happens, it almost always causes your sperm count to fall, your muscle strength
to wither, and your sex drive to go out the window.
Basically, it wreaks havoc on everything that makes you a MAN.
Like I told you, many men suffer from a zinc deficiency, but don’t know
it. That’s because its symptoms... like low energy, loss of appetite, skin rashes,
poor memory, and abnormal hair loss... are common to a variety of other
And of course, let’s not forget the symptoms of low testosterone...
But luckily, by feeding your body more zinc, you can reverse those symp-
toms... and at the same time, boost your testosterone levels back to where
they should be.
I’m talking about RESTORING your testosterone to the level your body
was always MEANT to enjoy.

What the Research Shows

As a man, your body CRAVES testosterone to keep you trim, strong, and
rock-hard in the bedroom.
Take a look for yourself...
In a clinical study on nine senior men, aged 64 years or older, researchers
measured the effects of a zinc deficiency on their testosterone levels.
After being given daily zinc supplements, the men were tested after three
months and again after six months. And the results were jaw-dropping...
You see, all of the men showed increased testosterone levels as the con-

centrations of zinc in their bloodstreams increased.
How much of an increase?
A 100% INCREASE in their testosterone levels. It DOUBLED!
I’m not making this up.
Zinc is a bona fide MIRACLE for older men.
And, best of all, there are NO negative side effects...
The evidence is crystal clear...
In another clinical study, ten elite male athletes were given 3mg of zinc
each day for four weeks.
Before the study began, the men’s grueling workouts had caused both
their testosterone and thyroid levels to PLUNGE.
But after four weeks, the zinc supplements had increased their levels of
And not only does zinc amplify your testosterone levels, it also boosts your
To put it another way, when your zinc levels are low—as they often are in
older people—your immune system becomes weaker. And that can lead to
serious or even deadly health problems like infections, autoimmune diseas-
es, pneumonia, and even cancer.
But research shows that raising your zinc levels can increase your T-cell
numbers and function. T-cells are essential for healthy immunity, and are on
the front lines in your body’s ability to kill bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells.
In a 2016 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
researchers divided a group of 31 zinc-deficient nursing home residents into
two groups. One group received 30mg of zinc per day, and the other group
received a placebo.
After three months, the zinc group had significantly higher serum zinc
and T cell numbers than the control group.
As a matter of fact, the scientific community has really put Mineral 12
through its paces. Researchers have run literally dozens of studies looking for
any signs it doesn’t work.

And test after test has come to the same conclusions. Running low on
Mineral 12 accelerates aging. And deficiencies contribute to poor health
and disease.

Where to Get It
As I told you, your body can’t store zinc, which means you need to regularly
eat a variety of zinc-rich foods to prevent your levels from getting too low.
The foods below contain significant amounts of zinc:
• Oatmeal
• Pork
• Crab
• Oysters
• Nuts
• Beans
• Chicken
• Beef
• Legumes
• Seeds
But if regularly chowing down on beans or beef is not something you want
to do... you can take zinc supplements instead.
The dose I recommend is 30mg per day.
But please be aware that it’s possible to take too much zinc—and that can
be harmful to your body.
More than 40mg per day can result in toxicity in an adult male.
But when you take the perfect amount, the results are astonishing...
Your body will receive an incredible boost in testosterone—a surge in
virility that you haven’t felt in DECADES.
As always, consult your doctor before taking any supplements. Zinc is
widely available at bricks-and-mortar and online retailers, including Walmart.

Bonus Cures

Dr. Gerhauser’s Bonus

Manhood Secrets

N ow that I’ve walked you through my powerful 3-Step Alpha Prime Sys-
tem—the exact same manhood cure I give my own patients—you’re
just 90 days away from achieving dramatic results like these....
• STOPPING the Toxic Feminizing
Chemicals that are stealing your manhood
• REVERSING the damage that fake
estrogen has already done to your body
• RESTORING your manhood to youthful
levels by boosting your testosterone by 200%
But I’m not done yet... I want to give you even more...
... my special “Bonus Manhood Secrets.”
The following pages are chock-full of medical breakthroughs and natural
treatments that the mainstream hopes you’ll never find out about.
And once you learn these secrets, you’ll have everything you need to know
to live healthier and BETTER... and gain the EDGE over other men your age.
There’s no time to lose, so read on...

Bonus Cure #1

Do THIS Every Day to BOOST

Focus, ERASE Stress and
GROW Your Brain

S ome of the most successful people in the world today...

... business gurus like Rupert Murdoch....
... movie stars like Clint Eastwood....
... musicians like Paul McCartney...
.... celebrities like Jerry Seinfeld...
... have their own preferred methods for keeping their brains and bodies
in tip-top shape.
Some follow Paleo or keto diets, while some are strict vegans. Some lift
weights, others run or bike ride, while still others barely exercise at all. Some
swear by a solid nine hours of shut-eye, while others rarely doze more than five.
But there’s one thing that all of these accomplished people have in com-
mon... a fool-proof method for staying focused and healthy, with the energy
and drive to perform at their best...
They meditate.
You’d probably think that no one would have less free time than these
busy folks to sit in stillness every day...

But maybe they’ve taken to heart the old Zen proverb:
“You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day, unless you’re too busy—
then you should sit for an hour.”

