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Mentoring for business start-up &

experimental biomass upcycling

Urban Innovative Actions, Les Arcuriales, 45D rue de Tournai, F59000 Lille, France
Project: UIA04-138 SPIRE Baia Mare

Deliverable no: 6.4.1 Requirements of the mentoring programme

Authors: Mátyus Enikő, Vajda Boglárka

Submission date:

Dissemination level: Public

Revision History

Revision Date Author Organization Description

01 18.09.2020 Vajda Boglárka, GEA
Mátyus Enikő
02 01.10.2020 Vajda Boglárka, GEA
Mátyus Enikő

This deliverable contains original unpublished work except where clearly indicated otherwise.
Acknowledgement of previously published material and of the work of others has been made through
appropriate citation, quotation or both.

Disclaimer statement and programme funding message go here

SPIRE - Smart Post Industrial Regenerative Ecosystem

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Executive abstract
Baked at the end

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SPIRE - Smart Post Industrial Regenerative Ecosystem
Executive abstract ........................................................................................................................ 3
CONTEXT...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1. Aim and features of the mentoring program.................................................................5
1.1.1. Responsible partners with the implementation ........................................................................... 5
Preparation and publication of the Open Call for Proposals ........................................................... 6
Technical and legal conditions ...................................................................................................... 6
CONTENT ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2. Stages of the call.......................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1. OPEN CALL .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.2. COMMUNICATION OF THE OPEN CALL ......................................................................................... 7
1.2.3. DEMO DAY .................................................................................................................................. 10
1.2.4. ACCELERATOR PROGRAM – STAGE 2 OF MENTORING ............................................................... 10

1.3. Selection criteria and the selection methodology ....................................................... 13

1.3.1. The TEN ....................................................................................................................................... 13
1.3.2. The SIX ........................................................................................................................................ 14
1.3.3. The TREE ..................................................................................................................................... 15

1.4. Services and resources at stake for the winners .......................................................... 15

Conclusions .................................................................................................................................17

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1.1. Aim and features of the mentoring program
Activity 6.4 will contribute to the implementation of a circular ecosystem in Baia Mare by supporting
new start-up businesses dedicated to the reuse of the biomass resulting from Pilot Sites. The activity
aims to offer capacity-building and mentoring services for local young entrepreneurs, to run a two-
stage open call for the selection of innovative business ideas for the upcycling of biomass into
ecofriendly/energy-saving products (including but not limited to insulation materials and biofuel),
actively supporting the best three projects of the open call. Specifically, winning ideas will be provided
with dedicated training; office space within the SPIREHub; and raw biomass to be upcycled.

The first phase of this activity is developing the framework of the mentoring programme, including the
methodology for organizing and implementing the content of it.

The following Reports will be provided during implementation:

Report on the results of the 1st stage of the open call and selection process
1st Mentoring Phase and Business Model Canvases Development
Report on the final stage of the open call and on the selected start-ups
Report on mentoring process and experimental design

1.1.1. Responsible partners with the implementation



•Coordinating the •Contributing to •Contributing to •Contributing to

6.4 activity the methodology the development the methodology
•Organizing the og 6.4 and of 6.4
stages of the •Organizing implementation •Contributing with
mentoring specific activitites of 6.4 proposals the
program of 6.4 •Integrating to the improvement of
•Relation with the •Local visibility of iLEU platform all the mentoring
beneficiaries the mentoring the aspects program
•Moderating the program related to 6.4 •Contribution to
activitites •Assisting the •Insuring the the visual identity
•Providing activitites of 6.4 tehnical of the mentoring
deliverables •Involvement of background program
sponsors for •Assisting the •Assisting all the
DEMO DAY voting process stages of the
•other organizing •other organizing activity
activities activities •other

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SPIRE - Smart Post Industrial Regenerative Ecosystem
1.1.2 Timeline

Preparation and publication of the Open

Call for Proposals
Functional application platform Commented [EM1]: iLEU – Indeco, further information is
required regarding the launching date of the platform
Local citizens should be familiarized with the iLEU platform, before voting.

