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Reading Comprehension


a) Where does Alfred live? ……………………………………………………………………………..

b) What does he do? ……………………………………………………………………………………....
c) What´s his wife’s name?……………………………………………………………………………..
d) What do they like doing?.................................................................................
e) Where did they go last year?............................................................................
f) How did they feel when they came back home?............................................



1) Goto


USE: to talk about habits or routines,


En las oraciones afirmativas, cuando hablamos de He, She o It, le agregamos S al verbo.
Con las demás personas (I, YOU, WE, THEY) el verbo queda igual.


The present continuous is made from the present tense of the

verb be and the –ing form of a verb:

I am working

You are playing

He is talking

She is living

It is eating

We are staying

They are sleeping

We use the present continuous to talk about:

• activities at the moment of speaking:

I'm just leaving work. I'll be home in an hour.
Please be quiet. The children are sleeping.

• future plans or arrangements:

Mary is going to a new school next term.
What are you doing next week?

Signal words

▪ always ▪ at the moment

▪ every ... ▪ at this moment
▪ often ▪ today
▪ normally ▪ now

▪ usually ▪ right now

▪ sometimes ▪ Listen!
▪ seldom ▪ Look!
▪ never
▪ first

▪ then


El "simple past" se utiliza para hablar de una acción que concluyó en un tiempo anterior
al actual. La duración no es relevante. El tiempo en que se sitúa la acción puede ser el
pasado reciente o un pasado lejano.

Hay verbos regulares ( a los que les agregamos –ED) y verbos irregulares ( que son los que
aparecen en la lista de verbos)


• John Cabot sailed to America in 1498.

• My father died last year.
• Mary went to London last year.


last week-Yesterday- the other day, ages ago, a long time ago

Nota: el término ago es útil para expresar distancia temporal en el pasado. Se

coloca después del periodo de tiempo de que se trate: a week ago, three years ago, a
minute ago


Sujeto + did not + infinitivo sin to

They didn't go.


Did + sujeto + infinitivo sin to

Did she arrive?

1) Change the verbs in brackets into the past tense. Some

are regularand some are irregular.

Yesterday (to be) _______________ a busyday. I (wake) _______________ up at 6am, (have)

_______________ breakfastquickly and then I (go) _______________ towork. I (finish)
_______________ at noon and then (eat) _______________ some lunch. Afterwards I (drive)
_______________ tothe shops, (buy) _______________ somepaint and then (paint)
_______________ mybedroom. Myhousemate (come)

_______________ homefromwork so I (help) _______________ himpainthisroom, thenwe (repair)

_______________ hischair as it (wobble) _______________ a lot. I (wish) _______________ I
hadn’t, as I hurtmyhand! Afterthat I (clean) _______________ myhouse. I (vacuum)
_______________ allthedownstairs and then (tidy) _______________ up the living room and
thekitchen. I wasprettytiredbythen so I (eat) ate somedinner, (yawn) _______________, and (go)
_______________ tobed!

2) Changetheverbsbelowintothepast tense and

putthemintothecorrect place in thesentences
Pay :: Ring :: Think :: Drink :: See ::Eat::Go :: Take :: Leave :: Say

1. I _________________ that he was fired.

2. Mymum _________________ me last night but I wasn’t at home to takeheranswer.
3. I _________________ to the zoo with my son last weekend.
4. I _________________ four cakes for lunch. I feel sick!
5. He _________________ him to see the doctor because he had been ill for so long.
6. I _________________ that new movie last night. It was great!
7. He _________________ his son alone all day!
8. I _________________ two bottles of grape juice last night. I don’t feel too well today.
9. They _________________ it tasted horrible.
10. It was too expensive and we _________________ too much for it.


