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Mr. Chen (the teacher)
Nicolas (the clever, absent minded student)
Lily (the genius)
Yahn (the model student)

(Mr Chen enters the classroom)
Students: (Stands up) Good morning Mr. Chen.
Mr. Chen: Good morning everyone, please take a sit.
Students: (Sits down) Thank you Mr. Chen.
Nicolas: (Whispering to Yahn) I hope he will not give us some boring lessons. What
do you think?
Mr. Chen: (looked to Nicolas) Nicolas.
(Nicolas was stumped)
Mr. Chen: Our topic would become easier if you will listen carefully.
Yahn and Lily: (Nicolas looked to them in disappointment) Yes, Mr. Chen.
Mr. Chen: Before we go on to our topic, I want you first to give me an example of a
pattern or sequence.
(Lily put her hands up)
Lily: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ...
Mr. Chen: That's right. Lily.
(Yahn put his hands up)
Yahn: Apple, Orange, Apple, Orange, ...
Mr. Chen: Very good. What about you Nicolas?
Nicolas: (Confused and stumped) Uhmm... Ehhh... Uhmmm... Ehhh...
Mr. Chen: Yes, that's right.
Thank you students.
Today, we are going to discuss about the patterns or sequences in mathematics.
Those examples you gave me are all correct.
Patterns or sequences establishes a common relationship between all not just for
numbers but also for letters, names, and more.
But this is math subject. So, we will only be tackling about the patterns or
sequences in numbers.
Mr. Chen: A sequence is a list of numbers.
And, the numbers in a sequence are called terms.
For example:
0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, ...
0 is the first term, 5, the second term, and so on.
Take note that all terms are often written as;
a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, ...
(Yahn was confuse with te three dots)
Yahn: Why there is three dots following the terms, Mr. Chen??
(Nicolas was also confuse)
Mr. Chen: This group of three dots with no term following on it is called ellipsis.
They indicates that the sequence of these terms continues and on.
Here, we get the numbers in the pattern by skip counting by 5.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Given, is the steps to identify a number pattern.

Lily: So, to solve the number of the number pattern, we need first to find the rule
being followed in the pattern.
Mr. Chen: Yes, Lily. Most patterns have some kind of rule that helps you figure out
what the next number could be.
To find out the rule, we need to see the first few numbers in the series.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Mr. Chen: Try to see the difference between these consecutive numbers, it will help
us understand the relationship between the numbers.
Lily: Ohhh, if that's so, then we can also figure out the next term for anything.
Like this,
Toffee, Chocolate, Toffee, Chocolate, ... (on a paper)
(Nicolas brings out his cheese from his bag and raise it)
Nicolas: Cheese!!
Lily: No, Nicolas. There is a logical sequence in this list, so,it is easy to
figure out the next word.
Nicolas: (disappointed) But I love cheese.
Mr. Chen: Lily is right.
If it's a pattern, then it will have a logical sequence.
Because of this logical sequence that can be seen,
Toffee, Chocolate, Toffee, Chocolate, ...,
we are able to predict what comes next.
(Nicolas looked at Yahn, jealous)
Yahn: So, the next word must be Toffee.
Mr. Chen: That's right.
(Mr. Chen looks to the clock)
Mr. Chen: Oops, it's almost time.
Students, study in advance the sequences in ascending, descending, and etc.
I will discuss it at tomorrow's meeting.
Remember that, once there is a logical sequence, ...
Yahn and Lily: ...then you can predict what comes next.
Mr. Chen: See you again tomorrow class.
Students: Thank you and goodbye Mr. Chen.

(The End)

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