What Is Meditation?
Meditation is a technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of
consciousness that’s completely different from your normal wakeful state.
And while you may think it’s hogwash—maybe part of some exotic East-
ern religion—meditation is actually a science... that means it follows a par-
ticular sequence and its results can be measured.
And get a load of these results...
Improved attention... better focus... less stress... and literally, a bigger brain.
So what is meditation? In a word, mindfulness—the ability to be engaged
and fully present in the moment... the here and now.
But rather than trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings—which is very
hard for beginners to do—try to observe them without judgment... and then
let them float away, like clouds in the sky.
And eventually, you may start to better understand them as well.
The ability to focus your mind is a skill, so learning how to meditate is like
learning how to do any other new activity. And it takes consistent practice to
get comfortable with sitting in stillness, without any distractions.
Sometimes your focus will wander, but that’s okay—you’re still getting
the benefits. The most important thing about meditation isn’t clearing your
mind completely—it’s doing it on a steady, regular basis.
Think of meditation as a journey, not a destination.
Experienced meditators will tell you a regular meditation practice refreshes
and energizes your mind like you’ve just had a good night’s sleep—but better.
So is meditation for YOU?
In a word, yes.
If you have any friends or family members who regularly meditate, ask
them about it—and get ready for the rave reviews. In fact, you’ll be hard-
pressed to find someone with a good argument AGAINST meditation.

What the Research Shows
But you don’t have to just take their word for it.
There have been thousands of studies on the effects of meditation on
physical and mental health.
Research has found that meditation:
• Prevents Brain Shrink... and GROWS your brain: A UCLA study
found that people who meditated for an average of 20 years had a bigger
brain volume and less age-related brain atrophy than the control group.
And surprisingly, the meditators’ entire brains maintained volume and
weight—not just the regions that were activated during meditation.
• Reduces Negative Thoughts and Improves Confidence: Key hall-
marks of depression are a negative self-image and continuous nega-
tive thoughts about yourself. But research out of the Yale University
School of Medicine found that people who meditated had far less ac-
tivity in the area of the brain devoted to such self-obsessed thoughts.
• Reduces Anxiety: A form of thought-based meditation called Mind-
fulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) aims—as the name sug-
gests—to lower chronic anxiety. Brain scans have shown reduced
activity in areas that tend to “light up” when a person is anxious.
• Better Focus and Attention: The digital age has taken a big toll on
our attention spans and ability to concentrate... but our success and
happiness still depend on how well we can focus and remember. For
example, researchers reported remarkable results in a meta-study of
30 trials using MRI brain scans to measure meditation’s effects. They
found that participants who meditated for just two months actually
rewired their brains—and that led to better focus, memory, emotional
control, and thoughtful decision making.

Many Ways to Meditate

There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of forms of meditation, but I’ll
describe some of the best ones for you to try at home:
• Thought-Focused Meditation: The idea here is to calm the “mon-
key mind” that has your brain leaping from one branch of ideas to

another. You do it by focusing on mentally generated sounds, words,
or images, like the universal sound of OM.
• Guided Meditation: This is similar to thought-focused meditation,
but the sounds, words, or images come from an outside source—a per-
son or (usually) a recording. This kind of meditation is best for achiev-
ing specific goals, like dropping bad habits or picking up good ones.
• Spiritual Meditation: If you have a specific, meaningful relationship
with God, the object here is simply to focus on that relationship and
be ready to receive guidance and wisdom regarding the next best
steps to take in your life
• Movement Meditation: In the ancient Buddhist practice of kinhin,
a group of monks walk clockwise in a circle, linking each step to
their breath. But this type of meditation is highly adaptable—any
movement—walking, swimming, running, even swaying gently as
you sit—can help promote stillness and focus. Ditch the headphones
or other distractions, and instead, focus on the movement of your legs
and arms, and especially, your breath flowing in and out.

Never too Late to Start

I understand if you think you’re too busy... or too old, too sick, or even too
skeptical to start meditating.
But friend, in today’s society, it’s more important than EVER. Never
in human history has there been so many exhausting distractions to our
much-needed rest, renewal, and SILENCE.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but modern life is driving many of us to
distraction—and our brains and bodies are paying the price.
But the solution takes just a few minutes... even 10 minutes a day is enough
to begin—and it may turn out to be all the time you’ll ever need.
To get started, find a comfortable spot to sit, without distractions. Simply sit
quietly and begin to focus on your breath as it moves in and out of your body.
As thoughts enter your consciousness, simply observe them without
judgement, instead of engaging... eventually, they will glide away. If you find
yourself anxious or distracted, continue to focus on your breathing.

Many experienced meditators say that eventually, the spaces between the
thoughts will grow longer. And those spaces in between are so invigorating and
refreshing because they pull you out of the rush and pressures of your daily life.
One final tip... don’t get discouraged at the beginning. As I told you, learning
meditation is like learning a new skill. So give it a couple of weeks—you’ll know
the results when you see them... and they’ll happen sooner than you expect.

Bonus Cure #2

Dangerous Curves Ahead:

Penis Shape BOOSTS
Cancer Risk

I f you’re like most fellas, you like all the right curves in all the right places.
But curves aren’t always a good thing... you see, sometimes they show
up in the WRONG places.
That’s why I want to talk to you straight about a dangerous curve in a very
personal place...
—your PENIS.
Now many men have a slight curvature in their member, which is normal
and doesn’t create any pain or problems.
But I’m talking about a serious bend—one that causes pain and brings
your sex life to a screeching halt.
It’s caused by something called Peyronie’s disease, aka penile fibrosis,
which is a buildup of inflammation and scar tissue plaques inside the shaft
of your penis.
As the plaques build up, they prevent your penis from expanding normal-
ly, which causes it to literally bend and shorten.
The result? A painful erection... if you can even get one at all.