3) Past Tense – Simple or progressive

1. It ______________________ (rain) when we __________________ (come) out of the

shopping centre.
2. It _________________(happen) very quickly. The car ______________________ (come)
out of the sideroad and then the van ______________________ (drive) into the back of it.
3. I ______________________ (be) ill last week.
4. He ______________________ (break)his leg when he ______________________ (ski) .
5. I ______________________ (look)out of the window and saw that people
__________________ (walk) in the park.
6. Emma ______________________ (pass) her exam a few weeks ago.
7. Whenwe ____________________ (see) the spaceship we ___________________(stop)
the car.


El presente perfecto equivale más o menos al pretérito perfecto del español. Veremos
las diferencias en la sección sobre usos. En general, es una mezcla entre el presente y el
pasado. Lo usamos para acciones en el pasado que tienen importancia en el presente.

Form (Forma)

Para formar el presente perfecto, se usa el verbo auxiliar “to have” en el presente y el
participio pasado del verbo. Para verbos regulares, el participio pasado es la forma simple
del pasado. Ver la lección sobre el pasado simple para más información sobre como formar
el pasado.

Sujeto Forma Corta Participio Pasado

I, you, we, I’ve, you’ve, we’ve, talked, learned,

they they’ve traveled…

talked, learned,
he, she, it has he’s, she’s, it’s

Nota: Ten en cuenta que hay muchos participios pasados irregulares en inglés. A
continuación tienes una lista de unos de los participios pasados irregulares más comunes.

Verbo Pasado Simple Participio pasado

be was/were been

do did done

go went gone

make made made

see saw seen

Structure (Estructura)

1. Affirmative Sentences (Frases afirmativas)

Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to have) + participio pasado…
I have [I’ve] talked to Peter.(He hablado con Peter.)

She has [She’s] gone to work.(Ha ido a su trabajo.)

2. Negative Sentences (Frases negativas)

Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to have) + “not” + participio pasado…
I haven’t talked to Peter.(No he hablado con Peter.)

She hasn’t gone to work.(No ha ido a su trabajo.)

They haven’t learned English.(No han aprendido inglés.)

3. Interrogative Sentences (Frases interrogativas)

Verbo auxiliar (to have) + sujeto + participio pasado…?
Have you talked to Peter?(¿Has hablado con Peter?)

Has she gone to work?(¿Ha ido a su trabajo?)

Uses (Usos)

Se usa el presente perfecto para acciones que ocurrieron en un tiempo no concreto

antes de ahora. El tiempo específico no es importante. Por lo tanto, no solemos usar
expresiones de tiempo específicas (“this morning”, “yesterday”, “last year”…) con el
presente perfecto. Se puede usar el presente perfecto con expresiones de tiempo no
concretas (“never”, “ever”, “many times”, “for”, “since”, “already”, “yet”…). Este
concepto de tiempo no específico es bastante difícil de comprender, por este motivo, a
continuación tienes los usos particulares del presente perfecto.
1. Se usa el presente perfecto para describir una experiencia. No lo usamos para
acciones específicas.
I have never flown in a plane.(Nunca he volado en un avión.)

He has worked in many different museums.(Ha trabajado en muchos museos diferentes.)

2. Se utiliza el presente perfecto para un cambio en el tiempo.

I have become more timid in my old age.(Me he vuelto más tímido en mi vejez.)

He has learned to be more patient.(Ha aprendido a ser más paciente.)

3. Se usa para los éxitos o logros.

Our football team has won the championship three times.(Nuestro equipo de fútbol ha
ganado el campeonato tres veces.)

Dan has finished writing his first novel.(Dan ha terminado de escribir su primera

4. Usamos el presente perfecto para acciones que todavía no han sucedido. El uso del
presente perfecto en estos casos indica que aún estamos esperando la acción, por eso,
frecuentemente usamos los adverbios “yet” y “still”.
The plane hasn’t arrived yet.(El avión no ha llegado todavía.)