Application form –

Technical and legal conditions

― GDPR agreement in the application form

― Commitment Agreement between the 6 startups & consortium regarding the pre-accelerator
and accelerator program.

― IP certification of the prototypes. Commented [EM2]: To be discussed with the project

partners the involved financial aspects of this activity as well
as the expected scenario when not all the ideas will fit the
― Legal framework of using the makerspace possibility of certification

― Legal framework of using the hub Commented [EM3]: MUA should provide information
regarding the legal background of using the spaces.

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1.2. Stages of the call

1.2.1. OPEN CALL

The Open Call will be launched in Ianuary 2020 aiming to attract people under 35 years to express Commented [EM4]: If the platform will be functional
their interest in participating the SPIRE mentoring program with their proposals for the mentioned
challenges identified on project level.

Registration to the program will be online, completing a questionnaire on SPIRE.CITY.

Registration forms should be automatically sent to the following partners:

Green Energy Association


GEA will centralize the applications and will share with the partners involved in the 6.4 activity.


Key information:

Within SPIRE project, the consortium is launching the SPIRE mentoring program addressed for startups.

Eligible candidates are those people who are under 35, they idea fits the problems identified within
the project.

The program is divided in 3 stages – open call, where 10 applications will be selected – pre-accelerator
where the 6 applicants selected by the local citizens will follow 2 workshops and will beneficiate of
mentoring – accelerator where the 3 winners of the demo day will get intensive support to work on
their prototype.

Announcement proposal:

Are you a #differencemaker looking for growth opportunity? Are you a problem solver? Do you want
take part of the revolutionary transformation of the city you live? Now is the right time to apply!
SPIRE MENTORING PROGRAM is looking for startuppers under 35 years with revolutionary
approaches concerning the reuse of heavy metal-contaminated land in the city of Baia Mare.
Your idea can fit large scale of adaptivity from new materials to digital solutions for energy
utilization, but don’t forget, the aim is to develop solution which can be transformed in
reality! Examples:
― Biomass utilization

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― New materials from biomass
― Phytoremediation solutions
― Digital solutions
― Other relevant solutions in order to improve the quality life in Baia Mare
influenced by contaminated lands (air pollution, etc.)

To be in the context please read the SPIRE projects main objectives:

Why to apply?
If your application represents a real solution for transforming Baia Mare in a greener, more
livable and social friendly place, you will be in the spotlight of local community! (10 selected
startups will be in the spotlight of Baia Mare and the local community will vote for the bests!)
If you succeed to convince the local community with your idea, you enter the SPIRE pre-
accelerator program where a team of mentors will support you the push closer your idea to
reality, using tools like Business Model Canvas and concepts like Nature Based Businesses
under the supervision of experts. (6 selected startups will have the opportunity to
participate at the SPIRE pre-accelerator program for free aiming to consolidate & develop
the business idea and business model using instruments like Business Model Canvas and
Nature Based Businesses under the supervision of mentors. Mentors will follow the evolution
of the startuppers and the startup ideas)
By At the end of the pre-accelerator program participants will pitch their ideas in front of
the actors of the startup and green transition ecosystem.
Best 3 startups will continue the program to implement their solutions and will get free
access to the facilities of the SPIRE HUB!

(RO)Propunere anunț:

Ești un startupper sau ai idei care ar putea transforma orașul tău într-un loc mai bun? Ai nevoie de
support pentru a-ți transforma ideile în realitate? Crezi în inovație și în responsabilitate socială? Ai între
18 și 35 de ani și locuiești undeva în județul Maramureș? Aplică acum la ACCELERATORUL SPIRE!

Căutăm idei pentru a transforma orașul Baia Mare într-un loc mai sănătos, trăibil și mai verde prin
soluții inteligente, inovative, bazate pe natură!


