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LIPIDS Proteins are a diverse group of large and complex

polymeluces, made up of long chains of amino
 are composed of Carbon, Hydrogen, and acids.
They have a wide range of biological roles, including:
 difference is that it has a long hydrocarbon
chain and less oxygen • catalytic: all enzymes are proteins, catalyzing
many biochemical reactions.
 composed of glycerol and 3 fatty acids.
• signalling: many hormones and receptors are
FATS : store twice amount of energy compared to proteins.
• immunological: all antibodies are proteins.
 Saturated fats -composed of long straight
chain, making the molecule compact and solid  Structural: proteins are the main component
at room temp. - mostly found in animals. of body tissues, such as muscle, skin,
 Unsaturared fats: liquid at room temperature; ligaments, and hair.
mostly found in fishes and plants.
PHOSPHOLIPIDS: dual characteristic. - phosphate head
is hydrophilic; fatty acid tail is hydrophobic.  monomer = amino acids (20 different amino
- forms a barrier between the cell and the
external environment.  polymer = polypeptide

STEROIDS: organic compounds that contain four rings - protein can be one or more polypeptide
of carbon atoms. chains folded and bonded together; large &
complex molecules
- important components of cell membranes
which alter membrane fluidity; and as signaling complex 3-D shape
Peptide bond: the bond formed by amino acids.
Cholesterol: always associated with cardiovascular
diseases because it causes block built up in our blood
vessels. -important component of cell membrane; helps
• Rubisco: enables the plants to synthesize
it to be fluid and flexible. - a precursor of important
molecules such as our hormones. (sex and steroid
hormones) • Hemoglabin: aids us in transporting oxygen,
found in our blood.
Arteries and Veins of the Human Heart CORONARY
ARTERIES: arteries that supply the heart muscle itself. ! Amino Acids have a central carbon atom, a
CORONARY VEINS: collect blood from myocardial hydrogen, the amino group, the carboxylic acid
capillaries and channel it back to the right atrium. group, and the R group.

 The total cholesterol of our body is composed Non-Essential amino acids: the body naturally
of LDL, HTL and Triglycerides. LDL: bad produces it.
cholesterol, it is the one that causes
cholesterol to pluck in our arteries. HTL: good Essential: the ones the body can’t produce, one
cholesterol, removes cholesterol from our has to get it from his diet.
Conditionally non essential: dependent on the
situation of the body.

Primary (1) structure - that results to alter 2 & 3 structure and destroys
`Order of amino acids in chain`
- some proteins can return to their functional
 amino acid sequence determined by gene shape after denaturation, many cannot
 slight change in amino acid sequence can Enzymes( loyal molecules) are protein molecules
affect protein’s structure & its function. that are very specific about which reactions they
catalyse. Only molecules with exactly the right
Secondary (2) structure shape will bind to the enzyme and react. These are
the reactant, or substrate, molecules.
2 types: alpha- helics and beta pleated sheet
The part of the enzyme to which the reactant binds
“Local folding” - folding along short sections of
is called the active site.
polypeptide. Interactions between adjacent amino
acid. Models of Substrate Active Site Binding

Terriary (3) structure 1) Lock and Key : a substrate and an enzyme

perfectly fit together and chemical reaction will
“Whole molecule folding” - interactions between
distant amino acids.
2) Induced fit : enzyme conform to the shape of
 Hydrophobic interactions
the substrate and pursuit chemical reaction.
 Cytoplasm is water-based.
Enzymes speed up reactions by lowering the
Nonpolar amino acids cluster away from water. activation energy of a reaction.
H bonds & ionic bonds • Activation energy : energy needed to start a
Disulfide bridges : formed by two cysteine.
Factors that affect the rate of a reaction:
Quaternary (4) structure
• temperature. • substrate concentration
- more than one polypeptide chain bonded
together. • pH • surface area
*only then does polypeptide become functional • enzyme concentration • pressure
Optimum : all enzymes work best at only one
Collagen = skin & tendons particular temperature and pH.
Hemoglobin : a globular protein with 4 COMPOUNDS WHICH HELP ENZYMES
polypeptide chains bonded together.
• Activators
> cofactors
Unfolding a protein
- non protein, small inorganic compounds &
- conditions that disrupt H bonds, ionic bonds, ions ; Mg, K, Ca, Zn, Fe, Cu ; bound within enzyme
disulfide bridges molecule
- caused by temperature, pH, salinity ! Inorganic : absence of carbon ; organic : with the
presence of carbon

> coenzymes - modified nucleotied.