Our team still hasn’t won a championship.(Nuestro equipo aún no ha ganado un


5. Se utiliza el presente perfecto para hablar sobre acciones en diferentes momentos

en el pasado. El uso del presente perfecto en estos casos indica que son posibles más
acciones en el futuro.
We have spoken several times, but we still can’t reach an agreement.(Hemos hablado
varias veces, pero todavía no podemos llegar a un acuerdo.)

6. En general, usamos el presente perfecto continuo para situaciones que han
empezado en el pasado pero siguen en el presente. Pero como hemos visto, hay algunos
verbos que no podemos usar en los tiempos continuos. En estos casos, usamos el presente
How long has Michael been in Barcelona?(¿Cuánto tiempo ha estado Michael en

I have loved you since the day I met you.(Te he querido desde el día que te conocí.)




PRESENT SIMPLE V1 (he, she ,it everyday/week/month/yearusually/generally/
regularly/ frequently/ habitually/ repeatedly

once/twice a week/month etc.

…times a week/month/year
PRESENT am/is/are + V+ing now

at the/thismoment


PAST SIMPLE V+ed / V2 yesterday
(irregular verbs)

PAST PROGRESSIVE was/were + V+ing when



a certain time specified: yesterday at 9am


threeyearsago in May
PRESENT PERFECT have/has + V3 since


ever / never / always / seldom / rarely /

often / already







➢ PARAGRAPH 1 :Name- Age- City- Country- School- Job- Sisters/ Brothers-

Likes- Dislikes.

➢ PARAGRAPH 2 :Writesixsentencesaboutyourroutine. (Escribí seis oraciones

sobre tu rutina. Por ejemplo: Los lunes me levanto a las 7/ OnMondays I
get up at 7.)

➢ PARAGRAPH 3: Writesixsentecesaboutyourchildhood. (escribí seis

oraciones sobre tu niñez: a que jugabas, que dibujo animado te gustaba,
cual era tu comida favorita, etc.)

Reading Comprehension







Reading Comprehension 1



• Forming the Past Perfect Tense

The past perfect consists of two verbs: auxiliary verb (had) and main verb

had + past participle = past perfect tense

• Whento use the Past Perfect?

The past perfect takes place before another past action.


Suddenly he remembered where he had hidden themoney. (past action – remembered,

past perfect – had hidden)

I noticed that he had left his books behind. (past action – noticed, past perfect – had left)

When he reached the bus stop, the bus had already left. (past action – reached, past
perfect – had left)


Complete the sentences with the past perfect of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions
where possible.

1. Kevin (go) home bythe time I arrived.

2. Ethan suddenly realised that he (leave) his laptop on the train.
3. Mum was annoyed because I (no clean) my room.
4. (they / study) English before they went tothe USA?
5. We were hungry because (not eat).
6. My phonedidn't work because I (charge) it.

Reading Comprehension 2

Past Perfect Story

Where were they? What happened? What had they
Last night, Dane and Emily danced in a competition. They danced a salsa
dance. They had practiced for 6 months before they danced in the
competition. They were very good.
Dane and Emily's friends were in the audience. Before that night, they had
never seen Dane and Emily dance. In fact, Dane and Emily had never danced
in front of anyone before the competition.
After everyone had danced, the judges announced the winners. Dane and
Emily won! They were the best dancers in the competition. Emily said she
had never practiced so hard before! She was glad they had practiced a lot.


A. Answer the following questions. Use the Past Perfect tense.

1. How long had Dane and Emily practiced before the competition?
2. Before that night, who had seen Dane and Emily dance?
3. What happened after everyone had danced?

B. Rewrite the following sentences as positive or negative sentences,

yes/no questions, WH-questions (using the underlined word or phrase).

Examples for the sentence “Nick had finished before noon.

Negative: Nick had not finished before noon.

Yes/No Question: Had Nick finished before noon?
WH-Question: Who had finished before noon?