The first stage is divided into 2 important actions:

Selecting the 10 best applications by an insider jury

Selecting the 6 best applications by the local citizens

The 1 Stage pre-accelerator program is addressed for the 6 startuppers and includes the following


1. Workshop – offline event

Duration: 5 hours

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Nature Based Startups

This session aims to discuss the concept of NBS and to analyze examples, best practices,
business models, innovative projects that could fit for Baia Mare. The presentation should
include the topic of solid biomass, as research opportunity and existing innovative approaches.
Speaker proposals from GEA: 15-minute-long scientific presentations:
- Dr. prof. Duic Neven, University of Zagreb
- Dr. prof. Yoram Krozer, University of Twente

Business Model Canvas – introduction

Trainers will explain the philosophy of the BM Canvas and will present examples. Startups will
work in groups of 2 on the development of Canvases to familiarize with the chapters.
As homework they should begin their own BMC with the help of mentors.

Welcome coffee 09:30
- MUA, Indeco, GEA represenatives
Nature Based Solutions 10:00
- Speaker /trainers Commented [EM5]: Mentors to be propose by partners,
Coffee break 11:30 best practice
Business Model CANVAS – introduction 12:00
- Trainer: Mátyus Enikő & … Commented [EM6]: Trainers to the proposed by partners
Networking 14:00

2. Workshop - offline event

Improved Business Model Canvas,
Startups will work individually. Trainers will analyze the developed Canvases between
the 2 workshops and will provide feedbacks for improvement. Common mistakes will
be discussed.
Public Speaking – preparation for the Demo Day
This session aims to provide helpful information regarding a good pitch in 3 minutes.
The Trainer will introduce practices, recommendation for the structure. Participants
will practice within the workshop their pitches, trainers and other participant will
provide feedback for that. The session also aims to explain the technical and admin
details of the DEMO DAY.

Business Model Canvas – improvement 09:30
- Trainers: Mátyus Enikő, … Commented [EM7]: Proposals from partners
Coffee break 12:00
Pitching Training 12:30
- Trainers: Mátyus Enikő, … Commented [EM8]: Proposals from partners
Networking & Conclusions 14:00

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Mentors: internal, from the partnership.

1.2.3. DEMO DAY

Stage 1 is finalized with a Demo Day between august – september 2021 where the startuppers – 6 –
will present their ideas to a jury and they will select 3 from them to enter the accelerator program.

3 min. pitches in English

To be registered
Jury – to be selected
Prizes – brainstorming with the partners
Virtual or offline? Commented [EM9]: Feedback, opinions are required
Nr. Of participants – open event? from the partners.


For the second Stage of mentoring – Accelerator program – are eligible the selected 3 winners of the
Demo Day.


Mentors: external

MENTORING // accelerator program

Startup Expert - Ionut Tata

– 3 hours/week – 60 min. /week for each startup /6 months

Expert of the specific field of the startup (tbc) – NBS

– 1 hours/2 weeks/6 months/startup

Financial expert (tbc) –

– 1 hours/2 weeks/6 months/startup Commented [EM10]: Recommendation, names from


Deliverable of the mentoring program: -the features, mission and development strategy of each of
the start-up businesses participating in the mentoring program.

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Thematic Sessions

1-2 thematic sessions / month

10 thematic sessions / 6 months
Duration of a session: approx. 4 hours with break
Proposed system: hybrid (online&offline)


Content issues of starting a venture/Intro

Coach: Ionut Tata / Medeea Petrovan, Successful entrepreneurs,..

Deliverable: Roadmap, Startup Development Strategy – Key activities chapter

Sustainable Development Goals in Businesses


Deliverable: Selected SDGs to contribute & activities as vehicles, Startup Development Strategy – value
proposition chapter

Legal Issues of running a business, Property Rights

Coach: Takacs Kato Kata lawyer/ Commented [EM11]: Other mentors to be proposed by
Deliverable: Startup Development Strategy – the product chapter

✓ Securing IP into new entity (in case of university research or multiple inventors)
✓ IP transfer, licensing, exclusivity, non-exclusivity
✓ Freedom to Operate (FTO) - determining whether a particular action, such as testing or
✓ commercializing a product, can be done without infringing valid intellectual property rights of
✓ Strategies to protect IP
• Patents (novelty, national phase, PCT application, priority right)
• Design rights
• Trade secrets
• Copyright
✓ Non-disclosure agreement (NDA) – use cases and example.
✓ Shareholders’ agreement (SHA) – overview of main clauses (vesting, good leaver and bad
✓ leaver, drag-along and tag-along rights, pre-emptive rights, anti-dilution etc.)

