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Tete 264 3. Sua 364910 11 1243 6 9 f the following matri ea Find rank 0} '8 matrices by reducing them to n a i: 1 TO) 3/52) Slee Eee @}2 -! 2 5 : 1S eee 596)" 738 Ga) ® CHE i Hy 43|P 1 Ses ion 5 5 1 1 1 1 P Saale 3 =) 0, Find the rank of the matrix x I 2232) ese ees 3 x+2 =3 2x41 11, Find non-singular matrices P and Q such that PAQ is in normal form, where re lCaea saa 41 12, For the following matrices A, find matrices P and Q such that PAQ is in the normal form. Also find the rank of the matrix A : eel Bel @eA=it— 10 1 @ A=/]1 -1 1 3 1y 8 1 11 eer mm ee “a= sae Wy A=|1 2 3 fee lia 0 -1 -1 12.3 2-1 3 4 534 - sae @ AM), 3 a}. DA 3 a a AS 2) Sli (ee Oni yo. 2 i CD Ae asia ofits) a 204 2 8 slat oo fel conte o =cooo Se See nlc ° 6 == u———_ eee -|2 _———— ° 0 0 1 ° = -3 0 -2 1 3°04 0 ey w a _ 4 Ooo ale © onie-l< i o celesia Does the following system of, ‘equations hay, © a non-zero soluti () xty+z=0 solution ? G)— x42y432=0 Meu 3xt+4y+4z=0 Tx+10y+122=0. 3, Find the value of k for which the system of ‘equations : x+tkyt32=0 4xt+3y+kz=0 2xt+y+27=0 has a non-trivial solution. 3. Find the value of for which the system of equations : 2xt+y+2z=0 xty+3z=0 4x+3y+Az=0 has a non-zero solution. 4, Let Aj, be matrix of rank 1 and B,,, be any matrix. Show that rank of [A : B] is either ee lor. \NSWER TYPE QUESTIONS Find the complete solution of each of the following system of equations : -@ 2x-y+3z=0 @ x-2y-32=0 3x+2y+z=0 -2x+3y+5z=0 x—4y+5z= 3xt+y-22=0 4x+5y+6z=0 (iv) xt+y+z=0, S$x+6y+72=0 2x-y-32=0, Txt+8y+9z=0 3x-5y+4z=0, x+17y+4z=0. ompletely the system of equations : Axt2yt+zt3w=0 (id) xtyt+z+r=0 é) 6xt3yt4zt+7w 0 x+3y+2z4+41=0 Qxtytw=0 2xt+z-0=0. 532 LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS 2. Solve the following system cof equations, if consistent : (@ 2xt3y+5z=15 3x+Sy+2z=12 Sxt2y+32=13 i) x-y+2=6 x-ytz=2 2x+y-z=1 @) 2x+y-z=0 x-y+32=8 Qx+2ytz=9 3, _ Show that the following systems of equations are consistent. Also solve these : () 2x+3y+42=20 x+2yt3z=14 xt4y+72=30 i) xty+z+6=0 x+2y+3z+14=0 xt4y+7z2+30=0 (i) xt2ytz Qx+y-z= x-y-z=1 @® xtytz=9 2x+Sy+72=52 2x+y-2=0 @) x-y+z=5 Qx+y-z =-2 3x-y-z =7. (i) xt+y+z=4 2x+5y-22=3 xtTy-72=-6 (vy) x-yt22=4 3xt+yt+4z=6 xtytz=1 4. Show that the following systems of equations are consistent. Also solve these : (@) x+2y-7=3 3x-yt+2z=1 2x-2y+32=2 x-ytz=-1 Wi) x-2y432"7 Qxt+y-2=5 3x-y+2z=12 *+8y-11z=-11 s Xt2y-Sztqpug (i) xt+y+z=1 x+2yt3z=4 xt3yt+5z=7 x+4y+7z=10 (i) x+2y+2z=1 Qxtytr=2 3x+2yt+2z2=3 ytz=0. Show that the following equations are consistent, Also find the solution O xty+azt3e—5 Qxt3ytz-2=] G) xty-2z+41=5 Qxt2y-3246=3 3x+3y—42-2¢61 SHORT ANSWER TYPE QU ESTIONS 1. Find eigen values of the following matrices : 2S tos W @ jo 6 2 @ jo v2 3 oo 1 0” Ae ior 0 See (iii) SeeleeeO (iv) 1 3 4 -7 5 1 an) 1 oy ie) 5 0 6 () 121 (i) eZee sala 001 6 2 9 8 -6 2 2. Thecharacteristics roots of | -6 7 —4 | are 0,3 and 15. Find the value of &, 2-4 & 3. Show that the eigen values of a diagonal matrix are its diagonal elements. LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS 4, Find eigen values and the corresponding eigen vectors of the following matrices : eet i 8) © [: zl @ : ‘| 5. Find eigen values and the corresponding eigen vectors of the following matrices : 7 6 =i oe (amet @) |-2 3 -1 -4 -4 4 2a oui <9 CO eee he) | -8 3 4 DO ass =16 eT

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