1. They had practiced for 6 months.


Yes/No Question:

2. Before that night, they had never seen Dane and Emily dance.
Yes/No Question:

3. They had practiced a lot.

Yes/No Question:

C. Turn the following sentences into Past Perfect.

1. They ………………. (finish) the game before it rained.

2. She ………………….. (save) her money for 2 years before she bought the car.
3. I ………………….. (meet) him before he was my boss.
4. Tina said she ……………….. (find) my purse in her car.
5. She woke up early because she ……………….. (take) a new job


Video: Past Perfect
Read the theory, watch the video and name 5 problems Jake had, using the Past Perfect tense

1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


“Summerr Camp”
Writing Practice – Finish the Story

Directions: Read the story below. Then finish it with your own writing.

Today was my first day at summer camp! I had a lot of fun. I had to wake up very early.
My dad dropped me off at the park and I met my counselor. Her name was Jamie. There
were nine other people in my group.
The first thing that we did was go on a nature hike. The hike was long. We walked through
the entire park. I saw two squirrels and a rabbit. I was afraid that I was going to see a snake.
It was hot and I got a lot of bug bites.
After the hike, we had arts and crafts. I made a bookmark to take home with me. I colored it
blue and used a lot of glitter.
After arts and crafts, we played my favorite game!











Part 3
Reading Comprehension

1- Read the article about the origin of two superstitions and write True or False. Justify
the false answers.


"A broken mirror gives you seven years of bad luck."

In ancient Greece, it was common for people to consult "mirror seers," who told their
fortunes by analyzing their reflections. Divination was performed with the help of water
and a looking glass (mirror). This was called catoptromancy. The mirror was put into the
water and a sick person was asked to look into the glass. If his image appeared distorted, he
would to die soon; if it was clear, he would live."
In the first century A.D., the Romans added a twist to the superstition. At that time, it was
believed that. A distorted image resulting from a broken mirror meant seven years of ill-
health and misfortune, rather than death.

"A black cat crossing your path is lucky/unlucky."

Many cultures agree that black cats are powerful omens but do they signify good or evil?

The ancient Egyptians loved all cats, and it was there that the belief began that a black cat
crossing your path brings good luck. This positive reputation was different in Europe in the
early seventeenth century in England. King Charles I had a black cat as a pet. When the cat
died, King Charles lamented that his luck was gone. The day after the cat’s death he was
arrested and charged with high treason.
During the Middle Ages, in many other parts of Europe people thought black cats were the
"familiars," or companions, of witches, or even witches themselves in disguise, and that a
black cat crossing your path was an indication of bad luck, a sign that the devil was
watching you. This was a strong belief held by the Pilgrims when they came to America,
perhaps explaining the strong association between black cats and witchcraft that exists in
the country to this day.

1- The Ancient Greeks used water or a mirror to see their future.

2- For the Romans, a sick person would die if his image was distorted.
3- For different cultures blacks cats are always evil.
4- For King Charles I his black cat was good luck.
5- For some people in the Middle ages, a clack cat was a witch

6- In ancient Greece, the “mirror seers” couldn’t predict the future.
7- Caloptromancy is the art of telling the fortune by analyzing your hand
8- For the Romans if your image was distorted, you would die soon.
9- For the Egyptians black cats were good luck.
10- The belief that black cats are evil was invented by the Pilgrims.

2- What do these words from the text mean? Match the words and its definition.

1- Seers a- way, road.

2- Soon b- someone who can tell your fortune
3- Twist c- the practice of magic
4- Path d- in a short time
5- witchcraft e- a change, a different meaning
6- Sick f- one hundred years
7- Clear g- it is a sign that something good or bad
can happen to you.
8- Omen h- not dark, not distorted
9- Century i- the crime of helping someone’s enemy.
10- Treason j- ill, a person that doesn’t feel good.

3- Write the superstitions related to these words: LADDER, SHOOTING



4- Complete the sentences with the first conditional.

1- If it ………………………………….. ( rain) tomorrow, we ………………………..