And sex? Difficult at best—or just about impossible.
But as bad as that is, it gets WORSE.
You see, recent research out of the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas
found a link between penile fibrosis and certain types of cancer.
The study, which was presented at the American Society for Reproductive
Medicine, analyzed patient data from 1.7 million men, including those who
had the signature curvature brought on by penile fibrosis.
And what they found was jaw-dropping.
It turns out that the men with penile fibrosis had a much higher chance of
developing several types of deadly cancers than men whose penises didn’t bend.
The men with Peyronie’s had a 43% larger risk of developing stomach
cancer... a 39% higher chance of testicular cancer... and a 19% higher
chance of skin cancer.
The study also analyzed the genetic makeup of a patient and his father
who both had Peyronie’s disease. Researchers found that both carried genes
that boosted their risk of prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and melanoma.
No one knows exactly what causes Peyronie’s, but like the father and son
above, it sometimes runs in families.
It may also be caused by an acute injury to the penis, or by repeated mild
trauma during sex. Another cause may be an autoimmune disease, with your
immune system attacking your own cells and organs.
Peyronie’s disease is thought to affect up to about 23% of men in the Unit-
ed States, but no one really knows for sure—that’s because many men aren’t
aware their penis curve may be something more serious, and others are too
embarrassed to report it to their doctors.
But we do know that the chance of developing Peyronie’s increases with age.
Which brings me back to you. If your penis does have a bend, you may be
wondering how to tell if it’s normal... or Peyronie’s.
Well, start by examining yourself. If you do have scar tissue inside your mem-
ber, it may feel like painful lumps or areas that are unusually hard and firm.
And now, think about sex (do I really need to remind you about that?).

About 50% of all men with Peyronie’s experience pain during intercourse,
which can come on suddenly or develop over time.
The same goes for the curvature, which can also appear out of the blue
or slowly get worse. Your penis may bend in any direction, and if it’s severe
enough, it may also prevent you from being able to have sex AT ALL.
There are non-surgical treatments for penile fibrosis, like vitamin E and
acetyl-L-carnitine supplements, and ultrasound, that can decrease the cur-
vature, along with inflammation and plaque size. And for some lucky men,
Peyronie’s resolves on its own
But even if your penis straightens out, it doesn’t necessarily mean your
cancer risk goes away with it. So if you’ve got a curve in an unexpected place,
it’s best to see your doctor.

Bonus Cure #3

“Forbidden Food” SLASHES

Heart Disease Risk

F ollowing mainstream advice is like trying to catch a moving target.

What’s GOOD for you one day is considered BAD the next.
On the flip side, certain foods that have been demonized for decades are
suddenly hailed as superfoods.
Case in point?
This “forbidden” food that’s now turning out to be a heart health hero.
And it could actually SAVE you from life-threatening heart disease.
These tasty breakfast staples have gotten a bad rap for decades.
They got swept up in the cholesterol craze, and put on the “banned foods”
list, along with other innocent victims like butter, fatty meat, and full fat dairy.
Do eggs contain cholesterol? Yes, a large egg actually contains 212mg of
cholesterol, which is A LOT compared to other foods.
But here’s a newsflash... cholesterol is actually GOOD for you!
Which means eggs are, too.
And now finally, more and more studies are vindicating the incredible,
edible egg.

Two of the most recent studies show that eggs are NOT bad for your
heart... in fact, they’re actually essential for it.
The first study put to rest the idea that eggs cause heart disease.
The research, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
analyzed two groups of people.
One group ate two eggs per week, while the other ate SIX TIMES that
many. The study lasted for over a year, and at the end, the researchers tested
the participants for cardiovascular disease markers like blood sugar, blood
pressure—and even cholesterol.
The results?
Regardless of how many eggs people ate, there were ZERO negative car-
diovascular effects.
The researchers even confirmed that “at-risk” groups like diabetics have
the green light to eat as many eggs as they want.
The second recent study found that eggs can actually LOWER your risk
of heart disease.
The researchers studied more than 500,000 people for four years to see
what kind of impact eating an egg a day would have on the risk of heart dis-
ease and stroke.
Much to the researchers’ surprise, people who ate an egg a day had a
LOWER risk of heart disease than those who didn’t!
This was even AFTER adjusting for other heart disease risk factors.
If you decide to add eggs to your diet, make sure to grab omega-3 enriched
or organic eggs. And DON’T discard the yolks!
The yolk is where the nutrients of the egg are found. There are nutrients
like riboflavin and lutein, which have been linked to brain health.
But that’s not all...
The yolk also contains choline, which is emerging as a critical nutrient
for the elderly.
So if you’re looking for a way to reduce your heart disease risk, I can’t
think of a tastier way to do it.
It’s time to get out the frying pan and put eggs back on the menu.

Bonus Cure #4

The Statins SCAM:

Read THIS Before You
Pop Another Pill

W e’ve all heard a million times how vaccines are the greatest medical
breakthrough of the past 100 years.
Hey, I’m all for wiping out polio and smallpox... but the vaccine madness
has gotten completely out of hand.
Now Big Pharma is trying to make a fortune off vaccines that no sane
person needs.
Case in point? They’ve launched a daily cholesterol “vaccine” that’s being
targeted at millions of unsuspecting seniors.
You may even be taking it each day.
But this “wonder drug” comes with a big, ugly secret.
It could end up destroying your health—permanently.
This cholesterol scam is called statins. I’ve been railing against them for
decades now.
And just when I thought the cholesterol madness couldn’t get any worse,
it did. Because a new analysis proves what I’ve been saying all along...
Statins do more harm than good.

And the sooner you quit them, the better.
The most recent report on statins was published in Clinical Pharmacist,
a Pharmaceutical Journal Publication. A handful of experts from multiple
countries combed data from DOZENS of studies over two DECADES
of time.
Here’s what they found:
1. High cholesterol DOESN’T cause heart disease.
2. Statins DON’T extend lifespan
In fact, most of the research shows that the higher the cholesterol levels in
older people, the longer they live!
Music to my ears!
Cholesterol has been cast as the villain in the heart disease story. But in
reality, this compound is responsible for countless processes in our bodies
that affect everything from our hearts to our brains.
And if you’re trying to drive your cholesterol numbers lower and lower,
you could end up shortening your life in the bargain.
Let’s be very clear about something...
... the entire cholesterol scare was orchestrated by the drug companies
to sell statins.
And it worked—they’ve become cash cows.
But the science on cholesterol paints a VERY different picture.
Dr. Uffe Ravnskov is a Danish researcher who has published over 200
scientific papers. In 2015, Dr. Ravnskov collected the data from 19 different
trials that tracked cholesterol levels and mortality rates. The studies looked
at more than 68,000 people over the age of 60.
The findings showed that in a whopping 92 percent of the subjects, there
was an inverse association between high cholesterol levels and heart disease
mortality risk.
In other words...
The people with higher cholesterol LIVED LONGER and had FEW-

