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Before we start this online orientation, here are some few reminders:

1. In line with the Data Privacy Act, we would like to inform you that This online
orientation will be recorded. Your participation means that you are giving consent
to be recorded.

2. Be on time. Be here 5 minutes before the orientation starts.

3. Turn off your microphone. If you would like to speak tap on the "hand raise
icon" then wait for the facilitator to address your concern.

4. Turn off your cameras at all times except for the last part of the activity.

5. Use the chat function. You may also send your questions and concerns in the
chat "option" and it will be addressed during the question-and-answer session,
but please do not use it to have friendly conversations with your classmates or

6. Take Down Notes. Writing down notes will help you remember important
concepts from the orientation.

7. Be polite and courteous at all times.

8. Don't forget to accomplish the attendance before the orientation, and the
evaluation form right after the orientation.

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning to all! I'm Mr. Kiervin B. Zapanta, your
moderator for today's online orientation. At this juncture, we will have the
opening prayer, to be followed by the singing of our national anthem. May I
request everyone to please bow our heads and feel the presence of the Lord.

"Lord our God, in your wisdom and love, you surround us with the mysteries of
the universe. Send your spirit upon these students and fill them with your wisdom
and blessings. Grant that they may devote themselves to their studies, and draw
ever closer to you, the source of all knowledge. We ask this through Christ our
Lord. Amen"


Today is indeed another blessed day for new learnings, as we are about to be
oriented and guided with our Career choices in the future.

Now, to grace us with her inspiring message, may I call on Dr. Rosaline M. Tuble,
the remarkable school head of Porac National High School for her opening
Before we proceed, let me ask you some questions. May itatanong ako sa inyo
students, tapos magreflect tayo sa mga sarili natin.
*Sino sa inyo ang gustong maging doctor in the future?
*Sino naman ang gustong maging police?
*Sino sa inyo ang gustong maging teacher?
*Who among you wants to become an architect?
*Who wants to become an engineer?
*Eh sino naman ang undecided pa?
Maybe some of us are still confused, and some of us are still undecided kaya
naman we are indeed very lucky and blessed talaga to have today's activity that
will enlighten us with options which will assist us in making meaningful and well-
informed career choices.

With that, let me call on our speaker for today. She is a Grade 9 English teacher in
Porac National High School. She is also the Junior High School Guidance designate.
Ladies and gentlemen, ma'am Catherine R. Apostol.

(After Q and A)
May I request everybody to please turn on your cameras and give your dashing
smile for our virtual picture taking.

We learned a lot today, it's all big thanks to our speaker, maam Cath, who help us
develop our self-awareness, opportunity awareness, and career management
skills. As we part ways, do not forget the things that we learned and stay safe and
stay at home at all times. That's all, have a great day everyone!

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