(not go) to school .
2- My parents ………….................... (be) very angry if my sister …………………….….(
not pass) her exams.
3- ……………………. you…………..….( pay) if I ………………………… ( go) to the
cinema with you?
4- If I ……………………………….. ( not arrive) late to school, they
………………………….... ( let) me in.
5- We …………………………….. ( not have) English classes if our teacher
………………………..… ( be) ill.
6- If you ………………………..….( wear) that coat tomorrow, you
………………………. ( not be) cold.
7- You …………………………… ( feel) tired tomorrow if you
……………………………( not go) to bed early.

8- What …………………………………… ( happen) if we ………………………………
( be) late?
9- She ……………………………. ( not watch )TV if she ………………………. ( not
do) her homework.
10- If your friend ………………………………..( go) to the party, he
……………………………….(have) fun.


FIRST CONDITIONAL: Usamos el 1º condicional para hablar de situaciones reales. Se forma

de la siguiente manera:

La oración se divide en dos partes:

1-condición (IF) ; 2-resutado.

En la parte de la oración donde tenemos IF, el verbo que usamos va en el PRESENTE SIMPLE, y en
la otra parte de la oración usamos WILL.

➢ A continuación les comparto un video explicativo :

a) Unimos del 1 al 7 con la a la g para hacer oraciones completas.
b) Elegimos la opción del verbo correcta.
c) Ponemos los verbos que están entre paréntesis en su forma correcta ( Presente simple
o Will).
d) Completamos las oraciones con nuestras ideas.

Exercise 1: Ponemos los verbos que están entre paréntesis en su forma correcta (present simple o
will). Luego unimos cada dibujo con la oración correcta.

Exercise 2: Unimos las oraciones y luego unimos con el dibujo correcto


Video: The Simpsons (Crime: Rob and steal)

Exercise: Write five sentences from the video in which words of crime vocabulary are used

1) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Reading Comprehension 1

Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson, who died in Los Angeles from a heart attack on June 25, 2009, aged only
50, was one of the most influential performers in the history of pop music.
Born in 1958 in Gary, Indiana (near Chicago), Michael had nine brothers and sisters. He
started performing with four of his brothers in a boy band, the Jackson 5, before he was
eight years old. They were signed by the famous Motown record label and had great
success, with songs such as “I Want You Back” and “ABC” reaching number one in the US
music chart before Michael’s twelfth birthday. Michael’s singing voice and dancing skills
already stood out, so it was no surprise when he also began a solo career.
Michael’s solo album Off the Wall (1979) sold more than 20 million copies, but it was his
next album, Thriller (1982), that made him an international superstar. The videos for two
songs in particular, “Billie Jean” and “Thriller” (which gave its name to the album) were
played over and over again on MTV. The “Thriller” video was a memorable piece of work,
with Michael leading dozens of zombies (with such good make-up that they really did look
scary) in a sequence of impressive dance moves. Thriller became – and still is – the most
successful album of all time, selling around 110 million copies worldwide.
Although he would make other important albums in the future, and go on successful
international tours, Michael’s mid-20s were the height of his career. It was downhill from
then on. As he got older, Michael became as famous for his troubled personality as for his
music. The bizarre change in his physical appearance – his African-American skin
becoming much paler and his face changing shape – is well known. People wondered how
much cosmetic surgery he had received, and whether or not he had some kind of skin
Michael’s behavior became more and more eccentric, too, and childlike. He bought a ranch
in California and named it “Neverland,” after the home of fictional character Peter Pan,
who refused to grow up and become an adult. There, Michael collected toys and
memorabilia, and built amusement park rides and a zoo. He kept many exotic animals,
including a giraffe, snakes, a parrot, and tigers. He even had a chimpanzee named Bubbles
for a pet. Many people suggested he was trying to compensate for not having had a
childhood himself, because when he was a small boy his father had forced him to spend
most of his time rehearsing and touring. Sad as his story may be, at least he gave us music
that some say will last forever.