You read that right... the higher the cholesterol, the better.
And there’s a LOT more research that’s found that high cholesterol is
NOT the killer it’s been made out to be.
A full 192 countries have submitted data on cholesterol to the World
Health Organization. Dr. Zoe Harcombe, a nutritional researcher in the
U.K., combed through these reams of data to see if there was a relationship
between cholesterol levels, coronary heart disease, and death rates.
Once again, this data showed that the HIGHER the cholesterol, the
LOWER the mortality rate from all possible causes of death—and in partic-
ular, lower mortality rates from subjects with cardiovascular disease.
Other research shows that at least HALF of all people having a heart at-
tack at any age have normal—or even low—cholesterol levels.
And studies show that high cholesterol levels improve your odds of sur-
viving a heart attack.
Statins Extend Lives? Not So Fast....
By now you’re probably wondering why in the world your doctor is insist-
ing that you take cholesterol-lowering drugs.
One reason is because of secondary prevention—that’s when people with
heart disease receive statins to prevent heart attacks. Statin drugs are sup-
posed to be so good at it that pretty much all cardiologists put their heart
disease patients on these drugs.
Studies on secondary prevention have shown that people taking statins
have fewer heart attacks and live longer.
That sounds good at first, but if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find that
there’s a lot more to the story.
An interesting study in the British Medical Journal examined these statin
trials to see just how big the benefit really was. The researchers found that for
primary prevention—that’s when the statins are taken by healthy people—
there was a mortality benefit of 3.2 days.
The benefits weren’t much better for secondary prevention. Over the span
of 2 to 6 years in the trials, those with heart disease got a whopping 4.1 days
of increased lifespan during the study.

When you consider the MASSIVE side effects associated with these
drugs... muscle pain, memory loss, mental confusion, diabetes, cataracts,
heart failure, and more... there’s just no other way to look at it...
... the risk simply isn’t worth the benefit.

The Statins Scam

Here in the U.S., 17 million people take statin drugs every day—with the
false hope that popping this pill will be the answer to their heart problems.
Hasn’t anyone noticed that it’s just not working?
Despite the vast number of people on statin drugs, heart disease is STILL
the number one killer in the U.S. If statins were the savior the drug compa-
nies made it out to be, shouldn’t we be winning this battle with heart disease?
We should... but we’re not. Because statins don’t help anyone but the peo-
ple who sell them.
Folks, there are just no shortcuts to good health. And there are NO magic
pills that cancel out a lifetime of unhealthy living.
I never recommend stopping a drug cold-turkey. If you’re currently taking
statins, talk to your doctor about the possibility of coming off the drug, and
start taking care of your heart the way nature intended.
If we want to put a dent in the heart disease epidemic, the only way we’re
going to do it is by eating healthy whole foods (preferably organic), getting a
little exercise, and spending plenty of time in the sun.

Bonus Cure #5

Sip Away Heart Attacks

With This “Super Drink”

A sk most doctors how to prevent a heart attack, and they’ll give you the
standard reply...
Ditch all the junk food, lose 20 pounds, and work out every single day.
That’s not bad advice... except NOBODY is going to do it.
I’ve been practicing medicine for nearly 40 years. And I know that asking
people to make major lifestyle changes is a losing battle.
So I’m going to keep it really simple for you.
I’m going to show you an easy way to slash your risk of EVER having a
heart attack.
And all you have to do is brew one simple drink each morning.
Yep, that’s it.
So to avoid becoming the next heart attack statistic...
Drink green tea.
It may truly be that simple.
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and other nutrients that have been
proven to help improve health and protect against a long list of deadly diseas-
es, like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and cancer.

It even contains the highest concentration of compounds called
catechins—potent antioxidants that deliver a boatload of heart-protecting
Studies show that drinking green tea improves many of the top risk fac-
tors for heart disease... from reducing your triglyceride levels to lowering
your risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
It’s hardly surprising, then, that studies show that people who drink green
tea have a 31% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
Studies have also found that people who drink at least 5 cups of green tea
each day have a 26% lower risk of DEATH from heart attack or stroke.
And a meta-analysis published in 2018 showed that people who drank
the largest amount of green tea reduced their risk of coronary artery dis-
ease by 28%.
Many of these benefits can be traced to EGCG—a type of catechin found
in green tea—and its impact on your blood vessels.
Atherosclerosis, AKA hardening of the arteries, occurs when plaque builds
up in the arteries, making them narrow and hard.
Eventually, the vessels can have so much blockage that you’re in the cross-
hairs for a heart attack.
But the latest study on EGCG found that it can break up dangerous plaques
in your blood vessels, clearing the way for the blood to flow more freely.
The science is complicated, but basically, EGCG binds to amyloid fibers
of apoA-1—a major cause of atherosclerosis—and converts hem to smaller,
less damaging molecules.
This might seem like a simple action, but it could go a long way to
preventing the heart attacks (and strokes) that can occur as a result of
This falls right in line with studies showing that green tea can also
help reduce Alzheimer’s risk. That’s because it’s able to break up those
dangerous brain plaques (beta amyloid proteins) that are the hallmark of
the disease.
This is the latest in a long line of research that keeps pointing to the ben-
efits of drinking green tea.

Other impressive studies have found that green tea may help fight ar-
thritis joint pain, boost memory, and reduce obesity. Green tea offers im-
portant protection for everyone—but it is especially effective in those who
need it most.
You can pick up green tea just about anywhere these days. I drink it all
the time... and if I were you, I’d make myself a nice hot cup of tea right now.