Access to finance & Internationalization

Coach: Radu Crăciun

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Deliverable: Startup Development Strategy – financial plan chapter

✓ private and public funds

✓ actual opportunities
✓ how venture capital and equity financing works
✓ how to choose the best financing method for you startup
✓ national and international funds.

Financial Plan of your Start

Coach: Medeea Petrovan

Deliverable - Startup Development Strategy – financial plan chapter

✓ Financial projection basics - what is a cash-flow, break-event-point

✓ how to develop a realistic financial plan
✓ most common mistakes by startups accessing founds
✓ financial previsions.

Digital Marketing

Coach: Marius Geru

Deliverable/homework: marketing plan

✓ Introduction of digital marketing, aspect that a startupper can/should do before hiring a

marketing specialist
✓ Market segmentation methods.
✓ Buyer persona development – demographics, behavioour, patterns, motivation… Buyer
persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research or
interviews with your existing customers.
✓ Creating online presence, content creation, blogging
✓ Search engine optimisation (SEO) importance.
✓ Social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.)
✓ Branding issues

Go-to-Market & Sales Strategies

Coach: Adrian Cioroianu

Deliverable: Go to Market strategy template (to be designed), Startup Development Strategy –

Channels chapter

✓ Strategies for approaching your consumers

✓ The art of selling
✓ Things you have to know before hiring a sales expert
✓ Measuring sales
✓ Joining one-stop-shops

Digital Marketing Strategy // workshop // evaluating the homework

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Coach: Marius Geru

Deliverable: Startup Development Strategy – key activities chapter

Pitching Training

Coach: tbc

Assisted by Matyus Eniko

Deliverable: Pitching Canvas

Development Strategy Review & Pitching Training

Coach: tbc

Assisted by Matyus Eniko

Deliverable: improved BMC & improved PC, Startup Development Strategy

Mentor proposals:

Coroama Delian | Gabriela Turcanu, BT Mic BV | Marius Mitroi | Marius Alexa | Miruna Muresan | +
more inspiring people to be identified on local level as well Commented [EM12]: Partners should provide
recommendations using the shared excel table

Other facilities of the accelerator program

Free office facilities in SPIRE HUB

Test before invest – Prototyping in the Maker space Commented [EM13]: Partner should provide a
description of the technologies which will be integrated in
Other ideas: the hub

Virtual Workshops with successful entrepreneurs

Virtual Workshops with changemakers of Sustainable community development

Virtual demo day where the 3 startupers can present themselves for policy makers

Interviews with EIT Innoenergy – facilitated by Gea

1.3. Selection criteria and the selection methodology

The selection is divided in 3 main groups, following the stages of the call

1.3.1. The TEN

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The Open call launched in October 2020 is open for everyone. The selection of the 10 applications will
be done with the contribution of a Jury – members of involved partners in this activity. Commented [EM14]: Please introduce in the shared
excel your porposals


Name Name name Name

Selection tools

- Administrative check matrix (Appendix1)

- Technical check matrix (Appendix1)

In order to be eligible, a startup should fulfill the following criteria:

- The applicant should be under the age of 35

- The proposed idea to fit the eligible fields and the identified challenges of the project

Eligible Fields: Commented [AGE15]: Short description, examples...

