Thi Speaking

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1.What matters a lot of to you?

Why do you
think so?
Others will think that money, status, etc. as
important to them. But for me, health is the most
important thing. Because only with good health
can you enjoy a peaceful life. Every human being
should put health first, love themselves.

2.Do you usually agree with your parents ?

I think I don't always have to agree with my
parents. Each child has their own
way of life, their own dreams. Parents
should give advice and direction to their
children instead of forcing them to follow
their ideas. Besides, children should also
obey their parents, because sometimes
children also make many wrong decisions.

3.Do you agree with the saying” beauty comes

in all sizes “.
Absolutely yes, “ Beauty is in the eyes of the
beholder “. Everyone has a diferent view of
beauty. Beauty is not limited to age, size, skin
4.What is home to you?
For each person, the definition of "Home"
can be different and have different
meanings. In the minds of me, surely
most people think that home is the place
where the father and mother are, the most
peaceful place where I can feel warnth of my

5.What is something you want to try now and in

the near future.
I don’t know I think I want to try now is travel with
my friends. This is my long term plan and I haven’t
been tried to it. I want try to travel Da Lat with my
friend enjoy thefun, get drunk togerther.
But at present, Covid pandemic is very
complicated, so we have to postpone it, HEALTHY
6.What bad habit do you want to change? How
could you change it?
My bad habit is staying up late and getting up late, I
think this bad habit is not only in me but most young
people today have it, this is not good for health, so I I
really want to get rid of this bad habit, in my opinion,
getting rid of this habit is not difficult, I just need to
sleep a little earlier and I will wake up earlier.
7.Do you use any tracking apps? What it is?
Why do you use it?
Yah, I use tracking app about healthy. It is
Bluezone which is an application that uses
Bluetooth low energy (Bluetooth Low Energy)
technology to record close contacts between
smart mobile phones that install and use
Bluezone. The application will warn if the user has
close contact with an infected case, a suspected
case or a person who has been in close contact
with an infected case or suspected case.
you should use to protect yourself first, protect
those around you and be responsible to the

8.What is a healthy snack? Do you often eat it.

Snacks are foods intended to be eaten between

meals and usually come in the form of packaged
and ready-to-eat foods as well as ready-to-eat
fresh ingredients. Snacks are used between small
meals, to quench hunger
I very often eat snacks. Because they are delicious
and easy to eat. I eat them after the break of the
online class.
9. Why is it the important to followthe rules in
sport ?
Because of the rules of each sport, the rule maker
requires players to follow. So that they don't play
bad or break the rules of that sport. Rules make the
game more attractive and fair
10. what skill are important in the sport that
you like or play?
My fovourite sport is badmintton It requires
very little skill and is very easy to play. If you want
to play, I think you need this skill like Hold the
badminton racket properly, hit the ball, push the
ball. These skills are very simple, you just need to
practice two to three days to play. If you want, I
can teach you
11. What is your comfort food? Why do you
like eating eat?

Pho is a dish that makes me feel like it's my

comfort food, not only that, but it's also a popular
dish in Vietnam and it's even famous abroad,
that's one of the reasons why I like pho, besides
Pho also has a very good broth, it has a wonderful
taste and aroma that stimulates my taste buds,
along with noodles and accompaniments such as
meat or vegetables create a very good taste, that's
why Pho is my favorite dish
12. How can you connect with people around
you though food
I will invite them to eat, take them to places where I
often eat and take them to places with good food,
discuss with them about food, ask them what they like
to eat, then I will also ask them what they don't like to
eat and at the same time I will tell them about my
preferences, tastes and requirements for the food,
From there, we can find common interests in terms of
taste, in addition, I can buy food from outside to cook
and then invite them to eat together, evaluate and
comment on that dish.

13. Do you you can always male a good frist

I think yes, because I always pay close attention to
what they have to say and always interact with
them through my face, connect eyes and I will also
find the topic to continue the conversation.
14. What matters a lot of in your life
Family is the most important thing in my life,
because family will listen, care, take care of me is
always my solid support and the most important
thing is that family will never leave me.
15. What kind of parent do you think you will
The type of parent that I want to aim for is the
kind of parent who is easygoin caring, caring for
their children, not forcing or restricting their
children and having to be psychological.

16. Are you good at science

Yes, I'm pretty good at science, because science
brings a lot of benefits to people, so I feel like I'm
very interested in science and research and learn
more to be able to understand more about science
17. Image you are science. What would you
prefer to study
If I were a scientist, I would like to learn more
about the ocean, because in the ocean there are
many mysteries that people still cannot explain, I
want to discover the mysteries of the ocean.

18. Why do people love watching cooking

Because I feel very rushed when I see how people
cook, besides also because I also want to learn and
cook delicious food to cook for my family.
19. What makes soccer so popular
I think because it is a sport with a long history, it
also gives players as well as viewers a feeling of
excitement and surprise in each match, it also shows
the high teamwork of the team. each player
20. How is connecting online the same as
connecting in real life? How is it diferent
Online and live are the same in that we can both
see the images and hear the sounds, but the
difference is that live will be able to see the scenes
that the camera cannot record, have a flexible
view and more one-sided, creating a sense of
excitement, not boring

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