Bonus Cure #6


Arthritis Pain

I f you’re suffering from the pain, swelling, and stiffness of arthritis, you
know all too well how it impacts your everyday life.
It can keep you from doing the things you love, like playing a round of
golf or working in your garden.
And the dangerous painkillers that the mainstream hands out like candy
can WRECK your gastrointestinal tract...
... and if that’s not bad enough, they’re often addictive.
But now there’s an easier and SAFER way to get the pain relief you deserve.
Scientists have discovered a safe, natural oil that can knock out arthritis
pain and stiffness as effectively as drugs like ibuprofen.
But it doesn’t come with ANY of the side effects.
As you may know, ginger has been used for thousands of years for every-
thing from relieving nausea to improving heart health.
But one of its most impressive benefits has to do with its potent pain-re-
lieving properties.
Studies show that ginger can reduce exercise-induced muscle pain
and menstrual pain—effects that are likely due to its potent anti-inflam-
matory properties.

Now, another study has added a new benefit to ginger’s list...
... it can relieve the pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis.
Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory that targets the inflammation and
pain of arthritis in much the same way as NSAIDs or other Big Pharma drugs.
In a study of 120 patients with moderate to severe osteoarthritis pain, re-
searchers gave the participants either ginger extract, NSAID drugs like ibu-
profen, or a placebo.
Both ginger and ibuprofen worked better than placebo. And the ginger
was found to be just as effective as ibuprofen in improving pain, joint swell-
ing, AND range of motion.
Another recent study of ginger oil in knee osteoarthritis had nearly iden-
tical results—with the ginger oil leading to a remarkable 40% reduction in
pain and stiffness in the knee joints.
Patients also needed fewer drugs over time to treat their painful joints.
But that’s not all...
In a study published in the journal Osteoarthritis Cartilage, researchers
found that 170 mg of ginger extract significantly SLASHED arthritis pain.
In fact, many of the volunteers for the trial ended up taking fewer
pain killers.
So if you’re living with the pain, stiffness, swelling, and creaking of os-
teoarthritis, ginger—as essential oil and supplements—could offer you
some much-needed relief... without the dangers that come with risky main-
stream drugs.
One very effective way to erase arthritis pain is to simply apply a few drops
of ginger essential oil topically to the affected area—that sends ginger’s an-
ti-inflammatory power directly to the pain site.
For an added boost, apply a hot compress to the area after massaging the
oil into your skin. Some people may be allergic to ginger applied topically,
so always test it on a small area first.
To pack a bigger pain-erasing punch, consider also adding fresh ginger
to soups, stir-fries and side dishes. Or make fresh-brewed ginger tea a part of
your regular routine.

Grate one and one-half teaspoons of fresh ginger into a measuring cup.
Pour one and one-half cups of boiling water over the top and let sit for
about 10 minutes. Then, strain and stir in one to two teaspoons of honey
for added sweetness.
If you’d prefer ginger extract supplements, I recommend starting with a
100- to 200-mg capsule each day. But avoid supplements if you’re on a blood
thinner like warfarin (Coumadin) because ginger can reverse its effects.
You can find ginger essential oil and ginger extract supplements at a
variety of bricks-and-mortar and online retailers. Amazon offers several dif-
ferent kinds of ginger essential oils and supplements.

Bonus Cure #7

The Diabetes CURE with

a 98% Success Rate

D iabetes is practically an epidemic in America these days.

It’s gotten so bad that nearly 1 in 3 American adults is diabetic or
pre-diabetic right now.
In fact, if you don’t already have Type 2 diabetes, I can practically guaran-
tee you know someone who does.
Now I know that you’ve probably been told that diabetes is “incurable.”
And that the only way to “live” with it is to take dangerous drugs... shoot
yourself with insulin.... starve yourself on endless diets.... and spend hours
exercising in the gym.
That doesn’t sound like “living” to me...
You see, most mainstream doctors NEVER talk about reversing diabetes.
They only want to talk about managing your symptoms.
But friend, if you do have diabetes, you’ll want to read this.
You see, type 2 diabetes IS curable.
Conventional medicine refuses to recognize this fact. It treats the disease
as chronic and progressive.
Mainstream doctors are trained to address symptoms and slow complica-
tions... but not cure them.

But Eric Westman, MD, is NOT a typical physician.
Way back in 1998, this prominent Duke University obesity specialist came
to three revolutionary conclusions about type 2 diabetes:
• It is highly CURABLE for virtually every person who has it
• The cure is entirely NATURAL
• And it’s also the cure for obesity, and probably Alzheimer’s dis-
ease, cardiovascular illness, and many of the other “diseases of
civilization” that research has shown are at least partially driven
by uncontrolled high blood sugar.
And unlike most physicians, Dr. Westman didn’t sideline this natural cure
so he could instead concentrate on typical profit-making treatments, like
drugs and surgery.
Instead, he dedicated his life to teaching his simple, safe, inexpensive
cure to thousands of diabetic and obese patients...
And do you know what happened? He achieved “complete remissions” in
98 percent of them.
And their average weight loss? 1 to 2 pounds a week, totaling a whopping
50–100 pounds a year.
“I was on 500 milligrams of Metformin [the most common diabetes med-
ication] and blood pressure drugs as well.” says Tammy Buchanan Gentry,
one of his patients in Roxboro, North Carolina, who achieved great results—
and sent many friends and family members Dr. Westman’s way.
“As of last week, I’ve lost 121 pounds. Dr. Westman has completely taken
me off of all medication. And it’s easy. He has saved a lot of people’s lives,
including mine.”
Wouldn’t it be great to be OFF Metformin and other dangerous Big Phar-
ma drugs—and back to your fighting weight?
In a moment, I’ll share how you could get results like these, too.

The “Dangerous” Solution

In 1995, two of Westman’s patients began to lose weight on a low-carb
diet... and he paid attention.

