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Isaac Newton

–He was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer, alchemist

and natural philosopher in a row. He is known for his explanation
of Universal Gravitation and three laws of motion, and he was able
to prove that the reason of both the motion of objects on Earth and
of celestial bodies is controlled by the same Neutral Laws. In
mechanical science, his great contribution was in optics. He could
make a reflecting telescope and also made some research on light
and stars. His research on General binomial Theorem helped to
be introduced today’s calculus.

Albert Einstein

–The great scientist of the twentieth century and notable

physicist of all time. It is told that he had a learning disability in
childhood. He could not talk till he was three and could not read till
he was eight. Despite such problems he later becomes the noble
prize winner for his contribution to the Physics. His theory of
relativity is considered as a revolutionary development of Physics.
He got Noble Prize in Physics in 1921for his explanation of the
Photoelectric Effect and for his research in Theoretical physics.

Stephen Hawking

-This famous scientist is considered as the greatest

scientist of the twentieth century after Einstein. Hawking’s big
bang theory and black hole theory has turned the attention of the
world. He is the professor of Mathematics of the University of
Cambridge. Though he is now about to be paralyzed, he is
teaching through a computer supported a machine by which his
world is compiled. His physical illness could not make him stop
from his research. His famous book is “A Brief History of Time”.

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen

- The famous German physicist Röntgen is the one

who discovered X-rays (also called as Röntgen rays). This
invention allowed the German scientist to win the first Nobel Prize
in Physics in 1901.
Alexander Graham Bell
-During the experiments he carried out with the
telegraph, Bell came up with the idea of the telephone. The
inventor of one of the most popular devices today thought that the
telephone was intruding, which is why he did not have one in his

Alexander Fleming

-during the World War I Fleming worked as an army

medical corp. He is the inventor of penicillin that prevented a lot of
soldiers from being infected. The discovery of penicillin managed
to significantly boost the evolution of medicine industry.

Louis Pasteur
- contributed greatly towards the advancement of
medical sciences developing cures for rabies, anthrax and other
infectious diseases. Also invented the process of pasteurization to
make milk safer to drink. He probably saved more lives than any
other person.

-Creating one of the first modern telescopes, Galileo
revolutionized our understanding of the world, successfully proving
the Earth revolves around the Sun and not the other way around.
His work Two New Sciences laid the groundwork for the science of
Kinetics and strength of materials.
Marie Curie

- Polish physicist and chemist. Discovered radiation and

helped to apply it in the field of X-ray. She won the Nobel Prize in
both Chemistry and Physics.

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