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Forming the Present Perfect Tense – negative sentence Task 2 – Write sentences in the present perfect.

Look at
the example. Be careful with the
‘to have’ (have, has) + not + the past participle (V3) e.g.: I have bought a book. I haven’t bought a book. I have
In the negative sentences we don’t use already. We use yet bought a CD.
at the end of the sentence. 1) The film has begun. (the talk show)
You can make the sentence negative if you put never _____________________________________________
between have/has and the past participle form of the verb. _____________________________________________
This time you mustn’t negate the verb. __________________________________________
2) I have found the perfect dress. (a pair of shoes)
Theyhave not / haven'tread a book. _____________________________________________
watched TV. __________________________________________
gone to the cinema. 3) Jason has taken several photos of you. (Mary)
played basketball. _____________________________________________
started the plan. _____________________________________________
stood next to me. __________________________________________
Task 1 – Make these sentences negative with 4) We have met Esther. (Daisy)
the correct Present Perfect form of the verbs _____________________________________________
Ithas not / hasn't
in the brackets. Look at the example. _____________________________________________
e.g.: I haven’t slept a lot. (sleep) 5) The hunter has shot a rabbit. (a deer)
1) Henry _________________________ his homework _____________________________________________
yet. (to do) __________________________________________
2) I _________________________ anything. (to choose) 6) They have painted the walls blue. (grey)
3) Dad _________________________ the fallen leaves _____________________________________________
since Saturday. (to grab) _____________________________________________
4) Jane _________________________ out since she __________________________________________
broke her leg. (to go) 7) Jake has stayed with his friend. (his relatives)
5) They _________________________ a pizza for two _____________________________________________
weeks. (to eat) _____________________________________________
6) Tom _________________________ a bus. (to drive) __________________________________________
7) I _________________________ the car for a month. 8) Mum has tidied the children’s bedroom. (the bathroom)
(to wash) _____________________________________________
8) Mum _________________________ dinner yet. (to _____________________________________________
cook) __________________________________________
9) We _________________________ to a new place 9) Bill has ordered a pizza. (bake a pizza)
since I was ten. (to move) _____________________________________________
10) You _________________________ since you lost _____________________________________________
your keys. (to cry) __________________________________________
10) Phil has missed the bus. (take the bus)
Task 3 – Rewrite the sentences into Present Perfect. _____________________________________________
Put ‘yet’ in the sentences. _____________________________________________
e.g.: Dave isn’t reading a book. – Dave hasn’t read a book yet.

1) You didn’t sit down under that oak tree. _____________________________________________________________

