Summary Response Essay - 16121091

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Summary Response Essay

Name : Jessica Bernata Wijaya

St. Number : 16121091

“Should a woman work outside the home?” An essay written by Mohammed Akade Osman
stated that many social problems have a serious impact on women who work outside their
homes. Some people believe that women working outside the home grants women equal rights as
men, such as social value and financial independence. Yet, some people only recognize the
religious belief that women should stay at home and do the housework. In this case, I strongly
disagree with Mohammed Akade Osman’s point of view on women because in the reality there
are also many women who can balance their careers and their duties as a wife and mothers who
take responsibility for that.
In the second paragraph, the author argues that women can do their jobs more efficiently
because they have the patience to do the jobs without getting bored, the author gives the example
that women only can do certain jobs such as nursing dan doing the housework. He also states that
men can do work that needs great physical strength and men also can make good decisions about
critical problems: “Emotionally, men are better equipped to make strong decisions and to deal
with problems that arise from making serious decisions about serious and critical problems.
Women, on the contrary, are much better suited for the patience and kindness involved in raising
children, and the children develop better as a result of the mother's kindness and understanding.”
At some point, I slightly disagree. We all know that women and men were created differently,
women have hormones and abilities that are different from men. Therefore, Only women are
capable of handling their child in their womb for nine months and also providing the baby with
breastfeeding on a daily basis for their child to grow up healthily. Keep in mind, however, that
jobs do not distinguish based on gender; men and women can do the same job as long as they are
capable and dedicated to their work. Many men who can handle housekeeping on their own, one
of my best friends, do not require help from others to cook, wash, sweep, or tidy up the rooms,
which are usually linked with women's duties. Along with women who can work in a major
corporation and contribute ideas, make decisions, and play a key role in a project. For example,
Ms. Francoise Bettencourt Meyers, who holds the position of world's richest woman, with a total
value of US$92.8 billion is the grandchild of L'Oreal's inventor, and now she's one of the richest
CEO in the world.
Based on the argument given by the author, Mohammed states that God created men to
protect women because women are made to accompany men to do anything in their life. Again,
he mentions that men must provide for her financially dan women do the household as their best.
The first statement is true, but when he stated that women must do the household, I think it is not
reliable. Basically, according to the religious view, it is stated in the Bible, John 13:34 “A new
commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also
love one another.” Humans need to be able to help one another. It also demonstrates that women
can work in jobs that help others, as well as work and care for their families.
In the fourth paragraph, Mohammed mentions that women who have taken men’s jobs are
pushed men to commit crimes: “First, many people, especially men, do not find jobs because
women have taken those jobs. Therefore, the men, with decreased job chances, and
unemployment, are pushed to commit crimes.” Based on my knowledge about this, in the reality
that we face every day, women have the same opportunity that men also have, so if men can
compete with women, it is not women's fault and there is no guarantee that women must take of
children and do not permitted to find a job. This sentence also implied that women perform well
at work, causing the majority of men to lose their jobs, so the men's qualities are inferior to
women's. According to, women can work in a variety of professions that are
identical to men's jobs. A pilot is an example; remember that being a pilot is not easy; must be
both physically and psychologically strong, Tania Artawidjaya, the pilot of Garuda Indonesia's
group, is one of them. Astronauts are practically identical to men, as portrayed in most of
Holywood's films. In fact, since the 1980s, female astronauts have also taken part in space
missions, Kalpana Chawla is one of them. Lastly, engineers are responsible for almost all human
activities on the planet. Despite the reality that engineering is still dominated by men, women are
slowly making their way to the top, like Diane Greene as Google's Executive, Peggy Johnson as
Microsoft's vice president, and Karen Agustiawan as a former President Director of Pertamina. It
is not meant to be arrogant in this sentence, but with this evidence, we can prove that women are
equal to men.
All in All, I think the essay written by Mohammed Akade Osman is very irrelevant
nowadays. At the end of the day, everyone still needs women to work outside the home to make
the world better, and all of them want a women figure in their family. Therefore, women can do
everything as long as they are happy and able to do it

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