Results of The TIF Training Survey

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24th Ward TIF Training Survey Results

1. Which of the following best matches your feelings about the TIF program? The TIF program is working well. It has encouraged development of housing and small businesses, and has benefitted the 24th Ward residents. 0.0% 0 Responses The TIF program works well for developers and small businesses, but does not address the needs of the local residents. 18.5% 5 Responses The TIF program project approval/selection process is unclear; the process needs clarification so residents can better understand its goals and objectives. 37.0% 10 Responses I think that the TIF program needs to be changed, but I think I need to know more about the program before I can say exactly what changes need to be made. 44.4% 12 Responses Other (please specify) Can it put police camera on my block Great on paper, horrible in practice, politically connected firms get the lions share For-profit companies should be banned from receiving TIF money. It's bad enough the money is taken away from our schools, but that it often ends up in the pockets of rich executives is inexcusable. The contractors my father used did poor work and there was no accountability. 2. I would like to know how TIFs can be used to (check all that apply) Create jobs Build small businesses Help with home repairs Enhance public safety and services 78.6% 64.3% 75.0% 78.6% 22 Responses 18 Responses 21 Responses 22 Responses

Other (please specify) 1. help developers rehab housing 2. Attract further neighborhood investment 3. help renters acquire the property they live in 4. Help nonprofits with new infrastructure that will assist the community 5. more low income housing 6. I love how TIF money is being used to build a new Green Line station at Morgan. I'd like to see more TIF money used for public transportation upgrades, particularly stations both CTA and Metra. 7. Not go into the hands of politicians and their favorites 3. I would like to know more about (check all that apply) Issues surrounding TIF reform 48.3% 14 Responses Redevelopment Agreements 58.6% 17 Responses Where 24th Ward TIF money is going 89.7% 26 Responses TIF approval process 65.5% 19 Responses TIF Advisory Councils 51.7% 15 Responses Community Benefits Agreements 69.0% 20 Responses Other (please specify) 1. Application period 2. Full disclosure of anyone awarded major contracts and public review Survey designed by Valerie F. Leonard for the Lawndale Alliance and local leaders.

4. I would like to see training cover the following time frame (choose 1) One half day session- Saturday morning 21.4% 6 Responses One half day session Saturday afternoon 32.1% 9 Responses 2 days during the same week- evening 10.7% 3 Responses 2 days during the same week- morning 3.6% 1 Responses Over 2 weeks, 1 day/week-evening 3.6% 1 Responses Over 2 weeks, 1 day/week - morning 3.6% 1 Responses One 2-hour evening meeting 14.3% 4 Responses One 2-hour morning meeting 10.7% 3 Responses Other (please specify) 1. one half day session morning or evening. Over 2 days people might not show up 2nd day 2. two 2-hour evening meetings 3. Available times for everyone and in public forums not churches and bias areas of the neighborhood 5. At the end of the session, I would like to (check all that apply) Be able to testify at a public hearing 20.7% 6 Responses Know what TIFs are and how they are used 86.2% 25 Responses Know where the Citys TIF money is going 75.9% 22 Responses Be able to share information with my neighbors 86.2% 25 Responses Other (please specify) 1. Apply for TIF money as part of a community partnership 2. Have open blog discussions on a public forum like Every Block 6. I am more likely to remember the material if (check up to 3) There are handouts 82.8% 24 Responses There are breakouts into small groups 27.6% 8 Responses There is a lecture 41.4% 12 Responses I can ask questions 72.4% 21 Responses There is a Power Point Presentation 48.3% 14 Responses There is a pop quiz or other fun activity 6.9% 2 Responses Other (please specify) 1. Companion website with all materials available during and after the workshop 2. Ongoing real time discussion on a public forum Every Block

7. I would attend a TIF training if my schedule permits. Yes No 100.0% 29 Responses 0.0% 0 Responses

Survey designed by Valerie F. Leonard for the Lawndale Alliance and local leaders.

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