2) I won’t draw any pictures. _______________________________________________________________________
3) Tim isn’t copying my homework. ___________________________________________________________________
4) We don’t walk in the park. _______________________________________________________________________
5) Sally didn’t pay the instalments of the fridge. ________________________________________________________
6) The teacher isn’t printing the tests. _______________________________________________________________
7) My neighbours won’t build a tree-house in the garden. __________________________________________________
8) The children won’t select the toys. ________________________________________________________________
9) Your father didn’t fry the meat in the oven. _________________________________________________________
10) My son doesn’t sleep by day. ____________________________________________________________________
Forming the Present Perfect Tense – negative sentence Task 2 – Write sentences in the present perfect. Look at
the example. Be careful with the
‘to have’ (have, has) + not + the past participle (V3) e.g.: I have bought a book. I haven’t bought a book. I have
In the negative sentences we don’t use already. We use yet bought a CD.
at the end of the sentence. 1) The film has begun. (the talk show)
You can make the sentence negative if you put never _____________________________________________
between have/has and the past participle form of the verb. _____________________________________________
This time you mustn’t negate the verb. __________________________________________
2) I have found the perfect dress. (a pair of shoes)
Theyhave not / haven'tread a book. _____________________________________________
watched TV. __________________________________________
gone to the cinema. 3) Jason has taken several photos of you. (Mary)
played basketball. _____________________________________________
started the plan. _____________________________________________
stood next to me. __________________________________________
Task 1 – Make these sentences negative with 4) We have met Esther. (Daisy)
the correct Present Perfect form of the verbs _____________________________________________
Ithas not / hasn't
in the brackets. Look at the example. _____________________________________________
e.g.: I haven’t slept a lot. (sleep) 5) The hunter has shot a rabbit. (a deer)
1) Henry _________________________ his homework _____________________________________________
yet. (to do) __________________________________________
2) I _________________________ anything. (to choose) 6) They have painted the walls blue. (grey)
3) Dad _________________________ the fallen leaves _____________________________________________
since Saturday. (to grab) _____________________________________________
4) Jane _________________________ out since she __________________________________________
broke her leg. (to go) 7) Jake has stayed with his friend. (his relatives)
5) They _________________________ a pizza for two _____________________________________________
weeks. (to eat) _____________________________________________
6) Tom _________________________ a bus. (to drive) __________________________________________
7) I _________________________ the car for a month. 8) Mum has tidied the children’s bedroom. (the bathroom)
(to wash) _____________________________________________
8) Mum _________________________ dinner yet. (to _____________________________________________
cook) __________________________________________
9) We _________________________ to a new place 9) Bill has ordered a pizza. (bake a pizza)
since I was ten. (to move) _____________________________________________
10) You _________________________ since you lost _____________________________________________
your keys. (to cry) __________________________________________
10) Phil has missed the bus. (take the bus)
Task 3 – Rewrite the sentences into Present Perfect. _____________________________________________
Put ‘yet’ in the sentences. _____________________________________________
e.g.: Dave isn’t reading a book. – Dave hasn’t read a book yet.

1) You didn’t sit down under that oak tree. _____________________________________________________________

2) I won’t draw any pictures. _______________________________________________________________________
3) Tim isn’t copying my homework. ___________________________________________________________________
4) We don’t walk in the park. _______________________________________________________________________
5) Sally didn’t pay the instalments of the fridge. ________________________________________________________
6) The teacher isn’t printing the tests. _______________________________________________________________
7) My neighbours won’t build a tree-house in the garden. __________________________________________________
8) The children won’t select the toys. ________________________________________________________________
9) Your father didn’t fry the meat in the oven. _________________________________________________________
10) My son doesn’t sleep by day. ____________________________________________________________________
Task 1
1) Henry hasn’t done his homework yet.
2) I haven’t chosen anything.
3) Dad hasn’t grabbed the fallen leaves since Saturday.
4) Jane hasn’t gone out since she broke her leg.
5) They haven’t eaten a pizza for two weeks.
6) Tom hasn’t driven a bus.
7) I haven’t washed the car for a month.
8) Mum hasn’t cooked dinner yet.
9) We haven’t moved to a new place since I was ten.
10) You haven’t cried since you lost your keys.

Task 2
1) The film hasn’t begun. The talk show has begun.
2) I haven’t found the perfect dress. I have found a pair of shoes.
3) Jason hasn’t taken several photos of you. Mary has taken several photos of you.
4) We haven’t met Esther. We have met Daisy.
5) The hunter hasn’t shot a rabbit. The hunter has shot a deer.
6) They haven’t painted the walls blue. They have painted the walls grey.
7) Jake hasn’t stayed with his friend. Jake has stayed with his relatives.
8) Mum hasn’t tidied the children’s bedroom. Mum has tidied the bathroom.
9) Bill hasn’t ordered a pizza. Bill has baked a pizza.
10) Phil hasn’t missed the bus. Phil has taken the bus.

Task 3
1) You haven’t sat down under that oak tree yet.
2) I haven’t drawn any pictures yet.
3) Tim hasn’t copied my homework yet.
4) We haven’t walked in the park yet.
5) Sally hasn’t paid the instalments of the fridge yet.
6) The teacher hasn’t printed the tests yet.
7) My neighbours haven’t built a tree-house in the garden yet.
8) The children haven’t selected the toys yet.
9) Your father hasn’t fried the meat in the oven yet.
10) My son hasn’t slept by day yet.

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