Карпюк 4 Д.Р. Unit1 - 1вар.

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Form 4 Unit 1 “IT’S MY LIFE”

with Smiling Sam

1. Послухай тексти і правильно пронумеруй малюнки. Listening.

2. Розглянь табличку і склади по три діалоги “What does he/she like doing”.

Name sledging riding bikes reading books

Max ˅ ˅

Dan ˅

Ann ˅ ˅

Kate ˅

Example: 1) - Does Max like sledging? 2) - Does Max like riding bikes?
- Yes, he does. - No, he doesn’t

3) - Does Max like reading books?

- Yes, he does.
3. Прочитай. Познач неправильні твердження. Reading.
Liz: Are you playing tennis now, Ann?
Ann: Yes, we are. We’re playing tennis now. It’s a great game! What are you doing, Liz?
Liz: I’m listening to music now. It’s cool music! What are you doing, Ben?
Ben: I’m doing my homework now.
Ann: Are you playing a computer game, Mark?
Mark: No, I’m not. I’m walking in the park now.

1. Ann is skating now. ____

2. Liz is listening to music now. ____
3. Ben and Ann are doing their homework now. ____
4. Mark is walking in the park now. ____
5. Ben and Mark are watching TV now. ____

4. Переглянь малюнки. Дай відповіді на запитання. Запиши. Writing

1. What is Dan doing? (karate)


2. What is Kate doing? (read books)


3. What is Ann doing? (watch TV)


4. What is Max doing? (skate)


5. What is Tom doing? (play tennis)

Тексти для Listening (для обох варіантів):

1. Послухай тексти і правильно пронумеруй малюнки.

1) Mike is 46. He is a sportsman. He goes to the football club. He likes playing
2) Dan is 15. He is a student. He goes to the computer club. He wants to be a
3) Kate is 22. She likes painting. She goes to the painting club. She wants to be
a painter.
4) Liz is 37. She likes playing basketball. She goes to the basketball club.
5) Bill is 48. He is an actor. He goes to the drama club.
6) Ann is 18. She likes doing yoga. She goes to the yoga club. She wants to be
a trainer.
7) Kate is 33. She likes playing chess. She goes to the chess club. She wants to
be a chess trainer.
8) Mike is 20. He is a sportsman. He goes to the karate club. He likes doing

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