Business Opportunities along the biomass value chain
Phytoremediation solutions Business opportunities along the biomass value chain:
- tips/examples for business ideas that are in the same time
Ideas related to local air pollution innovative and realistic/achievable for Baia Mare area

The Challenge:
Baia Mare is among the first European cities that is trying to start the decontamination procedures for the heavy
metal polluted soils using nature based solutions through the SPIRE project. In the past, the city has faced
problems related to soil pollution, and this project aims to solve these problems and aims to involve citizens
actively in the development of the city. Do you want to be part of it?

1.3.2. The SIX

After selecting the 10 best applications and signing the commitment contract between consortium
representative and startup, the selected persons will be invited to provide a 3 minute long audiovisual
material – short video – about their idea, motivation and how they will transform Baia Mare in a more
livable city. The videos will be recorded in Romanian language. The material will be uploaded to iLEU
platform and the local society will have the opportunity to sympathize with the ideas by voting for
their favorite.

Proposal – 1 citizen can vote for 3 ideas from the 10. Commented [EM16]: iLEU launching, question

Voting system will be developed by INDECO, in cooperation with GEA, MUA, URBASOFIA concerning
the content and structure of it.

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1.3.3. The TREE
Following the pre-accelerator program, the six participants of the program will hold a presentation
within a DEMO DAY in front of a Jury composed of external actors (who are not implicated in the
project management) of the ecosystem, as investors, business angel, industry players, etc.

Investor/Business Angel Expert from the industry Local representative (Mayor)

1 1 1

name name Name

Main criteria: maturity of the idea to be tested, prototyped and validated with the support the HUB.

Proposal: as it was mentioned as a best practice Sicilia, a relevant player of that project could be
involved as a jury/mentor in STAGE 2.

Language of the DEMO DAY: English

The pitches will be registered and will be used in the future for promotion purposes, as well as for
facilitation of strategic partnerships and access for finance by the management of the 6.4 activity.

1.4. Services and resources at stake for the winners



The winners should also het free biomass for testing and prototyping.

In case the energy willow plantation will be to growth enough to deliver the expected quantity,
municipality should provide biomass result from local solid wood waste.

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Other prizes (to be negotiated):

- Seed Money – up to 10.000 eur. / startup

- Facilities from companies for example marketing company developing their visual identity
- Based on the field of the idea, collaboration agreement with relevant industry players.
- Appearance in portals as,, ..

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The SPIRE mentoring program is a complex service for startups even in a very early stage to develop
both, their business and technical skills. The mentor program should be open for all the people whose
idea fits the SPIRE program objectives. The main direction is to attract idea around the biomass value-
chain but there is a place for other ideas too, as digital solutions, air pollution measurements, scientific
initiatives concerning the depollution of contaminated lands. By its structure, the consortium can
provide a consolidated support for the best ideas, following the Quadro- helix model. In the same
time, innovative ideas can fill the gaps along the local value-chain of sustainable development.

The program aims to straighten the local startup ecosystem which is poor developed at the moment.
Once attracting the “difference-makers” successfully in the work of the project, community building
will be launched.

The program has 3 main stages with 2 important events.

The stages are: the open call addressed for all. Within this stage the jury complained of the partner
representatives will choose the 10 most promising applications. These 10 applicants will provide a
short video about themselves and their ideas which will be published on iLEU platform and the local
citizens will vote for their favorite. After the voting session, 6 applicants will continue the program,
who will enter the 1 stage of mentoring – the SPIRE pre-accelerator program. This program aims to
deliver basic information and concepts regarding business models and nature based solutions with the
following aims: - to have a better understanding of the core idea and the possibilities to transfer it in
real life, - the stimulate the collaboration between the participants in order to generate the creation
of a community. This stage will end with a DEMO DAY including a real-time pitching session. The
Accelerator program will be provided for those 3 startups which are selected by the jury within the
DEMO DAY. These 3 startups will begin the accelerator program with moving into the SPIRE HUB. 10
thematic sessions will be held by external experts from Romania and from abroad.

The 2 important events are: the DEMO day and moving into the SPIRE hub.

By organizing community events at the hub parallel with the accelerator program, the continuity of
the mentoring program is insured.

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