- non protein, organic molecules - molecule of energy ; required for contraction and
- bind temporarily or permanently to enzyme
near active site. Many vitamins ( NAD (nitacin: B3) , Our genetic material
FAD (riboflavin, B2) , Coenzyme A ( if you lack some
of these, some of the crucial chemical reactions 1. Stores information
won't work which will lead to malfunctions.
o genes
o blueprint for building proteins
a. Competitive inhibitors : chemicals that resemble
 DNA → RNA → Proteins
an enzyme's normal substrate and compete with it
for the active site.
 contains all instruction
b. Noncompetitive inhibitors : do not enter the
2. Transfers information
active site but bind to another part of the enzyme
causing the enzyme change its shape which in turn o blueprint for new cells
alters the active site.
o blueprint for next generation
Nucleic Acids
 genetic material, stores information
→ 3 parts
 where you can find DNA and RNA.
1. Nitrogen Base (C-N ring)
 this is in connection with proteins because the
DNA is the one that contains all the 2. Pentose sugar (5C)
instructions that would dictate the body on
 ribose in RNA
what proteins it will make.


3.Phosphate (PO4) group

 DNA contains instructions that will be
transcribed by RNA and translate them into
! Our muscles contain the proteins that should
interact to each other so the muscles will contract (
myosin and actin )
3 parts:

a) nitrogen base : contains Adenine, Thymine,  ATP is replenished by a variety of means:

Guanine, and Cytosine.
• creatine phosphate
b) pentose sugar : ribose in RNA ; deoxyribose in
• stored glycogen
• aerobic metabolism of glucose, fatty acids, and
other high-energy molecules
c) phosphate group

ATP ( Adenosine Triposphate )


Most biomolecules can also be called → a water molecule is consumed as a result of breaking
macromolecules, which are polymers made from the covalent bond holding together two components of
single building block called monomers a polymer; the process of breaking down molecules
with the use of water
Maltose consists of two molecules of glucose,
→ pertains to an organic molecule of any class of which are linked by an alpha glycosidic bond. The
compounds that can react with other molecules to enzyme maltase efficiently catalyzes the hydrolysis
form larger molecules or polymers process of maltose into two glucose molecules.

→ are repeating units of the same molecules that, → This process requires a molecule of water and
when bonded together, create macromolecules releases stored energy.

Polymers (except Lipids) are made up of smaller

units of different kinds as opposed to monomers
that repeat themselves. CARBOHYDRATES
Built from monomers: Carbohydrates serve as the primary energy source of
the body, mainly in the form of glucose and can be
1. Carbohydrates abundantly found in our diet.

2. Proteins Composed of Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), & Oxygen

3. Nucleic Acids
→ Have a backbone of carbon atoms, with hydrogen
Lipids are made up of composed of different units,
and oxygen attached in the same proportion as they
which is why it is not considered as a monomer. appear in water. Hence the general formula: CH₂O

This means carbon is hydrated or combined with water.

How these building blocks are formed or broken
down involves two particular processes/chemical There are different kinds of carbohydrates with the
simplest one referred to as monomers. To more
complicated monosaccharides primarily for storage of
 Dehydration Synthesis/Condensation
→ a water molecule is formed as a result of
Glucose - Monosaccharide
generating a covalent bond between two
monomeric components in a larger polymer
Maltose - Disaccharide
Monosaccharide: 2 molecules of glucose The
hydrogen group of the other combines with the Simple carbohydrates can be classified based on the
number of carbons in the molecule.
hydroxyl group of anther sharing electrons to form
covalent bonds.
Classifying sugars:
→ In this process, water is formed.
1. Location of the Carbonyl Group
Carbonyl Group
 Hydrolysis
Aldoses (Aldehyde Sugars) - found at the end of the
carbon skeleton

Ketoses (Ketone Sugars) - found within the carbon  important for early human development
skeleton  crucial for metabolism and energy delivery in
the body
2. Size of the Carbon Skeleton  cherry, celery, plums, avocados

Hexoses: 6-carbon sugars

Pentoses: 5-carbon sugars ! Two glucose (monosaccharide) molecules form

maltose (disaccharide)
→ The simplest kind of carbohydrates which has
relatively simple structures consisting of C, H, O, in a → Two monosaccharides joined by a glycosidic
1:2:1 ratio.

