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SUBJECT: Grade 10 Literacy

Course Information
Ms. Alana Devenny
Teacher(s) Teacher(s) Email
Mr. Aidan Adrain
Room(s) D204, D403 Open
Semester Date Semester 1 Credit Value 1

Course Description:
This course is designed to help students strengthen essential reading and writing skills,
providing them with the extra literacy support they need in order to graduate. Students
will read informational, graphic, and literary texts, with a focus on locating information,
identifying main ideas and supporting details, building vocabulary, and consolidating
skills in the application of key comprehension strategies. The course will also help
students develop core learning strategies.

Policies and Procedures

Pens, pencils, laptop (or equivalent internet connected device), notebook, charger cord, and assigned novels
must be brought to every class.
Personal computers are welcome and required for this course. Cell phones are also welcome, and we will be
Technology and using them as a supplementary learning tool on occasion, but students are not permitted to use them
Cell Phones without explicit instruction. Additionally, cell phones cannot be used for texting, iMessage, Zalo, WhatsApp,
Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.
Students are expected to come to class ready to learn. When homework is assigned it is meant to help
students consolidate and/or practice what they have learned. Homework is an integral part of learning.
5% per day up to 10%. Students are expected to communicate with their teachers with 24-hours notice
before the due date regarding extension requests. Issues related to computer issues/forgetting/internet
issues will not be accepted.
See: School Policy on Academic Honesty. Teachers will review this policy with the class explicitly at the
beginning of the year.
Students are expected to be in regular attendance at all times. In the case of absence, parents must inform
the ASO. When a student is absent to attend a field trip, represent the school at an Athletic Event, or for
Attendance and example, GIN or MUN Conference this can be an excused absence, but students are still responsible for work
Absences missed. For summative assessments that were missed due to medical issues, a medical note dated to the
date of the absence must be provided in order for an extension to be granted. Failure to provide a medical
note will result in a zero being assigned for that summative assessment.
In some cases the school will need to pivot to online learning. In this class, you are required to be online each
Online Learning day during our scheduled class time. Instructions will clearly be given on the Google Classroom. It is
Protocol important to note that even though you are not at school, you are still required to complete the course
expectations as determined by the course instructor. See: Canadian Pivots to Online Platform (CPOP).

Course-related Resources

Students will need to have access to:

- Binder & lined paper
- Laptop, charger & headphones
- Pens, pencils & erasers
- Novels required for Novel Study (TBD)
Overall Ontario Curriculum Expectations
Overall Expectations Hours
Reading 1. Reading for Meaning: read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of contemporary Ongoing
literary, informational, and graphic texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning;
2. Understanding Form and Style: recognize a variety of text forms, text features, and stylistic
elements and demonstrate an understanding of how they help communicate meaning;
3. Reading With Fluency: use knowledge of words and cueing systems to read fluently;
4. Reflecting on Reading Skills and Strategies: reflect on and identify their strengths as readers,
for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful before, during, and after reading.

Writing 1. Developing and Organizing Content: generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to Ongoing
write for
an intended purpose and audience;
2. Using Knowledge of Form and Style: draft and revise their writing, using a variety of
literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience;
3. Applying Knowledge of Conventions: use editing, proofreading, and publishing skills and
and knowledge of language conventions, to correct errors, refine expression, and present their
4. Reflecting on Writing Skills and Strategies: reflect on and identify their strengths as writers, areas
improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful at different stages in the writing process.

Total 110


Term (List some examples of types of assessments both formative and summative. Achievement 70%
…………….. chart breakdowns should equal 100%, they can all be the same i.e. 25%, or slightly different,
but none should be greatly over-weighed vs others.)
All work will be evaluated using:
● Knowledge and Understanding (25%)
● Thinking and Inquiry (25%)
● Communication (25%)
● Application (25%)

Culminating Performance 15%


Final 15%

Total Marks 100%

Course Overview
Unit Title Unit Description Assessment Of Learning
1. Narrative In this unit, students will build an understanding on the form & style In this course, there will be a
Writing of narrative writing. Throughout this unit students will need to use variety of assessments that
5 weeks metacognition and interconnected skills to reflect on their identities will be used to assess your
as writers and their writing process. The summative assessment will learning.
be a personal narrative where students will need to apply text
features, structure, tone, form & style of a narrative in their writing. These include, but are not
2. Journalism & In this unit, students will work toward a greater understanding of limited to:
Media Media and News. Throughout this unit, students will apply skills and - Quick writes
knowledge in research skills, media analysis, proofreading, proper - Extended writing
3 weeks
citation and academic integrity. Students will be tasked with the assignments
creation of an informational text to demonstrate their understanding - Creative writing
of content, style, and structure of a newspaper article. - Reading
3. Creative Students will explore a variety of literary, graphic, and informational comprehension
Writing texts representing various perspectives and purposes. Students will - Reading analysis
apply their understanding of creative literature through the creation - Presentations
3 weeks
of their own productions of texts for different purposes and - Group work
audiences using a variety of forms. Students will create personal - In-class participation
portfolios to showcase their understanding of creative writing, the
writing process, and their reflections on their growth and competence
as writers.
4. Novel Study In this unit, students will examine the novel (TBD). This will involve
4 weeks breaking the novel down and critically analyzing each chapter for
meaning. The class will practice and develop the skills required to
create a formal essay on this novel. Students shall plan, prepare and
draft their essay using proper writing techniques to ensure the form
and format is appropriate for their purpose and audience. This
process shall foster knowledge of conventions as well as formal
editing processes.
5. OSSLT Prep In this unit, students will prepare for the OSSLT grade 10 examination.
2 weeks Reading for meaning, grammar, and conventions will be taught with a
focus on test taking skills.
Culminating The culminating project will aim to apply skills from throughout this course, and will be worth 15% of
1 week the assessment.

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