They had followed the principles laid out in The New Diet Revolution by
Dr. Robert Atkins.
“He told them, ‘’You’re eating too much fat. You’ll have cholesterol trou-
ble,’” said Dr. Westman. “That’s what I’d been taught, right?”
But on a whim, he checked their blood chemistry, “and both of them had
great numbers. If it had been just one of them, it would have been fishy. But
both had better cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, everything.”
Dr. Westman called Dr. Atkins. “I said, ‘Where is your research?’ He said,
‘I’ve been doing this for 30 years with thousands of patients. I’ve seen it work.
That’s my research!’”
Dr. Westman, trained in gathering statistics from clinical trials, offered
to run a study that might help persuade other doctors that the low-carb ap-
proach worked.
“Dr. Atkins asked me to come to New York and see him. That’s where it
all started.”

What the Research Shows

To date, Dr. Westman has published over 50 journal articles on the as-
tounding success he’s had treating thousands of obese and diabetic patients
with a low-carb diet.
In 2008, for example, he carefully tracked five type 2 diabetics through
the process, tracking their progression from insulin dependence to com-
plete reversal.
In 2015, he and 21 other researchers summed it all up in a landmark jour-
nal article called “Dietary Carbohydrate Restriction as the First Approach in
Diabetes Management.”
In that paper, he wrote, “By reducing the carbohydrate in the diet, we
have been able to taper patients off as much as 150 units of insulin per day
in eight days, with marked improvement in glycemic control—even normal-
ization of glycemic parameters.”
I know that may sound complicated, but “normalization of glycemic pa-
rameters” is researcher-speak for “cure.”
Results like this reveal that there’s nothing “mysterious” about the cause
or cure for type 2 diabetes.

It’s CAUSED by eating too many CARBS...
... So the CURE is RESTRICTING the number of carbs you eat.
And what about exercise?
“Studies confirm that exercising may be good for you in some ways, but
it does not help you lose weight, because it makes you hungrier. The key to
losing weight and getting off of diabetes medication is carb restriction,” Dr.
Westman says.

Your Daily Carbohydrate Allowance

Dr. Westman’s method is very powerful, so if you’re currently taking di-
abetes medication, don’t just jump headfirst into an unsupervised very-low-
carb diet like he recommends.
Instead, it’s very important to slowly taper off medication as you adopt the
diet—otherwise, your blood sugar can plunge dangerously LOW.
Dr. Westman suggests that you keep your carb consumption to under 20
grams per day.
To do this, you must consume absolutely ZERO sugar, grains or pota-
toes—even fruit is out, due to its sugar content.
Instead, your diet must be almost entirely meat, fish, eggs, and above-
ground vegetables, such as broccoli or lettuce.
By following a diet like this, your body goes into a state called ketosis...
... that’s when it switches from burning carbohydrates for fuel to burning
FAT—and ketones are what fat becomes when the body breaks it down into
fuel-sized chunks.
And then almost immediately, weight starts dropping and blood sugar be-
gins to normalize.
In less than two months, 98 percent of patients are in full remission and
off ALL medication, Dr. Westman says.
In other words—their type 2 diabetes is REVERSED.

What About the Rest of Us?

Keep in mind that Dr. Westman has created a medical intervention for
people who are very ill.

The lesson for the rest of us—who have perhaps 40 or fewer pounds
to lose and whose blood sugar is just a bit higher than ideal—is reducing
Not protein. Not fat. Carbs.
Most Americans eat roughly 400 grams of carbs each day, so any amount
you can cut back is helpful. Whether your ideal daily amount is under 20
grams, under 50 grams or under 100 grams depends on several variables.
“The younger you are, the more active you are, and if you are male, you
can have more carbs,” Dr. Westman says. “It’s not fair, but that’s how it works.”
Dr. Westman practices what he preaches, eating fewer than 20 grams of
carbs daily for the last 16 years. And he did that even though was never dia-
betic or significantly overweight... there’s a very good chance that’s how he
stayed that way.

Living the Low-Carb Lifestyle

The simplest way to reduce carbs is to keep track of how many carbs you
eat each day. That way, you can make sure you keep your total below a cer-
tain number of grams.
If you’re not diabetic OR more than 50 pounds overweight, a daily upper
limit of 100 grams is a good place to start. Read carb counts on packaged
food, and use the figures at or the app MyFitnessPal to fill
in the rest.
With a little experience, you’ll become really good at estimating carb
grams just by glancing at a plate of food.
As I told you, for most folks, type 2 diabetes can be easily and quickly re-
versed through this safe and natural dietary change...
... NEVER let Big Pharma drug pushers or Big Food carb pushers of Big
Food tell you otherwise.

Bonus Cure #8

“Memory Mushroom”
REVERSES Alzheimer’s
Damage and RESTORES
Precious Memories

N obody can stop the hands of time.

But there IS a way to hit “pause” on that clock... and even reverse
it... when it comes to your brain—and the devastating effects of Alzhei-
mer’s disease.
Friend, approximately 5.8 million Americans—most of them seniors—
are living with this devastating disease... if you can call it living. Actually, 1 in
3 seniors DIES with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia—that’s more
than prostate and breast cancer COMBINED.
And here’s the dirty truth about Alzheimer’s disease that the mainstream
has been working overtime to cover up—there isn’t a single prescription
drug in the world that can REVERSE this devastating disease
But I’ve discovered an all-natural “Memory” Mushroom that is SO pow-
erful, science is proving it may hold the answer to the brain-stealing threat
of age-related Alzheimer’s... without any negative side effects.