Glycosidic linkages can be formed through each

→ Used cellular respiration in order to produce ATP
hydroxyl of a sugar, and when multiplied, hydroxyl on a
(the molecule of energy)
single sugar form glycosidic linkages resulting in a
branch oligosaccharide.
→ Carbon skeletons serve as raw material for synthesis
of other types of small organic molecules Examples: Sucrose (Gluctose + Fructose), Maltose
(Glucose + Glucose), Lactose (Glucose + Galactose)
Examples: Glucose, Fructose, Galactose, Ribose,
Deoxyribose Maltose

 Glucose + Glucose
 produced when starch breaks down
 not abundant
 various models containing syrups are used in
Glucose the brewing, baking, softdrink, confectioning,
canning, and other forms of food industries.
 has a mild-sweet flavor
 main source of energy of mammalian brain Sucrose
 carbs get digested into glucose and is rapidly
absorbed into the body providing a source of  Glucose + Fructose (linked in an alpha-
instant energy. glycosidic bond)
 found in every disaccharide and  aka cane sugar
polysaccharide  abundant in the plant world and is commonly
known as table sugar
 sweetest sugar
 found in fruits and honey  Glucose + Galactose (also forming a
 high intake is linked to obesity and diabetes glycosidic linkage)
which is mainly because only liver cells break  main carbohydrate in milk
down fructose (unlike glucose which can be  known as milk sugar
used by almost every cell in the body)
 one of the end products of its breakdown is a
triglyceride which is a form of fat
 an isomer of glucose
Complex Carbohydrates - during dehydration synthesis,
thousands of monosaccharides are joined together into
Galactose straight or branch chains to form complex carbohydrates
which are known as polysaccharides.

POLYSACCHARIDES  second most abundant polysaccharide (next to

→ The most important polysaccharide in living organisms  widely exists in the exoskeleton of shrimps,
consists of long chains of glucose monosaccharides crabs, and insects (arthropods), as well as in the
cell walls of fungi and algae
→ Architecture and Function
! Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are made up of large
molecules that cannot be readily absorbed (or utilized as
 sugar monomers
it is) by the body. This is where the digestive system is
linked as it is involved process of digestion breaks down
→ Energy Storage: Glycogen (Animals) and Starch (Plants) large food molecules into smaller food molecules that can
be readily absorbed. Digestion — breakdown and
→ Structural: Cellulose and Chitin absorption — of food molecules primarily takes place in
the small intestine which is lined with tiny finger-like
Starch projections called villi that possess even larger amounts of
microvilli that constitute the brush border cells. The brush
border cells contain the enzymes that serve as the site of
 accounts for more than 50% of our carbohydrate terminal carbohydrate digestion. For example, sucrose and
intake maltose are readily hydrolyzed by disaccharidases.
 occurs in plants in the form of granules
 polymer of glucose monomers
 joined by 1-4 linkage
 within cellular structures known as plastid
 simplest form - amylose Anaerobic Respiration
 A mixture of two polymers:
 Redox Reactions : reduction and oxygen
Amylose - nonbranched/coiled, easily digestible reaction; transfer of one or more electrons
from one reactant to another.
Amylopectin - Long and unbranched, not easily digestible
 relocation of electrons releases energy stored
Glycogen in organic molecules, used to synthesize ATP.

