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4IB Style Questions – Mathematical Models

Exponential Functions

Question Score Out of Comment

1 6

2 6

3 6

4 6

5 6

6 6

7 6

8 15

9 17

10 16

Total 90

© InThinking 1
Question 1
Consider the function f ( x )=1.25 ¿ .

a. Find f (2) .

b. If f ( 0 )= where v ∈ Z , then find v .

c. If f (−1 ) = where w ∈ Z , then find w .


(a) ____________________

(b) ____________________

(c) ____________________

(6 marks)

© InThinking 2
Question 2

2 3
Consider the function g ( x )=
3 4

a. Find g(2). Write your answer in the form where a , b ∈ Z .

b. Determine the coordinates of the y−intercept of g( x ) .

c. Find the equation of the horizontal asymptote of g(x ) .


(a) ____________________

(b) ____________________

(c) ____________________

(6 marks)

© InThinking 3
Question 3
Consider the equation h ( x )=5 ¿ , where m∈ Z

a. If h ( 0 ) =8, then find the value of k .

b. Using your result from part (a), find h(−1).

c. Determine the equation of any asymptotes of h(x ) .


(a) ____________________

(b) ____________________

(c) ____________________

(6 marks)

© InThinking 4
Question 4
2 x
Consider the function f ( x )= a where a ∈ Z

a. If f ( 2 ) =6 then find a .

b. Use your result from part (a) to find f (0.5). Write your answer correct
to 2 significant figures.


(a) ____________________

(b) ____________________

(6 marks)

© InThinking 5
Question 5
1 −x
a. Sketch and clearly label the graph of f (x)= ( 2 ) where −2 ≤ x ≤3 on the
set of axes shown below.

b. Sketch and clearly label the graph of g ( x )=f ( x )−1 on the same set of axes.


(a) See solution on graph above.

(b) See solution on graph above.

(6 marks)

© InThinking 6
Question 6
The graph of g ( x )=1000 ¿ where 0 ≤ x ≤ 8 containing points A and B is
shown on the set of axes below.

a. If point A has the coordinates (8 , a) then find a .

b. If point B has the coordinates (0 , b) then find b .

c. Sketch and clearly label the graph of – g ( x) on the same axes shown above.


(a) ____________________

(b) ____________________

(c) See solution on graph above.

(6 marks)

© InThinking 7
Question 7
a. Solve for x where ¿.

b. The equation 4 ¿ has two solutions. If one solution is

x ≈ 5.03 then find the second solution. Write your answer correct to two
significant figures.


(a) ____________________

(b) ____________________

(6 marks)

© InThinking 8
Question 8

( ) where 0 ≤ x ≤ 6
5 3
a. Consider the function f ( x )=
3 2

(i) Find the values of a , b and c in the table shown below for f ( x).
Write your results correct to one decimal place. [3 marks]

x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

f (x) 1.7 2.5 a 5.6 b c 19.0

(ii) Draw the graph of f ( x). Use a scale of 2 cm per unit on the
horizontal axis and 1 cm per 2 units on the vertical axis. [5 marks]

(iii) By using the graph constructed in part (ii), or otherwise,

estimate the solution to the equation:

5 3 x
3 2

Write your estimate accurate to one decimal place. [2 marks]

b. Consider a second function g ( x )=15− x where 0 ≤ x ≤ 6.

(i) Draw and clearly label the graph of g( x ) on the same set
of axes used for part (a-ii) above. [2 marks]

(ii) By using the graphs constucted for this problem, or

otherwise, estimate a solution for the inequality:

5 3 x
3 2
≤15− x
[3 marks]

(15 total marks)

© InThinking 9
Question 9
a. Consider the function f ( x )=¿ where −2 ≤ x ≤2 .

(i) Calculate the following: [3 marks]

(a) f (−2)

(b) f (0)

(c) f (+2)

(ii) Sketch and clearly label the graph of f ( x). [2 marks]

(iii) Sketch a line tangent to f (x) where x=−1. Label the

this tangent line as t . [2 marks]

(iv) Provide an estimate for the line tangent to f (x) at x=−1. [1 mark]
+ ¿¿
b. A second function g ( x )=0.5 ¿ where b ∈Q and −2 ≤ x ≤+2.

(i) If g (−1 )=0.25 then determine b . [3 marks]

(ii) Sketch and clearly label g( x ) on the same set of axes used
For part "a (ii)" above. [2 marks]

(iii) Determine the solution set for f ( x ) ≥ g(x ) [4 marks]

(17 total marks)

© InThinking 10
Question 10
a. Consider the following functions where x ∈ R :

f ( x )=10 ¿

g ( x )=10 ¿

Sketch and clearly label f ( x) and g( x ) on the same set of axes. [4 marks]

b. (i) Determine any value(s) of x where f ( x ) > g(x ) . [2 marks]

(ii) Calculate the values of f (2) and g(2) . [2 marks]

(iii) If g ( 2 )−f (2 )= where k ∈ Z , then find k . [2 marks]

c. Determine the equation of any asymptotes for f (x) and g( x ). [2 marks]

d. Consider a third function h ( x )=5+10 ¿ where x ∈ R .

(i) Sketch and clearly label the graph of h( x ) on the same set
of axes used in part "a" above. [2 marks]

(ii) Find the value of x where g ( x )=h( x ) . Write your answer

correct to 2 significant figures. [2 marks]

(16 total marks)

© InThinking 11

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