Exercise 1 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), or if the text
doesn’t determine (D).
1. Off the Wall was Michael Jackson’s first solo album.
2. The video for “Billie Jean” was played a lot on MTV.
3. The songs “I Want You Back” and “ABC” are from Michael’s solo career.
4. Thriller is the second most successful album of all time.
5. Michael’s father gave him a lot of freedom when he was a child.
6. Michael said he had never had cosmetic surgery.
7. Michael was ten when he started performing with the Jackson 5.
8. The “Thriller” video included dancing zombies.
9. Thriller was Michael’s last album.
10. Michael had a rare skin disease.

Exercise 2 Answer the questions below.

1. What was Neverland?

2. Who was Bubbles?
3. How many copies did the Thriller album sell worldwide?
4. Who were the five members of the Jackson 5?
5. Why did the zombies in the “Thriller” video look scary?
6. What two changes to Michael Jackson’s physical appearance are mentioned in the text?
7. In what way could it be said that Michael didn’t have a childhood?
8. According to the text, which of Michael’s talents were already obvious when he was in the
Jackson 5?

Video: Remember the time (Michael Jackson)

Watch the video and answer the questions. Respect the tenses (Present Simple, Present Perfect,
Past Simple, Past Perfect, Future)

1) What happened to the queen at the beginning of the video?

2) Did she like the first two entertainers?

3) Who was the man who disappeared?

4) Had they met before he went to sing there?

5) Why did he sing to her?

6) Do you think they will be together again?

7) Do you like Michael Jackson’s music?

8) What other song by Michael Jackson do you know?

9) Have you ever watched any other of his videos?

10) What musical genre is it?


Too and enough: explicación y ejemplos

Puede que a veces te cueste ver la diferencia entre too and enough. En este apartado veremos
algunas explicaciones y ejemplos con los que seguro comprendes su uso.


Enough significa suficiente. Se usa con adjetivos adverbios o nombres:

• Detrás de adjetivos:
You are oldenoughtogotoschoolonyourown. – Eres lo suficiente mayor para ir al colegio solo.
I thinksheisstrongenoughtogetoverthis. – Creo que ella es lo suficiente fuerte como para superar

• Detrás de adverbios:
I am notwellenoughtoday. I’mstillfeelingbad. – No estoy suficientemente bien hoy. Aún me siento
• Delante de nombres:
I don’thaveenoughspace in myhouse. – No tengo espacio suficiente en casa.
Isthereenoughcoldwater in thefridge? – Hay suficiente agua fría en la nevera?
• Solo. Cuando se sobreentiende el objeto a cuantificar:
I don’twanttoeat more. I’vehadenough. – No quiero comer más. He tenido suficiente.

• Enough of.
I haveheardenough of yourpoemstoknowyouhave a greattalent. – He escuchado suficientes de tus
poemas, como para saber que tienes un gran talento.


Cuando hablamos de too hablamos de una palabra de la clase de los adverbios.

Significa demasiado.

• Con adjetivos o adverbios:

You are toooldtoknowthis – Eres demasiado mayor como para saber esto.
I don’tliketowake up tooearly. – No me gusta levantarme demasiado temprano.

• Toomany/toomuch:
Toomany se usa con sustantivos contables y toomuch con incontables.
I don’twanttoeattoomuchmeat. – No quiero comer demasiada carne.
I liketoomanySpanishwriters – Me gustan demasiados escritores españoles.

Ejercicios con too and enough

Escoge la palabra o palabras más adecuadas que faltan en el hueco de cada frase.