 Reduction; addition of electrons.

 energy reserve carbohydrate in animals
 all mammalian cells contain some stored
carbohydrates in the form of glycogen  Oxidation: removal of electrons.
 especially abundant in the liver and skeletal
muscles ATP - Adenosine Triphosphate
 found as granules in liver and muscle cells
 when fasting, animals draw on these glycogen
 comprised of 3 phosphate groups, sugar
reserves during the first day without food to (ribose), nitrogenous base.
obtain the glucose needed to maintain metabolic
balance  molecule that carries energy within cells; it is
the main energy currency.
 end product of the processes of
 a fibrous carbohydrate found in all plants phosphorylation; cellular respiration and
 the structural component of plant cell walls fermentation.
 most abundant of all carbohydrates accounting
for 50% of all the carbon found in the vegetable  Decarboxylation - the removal or elimination
kingdom of carboxyl from a molecule and releases
carbon dioxide.
 Substrate level Phosphorylation - a
phosphate group is transferred from an

organic molecule to the adenosine  aerobic respiration and fermentation begin

diphosphate to form adenosine triphosphate. with precisely the same set of reactions in the
• NAD+ Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide
 Glucose : 6 carbon molecule ; pyruvate : 3
• NADH Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide + Hydrogen
carbon molecule.
Metabolism : is the sum total of the chemical reactions
 from one glucose, it should be able to produce
of biomolecules in an organism.
2 molecules of pyruvate.
 Anabolism : assembly of interlarger molecules
1. Hexokinase
; it requires energy
2. Phosphofructokinase
 Catabolism : you are going to break down
larger molecules to smaller molecules. 3. Pyruvate kinase

Substrate level phosphorylation -refers to formation of Oxygen : released from unaccountable numbers of
ATP from ADP and a phosphorylated intermediate, water molecules, it accumulated in the oceans.
rather than from ADP and Pi as in oxidative
phosphorylation.  is the final electron acceptor at the end of the
electron transport chain of aerobic
 ATP is produced through glycolisis. resipiration.


 an example of catabolic pathway because it
OIL : Oxidation is Loss of electrons. ———→ RIG : releases stored energy by breaking down
Reduction is Gain of electrons complex molecules.

X is oxidized by Y 1. Aerobic Respiration : takes place in the

presence of oxygen, evolved after oxygen was
X loses electrons
added to Earth's atmosphere. ; in the site of
X is a reducing agent

X increases  Oxygen is consumed as reactant ; most

2. Anaerobic respiration takes place without
GLYCOLISIS oxygen. ; in the site of plasm.

 "glyco" sugar, "lysis" break down  also present in different places; inside the
volcano, beneath the soil, digestive track,
 breaks glucose into two molecules called deepest part of the ocean.
 use substances other than oxygen.
 First stage of glucose metabolism
FERMENTATION : partial degradation of sugars/ other
 Anaerobic process organic fuel ; no oxygen.

 Yields only 2 molecules of ATP - it can produce various products ie. apple cider,
yogurt, vinegar.
 Also called the Embden-Meyerhoff pathway

 type of anaerobic pathway that harvests  starting molecule is 1 glucose and will produce
energy from carbohydrates. 2 molecules of Ethanol.

! Red fibers have many mitochondria and produce ATP  goal is to turn pyruvate to ethanol
by aerobic respiration; sustain prolong activity like
marathon runs, they have an abundance of myoglobin ;  location: cytplasm
protein that stores oxygen for aerobic respiration.
 carbon dioxide is released, in contrast with
! White fibers contain few mitochondria and no lactic acid fermentation,
myoglobin so they don't carry out a lot of aerobic
respiration, instead they make the most of ATP by  Net Yield: 2 NADH, 2 ATP, 2 CO2, 2 Ethanol
lactate fermentation; this pathway makes ATP quickly
 it will undergo the different reactions of
but not for so long, it is used for strenuous activities like
glycosis to produce 2 molecules of pyruvate
weight lifting, sprinting. Muscle cells also carry out
and a total of 4 ATP, the pyruvate will then
lactic acid fermentation only when they have too little
undergo carboxylation to produce 2 molecules
oxygen for aerobic respiration to continue.
of acetaldehyde and 2 CO2, the acetaldehyde
LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION will undergo redox to regenerate the NADH to
NAD and form 2 Ethanol.
 Goal: turn pyruvate to lactate
 Bekers used the alcohol fermentation
 lacto - milk/lactose capabilities of one species of yeast
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to make breads.
 Lactobacillus - rod shaped bacteria ; breaks This cells break down carbohydrates of bread
down lactose in milk, we use this bacteria to dough and release carbon dioxide, the dough
create dairy products. expands arises, as carbon dioxide forms
bubbles in it.
 Yeast species : ferment and preserve pickles,
kimchi  Some cultivated screens of saccharomyces are
also used to produce wine, crashed grapes are
 some lactic fermentors spoil food, but we use
led in bats along large population of yeast
others to preserve it.
cells which converts the sugar in the juice to
 carried out by various species such as
lactobacillus bulgaricus and staphylococcus
thermopilus, but can also be done by the
muscle cells in the absence of oxygen. EVOLUTION
 the starting molecule: 1 glucose Three Key Elements of Evolution:

 at the end of fermentation, it will produce 2  Evolution involves decent over time
o Populations undergo slow changes
 location: cytoplasm over generations.