And this breakthrough mushroom extract can REVERSE memory dam-
age at EVERY stage, including even the most hopeless cases of Alzheimer’s...
Imagine no longer having to worry about those embarrassing “senior mo-
ments”... or forgetting the name of the new neighbor you met last week... or
even watching your precious memories slipping away.
Instead, you can restore the young, healthy brain you used to have... and
regain those “lost” memories you thought were gone forever...
Big Pharma can’t patent this potent brain booster and make a boatload
of profits off of it, so the mainstream will never tell you about it. But that
changes NOW.
This powerful mushroom is called Yamabushitake, but you may have
heard of it by its more common name, Lion’s Mane.
For thousands of years, ancient Chinese healers have prized Lion’s Mane
as a potent health and memory booster.
And modern researchers are finally catching on. Today, there’s mounting
evidence that Lion’s Mane can prevent and treat neurological illnesses,
like Alzheimer’s and dementia.
This powerful natural treatment was completely unknown in America un-
til a scientist named Dr. Hirokazu Kawagishi’s made a shocking discovery...
Lion’s Mane can actually RESTORE your brain.
Dr. Kawagishi found that Lion’s Mane is made up of small molecules
called hericenones... and they have the unique ability to give you back the
young, healthy brain you used to have.
Lion’s Mane is the ONLY type of mushroom that contains hericenones...
So according to Dr. Kawagishi, Lion’s Mane is the ONLY substance on
earth capable of reviving damaged or dead brain cells.
And the science proves it.

What the Research Shows

In laboratory studies on cultured brain cells, Dr. Kawagishi and his team
found that hericenones activate a protein in our bodies called nerve growth
factor (NGF).

NGF facilitates communication between your brain and your nerve cells (neu-
rons)... and it plays a big role in protecting, repairing, regenerating, and RESTOR-
ING your brain cells from damage caused by aging and environmental toxins.
In fact, NGF is so important to brain health that when Japanese research-
ers deprived lab mice of it, they went into cognitive decline—and it was so
severe, it actually brought on the developing stages of dementia. I’ll tell
you more about this study in a moment.
But first I want to explain that NGF’s molecules are too large to pass
through the blood-brain barrier. And previous attempts to administer it orally
or by injection have never been successful.
So scientists needed to find something that could not only boost NGF
production, but was also small enough to pass through the blood-brain
barrier—and rescue distressed neurons.
Turns out that Lion’s Mane—and its powerful hericenones—were the
solution they were searching for.
You see, in that same study, researchers induced dementia in laborato-
ry mice by stimulating the production of beta-amyloid—the classic plaques
that often show up in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.
They then gave these mice a powdered extract of Lion’s Mane that con-
tained several different hericenones—and the results were amazing.
Not only did the hericenones in Lion’s Mane pass through the blood-
brain barrier, they stimulated 60% more brain cell growth in 48 hours...
restored memory...and helped prevent the brain damage that leads to Alz-
heimer’s in humans.
In another landmark study, Dr. Kawagishi tested Lion’s Mane’s effects
on people. The participants included 100 elderly residents of a Japanese
rehabilitative hospital. All 100 had neurodegenerative disorders—including
7 with dementia—who were randomly assigned to be in either the experi-
mental Lion’s Mane group or the control group.
Before the study, all 100 showed significant cognitive and memory issues,
and had difficulty walking, eating, getting dressed, bathing, showering, and
performing other basic tasks.
For six months, all of the patients ate a daily bowl of soup that contained
a special ingredient—5 grams of dried Lion’s Mane for the experimental

group, and a placebo for the control group. At the end of the study, all of the
patients were all evaluated once again... and the results were jaw-dropping.
After taking Lion’s Mane, EVERY SINGLE PATIENT—including ALL
7 dementia patients—showed drastic improvement in all of their daily func-
tions. Their quality of life improved, and they were able to drive, cook, clean,
and remain independent—that’s a 100% improvement rate!
And the results kept getting better over time. After a few short months,
86% of the dementia patients—6 out of 7—also regained their cognitive
abilities... things like short- and long-term memory, problem solving, per-
ception, and communication.
So not only were the dementia patients’ brain cells revived... it’s like they
were all back to their old selves. And additional studies showed similar results.
In another randomized, placebo-controlled study out of Japan, research-
ers divided a group of 30 seniors with mild cognitive impairment in half, with
15 folks in the Lion’s Mane group, and the other 15 in the control group.
For 16 weeks, the Lion’s Mane group had four 250mg tablets of dried ex-
tract three times a day, and the control group took a placebo. All 30 had their
cognitive function tested at weeks 8, 12, and 16 of the trial... and EVERY
TIME, the Lion’s Mane group scored SIGNIFICANTLY higher than the
placebo group.
How high? By week 16, a whopping 71% of the Lion’s Mane group
scored 3 FULL POINTS HIGHER—or MORE—on a 30-point cognitive
function scale. And another 21% had a 2-point increase.
And the results were pretty universal. In fact, just ONE person in the Li-
on’s Mane was considered ‘unchanged’... but compare that to the 87% of the
placebo group who ALSO had no changes.
In other words, despite starting out with mild cognitive impairment, nearly
EVERYONE in the Lion’s Mane group could now learn and remember better
than the placebo group—and better than they could before the study began.
But it’s important to note that just 4 short weeks later... after the trial had
ended and the Lion’s Mane therapy wore off, the cognitive test scores of the
experimental group decreased significantly... that means that it’s CRITI-
CAL that you continue to take Lion’s Mane—in the right dose—to get the
brain-boosting results you’re looking for.

Where to Find Lion’s Mane
Lion’s Mane is readily available all over the internet, but Buyer Beware—
there are hundreds of imposters on the Internet, selling fake or diluted ver-
sions of this special mushroom.
But luckily, I’ve used my “insider” connection to locate the correct, clin-
ically-studied form of Lion’s Mane. I recommend one made by Swanson
Vitamins. Visit
I recommend taking two 500mg tablets per day, with a glass of water.
And as I told you, keep taking Lion’s Mane long-term to help you achieve
long-lasting results.