1.- Mariaisclever ____ totakethisdecision.

a) toomuch b) toomany c) too d) enough2.- I am

____ oldtounderstandthismusic.

a) toomuch b) toomany c) too d) enough

3.- I don’tthinkit’s ____ earlytowake up.

a) toomuch b) toomany c) too d) enough4.- There

are ______ cats in thesestreets.

a) toomuch b) toomany c) too d) enough

5.- I don’tlikethismeal. Thereis _____ salt in it.

a) toomuch b) toomany c) too d) enough

6.- It’s ____ fartogotherebyfoot, let’stakethetrain.

a) too b) enough

7.- Thisapartmentisbig ____ for me and mydog.

a) too b) enough

Reading Comprehension 2

1 You are going to read a text about an 85 year-old woman talking about her life.
a. Circle the words you might find in the text.

relax trips dare regret pastime

earlier car trouble thermometer
safety climb book dance cry

b. Make up one sentence for at least 4 words from the box.

2 Read the text and try to find definitions for the following words.

limber up _______________________
perhaps _______________________
sanely _________________________
barefoot _________________________


If I had to live my life all over again, I’d dare make more mistakes next time. I
would relax. I would limber up. I would be sillier than I have been this trip. I
would take fewer things seriously. I would take more chances.

I would take more trips. I would climb more mountains, swim more rivers. I
would eat more ice cream and fewer beans. I would perhaps have more
actual troubles, but I would have fewer imaginary ones.

You see – I’m one of those people who live seriously and sanely hour after
hour, day after day. Oh, I have my moments. And if I had to do it over again,
I’d have more of them. In fact, I’d try to have nothing else, just moments one
after another, instead of living so many years ahead of each day.

I’ve been one of those persons who never goes anywhere without a
thermometer, a hot water bottle, a raincoat and a parachute. If I had to do it
over again, I would travel lighter than I have. If I had to live my life over, I
would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in autumn.

I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would pick

more daisies.
Attributed to Nadine Stair, 85 years old

a. Why do you think the author would dare make more mistakes next time? Find evidences on the

b. How does the author describe herself?

c. Do you think you would regret so many things if you were her age? Why /not?

4 I would do it differently if…

What I would do if I were the president of the country?

What I would do if I could go back in any part of the history?

What I would ask for if I had three wishes?

What I would do if I could become invisible?

What powers I would have if I were a super hero?


Second Conditional
Uso y ejemplos

Usamos el segundo condicional para hablar de situaciones que son

irreales en el presente; por lo tanto, podemos describirlas como
imaginarias y es improbable que ocurran.

Lo anterior suena un tanto complejo, pero intentaré clarificarlo en los

siguientes ejemplos:

1. Situación real: No tengo mucho dinero

Situación irreal: Si tuviera mucho dinero, viajaría a 10 países diferentes.

(If I had a lot of money, I would travel to 10 different countries)

2. Situación real: No soy el presidente de Colombia

Situación irreal: Subiría el salario de los profesores si fuera el presidente

de Argentina. (I would raise teachers’ salaries if I were the president of

Podemos cambiar el orden de la oración sin alterar el significado:

I would help you if I had time (Te ayudaría si tuviera tiempo)

También es posible usar el segundo condicional para dar consejos; ejemplo:
If I were you, I would buy that house. (Si yo fuera usted, compraría esa casa)

EXERCISE: Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type II) by putting the verbs
into the correct form.

had w ould sail

1. If we (have) a yacht, we (sail) the seven seas.

2. If he (have) more time, he (learn) karate.

3. If they (tell) their father, he (be) very angry.

4. She (spend) a year in the USA if it (be) easier to get a green


5. If I (live) on a lonely island, I (run) around naked all day.

6. We (help) you if we (know) how.

7. My brother (buy) a sports car if he (have) the money.

8. If I (feel) better, I (go) to the cinema with you.

9. If you (go) by bike more often, you (be / not) so flabby.

10. She (not / talk) to you if she (be) mad at you.

First and Second Conditionals

Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the correct tense

1. If I (be) you, I’d tell your mum about the brokenvase.

2. Ifyou (not/ behave) so badly, your mum wouldn’t
ground you.
3. Kate will probably accept your invitation ifyou (call) hertoday.
4. I (not/tell) anyone about the broken vase if I
were Peter.
5. Unless you (promise) me not to tell anyone, I won’t
share this information with you.
6. As long as you (help) me with my Geography
homework, I’ll help you write your essay.

