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Name : Afdhal Dinil

Nim : 21086490
Subject : English Course
Session Code : 202211280808
Lecturer : Ms. Syafitri Ramadhani, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Exercise 1

1. Is he your best friend?

Answer : Is(Verb) he(Pronoun) your(Pronoun) best friend(Noun)

2. He is my classmate too
Answer : He(Pronoun) is(Verb) classmate(Noun) too

3. Is he nice?
Answer : Is(Verb) he(Pronoun) nice(Adjective)

4. He is friendly, helpful, talkative and very smart

Answer : He(Pronoun) is(Verb) friendly(Adverb), helpful(Verb), talkative(Adjective)
and(Conjunction) Very smart(Adjective)

5. Wow.. his personality is interesting

Answer : Wow(Interjection).. his(Pronoun) personality(Adverb) is(Verb) interesting(Adjective)

6. he has a really nice smile.

Answer : He(Pronoun) has(Verb) a really(Verb) nice(Adjective) smile(Verb)

7. I’m looking for her

Answer : Im(Pronoun) looking(Verb) for(Conjuction) her(Pronoun)

8. She is my mother’s friend’s daughter

Answer : She(Pronoun) is(Verb) My mother’s(Pronoun) friend daughter(Noun)
9. She is really beautiful and quiet, yet many people know her, because she is brilliant.
Answer : She(Pronoun) is(Verb) really(Verb) Beautiful(Adjective) and(Conjunction)
quiet(noun), yet(Conjunction) many people(Noun) know(Verb) her(Pronoun),
because(Conjunction) she(Pronoun) is(Verb) briliiant(Adjective)

10.Her skin is bright

Answer : Her(Pronoun) skin(Noun) is(Verb) bright(Adjective)

Exercise 2

Please find example of words of each English class words from the text and put them on the table

Susan’s daily routine

Susan is thirteen years old and she attends a very big school near London. Her favourite subjects
are Science and Physical Education.
She is very good at sports. She plays volleyball at her school. Susan has a busy* life. She always
gets up at a half past seven . She has a shower , gets dressed and at eight o’clock she goes to
school by car with her mother . Her classes start at half past eight.
Her mother is a teacher at Susan’s school.

On Mondays Susan has lunch at school with her friends. On Tuesdays and Thursdays she
practices volleyball at the school’s gym. Wednesday is Susan’s favourite day of the week
because she has dance classes and sometimes she has dinner with her father. Susan’s parents are
divorced. She lives with her mother and at the weekends she always goes to her father’s house.

On Saturdays Susan goes for a walk with her dog Nikita. After having lunch with her father,
Susan goes to the cinema with some friends. At 4:40 pm Susan goes home and listens to music in
her bedroom. She loves music. At 9:45 she goes to bed. She never goes to bed late

Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective Adverb Conjunction Preposition

Susan She Plays Old Always And In
School Her Get up Big At eight With On
Sport Gets London At her By At
Vollyball Practies Good At a half To
past seven
Car Goes Busy On
School Lives Half At the
Susan’s Walk Late On
Mother Saturday
Susan’s Having In her
Teascher bedroom
Susan’s Listens At 4:40
Gym Is At 9:45
Dinner Are

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