 no carbon dioxide is released.  Evolution involvves genetic modification

 Net Yield: 2 NADH, 2 ATP, 2 Lactate o Undergo changes in the DNA.

ALCOHOL FERMENTATION  Evolution is unpredictable and natural.


THE EVIDENCE FOR EVOLUTION - The Fossil Record  Alleles: different forms of a gene that result
from mutations in a gene.
 Incomplete, but valuable
 Non-lethal alleles may be passed to the next
 Preserves only hard tissues generation and future generations


 Stratification of sedimentary rocks in which
fossils are located can help Genetic drift and Gene Flow After Alter Populations

Anatomy and Embryology  Population : group of individuals of the same

species that occupy the same geographic area.
 Homologous structures : body structures that
share a common origin (i.e, vertebrate  Genetic drift: random changes in allele
forelimbs) frequency due to chance events.

 Analogous structures : body structures that o Two causes of genetic drift:

share a similar function but very different
origins.  Bottleneck effect : occurs when a major
catastrophe wipes out a large proportion of
 Vestigial structures: body structures that no the population without regard to fitness.
longer have a function but are homologous to  Founder effect: small part of the population
structures will transfer to the other

COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY EXAMINES  Gene flow : redistribution of alleles due to

SIMILARITIES BETWEEN MOLECULES migration into and out of a population.

 Estimates divergence of species from a ! Mass Extinctions Eliminate Many Species :

common ancestor.
 a life form dies out completely.
Example : cytochrome c
 There have been five mass extinctions in the
 Similarities in RNA, DNA, and proteins are last 530 million years
used as indicators of common ancestry
 These have eliminated 50% or more of species
Biogeography : The Impact of Geographic Barriers and
Continental Drift on Evolutionary Processes ! Evolutionary Trees Trace Relationships Between
 Study of the distribution of different plants
and animals worldwide  Also called a phylogenetic tree.

 impact of geographic barriers such as  Purpose

mountains, desserts, large bodies of water.
o Trace evolutionary change and
 Continental drift relationships between species.


Random Mutations Underlie Evolution
o Short bursts of evolutionary activity
 Mutations are rare accidental events that
change the nucleotide sequence of a gene

o Many new species develop within a o larger infancy

short time.
o continued decline in sexual
In the beginning, Earth was too hot for life, then organic dimorphism
molecules formed from atmospheric gases and
photosynthesis altered the course of evolution.  Homo sapiens : Out of Africa Again ( 100,000
to 140,000 years ago)
 Taxonomy : naming and classifying organisms
o Distinctly larger brain
Humans Share a Common Ancestor with Primates
o Further development of spoken
 Taxonomy classification language

o Domain Eukarya o Thoroughly human physical structure

o Kingdom Animalia Differences within the Human Species

o Phylum Chordata  Racial differences are slight differences in

phenotypes between subgroups of a common
o Class Mammalia species

o Order Primata  Differences helped populations adapt to

o Family Hominidae
o Dark skin : provides protection from
o Genus Homo
ultraviolet damage in intense
o Species sapiens sunlight

o Light skin: allows adequate UV

 Species : a group of organisms that, under
radiation for vitamin D production in
natural conditions, tend to interbreed and
less intense sunlight.
produce fertile offspring

Humans are Primates  Racial differences are no more significant than

individual differences
 Hominoid group diverged from other primates
about 25 million years ago

Evolution of Homo sapiens

 Ardipithecus ramidus (4.4 million years ago) ;

some disagreement regarding classification as
a hominid and Australopiethecus afarensis
(3.2 mya) ; walked upright, sexual dimorphism
( males were considerably larger than

 Hominids: Hominoids that are human like.

 Homo erectus : out of Africa ( 2 mya )

o more brain enlargement

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