Bonus Cure #9

Special Water DESTROYS

Prostate Cancer Cells
in Just 4 Months

T here’s a LOT of confusion out there about prostate cancer... like should
you get a routine PSA or not?
And if you ARE diagnosed with the disease, should you “watchfully wait”...
or have surgery?
Ask a conventional doctor about surgery, and you’ll practically hear him
sharpening his scalpel. 
Meanwhile, lots of guys who DO get prostate cancer surgery will tell
you it was the worst decision of their lives.
It can ruin your ability to have sex... and leave you incontinent... for life. 
But scientists are discovering that prostate cancer may be CURABLE,
thanks to a special healing water that helps you “sip” your cancer away.
This safe, natural, and scientifically proven drink can DESTROY pros-
tate cancer cells in as little as 4 MONTHS—and you can drink it in the
comfort of your own home.
And friend, while it’s busy KILLING prostate cancer cells, it leaves your
healthy cells ALONE... and ERASES the distressing symptoms that come
with the disease.

This special water, which is lighter than regular water, is called DDW—
short for deuterium-depleted water.
Now, this isn’t the kind of water that comes out of your tap, and you won’t
find it in your supermarket’s bottled water aisle.
In a moment, I’ll tell you more about this special cancer-fighting water—
what it is and what makes it so unique—along with how to get your hands
on it.
But first, here’s what you need to know...
This lightweight water is a heavy-hitter when it comes to STOPPING
and REVERSING cancer.
The earliest studies on DDW were done on cell lines and in animals.
These preliminary studies showed that:
• DDW significantly slowed or stopped tumor cells’ growth rate
• Giving DDW to lab animals for 80 days led to a 70% regression
of breast cancer tumors—and some tumors disappeared
• DDW inhibited the expression of genes that promote
tumor development
Based on these positive findings, researchers decided to investigate wheth-
er drinking DDW would have a beneficial effect in human studies.
Spoiler alert: it DID.
Results have consistently shown that when DDW is used in addition to
traditional cancer treatments, people live a whole lot longer.

What the Research Shows

In a double-blind clinical trial published in the Journal of Cancer Thera-
py, researchers studied how drinking DDW affected men with prostate can-
cer. Participants included 44 prostate cancer patients who were undergoing
conventional cancer treatments.
Along with their regular treatments, 22 of the men drank DDW water,
while the other 22 drank “regular” water for four months.
When the men were re-evaluated at the end of the study, the researchers

were floored. Just by adding the lightweight water to their treatments, the
members of the DDW group saw:
• A 300% DECREASE in prostate size
• Nearly 70% SLASHED their high PSA scores (commonly
found in prostate cancer cases) by 50% or MORE
• All of their aggravating urination problems DISAPPEARED
The researchers concluded that DDW could delay the progression of pros-
tate cancer—but sadly, that didn’t happen for the men who drank regular tap.
And most importantly, the men who drank the DDW lived longer.
According to the study authors, “DDW works even in hopeless cases,”
calling it a “... a highly effective tool in cancer therapy.”
Numerous studies have also shown that DDW even tackles cancer cells in
animals. One study found that DDW slowed and even stopped tumor growth
in lab mice transplanted with PC-3 cells (human prostate cancer cell lines).
And let’s not forget Rover and Max. DDW also has been found to cause
complete or partial tumor regression in dogs and cats with spontaneous ma-
lignancies—in fact, deuterium depleted water was registered as an antican-
cer agent for veterinary use way back in 1999.
Friend, I’m a HUGE animal lover, but it would be great if PEOPLE knew
about DDW’s cancer-reversing powers as well... and that’s why I’m helping
to spread the word.
So you’re probably wondering how something as simple as drinking spe-
cial WATER has such a big impact on cancer.
Well, it has a lot to do with your mitochondria—your body’s cellular en-
ergy powerhouses. I’ll tell you more about that that it a moment.
But first, to understand why  deuterium  depleted  water  is so beneficial
against cancer, we have to understand why deuterium (a naturally occurring
hydrogen isotope) is so harmful.
High levels of deuterium in your body are both a cause and a conse-
quence of poor energy production. Here’s what happens:
• Too much deuterium from the environment weighs down your
body’s energy production

• Defective mitochondria don’t filter out deuterium
from your body as well as they should
• The higher levels of deuterium in your body weigh
down your energy production even more
In other words, it’s a vicious cycle.

The Sludge that Jams Up

Your Energy Motor
Deuterium is similar to hydrogen, containing one electron and one pro-
ton. But it also contains a neutron, which gives it TWICE THE MASS of
regular hydrogen... in other words, it’s “heavy” hydrogen.
Hydrogen is involved in energy production within our mitochondria. The
science is complicated, but basically, the ion of hydrogen, H+, flows through
a protein on the inner mitochondrial membrane called ATPase. H+ causes
ATPase to spit out ATP, which is the FUEL your cells use for ENERGY.
But because deuterium is twice the mass of hydrogen, having too much
deuterium is like pouring a thick syrup into your body’s energy producing
gears... it gunks up the works and slows it down.
But light water, like DDW, helps your body’s energy motor run more efficiently.
Now if your mitochondria are healthy, you will generally have low deute-
rium levels.
Mitochondria can actually make their own DDW as a byproduct of ener-
gy production—which is great for your health.
The trouble is that your mitochondrial function declines with age—typ-
ically about a 10% reduction each decade. In addition, lifestyle factors, like
diet, stress, and toxin exposure, can put you on the fast track to early mito-
chondrial dysfunction.
So odds are, your mitochondria are no longer making DDW as well as
they should... especially, if you have prostate cancer.
And there’s another way deuterium affects your health... by thwarting your
body’s enzyme function. 
That’s a BIG problem because an astounding 100,000 chemical reactions
are happening EACH SECOND in your body’s 37 trillion cells. But they

need ENZYMES to keep things humming along... so when deuterium jams
up the gears, these processes don’t work like they should.
That’s why drinking DDW may be one of the BEST things you can do
for your health.

Where to get DDW

While most water sources have about 150 ppm of deuterium, light water
contains just 25–130 ppm. For combatting cancer (and many other serious
diseases), there are special deuterium-depleted sources that can get levels
down to as low as 25 ppm.
A company called Qlarivia sells deuterium depleted water that is 25 ppm.


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