7. Providing thatJames (send) me an invitation, I won’t go
to his exhibition.
8. Ifyou (not/be) so forgetful, you would always
remember importantdates.
9. Ifyou (note down) important dates, you won’t

Choose the correct option

1. Would you help me cook dinner if ….
☐ I askyou?
☐ I askedyou?
☐ I did askyou?

2. Unless you read more in English…

☐ you wouldn’t get enoughvocabulary.
☐ you won’t get enoughvocabulary.
☐ you don’t get enoughvocabulary.

3. Miss Green will surely get annoyed…

☐ if Joe keepinterrupting.
☐ if Joe keepsinterrupting.
☐ unless Joe keepsinterrupting.

4. Mark would be able to come with us…

☐ If he didn’t get into trouble soeasily.
☐ If he got into trouble soeasily.
☐ If he wouldn’t get into trouble soeasily.

5. I’d like English grammar…

☐ If it wasn’teasier.
☐ If it wereeasier.
☐ If it would beeasier.

VIDEO: Somewhere only we know (Keane)

• Watch the video and work with the lyrics


Reading Comprehension



• Leer la teoría (o si lo prefieren pueden ver un video explicativo en el siguiente link:
• Hacer el ejercicio


Hasta ahora hemos hablado de la voz activa donde enfocamos la acción del verbo en el sujeto.
Pero cuando queremos dar más importancia a la acción y no a quien la ha realizado, utilizamos la
voz pasiva.


La voz activa
He ate all of the cookies.(Comió todas las galletas.)

La voz pasiva
All of the cookies were eaten.(Todas las galletas fueron comidas.)

Grammatical Rules (Reglas gramaticales)

Se forma la voz pasiva con el verbo auxiliar “to be” y el participio pasado del verbo.
Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to be) + participio pasado…

The speech is written for the president.(El discurso está escrito para el presidente.)

The house was built in 1975.(La casa fue construida en 1975.)

My wallet has been stolen.(Ha sido robada mi cartera.)

The room will be cleaned while we are out.(Se limpiará la habitación mientras estemos fuera.)

Para transformar una oración activa a pasiva tenemos en cuenta los siguientes puntos:

1. El objeto de la oración activa pasa a ser el sujeto de la pasiva.

2. El verbo principal se sustituye por el auxiliar “to be”, en su mismo tiempo, junto al verbo principal en

3. El sujeto de la oración principal pasa a ser complemento agente de la pasiva.

4. Si hacemos mención en la oración del sujeto que realiza la acción (sujeto agente), este irá
normalmente precedido por la preposición “by”.


La voz activa:
Mark Twain wrote the book.(Mark Twain escribió el libro.)

La voz pasiva:
The book was written by Mark Twain.(El libro fue escrito por Mark Twain.)

La voz activa:
The housekeeper will clean the room.(La ama de casa limpiará la habitación.)

La voz pasiva:
The room will be cleaned by the housekeeper.(La habitación será limpiada por la ama de casa.)

Uses (Usos)

1. Usamos la voz pasiva cuando no sabemos quien ha realizado la acción.

A civilian has been killed.(Un civil ha sido asesinado.)

The car was stolen.(El coche fue robado.)

2. Usamos la voz pasiva cuando queremos dar más importancia a lo que pasó, que a quién realizó la
acción o cuando no queremos decir quien la realizó.

The letter was delivered yesterday.(La carta fue entregada ayer.)

A mistake was made.(Un error fue cometido.)

Write the following sentences in Passive voice.

(Escribe las siguientes oraciones en voz pasiva).


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